Ejemplo n.º 1
 def search(self, name, type):
     GB = GoogleBooks(name, type)
     if len(name) == 0:
         raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect("config")
         searchresults = GB.find_results()
     return serve_template(templatename="searchresults.html", title='Search Results for: "' + name + '"', searchresults=searchresults, type=type)
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def search(self, name, type):
     GB = GoogleBooks(name, type)
     if len(name) == 0:
         raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect("config")
         searchresults = GB.find_results()
     return serve_template(templatename="searchresults.html",
                           title='Search Results for: "' + name + '"',
Ejemplo n.º 3
def addAuthorToDB(authorname=None):
    type = 'author'
    myDB = database.DBConnection()

    GR = GoodReads(authorname, type)
    GB = GoogleBooks(authorname, type)

    query = "SELECT * from authors WHERE AuthorName='%s'" % authorname
    dbauthor = myDB.action(query).fetchone()
    controlValueDict = {"AuthorName": authorname}

    if dbauthor is None:
        newValueDict = {
            "AuthorID": "0: %s" % (authorname),
            "Status": "Loading"
        newValueDict = {"Status": "Loading"}
    myDB.upsert("authors", newValueDict, controlValueDict)

    author = GR.find_author_id()
    if author:
        authorid = author['authorid']
        authorlink = author['authorlink']
        authorimg = author['authorimg']
        controlValueDict = {"AuthorName": authorname}
        newValueDict = {
            "AuthorID": authorid,
            "AuthorLink": authorlink,
            "AuthorImg": authorimg,
            "AuthorBorn": author['authorborn'],
            "AuthorDeath": author['authordeath'],
            "DateAdded": formatter.today(),
            "Status": "Loading"
        myDB.upsert("authors", newValueDict, controlValueDict)
        logger.error("Nothing found")

# process books
    bookscount = 0
    books = GB.find_results()
    for book in books:

        # this is for rare cases where google returns multiple authors who share nameparts
        if book['authorname'] == authorname:

            controlValueDict = {"BookID": book['bookid']}
            newValueDict = {
                "AuthorName": book['authorname'],
                "AuthorID": authorid,
                "AuthorLink": authorimg,
                "BookName": book['bookname'],
                "BookDesc": book['bookdesc'],
                "BookIsbn": book['bookisbn'],
                "BookImg": book['bookimg'],
                "BookLink": book['booklink'],
                "BookRate": book['bookrate'],
                "BookPages": book['bookpages'],
                "BookDate": book['bookdate'],
                "BookLang": book['booklang'],
                "Status": "Skipped",
                "BookAdded": formatter.today()

            myDB.upsert("books", newValueDict, controlValueDict)
            bookscount = bookscount + 1

    lastbook = myDB.action(
        "SELECT BookName, BookLink, BookDate from books WHERE AuthorName='%s' order by BookDate DESC"
        % authorname).fetchone()
    controlValueDict = {"AuthorName": authorname}
    newValueDict = {
        "Status": "Active",
        "TotalBooks": bookscount,
        "LastBook": lastbook['BookName'],
        "LastLink": lastbook['BookLink'],
        "LastDate": lastbook['BookDate']

    myDB.upsert("authors", newValueDict, controlValueDict)
    logger.info("Processing complete: Added %s books to the database" %
Ejemplo n.º 4
def addAuthorToDB(authorname=None):
    threading.currentThread().name = "DBIMPORT"
    type = 'author'
    myDB = database.DBConnection()

    GR = GoodReads(authorname, type)
    GB = GoogleBooks(authorname, type)

    query = "SELECT * from authors WHERE AuthorName='%s'" % authorname
    dbauthor = myDB.action(query).fetchone()
    controlValueDict = {"AuthorName": authorname}

    if dbauthor is None:
        newValueDict = {
            "AuthorID":   "0: %s" % (authorname),
            "Status":       "Loading"
        newValueDict = {"Status": "Loading"}
    myDB.upsert("authors", newValueDict, controlValueDict)

    author = GR.find_author_id()
    if author:
        authorid = author['authorid']
        authorlink = author['authorlink']
        authorimg = author['authorimg']
        controlValueDict = {"AuthorName": authorname}
        newValueDict = {
            "AuthorID":     authorid,
            "AuthorLink":   authorlink,
            "AuthorImg":    authorimg,
            "AuthorBorn":   author['authorborn'],
            "AuthorDeath":  author['authordeath'],
            "DateAdded":    formatter.today(),
            "Status":       "Loading"
        myDB.upsert("authors", newValueDict, controlValueDict)
        logger.error("Nothing found")

# process books
    bookscount = 0
    books = GB.find_results()
    for book in books:

        # this is for rare cases where google returns multiple authors who share nameparts
        if book['authorname'] == authorname:

            controlValueDict = {"BookID": book['bookid']}
            newValueDict = {
                "AuthorName":   book['authorname'],
                "AuthorID":     authorid,
                "AuthorLink":   authorimg,
                "BookName":     book['bookname'],
                "BookSub":      book['booksub'],
                "BookDesc":     book['bookdesc'],
                "BookIsbn":     book['bookisbn'],
                "BookPub":      book['bookpub'],
                "BookGenre":    book['bookgenre'],
                "BookImg":      book['bookimg'],
                "BookLink":     book['booklink'],
                "BookRate":     book['bookrate'],
                "BookPages":    book['bookpages'],
                "BookDate":     book['bookdate'],
                "BookLang":     book['booklang'],
                "Status":       "Skipped",
                "BookAdded":    formatter.today()

            myDB.upsert("books", newValueDict, controlValueDict)
            bookscount = bookscount+1 

    lastbook = myDB.action("SELECT BookName, BookLink, BookDate from books WHERE AuthorName='%s' order by BookDate DESC" % authorname).fetchone()
    controlValueDict = {"AuthorName": authorname}
    newValueDict = {
        "Status": "Active",
        "TotalBooks": bookscount,
        "LastBook": lastbook['BookName'],
        "LastLink": lastbook['BookLink'],
        "LastDate": lastbook['BookDate']

    myDB.upsert("authors", newValueDict, controlValueDict)
    logger.info("Processing complete: Added %s books to the database" % bookscount)