Ejemplo n.º 1
class ConvNet:
    Implements a very simple conv net

    Input -> Conv[3x3] -> Relu -> Maxpool[4x4] ->
    Conv[3x3] -> Relu -> MaxPool[4x4] ->
    Flatten -> FC -> Softmax
    def __init__(self, input_shape, n_output_classes, conv1_channels,
        Initializes the neural network

        input_shape, tuple of 3 ints - image_width, image_height, n_channels
                                         Will be equal to (32, 32, 3)
        n_output_classes, int - number of classes to predict
        conv1_channels, int - number of filters in the 1st conv layer
        conv2_channels, int - number of filters in the 2nd conv layer
        # TODO Create necessary layers
        input_width, input_height, input_channels = input_shape
        self.conv1 = ConvolutionalLayer(input_channels,
        self.relu1 = ReLULayer()
        self.maxpool1 = MaxPoolingLayer(pool_size=4, stride=4)
        self.conv2 = ConvolutionalLayer(conv1_channels,
        self.relu2 = ReLULayer()
        self.maxpool2 = MaxPoolingLayer(pool_size=4, stride=4)
        self.flattener = Flattener()
        self.fc = FullyConnectedLayer(
            input_width * input_height * conv2_channels // (4**4),

    def compute_loss_and_gradients(self, X, y):
        Computes total loss and updates parameter gradients
        on a batch of training examples

        X, np array (batch_size, height, width, input_features) - input data
        y, np array of int (batch_size) - classes
        # Before running forward and backward pass through the model,
        # clear parameter gradients aggregated from the previous pass
        for layer in (self.conv1, self.conv2, self.fc):
            for param in layer.params().values():

        # TODO Compute loss and fill param gradients
        # Don't worry about implementing L2 regularization, we will not
        # need it in this assignment
        conv1_fwd = self.conv1.forward(X)
        relu1_fwd = self.relu1.forward(conv1_fwd)
        maxpool1_fwd = self.maxpool1.forward(relu1_fwd)
        conv2_fwd = self.conv2.forward(maxpool1_fwd)
        relu2_fwd = self.relu2.forward(conv2_fwd)
        maxpool2_fwd = self.maxpool2.forward(relu2_fwd)
        flattener_fwd = self.flattener.forward(maxpool2_fwd)
        fc_fwd = self.fc.forward(flattener_fwd)

        loss, dprediction = softmax_with_cross_entropy(fc_fwd, y)

        fc_bwd = self.fc.backward(dprediction)
        flattener_bwd = self.flattener.backward(fc_bwd)
        maxpool2_bwd = self.maxpool2.backward(flattener_bwd)
        relu2_bwd = self.relu2.backward(maxpool2_bwd)
        conv2_bwd = self.conv2.backward(relu2_bwd)
        maxpool1_bwd = self.maxpool1.backward(conv2_bwd)
        relu1_bwd = self.relu1.backward(maxpool1_bwd)
        conv1_bwd = self.conv1.backward(relu1_bwd)

        return loss

    def predict(self, X):
        # You can probably copy the code from previous assignment
        pred = np.zeros(X.shape[0], np.int)

        conv1_fwd = self.conv1.forward(X)
        relu1_fwd = self.relu1.forward(conv1_fwd)
        maxpool1_fwd = self.maxpool1.forward(relu1_fwd)
        conv2_fwd = self.conv2.forward(maxpool1_fwd)
        relu2_fwd = self.relu2.forward(conv2_fwd)
        maxpool2_fwd = self.maxpool2.forward(relu2_fwd)
        flattener_fwd = self.flattener.forward(maxpool2_fwd)
        fc_fwd = self.fc.forward(flattener_fwd)

        pred = np.argmax(fc_fwd, axis=1)
        return pred

    def params(self):
        result = {}

        # TODO: Aggregate all the params from all the layers
        # which have parameters
        for layer_name, layer in (('conv1', self.conv1), ('conv2', self.conv2),
                                  ('fc', self.fc)):
            params = layer.params()
            for param_name in params:
                result[f'{layer_name}.{param_name}'] = params[param_name]

        return result
Ejemplo n.º 2
class ConvNet:
    Implements a very simple conv net

    Input -> Conv[3x3] -> Relu -> Maxpool[4x4] ->
    Conv[3x3] -> Relu -> MaxPool[4x4] ->
    Flatten -> FC -> Softmax
    def __init__(self, input_shape, n_output_classes, conv1_channels,
        Initializes the neural network

        input_shape, tuple of 3 ints - image_width, image_height, n_channels
                                         Will be equal to (32, 32, 3)
        n_output_classes, int - number of classes to predict
        conv1_channels, int - number of filters in the 1st conv layer
        conv2_channels, int - number of filters in the 2nd conv layer
        filter_size = 3
        pool_size = 4
        self.conv1 = ConvolutionalLayer(input_shape[2],
        self.relu1 = ReLULayer()
        self.max_pool1 = MaxPoolingLayer(pool_size, stride=pool_size)
        self.conv2 = ConvolutionalLayer(conv1_channels,
        self.relu2 = ReLULayer()
        self.max_pool2 = MaxPoolingLayer(pool_size, stride=pool_size)
        self.flatten = Flattener()
        self.fc = FullyConnectedLayer(n_input=4 * conv2_channels,

    def compute_loss_and_gradients(self, X, y):
        Computes total loss and updates parameter gradients
        on a batch of training examples

        X, np array (batch_size, height, width, input_features) - input data
        y, np array of int (batch_size) - classes
        # Before running forward and backward pass through the model,
        # clear parameter gradients aggregated from the previous pass
        params = self.params()
        for param_key, param_value in params.items():
            param_value.grad = np.zeros_like(param_value.value)

        # Compute loss and fill param gradients
        # Don't worry about implementing L2 regularization, we will not
        # need it in this assignment
        X = self.conv1.forward(X)
        X = self.relu1.forward(X)
        X = self.max_pool1.forward(X)
        X = self.conv2.forward(X)
        X = self.relu2.forward(X)
        X = self.max_pool2.forward(X)
        X = self.flatten.forward(X)
        X = self.fc.forward(X)
        loss, grad = softmax_with_cross_entropy(X, y)

        grad = self.fc.backward(grad)
        grad = self.flatten.backward(grad)
        grad = self.max_pool2.backward(grad)
        grad = self.relu2.backward(grad)
        grad = self.conv2.backward(grad)
        grad = self.max_pool1.backward(grad)
        grad = self.relu1.backward(grad)
        grad = self.conv1.backward(grad)

        return loss

    def predict(self, X):
        X = self.conv1.forward(X)
        X = self.relu1.forward(X)
        X = self.max_pool1.forward(X)
        X = self.conv2.forward(X)
        X = self.relu2.forward(X)
        X = self.max_pool2.forward(X)
        X = self.flatten.forward(X)
        X = self.fc.forward(X)
        X = softmax(X)
        return np.argmax(X, axis=1)

    def params(self):
        # Aggregate all the params from all the layers
        # which have parameters
        result = {}
        layers_with_params = [self.conv1, self.conv2, self.fc]
        for i in range(len(layers_with_params)):
            layer = layers_with_params[i]
            layer_number = str(i)
            for param_key, param_value in layer.params().items():
                result[param_key + str(layer_number)] = param_value

        return result
Ejemplo n.º 3
class ConvNet:
    Implements a very simple conv net

    Input -> Conv[3x3] -> Relu -> Maxpool[4x4] ->
    Conv[3x3] -> Relu -> MaxPool[4x4] ->
    Flatten -> FC -> Softmax
    def __init__(self, input_shape, n_output_classes, conv1_channels, conv2_channels):
        Initializes the neural network

        input_shape, tuple of 3 ints - image_width, image_height, n_channels
                                         Will be equal to (32, 32, 3)
        n_output_classes, int - number of classes to predict
        conv1_channels, int - number of filters in the 1st conv layer
        conv2_channels, int - number of filters in the 2nd conv layer
        self.height = input_shape[0]
        self.width = input_shape[1]
        self.input_channels = input_shape[2]
        self.n_output_classes = n_output_classes
        self.conv1_channels = conv1_channels
        self.conv2_channels = conv2_channels

        self.conv1_layer = ConvolutionalLayer(self.input_channels, self.conv1_channels, 3, 1)
        self.relu1 = ReLULayer()
        self.maxpool1 = MaxPoolingLayer(4, 4)

        self.conv2_layer = ConvolutionalLayer(self.conv1_channels, self.conv2_channels, 3, 1)
        self.relu2 = ReLULayer()
        self.maxpool2 = MaxPoolingLayer(4, 4)

        self.flattener = Flattener()
        self.fc_layer = FullyConnectedLayer(2*2*self.conv2_channels, self.n_output_classes)

    def compute_loss_and_gradients(self, X, y):
        Computes total loss and updates parameter gradients
        on a batch of training examples

        X, np array (batch_size, height, width, input_features) - input data
        y, np array of int (batch_size) - classes
        # nullify layers gradients
        # Conv1 Layer
        self.params()['W1'].grad = np.zeros((3, 3, self.input_channels, self.conv1_channels))
        self.params()['B1'].grad = np.zeros(self.conv1_channels)
        # Conv2 Layer
        self.params()['W2'].grad = np.zeros((3, 3, self.conv1_channels, self.conv2_channels))
        self.params()['B2'].grad = np.zeros(self.conv2_channels)
        # FC Layer
        self.params()['W3'].grad = np.zeros((2*2*self.conv2_channels, self.n_output_classes))
        self.params()['B3'].grad = np.zeros((1, self.n_output_classes))

        # forward conv layer 1
        conv_forward1 = self.conv1_layer.forward(X)
        # forward relu activation funtcion 1
        relu_forward1 = self.relu1.forward(conv_forward1)
        # forward maxpool layer 1
        maxpool_forward1 = self.maxpool1.forward(relu_forward1)

        # forward conv layer 2
        conv_forward2 = self.conv2_layer.forward(maxpool_forward1)
        # forward relu activation funtcion 2
        relu_forward2 = self.relu2.forward(conv_forward2)
        # forward maxpool layer 2
        maxpool_forward2 = self.maxpool2.forward(relu_forward2)

        # forward flattener layer
        flattener_forward = self.flattener.forward(maxpool_forward2)
        # forward FC layer
        fc_forward = self.fc_layer.forward(flattener_forward)

        # calculate loss and grad
        loss, grad = softmax_with_cross_entropy(fc_forward, y)

        # backward FC layer
        fc_backward = self.fc_layer.backward(grad)
        # backward flattener layer
        flattener_backward = self.flattener.backward(fc_backward)

        # backward maxpool layer 2
        maxpool_backward2 = self.maxpool2.backward(flattener_backward)
        # backward relu activation funtcion 2
        relu_backward2 = self.relu2.backward(maxpool_backward2)
        # forward conv layer 2
        conv_backward2 = self.conv2_layer.backward(relu_backward2)

        # backward maxpool layer 1
        maxpool_backward1 = self.maxpool1.backward(conv_backward2)
        # backward relu activation funtcion 1
        relu_backward1 = self.relu1.backward(maxpool_backward1)
        # forward conv layer 1
        conv_backward1 = self.conv1_layer.backward(relu_backward1)
        return loss

    def predict(self, X):
        # forward conv layer 1
        conv_forward1 = self.conv1_layer.forward(X)
        # forward relu activation funtcion 1
        relu_forward1 = self.relu1.forward(conv_forward1)
        # forward maxpool layer 1
        maxpool_forward1 = self.maxpool1.forward(relu_forward1)

        # forward conv layer 2
        conv_forward2 = self.conv2_layer.forward(maxpool_forward1)
        # forward relu activation funtcion 2
        relu_forward2 = self.relu2.forward(conv_forward2)
        # forward maxpool layer 2
        maxpool_forward2 = self.maxpool2.forward(relu_forward2)

        # forward flattener layer
        flattener_forward = self.flattener.forward(maxpool_forward2)
        # forward FC layer
        fc_forward = self.fc_layer.forward(flattener_forward)
        # make prediction
        prediciton = fc_forward.argmax(axis=1)
        return prediciton

    def params(self):
        result = {'W1': self.conv1_layer.params()['W'], 'B1': self.conv1_layer.params()['B'],
                  'W2': self.conv2_layer.params()['W'], 'B2': self.conv2_layer.params()['B'],
                  'W3': self.fc_layer.params()['W'], 'B3': self.fc_layer.params()['B']}
        return result
Ejemplo n.º 4
class ConvNet:
    Implements a very simple conv net
    Input -> Conv[3x3] -> Relu -> Maxpool[4x4] ->
    Conv[3x3] -> Relu -> MaxPool[4x4] ->
    Flatten -> FC -> Softmax
    def __init__(self, input_shape, n_output_classes, conv1_channels,
        Initializes the neural network
        input_shape, tuple of 3 ints - image_width, image_height, n_channels
                                         Will be equal to (32, 32, 3)
        n_output_classes, int - number of classes to predict
        conv1_channels, int - number of filters in the 1st conv layer
        conv2_channels, int - number of filters in the 2nd conv layer
        width, height, channels = input_shape
        filter_size = 3
        padding = 1
        pool_size = 4
        pool_stride = 4

        self.Conv1 = ConvolutionalLayer(channels, conv1_channels, filter_size,
        self.ReLU1 = ReLULayer()
        self.MaxPool1 = MaxPoolingLayer(pool_size, pool_stride)

        self.Conv2 = ConvolutionalLayer(conv1_channels, conv2_channels,
                                        filter_size, padding)
        self.ReLU2 = ReLULayer()
        self.MaxPool2 = MaxPoolingLayer(pool_size, pool_stride)

        left_width = width // pool_stride // pool_stride
        left_height = height // pool_stride // pool_stride

        self.Flat = Flattener()
        self.FullyConnected = FullyConnectedLayer(
            left_width * left_height * conv2_channels, n_output_classes)

    def compute_loss_and_gradients(self, X, y):
        Computes total loss and updates parameter gradients
        on a batch of training examples
        X, np array (batch_size, height, width, input_features) - input data
        y, np array of int (batch_size) - classes
        # Before running forward and backward pass through the model,
        # clear parameter gradients aggregated from the previous pass

        # TODO Compute loss and fill param gradients
        # Don't worry about implementing L2 regularization, we will not
        # need it in this assignment

        for _, v in self.params().items():
            v.grad = np.zeros(v.grad.shape)

        out = self.Conv1.forward(X)
        out = self.ReLU1.forward(out)
        out = self.MaxPool1.forward(out)
        out = self.Conv2.forward(out)
        out = self.ReLU2.forward(out)
        out = self.MaxPool2.forward(out)
        out = self.Flat.forward(out)
        out = self.FullyConnected.forward(out)

        loss, d_out = softmax_with_cross_entropy(out, y)

        d_out = self.FullyConnected.backward(d_out)
        d_out = self.Flat.backward(d_out)
        d_out = self.MaxPool2.backward(d_out)
        d_out = self.ReLU2.backward(d_out)
        d_out = self.Conv2.backward(d_out)
        d_out = self.MaxPool1.backward(d_out)
        d_out = self.ReLU1.backward(d_out)
        d_out = self.Conv1.backward(d_out)

        return loss

    def predict(self, X):
        # You can probably copy the code from previous assignment
        out = self.Conv1.forward(X)
        out = self.ReLU1.forward(out)
        out = self.MaxPool1.forward(out)
        out = self.Conv2.forward(out)
        out = self.ReLU2.forward(out)
        out = self.MaxPool2.forward(out)
        out = self.Flat.forward(out)
        out = self.FullyConnected.forward(out)

        pred = np.argmax(out, axis=1)

        return pred

    def params(self):
        result = {}

        # TODO: Aggregate all the params from all the layers
        # which have parameters

        name2layer = {
            "Conv1": self.Conv1,
            "Conv2": self.Conv2,
            "Fully": self.FullyConnected

        for name, layer in name2layer.items():
            for k, v in layer.params().items():
                result['{}_{}'.format(name, k)] = v

        return result
Ejemplo n.º 5
class ConvNet:
    Implements a very simple conv net
    Input -> Conv[3x3] -> Relu -> Maxpool[4x4] ->
    Conv[3x3] -> Relu -> MaxPool[4x4] ->
    Flatten -> FC -> Softmax
    def __init__(self, input_shape, n_output_classes, conv1_channels,
        Initializes the neural network
        input_shape, tuple of 3 ints - image_width, image_height, n_channels
                                         Will be equal to (32, 32, 3)
        n_output_classes, int - number of classes to predict
        conv1_channels, int - number of filters in the 1st conv layer
        conv2_channels, int - number of filters in the 2nd conv layer
        # TODO Create necessary layers
        self.out_classes = n_output_classes
        image_width, image_height, in_channels = input_shape

        self.Conv1 = ConvolutionalLayer(in_channels, conv1_channels, 3, 1)
        self.ReLU1 = ReLULayer()
        self.MaxPool1 = MaxPoolingLayer(4, 4)
        self.Conv2 = ConvolutionalLayer(conv1_channels, conv2_channels, 3, 1)
        self.ReLU2 = ReLULayer()
        self.MaxPool2 = MaxPoolingLayer(4, 4)
        self.Flatten = Flattener()
        self.FC = FullyConnectedLayer(4 * conv2_channels, n_output_classes)

    def compute_loss_and_gradients(self, X, y):
        Computes total loss and updates parameter gradients
        on a batch of training examples
        X, np array (batch_size, height, width, input_features) - input data
        y, np array of int (batch_size) - classes
        # Before running forward and backward pass through the model,
        # clear parameter gradients aggregated from the previous pass

        # TODO Compute loss and fill param gradients
        # Don't worry about implementing L2 regularization, we will not
        # need it in this assignment
        for param in self.params().values():
            param.grad = np.zeros_like(param.value)

        preds = self.Conv1.forward(X)
        preds = self.ReLU1.forward(preds)
        preds = self.MaxPool1.forward(preds)
        preds = self.Conv2.forward(preds)
        preds = self.ReLU2.forward(preds)
        preds = self.MaxPool2.forward(preds)
        preds = self.Flatten.forward(preds)
        preds = self.FC.forward(preds)

        loss, grad = softmax_with_cross_entropy(preds, y)

        grad = self.FC.backward(grad)
        grad = self.Flatten.backward(grad)
        grad = self.MaxPool2.backward(grad)
        grad = self.ReLU2.backward(grad)
        grad = self.Conv2.backward(grad)
        grad = self.MaxPool1.backward(grad)
        grad = self.ReLU1.backward(grad)
        grad = self.Conv1.backward(grad)

        return loss

    def predict(self, X):
        # You can probably copy the code from previous assignment
        preds = self.Conv1.forward(X)
        preds = self.ReLU1.forward(preds)
        preds = self.MaxPool1.forward(preds)
        preds = self.Conv2.forward(preds)
        preds = self.ReLU2.forward(preds)
        preds = self.MaxPool2.forward(preds)
        preds = self.Flatten.forward(preds)
        preds = self.FC.forward(preds)

        probs = softmax(preds)
        return np.argmax(probs, axis=1)

    def params(self):
        # TODO: Aggregate all the params from all the layers
        # which have parameters
        return {
            'Conv1.W': self.Conv1.W,
            'Conv1.B': self.Conv1.B,
            'Conv2.W': self.Conv2.W,
            'Conv2.B': self.Conv2.B,
            'FC.W': self.FC.W,
            'FC.B': self.FC.B
Ejemplo n.º 6
class ConvNet:
    Implements a very simple conv net

    Input -> Conv[3x3] -> Relu -> Maxpool[4x4] ->
    Conv[3x3] -> Relu -> MaxPool[4x4] ->
    Flatten -> FC -> Softmax
    def __init__(self, input_shape, n_output_classes, conv1_channels,
                 conv2_channels, reg):
        Initializes the neural network

        input_shape, tuple of 3 ints - image_width, image_height, n_channels
                                         Will be equal to (32, 32, 3)
        n_output_classes, int - number of classes to predict
        conv1_channels, int - number of filters in the 1st conv layer
        conv2_channels, int - number of filters in the 2nd conv layer
        self.reg = reg

        self.conv1 = ConvolutionalLayer(in_channels=input_shape[-1],
        self.relu1 = ReLULayer()
        self.maxpool1 = MaxPoolingLayer(pool_size=4, stride=4)
        self.conv2 = ConvolutionalLayer(in_channels=conv1_channels,
        self.relu2 = ReLULayer()
        self.maxpool2 = MaxPoolingLayer(pool_size=4, stride=4)
        self.flattener = Flattener()

        ## n_input = 4*conv2_channels - hard coding here, because of constant picture size 32 32 3

        self.fullyconlayer = FullyConnectedLayer(n_input=4 * conv2_channels,

        self.W_fc_layer = None
        self.B_fc_layer = None
        self.W_con1_layer = None
        self.B_con1_layer = None
        self.W_con2_layer = None
        self.B_con2_layer = None
        # TODO Create necessary layers
        #raise Exception("Not implemented!")

    def compute_loss_and_gradients(self, X, y):
        Computes total loss and updates parameter gradients
        on a batch of training examples

        X, np array (batch_size, height, width, input_features) - input data
        y, np array of int (batch_size) - classes
        # Before running forward and backward pass through the model,
        # clear parameter gradients aggregated from the previous pass

        # TODO Compute loss and fill param gradients
        # Don't worry about implementing L2 regularization, we will not
        # need it in this assignment

        self.conv1.params()['W'].grad = 0
        self.conv1.params()['B'].grad = 0
        self.conv2.params()['W'].grad = 0
        self.conv2.params()['B'].grad = 0
        self.fullyconlayer.params()['W'].grad = 0
        self.fullyconlayer.params()['B'].grad = 0

        to_relu = self.conv1.forward(X)
        to_maxpool1 = self.relu1.forward(to_relu)
        to_conv2 = self.maxpool1.forward(to_maxpool1)
        to_relu2 = self.conv2.forward(to_conv2)
        to_maxpool2 = self.relu2.forward(to_relu2)
        to_flat = self.maxpool2.forward(to_maxpool2)
        to_fc_layer = self.flattener.forward(to_flat)
        preds = self.fullyconlayer.forward(to_fc_layer)
        loss, dprediction = softmax_with_cross_entropy(preds, y)

        grad_from_fc_layer = self.fullyconlayer.backward(dprediction)
        self.W_fc_layer = self.fullyconlayer.params()['W']
        self.B_fc_layer = self.fullyconlayer.params()['B']

        grad_from_flatten = self.flattener.backward(grad_from_fc_layer)

        grad_from_maxpool2 = self.maxpool2.backward(grad_from_flatten)

        grad_from_relu2 = self.relu2.backward(grad_from_maxpool2)

        grad_from_conv2 = self.conv2.backward(grad_from_relu2)
        self.W_con2_layer = self.conv2.params()['W']
        self.B_con2_layer = self.conv2.params()['B']

        grad_from_maxpool1 = self.maxpool1.backward(grad_from_conv2)

        grad_from_relu1 = self.relu1.backward(grad_from_maxpool1)

        grad_from_conv1 = self.conv1.backward(grad_from_relu1)
        self.W_con1_layer = self.conv1.params()['W']
        self.B_con1_layer = self.conv1.params()['B']

        loss_fc, grad_fc = l2_regularization(self.W_fc_layer.value, self.reg)

        loss += loss_fc
        self.W_fc_layer.grad += grad_fc

        return loss
        #raise Exception("Not implemented!")

    def predict(self, X):
        # You can probably copy the code from previous assignment
        pred = np.zeros(X.shape[0], np.int)
        to_relu = self.conv1.forward(X)
        to_maxpool1 = self.relu1.forward(to_relu)
        to_conv2 = self.maxpool1.forward(to_maxpool1)
        to_relu2 = self.conv2.forward(to_conv2)
        to_maxpool2 = self.relu2.forward(to_relu2)
        to_flat = self.maxpool2.forward(to_maxpool2)
        to_fc_layer = self.flattener.forward(to_flat)
        preds = self.fullyconlayer.forward(to_fc_layer)

        probs = softmax(preds)
        pred = np.argmax(probs, axis=-1)
        return pred
        #raise Exception("Not implemented!")

    def params(self):
        result = {
            'W_fc_layer': self.W_fc_layer,
            'B_fc_layer': self.B_fc_layer,
            'W_con1_layer': self.W_con1_layer,
            'B_con1_layer': self.B_con1_layer,
            'W_con2_layer': self.W_con2_layer,
            'B_con2_layer': self.B_con2_layer

        # TODO: Aggregate all the params from all the layers
        # which have parameters
        #raise Exception("Not implemented!")

        return result
Ejemplo n.º 7
class ConvNet:
    Implements a very simple conv net

    Input -> Conv[3x3] -> Relu -> Maxpool[4x4] ->
    Conv[3x3] -> Relu -> MaxPool[4x4] ->
    Flatten -> FC -> Softmax
    def __init__(self, input_shape, n_output_classes, conv1_channels,
        Initializes the neural network

        input_shape, tuple of 3 ints - image_width, image_height, n_channels
                                         Will be equal to (32, 32, 3)
        n_output_classes, int - number of classes to predict
        conv1_channels, int - number of filters in the 1st conv layer
        conv2_channels, int - number of filters in the 2nd conv layer
        # TODO Create necessary layers
        #raise Exception("Not implemented!")

        image_width, image_height, n_channels = input_shape

        self.conv1 = ConvolutionalLayer(n_channels, conv1_channels, 3, 1)
        self.relu1 = ReLULayer()
        self.maxp1 = MaxPoolingLayer(4, 4)
        self.conv2 = ConvolutionalLayer(conv1_channels, conv2_channels, 3, 1)
        self.relu2 = ReLULayer()
        self.maxp2 = MaxPoolingLayer(4, 4)
        self.flatn = Flattener()

        fc_input = int(image_width * image_height * conv2_channels / pow(4, 4))
        self.fc = FullyConnectedLayer(fc_input, n_output_classes)

    def compute_loss_and_gradients(self, X, y):
        Computes total loss and updates parameter gradients
        on a batch of training examples

        X, np array (batch_size, height, width, input_features) - input data
        y, np array of int (batch_size) - classes
        # Before running forward and backward pass through the model,
        # clear parameter gradients aggregated from the previous pass

        self.conv1.W.grad = np.zeros_like(self.conv1.W.grad)
        self.conv1.B.grad = np.zeros_like(self.conv1.B.grad)

        self.conv2.W.grad = np.zeros_like(self.conv2.W.grad)
        self.conv2.B.grad = np.zeros_like(self.conv2.B.grad)

        self.fc.W.grad = np.zeros_like(self.fc.W.grad)
        self.fc.B.grad = np.zeros_like(self.fc.B.grad)

        # TODO Compute loss and fill param gradients
        # Don't worry about implementing L2 regularization, we will not
        # need it in this assignment
        #raise Exception("Not implemented!")

        fconv1 = self.conv1.forward(X)
        frelu1 = self.relu1.forward(fconv1)
        fmaxp1 = self.maxp1.forward(frelu1)

        fconv2 = self.conv2.forward(fmaxp1)
        frelu2 = self.relu2.forward(fconv2)
        fmaxp2 = self.maxp2.forward(frelu2)

        fflatn = self.flatn.forward(fmaxp2)

        ffc = self.fc.forward(fflatn)

        loss, d_preds = softmax_with_cross_entropy(ffc, y)

        bfc = self.fc.backward(d_preds)

        bflatn = self.flatn.backward(bfc)

        bmaxp2 = self.maxp2.backward(bflatn)
        brelu2 = self.relu2.backward(bmaxp2)
        bconv2 = self.conv2.backward(brelu2)

        bmaxp1 = self.maxp1.backward(bconv2)
        brelu1 = self.relu1.backward(bmaxp1)
        bconv1 = self.conv1.backward(brelu1)

        return loss

    def predict(self, X):
        # You can probably copy the code from previous assignment
        #raise Exception("Not implemented!")
        fconv1 = self.conv1.forward(X)
        frelu1 = self.relu1.forward(fconv1)
        fmaxp1 = self.maxp1.forward(frelu1)

        fconv2 = self.conv2.forward(fmaxp1)
        frelu2 = self.relu2.forward(fconv2)
        fmaxp2 = self.maxp2.forward(frelu2)

        fflatn = self.flatn.forward(fmaxp2)

        ffc = self.fc.forward(fflatn)

        prob = softmax(ffc)

        pred = np.argmax(prob, axis=1)

        return pred

    def params(self):
        result = {
            'Wc1': self.conv1.W,
            'Bc1': self.conv1.B,
            'Wc2': self.conv2.W,
            'Bc2': self.conv2.B,
            'Wfc': self.fc.W,
            'Bfc': self.fc.B

        # TODO: Aggregate all the params from all the layers
        # which have parameters
        #raise Exception("Not implemented!")

        return result
Ejemplo n.º 8
class ConvNet:
    Implements a very simple conv net
    Input -> Conv[3x3] -> Relu -> Maxpool[4x4] ->
    Conv[3x3] -> Relu -> MaxPool[4x4] ->
    Flatten -> FC -> Softmax
    def __init__(self, input_shape, n_output_classes, conv1_channels,
        Initializes the neural network
        input_shape, tuple of 3 ints - image_width, image_height, n_channels
                                         Will be equal to (32, 32, 3)
        n_output_classes, int - number of classes to predict
        conv1_channels, int - number of filters in the 1st conv layer
        conv2_channels, int - number of filters in the 2nd conv layer
        _, _, input_channels = input_shape

        self.conv1 = ConvolutionalLayer(input_channels, conv1_channels, 3, 1)
        self.relu1 = ReLULayer()
        self.pool1 = MaxPoolingLayer(4, 4)

        self.conv2 = ConvolutionalLayer(conv1_channels, conv2_channels, 3, 1)
        self.relu2 = ReLULayer()
        self.pool2 = MaxPoolingLayer(4, 4)

        self.flattener = Flattener()
        self.fc = FullyConnectedLayer(4 * conv2_channels, n_output_classes)

    def compute_loss_and_gradients(self, X, y):
        Computes total loss and updates parameter gradients
        on a batch of training examples
        X, np array (batch_size, height, width, input_features) - input data
        y, np array of int (batch_size) - classes
        for param_ix in self.params():
            self.params()[param_ix].grad = np.zeros_like(

        out = self.pool1.forward(self.relu1.forward(self.conv1.forward(X)))
        out = self.pool2.forward(self.relu2.forward(self.conv2.forward(out)))
        out = self.fc.forward(self.flattener.forward(out))

        loss, grad = softmax_with_cross_entropy(out, y)

        grad = self.flattener.backward(self.fc.backward(grad))
        grad = self.conv2.backward(
        grad = self.conv1.backward(

        return loss

    def predict(self, X):
        out = self.pool1.forward(self.relu1.forward(self.conv1.forward(X)))
        out = self.pool2.forward(self.relu2.forward(self.conv2.forward(out)))
        out = self.fc.forward(self.flattener.forward(out))

        predictions = softmax(out)
        return np.argmax(predictions, axis=1)

    def params(self):
        result = {
            'conv1.W': self.conv1.W,
            'conv1.B': self.conv1.B,
            'conv2.W': self.conv1.W,
            'conv2.B': self.conv1.B,
            'fc.W': self.fc.W,
            'fc.B': self.fc.B

        return result
Ejemplo n.º 9
class ConvNet:
    Implements a very simple conv net

    Input -> Conv[3x3] -> Relu -> Maxpool[4x4] ->
    Conv[3x3] -> Relu -> MaxPool[4x4] ->
    Flatten -> FC -> Softmax
    def __init__(self,
        Initializes the neural network

        input_shape, tuple of 3 ints - image_width, image_height, n_channels
                                         Will be equal to (32, 32, 3)
        n_output_classes, int - number of classes to predict
        conv1_channels, int - number of filters in the 1st conv layer
        conv2_channels, int - number of filters in the 2nd conv layer
        self.input_shape = input_shape
        self.n_output_classes = n_output_classes
        self.conv1_channels = conv1_channels
        self.conv2_channels = conv2_channels
        self.filter_size = filter_size
        self.padding = 1

        c1 = int(
            (input_shape[0] - self.filter_size + 2 * self.padding) / 1) + 1
        mp1 = int((c1 - 4) / 4) + 1
        c2 = int((mp1 - self.filter_size + 2 * self.padding) / 1) + 1
        self.size_after_2maxpool = int((c2 - 4) / 4) + 1

        self.RL1 = ReLULayer()
        self.RL2 = ReLULayer()
        self.MaxPool1 = MaxPoolingLayer(pool_size=4, stride=4)
        self.MaxPool2 = MaxPoolingLayer(pool_size=4, stride=4)
        self.Flatten = Flattener()
        self.Conv1 = ConvolutionalLayer(in_channels=self.input_shape[-1],
        self.Conv2 = ConvolutionalLayer(in_channels=conv1_channels,
        self.FC = FullyConnectedLayer(n_input=conv2_channels *

    def compute_loss_and_gradients(self, X, y):
        Computes total loss and updates parameter gradients
        on a batch of training examples

        X, np array (batch_size, height, width, input_features) - input data
        y, np array of int (batch_size) - classes
        # Before running forward and backward pass through the model,
        # clear parameter gradients aggregated from the previous pass
        for param in self.params().values():
            param.grad = np.zeros_like(param.value)

        # self.Conv1.W.grad = np.zeros_like(self.Conv1.W.grad)
        # self.Conv1.B.grad = np.zeros_like(self.Conv1.B.grad)
        # self.Conv2.W.grad = np.zeros_like(self.Conv2.W.grad)
        # self.Conv2.B.grad = np.zeros_like(self.Conv2.B.grad)
        # self.FC.W.grad = np.zeros_like(self.FC.W.grad)
        # self.FC.B.grad = np.zeros_like(self.FC.B.grad)

        # Input -> Conv[3
        # x3] -> Relu -> Maxpool[4
        # x4] ->
        # Conv[3
        # x3] -> Relu -> MaxPool[4
        # x4] ->
        # Flatten -> FC -> Softmax

        x = self.Conv1.forward(X)
        x = self.RL1.forward(x)
        x = self.MaxPool1.forward(x)
        x = self.Conv2.forward(x)
        x = self.RL2.forward(x)
        x = self.MaxPool2.forward(x)
        x = self.Flatten.forward(x)
        pred = self.FC.forward(x)

        loss, dpred = softmax_with_cross_entropy(pred, target_index=y)

        d_out = self.FC.backward(dpred)
        d_out = self.Flatten.backward(d_out)
        d_out = self.MaxPool2.backward(d_out)
        d_out = self.RL2.backward(d_out)
        d_out = self.Conv2.backward(d_out)
        d_out = self.MaxPool1.backward(d_out)
        d_out = self.RL1.backward(d_out)
        _ = self.Conv1.backward(d_out)

        # param_ = self.Conv1.W
        # before_opt = param_.value[:2, :2]
        # print(f"PREDICT stage Conv1_W value: \n {before_opt} \n")
        # print(f"PREDICT stage Conv1_dW: \n {param_.grad[:2, :2]} \n")
        ## !! do not update params
        # print(f'SHAPE fc1: \n {np.sum(self.FC1.W.grad)}')
        # print(f'SHAPE fc2: \n {np.sum(self.FC2.W.grad)}')

        # result = {'fc1_w': self.FC1.W.grad,
        #           'fc1_b': self.FC1.B.grad,
        #           'fc2_w': self.FC2.W.grad,
        #           'fc2_b': self.FC2.B.grad}
        return loss

    def predict(self, X):
        # You can probably copy the code from previous assignment
        x = self.Conv1.forward(X)
        x = self.RL1.forward(x)
        x = self.MaxPool1.forward(x)
        x = self.Conv2.forward(x)
        x = self.RL2.forward(x)
        x = self.MaxPool2.forward(x)
        x = self.Flatten.forward(x)
        x = self.FC.forward(x)

        y_hat = softmax(predictions=x)
        y_hat = np.argmax(y_hat, axis=1)
        return y_hat

    def params(self):
        result = {
            'Conv1.W': self.Conv1.W,
            'Conv1.B': self.Conv1.B,
            'Conv2.W': self.Conv2.W,
            'Conv2.B': self.Conv2.B,
            'FC.W': self.FC.W,
            'FC.B': self.FC.B
        return result
Ejemplo n.º 10
class ConvNet:
    Implements a very simple conv net

    Input -> Conv[3x3] -> Relu -> Maxpool[4x4] ->
    Conv[3x3] -> Relu -> MaxPool[4x4] ->
    Flatten -> FC -> Softmax
    def __init__(self, input_shape, n_output_classes, conv1_channels,
        Initializes the neural network

        input_shape, tuple of 3 ints - image_width, image_height, n_channels
                                         Will be equal to (32, 32, 3)
        n_output_classes, int - number of classes to predict
        conv1_channels, int - number of filters in the 1st conv layer
        conv2_channels, int - number of filters in the 2nd conv layer
        filter_size = 3
        padding = 1
        pool_size = 4
        stride = 4
        width, height, n_channels = input_shape
        assert ((height + 2 * padding - filter_size + 1) % pool_size == 0)
        assert ((width + 2 * padding - filter_size + 1) % pool_size == 0)
        height = (height + 2 * padding - filter_size + 1) // pool_size
        width = (width + 2 * padding - filter_size + 1) // pool_size
        assert ((height + 2 * padding - filter_size + 1) % pool_size == 0)
        assert ((width + 2 * padding - filter_size + 1) % pool_size == 0)
        height = (height + 2 * padding - filter_size + 1) // pool_size
        width = (width + 2 * padding - filter_size + 1) // pool_size

        # TODO Create necessary layers
        self.Conv_1 = ConvolutionalLayer(n_channels, conv1_channels,
                                         filter_size, padding)
        self.Relu_1 = ReLULayer()
        self.Maxpool_1 = MaxPoolingLayer(pool_size, stride)
        self.Conv_2 = ConvolutionalLayer(conv1_channels, conv2_channels,
                                         filter_size, padding)
        self.Relu_2 = ReLULayer()
        self.Maxpool_2 = MaxPoolingLayer(pool_size, stride)
        self.Flattener = Flattener()
        self.FC = FullyConnectedLayer(height * width * conv2_channels,

    def compute_loss_and_gradients(self, X, y):
        Computes total loss and updates parameter gradients
        on a batch of training examples

        X, np array (batch_size, height, width, input_features) - input data
        y, np array of int (batch_size) - classes
        # Before running forward and backward pass through the model,
        # clear parameter gradients aggregated from the previous pass
        for param in self.params().values():
            param.grad = np.zeros_like(param.value)

        # TODO Compute loss and fill param gradients
        # Don't worry about implementing L2 regularization, we will not
        # need it in this assignment
        conv_1 = self.Conv_1.forward(X)
        relu_1 = self.Relu_1.forward(conv_1)
        maxpool_1 = self.Maxpool_1.forward(relu_1)
        conv_2 = self.Conv_2.forward(maxpool_1)
        relu_2 = self.Relu_2.forward(conv_2)
        maxpool_2 = self.Maxpool_2.forward(relu_2)
        flat = self.Flattener.forward(maxpool_2)
        fc = self.FC.forward(flat)

        loss, grad = softmax_with_cross_entropy(fc, y + 1)
        d_fc = self.FC.backward(grad)
        d_flat = self.Flattener.backward(d_fc)
        d_maxpool_2 = self.Maxpool_2.backward(d_flat)
        d_relu_2 = self.Relu_2.backward(d_maxpool_2)
        d_conv_2 = self.Conv_2.backward(d_relu_2)
        d_maxpool_1 = self.Maxpool_1.backward(d_conv_2)
        d_relu_1 = self.Relu_1.backward(d_maxpool_1)

        dX = self.Conv_1.backward(d_relu_1)
        return loss

    def predict(self, X):
        # You can probably copy the code from previous assignment
        # predictions = self.fc2.forward(self.ReLU.forward(self.fc1.forward(X)))
        predictions = self.FC.forward(
        pred = np.argmax(predictions, axis=1)
        return pred

    def params(self):
        result = {
            'conv1_W': self.Conv_1.params()['W'],
            'conv1_B': self.Conv_1.params()['B'],
            'conv2_W': self.Conv_2.params()['W'],
            'conv2_B': self.Conv_2.params()['B'],
            'fc_W': self.FC.params()['W'],
            'fc_B': self.FC.params()['B'],
        # TODO: Aggregate all the params from all the layers
        # which have parameters
        return result
Ejemplo n.º 11
class ConvNet:
    Implements a very simple conv net

    Input -> Conv[3x3] -> Relu -> Maxpool[4x4] ->
    Conv[3x3] -> Relu -> MaxPool[4x4] ->
    Flatten -> FC -> Softmax
    def __init__(self, input_shape, n_output_classes, conv1_channels, conv2_channels):
        Initializes the neural network

        input_shape, tuple of 3 ints - image_width, image_height, n_channels
                                         Will be equal to (32, 32, 3)
        n_output_classes, int - number of classes to predict
        conv1_channels, int - number of filters in the 1st conv layer
        conv2_channels, int - number of filters in the 2nd conv layer
        # TODO_ Create necessary layers
        # raise Exception("Not implemented!")

        weight, height, cannels = input_shape
        filter_size = 3
        pool_size = 4
        padding = 1
        stride = pool_size

        self.conv1 = ConvolutionalLayer(cannels, conv1_channels, filter_size, padding)
        self.relu1 = ReLULayer()
        self.maxpool1 = MaxPoolingLayer(pool_size, stride)
        self.conv2 = ConvolutionalLayer(conv1_channels, conv2_channels, filter_size, padding)
        self.relu2 = ReLULayer()
        self.maxpool2 = MaxPoolingLayer(pool_size, stride)
        self.flatten = Flattener()
        n_fc_input = int(height / pool_size / pool_size * weight / pool_size / pool_size * conv2_channels)
        self.fc = FullyConnectedLayer(n_fc_input, n_output_classes)

    def compute_loss_and_gradients(self, X, y):
        Computes total loss and updates parameter gradients
        on a batch of training examples

        X, np array (batch_size, height, width, input_features) - input data
        y, np array of int (batch_size) - classes
        # Before running forward and backward pass through the model,
        # clear parameter gradients aggregated from the previous pass

        # TODO_ Compute loss and fill param gradients
        # Don't worry about implementing L2 regularization, we will not
        # need it in this assignment
        # raise Exception("Not implemented!")

        # initialization
        params = self.params()
        W1 = params["W1"]
        B1 = params["B1"]
        W2 = params["W2"]
        B2 = params["B2"]
        W3 = params["W3"]
        B3 = params["B3"]

        # the cleaning of params
        # W1.value = np.zeros_like(W1.value)
        # B1.value = np.zeros_like(B1.value)
        # W2.value = np.zeros_like(W2.value)
        # B2.value = np.zeros_like(B2.value)
        # W3.value = np.zeros_like(W3.value)
        # B3.value = np.zeros_like(B3.value)

        # the cleaning of gradients
        W1.grad = np.zeros_like(W1.value)
        B1.grad = np.zeros_like(B1.value)
        W2.grad = np.zeros_like(W2.value)
        B2.grad = np.zeros_like(B2.value)
        W3.grad = np.zeros_like(W3.value)
        B3.grad = np.zeros_like(B3.value)

        # forward pass
        out = self.conv1.forward(X)
        out = self.relu1.forward(out)
        out = self.maxpool1.forward(out)
        out = self.conv2.forward(out)
        out = self.relu2.forward(out)
        out = self.maxpool2.forward(out)
        out = self.flatten.forward(out)
        out = self.fc.forward(out)
        loss, d_preds = softmax_with_cross_entropy(out, y)

        # backward pass
        d_out = self.fc.backward(d_preds)
        d_out = self.flatten.backward(d_out)
        d_out = self.maxpool2.backward(d_out)
        d_out = self.relu2.backward(d_out)
        d_out = self.conv2.backward(d_out)
        d_out = self.maxpool1.backward(d_out)
        d_out = self.relu1.backward(d_out)
        d_out = self.conv1.backward(d_out)

        return loss

    def predict(self, X):
        # You can probably copy the code from previous assignment
        # raise Exception("Not implemented!")
        out = self.conv1.forward(X)
        out = self.relu1.forward(out)
        out = self.maxpool1.forward(out)
        out = self.conv2.forward(out)
        out = self.relu2.forward(out)
        out = self.maxpool2.forward(out)
        out = self.flatten.forward(out)
        out = self.fc.forward(out)
        probs = softmax(out)
        y_pred = np.argmax(probs, axis=1)

        return y_pred

    def params(self):
        result = {}

        # TODO_: Aggregate all the params from all the layers
        # which have parameters
        # raise Exception("Not implemented!")
        result = {
            "W1": self.conv1.params()["W"],
            "B1": self.conv1.params()["B"],
            "W2": self.conv2.params()["W"],
            "B2": self.conv2.params()["B"],
            "W3": self.fc.params()["W"],
            "B3": self.fc.params()["B"]

        return result
Ejemplo n.º 12
class ConvNet:
    Implements a very simple conv net

    Input -> Conv[3x3] -> Relu -> Maxpool[4x4] ->
    Conv[3x3] -> Relu -> MaxPool[4x4] ->
    Flatten -> FC -> Softmax
    def __init__(self, input_shape, n_output_classes, conv1_channels,
        Initializes the neural network

        input_shape, tuple of 3 ints - image_width, image_height, n_channels
                                         Will be equal to (32, 32, 3)
        n_output_classes, int - number of classes to predict
        conv1_channels, int - number of filters in the 1st conv layer
        conv2_channels, int - number of filters in the 2nd conv layer
        # TODO Create necessary layers
        image_width, image_height, n_channels = input_shape
        conv_padding = 0
        conv_filter_size = 3
        max_pool_size = 4
        max_pool_stride = 1

        conv1_output_size = image_width - conv_filter_size + 1
        maxpool1_output_size = int(
            (conv1_output_size - max_pool_size) / max_pool_stride) + 1
        conv2_output_size = maxpool1_output_size - conv_filter_size + 1
        maxpool2_output_size = int(
            (conv2_output_size - max_pool_size) / max_pool_stride) + 1
        # correct if height == width !!!
        fc_input_size = maxpool2_output_size * maxpool2_output_size * conv2_channels

        self.conv1 = ConvolutionalLayer(n_channels, conv1_channels,
                                        conv_filter_size, conv_padding)
        self.relu1 = ReLULayer()
        self.maxpool1 = MaxPoolingLayer(max_pool_size, max_pool_stride)
        self.conv2 = ConvolutionalLayer(conv1_channels, conv2_channels,
                                        conv_filter_size, conv_padding)
        self.relu2 = ReLULayer()
        self.maxpool2 = MaxPoolingLayer(max_pool_size, max_pool_stride)
        self.flattener = Flattener()
        self.fc = FullyConnectedLayer(fc_input_size, n_output_classes)

    def compute_loss_and_gradients(self, X, y):
        Computes total loss and updates parameter gradients
        on a batch of training examples

        X, np array (batch_size, height, width, input_features) - input data
        y, np array of int (batch_size) - classes
        # Before running forward and backward pass through the model,
        # clear parameter gradients aggregated from the previous pass

        # TODO Compute loss and fill param gradients
        # Don't worry about implementing L2 regularization, we will not
        # need it in this assignment

        predictions = self._forward(X)
        loss, dprediction = softmax_with_cross_entropy(predictions, y)

        return loss

    def _zero_grad(self):
        for param in self.params().values():
            param.grad = np.zeros_like(param.value)

    def _forward(self, X):
        output = self.conv1.forward(X)
        output = self.relu1.forward(output)
        output = self.maxpool1.forward(output)
        output = self.conv2.forward(output)
        output = self.relu2.forward(output)
        output = self.maxpool2.forward(output)
        output = self.flattener.forward(output)
        output = self.fc.forward(output)
        return output

    def _backward(self, dprediction):
        grad = self.fc.backward(dprediction)
        grad = self.flattener.backward(grad)
        grad = self.maxpool2.backward(grad)
        grad = self.relu2.backward(grad)
        grad = self.conv2.backward(grad)
        grad = self.maxpool1.backward(grad)
        grad = self.relu1.backward(grad)

    def predict(self, X):
        # You can probably copy the code from previous assignment
        predictions = self._forward(X)
        y_pred = np.argmax(softmax(predictions), axis=1)

        return y_pred

    def params(self):
        result = {}

        # TODO: Aggregate all the params from all the layers
        # which have parameters
        for k, v in self.conv1.params().items():
            result["".join(["conv1_", k])] = v
        for k, v in self.conv2.params().items():
            result["".join(["conv2_", k])] = v
        for k, v in self.fc.params().items():
            result["".join(["fc_", k])] = v

        return result
Ejemplo n.º 13
class ConvNet:
    Implements a very simple conv net

    Input -> Conv[3x3] -> Relu -> Maxpool[4x4] ->
    Conv[3x3] -> Relu -> MaxPool[4x4] ->
    Flatten -> FC -> Softmax
    def __init__(self,
        Initializes the neural network

        input_shape, tuple of 3 ints - image_width, image_height, n_channels
        Will be equal to (32, 32, 3)
        n_output_classes, int - number of classes to predict
        conv1_channels, int - number of filters in the 1st conv layer
        conv2_channels, int - number of filters in the 2nd conv layer
        image_width, image_height, n_channels = input_shape
        padding_1 = 1
        padding_2 = 1
        filter_size_1 = 3
        filter_size_2 = 3
        pooling_size_1 = 4
        pooling_size_2 = 4
        stride_1 = 4
        stride_2 = 4

        height = image_height + 2 * padding_1
        width = image_width + 2 * padding_1

        out_height = height - filter_size_1 + 1
        out_width = width - filter_size_1 + 1
        #print(height, width, filter_size_1, out_height, out_width);

        assert (out_height - pooling_size_1) % stride_1 == 0
        assert (out_width - pooling_size_1) % stride_1 == 0

        height = out_height
        width = out_width

        out_height = int((height - pooling_size_1) / stride_1 + 1)
        out_width = int((width - pooling_size_1) / stride_1 + 1)
        #print(height, width, pooling_size_1, out_height, out_width);

        height = out_height + 2 * padding_2
        width = out_width + 2 * padding_2

        out_height = height - filter_size_2 + 1
        out_width = width - filter_size_2 + 1
        #print(height, width, filter_size_2, out_height, out_width);

        assert (out_height - pooling_size_2) % stride_2 == 0
        assert (out_width - pooling_size_2) % stride_2 == 0

        height = out_height
        width = out_width

        out_height = int((height - pooling_size_2) / stride_2 + 1)
        out_width = int((width - pooling_size_2) / stride_2 + 1)
        #print(height, width, pooling_size_2, out_height, out_width);

        # TODO Create necessary layers
        self.Conv_first = ConvolutionalLayer(n_channels, conv1_channels,
                                             filter_size_1, padding_1)
        self.Relu_first = ReLULayer()
        self.Maxpool_first = MaxPoolingLayer(pooling_size_1, stride_1)
        self.Conv_second = ConvolutionalLayer(conv1_channels, conv2_channels,
                                              filter_size_2, padding_2)
        self.Relu_second = ReLULayer()
        self.Maxpool_second = MaxPoolingLayer(pooling_size_2, stride_2)
        self.Flattener = Flattener()
        self.FC = FullyConnectedLayer(out_height * out_width * conv2_channels,
        self.n_output = n_output_classes
        self.reg = reg
        #print(out_height*out_width*conv2_channels, n_output_classes);

    def compute_loss_and_gradients(self, X, y):
        Computes total loss and updates parameter gradients
        on a batch of training examples

        X, np array (batch_size, height, width, input_features) - input data
        y, np array of int (batch_size) - classes
        # Before running forward and backward pass through the model,
        # clear parameter gradients aggregated from the previous pass
        for param in self.params():
            self.params()[param].grad = np.zeros_like(

        # TODO Compute loss and fill param gradients
        # Don't worry about implementing L2 regularization, we will not
        # need it in this assignment

        #assert check_layer_gradient(self.Conv_first, X);
        #assert check_layer_param_gradient(self.Conv_first, X, 'W')
        #print("X = ", X);
        #print("X_end = ", X[:, 25:, 25:, :]);
        X1 = self.Conv_first.forward(X)
        #print("X1 = ", X1);
        #print("W = ", self.Conv_first.params()['W'].value);

        #assert check_layer_gradient(self.Relu_first, X1);
        X1_Relu = self.Relu_first.forward(X1)
        #print("X1_Relu = ", X1_Relu);

        #assert check_layer_gradient(self.Maxpool_first, X1_Relu);
        X1_Max = self.Maxpool_first.forward(X1_Relu)

        #assert check_layer_gradient(self.Conv_second, X1_Max);
        X2 = self.Conv_second.forward(X1_Max)

        #assert check_layer_gradient(self.Relu_second, X2);
        X2_Relu = self.Relu_second.forward(X2)

        #assert check_layer_gradient(self.Maxpool_second, X2_Relu);
        X2_Max = self.Maxpool_second.forward(X2_Relu)

        #assert check_layer_gradient(self.Flattener, X2_Max);
        X3 = self.Flattener.forward(X2_Max)

        #assert check_layer_gradient(self.FC, X3);
        X3_FC = self.FC.forward(X3)

        loss, dX3_FC = softmax_with_cross_entropy(X3_FC, y + 1)
        dX3 = self.FC.backward(dX3_FC)
        dX2_Max = self.Flattener.backward(dX3)
        dX2_Relu = self.Maxpool_second.backward(dX2_Max)
        #print("dX2_Max = ", dX2_Max);
        #print("dX2_Relu = ", dX2_Relu);

        dX2 = self.Relu_second.backward(dX2_Relu)
        dX1_Max = self.Conv_second.backward(dX2)
        dX1_Relu = self.Maxpool_first.backward(dX1_Max)
        dX1 = self.Relu_first.backward(dX1_Relu)

        dX = self.Conv_first.backward(dX1)

        reg_loss_w, reg_grad_w = l2_regularization(self.FC.W.value, self.reg)
        reg_loss_b, reg_grad_b = l2_regularization(self.FC.B.value, self.reg)

        loss += (reg_loss_w + reg_loss_b)

        self.FC.W.grad += reg_grad_w

        return loss

    def predict(self, X):
        # You can probably copy the code from previous assignment
        pred = np.zeros(X.shape[0], np.int)
        predictions = self.FC.forward(
        #print("predictions = ", predictions);

        i = 0
        for predict in predictions:
            values = [softmax_with_cross_entropy(predict, target_index + 1)[0] \
                        for target_index in range(self.n_output)]
            pred[i] = min(range(len(values)), key=values.__getitem__)
            i += 1
        #print("pred = ", pred);
        return pred

    def params(self):
        result = {}

        # TODO: Aggregate all the params from all the layers
        # which have parameters
        result = {}
        dict_first = self.Conv_first.params()
        dict_second = self.Conv_second.params()
        dict_FC = self.FC.params()

        # TODO Implement aggregating all of the params

        for key in dict_first.keys():
            result[key + 'C1'] = dict_first[key]

        for key in dict_second.keys():
            result[key + 'C2'] = dict_second[key]

        for key in dict_FC.keys():
            result[key + 'F1'] = dict_FC[key]

        return result
Ejemplo n.º 14
class ConvNet:
    Implements a very simple conv net

    Input -> Conv[3x3] -> Relu -> Maxpool[4x4] ->
    Conv[3x3] -> Relu -> MaxPool[4x4] ->
    Flatten -> FC -> Softmax
    def __init__(self, input_shape, n_output_classes, conv1_channels,
        Initializes the neural network

        input_shape, tuple of 3 ints - image_width, image_height, n_channels
                                         Will be equal to (32, 32, 3)
        n_output_classes, int - number of classes to predict
        conv1_channels, int - number of filters in the 1st conv layer
        conv2_channels, int - number of filters in the 2nd conv layer
        # TODO Create necessary layers
        self.input_shape = input_shape
        self.n_output_classes = n_output_classes

        self.layer1 = ConvolutionalLayer(3, conv1_channels, 3,
                                         1)  #32x32x3xconv1_channels
        self.layer2 = ReLULayer()
        self.layer3 = MaxPoolingLayer(4, 4)  #8x8x3xconv1_channels
        self.layer4 = ConvolutionalLayer(
            conv1_channels, conv2_channels, 3,
            1)  #8x8x3x conv1_channels x conv2_channels
        self.layer5 = ReLULayer()
        self.layer6 = MaxPoolingLayer(
            4, 4)  #2x2x3 conv1_channels x conv2_channels
        self.layer7 = Flattener()
        self.layer8 = FullyConnectedLayer(conv1_channels * conv2_channels * 2,

    def compute_loss_and_gradients(self, X, y):
        Computes total loss and updates parameter gradients
        on a batch of training examples

        X, np array (batch_size, height, width, input_features) - input data
        y, np array of int (batch_size) - classes
        # Before running forward and backward pass through the model,
        # clear parameter gradients aggregated from the previous pass

        # TODO Compute loss and fill param gradients
        # Don't worry about implementing L2 regularization, we will not
        # need it in this assignment
        self.layer1.W.grad = np.zeros_like(self.layer1.W.grad)
        self.layer4.W.grad = np.zeros_like(self.layer4.W.grad)
        self.layer1.B.grad = np.zeros_like(self.layer1.B.grad)
        self.layer4.B.grad = np.zeros_like(self.layer4.B.grad)
        self.layer8.W.grad = np.zeros_like(self.layer8.W.grad)
        self.layer8.B.grad = np.zeros_like(self.layer8.B.grad)

        out1 = self.layer1.forward(X)
        out2 = self.layer2.forward(out1)
        out3 = self.layer3.forward(out2)
        out4 = self.layer4.forward(out3)
        out5 = self.layer5.forward(out4)
        out6 = self.layer6.forward(out5)
        out7 = self.layer7.forward(out6)
        out8 = self.layer8.forward(out7)

        loss, grad = softmax_with_cross_entropy(out8, y)
        back8 = self.layer8.backward(grad)
        back7 = self.layer7.backward(back8)
        back6 = self.layer6.backward(back7)
        back5 = self.layer5.backward(back6)
        back4 = self.layer4.backward(back5)
        back3 = self.layer3.backward(back4)
        back2 = self.layer2.backward(back3)
        back1 = self.layer1.backward(back2)

        return loss

    def predict(self, X):
        # You can probably copy the code from previous assignment
        out1 = self.layer1.forward(X)
        out2 = self.layer2.forward(out1)
        out3 = self.layer3.forward(out2)
        out4 = self.layer4.forward(out3)
        out5 = self.layer5.forward(out4)
        out6 = self.layer6.forward(out5)
        out7 = self.layer7.forward(out6)
        out8 = self.layer8.forward(out7)
        pred = np.argmax(out8, axis=1)
        return pred

    def params(self):
        result = {
            'layer1.W': self.layer1.W,
            'layer1.B': self.layer1.B,
            'layer4.W': self.layer4.W,
            'layer1.B': self.layer4.B,
            'layer8.W': self.layer8.W,
            'layer8.B': self.layer8.B,

        # TODO: Aggregate all the params from all the layers
        # which have parameters
        #raise Exception("Not implemented!")
        return result
Ejemplo n.º 15
class ConvNet:
    Implements a very simple conv net

    Input -> Conv[3x3] -> Relu -> Maxpool[4x4] ->
    Conv[3x3] -> Relu -> MaxPool[4x4] ->
    Flatten -> FC -> Softmax
    def __init__(self, input_shape, n_output_classes, conv1_channels,
        Initializes the neural network

        input_shape, tuple of 3 ints - image_width, image_height, n_channels
                                         Will be equal to (32, 32, 3)
        n_output_classes, int - number of classes to predict
        conv1_channels, int - number of filters in the 1st conv layer
        conv2_channels, int - number of filters in the 2nd conv layer
        width, height, channels = input_shape
        self.conv1 = ConvolutionalLayer(in_channels=3,
        self.relu1 = ReLULayer()
        self.maxpool1 = MaxPoolingLayer(4, 4)
        self.conv2 = ConvolutionalLayer(in_channels=3,
        self.relu2 = ReLULayer()
        self.maxpool2 = MaxPoolingLayer(4, 4)
        self.flatten = Flattener()
        self.f_connected = FullyConnectedLayer(3, n_output_classes)

    def compute_loss_and_gradients(self, X, y):
        Computes total loss and updates parameter gradients
        on a batch of training examples

        X, np array (batch_size, height, width, input_features) - input data
        y, np array of int (batch_size) - classes
        params = self.params()

        params['W1'].grad = 0
        params['B1'].grad = 0
        params['W2'].grad = 0
        params['B2'].grad = 0
        params['W3'].grad = 0
        params['B3'].grad = 0

        Z1 = self.conv1.forward(X)
        A1 = self.relu1.forward(Z1)
        M1 = self.maxpool1.forward(A1)
        Z2 = self.conv2.forward(M1)
        A1 = self.relu2.forward(Z2)
        M2 = self.maxpool2.forward(A1)
        F = self.flatten.forward(M2)
        Out = self.f_connected.forward(F)

        loss, grad = softmax_with_cross_entropy(Out, y)

        grad_f_con = self.f_connected.backward(grad)
        grad_flatten = self.flatten.backward(grad_f_con)
        grad_maxpool2 = self.maxpool2.backward(grad_flatten)
        grad_relu2 = self.relu2.backward(grad_maxpool2)
        grad_conv2 = self.conv2.backward(grad_relu2)
        grad_maxpool1 = self.maxpool1.backward(grad_conv2)
        grad_relu1 = self.relu1.backward(grad_maxpool1)
        self.b = grad_relu1


        return loss

    def predict(self, X):
        Z1 = self.conv1.forward(X)
        A1 = self.relu1.forward(Z1)
        M1 = self.maxpool1.forward(A1)
        Z2 = self.conv2.forward(M1)
        A1 = self.relu2.forward(Z2)
        M2 = self.maxpool2.forward(A1)
        F = self.flatten.forward(M2)
        Out = np.argmax(self.f_connected.forward(F), axis=1)

        return Out

    def params(self):
        result = {}

        result = {
            'W2': self.conv2.W,
            'W1': self.conv1.W,
            'B2': self.conv2.B,
            'W3': self.f_connected.W,
            'B3': self.f_connected.B,
            'B1': self.conv1.B

        return result
Ejemplo n.º 16
class ConvNet:
    Implements a very simple conv net

    Input -> Conv[3x3] -> Relu -> Maxpool[4x4] ->
    Conv[3x3] -> Relu -> MaxPool[4x4] ->
    Flatten -> FC -> Softmax
    def __init__(self, input_shape, n_output_classes, conv1_channels,
        Initializes the neural network

        input_shape, tuple of 3 ints - image_width, image_height, n_channels
                                         Will be equal to (32, 32, 3)
        n_output_classes, int - number of classes to predict
        conv1_channels, int - number of filters in the 1st conv layer
        conv2_channels, int - number of filters in the 2nd conv layer
        # TODO Create necessary layers
        width, height, n_channels = input_shape

        self.conv1 = ConvolutionalLayer(n_channels, conv1_channels, 3, 1)
        self.relu1 = ReLULayer()
        self.maxpool1 = MaxPoolingLayer(4, 4)
        self.conv2 = ConvolutionalLayer(conv1_channels, conv2_channels, 3, 1)
        self.relu2 = ReLULayer()
        self.maxpool2 = MaxPoolingLayer(4, 4)
        self.flatten = Flattener()

        self.fc = FullyConnectedLayer(
            (height // 4 // 4) * (width // 4 // 4) * conv2_channels,

        self.conv1_params = self.conv1.params()
        self.conv2_params = self.conv2.params()
        self.fc_params = self.fc.params()

    def compute_loss_and_gradients(self, X, y):
        Computes total loss and updates parameter gradients
        on a batch of training examples

        X, np array (batch_size, height, width, input_features) - input data
        y, np array of int (batch_size) - classes
        # Before running forward and backward pass through the model,
        # clear parameter gradients aggregated from the previous pass
        for key, value in self.params().items():

        # TODO Compute loss and fill param gradients
        # Don't worry about implementing L2 regularization, we will not
        # need it in this assignment

        conv1 = self.conv1.forward(X)
        relu1 = self.relu1.forward(conv1)
        maxpool1 = self.maxpool1.forward(relu1)
        conv2 = self.conv2.forward(maxpool1)
        relu2 = self.relu2.forward(conv2)
        maxpool2 = self.maxpool2.forward(relu2)
        flatten = self.flatten.forward(maxpool2)
        fc = self.fc.forward(flatten)

        loss, d_preds = softmax_with_cross_entropy(fc, y)

        fc = self.fc.backward(d_preds)
        flatten = self.flatten.backward(fc)
        maxpool2 = self.maxpool2.backward(flatten)
        relu2 = self.relu2.backward(maxpool2)
        conv2 = self.conv2.backward(relu2)
        maxpool1 = self.maxpool1.backward(conv2)
        relu1 = self.relu1.backward(maxpool1)
        conv1 = self.conv1.backward(relu1)

        return loss

    def predict(self, X):
        # You can probably copy the code from previous assignment

        conv1 = self.conv1.forward(X)
        relu1 = self.relu1.forward(conv1)
        maxpool1 = self.maxpool1.forward(relu1)
        conv2 = self.conv2.forward(maxpool1)
        relu2 = self.relu2.forward(conv2)
        maxpool2 = self.maxpool2.forward(relu2)
        flatten = self.flatten.forward(maxpool2)
        fc = self.fc.forward(flatten)

        return np.argmax(fc, axis=1)

    def params(self):
        result = {}

        # TODO: Aggregate all the params from all the layers
        # which have parameters
        d1 = {k + '1': v for k, v in self.conv1_params.items()}
        d2 = {k + '2': v for k, v in self.conv2_params.items()}
        d3 = {k + '3': v for k, v in self.fc_params.items()}
        result = {**d1, **d2, **d3}

        return result
Ejemplo n.º 17
class ConvNet:
    Implements a very simple conv net

    Input -> Conv[3x3] -> ReLU -> Maxpool[4x4] ->
    Conv[3x3] -> ReLU -> MaxPool[4x4] ->
    Flatten -> FC -> Softmax
    def __init__(self, input_shape, n_output_classes, conv1_channels,
        Initializes the neural network
        :param input_shape: tuple of 3 ints - image_width, image_height, n_channels
        :param n_output_classes: int - number of classes to predict
        :param conv1_channels: int - number of filters in the 1st conv layer
        :param conv2_channels: int - number of filters in the 2nd conv layer
        self.convolution_one = ConvolutionalLayer(input_shape[2],
                                                  conv1_channels, 3, 1)
        self.relu_one = ReLULayer()
        self.maxpool_one = MaxPoolingLayer(4, 4)
        self.convolution_two = ConvolutionalLayer(conv1_channels,
                                                  conv2_channels, 3, 1)
        self.relu_two = ReLULayer()
        self.maxpool_two = MaxPoolingLayer(4, 4)
        self.flattener = Flattener()
        height = ((input_shape[0] + 2 * 1 - 3 + 1) // 4 + 2 * 1 - 3 + 1) // 4
        width = ((input_shape[1] + 2 * 1 - 3 + 1) // 4 + 2 * 1 - 3 + 1) // 4
        self.fc = FullyConnectedLayer(width * height * conv2_channels,

    def compute_loss_and_gradients(self, X, y):
        Computes total loss and updates parameter gradients on a batch of training examples
        :param X: np array (batch_size, height, width, input_features) - input data
        :param y: np array of int (batch_size) - classes
        :return: cross-entropy loss using soft-max
        for param in self.params().values():
            param.grad = np.zeros_like(param.value)
        loss, grad = softmax_with_cross_entropy(
        return loss

    def predict(self, X):
        preds = self.fc.forward(
        y_pred = np.argmax(preds, axis=1)
        return y_pred

    def params(self):
        result = {
            'conv1_W': self.convolution_one.W,
            'conv1_B': self.convolution_one.B,
            'conv2_W': self.convolution_two.W,
            'conv2_B': self.convolution_two.B,
            'fc_W': self.fc.W,
            'fc_B': self.fc.B
        return result
Ejemplo n.º 18
class ConvNet:
    Implements a very simple conv net

    Input -> Conv[3x3] -> Relu -> Maxpool[4x4] ->
    Conv[3x3] -> Relu -> MaxPool[4x4] ->
    Flatten -> FC -> Softmax
    def __init__(self, input_shape, n_output_classes, conv1_channels,
        Initializes the neural network

        input_shape, tuple of 3 ints - image_width, image_height, n_channels
                                         Will be equal to (32, 32, 3)
        n_output_classes, int - number of classes to predict
        conv1_channels, int - number of filters in the 1st conv layer
        conv2_channels, int - number of filters in the 2nd conv layer
        self.layer_1 = ConvolutionalLayer(input_shape[2], conv1_channels, 3, 1)
        self.layer_2 = ReLULayer()
        self.layer_3 = MaxPoolingLayer(4, 4)
        self.layer_4 = ConvolutionalLayer(conv1_channels, conv2_channels, 3, 1)
        self.layer_5 = ReLULayer()
        self.layer_6 = MaxPoolingLayer(4, 4)
        self.layer_7 = Flattener()
        self.layer_8 = FullyConnectedLayer(
            (input_shape[0] * input_shape[1] * conv2_channels) // (16**2),

    def compute_loss_and_gradients(self, X, y):
        Computes total loss and updates parameter gradients
        on a batch of training examples

        X, np array (batch_size, height, width, input_features) - input data
        y, np array of int (batch_size) - classes
        params = self.params()

        for param_key in params:
            param = params[param_key]
            param.grad = np.zeros_like(param.grad)

        step_1f = self.layer_1.forward(X)
        step_2f = self.layer_2.forward(step_1f)
        step_3f = self.layer_3.forward(step_2f)
        step_4f = self.layer_4.forward(step_3f)
        step_5f = self.layer_5.forward(step_4f)
        step_6f = self.layer_6.forward(step_5f)
        step_7f = self.layer_7.forward(step_6f)
        step_8f = self.layer_8.forward(step_7f)

        loss, dpred = softmax_with_cross_entropy(step_8f, y)

        step_8b = self.layer_8.backward(dpred)
        step_7b = self.layer_7.backward(step_8b)
        step_6b = self.layer_6.backward(step_7b)
        step_5b = self.layer_5.backward(step_6b)
        step_4b = self.layer_4.backward(step_5b)
        step_3b = self.layer_3.backward(step_4b)
        step_2b = self.layer_2.backward(step_3b)
        step_1b = self.layer_1.backward(step_2b)

        return loss

    def predict(self, X):
        step_1f = self.layer_1.forward(X)
        step_2f = self.layer_2.forward(step_1f)
        step_3f = self.layer_3.forward(step_2f)
        step_4f = self.layer_4.forward(step_3f)
        step_5f = self.layer_5.forward(step_4f)
        step_6f = self.layer_6.forward(step_5f)
        step_7f = self.layer_7.forward(step_6f)
        step_8f = self.layer_8.forward(step_7f)
        probs = softmax(step_8f)
        pred = np.array(list(map(lambda x: x.argsort()[-1], probs)))
        return pred

    def params(self):
        result = {}
        result['W1'] = self.layer_1.W
        result['W2'] = self.layer_4.W
        result['W3'] = self.layer_8.W
        result['B1'] = self.layer_1.B
        result['B2'] = self.layer_4.B
        result['B3'] = self.layer_8.B
        return result
Ejemplo n.º 19
class ConvNet:
    Implements a very simple conv net

    Input -> Conv[3x3] -> Relu -> Maxpool[4x4] ->
    Conv[3x3] -> Relu -> MaxPool[4x4] ->
    Flatten -> FC -> Softmax
    def __init__(self, input_shape, n_output_classes, conv1_channels,
        Initializes the neural network

        input_shape, tuple of 3 ints - image_width, image_height, n_channels
                                         Will be equal to (32, 32, 3)
        n_output_classes, int - number of classes to predict
        conv1_channels, int - number of filters in the 1st conv layer
        conv2_channels, int - number of filters in the 2nd conv layer
        # TODO Create necessary layers
        self.conv1 = ConvolutionalLayer(input_shape[2], conv1_channels, 3, 1)
        self.relu1 = ReLULayer()
        self.max_pl1 = MaxPoolingLayer(4, 4)
        self.conv2 = ConvolutionalLayer(conv1_channels, conv2_channels, 3, 1)
        self.relu2 = ReLULayer()
        self.max_pl2 = MaxPoolingLayer(4, 4)
        self.flat = Flattener()
        self.fc = FullyConnectedLayer(4 * conv2_channels, n_output_classes)

    def compute_loss_and_gradients(self, X, y):
        Computes total loss and updates parameter gradients
        on a batch of training examples

        X, np array (batch_size, height, width, input_features) - input data
        y, np array of int (batch_size) - classes
        # Before running forward and backward pass through the model,
        # clear parameter gradients aggregated from the previous pass

        # TODO Compute loss and fill param gradients
        # Don't worry about implementing L2 regularization, we will not
        # need it in this assignment
        for i_param in self.params():
            param = self.params()[i_param]
            param.grad = np.zeros_like(param.grad)

        step1 = self.conv1.forward(X)
        step2 = self.relu1.forward(step1)
        step3 = self.max_pl1.forward(step2)
        step4 = self.conv2.forward(step3)
        step5 = self.relu2.forward(step4)
        step6 = self.max_pl2.forward(step5)
        step7 = self.flat.forward(step6)
        step8 = self.fc.forward(step7)
        loss, loss_grad = softmax_with_cross_entropy(step8, y)

        d8 = self.fc.backward(loss_grad)
        d7 = self.flat.backward(d8)
        d6 = self.max_pl2.backward(d7)
        d5 = self.relu2.backward(d6)
        d4 = self.conv2.backward(d5)
        d3 = self.max_pl1.backward(d4)
        d2 = self.relu1.backward(d3)
        d1 = self.conv1.backward(d2)

        return loss

    def predict(self, X):
        # You can probably copy the code from previous assignment
        step1 = self.conv1.forward(X)
        step2 = self.relu1.forward(step1)
        step3 = self.max_pl1.forward(step2)
        step4 = self.conv2.forward(step3)
        step5 = self.relu2.forward(step4)
        step6 = self.max_pl2.forward(step5)
        step7 = self.flat.forward(step6)
        step8 = self.fc.forward(step7)

        pred = step8.argmax(axis=1)

        return pred

    def params(self):
        result = {
            'conv1.W': self.conv1.W,
            'conv1.B': self.conv1.B,
            'conv2.W': self.conv2.W,
            'conv2.B': self.conv2.B,
            'fc.W': self.fc.W,
            'fc.B': self.fc.B

        # TODO: Aggregate all the params from all the layers
        # which have parameters

        return result
Ejemplo n.º 20
class ConvNet:
    Implements a very simple conv net
    Input -> Conv[3x3] -> Relu -> Maxpool[4x4] ->
    Conv[3x3] -> Relu -> MaxPool[4x4] ->
    Flatten -> FC -> Softmax
    def __init__(self, input_shape, n_output_classes, conv1_channels,
        Initializes the neural network
        input_shape, tuple of 3 ints - image_width, image_height, n_channels
                                         Will be equal to (32, 32, 3)
        n_output_classes, int - number of classes to predict
        conv1_channels, int - number of filters in the 1st conv layer
        conv2_channels, int - number of filters in the 2nd conv layer
        # TODO Create necessary layers
        self.layer1 = ConvolutionalLayer(input_shape[2], conv1_channels, 3, 1)
        self.layer2 = ReLULayer()
        self.layer3 = MaxPoolingLayer(4, 4)
        self.layer4 = ConvolutionalLayer(conv1_channels, conv2_channels, 3, 1)
        self.layer5 = ReLULayer()
        self.layer6 = MaxPoolingLayer(4, 4)
        self.layer7 = Flattener()
        self.layer8 = FullyConnectedLayer(
            input_shape[0] * input_shape[1] * conv2_channels // (16 * 16),

    def compute_loss_and_gradients(self, X, y):
        Computes total loss and updates parameter gradients
        on a batch of training examples
        X, np array (batch_size, height, width, input_features) - input data
        y, np array of int (batch_size) - classes
        # Before running forward and backward pass through the model,
        # clear parameter gradients aggregated from the previous pass

        # TODO Compute loss and fill param gradients
        # Don't worry about implementing L2 regularization, we will not
        # need it in this assignment
        params = self.params()

        for param_key in params:
            param = params[param_key]
            param.grad = np.zeros_like(param.grad)

        step1 = self.layer1.forward(X)
        step2 = self.layer2.forward(step1)
        step3 = self.layer3.forward(step2)
        step4 = self.layer4.forward(step3)
        step5 = self.layer5.forward(step4)
        step6 = self.layer6.forward(step5)
        step7 = self.layer7.forward(step6)
        step8 = self.layer8.forward(step7)

        loss, dL = softmax_with_cross_entropy(step8, y)

        dstep8 = self.layer8.backward(dL)
        dstep7 = self.layer7.backward(dstep8)
        dstep6 = self.layer6.backward(dstep7)
        dstep5 = self.layer5.backward(dstep6)
        dstep4 = self.layer4.backward(dstep5)
        dstep3 = self.layer3.backward(dstep4)
        dstep2 = self.layer2.backward(dstep3)
        dstep1 = self.layer1.backward(dstep2)

        return loss

    def predict(self, X):
        # You can probably copy the code from previous assignment
        step1 = self.layer1.forward(X)
        step2 = self.layer2.forward(step1)
        step3 = self.layer3.forward(step2)
        step4 = self.layer4.forward(step3)
        step5 = self.layer5.forward(step4)
        step6 = self.layer6.forward(step5)
        step7 = self.layer7.forward(step6)
        step8 = self.layer8.forward(step7)
        probs = softmax(step8)
        pred = np.array(list(map(lambda x: x.argsort()[-1], probs)))

        return pred

    def params(self):

        # TODO: Aggregate all the params from all the layers
        # which have parameters
        return {
            'W1': self.layer1.W,
            'B1': self.layer1.B,
            'W2': self.layer4.W,
            'B2': self.layer4.B,
            'W3': self.layer8.W,
            'B3': self.layer8.B
Ejemplo n.º 21
class ConvNet:
    Implements a very simple conv net

    Input -> Conv[3x3] -> Relu -> Maxpool[4x4] ->
    Conv[3x3] -> Relu -> MaxPool[4x4] ->
    Flatten -> FC -> Softmax
    def __init__(self, input_shape, n_output_classes, conv1_channels,
        Initializes the neural network

        input_shape, tuple of 3 ints - image_width, image_height, n_channels
                                         Will be equal to (32, 32, 3)
        n_output_classes, int - number of classes to predict
        conv1_channels, int - number of filters in the 1st conv layer
        conv2_channels, int - number of filters in the 2nd conv layer
        self.conv1 = ConvolutionalLayer(input_shape[2], conv1_channels, 3, 1)
        self.reLu1 = ReLULayer()
        self.mxPl1 = MaxPoolingLayer(4, 4)
        self.conv2 = ConvolutionalLayer(conv1_channels, conv2_channels, 3, 1)
        self.reLu2 = ReLULayer()
        self.mxPl2 = MaxPoolingLayer(4, 4)
        self.flat = Flattener()
        self.fCL = FullyConnectedLayer(4 * conv2_channels, n_output_classes)

    def compute_loss_and_gradients(self, X, y):
        Computes total loss and updates parameter gradients
        on a batch of training examples

        X, np array (batch_size, height, width, input_features) - input data
        y, np array of int (batch_size) - classes
        # Before running forward and backward pass through the model,
        # clear parameter gradients aggregated from the previous pass

        # TODO Compute loss and fill param gradients
        # Don't worry about implementing L2 regularization, we will not
        # need it in this assignment
        for param in self.params().values():
            param.grad = np.zeros_like(param.value)

            # TODO Compute loss and fill param gradients
            # Don't worry about implementing L2 regularization, we will not
            # need it in this assignment
            # raise Exception("Not implemented!")
        pred = self.conv1.forward(X)
        pred = self.reLu1.forward(pred)
        pred = self.mxPl1.forward(pred)
        pred = self.conv2.forward(pred)
        pred = self.reLu2.forward(pred)
        pred = self.mxPl2.forward(pred)
        pred = self.flat.forward(pred)
        pred = self.fCL.forward(pred)
        loss, loss_grad = softmax_with_cross_entropy(pred, y)

        grad = self.fCL.backward(loss_grad)
        grad = self.flat.backward(grad)
        grad = self.mxPl2.backward(grad)
        grad = self.reLu2.backward(grad)
        grad = self.conv2.backward(grad)
        grad = self.mxPl1.backward(grad)
        grad = self.reLu1.backward(grad)
        grad = self.conv1.backward(grad)

        return loss

    def predict(self, X):
        # You can probably copy the code from previous assignment
        pred = self.conv1.forward(X)
        pred = self.reLu1.forward(pred)
        pred = self.mxPl1.forward(pred)
        pred = self.conv2.forward(pred)
        pred = self.reLu2.forward(pred)
        pred = self.mxPl2.forward(pred)
        pred = self.flat.forward(pred)
        pred = self.fCL.forward(pred)
        pred = np.argmax(pred, axis=1)

        return pred

    def params(self):
        result = {}

        result['Conv1W'] = self.conv1.params()['W']
        result['Conv2W'] = self.conv2.params()['W']
        result['FC_W'] = self.fCL.params()['W']
        result['Conv1B'] = self.conv1.params()['B']
        result['Conv2B'] = self.conv2.params()['B']
        result['FC_B'] = self.fCL.params()['B']

        return result