def stochastic_lda(corpus, batches=None, lambda_=None,
                   ordering=False, S=1, num_topics=10, max_iter=300, tau=1,
                   kappa=0.5, alpha=0.5, eta=0.001, threshold=0.000001):
    Stochastic Variational Inference EM algorithm for LDA.
    (from algorithm 2 in Blei 2010)
    corpus is a list of lists of [word_index, count] for each document
    corpus is a matrix of count: (docs, voca)
        lambda_: to set a specific lambda for the initialization
        batches: to set an order on the use of the corpus
        S: size of the mini-batches
    C, V = corpus.shape

    # Initialisation
    if not np.any(lambda_):
        lambda_ = np.random.gamma(100, 1./100, size=(num_topics, V))
        lambda_ = lambda_.copy()

    gamma_d_k = np.ones((C, num_topics))

    # Sampling
    if not np.any(batches):
        batches = get_samples(C, S, max_iter)

    for t in xrange(len(batches)):
        # #### E-step
        lambda_int = np.zeros((num_topics, V))

        for d in batches[t]:
            gamma_d_k, lambda_int = e_step(d, corpus, gamma_d_k, lambda_, lambda_int, alpha, threshold)

        # #### M-step
        rho = (tau + t)**(-kappa)
        indices = np.unique(np.nonzero(corpus[batches[t], :])[1])
        lambda_int = eta + C / (1. * S) * lambda_int
        lambda_[:, indices] = (1 - rho)*lambda_[:, indices] + rho*lambda_int[:, indices]

    return lambda_, gamma_d_k
def batch_lda(corpus, lambda_=None, num_topics=10, num_iter=10, alpha=0.5, eta=0.001, threshold=0.000001):
    Batch Variational Inference EM algorithm for LDA, goes over all the data at each iteration.
    (from algorithm 1 in Blei 2010)
    corpus is a list of lists of [word_index, count] for each document
    corpus is a matrix of count: (docs, voca)
        lambda_: to set a specific lambda for the initialization
    C, V = corpus.shape

    # Initialisation
    if not np.any(lambda_):
        lambda_ = np.random.gamma(100, 1./100, size=(num_topics, V))
        lambda_ = lambda_.copy()

    gamma_d_k = np.ones((C, num_topics))
    sample = range(C)

    for t in xrange(num_iter):
        old_lambda_ = lambda_
        # #### E-step
        lambda_int = np.zeros((num_topics, V))
        for d in sample:
            gamma_d_k, lambda_int = e_step(d, corpus, gamma_d_k, lambda_,
                                           lambda_int, alpha, threshold)

        # #### M-step
        lambda_ = eta + lambda_int

        # Check if convergence
        if (np.mean(np.abs((lambda_ - old_lambda_) / old_lambda_)) < threshold):

    return lambda_, gamma_d_k