def copy_block( full_block_roi, clipped_block_roi ):
            full_block_roi = numpy.asarray(full_block_roi)
            clipped_block_roi = numpy.asarray(clipped_block_roi)
            output_roi = numpy.asarray(clipped_block_roi) - roi.start

            # If data data exists already or we can just fetch it without needing extra scratch space,
            # just call the base class
            block_roi = self._get_containing_block_roi( clipped_block_roi )
            if block_roi is not None or (full_block_roi == clipped_block_roi).all():
                self._execute_Output_impl( clipped_block_roi, result[roiToSlice(*output_roi)] )
            elif self.Input.meta.dontcache:
                # Data isn't in the cache, but we don't need it in the cache anyway.
                # Data doesn't exist yet in the cache.
                # Request the full block, but then discard the parts we don't need.
                # (We use allocateDestination() here to support MaskedArray types.)
                # TODO: We should probably just get rid of MaskedArray support altogether...
                full_block_data = self.Output.stype.allocateDestination( SubRegion(self.Output, *full_block_roi ) )
                self._execute_Output_impl( full_block_roi, full_block_data )
                roi_within_block = clipped_block_roi - full_block_roi[0]
                self.Output.stype.copy_data( result[roiToSlice(*output_roi)],
                                             full_block_data[roiToSlice(*roi_within_block)] )
Ejemplo n.º 2
        def setInSlot(self, slot, key, value):
            start, stop = sliceToRoi(key, self.shape)
            blockStart = (1.0 * start / self._blockShape).floor()
            blockStop = (1.0 * stop / self._blockShape).ceil()
            blockStop = numpy.where(stop == self.shape, self._dirtyShape, blockStop)
            blockKey = roiToSlice(blockStart,blockStop)
            innerBlocks = self._blockNumbers[blockKey]
            for b_ind in innerBlocks.ravel():

                offset = self._blockShape*self._flatBlockIndices[b_ind]
                bigstart = numpy.maximum(offset, start)
                bigstop = numpy.minimum(offset + self._blockShape, stop)
                smallstart = bigstart-offset
                smallstop = bigstop - offset
                bigkey = roiToSlice(bigstart-start, bigstop-start)
                smallkey = roiToSlice(smallstart, smallstop)
                if not b_ind in self._labelers:
                self._labelers[b_ind].inputs["Input"][smallkey] = value[tuple(bigkey)].squeeze()
    def _copyData(self, roi, destination, block_starts):
        Copy data from each block into the destination array.
        For blocks that aren't currently stored, just write zeros.
        # (Parallelism not needed here: h5py will serialize these requests anyway)
        block_starts = map( tuple, block_starts )
        for block_start in block_starts:
            entire_block_roi = getBlockBounds( self.Output.meta.shape, self._blockshape, block_start )

            # This block's portion of the roi
            intersecting_roi = getIntersection( (roi.start, roi.stop), entire_block_roi )
            # Compute slicing within destination array and slicing within this block
            destination_relative_intersection = numpy.subtract(intersecting_roi, roi.start)
            block_relative_intersection = numpy.subtract(intersecting_roi, block_start)
            destination_relative_intersection_slicing = roiToSlice(*destination_relative_intersection)
            block_relative_intersection_slicing = roiToSlice(*block_relative_intersection)

            if block_start in self._cacheFiles:
                # Copy from block to destination
                dataset = self._getBlockDataset( entire_block_roi )

                if self.Output.meta.has_mask:
                    destination[ destination_relative_intersection_slicing ] = dataset["data"][ block_relative_intersection_slicing ]
                    destination.mask[ destination_relative_intersection_slicing ] = dataset["mask"][ block_relative_intersection_slicing ]
                    destination.fill_value = dataset["fill_value"][()]
                    destination[ destination_relative_intersection_slicing ] = dataset[ block_relative_intersection_slicing ]
                # Not stored yet.  Overwrite with zeros.
                destination[ destination_relative_intersection_slicing ] = 0
Ejemplo n.º 4
        def setInSlot(self, slot, key, value):
            shape = self.inputs["shape"].value
            eraseLabel = self.inputs["eraser"].value
            neutralElement = 0
            #fix slicing of single dimensions:            
            start, stop = sliceToRoi(key, shape, extendSingleton = False)
            start = start.floor()
            stop = stop.floor()
            tempKey = roiToSlice(start-start, stop-start, hardBind = True)
            stop += numpy.where(stop-start == 0,1,0)

            key = roiToSlice(start,stop)

            updateShape = tuple(stop-start)
            update = self._denseArray[key].copy()
            update[tempKey] = value

            startRavel = numpy.ravel_multi_index(numpy.array(start, numpy.int32),shape)
            #insert values into dict
            updateNZ = numpy.nonzero(numpy.where(update != neutralElement,1,0))
            updateNZRavelSmall = numpy.ravel_multi_index(updateNZ, updateShape)
            if isinstance(value, numpy.ndarray):
                valuesNZ = value.ravel()[updateNZRavelSmall]
                valuesNZ = value
            updateNZRavel = numpy.ravel_multi_index(updateNZ, shape)
            updateNZRavel += startRavel        
            self._denseArray.ravel()[updateNZRavel] = valuesNZ        
            valuesNZ = self._denseArray.ravel()[updateNZRavel]
            self._denseArray.ravel()[updateNZRavel] =  valuesNZ       
            td = blist.sorteddict(zip(updateNZRavel.tolist(),valuesNZ.tolist()))
            #remove values to be deleted
            updateNZ = numpy.nonzero(numpy.where(update == eraseLabel,1,0))
            if len(updateNZ)>0:
                updateNZRavel = numpy.ravel_multi_index(updateNZ, shape)
                updateNZRavel += startRavel    
                self._denseArray.ravel()[updateNZRavel] = neutralElement
                for index in updateNZRavel:
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def execute(self, slot, subindex, roi, result):
        key = roiToSlice(roi.start,roi.stop)

        #subregion start and stop
        start = self.inputs["region_start"].value
        stop = self.inputs["region_stop"].value

        #get start and stop coordinates
        ostart, ostop = sliceToRoi(key, self.shape)
        #calculate the new reading start and stop coordinates
        rstart = start + ostart
        rstop  = start + ostop
        #create reading key
        rkey = roiToSlice(rstart,rstop)

        #write the subregion to the output
        #self.inputs["Input"][key] returns an "GetItemWriterObject" object
        #its method "writeInto" will be called, which will call the
        #"fireRequest" method of the, in this case, the Input-Slot,
        #which will return an "GetItemRequestObject" object. While this
        #object will be creating the "putTask" method of the graph object
        #will be called
        req = self.inputs["Input"][rkey].writeInto(result)
        res = req()
        return res
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def setInSlot(self, slot, subindex, roi, value):
        assert slot == self.inputs["Input"]
        ch = self._cacheHits
        ch += 1
        self._cacheHits = ch
        start, stop = roi.start, roi.stop
        blockStart = numpy.ceil(1.0 * start / self._blockShape)
        blockStop = numpy.floor(1.0 * stop / self._blockShape)
        blockStop = numpy.where(stop == self.Output.meta.shape,
                                self._dirtyShape, blockStop)
        blockKey = roiToSlice(blockStart, blockStop)

        if (self._blockState[blockKey] != OpArrayCache.CLEAN).any():
            start2 = blockStart * self._blockShape
            stop2 = blockStop * self._blockShape
            stop2 = numpy.minimum(stop2, self.Output.meta.shape)
            key2 = roiToSlice(start2, stop2)
            with self._lock:
                if self._cache is None:
                    self._cache[key2], value[roiToSlice(
                        start2 - start, stop2 - start)])
                self._blockState[blockKey] = self._dirtyState
                self._blockQuery[blockKey] = None
Ejemplo n.º 7
 def setInSlot(self, slot, key, value):
     if slot == self.inputs["Input"]:
         ch = self._cacheHits
         ch += 1
         self._cacheHits = ch
         start, stop = sliceToRoi(key, self.shape)
         blockStart = numpy.ceil(1.0 * start / self._blockShape)
         blockStop = numpy.floor(1.0 * stop / self._blockShape)
         blockStop = numpy.where(stop == self.shape, self._dirtyShape, blockStop)
         blockKey = roiToSlice(blockStart,blockStop)
         if (self._blockState[blockKey] != 2).any():
             start2 = blockStart * self._blockShape
             stop2 = blockStop * self._blockShape
             stop2 = numpy.minimum(stop2, self.shape)
             key2 = roiToSlice(start2,stop2)
             if self._cache is None:
             self._cache[key2] = value[roiToSlice(start2-start,stop2-start)]
             self._blockState[blockKey] = self._dirtyState
             self._blockQuery[blockKey] = None
         #pass request on
         #if not self._fixed:
         #    self.outputs["Output"][key] = value
     if slot == self.inputs["fixAtCurrent"]:
         self._fixed = value
         assert 1==2
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def _serialize(self, group, name, slot):
        logger.debug("Serializing BlockSlot: {}".format( ))
        mygroup = group.create_group(name)
        num = len(self.blockslot)
        for index in range(num):
            subname = self.subname.format(index)
            subgroup = mygroup.create_group(subname)
            nonZeroBlocks = self.blockslot[index].value
            for blockIndex, slicing in enumerate(nonZeroBlocks):
                block = self.slot[index][slicing].wait()
                blockName = 'block{:04d}'.format(blockIndex)

                if self._shrink_to_bb:
                    nonzero_coords = numpy.nonzero(block)
                    if len(nonzero_coords[0]) > 0:
                        block_start = sliceToRoi( slicing, (0,)*len(slicing) )[0]
                        block_bounding_box_start = numpy.array( map( numpy.min, nonzero_coords ) )
                        block_bounding_box_stop = 1 + numpy.array( map( numpy.max, nonzero_coords ) )
                        block_slicing = roiToSlice( block_bounding_box_start, block_bounding_box_stop )
                        bounding_box_roi = numpy.array([block_bounding_box_start, block_bounding_box_stop])
                        bounding_box_roi += block_start
                        # Overwrite the vars that are written to the file
                        slicing = roiToSlice(*bounding_box_roi)
                        block = block[block_slicing]

                subgroup.create_dataset(blockName, data=block)
                subgroup[blockName].attrs['blockSlice'] = slicingToString(slicing)
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def execute(self, slot, subindex, roi, result):
        key = roiToSlice(roi.start,roi.stop)

        #make shape of the input known
        shape = self.inputs["Input"].meta.shape
        #get N-D coordinate out of slice
        rstart, rstop = sliceToRoi(key, shape)

        #shift the reading scope
        rstart -=  self.shift
        rstop  -=  self.shift

        #calculate wrinting scope
        wstart = - numpy.minimum(rstart,rstart-rstart)
        wstop  = result.shape + numpy.minimum(numpy.array(shape)-rstop, rstop-rstop)

        #shifted rstart/rstop has to be in the original range (not out of range)
        #for shifts in both directions
        rstart = numpy.minimum(rstart,numpy.array(shape))
        rstart = numpy.maximum(rstart, rstart - rstart)
        rstop  = numpy.minimum(rstop,numpy.array(shape))
        rstop = numpy.maximum(rstop, rstop-rstop)

        #create slice out of the reading start and stop coordinates
        rkey = roiToSlice(rstart,rstop)

        #create slice out of the reading start and stop coordinates
        wkey = roiToSlice(wstart,wstop)

        #prefill result array with 0's
        result[:] = 0
        #write the shifted scope to the output
        req = self.inputs["Input"][rkey].writeInto(result[wkey])
        res = req.wait()
        return res
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def _setInSlotInput(self, slot, subindex, roi, value):
        assert len(roi.stop) == len(self.Input.meta.shape), "roi: {} has the wrong number of dimensions for Input shape: {}".format( roi, self.Input.meta.shape )
        assert numpy.less_equal(roi.stop, self.Input.meta.shape).all(), "roi: {} is out-of-bounds for Input shape: {}".format( roi, self.Input.meta.shape )
        block_starts = getIntersectingBlocks( self._blockshape, (roi.start, roi.stop) )
        block_starts = map( tuple, block_starts )

        # Copy data to each block
        logger.debug( "Copying data INTO {} blocks...".format( len(block_starts) ) )
        for block_start in block_starts:
            entire_block_roi = getBlockBounds( self.Input.meta.shape, self._blockshape, block_start )

            # This block's portion of the roi
            intersecting_roi = getIntersection( (roi.start, roi.stop), entire_block_roi )
            # Compute slicing within source array and slicing within this block
            source_relative_intersection = numpy.subtract(intersecting_roi, roi.start)
            block_relative_intersection = numpy.subtract(intersecting_roi, block_start)
            # Copy from source to block
            dataset = self._getBlockDataset( entire_block_roi )
            dataset[ roiToSlice( *block_relative_intersection ) ] = value[ roiToSlice(*source_relative_intersection) ]

            # Here, we assume that if this function is used to update ANY PART of a 
            #  block, he is responsible for updating the ENTIRE block.
            # Therefore, this block is no longer 'dirty'
            self._dirtyBlocks.discard( block_start )
Ejemplo n.º 11
    def execute(self, slot, subindex, roi, result):
        block_roi_start = roi.start / DVID_BLOCK_WIDTH
        block_roi_stop = ( roi.stop + DVID_BLOCK_WIDTH-1 ) / DVID_BLOCK_WIDTH
        block_slicing = roiToSlice(block_roi_start, block_roi_stop)

        if (numpy.array( (roi.start, roi.stop) ) % DVID_BLOCK_WIDTH).any():
            # Create an array that is bigger than the result, but block-aligned.
            aligned_result_shape = (block_roi_stop - block_roi_start) * DVID_BLOCK_WIDTH
            aligned_result = numpy.ndarray( aligned_result_shape, numpy.uint8 )
            aligned_result = result

        aligned_result_view = blockwise_view(aligned_result, 3*(DVID_BLOCK_WIDTH,), require_aligned_blocks=False)

        if self._transpose_axes:
            dset_slicing = tuple(reversed(block_slicing))
            # broadcast 3d data into 6d view
            aligned_result_view[:] = self._dset[dset_slicing].transpose()[..., None, None, None]
            # broadcast 3d data into 6d view
            aligned_result_view[:] = self._dset[block_slicing][..., None, None, None]
        # If the result wasn't aligned, we couldn't broadcast directly to it.
        # Copy the data now.
        if aligned_result is not result:
            start = roi.start - (block_roi_start*DVID_BLOCK_WIDTH)
            stop = start + (roi.stop - roi.start)
            result[:] = aligned_result[roiToSlice(start, stop)]
Ejemplo n.º 12
    def _executeOutput(self, roi, destination):
        assert len(roi.stop) == len(self.Input.meta.shape), "roi: {} has the wrong number of dimensions for Input shape: {}".format( roi, self.Input.meta.shape )
        assert numpy.less_equal(roi.stop, self.Input.meta.shape).all(), "roi: {} is out-of-bounds for Input shape: {}".format( roi, self.Input.meta.shape )
        block_starts = getIntersectingBlocks( self._blockshape, (roi.start, roi.stop) )
        block_starts = map( tuple, block_starts )

        # Ensure all block cache files are up-to-date
        reqPool = RequestPool() # (Do the work in parallel.)
        for block_start in block_starts:
            entire_block_roi = getBlockBounds( self.Input.meta.shape, self._blockshape, block_start )
            f = partial( self._ensureCached, entire_block_roi)
            reqPool.add( Request(f) )
        logger.debug( "Waiting for {} blocks...".format( len(block_starts) ) )

        # Copy data from each block
        # (Parallelism not needed here: h5py will serialize these requests anyway)
        logger.debug( "Copying data from {} blocks...".format( len(block_starts) ) )
        for block_start in block_starts:
            entire_block_roi = getBlockBounds( self.Input.meta.shape, self._blockshape, block_start )

            # This block's portion of the roi
            intersecting_roi = getIntersection( (roi.start, roi.stop), entire_block_roi )
            # Compute slicing within destination array and slicing within this block
            destination_relative_intersection = numpy.subtract(intersecting_roi, roi.start)
            block_relative_intersection = numpy.subtract(intersecting_roi, block_start)
            # Copy from block to destination
            dataset = self._getBlockDataset( entire_block_roi )
            destination[ roiToSlice(*destination_relative_intersection) ] = dataset[ roiToSlice( *block_relative_intersection ) ]
        return destination
Ejemplo n.º 13
    def _copyData(self, roi, destination, block_starts):
        # Copy data from each block
        # (Parallelism not needed here: h5py will serialize these requests anyway)
        logger.debug( "Copying data from {} blocks...".format( len(block_starts) ) )
        for block_start in block_starts:
            entire_block_roi = getBlockBounds( self.Output.meta.shape, self._blockshape, block_start )

            # This block's portion of the roi
            intersecting_roi = getIntersection( (roi.start, roi.stop), entire_block_roi )
            # Compute slicing within destination array and slicing within this block
            destination_relative_intersection = numpy.subtract(intersecting_roi, roi.start)
            block_relative_intersection = numpy.subtract(intersecting_roi, block_start)
            destination_relative_intersection_slicing = roiToSlice(*destination_relative_intersection)
            block_relative_intersection_slicing = roiToSlice( *block_relative_intersection )
            # Copy from block to destination
            dataset = self._getBlockDataset( entire_block_roi )
            if self.Output.meta.has_mask:
      [ destination_relative_intersection_slicing ] = dataset["data"][ block_relative_intersection_slicing ]
                destination.mask[ destination_relative_intersection_slicing ] = dataset["mask"][ block_relative_intersection_slicing ]
                destination.fill_value = dataset["fill_value"][()]
                destination[ destination_relative_intersection_slicing ] = dataset[ block_relative_intersection_slicing ]
            self._last_access_times[block_start] = time.time()
Ejemplo n.º 14
    def execute(self, slot, subindex, roi, result):
        key = roiToSlice(roi.start, roi.stop)

        shape = self.inputs["Input"].meta.shape
        rstart, rstop = sliceToRoi(key, self.outputs["Output"].meta.shape)
        rkey = roiToSlice(rstart, rstop)
        img = self.inputs["Input"][rkey].allocate().wait()

        stop = img.size

        seg = []

        for i in range(0, stop, img.shape[-1]):
            curr_prob = -1
            highest_class = -1
            for c in range(img.shape[-1]):
                prob = img.ravel()[i + c]
                if prob > curr_prob:
                    curr_prob = prob
                    highest_class = c
            assert highest_class != -1, "OpSegmentation: Strange classes/probabilities"


        seg = numpy.array(seg)

        return seg[:]
Ejemplo n.º 15
    def _retrieve_local_tile(self, rest_args, tile_relative_intersection, data_out):
        tile_path = self.description.tile_url_format.format( **rest_args )
        logger.debug("Opening {}".format( tile_path ))

        if not os.path.exists(tile_path):
            logger.error("Tile does not exist: {}".format( tile_path ))
            data_out[...] = 0

        # Read the image from the disk with vigra
        img = vigra.impex.readImage(tile_path, dtype='NATIVE')
        assert img.ndim == 3
        if self.description.is_rgb:
            # "Convert" to grayscale -- just take first channel.
            img = img[...,0:1]
        assert img.shape[-1] == 1, "Image has more channels than expected.  "\
                                   "If it is RGB, be sure to set the is_rgb flag in your description json."
        # img has axes xyc, but we want zyx
        img = img.transpose()[None,0,:,:]

        if self.description.invert_y_axis:
            # More special Raveler support:
            # Raveler's conventions for the Y-axis are the reverse for everyone else's.
            img = img[:, ::-1, :]

        # Copy just the part we need into the destination array
        assert img[roiToSlice(*tile_relative_intersection)].shape == data_out.shape
        data_out[:] = img[roiToSlice(*tile_relative_intersection)]

        # If there's a special transform, apply it now.
        if self.description.data_transform_function is not None:
            transform = eval(self.description.data_transform_function)
            data_out[:] = transform(data_out)
Ejemplo n.º 16
    def getOutSlot(self, slot, key, result):
        start, stop = sliceToRoi(key, self.shape)
        diff = stop-start
        splitDim = numpy.argmax(diff[:-1])
        splitPos = start[splitDim] + diff[splitDim] / 2
        stop2 = stop.copy()
        stop2[splitDim] = splitPos
        start2 = start.copy()
        start2[splitDim] = splitPos
        destStart = start -start # zeros
        destStop = stop - start
        destStop2 = destStop.copy()
        destStop2[splitDim] = diff[splitDim] / 2
        destStart2 = destStart.copy()
        destStart2[splitDim] = diff[splitDim] / 2
        writeKey1 = roiToSlice(destStart,destStop2)        
        writeKey2 = roiToSlice(destStart2,destStop)        
        key1 = roiToSlice(start,stop2)
        key2 = roiToSlice(start2,stop)

        req1 = self.inputs["Input"][key1].writeInto(result[writeKey1])
        req2 = self.inputs["Input"][key2].writeInto(result[writeKey2])
Ejemplo n.º 17
    def execute(self, slot, subindex, rroi, result):
        key = roiToSlice(rroi.start, rroi.stop)
        index = subindex[0]
        # Index of the input slice this data will come from.
        sliceIndex = self.getSliceIndexes()[index]

        outshape = self.Slices[index].meta.shape
        start, stop = roi.sliceToRoi(key, outshape)

        start = list(start)
        stop = list(stop)

        flag = self.AxisFlag.value
        indexAxis = self.Input.meta.axistags.index(flag)


        start.insert(indexAxis, sliceIndex)
        stop.insert(indexAxis, sliceIndex)

        newKey = roi.roiToSlice(numpy.array(start), numpy.array(stop))

        return result
Ejemplo n.º 18
    def execute(self, slot, subindex, rroi, result):
        key = roiToSlice(rroi.start, rroi.stop)
        index = subindex[0]
        # Index of the input slice this data will come from.
        sliceIndex = self.getSliceIndexes()[index]

        outshape = self.outputs["Slices"][index].meta.shape




        start.insert(indexAxis, sliceIndex)
        stop.insert(indexAxis, sliceIndex)


        ttt = self.inputs["Input"][newKey].allocate().wait()
        return ttt[:]
Ejemplo n.º 19
    def _transferBlockDataHdf5(self, entire_block_roi, block_relative_roi, array_data, array_slicing, read, datasetPathComponents ):
        Transfer a block of data to/from an hdf5 dataset.
        See _transferBlockData() for details.
        We use separate parameters for array_data and array_slicing to allow users to pass an hdf5 dataset for array_data.
        # For the hdf5 format, the full path format INCLUDES the dataset name, e.g. /path/to/myfile.h5/volume/data
        path_parts = datasetPathComponents
        datasetDir = path_parts.externalDirectory
        hdf5FilePath = path_parts.externalPath
        if len(path_parts.internalPath) == 0:
            raise RuntimeError("Your hdf5 block filename format MUST specify an internal path, e.g. block{roiString}.h5/volume/blockdata")

        block_start = entire_block_roi[0]
        if read:
            # Check for problems before reading.
            if self.getBlockStatus( block_start ) is not BlockwiseFileset.BLOCK_AVAILABLE:
                raise BlockwiseFileset.BlockNotReadyError( block_start )

            hdf5File = self._getOpenHdf5Blockfile( hdf5FilePath )

            if self._description.dtype != object and isinstance(array_data, numpy.ndarray) and array_data.flags.c_contiguous:
                hdf5File[ path_parts.internalPath ].read_direct( array_data, roiToSlice( *block_relative_roi ), array_slicing )
            elif self._description.dtype == object:
                # We store arrays of dtype=object as arrays of pickle strings.
                array_pickled_data = hdf5File[ path_parts.internalPath ][ roiToSlice( *block_relative_roi ) ]
                array_data[ array_slicing ] = vectorized_pickle_loads(array_pickled_data)
                array_data[ array_slicing ] = hdf5File[ path_parts.internalPath ][ roiToSlice( *block_relative_roi ) ]
            # Create the directory
            if not os.path.exists( datasetDir ):
                os.makedirs( datasetDir )
                # For debug purposes, output a copy of the settings 
                #  that were active **when this block was created**
                descriptionFileName = os.path.split(self._descriptionFilePath)[1]
                debugDescriptionFileCopyPath = os.path.join(datasetDir, descriptionFileName)
                BlockwiseFileset.writeDescription(debugDescriptionFileCopyPath, self._description)

            # Clear the block status.
            # The CALLER is responsible for setting it again.
            self.setBlockStatus( block_start, BlockwiseFileset.BLOCK_NOT_AVAILABLE )

            # Write the block data file
            hdf5File = self._getOpenHdf5Blockfile( hdf5FilePath )
            if path_parts.internalPath not in hdf5File:
                self._createDatasetInFile( hdf5File, path_parts.internalPath, entire_block_roi )
            dataset = hdf5File[ path_parts.internalPath ]
            data = array_data[ array_slicing ]
            if data.dtype == object:
                # hdf5 can't handle datasets with dtype=object,
                #  so we have to pickle each item first.
                dataset[ roiToSlice( *block_relative_roi ) ] = vectorized_pickle_dumps(data)
                dataset[ roiToSlice( *block_relative_roi ) ] = data
Ejemplo n.º 20
        def execute(self, slot, roi, result):
            key = roi.toSlice()
            assert(self.inputs["eraser"].connected() == True and self.inputs["shape"].connected() == True and self.inputs["blockShape"].connected()==True), \
            "OpDenseSparseArray:  One of the neccessary input slots is not connected: shape: %r, eraser: %r" % \
            (self.inputs["eraser"].connected(), self.inputs["shape"].connected())
            if == "Output":
                #result[:] = self._denseArray[key]
                #find the block key
                start, stop = sliceToRoi(key, self.shape)
                blockStart = (1.0 * start / self._blockShape).floor()
                blockStop = (1.0 * stop / self._blockShape).ceil()
                blockKey = roiToSlice(blockStart,blockStop)
                innerBlocks = self._blockNumbers[blockKey]
                if lazyflow.verboseRequests:
                    print "OpBlockedSparseLabelArray %r: request with key %r for %d inner Blocks " % (self,key, len(innerBlocks.ravel()))    
                for b_ind in innerBlocks.ravel():
                    #which part of the original key does this block fill?
                    offset = self._blockShape*self._flatBlockIndices[b_ind]
                    bigstart = numpy.maximum(offset, start)
                    bigstop = numpy.minimum(offset + self._blockShape, stop)
                    smallstart = bigstart-offset
                    smallstop = bigstop - offset
                    bigkey = roiToSlice(bigstart-start, bigstop-start)
                    smallkey = roiToSlice(smallstart, smallstop)
                    if not b_ind in self._labelers:
            elif == "nonzeroValues":
                nzvalues = set()
                for l in self._labelers.values():
                    nzvalues |= set(l._sparseNZ.values())
                result[0] = numpy.array(list(nzvalues))

            elif == "nonzeroCoordinates":
                print "not supported yet"
                #result[0] = numpy.array(self._sparseNZ.keys())
            elif == "nonzeroBlocks":
                #we only return all non-zero blocks, no keys
                slicelist = []
                for b_ind in self._labelers.keys():
                    offset = self._blockShape*self._flatBlockIndices[b_ind]
                    bigstart = offset
                    bigstop = numpy.minimum(offset + self._blockShape, self.shape)                    
                    bigkey = roiToSlice(bigstart, bigstop)
                result[0] = slicelist
            return result
    def execute(self, slot, subindex, roi, result):
        key = roi.toSlice()
        assert(self.inputs["eraser"].ready() == True and self.inputs["shape"].ready() == True and self.inputs["blockShape"].ready()==True), \
        "OpBlockedSparseLabelArray:  One of the neccessary input slots is not ready: shape: %r, eraser: %r" % \
        (self.inputs["eraser"].ready(), self.inputs["shape"].ready())
        if == "Output":
                #result[:] = self._denseArray[key]
                #find the block key
            start, stop = sliceToRoi(key, self._cacheShape)
            blockStart = (1.0 * start / self._blockShape).floor()
            blockStop = (1.0 * stop / self._blockShape).ceil()
            blockKey = roiToSlice(blockStart,blockStop)
            innerBlocks = self._blockNumbers[blockKey]
            for b_ind in innerBlocks.ravel():
                #which part of the original key does this block fill?
                offset = self._blockShape*self._flatBlockIndices[b_ind]
                bigstart = numpy.maximum(offset, start)
                bigstop = numpy.minimum(offset + self._blockShape, stop)

                smallstart = bigstart-offset
                smallstop = bigstop - offset

                bigkey = roiToSlice(bigstart-start, bigstop-start)
                smallkey = roiToSlice(smallstart, smallstop)
                if not b_ind in self._labelers or not self._labelers[b_ind].Output.ready():
                        labeler = self._labelers[b_ind]
                        denseArray = labeler._denseArray[smallkey]
                        result[bigkey]= denseArray
                        logger.error( "Exception in OpBlockedSparseLabelArray.execute, probably due to simultaneous calls to setInSlot() and execute()" )
                        logger.error( "labeler = {}".format( labeler ) )
                        logger.error( "denseArray = {}".format( denseArray ) )
                        logger.error( "result = {}".format( result ) )

        elif == "nonzeroValues":
            nzvalues = set()
            for l in self._labelers.values():
                nzvalues |= set(l._sparseNZ.values())
            result[0] = numpy.array(list(nzvalues))

        elif == "nonzeroCoordinates":
            assert False, "not supported yet"
            #result[0] = numpy.array(self._sparseNZ.keys())
        elif == "nonzeroBlocks":
            #we only return all non-zero blocks, no keys
            result[0] = self._get_nonzero_blocks()
        elif == "maxLabel":
            result[0] = self._maxLabel

        return result
Ejemplo n.º 22
    def _serialize(self, group, name, slot):
        logger.debug("Serializing BlockSlot: {}".format( ))
        mygroup = group.create_group(name)
        num = len(self.blockslot)
        for index in range(num):
            subname = self.subname.format(index)
            subgroup = mygroup.create_group(subname)
            nonZeroBlocks = self.blockslot[index].value
            for blockIndex, slicing in enumerate(nonZeroBlocks):
                if not isinstance(slicing[0], slice):
                    slicing = roiToSlice(*slicing)

                block = self.slot[index][slicing].wait()
                blockName = 'block{:04d}'.format(blockIndex)

                if self._shrink_to_bb:
                    nonzero_coords = numpy.nonzero(block)
                    if len(nonzero_coords[0]) > 0:
                        block_start = sliceToRoi( slicing, (0,)*len(slicing) )[0]
                        block_bounding_box_start = numpy.array( list(map( numpy.min, nonzero_coords )) )
                        block_bounding_box_stop = 1 + numpy.array( list(map( numpy.max, nonzero_coords )) )
                        block_slicing = roiToSlice( block_bounding_box_start, block_bounding_box_stop )
                        bounding_box_roi = numpy.array([block_bounding_box_start, block_bounding_box_stop])
                        bounding_box_roi += block_start
                        # Overwrite the vars that are written to the file
                        slicing = roiToSlice(*bounding_box_roi)
                        block = block[block_slicing]

                # If we have a masked array, convert it to a structured array so that h5py can handle it.
                if slot[index].meta.has_mask:
                    mygroup.attrs["meta.has_mask"] = True

                    block_group = subgroup.create_group(blockName)

                    if self.compression_level:
                    block_group.create_dataset("fill_value", data=block.fill_value)

                    block_group.attrs['blockSlice'] = slicingToString(slicing)
                    subgroup.create_dataset(blockName, data=block)
                    subgroup[blockName].attrs['blockSlice'] = slicingToString(slicing)
def normalize_synapse_ids(current_slice, current_roi, previous_slice, previous_roi, maxLabel):
    current_roi = numpy.array(current_roi)
    intersection_roi = None
    if previous_roi is not None:
        previous_roi = numpy.array(previous_roi)
        current_roi_2d = current_roi[:, :-1]
        previous_roi_2d = previous_roi[:, :-1]
        intersection_roi = getIntersection( current_roi_2d, previous_roi_2d, assertIntersect=False )

    if intersection_roi is None or previous_slice is None or abs(int(current_roi[0,2]) - int(previous_roi[0,2])) > 1:
        # We want our synapse ids to be consecutive, so we do a proper relabeling.
        # If we could guarantee that the input slice was already consecutive, we could do this:
        # relabeled_current = numpy.where( current_slice, current_slice+maxLabel, 0 )
        # ... but that's not the case.

        current_unique_labels = numpy.unique(current_slice)
        assert current_unique_labels[0] == 0, "This function assumes that not all pixels belong to detections."
        if len(current_unique_labels) == 1:
            # No objects in this slice.
            return current_slice, maxLabel
        max_current_label = current_unique_labels[-1]
        relabel = numpy.zeros( (max_current_label+1,), dtype=numpy.uint32 )
        new_max = maxLabel + len(current_unique_labels)-1
        relabel[(current_unique_labels[1:],)] = numpy.arange( maxLabel+1, new_max+1, dtype=numpy.uint32 )
        return relabel[current_slice], new_max
    # Extract the intersecting region from the current/prev slices,
    #  so its easy to compare corresponding pixels
    current_intersection_roi = numpy.subtract(intersection_roi, current_roi_2d[0])
    prev_intersection_roi = numpy.subtract(intersection_roi, previous_roi_2d[0])    
    current_intersection_slice = current_slice[roiToSlice(*current_intersection_roi)]
    prev_intersection_slice = previous_slice[roiToSlice(*prev_intersection_roi)]

    # omit label 0
    previous_slice_objects = numpy.unique(previous_slice)[1:]
    current_slice_objects = numpy.unique(current_slice)[1:]
    max_current_object = max(0, *current_slice_objects)
    relabel = numpy.zeros((max_current_object+1,), dtype=numpy.uint32)
    for cc in previous_slice_objects:
        current_labels = numpy.unique(current_intersection_slice[prev_intersection_slice==cc].flat)
        for cur_label in current_labels:
            relabel[cur_label] = cc
    for cur_object in current_slice_objects:
        if relabel[cur_object]==0:
            relabel[cur_object] = maxLabel+1

    relabel[0] = 0

    # Relabel the entire current slice
    relabeled_slice_objects = relabel[current_slice]
    return relabeled_slice_objects, maxLabel
Ejemplo n.º 24
    def execute(self, slot, subindex, roi, result):
        key = roiToSlice(roi.start,roi.stop)
        shape = self.inputs["Input"].meta.shape

        rstart, rstop = sliceToRoi(key, self.outputs["Output"].meta.shape)
        rstart[-1] = 0
        rstop[-1] = shape[-1]
        rkey = roiToSlice(rstart, rstop)
        img = self.inputs["Input"][rkey].wait()
        axis = img.ndim - 1
        result = numpy.argmax(img, axis=axis)
        result.resize(result.shape + (1,))
        return result
Ejemplo n.º 25
    def testCompressed(self):
        graph = Graph()
        opDataProvider = OpArrayPiperWithAccessCount( graph=graph )
        opCache = OpUnblockedArrayCache( graph=graph )
        data = np.random.random( (100,100,100) ).astype(np.float32)
        opDataProvider.Input.setValue( vigra.taggedView( data, 'zyx' ) )
        opCache.Input.connect( opDataProvider.Output )
        roi = ((30, 30, 30), (50, 50, 50))
        cache_data = opCache.Output( *roi ).wait()
        assert (cache_data == data[roiToSlice(*roi)]).all()
        assert opDataProvider.accessCount == 1

        # Request the same data a second time.
        # Access count should not change.
        cache_data = opCache.Output( *roi ).wait()
        assert (cache_data == data[roiToSlice(*roi)]).all()
        assert opDataProvider.accessCount == 1
        # Now invalidate a part of the data
        # The cache will discard it, so the access count should increase.
        opDataProvider.Input.setDirty( (30, 30, 30), (31, 31, 31) )
        cache_data = opCache.Output( *roi ).wait()
        assert (cache_data == data[roiToSlice(*roi)]).all()
        assert opDataProvider.accessCount == 2
        # Repeat this next part just for safety
        for _ in range(10):
            # Make sure the cache is empty
            opDataProvider.Input.setDirty( (30, 30, 30), (31, 31, 31) )
            opDataProvider.accessCount = 0

            # Create many requests for the same data.
            # Upstream data should only be accessed ONCE.
            pool = RequestPool()
            for _ in range(10):
                pool.add( opCache.Output( *roi ) )
            assert opDataProvider.accessCount == 1

        # Also, make sure requests for INNER rois of stored blocks are also serviced from memory
        opDataProvider.accessCount = 0
        inner_roi = ((35, 35, 35), (45, 45, 45))
        cache_data = opCache.Output( *inner_roi ).wait()
        assert (cache_data == data[roiToSlice(*inner_roi)]).all()
        assert opDataProvider.accessCount == 0
    def _executeBlockwiseRegionFeatures(self, roi, destination):
        Provide data for the BlockwiseRegionFeatures slot.
        Note: Each block produces a single element of this slot's output.  Construct requested roi coordinates accordingly.
              e.g. if block_shape is (1,10,10,10,1), the features for the block starting at 
                   (1,20,30,40,5) should be requested via roi [(1,2,3,4,5),(2,3,4,5,6)]
        Note: It is assumed that you will request these features for debug purposes, AFTER requesting the prediction image.
              Therefore, it is considered an error to request features that are not already computed.
        axiskeys = self.RawImage.meta.getAxisKeys()
        # Find the corresponding block start coordinates
        block_shape = self._getFullShape( self.BlockShape3dDict.value )
        pixel_roi = numpy.array(block_shape) * (roi.start, roi.stop)
        block_starts = getIntersectingBlocks( block_shape, pixel_roi )
        block_starts = map( tuple, block_starts )
        for block_start in block_starts:
            assert block_start in self._blockPipelines, "Not allowed to request region features for blocks that haven't yet been processed." # See note above

            # Discard spatial axes to get (t,c) index for region slot roi
            tagged_block_start = zip( axiskeys, block_start )
            tagged_block_start_tc = filter( lambda (k,v): k in 'tc', tagged_block_start )
            block_start_tc = map( lambda (k,v): v, tagged_block_start_tc )
            block_roi_tc = ( block_start_tc, block_start_tc + numpy.array([1,1]) )

            destination_start = numpy.array(block_start) / block_shape - roi.start
            destination_stop = destination_start + numpy.array( [1]*len(axiskeys) )

            opBlockPipeline = self._blockPipelines[block_start]
            req = opBlockPipeline.BlockwiseRegionFeatures( *block_roi_tc )
            req.writeInto( destination[ roiToSlice( destination_start, destination_stop ) ] )
        return destination
    def _executePredictionImage(self, roi, destination):
        # Determine intersecting blocks
        block_shape = self._getFullShape( self.BlockShape3dDict.value )
        block_starts = getIntersectingBlocks( block_shape, (roi.start, roi.stop) )
        block_starts = map( tuple, block_starts )

        # Ensure that block pipelines exist (create first if necessary)
        for block_start in block_starts:

        # Retrieve result from each block, and write into the approprate region of the destination
        # TODO: Parallelize this loop
        for block_start in block_starts:
            opBlockPipeline = self._blockPipelines[block_start]
            block_roi = opBlockPipeline.block_roi
            block_intersection = getIntersection( block_roi, (roi.start, roi.stop) )
            block_relative_intersection = numpy.subtract(block_intersection, block_roi[0])
            destination_relative_intersection = numpy.subtract(block_intersection, roi.start)
            destination_slice = roiToSlice( *destination_relative_intersection )
            req = opBlockPipeline.PredictionImage( *block_relative_intersection )
            req.writeInto( destination[destination_slice] )

        return destination
Ejemplo n.º 28
    def propagateDirty(self,slot,subindex,roi):
        if slot == self.Input:
            channelAxis = self.Input.meta.axistags.index('c')
            numChannels = self.Input.meta.shape[channelAxis]
            dirtyChannels = roi.stop[channelAxis] - roi.start[channelAxis]
            # If all the input channels were dirty, the dirty output region is a contiguous block
            if dirtyChannels == numChannels:
                dirtyKey = roiToSlice(roi.start, roi.stop)
                dirtyKey[channelAxis] = slice(None)
                dirtyRoi = sliceToRoi(dirtyKey, self.Output.meta.shape)
                self.Output.setDirty(dirtyRoi[0], dirtyRoi[1])
                # Only some input channels were dirty,
                # so we must mark each dirty output region separately.
                numFeatures = self.Output.meta.shape[channelAxis] / numChannels
                for featureIndex in range(numFeatures):
                    startChannel = numChannels*featureIndex + roi.start[channelAxis]
                    stopChannel = startChannel + roi.stop[channelAxis]
                    dirtyRoi = copy.copy(roi)
                    dirtyRoi.start[channelAxis] = startChannel
                    dirtyRoi.stop[channelAxis] = stopChannel

        elif (slot == self.Matrix
              or slot == self.Scales
              or slot == self.FeatureIds):
            assert False, "Unknown dirty input slot."
Ejemplo n.º 29
    def execute(self, slot, subindex, roi, result):
        key = roiToSlice(roi.start,roi.stop)

        matrix = self.inputs["Input"][key].allocate().wait()
        matrix = self.function(matrix)

        return matrix[:]
Ejemplo n.º 30
    def execute(self, slot, subindex, roi, result):
        key = roiToSlice(roi.start,roi.stop)

        start = self.inputs["Start"].value
        stop = self.inputs["Stop"].value

        temp = tuple()
        for i in xrange(len(start)):
            if stop[i] - start[i] > 0:
                temp += (stop[i]-start[i],)

        readStart, readStop = sliceToRoi(key, temp)

        newKey = ()
        resultKey = ()
        i = 0
        i2 = 0
        for kkk in xrange(len(start)):
            e = stop[kkk] - start[kkk]
            if e > 0:
                newKey += (slice(start[i2] + readStart[i], start[i2] + readStop[i],None),)
                resultKey += (slice(0,temp[i2],None),)
                i +=1
                newKey += (slice(start[i2], start[i2], None),)
                resultKey += (0,)
            i2 += 1

        res = self.inputs["Input"][newKey].allocate().wait()
        result[:] = res[resultKey]
Ejemplo n.º 31
    def _setInSlotInputHdf5(self, slot, subindex, roi, value):
        logger.debug("Setting block {} from hdf5".format( roi ))
        if self.Output.meta.has_mask:
            assert isinstance( value, h5py.Group ), "InputHdf5 slot requires an hdf5 Group to copy from (not a numpy masked array)."
            assert isinstance( value, h5py.Dataset ), "InputHdf5 slot requires an hdf5 Dataset to copy from (not a numpy array)."

        block_roi = getBlockBounds( self.Output.meta.shape, self._blockshape, roi.start )

        roi_is_exactly_one_block = True
        roi_is_exactly_one_block &= ((roi.start % self._blockshape) == 0).all()
        roi_is_exactly_one_block &= (block_roi == numpy.array((roi.start, roi.stop))).all()
        if roi_is_exactly_one_block:
            cachefile = self._getCacheFile( block_roi )
            logger.debug( "Copying HDF5 data directly into block {}".format( block_roi ) )

            if self.Output.meta.has_mask:
                assert len(value) == 3

                for each in ["data", "mask", "fill_value"]:
                    assert each in value
                    assert cachefile[each].dtype == value[each].dtype
                    assert cachefile[each].shape == value[each].shape

                for each in ["data", "mask", "fill_value"]:
                    del cachefile[each]
                    cachefile.copy( value[each], each )
                assert cachefile['data'].dtype == value.dtype
                assert cachefile['data'].shape == value.shape
                del cachefile['data']
                cachefile.copy( value, 'data' )

            block_start = tuple(roi.start)
            self._dirtyBlocks.discard( block_start )
            # This hdf5 data does not correspond to exactly one block.
            # We must uncompress it and write it the "normal" way (the slow way)
            # FIXME: This would use less memory if we uncompressed the data block-by-block
            data = None

            if self.Output.meta.has_mask:
                data =
                data = value[()]

            self.Input[roiToSlice(roi.start, roi.stop)] = data
Ejemplo n.º 32
    def setInSlot(self, slot, subindex, roi, value):
        assert slot == self.inputs["Input"]
        ch = self._cacheHits
        ch += 1
        self._cacheHits = ch
        start, stop = roi.start, roi.stop
        blockStart = numpy.ceil(1.0 * start / self._blockShape)
        blockStop = numpy.floor(1.0 * stop / self._blockShape)
        blockStop = numpy.where(stop == self.Output.meta.shape, self._dirtyShape, blockStop)
        blockKey = roiToSlice(blockStart,blockStop)

        if (self._blockState[blockKey] != OpArrayCache.CLEAN).any():
            start2 = blockStart * self._blockShape
            stop2 = blockStop * self._blockShape
            stop2 = numpy.minimum(stop2, self.Output.meta.shape)
            key2 = roiToSlice(start2,stop2)
            with self._lock:
                if self._cache is None:
                self._cache[key2] = value[roiToSlice(start2-start,stop2-start)]
                self._blockState[blockKey] = self._dirtyState
                self._blockQuery[blockKey] = None
Ejemplo n.º 33
        def request( self, slicing ):
            if cfg.getboolean('pixelpipeline', 'verbose'):
                print "  LazyflowSource '%s' requests %s" % (self.objectName(), volumina.strSlicing(slicing))
            if not is_pure_slicing(slicing):
                raise Exception('LazyflowSource: slicing is not pure')
            assert self._op5 is not None, "Underlying operator is None.  Are you requesting from a datasource that has been cleaned up already?"

            start, stop = sliceToRoi(slicing, self._op5.Output.meta.shape)
            clipped_roi = np.maximum(start, (0,0,0,0,0)), np.minimum(stop, self._op5.Output.meta.shape)
            clipped_slicing = roiToSlice(*clipped_roi)
            return LazyflowRequest( self._op5, clipped_slicing, self._priority, objectName=self.objectName() )
Ejemplo n.º 34
    def execute(self, slot, subindex, roi, result):
        key = roiToSlice(roi.start,roi.stop)
        for input in self.inputs["Inputs"]:

        for req in requests:

        return fun(data)
Ejemplo n.º 35
    def execute(self, slot, subindex, roi, result):
        index = self.inputs["Index"].value
        channelIndex = self.Input.meta.axistags.channelIndex
        assert self.inputs["Input"].meta.shape[channelIndex] > index, \
            "Requested channel, {}, is out of Range (input shape is {})".format( index, self.Input.meta.shape )

        # Only ask for the channel we need
        key = roiToSlice(roi.start, roi.stop)
        newKey = list(key)
        newKey[channelIndex] = slice(index, index + 1, None)
        #newKey = key[:-1] + (slice(index,index+1),)
        return result
Ejemplo n.º 36
    def testBasic(self):
        graph = Graph()
        opDataProvider = OpArrayPiperWithAccessCount(graph=graph)
        opCache = OpUnblockedArrayCache(graph=graph)

        data = np.random.random((100, 100, 100)).astype(np.float32)
        opDataProvider.Input.setValue(vigra.taggedView(data, 'zyx'))

        assert opCache.CleanBlocks.value == []

        roi = ((30, 30, 30), (50, 50, 50))
        cache_data = opCache.Output(*roi).wait()
        assert (cache_data == data[roiToSlice(*roi)]).all()
        assert opDataProvider.accessCount == 1
        assert opCache.CleanBlocks.value == [roiToSlice(*roi)]

        # Request the same data a second time.
        # Access count should not change.
        cache_data = opCache.Output(*roi).wait()
        assert (cache_data == data[roiToSlice(*roi)]).all()
        assert opDataProvider.accessCount == 1
        assert opCache.CleanBlocks.value == [roiToSlice(*roi)]

        # Now invalidate a part of the data
        # The cache will discard it, so the access count should increase.
        opDataProvider.Input.setDirty((30, 30, 30), (31, 31, 31))
        assert opCache.CleanBlocks.value == []
        cache_data = opCache.Output(*roi).wait()
        assert (cache_data == data[roiToSlice(*roi)]).all()
        assert opDataProvider.accessCount == 2

        # Repeat this next part just for safety
        for _ in range(10):
            # Make sure the cache is empty
            opDataProvider.Input.setDirty((30, 30, 30), (31, 31, 31))
            opDataProvider.accessCount = 0

            # Create many requests for the same data.
            # Upstream data should only be accessed ONCE.
            pool = RequestPool()
            for _ in range(10):
            assert opDataProvider.accessCount == 1

        # Also, make sure requests for INNER rois of stored blocks are also serviced from memory
        opDataProvider.accessCount = 0
        inner_roi = ((35, 35, 35), (45, 45, 45))
        cache_data = opCache.Output(*inner_roi).wait()
        assert (cache_data == data[roiToSlice(*inner_roi)]).all()
        assert opDataProvider.accessCount == 0
        assert opCache.CleanBlocks.value == [roiToSlice(*roi)]
Ejemplo n.º 37
    def _copyData(self, roi, destination, block_starts):
        # Copy data from each block
        # (Parallelism not needed here: h5py will serialize these requests anyway)
        logger.debug("Copying data from {} blocks...".format(
        for block_start in block_starts:
            entire_block_roi = getBlockBounds(self.Output.meta.shape,
                                              self._blockshape, block_start)

            # This block's portion of the roi
            intersecting_roi = getIntersection((roi.start, roi.stop),

            # Compute slicing within destination array and slicing within this block
            destination_relative_intersection = numpy.subtract(
                intersecting_roi, roi.start)
            block_relative_intersection = numpy.subtract(
                intersecting_roi, block_start)
            destination_relative_intersection_slicing = roiToSlice(
            block_relative_intersection_slicing = roiToSlice(

            # Copy from block to destination
            dataset = self._getBlockDataset(entire_block_roi)
            if self.Output.meta.has_mask:
                    destination_relative_intersection_slicing] = dataset[
                    destination_relative_intersection_slicing] = dataset[
                destination.fill_value = dataset["fill_value"][()]
                    destination_relative_intersection_slicing] = dataset[
            self._last_access_times[block_start] = time.time()
Ejemplo n.º 38
    def _retrieve_local_tile(self, rest_args, tile_relative_intersection,
        tile_path = self.description.tile_url_format.format(**rest_args)
        logger.debug("Opening {}".format(tile_path))

        if not os.path.exists(tile_path):
            logger.error("Tile does not exist: {}".format(tile_path))
            data_out[...] = 0

        # Read the image from the disk with vigra
        img = vigra.impex.readImage(tile_path, dtype="NATIVE")
        assert img.ndim == 3
        if self.description.is_rgb:
            # "Convert" to grayscale -- just take first channel.
            img = img[..., 0:1]
        assert img.shape[-1] == 1, (
            "Image has more channels than expected.  "
            "If it is RGB, be sure to set the is_rgb flag in your description json."

        # img has axes xyc, but we want zyx
        img = img.transpose()[None, 0, :, :]

        if self.description.invert_y_axis:
            # More special Raveler support:
            # Raveler's conventions for the Y-axis are the reverse for everyone else's.
            img = img[:, ::-1, :]

        # Copy just the part we need into the destination array
        assert img[roiToSlice(
            *tile_relative_intersection)].shape == data_out.shape
        data_out[:] = img[roiToSlice(*tile_relative_intersection)]

        # If there's a special transform, apply it now.
        if self.description.data_transform_function is not None:
            transform = eval(self.description.data_transform_function)
            data_out[:] = transform(data_out)
    def _copyData(self, roi, destination, block_starts):
        Copy data from each block into the destination array.
        For blocks that aren't currently stored, just write zeros.
        # (Parallelism not needed here: h5py will serialize these requests anyway)
        block_starts = list(map(tuple, block_starts))
        for block_start in block_starts:
            entire_block_roi = getBlockBounds(self.Output.meta.shape, self._blockshape, block_start)

            # This block's portion of the roi
            intersecting_roi = getIntersection((roi.start, roi.stop), entire_block_roi)

            # Compute slicing within destination array and slicing within this block
            destination_relative_intersection = numpy.subtract(intersecting_roi, roi.start)
            block_relative_intersection = numpy.subtract(intersecting_roi, block_start)
            destination_relative_intersection_slicing = roiToSlice(*destination_relative_intersection)
            block_relative_intersection_slicing = roiToSlice(*block_relative_intersection)

            if block_start in self._cacheFiles:
                # Copy from block to destination
                dataset = self._getBlockDataset(entire_block_roi)

                if self.Output.meta.has_mask:
                    destination[destination_relative_intersection_slicing] = dataset["data"][
                    destination.mask[destination_relative_intersection_slicing] = dataset["mask"][
                    destination.fill_value = dataset["fill_value"][()]
                    destination[destination_relative_intersection_slicing] = dataset[
                # Not stored yet.  Overwrite with zeros.
                destination[destination_relative_intersection_slicing] = 0
Ejemplo n.º 40
    def _executeCurrentRavelerObjectRemainder(self, roi, result):        
        # Start with the original raveler object
        self._opSelectRavelerObject.Output(roi.start, roi.stop).writeInto(result).wait()

        lut = self._opFragmentSetLutCache.Output[:].wait()

        # Save memory: Implement (A - B) == (A & ~B), and do it with in-place operations
        slicing = roiToSlice( roi.start[1:4], roi.stop[1:4] )
        a = result[0,...,0]
        b = lut[self._mst.regionVol[slicing]] # (Advanced indexing)
        numpy.logical_not( b, out=b ) # ~B
        numpy.logical_and(a, b, out=a) # A & ~B
        return result
Ejemplo n.º 41
    def request(self, slicing):
        if CONFIG.verbose_pixelpipeline:
  "%s '%s' requests %s'", type(self).__name__, self.objectName(), strSlicing(slicing))

        if not is_pure_slicing(slicing):
            raise Exception("LazyflowSource: slicing is not pure")
        assert (
            self._op5 is not None
        ), "Underlying operator is None.  Are you requesting from a datasource that has been cleaned up already?"

        start, stop = sliceToRoi(slicing, self._op5.Output.meta.shape)
        clipped_roi = np.maximum(start, (0, 0, 0, 0, 0)), np.minimum(stop, self._op5.Output.meta.shape)
        clipped_slicing = roiToSlice(*clipped_roi)
        return LazyflowRequest(self._op5, clipped_slicing, self._priority, objectName=self.objectName())
Ejemplo n.º 42
    def propagateDirty(self, slot, subindex, roi):
        shape = self.Input.meta.shape
        key = roi.toSlice()

        if slot == self.inputs["Input"]:
            start, stop = sliceToRoi(key, shape)

            with self._lock:
                if self._blockState is not None:
                    blockStart = numpy.floor(1.0 * start / self._blockShape)
                    blockStop = numpy.ceil(1.0 * stop / self._blockShape)
                    blockKey = roiToSlice(blockStart,blockStop)
                    if self._fixed:
                        # Remember that this block became dirty while we were fixed 
                        #  so we can notify downstream operators when we become unfixed.
                        self._blockState[blockKey] = OpArrayCache.FIXED_DIRTY
                        self._has_fixed_dirty_blocks = True
                        self._blockState[blockKey] = OpArrayCache.DIRTY

            if not self._fixed:
        if slot == self.inputs["fixAtCurrent"]:
            if self.inputs["fixAtCurrent"].ready():
                self._fixed = self.inputs["fixAtCurrent"].value
                if not self._fixed and self.Output.meta.shape is not None and self._has_fixed_dirty_blocks:
                    # We've become unfixed, so we need to notify downstream 
                    #  operators of every block that became dirty while we were fixed.
                    # Convert all FIXED_DIRTY states into DIRTY states
                    with self._lock:
                        cond = (self._blockState[...] == OpArrayCache.FIXED_DIRTY)
                        self._blockState[...]  = fastWhere(cond, OpArrayCache.DIRTY, self._blockState, numpy.uint8)
                        self._has_fixed_dirty_blocks = False
                    newDirtyBlocks = numpy.transpose(numpy.nonzero(cond))
                    # To avoid lots of setDirty notifications, we simply merge all the dirtyblocks into one single superblock.
                    # This should be the best option in most cases, but could be bad in some cases.
                    # TODO: Optimize this by merging the dirty blocks via connected components or something.
                    cacheShape = numpy.array(self.Output.meta.shape)
                    dirtyStart = cacheShape
                    dirtyStop = [0] * len(cacheShape)
                    for index in newDirtyBlocks:
                        blockStart = index * self._blockShape
                        blockStop = numpy.minimum(blockStart + self._blockShape, cacheShape)
                        dirtyStart = numpy.minimum(dirtyStart, blockStart)
                        dirtyStop = numpy.maximum(dirtyStop, blockStop)

                    if len(newDirtyBlocks > 0):
                        self.Output.setDirty( dirtyStart, dirtyStop )
Ejemplo n.º 43
    def test(self):
        # Retrieve from server
        graph = Graph()
        opRoi = OpDvidRoi(TEST_DVID_SERVER,
        roi_vol = opRoi.Output((0, 0, 0), self.expected_data.shape).wait()
        assert (roi_vol == self.expected_data).all()

        # Test a non-aligned roi
        subvol = ((30, 60, 50), (40, 70, 70))
        roi_vol = opRoi.Output(*subvol).wait()
        assert (roi_vol == self.expected_data[roiToSlice(*subvol)]).all()
Ejemplo n.º 44
    def execute(self, slot, subindex, roi, result):
        with self._lock:
            # Does this roi happen to fit ENTIRELY within an existing stored block?
            outer_rois = containing_rois(self._block_data.keys(),
                                         (roi.start, roi.stop))
            if len(outer_rois) > 0:
                # Use the first one we found
                block_roi = self._standardize_roi(*outer_rois[0])
                block_relative_roi = numpy.array(
                    (roi.start, roi.stop)) - block_roi[0]
                    result, self._block_data[block_roi][roiToSlice(

        # Standardize roi for usage as dict key
        block_roi = self._standardize_roi(roi.start, roi.stop)

        # Get lock for this block (create first if necessary)
        with self._lock:
            if block_roi not in self._block_locks:
                self._block_locks[block_roi] = RequestLock()
            block_lock = self._block_locks[block_roi]

        # Handle identical simultaneous requests
        with block_lock:
            except KeyError:  # Not yet stored: Request it now.

                # We attach a special attribute to the array to allow the upstream operator
                #  to optionally tell us not to bother caching the data.
                self.Input(roi.start, roi.stop).writeInto(result).block()

                if self.Input.meta.dontcache:
                    # The upstream operator says not to bother caching the data.
                    # (For example, see OpCacheFixer.)

                block = result.copy()
                with self._lock:
                    # Store the data.
                    # First double-check that the block wasn't removed from the
                    #   cache while we were requesting it.
                    # (Could have happened via propagateDirty() or eventually the arrayCacheMemoryMgr)
                    if block_roi in self._block_locks:
                        self._block_data[block_roi] = block
            self._last_access_times[block_roi] = time.time()
Ejemplo n.º 45
    def test_Roi_default_order(self):
        for i in range(self.tests):
            shape = self.operator.Output.meta.shape
            roi = [None, None]
            roi[1] = [
                numpy.random.randint(2, s) if s != 1 else 1 for s in shape
            roi[0] = [
                numpy.random.randint(0, roi[1][i]) if s != 1 else 0
                for i, s in enumerate(shape)
            roi[0] = TinyVector(roi[0])
            roi[1] = TinyVector(roi[1])
            result = self.operator.Output(roi[0], roi[1]).wait()
            logger.debug("self.array.shape = " + str(self.array.shape))
            logger.debug("type(input) == " +
            logger.debug("input.shape == " +
            logger.debug("Input Tags:")
            logger.debug("Output Tags:")
            logger.debug("roi= " + str(roi))
            logger.debug("type(result) == " + str(type(result)))
            logger.debug("result.shape == " + str(result.shape))

            # Check the shape
            assert len(result.shape) == 5
            assert not isinstance(
                result, vigra.VigraArray
            ), "For compatibility with generic code, output should be provided as a plain numpy array."

            # Ensure the result came out in volumina order
            assert self.operator.Output.meta.axistags == vigra.defaultAxistags(

            # Check the data
            vresult = result.view(vigra.VigraArray)
            vresult.axistags = self.operator.Output.meta.axistags
            reorderedInput = self.inArray.withAxes(
                *[tag.key for tag in self.operator.Output.meta.axistags])
            assert numpy.all(
                vresult == reorderedInput[roiToSlice(roi[0], roi[1])])
Ejemplo n.º 46
        def test_Roi_default_order(self):
            for i in range(self.tests):
                shape = self.operator.outputs["output"].meta.shape
                roi = [None, None]
                roi[1] = [
                    numpy.random.randint(2, s) if s != 1 else 1 for s in shape
                roi[0] = [
                    numpy.random.randint(0, roi[1][i]) if s != 1 else 0
                    for i, s in enumerate(shape)
                roi[0] = TinyVector(roi[0])
                roi[1] = TinyVector(roi[1])
                result = self.operator.outputs["output"](roi[0], roi[1]).wait()
                logger.debug("self.array.shape = " + str(self.array.shape))
                logger.debug("type(input) == " +
                logger.debug("input.shape == " +
                logger.debug("Input Tags:")
                logger.debug("Output Tags:")
                logger.debug("roi= " + str(roi))
                logger.debug("type(result) == " + str(type(result)))
                logger.debug("result.shape == " + str(result.shape))

                # Check the shape
                assert len(result.shape) == 5

                # Ensure the result came out in volumina order
                assert self.operator.outputs[
                    "output"].meta.axistags == vigra.defaultAxistags('txyzc')

                # Check the data
                vresult = result.view(vigra.VigraArray)
                vresult.axistags = self.operator.outputs[
                reorderedInput = self.inArray.withAxes(*[
                    for tag in self.operator.outputs["output"].meta.axistags
                assert numpy.all(
                    vresult == reorderedInput[roiToSlice(roi[0], roi[1])])
    def execute(self, slot, subindex, rroi, result):
        key = roiToSlice(rroi.start, rroi.stop)
        index = subindex[0]
        #print "SLICER: key", key, "indexes[0]", indexes[0], "result", result.shape
        start, stop = sliceToRoi(key, self.outputs["Slices"][index].meta.shape)

        start = list(start)
        stop = list(stop)

        flag = self.inputs["AxisFlag"].value
        indexAxis = self.inputs["Input"].meta.axistags.index(flag)

        start.insert(indexAxis, index)
        stop.insert(indexAxis, index)

        newKey = roiToSlice(numpy.array(start), numpy.array(stop))

        ttt = self.inputs["Input"][newKey].wait()

        writeKey = [slice(None, None, None) for k in key]
        writeKey.insert(indexAxis, 0)
        writeKey = tuple(writeKey)

        return ttt[writeKey]  #+ (0,)]
Ejemplo n.º 48
    def _copyData(self, roi, destination, block_starts):
        # Copy data from each block
        # (Parallelism not needed here: h5py will serialize these requests anyway)
        logger.debug("Copying data from {} blocks...".format(
        for block_start in block_starts:
            entire_block_roi = getBlockBounds(self.Output.meta.shape,
                                              self._blockshape, block_start)

            # This block's portion of the roi
            intersecting_roi = getIntersection((roi.start, roi.stop),

            # Compute slicing within destination array and slicing within this block
            destination_relative_intersection = numpy.subtract(
                intersecting_roi, roi.start)
            block_relative_intersection = numpy.subtract(
                intersecting_roi, block_start)

            # Copy from block to destination
            dataset = self._getBlockDataset(entire_block_roi)
                *destination_relative_intersection)] = dataset[roiToSlice(
Ejemplo n.º 49
    def execute(self, slot, subindex, roi, result):
        key = roiToSlice(roi.start,roi.stop)

        assert(self.inputs["eraser"].ready() == True and self.inputs["shape"].ready() == True), "OpDenseSparseArray:  One of the neccessary input slots is not ready: shape: %r, eraser: %r" % (self.inputs["eraser"].ready(), self.inputs["shape"].ready())
        if == "Output":
            result[:] = self._denseArray[key]
        elif == "nonzeroValues":
            result[0] = numpy.array(self._sparseNZ.values())
        elif == "nonzeroCoordinates":
            result[0] = numpy.array(self._sparseNZ.keys())
        elif == "maxLabel":
            result[0] = self._maxLabel
        return result
Ejemplo n.º 50
 def execute(self, slot, subindex, roi, destination):
     if slot == self.Output:
         destination[:] = self._cache[roiToSlice(roi.start, roi.stop)]
     elif slot == self.MaxLabelValue:
         # FIXME: Don't hard-code this
         destination[0] = 2
     elif slot == self.NonzeroBlocks:
         # Only one block, the bounding box for all non-zero values.
         # This is efficient if the labels are very close to eachother,
         #  but slow if the labels are far apart.
         nonzero_coords = numpy.nonzero(self._cache)
         if len(nonzero_coords) > 0 and len(nonzero_coords[0]) > 0:
             bounding_box_start = numpy.array(map(numpy.min,
             bounding_box_stop = 1 + numpy.array(
                 map(numpy.max, nonzero_coords))
             destination[0] = [
                 roiToSlice(bounding_box_start, bounding_box_stop)
             destination[0] = []
         assert False, "Unknown output slot: {}".format(
     return destination
Ejemplo n.º 51
    def _executeCurrentFragmentSegmentation(self, roi, result):
        # Start with the original raveler object
        self.CurrentRavelerObject(roi.start, roi.stop).writeInto(result).wait()

        lut = self._opFragmentSetLutCache.Output[:].wait()

        slicing = roiToSlice( roi.start[1:4], roi.stop[1:4] )
        a = result[0,...,0]
        b = lut[self._mst.regionVol[slicing]] # (Advanced indexing)

        # Use bitwise_and instead of numpy.where to avoid the temporary caused by a == 0
        #a[:] = numpy.where( a == 0, 0, b )
        assert self.CurrentFragmentSegmentation.meta.dtype == numpy.uint8, "This code assumes uint8 as the dtype!"
        a[:] *= 0xFF # Assumes uint8
        numpy.bitwise_and( a, b, out=a )
        return result
Ejemplo n.º 52
    def execute(self, slot, subindex, roi, result):
        with self._lock:
            if self.cache is None:
                shape = self.Input.meta.shape
                # self.blockshape has None in the last dimension to indicate that it should not be
                # handled block-wise. None is replaced with the image shape in the respective axis.
                fullBlockShape = []
                for u, v in zip(self.blockShape.value, shape):
                    if u is not None:
                fullBlockShape = numpy.array(fullBlockShape,

                # data = self.inputs["Input"][:].wait()
                # split up requests into blocks

                numBlocks = numpy.ceil(shape / fullBlockShape).astype("int")
                blockCache = numpy.ndarray(,
                pool = RequestPool()
                # blocks holds the different roi keys for each of the blocks
                blocks = itertools.product(
                    *[list(range(i)) for i in numBlocks])
                blockKeys = []
                for b in blocks:
                    start = b * fullBlockShape
                    stop = b * fullBlockShape + fullBlockShape
                    stop = numpy.min(numpy.vstack((stop, shape)), axis=0)
                    blockKey = roiToSlice(start, stop)

                fun = self.inputs["Function"].value

                def predict_block(i):
                    data = self.Input[blockKeys[i]].wait()
                    blockCache[i] = fun(data)

                for i, f in enumerate(blockCache):
                    req = pool.request(partial(predict_block, i))


                self.cache = [fun(blockCache)]
            return self.cache
Ejemplo n.º 53
    def _executeBlockwiseRegionFeatures(self, roi, destination):
        Provide data for the BlockwiseRegionFeatures slot.
        Note: Each block produces a single element of this slot's output.  Construct requested roi coordinates accordingly.
              e.g. if block_shape is (1,10,10,10,1), the features for the block starting at 
                   (1,20,30,40,5) should be requested via roi [(1,2,3,4,5),(2,3,4,5,6)]
        Note: It is assumed that you will request these features for debug purposes, AFTER requesting the prediction image.
              Therefore, it is considered an error to request features that are not already computed.
        axiskeys = self.RawImage.meta.getAxisKeys()
        # Find the corresponding block start coordinates
        block_shape = self._getFullShape(self.BlockShape3dDict.value)
        pixel_roi = numpy.array(block_shape) * (roi.start, roi.stop)
        block_starts = getIntersectingBlocks(block_shape, pixel_roi)
        block_starts = map(tuple, block_starts)

        # TODO: Parallelize this?
        for block_start in block_starts:
            assert block_start in self._blockPipelines, "Not allowed to request region features for blocks that haven't yet been processed."  # See note above

            # Discard spatial axes to get (t,c) index for region slot roi
            tagged_block_start = zip(axiskeys, block_start)
            tagged_block_start_tc = filter(lambda (k, v): k in 'tc',
            block_start_tc = map(lambda (k, v): v, tagged_block_start_tc)
            block_roi_tc = (block_start_tc,
                            block_start_tc + numpy.array([1, 1]))
            block_roi_t = (block_roi_tc[0][:-1], block_roi_tc[1][:-1])

            assert sys.version_info.major == 2, "Alert! This loop has not been tested "\
            "under python 3. Please remove this assetion and be wary of any strnage behavior you encounter"
            destination_start = numpy.array(
                block_start) // block_shape - roi.start
            destination_stop = destination_start + numpy.array(
                [1] * len(axiskeys))

            opBlockPipeline = self._blockPipelines[block_start]
            req = opBlockPipeline.BlockwiseRegionFeatures(*block_roi_t)
            destination_without_channel = destination[roiToSlice(
                destination_start, destination_stop)]
            destination_with_channel = destination_without_channel[
                ..., block_roi_tc[0][-1]:block_roi_tc[1][-1]]

        return destination
    def execute(self, slot, subindex, roi, result):
        key = roiToSlice(roi.start, roi.stop)
        index = subindex[0]
        if == "NonzeroLabelBlocks":
            # Split into 10 chunks
            blocks = []
            slicing = [slice(0,max) for max in self.dataShape]
            for i in range(10):
                slicing[2] = slice(i*10, (i+1)*10)
                if not (self._data[index][slicing] == 0).all():
                    blocks.append( list(slicing) )

            result[0] = blocks
        if == "LabelImages":
            result[...] = self._data[index][key]
        if == "PredictionProbabilities":
            result[...] = self.predictionData[key]
Ejemplo n.º 55
    def testBasic(self):
        tiled_volume = TiledVolume(self.data_setup.VOLUME_DESCRIPTION_FILE)
        roi = numpy.array([(10, 150, 100), (30, 550, 550)])
        result_out = numpy.zeros(roi[1] - roi[0],
                                 dtype=tiled_volume.description.dtype), result_out)

        ref_path_comp = PathComponents(self.data_setup.REFERENCE_VOL_PATH)
        with h5py.File(ref_path_comp.externalPath, "r") as f:
            ref_data = f[ref_path_comp.internalPath][:]

        expected = ref_data[roiToSlice(*roi)]

        #'/tmp/expected.npy', expected)
        #'/tmp/result_out.npy', result_out)

        assert (expected == result_out).all()
Ejemplo n.º 56
    def test3(self):
        # Generate a random dataset and see if it we get the right masking from the operator.
        data = numpy.random.random((4, 5, 6, 7, 3)).astype(numpy.float32)

        # Provide input read all output.
        output = self.operator_identity.Output[None].wait()

        assert (output == 0).all()

        # Try setInSlot
        data_shape_roi = roiFromShape(data.shape)
        data_shape_slice = roiToSlice(*data_shape_roi)
        self.operator_identity.Input[data_shape_slice] = data
        output = self.operator_identity.Output[None].wait()

        assert (data == output).all()
Ejemplo n.º 57
    def execute(self, slot, subindex, roi, result):
        assert slot == self.Output
        # Start with the original raveler object
        self.BodyMask(roi.start, roi.stop).writeInto(result).wait()

        lut = self.FragmentLut[:].wait()
        mst = self.MST.value

        slicing = roiToSlice( roi.start[1:4], roi.stop[1:4] )
        a = result[0,...,0]
        b = lut[mst.regionVol[slicing]] # (Advanced indexing)

        # Use bitwise_and instead of numpy.where to avoid the temporary caused by a == 0
        #a[:] = numpy.where( a == 0, 0, b )
        assert result.dtype == numpy.uint8, "This code assumes uint8 as the dtype!"
        a[:] *= 0xFF # Assumes uint8
        numpy.bitwise_and( a, b, out=a )
        return result
Ejemplo n.º 58
def export_to_tiles(volume, tile_size, output_dir, print_progress=True):
    volume: The volume to export (either hdf5 dataset or numpy array).  Must be 3D.
    tile_size: The width of the tiles to generate
    output_dir: The directory to dump the tiles to.
    assert len(volume.shape) == 3

    tile_blockshape = (1, tile_size, tile_size)
    tile_starts = getIntersectingBlocks(tile_blockshape,

    if not os.path.exists(output_dir):
        os.makedirs(output_dir)"Writing {} tiles ...".format(len(tile_starts)))
    for tile_start in tile_starts:
        tile_roi = getBlockBounds(volume.shape, tile_blockshape, tile_start)

        if print_progress:
            sys.stdout.write("Tile: {} ".format(tile_roi))

        tile_data = volume[roiToSlice(*tile_roi)]
        tile_data = vigra.taggedView(tile_data, 'zyx')

        if print_progress:
            sys.stdout.write('reading... ')

        tile_name = 'tile_z{:05}_y{:05}_x{:05}.png'.format(*tile_start)
        output_path = os.path.join(output_dir, tile_name)

        if print_progress:
            sys.stdout.write('writing... ')

        vigra.impex.writeImage(tile_data[0], output_path, dtype='NATIVE')

        if print_progress:
            sys.stdout.flush()"TILES COMPLETE.")
Ejemplo n.º 59
    def autoSeedBackground(cls, laneView, foreground_label):
        # Seed the entire image with background labels, except for the individual label in question
        # To save memory, we'll do this in blocks instead of all at once

        volume_shape = laneView.RavelerLabels.meta.shape
        volume_roi = roiFromShape( volume_shape )
        block_shape = (OpSplitBodyCarving.BLOCK_SIZE,) * len( volume_shape ) 
        block_shape = numpy.minimum( block_shape, volume_shape )
        block_starts = getIntersectingBlocks( block_shape, volume_roi )

        logger.debug("Auto-seeding {} blocks for label".format( len(block_starts), foreground_label ))
        for block_index, block_start in enumerate(block_starts):
            block_roi = getBlockBounds( volume_shape, block_shape, block_start )
            label_block = laneView.RavelerLabels(*block_roi).wait()
            background_block = numpy.where( label_block == foreground_label, 0, 1 )
            background_block = numpy.asarray( background_block, numpy.float32 ) # Distance transform requires float
            if (background_block == 0.0).any():
                # We need to leave a small border between the background seeds and the object membranes
                background_block_view = background_block.view( vigra.VigraArray )
                background_block_view.axistags = copy.copy( laneView.RavelerLabels.meta.axistags )
                background_block_view_4d = background_block_view.bindAxis('t', 0)
                background_block_view_3d = background_block_view_4d.bindAxis('c', 0)
                distance_transformed_block = vigra.filters.distanceTransform3D(background_block_view_3d, background=False)
                distance_transformed_block = distance_transformed_block.astype( numpy.uint8 )
                # Create a 'hull' surrounding the foreground, but leave some space.
                background_seed_block = (distance_transformed_block == OpSplitBodyCarving.SEED_MARGIN)
                background_seed_block = background_seed_block.astype(numpy.uint8) * 1 # (In carving, background is label 1)

#                # Make the hull VERY sparse to avoid over-biasing graph cut toward the background class
#                # FIXME: Don't regenerate this random block on every loop iteration
#                rand_bytes = numpy.random.randint(0, 1000, background_seed_block.shape)
#                background_seed_block = numpy.where( rand_bytes < 1, background_seed_block, 0 )
#                background_seed_block = background_seed_block.view(vigra.VigraArray)
#                background_seed_block.axistags = background_block_view_3d.axistags
                axisorder = laneView.RavelerLabels.meta.getTaggedShape().keys()
                logger.debug("Writing backgound seeds: {}/{}".format( block_index, len(block_starts) ))
                laneView.WriteSeeds[ roiToSlice( *block_roi ) ] = background_seed_block.withAxes(*axisorder)
                logger.debug("Skipping all-background block: {}/{}".format( block_index, len(block_starts) ))
Ejemplo n.º 60
    def _execute_Output_impl(self, request_roi, result):
        request_roi = self._standardize_roi(*request_roi)
        with self._lock:
            block_roi = self._get_containing_block_roi(request_roi)
            if block_roi is not None:
                # Data is already in the cache. Just extract it.
                block_relative_roi = numpy.array(request_roi) - block_roi[0]
                    result, self._block_data[block_roi][roiToSlice(

        if self.Input.meta.dontcache:
            # Data isn't in the cache, but we don't want to cache it anyway.

        # Data isn't in the cache, so request it and cache it
        self._fetch_and_store_block(request_roi, out=result)