Ejemplo n.º 1
def wait_for_database_open():
    # Wait for the list view to pop up in the main Glom window:
    # Note that the Window title of the Glom Window changes when the file
    # has loaded. If we use wildcards for the Window title (*Glom*) here,
    # then objectexist does not find the notebook_data
    # (ptlListOrDetailsView) widget, even when it has actually appeared.
    # TODO: Maybe we can use setcontext(), to avoid this.
    # TODO: Or maybe this has been fixed in LDTP in the meanwhile,
    # see bug #583021.
    while not ldtp.guiexist('Glom-Test') or not ldtp.objectexist(
            'Glom-Test', 'ptlListOrDetailsView'):
        # onwindowcreate calls the callback in a new thread, which
        # does not really help us since we don't have a mainloop the
        # callback thread could notify, so we would need to have to
        # poll an event anyway. Instead, we can simply poll directly
        # the existance of an error dialog.
        # Plus, there seems to be a bug in LDTP when running a test
        # sequence of multiple tests using onwindowcreate:
        # http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=586291.
        if ldtp.guiexist('Warning') or ldtp.guiexist('Error'):
            # TODO: Read error message from error dialog
            raise ldtp.LdtpExecutionError('Failed to create new database')

        # Wait a bit and then try again:
Ejemplo n.º 2
        def testInstallSimplePackage(self):
                pkgname = 'package1'
                pm_str = "%s/usr/bin/packagemanager" % pkg5unittest.g_proto_area

                self.pkgsend_bulk(self.rurl, self.foo10)

                ldtp.launchapp(pm_str,["-R", self.get_img_path()])
                ldtp.waittillguiexist('Package Manager', state = ldtp.state.ENABLED)
                ldtp.selectindex('Package Manager', 'Publisher', 0)
                ldtp.selectrow('Package Manager', 'Packages', pkgname)
                ldtp.selectmenuitem('Package Manager', 'mnuEdit;mnuSelect All')
                ldtp.click('Package Manager', 'btnInstall/Update')
                ldtp.waittillguiexist('dlgInstall Confirmation')
                ldtp.click('dlgInstall Confirmation', 'btnProceed')

                while (ldtp.objectexist('dlgInstall/Update', 'btnClose') == 0):

                ldtp.click('dlgInstall/Update', 'btnClose')


                # Verify result

                # Quit packagemanager
                ldtp.selectmenuitem('Package Manager', 'mnuFile;mnuQuit')
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def test_1(self):
     ldtp.waittillguiexist('frmUbuntuSoftwareCent*', 'btnAccessories')
     assert ldtp.objectexist('frmUbuntuSoftwareCent*', 'btnAccessories')
     b = "Time taken from start to find the Accessories button " + str(
         time.time() - start_time) + " Cpu percentage: " + str(
                 'software-center')) + " Memory usage in MB: " + str(
Ejemplo n.º 4
def isExisting(objs=None):
    ''' Verify if the object(s) exist.
        If objs is None, it uses CurrentObjs. '''
    objs, rstr = __checkObjs(objs)
    r = []
    for o in objs:
        role = getRole(o)
        if role == 'Root' or role == 'Windows' or role == 'Application' :
        else :
    return __checkR(r,rstr)
Ejemplo n.º 5
def select_backend(dialog_title, backend_name):
		button_texts = backend_create_db_button_texts[backend_name]
	except KeyError:
		raise ldtp.LdtpExecutionError('Backend "' + backend + '" does not exist')

	for text in button_texts:
		if ldtp.objectexist(dialog_title, 'rbtn' + text):
			ldtp.click(dialog_title, 'rbtn' + text)
		raise ldtp.LdtpExecutionError('Backend "' + backend + '" not supported')
Ejemplo n.º 6
def select_backend(dialog_title, backend_name):
        button_texts = backend_create_db_button_texts[backend_name]
    except KeyError:
        raise ldtp.LdtpExecutionError('Backend "' + backend +
                                      '" does not exist')

    for text in button_texts:
        if ldtp.objectexist(dialog_title, 'rbtn' + text):
            ldtp.click(dialog_title, 'rbtn' + text)
        raise ldtp.LdtpExecutionError('Backend "' + backend +
                                      '" not supported')
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def object_exist(self, window_name, object_name):
        [关键字概要] 判断窗口是否存在

        :@参数 window_name: 窗口名称

        :@参数 object_name: 对象名称

        :@返回值: 1 on success, 0 on failure


        |  *Test Cases*  |    *Returns*   |        *Action*       |    *Argument*   |    *Argument*   |
        |  Example_Test  |   @{return}=   |      Object Exist     |  ${window_name} |  ${object_name} |

            self._info("object exist :(%s, %s)" % (window_name, object_name))
            return ldtp.objectexist(window_name, object_name)
        except LdtpExecutionError:
            raise LdtpExecutionError("objectexist failed")
Ejemplo n.º 8
def wait_for_database_open():
	# Wait for the list view to pop up in the main Glom window:
	# Note that the Window title of the Glom Window changes when the file
	# has loaded. If we use wildcards for the Window title (*Glom*) here,
	# then objectexist does not find the notebook_data
	# (ptlListOrDetailsView) widget, even when it has actually appeared.
	# TODO: Maybe we can use setcontext(), to avoid this.
	# TODO: Or maybe this has been fixed in LDTP in the meanwhile,
	# see bug #583021.
	while not ldtp.guiexist('Glom-Test') or not ldtp.objectexist('Glom-Test', 'ptlListOrDetailsView'):
		# onwindowcreate calls the callback in a new thread, which
		# does not really help us since we don't have a mainloop the
		# callback thread could notify, so we would need to have to
		# poll an event anyway. Instead, we can simply poll directly
		# the existance of an error dialog.
		# Plus, there seems to be a bug in LDTP when running a test
		# sequence of multiple tests using onwindowcreate:
		# http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=586291.
		if ldtp.guiexist('Warning') or ldtp.guiexist('Error'):
			# TODO: Read error message from error dialog
			raise ldtp.LdtpExecutionError('Failed to create new database')

		# Wait a bit and then try again:
 def test_1(self):
     ldtp.waittillguiexist('frmUbuntuSoftwareCent*', 'btnAccessories')
     assert ldtp.objectexist('frmUbuntuSoftwareCent*', 'btnAccessories')
     b = "Time taken from start to find the Accessories button " + str(
         time.time() - start_time) + " Cpu percentage: " + str(ldtp.getcpustat('software-center')) + " Memory usage in MB: " + str(ldtp.getmemorystat('software-center'))
Ejemplo n.º 10
 def testWalletButtons(self):
     for button in WALLET_BUTTONS:
         self.assertTrue(objectexist(MAIN_WINDOW, button))
Ejemplo n.º 11
 def testMenuItems(self):
     for item in MENU_ITEMS:
         self.assertTrue(objectexist(MAIN_WINDOW, item))
Ejemplo n.º 12
 def testLeftHandButtons(self):
     for button in LEFT_HAND_BUTTONS:
         self.assertTrue(objectexist(MAIN_WINDOW, button))
 def testWalletButtons(self):
     for button in WALLET_BUTTONS:
         self.assertTrue(objectexist(MAIN_WINDOW, button))
 def testMenuItems(self):
     for item in MENU_ITEMS:
         self.assertTrue(objectexist(MAIN_WINDOW, item))
 def testLeftHandButtons(self):
     for button in LEFT_HAND_BUTTONS:
         self.assertTrue(objectexist(MAIN_WINDOW, button))
 def test_1(self):
     ldtp.waittillguiexist('frmUbuntuSoftwareCent*', 'btnAccessories')
     assert ldtp.objectexist('frmUbuntuSoftwareCent*', 'btnAccessories')
     b = "Time taken from start to find the Accessories button " + str(
         time.time() - start_time)