Ejemplo n.º 1
def test_3d_aslist():
    Verify that the blocks returned in the list format match the ones returned in the array format.
    orig_data = numpy.random.random( (6, 9, 16) )
    blockshape = (2,3,4)
    final_shape = tuple(numpy.array(orig_data.shape) / blockshape) + blockshape
    assert final_shape == (3,3,4,2,3,4), final_shape

    array_view = blockwise_view( orig_data, blockshape )
    block_list = blockwise_view( orig_data, blockshape, aslist=True )

    assert (numpy.array(block_list) == array_view.reshape((-1,) + blockshape)).all()
Ejemplo n.º 2
def test_3d_aslist():
    Verify that the blocks returned in the list format match the ones returned in the array format.
    orig_data = numpy.random.random((6, 9, 16))
    blockshape = (2, 3, 4)
    final_shape = tuple(numpy.array(orig_data.shape) / blockshape) + blockshape
    assert final_shape == (3, 3, 4, 2, 3, 4), final_shape

    array_view = blockwise_view(orig_data, blockshape)
    block_list = blockwise_view(orig_data, blockshape, aslist=True)

    assert (numpy.array(block_list) == array_view.reshape((-1, ) +
Ejemplo n.º 3
def test_2d():
    # Adapted from:
    # http://stackoverflow.com/a/8070716/162094
    n = 4
    m = 5
    a = numpy.arange(1, n * m + 1).reshape(n, m)
    logger.debug("original data:\n{}".format(a))

    sz = a.itemsize
    h, w = a.shape
    bh, bw = 2, 2
    shape = (h // bh, w // bw, bh, bw)

    strides = sz * numpy.array([w * bh, bw, w, 1])

    # This is our reference, copied straight from stackoverflow
    blocks = numpy.lib.stride_tricks.as_strided(a,
    logger.debug("reference blocks:\n{}".format(blocks))

    view = blockwise_view(a, (bh, bw), require_aligned_blocks=False)

    assert view.shape == blocks.shape
    assert (view == blocks).all()

    # Prove that this was a view, not a copy
    view[:] = 0
    logger.debug("modified data:\n{}".format(a))
    assert (a[0:4,
              0:4] == 0).all(), "blockwise_view returned a copy, not a view!"
Ejemplo n.º 4
def test_3d():
    Copy a 3D array block-by-block into a 6D array,
    and verify that the result matches blockwise_view()
    orig_data = numpy.random.random((6, 9, 16))
    blockshape = (2, 3, 4)
    final_shape = tuple(
        numpy.array(orig_data.shape) // blockshape) + blockshape
    assert final_shape == (3, 3, 4, 2, 3, 4), final_shape

    blockwise_copy = numpy.zeros(final_shape)

    block_addresses = final_shape[0:3]
    for x in range(block_addresses[0]):
        for y in range(block_addresses[1]):
            for z in range(block_addresses[2]):
                block_start = numpy.array((x, y, z)) * blockshape
                block_stop = block_start + blockshape
                blockwise_copy[x, y,
                               z] = orig_data[block_start[0]:block_stop[0],

    view = blockwise_view(orig_data, blockshape)

    assert view.shape == blockwise_copy.shape
    assert (view == blockwise_copy).all()

    assert not view.flags["C_CONTIGUOUS"]

    c_order_copy = view.copy("C")
    assert c_order_copy.flags["C_CONTIGUOUS"]
Ejemplo n.º 5
def test_2d():
    # Adapted from:
    # http://stackoverflow.com/a/8070716/162094
    a = numpy.arange(1,n*m+1).reshape(n,m)
    logger.debug("original data:\n{}".format(a))
    sz = a.itemsize
    h,w = a.shape
    bh,bw = 2,2
    shape = (h/bh, w/bw, bh, bw)

    strides = sz*numpy.array([w*bh,bw,w,1])
    # This is our reference, copied straight from stackoverflow
    blocks=numpy.lib.stride_tricks.as_strided(a, shape=shape, strides=strides)
    logger.debug("reference blocks:\n{}".format(blocks))
    view = blockwise_view(a, (bh,bw), False)
    assert view.shape == blocks.shape
    assert (view == blocks).all()
    # Prove that this was a view, not a copy
    view[:] = 0
    logger.debug("modified data:\n{}".format(a))
    assert (a[0:4, 0:4] == 0).all(), "blockwise_view returned a copy, not a view!"
Ejemplo n.º 6
def test_3d():
    Copy a 3D array block-by-block into a 6D array, 
    and verify that the result matches blockwise_view()
    orig_data = numpy.random.random( (6, 9, 16) )
    blockshape = (2,3,4)
    final_shape = tuple(numpy.array(orig_data.shape) / blockshape) + blockshape
    assert final_shape == (3,3,4,2,3,4), final_shape

    blockwise_copy = numpy.zeros( final_shape )
    block_addresses = final_shape[0:3]
    for x in range(block_addresses[0]):
        for y in range(block_addresses[1]):
            for z in range(block_addresses[2]):
                block_start = numpy.array((x,y,z)) * blockshape
                block_stop = block_start + blockshape
                blockwise_copy[x,y,z] = orig_data[ block_start[0] : block_stop[0],
                                                   block_start[1] : block_stop[1],
                                                   block_start[2] : block_stop[2] ]
    view = blockwise_view( orig_data, blockshape )

    assert view.shape == blockwise_copy.shape
    assert (view == blockwise_copy).all()

    assert not view.flags['C_CONTIGUOUS']

    c_order_copy = view.copy('C')
    assert c_order_copy.flags['C_CONTIGUOUS']
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def execute(self, slot, subindex, roi, result):
        block_roi_start = roi.start // DVID_BLOCK_WIDTH
        block_roi_stop = (roi.stop + DVID_BLOCK_WIDTH - 1) // DVID_BLOCK_WIDTH
        block_slicing = roiToSlice(block_roi_start, block_roi_stop)

        if (numpy.array((roi.start, roi.stop)) % DVID_BLOCK_WIDTH).any():
            # Create an array that is bigger than the result, but block-aligned.
            aligned_result_shape = (block_roi_stop -
                                    block_roi_start) * DVID_BLOCK_WIDTH
            aligned_result = numpy.ndarray(aligned_result_shape, numpy.uint8)
            aligned_result = result

        aligned_result_view = blockwise_view(aligned_result,
                                             3 * (DVID_BLOCK_WIDTH, ),

        # broadcast 3d data into 6d view
        aligned_result_view[:] = self._dset[block_slicing][..., None, None,

        # If the result wasn't aligned, we couldn't broadcast directly to it.
        # Copy the data now.
        if aligned_result is not result:
            start = roi.start - (block_roi_start * DVID_BLOCK_WIDTH)
            stop = start + (roi.stop - roi.start)
            result[:] = aligned_result[roiToSlice(start, stop)]
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def execute(self, slot, subindex, roi, result):
        block_roi_start = roi.start / DVID_BLOCK_WIDTH
        block_roi_stop = ( roi.stop + DVID_BLOCK_WIDTH-1 ) / DVID_BLOCK_WIDTH
        block_slicing = roiToSlice(block_roi_start, block_roi_stop)

        if (numpy.array( (roi.start, roi.stop) ) % DVID_BLOCK_WIDTH).any():
            # Create an array that is bigger than the result, but block-aligned.
            aligned_result_shape = (block_roi_stop - block_roi_start) * DVID_BLOCK_WIDTH
            aligned_result = numpy.ndarray( aligned_result_shape, numpy.uint8 )
            aligned_result = result

        aligned_result_view = blockwise_view(aligned_result, 3*(DVID_BLOCK_WIDTH,), require_aligned_blocks=False)

        if self._transpose_axes:
            dset_slicing = tuple(reversed(block_slicing))
            # broadcast 3d data into 6d view
            aligned_result_view[:] = self._dset[dset_slicing].transpose()[..., None, None, None]
            # broadcast 3d data into 6d view
            aligned_result_view[:] = self._dset[block_slicing][..., None, None, None]
        # If the result wasn't aligned, we couldn't broadcast directly to it.
        # Copy the data now.
        if aligned_result is not result:
            start = roi.start - (block_roi_start*DVID_BLOCK_WIDTH)
            stop = start + (roi.stop - roi.start)
            result[:] = aligned_result[roiToSlice(start, stop)]
Ejemplo n.º 9
    ret = inf.infer( inf.verboseVisitor() )
    if ret.name != "NORMAL":
        raise RuntimeError("OpenGM inference failed with status: {}".format( ret.name ))

    mapping_index_array = inf.arg().astype(np.uint32)
    return mapping_index_array

if __name__ == "__main__":
    import vigra

    from lazyflow.utility import blockwise_view

    # Superpixels are just (20,20,20) blocks, each with a unique value, 1-125
    superpixels = np.zeros( (100,100,100), dtype=np.uint32 )
    superpixel_block_view = blockwise_view( superpixels, (20,20,20) )
    assert superpixel_block_view.shape == (5,5,5,20,20,20)
    superpixel_block_view[:] = np.arange(1, 126).reshape( (5,5,5) )[..., None, None, None]

    superpixels = superpixels[...,None]
    assert superpixels.min() == 1
    assert superpixels.max() == 125

    # Make 3 random probability classes
    probabilities = np.random.random( superpixels.shape[:-1] + (3,) ).astype( np.float32 )
    probabilities = vigra.taggedView(probabilities, 'zyxc')

    superpixels = vigra.taggedView(superpixels, 'zyxc')

    from lazyflow.graph import Graph
    op = OpMulticut(graph=Graph())
Ejemplo n.º 10
        if ret.name != "NORMAL":
            raise RuntimeError(
                "OpenGM inference failed with status: {}".format(ret.name))

        mapping_index_array = inf.arg().astype(np.uint32)
        return mapping_index_array

    if __name__ == "__main__":
        import vigra

        from lazyflow.utility import blockwise_view

        # Superpixels are just (20,20,20) blocks, each with a unique value, 1-125
        superpixels = np.zeros((100, 100, 100), dtype=np.uint32)
        superpixel_block_view = blockwise_view(superpixels, (20, 20, 20))
        assert superpixel_block_view.shape == (5, 5, 5, 20, 20, 20)
        superpixel_block_view[:] = np.arange(
            1, 126).reshape((5, 5, 5))[..., None, None, None]

        superpixels = superpixels[..., None]
        assert superpixels.min() == 1
        assert superpixels.max() == 125

        # Make 3 random probability classes
        probabilities = np.random.random(
            superpixels.shape[:-1] + (3,)).astype(np.float32)
        probabilities = vigra.taggedView(probabilities, 'zyxc')

        superpixels = vigra.taggedView(superpixels, 'zyxc')