Ejemplo n.º 1
    def __init__(self, slot, start=None, stop=None, pslice=None):
        super(SubRegion, self).__init__(slot)
        if pslice != None or start is not None and stop is None and pslice is None:
            if pslice is None:
                pslice = start
            shape = self.slot.meta.shape
            if shape is None:
                # Okay to use a shapeless slot if the key is bounded
                # AND if the key has the correct length
                assert slicingtools.is_bounded(pslice)
                # Supply a dummy shape
                shape = [0] * len(pslice)
            self.start, self.stop = sliceToRoi(pslice, shape)
        elif start is None and pslice is None:
            self.start, self.stop = sliceToRoi(slice(None, None, None),
            self.start = TinyVector(start)
            self.stop = TinyVector(stop)
        self.dim = len(self.start)

        for start, stop in zip(self.start, self.stop):
            assert isinstance(
                (int, long,
                 numpy.integer)), "Roi contains non-integers: {}".format(self)
            assert isinstance(
                (int, long,
                 numpy.integer)), "Roi contains non-integers: {}".format(self)
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def execute(self, slot, subindex, roi, result):
        key = roiToSlice(roi.start,roi.stop)

        start = self.inputs["Start"].value
        stop = self.inputs["Stop"].value

        temp = tuple()
        for i in xrange(len(start)):
            if stop[i] - start[i] > 0:
                temp += (stop[i]-start[i],)

        readStart, readStop = sliceToRoi(key, temp)

        newKey = ()
        resultKey = ()
        i = 0
        i2 = 0
        for kkk in xrange(len(start)):
            e = stop[kkk] - start[kkk]
            if e > 0:
                newKey += (slice(start[i2] + readStart[i], start[i2] + readStop[i],None),)
                resultKey += (slice(0,temp[i2],None),)
                i +=1
                newKey += (slice(start[i2], start[i2], None),)
                resultKey += (0,)
            i2 += 1

        res = self.inputs["Input"][newKey].allocate().wait()
        result[:] = res[resultKey]
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def propagateDirty(self, inputSlot, subindex, roi):
        if inputSlot == self.Input:
            numChannels = self.Input.meta.shape[1]
            dirtyChannels = roi.stop[1] - roi.start[1]

            # If all the input channels were dirty, the dirty output region is a contiguous block
            if dirtyChannels == numChannels:
                dirtyKey = list(roiToSlice(roi.start, roi.stop))
                dirtyKey[1] = slice(None)
                dirtyRoi = sliceToRoi(dirtyKey, self.Output.meta.shape)
                self.Output.setDirty(dirtyRoi[0], dirtyRoi[1])
                # Only some input channels were dirty,
                #  so we must mark each dirty output region separately.
                numFeatures = self.Output.meta.shape[1] // numChannels
                for featureIndex in range(numFeatures):
                    startChannel = numChannels * featureIndex + roi.start[1]
                    stopChannel = startChannel + roi.stop[1]
                    dirtyRoi = copy.copy(roi)
                    dirtyRoi.start[1] = startChannel
                    dirtyRoi.stop[1] = stopChannel

        elif (inputSlot == self.SelectionMatrix or inputSlot == self.Scales
              or inputSlot == self.FeatureIds
              or inputSlot == self.ComputeIn2d):
            assert False, "Unknown dirty input slot."
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def propagateDirty(self, inputSlot, subindex, roi):
        if inputSlot == self.Input:
            numChannels = self.Input.meta.shape[1]
            dirtyChannels = roi.stop[1] - roi.start[1]

            # If all the input channels were dirty, the dirty output region is a contiguous block
            if dirtyChannels == numChannels:
                dirtyKey = list(roiToSlice(roi.start, roi.stop))
                dirtyKey[1] = slice(None)
                dirtyRoi = sliceToRoi(dirtyKey, self.Output.meta.shape)
                self.Output.setDirty(dirtyRoi[0], dirtyRoi[1])
                # Only some input channels were dirty,
                #  so we must mark each dirty output region separately.
                numFeatures = self.Output.meta.shape[1] // numChannels
                for featureIndex in range(numFeatures):
                    startChannel = numChannels * featureIndex + roi.start[1]
                    stopChannel = startChannel + roi.stop[1]
                    dirtyRoi = copy.copy(roi)
                    dirtyRoi.start[1] = startChannel
                    dirtyRoi.stop[1] = stopChannel

        elif (
            inputSlot == self.SelectionMatrix
            or inputSlot == self.Scales
            or inputSlot == self.FeatureIds
            or inputSlot == self.ComputeIn2d
            assert False, "Unknown dirty input slot."
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def getSubOutSlot(self, slots, indexes, key, result):
     outshape = self.outputs["Slices"][indexes[0]].shape
     ttt = self.inputs["Input"][newKey].allocate().wait()
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def getOutSlot(self, slot, key, result):
        start, stop = sliceToRoi(key, self.shape)
        diff = stop-start
        splitDim = numpy.argmax(diff[:-1])
        splitPos = start[splitDim] + diff[splitDim] / 2
        stop2 = stop.copy()
        stop2[splitDim] = splitPos
        start2 = start.copy()
        start2[splitDim] = splitPos
        destStart = start -start # zeros
        destStop = stop - start
        destStop2 = destStop.copy()
        destStop2[splitDim] = diff[splitDim] / 2
        destStart2 = destStart.copy()
        destStart2[splitDim] = diff[splitDim] / 2
        writeKey1 = roiToSlice(destStart,destStop2)        
        writeKey2 = roiToSlice(destStart2,destStop)        
        key1 = roiToSlice(start,stop2)
        key2 = roiToSlice(start2,stop)

        req1 = self.inputs["Input"][key1].writeInto(result[writeKey1])
        req2 = self.inputs["Input"][key2].writeInto(result[writeKey2])
Ejemplo n.º 7
 def setInSlot(self, slot, key, value):
     if slot == self.inputs["Input"]:
         ch = self._cacheHits
         ch += 1
         self._cacheHits = ch
         start, stop = sliceToRoi(key, self.shape)
         blockStart = numpy.ceil(1.0 * start / self._blockShape)
         blockStop = numpy.floor(1.0 * stop / self._blockShape)
         blockStop = numpy.where(stop == self.shape, self._dirtyShape, blockStop)
         blockKey = roiToSlice(blockStart,blockStop)
         if (self._blockState[blockKey] != 2).any():
             start2 = blockStart * self._blockShape
             stop2 = blockStop * self._blockShape
             stop2 = numpy.minimum(stop2, self.shape)
             key2 = roiToSlice(start2,stop2)
             if self._cache is None:
             self._cache[key2] = value[roiToSlice(start2-start,stop2-start)]
             self._blockState[blockKey] = self._dirtyState
             self._blockQuery[blockKey] = None
         #pass request on
         #if not self._fixed:
         #    self.outputs["Output"][key] = value
     if slot == self.inputs["fixAtCurrent"]:
         self._fixed = value
         assert 1==2
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def getOutSlot(self, slot, key, result):

        shape = self.inputs["Input"].shape
        rstart, rstop = sliceToRoi(key, self.outputs["Output"]._shape)
        rkey = roiToSlice(rstart, rstop)
        img = self.inputs["Input"][rkey].allocate().wait()

        stop = img.size

        seg = []

        for i in range(0, stop, img.shape[-1]):
            curr_prob = -1
            highest_class = -1
            for c in range(img.shape[-1]):
                prob = img.ravel()[i + c]
                if prob > curr_prob:
                    curr_prob = prob
                    highest_class = c
            assert highest_class != -1, "OpSegmentation: Strange classes/probabilities"


        seg = numpy.array(seg)

        result[:] = seg[:]
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def testDirtyPropagation(self):
        opFeatures = self.opFeatures

        dirtyRois = []

        def handleDirty(slot, roi):


        # Change the matrix
        selections = numpy.array([
            [True, False, False, False, False, False, False],  # Gaussian
            [False, True, False, False, False, False, False],  # L of G
            [False, False, True, False, False, False, False],  # ST EVs
            [False, False, False, True, False, False, False],  # H of G EVs
            [False, False, False, False, False, False, False],  # GGM
            [False, False, False, False, False, False, False]
        ])  # Diff of G
        print "About to change matrix."
        print "Matrix changed."

        assert len(dirtyRois) == 1
        assert (dirtyRois[0].start, dirtyRois[0].stop) == sliceToRoi(
            slice(None), self.opFeatures.OutputImage[0].meta.shape)
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def propagateDirty(self, slot, subindex, roi):

        if slot == self.Input:
            channelAxis = self.Input.meta.axistags.index('c')
            numChannels = self.Input.meta.shape[channelAxis]
            dirtyChannels = roi.stop[channelAxis] - roi.start[channelAxis]

            # If all the input channels were dirty, the dirty output region is a contiguous block
            if dirtyChannels == numChannels:
                dirtyKey = roiToSlice(roi.start, roi.stop)
                dirtyKey[channelAxis] = slice(None)
                dirtyRoi = sliceToRoi(dirtyKey, self.Output.meta.shape)
                self.Output.setDirty(dirtyRoi[0], dirtyRoi[1])
                # Only some input channels were dirty,
                # so we must mark each dirty output region separately.
                numFeatures = self.Output.meta.shape[channelAxis] / numChannels
                for featureIndex in range(numFeatures):
                    startChannel = numChannels * featureIndex + roi.start[
                    stopChannel = startChannel + roi.stop[channelAxis]
                    dirtyRoi = copy.copy(roi)
                    dirtyRoi.start[channelAxis] = startChannel
                    dirtyRoi.stop[channelAxis] = stopChannel

        elif (slot == self.Matrix or slot == self.Scales
              or slot == self.FeatureIds):
            assert False, "Unknown dirty input slot."
Ejemplo n.º 11
        def setInSlot(self, slot, key, value):
            shape = self.inputs["shape"].value
            eraseLabel = self.inputs["eraser"].value
            neutralElement = 0
            #fix slicing of single dimensions:            
            start, stop = sliceToRoi(key, shape, extendSingleton = False)
            start = start.floor()
            stop = stop.floor()
            tempKey = roiToSlice(start-start, stop-start, hardBind = True)
            stop += numpy.where(stop-start == 0,1,0)

            key = roiToSlice(start,stop)

            updateShape = tuple(stop-start)
            update = self._denseArray[key].copy()
            update[tempKey] = value

            startRavel = numpy.ravel_multi_index(numpy.array(start, numpy.int32),shape)
            #insert values into dict
            updateNZ = numpy.nonzero(numpy.where(update != neutralElement,1,0))
            updateNZRavelSmall = numpy.ravel_multi_index(updateNZ, updateShape)
            if isinstance(value, numpy.ndarray):
                valuesNZ = value.ravel()[updateNZRavelSmall]
                valuesNZ = value
            updateNZRavel = numpy.ravel_multi_index(updateNZ, shape)
            updateNZRavel += startRavel        
            self._denseArray.ravel()[updateNZRavel] = valuesNZ        
            valuesNZ = self._denseArray.ravel()[updateNZRavel]
            self._denseArray.ravel()[updateNZRavel] =  valuesNZ       
            td = blist.sorteddict(zip(updateNZRavel.tolist(),valuesNZ.tolist()))
            #remove values to be deleted
            updateNZ = numpy.nonzero(numpy.where(update == eraseLabel,1,0))
            if len(updateNZ)>0:
                updateNZRavel = numpy.ravel_multi_index(updateNZ, shape)
                updateNZRavel += startRavel    
                self._denseArray.ravel()[updateNZRavel] = neutralElement
                for index in updateNZRavel:
Ejemplo n.º 12
    def propagateDirty(self, slot, subindex, roi):

        if slot == self.Input:
            channelAxis = self.Input.meta.axistags.index('c')
            numChannels = self.Input.meta.shape[channelAxis]
            dirtyChannels = roi.stop[channelAxis] - roi.start[channelAxis]

            # If all the input channels were dirty, the dirty output region is a contiguous block
            if dirtyChannels == numChannels:
                dirtyKey = roiToSlice(roi.start, roi.stop)
                dirtyKey[channelAxis] = slice(None)
                dirtyRoi = sliceToRoi(dirtyKey, self.Output.meta.shape)
                self.Output.setDirty(dirtyRoi[0], dirtyRoi[1])
                # Only some input channels were dirty,
                # so we must mark each dirty output region separately.
                assert sys.version_info.major == 2, "Alert! This function has not been tested under python 3. "\
                "please remove this assertion, and be wary of any strange behavior you encounter"
                numFeatures = self.Output.meta.shape[channelAxis] // numChannels
                for featureIndex in range(numFeatures):
                    startChannel = numChannels * featureIndex + roi.start[
                    stopChannel = startChannel + roi.stop[channelAxis]
                    dirtyRoi = copy.copy(roi)
                    dirtyRoi.start[channelAxis] = startChannel
                    dirtyRoi.stop[channelAxis] = stopChannel

        elif (slot == self.Matrix or slot == self.Scales
              or slot == self.FeatureIds):
            assert False, "Unknown dirty input slot."
Ejemplo n.º 13
    def propagateDirty(self,slot,subindex,roi):
        if slot == self.Input:
            channelAxis = self.Input.meta.axistags.index('c')
            numChannels = self.Input.meta.shape[channelAxis]
            dirtyChannels = roi.stop[channelAxis] - roi.start[channelAxis]
            # If all the input channels were dirty, the dirty output region is a contiguous block
            if dirtyChannels == numChannels:
                dirtyKey = roiToSlice(roi.start, roi.stop)
                dirtyKey[channelAxis] = slice(None)
                dirtyRoi = sliceToRoi(dirtyKey, self.Output.meta.shape)
                self.Output.setDirty(dirtyRoi[0], dirtyRoi[1])
                # Only some input channels were dirty,
                # so we must mark each dirty output region separately.
                numFeatures = self.Output.meta.shape[channelAxis] / numChannels
                for featureIndex in range(numFeatures):
                    startChannel = numChannels*featureIndex + roi.start[channelAxis]
                    stopChannel = startChannel + roi.stop[channelAxis]
                    dirtyRoi = copy.copy(roi)
                    dirtyRoi.start[channelAxis] = startChannel
                    dirtyRoi.stop[channelAxis] = stopChannel

        elif (slot == self.Matrix
              or slot == self.Scales
              or slot == self.FeatureIds):
            assert False, "Unknown dirty input slot."
Ejemplo n.º 14
    def execute(self, slot, subindex, roi, result):
        t = time.time()
        assert slot == self.Output

        key = roi.toSlice()
        start, stop = sliceToRoi(key, self.shape)
        roishape = numpy.array(stop) - numpy.array(start)

        max_dist_squared = sys.maxsize
        index = 0

        for i, blockshape in enumerate(self._blockshapes):
            blockshape = numpy.array(blockshape)

            diff = roishape - blockshape
            diffsquared = diff * diff
            distance_squared = numpy.sum(diffsquared)
            if distance_squared < max_dist_squared:
                index = i
                max_dist_squared = distance_squared

        op = self._innerOps[index]
        self.logger.debug("read %r took %f msec." % (roi.pprint(), 1000.0 *
                                                     (time.time() - t)))
Ejemplo n.º 15
    def execute(self, slot, subindex, rroi, result):
        key = roiToSlice(rroi.start, rroi.stop)
        index = subindex[0]
        #print "SLICER: key", key, "indexes[0]", indexes[0], "result", result.shape
        start, stop = roi.sliceToRoi(key,

        start = list(start)
        stop = list(stop)

        flag = self.inputs["AxisFlag"].value
        indexAxis = self.inputs["Input"].meta.axistags.index(flag)

        start.insert(indexAxis, index)
        stop.insert(indexAxis, index)

        newKey = roi.roiToSlice(numpy.array(start), numpy.array(stop))

        ttt = self.inputs["Input"][newKey].wait()

        writeKey = [slice(None, None, None) for k in key]
        writeKey.insert(indexAxis, 0)
        writeKey = tuple(writeKey)

        return ttt[writeKey]  #+ (0,)]
Ejemplo n.º 16
    def execute(self, slot, subindex, roi, result):
        if slot is self.Output:
            result = self.LabelImage.get(roi).wait()
            if not self.Parameters.ready():
                raise Exception("Parameter slot is not ready")
            parameters = self.Parameters.value

            t_start = roi.start[0]
            t_end = roi.stop[0]
            for t in range(t_start, t_end):
                if ('time_range' in parameters and t <= parameters['time_range'][-1] and t >= parameters['time_range'][
                    0]) and len(self.label2color) > t:
                    result[t - t_start, ..., 0] = relabel(result[t - t_start, ..., 0], self.label2color[t])
                    result[t - t_start, ...] = 0
            return result
        elif slot == self.AllBlocks:
            # if nothing was computed, return empty list
            if len(self.label2color) == 0:
                result[0] = []
                return result

            all_block_rois = []
            shape = self.Output.meta.shape
            # assumes t,x,y,z,c
            slicing = [slice(None), ] * 5
            for t in range(shape[0]):
                slicing[0] = slice(t, t + 1)
                all_block_rois.append(sliceToRoi(slicing, shape))

            result[0] = all_block_rois
            return result
Ejemplo n.º 17
    def _serialize(self, group, name, slot):
        logger.debug("Serializing BlockSlot: {}".format( self.name ))
        mygroup = group.create_group(name)
        num = len(self.blockslot)
        for index in range(num):
            subname = self.subname.format(index)
            subgroup = mygroup.create_group(subname)
            nonZeroBlocks = self.blockslot[index].value
            for blockIndex, slicing in enumerate(nonZeroBlocks):
                block = self.slot[index][slicing].wait()
                blockName = 'block{:04d}'.format(blockIndex)

                if self._shrink_to_bb:
                    nonzero_coords = numpy.nonzero(block)
                    if len(nonzero_coords[0]) > 0:
                        block_start = sliceToRoi( slicing, (0,)*len(slicing) )[0]
                        block_bounding_box_start = numpy.array( map( numpy.min, nonzero_coords ) )
                        block_bounding_box_stop = 1 + numpy.array( map( numpy.max, nonzero_coords ) )
                        block_slicing = roiToSlice( block_bounding_box_start, block_bounding_box_stop )
                        bounding_box_roi = numpy.array([block_bounding_box_start, block_bounding_box_stop])
                        bounding_box_roi += block_start
                        # Overwrite the vars that are written to the file
                        slicing = roiToSlice(*bounding_box_roi)
                        block = block[block_slicing]

                subgroup.create_dataset(blockName, data=block)
                subgroup[blockName].attrs['blockSlice'] = slicingToString(slicing)
Ejemplo n.º 18
        def setInSlot(self, slot, key, value):
            start, stop = sliceToRoi(key, self.shape)
            blockStart = (1.0 * start / self._blockShape).floor()
            blockStop = (1.0 * stop / self._blockShape).ceil()
            blockStop = numpy.where(stop == self.shape, self._dirtyShape, blockStop)
            blockKey = roiToSlice(blockStart,blockStop)
            innerBlocks = self._blockNumbers[blockKey]
            for b_ind in innerBlocks.ravel():

                offset = self._blockShape*self._flatBlockIndices[b_ind]
                bigstart = numpy.maximum(offset, start)
                bigstop = numpy.minimum(offset + self._blockShape, stop)
                smallstart = bigstart-offset
                smallstop = bigstop - offset
                bigkey = roiToSlice(bigstart-start, bigstop-start)
                smallkey = roiToSlice(smallstart, smallstop)
                if not b_ind in self._labelers:
                self._labelers[b_ind].inputs["Input"][smallkey] = value[tuple(bigkey)].squeeze()
Ejemplo n.º 19
    def __init__(self, slot, start = None, stop = None, pslice = None):
        shape = None
        if slot is not None:
            shape = slot.meta.shape
        if pslice != None or start is not None and stop is None and pslice is None:
            if pslice is None:
                pslice = start
            if shape is None:
                # Okay to use a shapeless slot if the key is bounded
                # AND if the key has the correct length
                assert slicingtools.is_bounded(pslice)
                # Supply a dummy shape
                shape = [0] * len(pslice)
            self.start, self.stop = sliceToRoi(pslice,shape)
        elif start is None and pslice is None:
            assert shape is not None, "Can't create a default subregion without a slot and a shape."
            self.start, self.stop = roiFromShape(shape)
            self.start = TinyVector(start)
            self.stop = TinyVector(stop)
        self.dim = len(self.start)

        for start, stop in zip(self.start, self.stop):
            assert isinstance(start, (int, long, numpy.integer)), "Roi contains non-integers: {}".format( self )
            assert isinstance(start, (int, long, numpy.integer)), "Roi contains non-integers: {}".format( self )
Ejemplo n.º 20
    def __init__(self, slot, start=None, stop=None, pslice=None):
        super(SubRegion, self).__init__(slot)
        shape = None
        if slot is not None:
            shape = slot.meta.shape
        if pslice != None or start is not None and stop is None and pslice is None:
            if pslice is None:
                pslice = start
            if shape is None:
                # Okay to use a shapeless slot if the key is bounded
                # AND if the key has the correct length
                assert slicingtools.is_bounded(pslice)
                # Supply a dummy shape
                shape = [sl.stop for sl in pslice]
            self.start, self.stop = sliceToRoi(pslice, shape)
        elif start is None and pslice is None:
            assert shape is not None, "Can't create a default subregion without a slot and a shape."
            self.start, self.stop = roiFromShape(shape)
            self.start = TinyVector(start)
            self.stop = TinyVector(stop)
        self.dim = len(self.start)

        for start, stop in zip(self.start, self.stop):
            assert isinstance(start, (int, numpy.integer)), "Roi contains non-integers: {}".format(self)
            assert isinstance(start, (int, numpy.integer)), "Roi contains non-integers: {}".format(self)
Ejemplo n.º 21
    def testBasic(self):
        Requires access to the Internet...
        testConfig0 = """
            "_schema_name" : "RESTful-volume-description",
            "_schema_version" : 1.0,
            "name" : "Bock11-level0",
            "format" : "hdf5",
            "axes" : "zyx",
            "##NOTE":"The first z-slice of the bock dataset is 2917, so the origin_offset must be at least 2917",
            "origin_offset" : [2917, 50000, 50000],
            "bounds" : [4156, 135424, 119808],
            "dtype" : "numpy.uint8",
            "url_format" : "http://openconnecto.me/emca/bock11/hdf5/0/{x_start},{x_stop}/{y_start},{y_stop}/{z_start},{z_stop}/",
            "hdf5_dataset" : "cube"
        testConfig4 = """
            "_schema_name" : "RESTful-volume-description",
            "_schema_version" : 1.0,
            "name" : "Bock11-level4",
            "format" : "hdf5",
            "axes" : "zyx",
            "##NOTE":"The first z-slice of the bock dataset is 2917, so the origin_offset must be at least 2917",
            "origin_offset" : [2917, 50000, 50000],
            "bounds" : [4156, 8704, 7680],
            "dtype" : "numpy.uint8",
            "url_format" : "http://openconnecto.me/emca/bock11/hdf5/4/{x_start},{x_stop}/{y_start},{y_stop}/{z_start},{z_stop}/",
            "hdf5_dataset" : "cube"
        # Create the description file.
        tempDir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
        descriptionFilePath = os.path.join(tempDir, 'desc.json')
        with open(descriptionFilePath, 'w') as descFile:
            descFile.write( testConfig0 )

        # Create the volume object
        volume = RESTfulVolume( descriptionFilePath )

        #slicing = numpy.s_[0:100, 4000:4200, 4000:4200]
        slicing = numpy.s_[0:25, 50000:50050, 50000:50075]
        roi = sliceToRoi( slicing, volume.description.shape )
        outputFile = os.path.join(tempDir, 'volume.h5')
        datasetPath = outputFile + '/cube'
        logger.debug("Downloading subvolume to: {}".format( datasetPath ))
        volume.downloadSubVolume(roi, datasetPath)        

        with h5py.File(outputFile, 'r') as hdf5File:
            data = hdf5File['cube']
            assert data.shape == ( 25, 50, 75 )

Ejemplo n.º 22
    def execute(self, slot, subindex, roi, result):
        key = roiToSlice(roi.start,roi.stop)

        start = self.inputs["Start"].value
        stop = self.inputs["Stop"].value

        temp = tuple()
        for i in xrange(len(start)):
            if stop[i] - start[i] > 0:
                temp += (stop[i]-start[i],)

        readStart, readStop = sliceToRoi(key, temp)
        newKey = ()
        i = 0
        i2 = 0
        for kkk in xrange(len(start)):
            e = stop[kkk] - start[kkk]
            if e > 0:
                newKey += (slice(start[i2] + readStart[i], start[i2] + readStop[i],None),)
                i +=1
                newKey += (slice(start[i2], start[i2], None),)
            i2 += 1
        return result
Ejemplo n.º 23
    def execute(self, slot, subindex, rroi, result):
        key = roiToSlice(rroi.start, rroi.stop)
        index = subindex[0]
        # Index of the input slice this data will come from.
        sliceIndex = self.getSliceIndexes()[index]

        outshape = self.Slices[index].meta.shape
        start, stop = roi.sliceToRoi(key, outshape)

        start = list(start)
        stop = list(stop)

        flag = self.AxisFlag.value
        indexAxis = self.Input.meta.axistags.index(flag)


        start.insert(indexAxis, sliceIndex)
        stop.insert(indexAxis, sliceIndex)

        newKey = roi.roiToSlice(numpy.array(start), numpy.array(stop))

        return result
Ejemplo n.º 24
    def getSubOutSlot(self, slots, indexes, key, result):
        #print "SLICER: key", key, "indexes[0]", indexes[0], "result", result.shape
        ttt = self.inputs["Input"][newKey].allocate().wait()
        writeKey = [slice(None, None, None) for k in key]
        writeKey.insert(indexAxis, 0)
        writeKey = tuple(writeKey)

        result[:]=ttt[writeKey ]#+ (0,)]
Ejemplo n.º 25
    def testBasic(self):
        Requires access to the Internet...
        testConfig0 = """
            "_schema_name" : "RESTful-volume-description",
            "_schema_version" : 1.0,
            "name" : "Bock11-level0",
            "format" : "hdf5",
            "axes" : "zyx",
            "##NOTE":"The first z-slice of the bock dataset is 2917, so the origin_offset must be at least 2917",
            "origin_offset" : [2917, 50000, 50000],
            "bounds" : [4156, 135424, 119808],
            "dtype" : "numpy.uint8",
            "url_format" : "http://openconnecto.me/emca/bock11/hdf5/0/{x_start},{x_stop}/{y_start},{y_stop}/{z_start},{z_stop}/",
            "hdf5_dataset" : "cube"

        testConfig4 = """
            "_schema_name" : "RESTful-volume-description",
            "_schema_version" : 1.0,
            "name" : "Bock11-level4",
            "format" : "hdf5",
            "axes" : "zyx",
            "##NOTE":"The first z-slice of the bock dataset is 2917, so the origin_offset must be at least 2917",
            "origin_offset" : [2917, 50000, 50000],
            "bounds" : [4156, 8704, 7680],
            "dtype" : "numpy.uint8",
            "url_format" : "http://openconnecto.me/emca/bock11/hdf5/4/{x_start},{x_stop}/{y_start},{y_stop}/{z_start},{z_stop}/",
            "hdf5_dataset" : "cube"

        # Create the description file.
        tempDir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
        descriptionFilePath = os.path.join(tempDir, 'desc.json')
        with open(descriptionFilePath, 'w') as descFile:

        # Create the volume object
        volume = RESTfulVolume(descriptionFilePath)

        #slicing = numpy.s_[0:100, 4000:4200, 4000:4200]
        slicing = numpy.s_[0:25, 50000:50050, 50000:50075]
        roi = sliceToRoi(slicing, volume.description.shape)
        outputFile = os.path.join(tempDir, 'volume.h5')
        datasetPath = outputFile + '/cube'
        logger.debug("Downloading subvolume to: {}".format(datasetPath))
        volume.downloadSubVolume(roi, datasetPath)

        with h5py.File(outputFile, 'r') as hdf5File:
            data = hdf5File['cube']
            assert data.shape == (25, 50, 75)

Ejemplo n.º 26
    def propagateDirty(self,slot,subindex,roi):
        if slot == self.Input:
            channelAxis = self.Input.meta.axistags.index('c')
            numChannels = self.Input.meta.shape[channelAxis]
            dirtyChannels = roi.stop[channelAxis] - roi.start[channelAxis]
            # If all the input channels were dirty, the dirty output region is a contiguous block
            if dirtyChannels == numChannels:
                dirtyKey = roiToSlice(roi.start, roi.stop)
                dirtyKey[channelAxis] = slice(None)
                dirtyRoi = sliceToRoi(dirtyKey, self.Output.meta.shape)
                self.Output.setDirty(dirtyRoi[0], dirtyRoi[1])
                # Only some input channels were dirty,
                # so we must mark each dirty output region separately.
                assert sys.version_info.major == 2, "Alert! This function has not been tested under python 3. "\
                "please remove this assertion, and be wary of any strange behavior you encounter"
                numFeatures = self.Output.meta.shape[channelAxis] // numChannels
                for featureIndex in range(numFeatures):
                    startChannel = numChannels*featureIndex + roi.start[channelAxis]
                    stopChannel = startChannel + roi.stop[channelAxis]
                    dirtyRoi = copy.copy(roi)
                    dirtyRoi.start[channelAxis] = startChannel
                    dirtyRoi.stop[channelAxis] = stopChannel

        elif (slot == self.Matrix
              or slot == self.Scales
              or slot == self.FeatureIds):
            assert False, "Unknown dirty input slot."
Ejemplo n.º 27
    def testDirtyPropagation(self):
        opFeatures = self.opFeatures

        dirtyRois = []

        def handleDirty(slot, roi):


        # Change the matrix
        selections = numpy.array(
                [True, False, False, False, False, False, False],  # Gaussian
                [False, True, False, False, False, False, False],  # L of G
                [False, False, True, False, False, False, False],  # ST EVs
                [False, False, False, True, False, False, False],  # H of G EVs
                [False, False, False, False, False, False, False],  # GGM
                [False, False, False, False, False, False, False],
        )  # Diff of G

        assert len(dirtyRois) == 1
        assert (dirtyRois[0].start, dirtyRois[0].stop) == sliceToRoi(
            slice(None), self.opFeatures.OutputImage[0].meta.shape
Ejemplo n.º 28
 def test_9_TestView(self):
     Load some of the dataset again; this time with an offset view.
     Note: The original blockwise fileset must be closed before this test starts.
     # Create a copy of the original description, but specify a translated (and smaller) view
     desc = BlockwiseFileset.readDescription(self.description_path)
     desc.view_origin = [0, 300, 200, 100, 0]
     desc.view_shape = [1, 50, 50, 50, 1]
     offsetConfigPath = self.description_path + '_offset'
     BlockwiseFileset.writeDescription(offsetConfigPath, desc)
     # Open the fileset using the special description file
     bfs = BlockwiseFileset( offsetConfigPath, 'r' )
         assert (bfs.description.view_origin == desc.view_origin).all()
         assert (bfs.description.view_shape == desc.view_shape).all()
         # Read some data
         logger.debug( "Reading data..." )
         disk_slicing = numpy.s_[:, 300:350, 200:250, 100:150, :]
         view_slicing = numpy.s_[:, 0:50, 0:50, 0:50, :]
         roi = sliceToRoi( view_slicing, self.dataShape )
         roiShape = roi[1] - roi[0]
         read_data = numpy.zeros( tuple(roiShape), dtype=numpy.uint8 )
         bfs.readData( roi, read_data )
         # The data we read should match the correct part of the original dataset.
         logger.debug( "Checking data..." )
         assert self.data[disk_slicing].shape == read_data.shape
         assert (self.data[disk_slicing] == read_data).all(), "Data didn't match."
Ejemplo n.º 29
    def execute(self, slot, subindex, rroi, result):
        key = roiToSlice(rroi.start, rroi.stop)
        index = subindex[0]
        # Index of the input slice this data will come from.
        sliceIndex = self.getSliceIndexes()[index]

        outshape = self.outputs["Slices"][index].meta.shape




        start.insert(indexAxis, sliceIndex)
        stop.insert(indexAxis, sliceIndex)


        ttt = self.inputs["Input"][newKey].allocate().wait()
        return ttt[:]
Ejemplo n.º 30
    def execute(self, slot, subindex, roi, result):
        if slot is self.Output:
            result = self.LabelImage.get(roi).wait()
            if not self.Parameters.ready():
                raise Exception("Parameter slot is not ready")
            parameters = self.Parameters.value

            t_start = roi.start[0]
            t_end = roi.stop[0]
            for t in range(t_start, t_end):
                if ('time_range' in parameters and t <= parameters['time_range'][-1] and t >= parameters['time_range'][
                    0]) and len(self.label2color) > t:
                    result[t - t_start, ..., 0] = relabel(result[t - t_start, ..., 0], self.label2color[t])
                    result[t - t_start, ...] = 0
            return result
        elif slot == self.AllBlocks:
            # if nothing was computed, return empty list
            if len(self.label2color) == 0:
                result[0] = []
                return result

            all_block_rois = []
            shape = self.Output.meta.shape
            # assumes t,x,y,z,c
            slicing = [slice(None), ] * 5
            for t in range(shape[0]):
                slicing[0] = slice(t, t + 1)
                all_block_rois.append(sliceToRoi(slicing, shape))

            result[0] = all_block_rois
            return result
Ejemplo n.º 31
    def execute(self, slot, subindex, rroi, result):
        key = roiToSlice(rroi.start, rroi.stop)
        index = subindex[0]
        # Index of the input slice this data will come from.
        sliceIndex = self.getSliceIndexes()[index]

        outshape = self.Slices[index].meta.shape
        start, stop = roi.sliceToRoi(key, outshape)

        start = list(start)
        stop = list(stop)

        flag = self.AxisFlag.value
        indexAxis = self.Input.meta.axistags.index(flag)


        start.insert(indexAxis, sliceIndex)
        stop.insert(indexAxis, sliceIndex)

        newKey = roi.roiToSlice(numpy.array(start), numpy.array(stop))

        return result
Ejemplo n.º 32
    def _serialize(self, group, name, slot):
        logger.debug("Serializing BlockSlot: {}".format(self.name))
        mygroup = group.create_group(name)
        num = len(self.blockslot)
        for index in range(num):
            subname = self.subname.format(index)
            subgroup = mygroup.create_group(subname)
            nonZeroBlocks = self.blockslot[index].value
            for blockIndex, slicing in enumerate(nonZeroBlocks):
                block = self.slot[index][slicing].wait()
                blockName = 'block{:04d}'.format(blockIndex)

                if self._shrink_to_bb:
                    nonzero_coords = numpy.nonzero(block)
                    if len(nonzero_coords[0]) > 0:
                        block_start = sliceToRoi(slicing,
                                                 (0, ) * len(slicing))[0]
                        block_bounding_box_start = numpy.array(
                            map(numpy.min, nonzero_coords))
                        block_bounding_box_stop = 1 + numpy.array(
                            map(numpy.max, nonzero_coords))
                        block_slicing = roiToSlice(block_bounding_box_start,
                        bounding_box_roi = numpy.array([
                            block_bounding_box_start, block_bounding_box_stop
                        bounding_box_roi += block_start

                        # Overwrite the vars that are written to the file
                        slicing = roiToSlice(*bounding_box_roi)
                        block = block[block_slicing]

                subgroup.create_dataset(blockName, data=block)
                subgroup[blockName].attrs['blockSlice'] = slicingToString(
Ejemplo n.º 33
    def execute(self, slot, subindex, roi, result):
        key = roi.toSlice()
        assert(self.inputs["eraser"].ready() == True and self.inputs["shape"].ready() == True and self.inputs["blockShape"].ready()==True), \
        "OpBlockedSparseLabelArray:  One of the neccessary input slots is not ready: shape: %r, eraser: %r" % \
        (self.inputs["eraser"].ready(), self.inputs["shape"].ready())
        if slot.name == "Output":
            #result[:] = self._denseArray[key]
            #find the block key
            start, stop = sliceToRoi(key, self._cacheShape)
            blockStart = (1.0 * start / self._blockShape).floor()
            blockStop = (1.0 * stop / self._blockShape).ceil()
            blockKey = roiToSlice(blockStart, blockStop)
            innerBlocks = self._blockNumbers[blockKey]
            for b_ind in innerBlocks.ravel():
                #which part of the original key does this block fill?
                offset = self._blockShape * self._flatBlockIndices[b_ind]
                bigstart = numpy.maximum(offset, start)
                bigstop = numpy.minimum(offset + self._blockShape, stop)

                smallstart = bigstart - offset
                smallstop = bigstop - offset

                bigkey = roiToSlice(bigstart - start, bigstop - start)
                smallkey = roiToSlice(smallstart, smallstop)
                if not b_ind in self._labelers or not self._labelers[
                    result[bigkey] = 0
                        labeler = self._labelers[b_ind]
                        denseArray = labeler._denseArray[smallkey]
                        result[bigkey] = denseArray
                            "Exception in OpBlockedSparseLabelArray.execute, probably due to simultaneous calls to setInSlot() and execute()"
                        logger.error("labeler = {}".format(labeler))
                        logger.error("denseArray = {}".format(denseArray))
                        logger.error("result = {}".format(result))

        elif slot.name == "nonzeroValues":
            nzvalues = set()
            for l in self._labelers.values():
                nzvalues |= set(l._sparseNZ.values())
            result[0] = numpy.array(list(nzvalues))

        elif slot.name == "nonzeroCoordinates":
            assert False, "not supported yet"
            #result[0] = numpy.array(self._sparseNZ.keys())
        elif slot.name == "nonzeroBlocks":
            #we only return all non-zero blocks, no keys
            result[0] = self._get_nonzero_blocks()
        elif slot.name == "maxLabel":
            result[0] = self._maxLabel

        return result
Ejemplo n.º 34
    def execute(self, slot, subindex, rroi, result):
        key = roiToSlice(rroi.start,rroi.stop)

        cnt = 0
        written = 0
        start, stop = roi.sliceToRoi(key, self.outputs["Output"].meta.shape)
        assert (stop<=self.outputs["Output"].meta.shape).all()
        #axisindex = self.inputs["AxisIndex"].value
        flag = self.inputs["AxisFlag"].value
        axisindex = self.outputs["Output"].meta.axistags.index(flag)
        oldkey = list(key)
        #print "STACKER: ", flag, axisindex
        #print "requesting an outslot from stacker:", key, result.shape
        #print "input slots total: ", len(self.inputs['Images'])
        requests = []
        pool = RequestPool()

        for i, inSlot in enumerate(self.inputs['Images']):
            req = None
            inTagKeys = [ax.key for ax in inSlot.meta.axistags]
            if flag in inTagKeys:
                slices = inSlot.meta.shape[axisindex]
                if cnt + slices >= start[axisindex] and start[axisindex]-cnt<slices and start[axisindex]+written<stop[axisindex]:
                    begin = 0
                    if cnt < start[axisindex]:
                        begin = start[axisindex] - cnt
                    end = slices
                    if cnt + end > stop[axisindex]:
                        end -= cnt + end - stop[axisindex]
                    key_ = copy.copy(oldkey)
                    key_.insert(axisindex, slice(begin, end, None))
                    reskey = [slice(None, None, None) for x in range(len(result.shape))]
                    reskey[axisindex] = slice(written, written+end-begin, None)

                    req = inSlot[tuple(key_)].writeInto(result[tuple(reskey)])
                    written += end - begin
                cnt += slices
                if cnt>=start[axisindex] and start[axisindex] + written < stop[axisindex]:
                    #print "key: ", key, "reskey: ", reskey, "oldkey: ", oldkey
                    #print "result: ", result.shape, "inslot:", inSlot.meta.shape
                    reskey = [slice(None, None, None) for s in oldkey]
                    reskey.insert(axisindex, written)
                    destArea = result[tuple(reskey)]
                    req = inSlot[tuple(oldkey)].writeInto(destArea)
                    written += 1
                cnt += 1

            if req is not None:

    def test_1_SingleDownload(self):
        volume = RESTfulBlockwiseFileset( self.descriptionFilePath )

        slicing = numpy.s_[0:20, 0:20, 0:20]
        roi = sliceToRoi(slicing, volume.description.shape)        
        data = volume.readData( roi )
        assert data.shape == (20,20,20)

        assert volume.getBlockStatus( ([0,0,0]) ) == BlockwiseFileset.BLOCK_AVAILABLE
    def test_4_OffsetDownload(self):
        volume = RESTfulBlockwiseFileset( self.descriptionFilePath )

        slicing = numpy.s_[20:40, 20:40, 20:40]
        roi = sliceToRoi(slicing, volume.description.shape)        
        data = volume.readData( roi )
        assert data.shape == (20,20,20)
        assert volume.getBlockStatus( ([20,20,20]) ) == BlockwiseFileset.BLOCK_AVAILABLE

        offsetVolume = RESTfulBlockwiseFileset( self.descriptionFilePath_offset )
        offsetSlicing = numpy.s_[20:40, 0:20, 20:40] # Note middle slice is offset (see view_origin in setupClass)
        offsetRoi = sliceToRoi(offsetSlicing, offsetVolume.description.shape)        
        offsetData = offsetVolume.readData( offsetRoi )
        assert offsetData.shape == (20,20,20)
        assert offsetVolume.getBlockStatus( ([20,0,20]) ) == BlockwiseFileset.BLOCK_AVAILABLE
        # Data should be the same
        assert (offsetData == data).all()
    def test_4_OffsetDownload(self):
        volume = RESTfulBlockwiseFileset( self.descriptionFilePath )

        slicing = numpy.s_[20:40, 20:40, 20:40]
        roi = sliceToRoi(slicing, volume.description.shape)        
        data = volume.readData( roi )
        assert data.shape == (20,20,20)
        assert volume.getBlockStatus( ([20,20,20]) ) == BlockwiseFileset.BLOCK_AVAILABLE

        offsetVolume = RESTfulBlockwiseFileset( self.descriptionFilePath_offset )
        offsetSlicing = numpy.s_[20:40, 0:20, 20:40] # Note middle slice is offset (see view_origin in setupClass)
        offsetRoi = sliceToRoi(offsetSlicing, offsetVolume.description.shape)        
        offsetData = offsetVolume.readData( offsetRoi )
        assert offsetData.shape == (20,20,20)
        assert offsetVolume.getBlockStatus( ([20,0,20]) ) == BlockwiseFileset.BLOCK_AVAILABLE
        # Data should be the same
        assert (offsetData == data).all()
Ejemplo n.º 38
    def execute(self, slot, subindex, rroi, result):
        key = roiToSlice(rroi.start,rroi.stop)

        cnt = 0
        written = 0
        start, stop = roi.sliceToRoi(key, self.outputs["Output"].meta.shape)
        assert (stop<=self.outputs["Output"].meta.shape).all()
        #axisindex = self.inputs["AxisIndex"].value
        flag = self.inputs["AxisFlag"].value
        axisindex = self.outputs["Output"].meta.axistags.index(flag)
        oldkey = list(key)
        #print "STACKER: ", flag, axisindex
        #print "requesting an outslot from stacker:", key, result.shape
        #print "input slots total: ", len(self.inputs['Images'])
        requests = []
        pool = RequestPool()

        for i, inSlot in enumerate(self.inputs['Images']):
            req = None
            inTagKeys = [ax.key for ax in inSlot.meta.axistags]
            if flag in inTagKeys:
                slices = inSlot.meta.shape[axisindex]
                if cnt + slices >= start[axisindex] and start[axisindex]-cnt<slices and start[axisindex]+written<stop[axisindex]:
                    begin = 0
                    if cnt < start[axisindex]:
                        begin = start[axisindex] - cnt
                    end = slices
                    if cnt + end > stop[axisindex]:
                        end -= cnt + end - stop[axisindex]
                    key_ = copy.copy(oldkey)
                    key_.insert(axisindex, slice(begin, end, None))
                    reskey = [slice(None, None, None) for x in range(len(result.shape))]
                    reskey[axisindex] = slice(written, written+end-begin, None)

                    req = inSlot[tuple(key_)].writeInto(result[tuple(reskey)])
                    written += end - begin
                cnt += slices
                if cnt>=start[axisindex] and start[axisindex] + written < stop[axisindex]:
                    #print "key: ", key, "reskey: ", reskey, "oldkey: ", oldkey
                    #print "result: ", result.shape, "inslot:", inSlot.meta.shape
                    reskey = [slice(None, None, None) for s in oldkey]
                    reskey.insert(axisindex, written)
                    destArea = result[tuple(reskey)]
                    req = inSlot[tuple(oldkey)].writeInto(destArea)
                    written += 1
                cnt += 1

            if req is not None:

    def test_1_SingleDownload(self):
        volume = RESTfulBlockwiseFileset( self.descriptionFilePath )

        slicing = numpy.s_[0:20, 0:20, 0:20]
        roi = sliceToRoi(slicing, volume.description.shape)        
        data = volume.readData( roi )
        assert data.shape == (20,20,20)

        assert volume.getBlockStatus( ([0,0,0]) ) == BlockwiseFileset.BLOCK_AVAILABLE
Ejemplo n.º 40
        def execute(self, slot, roi, result):
            key = roi.toSlice()
            assert(self.inputs["eraser"].connected() == True and self.inputs["shape"].connected() == True and self.inputs["blockShape"].connected()==True), \
            "OpDenseSparseArray:  One of the neccessary input slots is not connected: shape: %r, eraser: %r" % \
            (self.inputs["eraser"].connected(), self.inputs["shape"].connected())
            if slot.name == "Output":
                #result[:] = self._denseArray[key]
                #find the block key
                start, stop = sliceToRoi(key, self.shape)
                blockStart = (1.0 * start / self._blockShape).floor()
                blockStop = (1.0 * stop / self._blockShape).ceil()
                blockKey = roiToSlice(blockStart,blockStop)
                innerBlocks = self._blockNumbers[blockKey]
                if lazyflow.verboseRequests:
                    print "OpBlockedSparseLabelArray %r: request with key %r for %d inner Blocks " % (self,key, len(innerBlocks.ravel()))    
                for b_ind in innerBlocks.ravel():
                    #which part of the original key does this block fill?
                    offset = self._blockShape*self._flatBlockIndices[b_ind]
                    bigstart = numpy.maximum(offset, start)
                    bigstop = numpy.minimum(offset + self._blockShape, stop)
                    smallstart = bigstart-offset
                    smallstop = bigstop - offset
                    bigkey = roiToSlice(bigstart-start, bigstop-start)
                    smallkey = roiToSlice(smallstart, smallstop)
                    if not b_ind in self._labelers:
            elif slot.name == "nonzeroValues":
                nzvalues = set()
                for l in self._labelers.values():
                    nzvalues |= set(l._sparseNZ.values())
                result[0] = numpy.array(list(nzvalues))

            elif slot.name == "nonzeroCoordinates":
                print "not supported yet"
                #result[0] = numpy.array(self._sparseNZ.keys())
            elif slot.name == "nonzeroBlocks":
                #we only return all non-zero blocks, no keys
                slicelist = []
                for b_ind in self._labelers.keys():
                    offset = self._blockShape*self._flatBlockIndices[b_ind]
                    bigstart = offset
                    bigstop = numpy.minimum(offset + self._blockShape, self.shape)                    
                    bigkey = roiToSlice(bigstart, bigstop)
                result[0] = slicelist
            return result
    def execute(self, slot, subindex, roi, result):
        key = roi.toSlice()
        assert(self.inputs["eraser"].ready() == True and self.inputs["shape"].ready() == True and self.inputs["blockShape"].ready()==True), \
        "OpBlockedSparseLabelArray:  One of the neccessary input slots is not ready: shape: %r, eraser: %r" % \
        (self.inputs["eraser"].ready(), self.inputs["shape"].ready())
        if slot.name == "Output":
                #result[:] = self._denseArray[key]
                #find the block key
            start, stop = sliceToRoi(key, self._cacheShape)
            blockStart = (1.0 * start / self._blockShape).floor()
            blockStop = (1.0 * stop / self._blockShape).ceil()
            blockKey = roiToSlice(blockStart,blockStop)
            innerBlocks = self._blockNumbers[blockKey]
            for b_ind in innerBlocks.ravel():
                #which part of the original key does this block fill?
                offset = self._blockShape*self._flatBlockIndices[b_ind]
                bigstart = numpy.maximum(offset, start)
                bigstop = numpy.minimum(offset + self._blockShape, stop)

                smallstart = bigstart-offset
                smallstop = bigstop - offset

                bigkey = roiToSlice(bigstart-start, bigstop-start)
                smallkey = roiToSlice(smallstart, smallstop)
                if not b_ind in self._labelers or not self._labelers[b_ind].Output.ready():
                        labeler = self._labelers[b_ind]
                        denseArray = labeler._denseArray[smallkey]
                        result[bigkey]= denseArray
                        logger.error( "Exception in OpBlockedSparseLabelArray.execute, probably due to simultaneous calls to setInSlot() and execute()" )
                        logger.error( "labeler = {}".format( labeler ) )
                        logger.error( "denseArray = {}".format( denseArray ) )
                        logger.error( "result = {}".format( result ) )

        elif slot.name == "nonzeroValues":
            nzvalues = set()
            for l in self._labelers.values():
                nzvalues |= set(l._sparseNZ.values())
            result[0] = numpy.array(list(nzvalues))

        elif slot.name == "nonzeroCoordinates":
            assert False, "not supported yet"
            #result[0] = numpy.array(self._sparseNZ.keys())
        elif slot.name == "nonzeroBlocks":
            #we only return all non-zero blocks, no keys
            result[0] = self._get_nonzero_blocks()
        elif slot.name == "maxLabel":
            result[0] = self._maxLabel

        return result
Ejemplo n.º 42
    def _collect_blocks(self, image_slot, label_slot, block_slicings):
        model = self.ModelSession.value
        image_data_blocks = []
        label_data_blocks = []
        block_ids = []
        for block_slicing in block_slicings:
            # Get labels
            block_label_roi = sliceToRoi(block_slicing, label_slot.meta.shape)
            block_label_data = label_slot(*block_label_roi).wait()

            bb_roi_within_block = numpy.array([[0] *
            block_label_bb_roi = bb_roi_within_block + block_label_roi[0]

            # Ask for the halo needed by the classifier
            axiskeys = image_slot.meta.getAxisKeys()
            halo_shape = model.get_halo(axiskeys)
            assert len(halo_shape) == len(block_label_roi[0])
            assert halo_shape[
                -1] == 0, "Didn't expect a non-zero halo for channel dimension."

            # Expand block by halo, but keep clipped to image bounds
            padded_label_roi, bb_roi_within_padded = enlargeRoiForHalo(

            # Copy labels to new array, which has size == bounding-box + halo
            padded_label_data = numpy.zeros(
                padded_label_roi[1] - padded_label_roi[0],
                *bb_roi_within_padded)] = block_label_data[roiToSlice(

            padded_image_roi = numpy.array(padded_label_roi)
            assert (padded_image_roi[:, -1] == [0, 1]).all()
            num_channels = image_slot.meta.shape[-1]
            padded_image_roi[:, -1] = [0, num_channels]

            # Ensure the results are plain ndarray, not VigraArray,
            #  which some classifiers might have trouble with.
            padded_image_data = numpy.asarray(

                    for i, key in enumerate(axiskeys) if key != "c"))

        return image_data_blocks, label_data_blocks, block_ids
Ejemplo n.º 43
    def getOutSlot(self, slot, key, result):
        shape = self.inputs["Input"].shape
        rstart, rstop = sliceToRoi(key, shape)
        rstop[-1] = shape[-1]
        rkey = roiToSlice(rstart, rstop)
        pred = self.inputs["Input"][rkey].allocate().wait()

        ch = self.inputs["Channel"].value
        th = self.inputs["Threshold"].value
        result[..., 0] = numpy.where(pred[..., ch] > th, 1, 0)
Ejemplo n.º 44
 def __init__(self, slot, start = None, stop = None, pslice = None):
     if pslice != None or start is not None and stop is None and pslice is None:
         if pslice is None:
             pslice = start
         shape = self.slot.meta.shape
         if shape is None:
             # Okay to use a shapeless slot if the key is bounded
             # AND if the key has the correct length
             assert slicingtools.is_bounded(pslice)
             # Supply a dummy shape
             shape = [0] * len(pslice)
         self.start, self.stop = sliceToRoi(pslice,shape)
     elif start is None and pslice is None:
         self.start, self.stop = sliceToRoi(slice(None,None,None),self.slot.meta.shape)
         self.start = TinyVector(start)
         self.stop = TinyVector(stop)
     self.dim = len(self.start)
Ejemplo n.º 45
    def _serialize(self, group, name, slot):
        logger.debug("Serializing BlockSlot: {}".format( self.name ))
        mygroup = group.create_group(name)
        num = len(self.blockslot)
        for index in range(num):
            subname = self.subname.format(index)
            subgroup = mygroup.create_group(subname)
            nonZeroBlocks = self.blockslot[index].value
            for blockIndex, slicing in enumerate(nonZeroBlocks):
                if not isinstance(slicing[0], slice):
                    slicing = roiToSlice(*slicing)

                block = self.slot[index][slicing].wait()
                blockName = 'block{:04d}'.format(blockIndex)

                if self._shrink_to_bb:
                    nonzero_coords = numpy.nonzero(block)
                    if len(nonzero_coords[0]) > 0:
                        block_start = sliceToRoi( slicing, (0,)*len(slicing) )[0]
                        block_bounding_box_start = numpy.array( list(map( numpy.min, nonzero_coords )) )
                        block_bounding_box_stop = 1 + numpy.array( list(map( numpy.max, nonzero_coords )) )
                        block_slicing = roiToSlice( block_bounding_box_start, block_bounding_box_stop )
                        bounding_box_roi = numpy.array([block_bounding_box_start, block_bounding_box_stop])
                        bounding_box_roi += block_start
                        # Overwrite the vars that are written to the file
                        slicing = roiToSlice(*bounding_box_roi)
                        block = block[block_slicing]

                # If we have a masked array, convert it to a structured array so that h5py can handle it.
                if slot[index].meta.has_mask:
                    mygroup.attrs["meta.has_mask"] = True

                    block_group = subgroup.create_group(blockName)

                    if self.compression_level:
                        block_group.create_dataset("data", data=block.data)
                    block_group.create_dataset("fill_value", data=block.fill_value)

                    block_group.attrs['blockSlice'] = slicingToString(slicing)
                    subgroup.create_dataset(blockName, data=block)
                    subgroup[blockName].attrs['blockSlice'] = slicingToString(slicing)
Ejemplo n.º 46
    def _serialize(self, group, name, slot):
        logger.debug("Serializing BlockSlot: {}".format( self.name ))
        mygroup = group.create_group(name)
        num = len(self.blockslot)
        for index in range(num):
            subname = self.subname.format(index)
            subgroup = mygroup.create_group(subname)
            nonZeroBlocks = self.blockslot[index].value
            for blockIndex, slicing in enumerate(nonZeroBlocks):
                if not isinstance(slicing[0], slice):
                    slicing = roiToSlice(*slicing)

                block = self.slot[index][slicing].wait()
                blockName = 'block{:04d}'.format(blockIndex)

                if self._shrink_to_bb:
                    nonzero_coords = numpy.nonzero(block)
                    if len(nonzero_coords[0]) > 0:
                        block_start = sliceToRoi( slicing, (0,)*len(slicing) )[0]
                        block_bounding_box_start = numpy.array( map( numpy.min, nonzero_coords ) )
                        block_bounding_box_stop = 1 + numpy.array( map( numpy.max, nonzero_coords ) )
                        block_slicing = roiToSlice( block_bounding_box_start, block_bounding_box_stop )
                        bounding_box_roi = numpy.array([block_bounding_box_start, block_bounding_box_stop])
                        bounding_box_roi += block_start
                        # Overwrite the vars that are written to the file
                        slicing = roiToSlice(*bounding_box_roi)
                        block = block[block_slicing]

                # If we have a masked array, convert it to a structured array so that h5py can handle it.
                if slot[index].meta.has_mask:
                    mygroup.attrs["meta.has_mask"] = True

                    block_group = subgroup.create_group(blockName)

                    if self.compression_level:
                        block_group.create_dataset("data", data=block.data)
                    block_group.create_dataset("fill_value", data=block.fill_value)

                    block_group.attrs['blockSlice'] = slicingToString(slicing)
                    subgroup.create_dataset(blockName, data=block)
                    subgroup[blockName].attrs['blockSlice'] = slicingToString(slicing)
Ejemplo n.º 47
    def propagateDirty(self, slot, subindex, roi):
        shape = self.Output.meta.shape

        key = roi.toSlice()
        if slot == self.inputs["Input"]:
            start, stop = sliceToRoi(key, shape)

            with self._lock:
                if self._blockState is not None:
                    blockStart = numpy.floor(1.0 * start / self._blockShape)
                    blockStop = numpy.ceil(1.0 * stop / self._blockShape)
                    blockKey = roiToSlice(blockStart, blockStop)
                    if self._fixed:
                        # Remember that this block became dirty while we were fixed
                        #  so we can notify downstream operators when we become unfixed.
                        self._blockState[blockKey] = OpArrayCache.FIXED_DIRTY
                        self._has_fixed_dirty_blocks = True
                        self._blockState[blockKey] = OpArrayCache.DIRTY

            if not self._fixed:
        if slot == self.inputs["fixAtCurrent"]:
            if self.inputs["fixAtCurrent"].ready():
                self._fixed = self.inputs["fixAtCurrent"].value
                if not self._fixed and self.Output.meta.shape is not None and self._has_fixed_dirty_blocks:
                    # We've become unfixed, so we need to notify downstream
                    #  operators of every block that became dirty while we were fixed.
                    # Convert all FIXED_DIRTY states into DIRTY states
                    with self._lock:
                        cond = (
                            self._blockState[...] == OpArrayCache.FIXED_DIRTY)
                        self._blockState[...] = fastWhere(
                            cond, OpArrayCache.DIRTY, self._blockState,
                        self._has_fixed_dirty_blocks = False
                    newDirtyBlocks = numpy.transpose(numpy.nonzero(cond))

                    # To avoid lots of setDirty notifications, we simply merge all the dirtyblocks into one single superblock.
                    # This should be the best option in most cases, but could be bad in some cases.
                    # TODO: Optimize this by merging the dirty blocks via connected components or something.
                    cacheShape = numpy.array(self.Output.meta.shape)
                    dirtyStart = cacheShape
                    dirtyStop = [0] * len(cacheShape)
                    for index in newDirtyBlocks:
                        blockStart = index * self._blockShape
                        blockStop = numpy.minimum(
                            blockStart + self._blockShape, cacheShape)

                        dirtyStart = numpy.minimum(dirtyStart, blockStart)
                        dirtyStop = numpy.maximum(dirtyStop, blockStop)

                    if len(newDirtyBlocks > 0):
                        self.Output.setDirty(dirtyStart, dirtyStop)
Ejemplo n.º 48
    def propagateDirty(self, slot, subindex, roi):
        shape = self.Input.meta.shape
        key = roi.toSlice()

        if slot == self.inputs["Input"]:
            start, stop = sliceToRoi(key, shape)

            with self._lock:
                if self._blockState is not None:
                    blockStart = numpy.floor(1.0 * start / self._blockShape)
                    blockStop = numpy.ceil(1.0 * stop / self._blockShape)
                    blockKey = roiToSlice(blockStart, blockStop)
                    if self._fixed:
                        # Remember that this block became dirty while we were fixed
                        #  so we can notify downstream operators when we become unfixed.
                        self._blockState[blockKey] = OpArrayCache.FIXED_DIRTY
                        self._has_fixed_dirty_blocks = True
                        self._blockState[blockKey] = OpArrayCache.DIRTY

            if not self._fixed:
        if slot == self.inputs["fixAtCurrent"]:
            if self.inputs["fixAtCurrent"].ready():
                self._fixed = self.inputs["fixAtCurrent"].value
                if not self._fixed and self.Output.meta.shape is not None and self._has_fixed_dirty_blocks:
                    # We've become unfixed, so we need to notify downstream
                    #  operators of every block that became dirty while we were fixed.
                    # Convert all FIXED_DIRTY states into DIRTY states
                    with self._lock:
                        cond = (
                            self._blockState[...] == OpArrayCache.FIXED_DIRTY)
                        self._blockState[...] = fastWhere(
                            cond, OpArrayCache.DIRTY, self._blockState,
                        self._has_fixed_dirty_blocks = False
                    newDirtyBlocks = numpy.transpose(numpy.nonzero(cond))

                    # To avoid lots of setDirty notifications, we simply merge all the dirtyblocks into one single superblock.
                    # This should be the best option in most cases, but could be bad in some cases.
                    # TODO: Optimize this by merging the dirty blocks via connected components or something.
                    cacheShape = numpy.array(self.Output.meta.shape)
                    dirtyStart = cacheShape
                    dirtyStop = [0] * len(cacheShape)
                    for index in newDirtyBlocks:
                        blockStart = index * self._blockShape
                        blockStop = numpy.minimum(
                            blockStart + self._blockShape, cacheShape)

                        dirtyStart = numpy.minimum(dirtyStart, blockStart)
                        dirtyStop = numpy.maximum(dirtyStop, blockStop)

                    if len(newDirtyBlocks > 0):
                        self.Output.setDirty(dirtyStart, dirtyStop)
Ejemplo n.º 49
 def test_5_ManySmallWritesToOneBlock(self):
     for _ in range(100):
         x = numpy.random.randint(49) + 1
         y = numpy.random.randint(49) + 1
         z = numpy.random.randint(49) + 1
         slicing = numpy.s_[:, 0:x, 0:y, 0:z, :]
         roi = sliceToRoi( slicing, self.dataShape )
         roiShape = roi[1] - roi[0]
         random_data = numpy.random.random( roiShape )
         self.bfs.writeData( roi, random_data )
Ejemplo n.º 50
 def test_3_ReadSome(self):
     logger.debug( "Reading data..." )
     slicing = numpy.s_[:, 50:150, 50:150, 50:150, :]
     roi = sliceToRoi( slicing, self.dataShape )
     roiShape = roi[1] - roi[0]
     read_data = numpy.zeros( tuple(roiShape), dtype=numpy.uint8 )
     self.bfs.readData( roi, read_data )
     logger.debug( "Checking data..." )
     assert self.data[slicing].shape == read_data.shape
     assert (self.data[slicing] == read_data).all(), "Data didn't match."
Ejemplo n.º 51
    def test_3_ReadSome(self):
        logger.debug("Reading data...")
        slicing = numpy.s_[:, 50:150, 50:150, 50:150, :]
        roi = sliceToRoi(slicing, self.dataShape)
        roiShape = roi[1] - roi[0]
        read_data = numpy.zeros(tuple(roiShape), dtype=numpy.uint8)

        self.bfs.readData(roi, read_data)

        logger.debug("Checking data...")
        assert self.data[slicing].shape == read_data.shape
        assert (self.data[slicing] == read_data).all(), "Data didn't match."
Ejemplo n.º 52
    def execute(self, slot, subindex, roi, result):
        key = roiToSlice(roi.start, roi.stop)
        shape = self.inputs["Input"].meta.shape

        rstart, rstop = sliceToRoi(key, self.outputs["Output"].meta.shape)
        rstart[-1] = 0
        rstop[-1] = shape[-1]
        rkey = roiToSlice(rstart, rstop)
        img = self.inputs["Input"][rkey].wait()
        axis = img.ndim - 1
        result = numpy.argmax(img, axis=axis)
        result.resize(result.shape + (1, ))
        return result
Ejemplo n.º 53
        def request( self, slicing ):
            if cfg.getboolean('pixelpipeline', 'verbose'):
                print "  LazyflowSource '%s' requests %s" % (self.objectName(), volumina.strSlicing(slicing))
            if not is_pure_slicing(slicing):
                raise Exception('LazyflowSource: slicing is not pure')
            assert self._op5 is not None, "Underlying operator is None.  Are you requesting from a datasource that has been cleaned up already?"

            start, stop = sliceToRoi(slicing, self._op5.Output.meta.shape)
            clipped_roi = np.maximum(start, (0,0,0,0,0)), np.minimum(stop, self._op5.Output.meta.shape)
            clipped_slicing = roiToSlice(*clipped_roi)
            return LazyflowRequest( self._op5, clipped_slicing, self._priority, objectName=self.objectName() )
Ejemplo n.º 54
    def request(self, slicing):
        if CONFIG.verbose_pixelpipeline:
            logger.info("%s '%s' requests %s'", type(self).__name__, self.objectName(), strSlicing(slicing))

        if not is_pure_slicing(slicing):
            raise Exception("LazyflowSource: slicing is not pure")
        assert (
            self._op5 is not None
        ), "Underlying operator is None.  Are you requesting from a datasource that has been cleaned up already?"

        start, stop = sliceToRoi(slicing, self._op5.Output.meta.shape)
        clipped_roi = np.maximum(start, (0, 0, 0, 0, 0)), np.minimum(stop, self._op5.Output.meta.shape)
        clipped_slicing = roiToSlice(*clipped_roi)
        return LazyflowRequest(self._op5, clipped_slicing, self._priority, objectName=self.objectName())
Ejemplo n.º 55
    def test_7_ManySmallWritesToOneBlock(self):
        for _ in range(100):
            x = numpy.random.randint(49) + 1
            y = numpy.random.randint(49) + 1
            z = numpy.random.randint(49) + 1
            slicing = numpy.s_[:, 0:x, 0:y, 0:z, :]
            roi = sliceToRoi(slicing, self.dataShape)
            roiShape = roi[1] - roi[0]

            random_data = numpy.random.random(roiShape)
            self.bfs.writeData(roi, random_data)
Ejemplo n.º 56
    def test_3_ReadSome(self):
        logger.debug("Reading data...")
        slicing = numpy.s_[:, 2:7, 8:11, 0:1, :]
        roi = sliceToRoi(slicing, self.dataShape)
        roiShape = roi[1] - roi[0]
        read_data = numpy.zeros(tuple(roiShape), dtype=object)

        self.bfs.readData(roi, read_data)

        logger.debug("Checking data...")
        assert self.data[slicing].shape == read_data.shape
        for a, b in zip(self.data[slicing].flat, read_data.flat):
            for (k1, v1), (k2, v2) in zip(list(a.items()), list(b.items())):
                assert k1 == k2
                assert (v1 == v2).all()
Ejemplo n.º 57
    def execute(self, slot, subindex, roi, result):
        classifier_factory = self.ClassifierFactory.value
        assert issubclass(type(classifier_factory), LazyflowPixelwiseClassifierFactoryABC), \
            "Factory is of type {}, which does not satisfy the LazyflowPixelwiseClassifierFactoryABC interface."\
            "".format( type(classifier_factory) )
        # Accumulate all non-zero blocks of each image into lists
        label_data_blocks = []
        image_data_blocks = []
        for image_slot, label_slot, nonzero_block_slot in zip(self.Images, self.Labels, self.nonzeroLabelBlocks):
            block_slicings = nonzero_block_slot.value
            for block_slicing in block_slicings:
                block_label_roi = sliceToRoi( block_slicing, image_slot.meta.shape )

                # Ask for the halo needed by the classifier
                axiskeys = image_slot.meta.getAxisKeys()
                halo_shape = classifier_factory.get_halo_shape(axiskeys)
                assert len(halo_shape) == len( block_label_roi[0] )
                assert halo_shape[-1] == 0, "Didn't expect a non-zero halo for channel dimension."

                # Expand block by halo, then clip to image bounds
                block_label_roi = numpy.array( block_label_roi )
                block_label_roi[0] -= halo_shape
                block_label_roi[1] += halo_shape
                block_label_roi = getIntersection( block_label_roi, roiFromShape(image_slot.meta.shape) )

                block_image_roi = numpy.array( block_label_roi )
                assert (block_image_roi[:, -1] == [0,1]).all()
                num_channels = image_slot.meta.shape[-1]
                block_image_roi[:, -1] = [0, num_channels]

                # Ensure the results are plain ndarray, not VigraArray, 
                #  which some classifiers might have trouble with.
                block_label_data = numpy.asarray( label_slot(*block_label_roi).wait() )
                block_image_data = numpy.asarray( image_slot(*block_image_roi).wait() )
                label_data_blocks.append( block_label_data )
                image_data_blocks.append( block_image_data )
        logger.debug("Training new classifier: {}".format( classifier_factory.description ))
        classifier = classifier_factory.create_and_train_pixelwise( image_data_blocks, label_data_blocks )
        assert issubclass(type(classifier), LazyflowPixelwiseClassifierABC), \
            "Classifier is of type {}, which does not satisfy the LazyflowPixelwiseClassifierABC interface."\
            "".format( type(classifier) )
        result[0] = classifier
        return result
Ejemplo n.º 58
    def test_4_ManySmallReadsFromOneBlock(self):
        logger.debug("Starting small reads...")

        for _ in range(100):
            x = numpy.random.randint(49) + 1
            y = numpy.random.randint(49) + 1
            z = numpy.random.randint(49) + 1
            slicing = numpy.s_[:, 0:x, 0:y, 0:z, :]
            roi = sliceToRoi(slicing, self.dataShape)
            roiShape = roi[1] - roi[0]
            read_data = numpy.zeros(tuple(roiShape), dtype=numpy.uint8)

            self.bfs.readData(roi, read_data)

            assert self.data[slicing].shape == read_data.shape
            assert (
                self.data[slicing] == read_data).all(), "Data didn't match."
Ejemplo n.º 59
    def _executeOutput(self, slot, subindex, roi, result):
        key = roi.toSlice()

        shape = self.Output.meta.shape
        start, stop = sliceToRoi(key, shape)

        self.traceLogger.debug("Acquiring ArrayCache lock...")
        self.traceLogger.debug("ArrayCache lock acquired.")

        ch = self._cacheHits
        ch += 1
        self._cacheHits = ch

        self._running += 1

        bp, bq = self.b.dirtyBlocks(start, stop)

        #print "there are %d dirty blocks" % bp.shape[0]

        if not self._fixed:
            reqs = []
            sh = self.outputs["Output"].meta.shape
            for i in range(bp.shape[0]):
                bStart = tuple([int(t) for t in bp[i, :]])
                bStop = tuple([int(t) for t in numpy.minimum(bq[i, :], sh)])
                key = roiToSlice(bStart, bStop)
                req = self.Input[key]
                reqs.append((req, bStart, bStop))
            for r, bStart, bStop in reqs:
            for r, bStart, bStop in reqs:
                x = r.wait()
                self.b.writeSubarray(bStart, bStop, r.wait())

        t1 = time.time()
        self.b.readSubarray(start, stop, result)

        #print "read subarray took %f" % (time.time()-t1)


        return result
Ejemplo n.º 60
    def execute(self, slot, subindex, roi, result):
        classifier_factory = self.ClassifierFactory.value
        assert isinstance(classifier_factory, LazyflowPixelwiseClassifierFactoryABC), \
            "Factory is of type {}, which does not satisfy the LazyflowPixelwiseClassifierFactoryABC interface."\
            "".format( type(classifier_factory) )

        # Accumulate all non-zero blocks of each image into lists
        label_data_blocks = []
        image_data_blocks = []
        for image_slot, label_slot, nonzero_block_slot in zip(
                self.Images, self.Labels, self.nonzeroLabelBlocks):
            block_slicings = nonzero_block_slot.value
            for block_slicing in block_slicings:
                block_label_roi = sliceToRoi(block_slicing,
                block_image_roi = numpy.array(block_label_roi)
                assert (block_image_roi[:, -1] == [0, 1]).all()
                num_channels = image_slot.meta.shape[-1]
                block_image_roi[:, -1] = [0, num_channels]

                # TODO: Compensate for the halo as specified by the classifier...
                #axiskeys = image_slot.meta.getAxisKeys()
                #halo_shape = classifier_factory.get_halo_shape(axiskeys)

                # Ensure the results are plain ndarray, not VigraArray,
                #  which some classifiers might have trouble with.
                block_label_data = numpy.asarray(
                block_image_data = numpy.asarray(


        classifier = classifier_factory.create_and_train_pixelwise(
            image_data_blocks, label_data_blocks)
        assert isinstance(classifier, LazyflowPixelwiseClassifierABC), \
            "Classifier is of type {}, which does not satisfy the LazyflowPixelwiseClassifierABC interface."\
            "".format( type(classifier) )
        result[0] = classifier
        return result