Ejemplo n.º 1
def vidya(text, irc, ex, nick, commands):
    html = requests.post("http://randomzoo.com/game/videogame-title.php", data={'a':'Generate+More'})
    if html.status_code != 200:
        sendm(irc, "I couldn't make a vidyagame title :((", ex[2] )
    if html.status_code == 200:
        html = re.sub("\t|\n", "", html.text)
        h = re.findall("<font id=result1>(.*?)</font>", html)[0]
        sendm(irc, h, ex[2] )
Ejemplo n.º 2
def oneliner(text, irc, ex, nick, commands):
    html = requests.get("http://www.onelinerz.net/random-one-liners/1/")
    if html.status_code != 200:
        sendm(irc, "I couldn't make a one-liner :((", ex[2] )
    if html.status_code == 200:
        html = re.sub("\t|\n", "", html.text)
        h = re.findall(" class=\"oneliner\">(.*?)</div></td>", html)[0]
        sendm(irc, h, ex[2] )
Ejemplo n.º 3
def up(text, irc, ex, nick, commands):
    c = text.split(":!up ")[1].strip()
    html = requests.get("http://www.isup.me/{0}".format(c))
    if html.status_code != 200:
        sendm(irc, "I couldn't connect to isup.me :((", ex[2] )
    if html.status_code == 200:
        html = re.sub("\t|\n", "", html.text)
        h = re.findall("<div id=\"container\">(.*?)<p>.*?</div>", html)[0]
        h = re.sub("<a href=\".*?\" class=\"domain\">", "", h)
        h = re.sub("</a>(:?</span>)?", "", h)
        h = re.sub("\s{2,}", " ", h).strip(" ")
        sendm(irc, "[ISUP] {0}".format(h), ex[2] )
Ejemplo n.º 4
def insult(text, irc, ex, nick, commands):
    print('run insult')
    c = text.split(":!insult ")[1].strip() if text.find(":!insult ") != -1 else ' '
    # c = match.group(1).strip() if match.group(1) else ' '
    html = requests.get("http://www.insultgenerator.org")
    if html.status_code != 200:
        sendm(irc, "I couldn't insult you :((", ex[2] )
    if html.status_code == 200:
        html = re.sub("\t|\n", "", html.text)
        h = re.findall("<TD>(.*?)</TD>", html)[0]
        h = c + ': ' + h if c != ' ' else h
        sendm(irc, h, ex[2] )
Ejemplo n.º 5
def Hook(plugin, find=False, help=[], operonly=False):
        nick = p.findall(ex[0])[0] or ""
        nick = ""
    if help != []:
        help1 = help[0]
        help2 = help[1]
        help2 = help[1] + " (operator only)" if operonly else help2
        commands[plugin] = [help1, help2]
    if find and plugin in GS["plugins"]:
        print(plugin + ": " + str(find) + "(" + nick + ", " + ex[2] + ")")
        if operonly and nick not in GS["owners"]:
            sendm(irc, nick + ": you're not on the operator list.", ex[2])
            print(" running: " + plugin)
            getattr(Modules, "%s" % plugin)(text, irc, ex, nick, commands)
Ejemplo n.º 6
def help(text, irc, ex, nick, commands):
    sendm(irc, 'leSimon help docs or something, who cares' , nick )
    sendm(irc, formathelp('<param> = necessary, [param] = optional') , nick )
    sendm(irc, '\x02COMMANDS\x02' , nick )
    for key, value in list(commands.items()):
        if key in GS['plugins']:
            if value[0] != '':
                args = ' ' + formathelp(value[0])
                args = ''
            msgs = formathelp(value[1])
            sendm(irc, '     !' + key + args + ' - ' + msgs, nick )
Ejemplo n.º 7
def told(text, irc, ex, nick, commands):
    sendm(irc,choice(Told), ex[2])
Ejemplo n.º 8
def asl(text, irc, ex, nick, commands):
    genders = Asl.get('genders')
    agelist = Asl.get('ages')
    locations = Asl.get('locations')
    sendm(irc,"{0}/{1}/{2}".format(choice(agelist), choice(genders), choice(locations)), ex[2])
Ejemplo n.º 9
def youtube(text, irc, ex, nick, commands):
    sendm(irc, Stats(text), ex[2] )
Ejemplo n.º 10
def slap(text, irc, ex, nick, commands):
    c = text.split(":!slap ")[1].strip() if text.find(":!slap ") != -1 else 'themself'
    sendm(irc, nick + ' slaps '+ c +' around a bit with ' + choice(Slap), ex[2] )
Ejemplo n.º 11
def uptime(text, irc, ex, nick, commands):
    if text.find(":!uptime full\r\n") != -1:
        sendm(irc, utf(check_output("uptime")), ex[2] )
        sendm(irc, utf(Uptime.uptime()), ex[2] )
Ejemplo n.º 12
def saychat(text, irc, ex, nick, commands):
    message = re.findall(":!saychat\s(.+?)\s(.+)", text)
    sendm(irc,message[0][1], message[0][0])
Ejemplo n.º 13
def quit(text, irc, ex, nick, commands):
    sendm(irc,'see you, space cowboy', ex[2])
    rawsend(irc,'QUIT :h\r\n')