Ejemplo n.º 1
def filterLeadsBySource(request, id):
    user_id = request.user.id
    company_id = request.user.company_id
    start_date = request.GET.get('start_date')
    end_date = request.GET.get('end_date')
    source = request.GET.get('source')
    query_type = request.GET.get('query_type')
    page_number = int(request.GET.get('page_number'))
    items_per_page = int(request.GET.get('per_page'))
    offset = (page_number - 1) * items_per_page
    if start_date is not None:
        local_start_date_naive = datetime.fromtimestamp(float(start_date))
        local_start_date = get_current_timezone().localize(local_start_date_naive, is_dst=None)
    if end_date is not None:
        local_end_date_naive = datetime.fromtimestamp(float(end_date))
        local_end_date = get_current_timezone().localize(local_end_date_naive, is_dst=None)
    utc_current_date = datetime.utcnow()
    #print 'filter start us ' + str(local_start_date) + ' and edn is ' + str(local_end_date)
        start_date_field_qry = 'leads__hspt__properties__createdate__gte'
        end_date_field_qry = 'leads__hspt__properties__createdate__lte'
        source_field_qry = 'leads__hspt__properties__hs_analytics_source'
        company_field_qry = 'company_id'
        querydict = {company_field_qry: company_id, source_field_qry: source, start_date_field_qry : local_start_date, end_date_field_qry : local_end_date}
        total = Lead.objects(**querydict).count()
        leads = Lead.objects(**querydict).skip(offset).limit(items_per_page)
        serializer = LeadSerializer(leads, many=True)   
        return JsonResponse({'count' : total, 'results': serializer.data})  
    except Exception as e:
        return JsonResponse({'Error' : str(e)})
Ejemplo n.º 2
def saveHsptContacts(user_id=None, company_id=None, leadList=None): 
        for newLead in leadList: 
            newLead = vars(newLead)['_field_values']
            hspt_id = str(newLead['vid']) 
            #print 'gs id is ' + str(hspt_id)
            #hspt_sfdc_id = str(newLead['sfdcLeadId'])  # check if there is a corresponding lead from SFDC
            hspt_sfdc_id = None
            if 'salesforceleadid' in newLead['properties']:
                hspt_sfdc_id = str(newLead['properties']['salesforceleadid']) # temp fix by satya till SFDC ID field in Hubspot is discovered
            #addThisList = True
            existingLeadSfdc = None
            existingLead = None
            existingLead = Lead.objects(Q(company_id=company_id) & Q(hspt_id=hspt_id)).first()
            if existingLead is not None and 'hspt' in existingLead.leads:  # we found this lead already in the DB
                Lead.objects(Q(company_id=company_id) & Q(hspt_id=hspt_id)).update(leads__hspt=newLead)
#                 if 'hspt' in existingLead.lists:
#                     currentLists = existingLead.lists['mkto']        
#                     for i in range(len(currentLists)):
#                         if currentLists[i]['id'] == newList['id']:  # check if this activity already exists in the lead dict
#                             addThisList = False
#                     if addThisList == True:
#                         currentLists.append(newList)
#                         existingLead.update(lists__mkto=currentLists)
#                     else:
#                         currentLists = []
#                         currentLists.append(newList)
#                         existingLead.update(lists__mkto=currentLists)
            elif existingLead is None:  # this lead does not exist 
                if hspt_sfdc_id is not None:  # but has a SFDC lead id
                    print 'found lead with SFDC ID ' + str(hspt_sfdc_id)
                    existingLeadSfdc = Lead.objects(Q(company_id=company_id) & Q(leads__sfdc__Id=hspt_sfdc_id)).first()
                    if existingLeadSfdc is not None:  # we found a SFDC lead record which is matched to this new Mkto lead
                        existingLeadSfdc.hspt_id = hspt_id
                        existingLeadSfdc.leads['hspt'] = newLead
#                         currentLists = []
#                         currentLists.append(newList)
#                         existingLeadSfdc.update(lists__mkto=currentLists)
            if existingLeadSfdc is None and existingLead is None:  # no matches found so save new record
                lead = Lead()
                lead.hspt_id = hspt_id
                lead.company_id = company_id
                lead.leads["hspt"] = newLead
#                 currentLists = []
#                 currentLists.append(newList)
#                 lead.update(lists__mkto=currentLists)
    except Exception as e:
        send_notification(dict(type='error', success=False, message=str(e)))   
Ejemplo n.º 3
def saveSfdcAccountsToMaster(user_id=None, company_id=None, job_id=None, run_type=None):    
    #delete later
    #job_id = ObjectId("569fd4078afb002426ef2fd3")
    if run_type == 'initial':
        accounts = TempData.objects(Q(company_id=company_id) & Q(record_type='account') & Q(source_system='sfdc') & Q(job_id=job_id) ).only('source_record') #& Q(job_id=job_id) 
        accounts = TempDataDelta.objects(Q(company_id=company_id) & Q(record_type='account') & Q(source_system='sfdc') & Q(job_id=job_id) ).only('source_record') #& Q(job_id=job_id) 
    accountListTemp = list(accounts)
    accountList = [i['source_record'] for i in accountListTemp]
        for newAccount in accountList:
            sfdc_id = str(newAccount['Id']) 
            #find all leads that have this account ID 
            relatedLeadList = []
            relatedLeadListTemp = None
            relatedLeads = Lead.objects(Q(company_id=company_id) & Q(sfdc_account_id=sfdc_id)).only('sfdc_contact_id') #if SFDC Account, then matching lead must have a SFDC Contact ID
            if relatedLeads is not None:
                relatedLeadListTemp = [lead.to_mongo().to_dict() for lead in relatedLeads]
                #print 'rll is ' + str(relatedLeadListTemp)
                for i in relatedLeadListTemp:
                    if 'sfdc_contact_id' in i:
                        relatedLeadList.append({'sfdc_contact_id': i['sfdc_contact_id']})
                #print 'related leads are ' + str(relatedLeadList)
#             if relatedLeads is not None:
#                 #leadListTemp = list(relatedLeads)
#                 #relatedLeadList = [i.id for i in leadListTemp]
#                 for lead in relatedLeads:
#                     relatedLeadList.append(lead)
            print 'account id is ' + sfdc_id
            # sfdc_mkto_id = str(newLead['sfdcLeadId']) #check if there is a corresponding lead from MKTO
            existingAccount = None
            existingAccount = Account.objects(Q(company_id=company_id) & Q(sfdc_id=sfdc_id)).first()
            if existingAccount is not None:  # we found this contact already in the DB
                print 'found existing account for id ' + str(sfdc_id)
                if 'sfdc' in existingAccount.accounts:
                    existingAccount.source_name = newAccount['Name']
                    existingAccount.source_source = newAccount['AccountSource']
                    existingAccount.source_industry = newAccount['Industry']
                    existingAccount.source_created_date = newAccount['CreatedDate']
                    existingAccount.accounts["sfdc"] = newAccount
                    if relatedLeadList is not None:
                        existingAccount.leads = relatedLeadList
                    #Lead.objects(Q(company_id=company_id) & Q(sfdc_contact_id=sfdc_contact_Id)).update(contacts__sfdc=newContact)
                    existingAccount.accounts['sfdc'] = {}
                    existingAccount.accounts['sfdc'] = newAccount
                    if relatedLeadList is not None:
                        existingAccount.leads = relatedLeadList
            elif existingAccount is None:  # this account does not exist     
                account = _saveSfdcNewAccount(sfdc_id, newAccount, relatedLeadList, company_id)
    except Exception as e:
        print 'exception while saving accounts ' + str(e)
        send_notification(dict(type='error', success=False, message=str(e)))         
Ejemplo n.º 4
def saveSfdcContactHistoryToMaster(user_id=None, company_id=None, job_id=None, run_type=None): 
    #job_id = ObjectId("56a6faa28afb00042171cd89")

    if run_type == 'initial':   
        #activities = TempData.objects(Q(company_id=company_id) & Q(record_type='activity') & Q(source_system='mkto') & Q(job_id=job_id) ).only('source_record') 
        collection = TempData._get_collection()
        activities = collection.find({'company_id': int(company_id), 'record_type': 'contact_history', 'source_system': 'sfdc', 'job_id': job_id}, projection={'source_record': True}, batch_size=1000)
        collection = TempDataDelta._get_collection()
        activities = collection.find({'company_id': int(company_id), 'record_type': 'contact_history', 'source_system': 'sfdc', 'job_id': job_id}, projection={'source_record': True}, batch_size=1000)
        print 'got history ' + str(activities.count())
        for activity in activities: 
            newActivity = activity['source_record']
            addThisActivity = True
            print 'act is ' + str(newActivity)
            leadId = newActivity["ContactId"]
            if leadId is not None:
                print 'trying to get lead'
                existingLead = Lead.objects(Q(company_id = company_id) & Q(sfdc_contact_id = leadId)).first()
                print 'contact is ' + str(existingLead)
            if existingLead is None:
            if 'sfdc' in existingLead['activities']: # there are activities from SFDC for this leadId
                for existingActivity in existingLead['activities']['sfdc']:
                    if existingActivity['Id'] == newActivity['Id']: # this activity already exists so exit the loop
                        addThisActivity = False
                if addThisActivity:
                    print 'saved new activity 1'
                print 'no sfdc acts'
                addThisActivity = True
                sfdc = []
                print 'appending'
                print 'appended'
                existingLead['activities']['sfdc'] = sfdc
                print 'saved new activity 2'

    except Exception as e:
        print 'exception  while saving SFDC Contact history to master' + str(e)
Ejemplo n.º 5
def exportMktoLeadsToCsv(data, chart_name, user_id, company_id):
    ids = data.get('results', None)
    leads = Lead.objects().filter(company_id=company_id, mkto_id__in=ids).order_by('mkto_id').hint('co_mkto_id')
    leads = list(leads)
    leads = [lead.to_mongo().to_dict() for lead in leads]  
    if leads is None or len(leads) == 0:
        print 'input is none'
        return {'file_name': '', 'content_type' : 'text/csv'}
        print 'input not none ' + str(leads)
        #open a temp file for writing
        end_date_string = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S', time.localtime())
        base_file_name = end_date_string + '_' + chart_name + '_leads' + '_cx.csv'
        file_name = '/tmp/' +  base_file_name
        csv_out = open(file_name, 'wb')
        fieldnames = ['Marketo ID', 'First Name', 'Last Name', 'Email', 'Company', 'Status', 'Source', 'Original Source Type', 'Created Date', 'SFDC Lead ID', 'SFDC Contact ID', 'SFDC Account ID', ]
        #create writer
        csv_writer = csv.DictWriter(csv_out, fieldnames=fieldnames, restval='', extrasaction='ignore')
        for lead in leads:
            created_date = ''
            print 'lead is ' + str(lead['mkto_id'])
            mkto_id_url = "http://app-sj09.marketo.com/leadDatabase/loadLeadDetail?leadId="  +  str(lead['mkto_id']) 
            mkto_id = '=HYPERLINK("' + mkto_id_url + '", "' + str(lead['mkto_id']) + '")'
            #print '1'
            if 'createdAt' in lead['leads']['mkto'] and lead['leads']['mkto']['createdAt'] is not None:
                created_date = lead['leads']['mkto']['createdAt']
            #print '2'
            if not 'leads' in lead or not 'mkto' in lead.get('leads', ''):
                lead['leads'] = {}
                lead['leads']['mkto'] = {}
            for key, value in lead['leads']['mkto'].items():
                if lead['leads']['mkto'][key] is None:
                    lead['leads']['mkto'][key] = ''
            csv_writer.writerow({'Marketo ID' : mkto_id, 'First Name': lead.get('source_first_name', '').encode('utf-8'), 'Last Name': lead.get('source_last_name', '').encode('utf-8'), 'Email': lead.get('source_email', '').encode('utf-8'),  
                                 'Company': lead['leads']['mkto'].get('company', '').encode('utf-8'), 'Status': lead['leads']['mkto'].get('leadStatus', '').encode('utf-8'), 'Source': lead['leads']['mkto'].get('leadSource', '').encode('utf-8'),
                                 'Original Source Type': lead['leads']['mkto'].get('originalSourceType', '').encode('utf-8'), 'Created Date': created_date, 
                                 'SFDC Lead ID': lead['leads']['mkto'].get('sfdcLeadId', '').encode('utf-8'), 'SFDC Contact ID': lead['leads']['mkto'].get('sfdcContactId', '').encode('utf-8'), 'SFDC Account ID': lead['leads']['mkto'].get('sfdcAccountId', '').encode('utf-8'),
            #print '4'
        return {'file_name': file_name, 'content_type' : 'text/csv'}
    except Exception as e:
        print 'exception while trying to create CSV file: ' + str(e)
        send_notification(dict(type='error', success=False, message=str(e))) 
Ejemplo n.º 6
def getCount(request, id):
        object = request.GET.get('object')
            if object == 'lead':
                result = {'count' : Lead.objects(company_id = id).count()}
            elif object == 'campaign': 
                result = {'count' : Campaign.objects(company_id = id).count()}
                result =  'Nothing to count'
            return JsonResponse(result, safe=False)
        except Exception as e:
            return JsonResponse({'Error' : str(e)})   
Ejemplo n.º 7
def saveHsptOpportunitiesToMaster(user_id=None, company_id=None, job_id=None, run_type=None):  
    #job_id = ObjectId("55e6b0198afb002ef6a8c292")
    print 'saving hspt opps to master'
    if run_type == 'initial':
        opps = TempData.objects(Q(company_id=company_id) & Q(record_type='opportunity') & Q(source_system='hspt') & Q(job_id=job_id) ).only('source_record') #& Q(job_id=job_id) 
        opps = TempDataDelta.objects(Q(company_id=company_id) & Q(record_type='opportunity') & Q(source_system='hspt') & Q(job_id=job_id) ).only('source_record') #& Q(job_id=job_id) 
    oppListTemp = list(opps)
    oppList = [i['source_record'] for i in oppListTemp]
        for opp in oppList:
            associations = opp.get('associations', None)
            if associations is not None:
                #print 'found assoc'
                related_leads_list = associations.get('associatedVids', None)
                #print 'releated leads list is ' + str(len(related_leads_list))
                for i in range(len(related_leads_list)):
                    lead_id = related_leads_list[i]
                    #print 'lead id is ' + str(lead_id)
                    existingLead = Lead.objects(Q(company_id=company_id) & Q(hspt_id=str(lead_id))).first()
                    #we found an existing lead with the same VID (hspt_id) as the deal
                    if existingLead is not None:
                        #print 'found existing lead'
                        if 'hspt' not in existingLead.opportunities:
                            #print 'hspt not in opps'
                            opportunities = {}
                            opportunities['hspt'] = []
                            existingLead.update(opportunities__hspt = opportunities['hspt'])
                            if not any (e.get('dealId', None) == opp['dealId'] for e in existingLead.opportunities['hspt']): # does an opportunity with this Id already exist
                                opportunities = existingLead.opportunities['hspt']
                                # save this opportunity        
                                existingLead.update(opportunities__hspt = opportunities)
                            else: #this opp already exists
                                for i in range(len(existingLead.opportunities['hspt'])):
                                    if existingLead.opportunities['hspt'][i]['dealId'] == opp['dealId']:
                                        existingLead.opportunities['hspt'][i] = opp
                    #if no matching lead found, continue to next opportunity
    except Exception as e:
        send_notification(dict(type='error', success=False, message=str(e)))                 
Ejemplo n.º 8
def matchCompanyName(request, id, companySearchName):    
        company_id = request.user.company_id
        page_number = int(request.GET.get('page_number'))
        items_per_page = int(request.GET.get('per_page'))
        offset = (page_number - 1) * items_per_page
        queryset =  Lead.objects(company_id=company_id).aggregate( { '$group': { '_id': '$source_company', 'count': { '$sum': 1 }, 'name' : { '$push': { '$concat': [{'$ifNull': ['$source_first_name', 'Unknown']}, ' ', {'$ifNull':['$source_last_name', 'Unknown']}]} } } }, {'$sort': OrderedDict([('_id', 1), ('count', -1) ])} )
        qlist = list(queryset)
        results_temp = matchingAlgo(request, search_name=companySearchName, entries=qlist, object_type='company')
        results = results_temp[offset:offset+items_per_page]
        serializer = AccountCountSerializer(results, many=True)   
        return JsonResponse({'count' : len(results_temp), 'results': serializer.data}) 
    except Exception as e:
        return JsonResponse({'Error' : str(e)})  
Ejemplo n.º 9
def getAccountsAndCounts(request, id):
        company_id = request.user.company_id
        page_number = int(request.GET.get('page_number'))
        items_per_page = int(request.GET.get('per_page'))
        offset = (page_number - 1) * items_per_page
        #total = Lead.objects.filter(company_id=company_id).count()
        #queryset = Lead.objects(company_id=company_id).item_frequencies('source_company') #.skip(offset).limit(items_per_page)
        queryset =  Lead.objects(company_id=company_id).aggregate( { '$group': { '_id': '$source_company', 'count': { '$sum': 1 }, 'name' : { '$push': { '$concat': [ {'$ifNull': ['$source_first_name', 'Unknown']}, ' ', {'$ifNull':['$source_last_name', 'Unknown']}]} } } }, {'$sort': ('count', -1) } )
        qlist = list(queryset)
        total = len(qlist)
        result = qlist[offset:offset+items_per_page]
        #print 'qset is ' + str(qlist)
        serializer = AccountCountSerializer(result, many=True)   
        return JsonResponse({'count' : total, 'results': serializer.data})    
    except Exception as e:
        return JsonResponse({'Error' : str(e)})
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def computeMetrics(self, user_id = None, company_id = None):

        #company_id = self.request.user.company_id
        #start with total number of leads
        allLeads = Lead.objects(company_id = company_id).all()
        total_leads = len(allLeads)

        #move on to engaged leads
        campaignActivities = {1, 2, 3, 7, 8} # need to get these dynamically?
        engaged_leads = 0;

        for lead in allLeads:
            if 'mkto' in lead.activities:
                currentActivities = lead.activities['mkto']
                for i in range(len(currentActivities)):
                    if currentActivities[i]['activityTypeId'] in campaignActivities:
                        engaged_leads += 1

        results = {'total_leads' : total_leads, 'engaged_leads': engaged_leads}
        return results
Ejemplo n.º 11
def saveSfdcContactsToMaster(user_id=None, company_id=None, job_id=None, run_type=None):
    # delete later
    # job_id = ObjectId("569adcfc8afb00205c799f28")
    if run_type == "initial":
        contacts = TempData.objects(
            Q(company_id=company_id) & Q(record_type="contact") & Q(source_system="sfdc") & Q(job_id=job_id)
        )  # & Q(job_id=job_id)
        contacts = TempDataDelta.objects(
            Q(company_id=company_id) & Q(record_type="contact") & Q(source_system="sfdc") & Q(job_id=job_id)
        )  # & Q(job_id=job_id)
    print "co id is " + str(company_id)
    contactListTemp = list(contacts)
    contactList = [i["source_record"] for i in contactListTemp]
    # print 'saving sfdc contacts'
        # get the custom field for Contact Status, if it exists
        existingIntegration = CompanyIntegration.objects(company_id=company_id).first()
        contact_status = None
        if "sfdc" in existingIntegration["integrations"]:
            contact_status = existingIntegration["mapping"].get("sfdc_contact_status", None)

        for newContact in contactList:  # ['records']:

            # company_id = request.user.company_id
            sfdc_contact_Id = str(newContact["Id"])
            print "contact id is " + sfdc_contact_Id
            # sfdc_mkto_id = str(newLead['sfdcLeadId']) #check if there is a corresponding lead from MKTO
            existingLeadMkto = None
            existingLeadSfdc = None
            existingLeadHspt = None
            existingContact = Lead.objects(Q(company_id=company_id) & Q(sfdc_contact_id=sfdc_contact_Id)).first()

            if existingContact is not None:  # we found this contact already in the DB
                print "found contact match for " + str(sfdc_contact_Id)
                if "sfdc" in existingContact.contacts:
                    existingContact.source_first_name = newContact["FirstName"]
                    existingContact.source_last_name = newContact["LastName"]
                    existingContact.source_email = newContact["Email"]
                    # existingContact.source_created_date = str(newContact['CreatedDate'])
                    existingContact.source_source = newContact["LeadSource"]
                    if contact_status is not None and contact_status in newContact:
                        existingContact.source_status = newContact[contact_status]
                    existingContact.contacts["sfdc"] = newContact
                    # Lead.objects(Q(company_id=company_id) & Q(sfdc_contact_id=sfdc_contact_Id)).update(contacts__sfdc=newContact)
                    existingContact.contacts["sfdc"] = {}
                    existingContact.contacts["sfdc"] = newContact
            # elif existingContact is None:  # this lead does not exist
                existingLeadSfdc = (
                    Lead.objects(Q(company_id=company_id) & Q(leads__sfdc__ConvertedContactId=sfdc_contact_Id))
                if existingLeadSfdc is not None:
                    print "found match for sfdc lead for contact " + str(sfdc_contact_Id)
                    # existingLeadSfdcList = list(existingLeadSfdc)
                    existingLeadSfdc.sfdc_contact_id = sfdc_contact_Id
                    if contact_status is not None and contact_status in newContact:
                        existingLeadSfdc.source_status = newContact[contact_status]
                    existingLeadSfdc.contacts = {}
                    existingLeadSfdc.contacts["sfdc"] = newContact
                    # remove below comments after figuring out how Mkto stored SFDC contact ID
                    existingLeadMkto = Lead.objects(
                        Q(company_id=company_id) & Q(leads__mkto__sfdcContactId=sfdc_contact_Id)
                    if (
                        existingLeadMkto is not None
                    ):  # we found a MKto lead record which is matched to this new Sfdc lead
                        print "found mkto lead" + existingLeadMkto.mkto_id
                        existingLeadMkto.sfdc_contact_id = sfdc_contact_Id
                        # existingLeadMkto.contacts = {}
                        existingLeadMkto.contacts["sfdc"] = newContact
                        existingLeadHspt = Lead.objects(
                            Q(company_id=company_id) & Q(leads__hspt__properties__salesforcecontactid=sfdc_contact_Id)
                        if (
                            existingLeadHspt is not None
                        ):  # we found a MKto lead record which is matched to this new Sfdc lead
                            existingLeadHspt.sfdc_contact_id = sfdc_contact_Id
                            existingLeadHspt.contacts = {}
                            existingLeadHspt.contacts["sfdc"] = newContact
            if (
                existingLeadSfdc is None
                and existingLeadMkto is None
                and existingLeadHspt is None
                and existingContact is None
            ):  # no matches found so save new record
                lead = Lead()
                lead.sfdc_contact_id = sfdc_contact_Id
                lead.company_id = company_id
                lead.source_first_name = newContact["FirstName"]
                lead.source_last_name = newContact["LastName"]
                lead.source_email = newContact["Email"]
                lead.source_created_date = str(newContact["CreatedDate"])
                lead.source_source = newContact["LeadSource"]
                if contact_status is not None and contact_status in newContact:
                    lead.source_status = newContact[contact_status]
                lead.contacts = {}
                lead.contacts["sfdc"] = newContact
            # lead = Lead()
    #             company_id = request.user.company_id
    #             derived_id = 'sfdc_' + str(newLead['Id'])
    #             Lead.objects(derived_id = derived_id).modify(upsert=True, new=True, set__leads__sfdc = newLead, set_on_insert__derived_id = derived_id, set_on_insert__company_id = company_id)
    #             oldLead = Lead.objects(derived_id = lead.derived_id)
    #             if oldLead.count() == 0:
    #                 lead.leads["sfdc"] = newLead
    #                 lead.save()
    #             else:
    #                 oldLead.leads["sfdc"] = newLead
    #                 Lead.objects(derived_id = lead.derived_id).update(oldLead)
    except Exception as e:
        print "exception while saving SFDC contact " + str(e)
        send_notification(dict(type="error", success=False, message=str(e)))
Ejemplo n.º 12
def getOpportunities(request, id):
        company_id = request.user.company_id
        page_number = int(request.GET.get('page_number'))
        items_per_page = int(request.GET.get('per_page'))
        offset = (page_number - 1) * items_per_page
        start_date = int(request.GET.get('start_date'))
        end_date = int(request.GET.get('end_date'))
        sub_view = request.GET.get('subview')
        filters = request.GET.get('filters')
        filters = json.loads(filters)
        superfilters = request.GET.get('superfilters')
        super_filters = json.loads(superfilters)
        #print 'super filters are ' + str(super_filters)
        date_field = None
        querydict_filters = {}
        #match_filters = {}
        company_field_qry = 'company_id'
        opp_field_qry = 'opportunities__sfdc__exists'
        subview_field_qry = ''
        original_date_field = ''
        projection = {'$project': {'_id': '$opportunities.sfdc.Id', 'created_date': '$opportunities.sfdc.CreatedDate', 'close_date': '$opportunities.sfdc.CloseDate', 'account_name': '$source_name', 'name': '$opportunities.sfdc.Name', 'amount': '$opportunities.sfdc.Amount', 'account_id': '$sfdc_id', 'closed': '$opportunities.sfdc.IsClosed', 'won': '$opportunities.sfdc.IsWon', 'owner_id': '$opportunities.sfdc.OwnerId', 'stage': '$opportunities.sfdc.StageName'  } }
        match = {'$match' : { }}
        if super_filters is not None:
            #print 'sf ' + str(super_filters)
            if 'date_types' in super_filters: # need to filter by a certain type of date
                date_field = super_filters['date_types']
                if start_date is not None:
                    start_date = datetime.fromtimestamp(float(start_date) / 1000)
                    #utc_day_start_epoch =  datetime.fromtimestamp(float(start_date / 1000))
                    #utc_day_start_epoch = str('{0:f}'.format(utc_day_start_epoch).rstrip('0').rstrip('.'))
                    #print 'utc start epoch is ' + str(utc_day_start_epoch)
                    #local_start_date = get_current_timezone().localize(local_start_date_naive, is_dst=None)
                #print 'start2 is ' + str(time.time())
                if end_date is not None:
                    end_date = datetime.fromtimestamp(float(end_date) / 1000)
                    #utc_day_end_epoch = datetime.fromtimestamp(float(end_date / 1000))
                    #utc_day_end_epoch = str('{0:f}'.format(utc_day_end_epoch).rstrip('0').rstrip('.'))
                    #print 'utc end epoch is ' + str(utc_day_end_epoch)
                #utc_day_start_string = datetime.strftime(utc_day_start_epoch, '%Y-%m-%dT%H-%M-%S.000+0000')
                #utc_day_end_string = datetime.strftime(utc_day_end_epoch, '%Y-%m-%dT%H-%M-%S.000+0000')
                local_start_date = get_current_timezone().localize(start_date, is_dst=None)
                utc_day_start = local_start_date.astimezone(pytz.timezone('UTC'))
                utc_day_start_string = datetime.strftime(utc_day_start, '%Y-%m-%dT%H-%M-%S.000+0000')
                local_end_date = get_current_timezone().localize(end_date, is_dst=None)
                utc_day_end = local_end_date.astimezone(pytz.timezone('UTC'))
                utc_day_end_string = datetime.strftime(utc_day_end, '%Y-%m-%dT%H-%M-%S.000+0000')
                print 'utc start string is ' + str(utc_day_start_string)
                #print 'utc end string is ' + str(utc_day_end_string)
                #remove the date_types item 
        if filters is not None:
            for key, value in filters.items():
                if value is not None and value != '':
                    querydict_filters['opportunities__sfdc__' + key] = value #creates an additional querydict that can be added to the main qd
                    match['$match']['opportunities.sfdc.' + key] = value
        if date_field is None: #if there's no date filter
            querydict = {opp_field_qry: True, company_field_qry: company_id}
            opps = Account.objects(**querydict).aggregate({'$unwind': '$opportunities.sfdc'}, match, projection) #, {'$match': {'opportunities.sfdc.Id' : {'$ne': None}}} #
        else: #if date filter is used
            if date_field == 'opportunities.sfdc.CloseDate': #change to Last Modified Date because CloseDate in Opp may not be correctly updated by user
                date_field = 'opportunities.sfdc.LastModifiedDate'
            original_date_field = date_field
            date_field = date_field.replace('.', '__') # needed to change embedded field format for querydict
            date_field_start_qry = date_field + '__gte'
            date_field_end_qry = date_field + '__lte'
            match['$match'][original_date_field]  = {'$gte': utc_day_start_string, '$lte': utc_day_end_string}
            if original_date_field == 'opportunities.sfdc.LastModifiedDate': #if close add, add a filter for 'IsClosed'
                isclosed_field_qry = 'opportunities__sfdc__IsClosed'
                querydict = {company_field_qry: company_id, date_field_start_qry: utc_day_start_string, date_field_end_qry: utc_day_end_string, isclosed_field_qry: True}
                match['$match']['opportunities.sfdc.IsClosed'] = True
                opps = Account.objects(**querydict).aggregate({'$unwind': '$opportunities.sfdc'},  match, projection) #, {'$match': {'opportunities.sfdc.Id' : {'$ne': None}}} #
                querydict = {company_field_qry: company_id, date_field_start_qry: utc_day_start_string, date_field_end_qry: utc_day_end_string}
                opps = Account.objects(**querydict).aggregate({'$unwind': '$opportunities.sfdc'}, match, projection) #, {'$match': {'opportunities.sfdc.Id' : {'$ne': None}}} #
        #print 'qd is ' + str(querydict)
        #print 'start time was '  + str(time.time())
        #total =  Account.objects(**querydict).count()
        #print 'start time2 was '  + str(time.time())
        opps_list = list(opps)
        #see if there's a subview
        if sub_view == 'closedbeforecreated': #find Opps that have a Close Date before Created Date
            opps_list[:] = [opp for opp in opps_list if opp['close_date'] < _str_from_date(_date_from_str(opp['created_date']).replace(tzinfo=pytz.utc).astimezone(tz.tzlocal()), 'short')] #compare the short forms of both dates as strings after they Created Date is converted to local times
        elif sub_view == 'nocontact': #find Opps that don't have a contact
            opps2 = Lead.objects(**querydict).aggregate({'$unwind': '$opportunities.sfdc'}, match, projection)
            opps_list2 = list(opps2)
            #print 'opps 2 are ' + str(list(opps2))
            #opps_all = _make_hashable(opps_list)
            #opps_with_contacts = _make_hashable(list(opps2))
            #opps_list = [dict(x) for x in set(opps_all).difference(opps_with_contacts)]
            for opp2 in opps_list2:
                opps_list[:] = [opp for opp in opps_list if opp['_id'] != opp2['_id']]
        total = len(opps_list)
        opps_list = opps_list[offset:offset + items_per_page]
        #print 'start time3 was '  + str(time.time())
        for opp in opps_list:
            opp['multiple_occurences'] = False #needed due to analytical drilldown on Opps
            opp['created_date'] = _str_from_date(_date_from_str(opp['created_date']).replace(tzinfo=pytz.utc).astimezone(tz.tzlocal()), 'short') #convert date to local timezone
            #opp['owner_name'] = _map_sfdc_userid_name(company_id, opp['owner_id'])
        #print 'start time4 was '  + str(time.time())
        opps_list = _map_sfdc_userid_name(company_id, opps_list)
        serializer = OpportunitySerializer(opps_list, many=True)  
        #print 'start time6 was '  + str(time.time()) 
        type = 'opps'
        return JsonResponse({'count' : total, 'results': serializer.data, 'type': type, 'source_system': 'sfdc'})    
    except Exception as e:
        print 'exception while getting all accounts ' + str(e)
        return JsonResponse({'Error' : str(e)})
Ejemplo n.º 13
def exportHsptLeadsToCsv(data, chart_name, user_id, company_id):
    ids = data.get('results', None)
    leads = Lead.objects().filter(company_id=company_id, hspt_id__in=ids).order_by('hspt_id').hint('company_id_1_hspt_id_1')
    leads = list(leads)
    leads = [lead.to_mongo().to_dict() for lead in leads]  
    portal_id = data.get('portal_id', None)
    if leads is None or portal_id is None:
        print 'input is none'
        print 'input not none'
        #open a temp file for writing
        end_date_string = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S', time.localtime())
        base_file_name = end_date_string + '_' + chart_name + '_leads' + '_cx.csv'
        file_name = '/tmp/' +  base_file_name
        csv_out = open(file_name, 'wb')
        fieldnames = ['Hubspot ID', 'First Name', 'Last Name', 'Email', 'City', 'Country', 'Current Stage', 'Source', 'Subscriber Date', 'Lead Date', 'MQL Date', 'SQL Date', 'Opportunity Date', 
                      'Customer Date', 'First Visit Date', 'Last Visit Date', 'First Form', 'First Form Date', 'Recent Form', 'Recent Form Date',  ]
        #create writer
        csv_writer = csv.DictWriter(csv_out, fieldnames=fieldnames, restval='', extrasaction='ignore')
        for lead in leads:
            subscriber_date = lead_date = mql_date = sql_date = opp_date = customer_date = first_visit_date = last_visit_date = first_conversion_date = recent_conversion_date = ''
            hspt_id_url = "http://app.hubspot.com/contacts/" + str(portal_id) + "/contact/" +  str(lead['hspt_id']) 
            hspt_id = '=HYPERLINK("' + hspt_id_url + '", "' + str(lead['hspt_id']) + '")'
            if 'hspt_subscriber_date' in lead and lead['hspt_subscriber_date'] is not None:
                subscriber_date = datetime.strftime(lead['hspt_subscriber_date'], '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
            if 'hspt_lead_date' in lead and lead['hspt_lead_date'] is not None:
                lead_date = datetime.strftime(lead['hspt_lead_date'], '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
            if 'hspt_mql_date' in lead and lead['hspt_mql_date'] is not None:
                mql_date = datetime.strftime(lead['hspt_mql_date'], '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
            if 'hspt_sql_date' in lead and lead['hspt_sql_date'] is not None:
                sql_date = datetime.strftime(lead['hspt_sql_date'], '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
            if 'hspt_opp_date' in lead and lead['hspt_opp_date'] is not None:    
                opp_date = datetime.strftime(lead['hspt_opp_date'], '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
            if 'hspt_customer_date' in lead and lead['hspt_customer_date'] is not None:    
                customer_date = datetime.strftime(lead['hspt_customer_date'], '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
            if lead['leads']['hspt']['properties'].get('hs_analytics_first_visit_timestamp', '')  != '':
                first_visit_date = datetime.strftime(lead['leads']['hspt']['properties'].get('hs_analytics_first_visit_timestamp', ''), '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
            if lead['leads']['hspt']['properties'].get('hs_analytics_last_visit_timestamp', '')  != '':
                last_visit_date = datetime.strftime(lead['leads']['hspt']['properties'].get('hs_analytics_last_visit_timestamp', ''), '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
            if lead['leads']['hspt']['properties'].get('first_conversion_date', '')  != '':
                first_conversion_date = datetime.strftime(lead['leads']['hspt']['properties'].get('first_conversion_date', ''), '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
            if lead['leads']['hspt']['properties'].get('recent_conversion_date', '')  != '':
                recent_conversion_date = datetime.strftime(lead['leads']['hspt']['properties'].get('recent_conversion_date', ''), '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
            csv_writer.writerow({'Hubspot ID' : hspt_id, 'First Name': lead['source_first_name'].encode('utf-8'), 'Last Name': lead['source_last_name'].encode('utf-8'), 'Email': lead['source_email'].encode('utf-8'), 'Country': lead['leads']['hspt']['properties'].get('country', '').encode('utf-8'), 
                                 'City': lead['leads']['hspt']['properties'].get('city', '').encode('utf-8'), 'Current Stage': lead['source_stage'].encode('utf-8'),
                                 'Source': lead['source_source'], 'Subscriber Date': subscriber_date, 'Lead Date': lead_date,
                                 'MQL Date': mql_date, 'SQL Date': sql_date, 'Opportunity Date': opp_date,
                                 'Customer Date': customer_date, 'First Visit Date': first_visit_date, 
                                 'Last Visit Date': last_visit_date, 'First Form': lead['leads']['hspt']['properties'].get('first_conversion_event_name', '').encode('utf-8'),
                                 'First Form Date': first_conversion_date, 'Recent Form': lead['leads']['hspt']['properties'].get('recent_conversion_event_name', '').encode('utf-8'),
                                 'Recent Form Date': recent_conversion_date})
        return {'file_name': file_name, 'content_type' : 'text/csv'}
    except Exception as e:
        print 'exception while trying to create CSV file: ' + str(e)
        send_notification(dict(type='error', success=False, message=str(e))) 
Ejemplo n.º 14
def saveMktoActivitiesToMaster(user_id=None, company_id=None, job_id=None, run_type=None): 
    #job_id = ObjectId("56a2dd408afb006f9e7cb851") 
    if run_type == 'initial':   
        #activities = TempData.objects(Q(company_id=company_id) & Q(record_type='activity') & Q(source_system='mkto') & Q(job_id=job_id) ).only('source_record') 
        collection = TempData._get_collection()
        activities = collection.find({'company_id': int(company_id), 'record_type': 'activity', 'source_system': 'mkto', 'job_id': job_id}, projection={'source_record': True}, batch_size=1000)
        collection = TempDataDelta._get_collection()
        activities = collection.find({'company_id': int(company_id), 'record_type': 'activity', 'source_system': 'mkto', 'job_id': job_id}, projection={'source_record': True}, batch_size=1000)
        #activities = TempDataDelta.objects(Q(company_id=company_id) & Q(record_type='activity') & Q(source_system='mkto') & Q(job_id=job_id) ).only('source_record') 
#     activityListTemp = list(activities)
#     activityList = [i['source_record'] for i in activityListTemp]
    existingIntegration = CompanyIntegration.objects(company_id = company_id).first()
    if existingIntegration is not None:
        activityTypeArray = existingIntegration.integrations['mkto']['metadata']['activity']
        print 'No activity type metadata found for Marketo'
        raise ValueError('No activity type metadata found for Marketo')
        for i in range(len(activityTypeArray)):
            if activityTypeArray[i]['name'] == 'Change Data Value':
                changeActivityId = activityTypeArray[i]['id']
        print 'change id is ' + str(changeActivityId)
        for activity in activities: 
            newActivity = activity['source_record']
            addThisActivity = True
            #company_id = request.user.company_id
            mkto_id = str(newActivity['leadId'])
            print 'doing lead ' + mkto_id
            existingLead = Lead.objects(Q(mkto_id = str(mkto_id)) & Q(company_id = company_id)).first()
            if existingLead is not None: # we found this lead to attach the activities
                if 'mkto' in existingLead.activities:
                    currentActivities = existingLead.activities['mkto']        
                    for i in range(len(currentActivities)):
                        if currentActivities[i]['id'] == newActivity['id']: #check if this activity already exists in the lead dict
                            addThisActivity = False
                    if addThisActivity == True:
                        for i in range(len(activityTypeArray)):
                            if activityTypeArray[i]['id'] == newActivity['activityTypeId']:
                                newActivity['activityTypeName'] = activityTypeArray[i]['name']
                        existingLead.update(activities__mkto = currentActivities)
                    currentActivities = []
                    for i in range(len(activityTypeArray)):
                        if activityTypeArray[i]['id'] == newActivity['activityTypeId']:
                            newActivity['activityTypeName'] = activityTypeArray[i]['name']
                    existingLead.update(activities__mkto = currentActivities)
                #addThisActivity == True and    
                if addThisActivity == True and newActivity['activityTypeId'] == changeActivityId and newActivity['primaryAttributeValue'] == 'Lead Status':
                    print 'processing status activity for id ' + mkto_id
                    #statusRecord = [];
                    newStatus = ''
                    oldStatus = ''
                    for attribute in newActivity['attributes']:
                        if attribute['name'] == 'New Value':
                            newStatus = attribute['value']
                        elif attribute['name'] == 'Old Value':
                            oldStatus = attribute['value']
#                         elif attribute['name'] == 'Reason':
#                             reason = attribute['value']    
                    #statusRecord.append({'status': newStatus, 'date': newActivity['activityDate']})
                    newActivity['newStatus'] = newStatus 
                    newActivity['oldStatus'] = oldStatus 
                    newActivity['date'] = newActivity['activityDate']
                    if 'mkto' in existingLead.statuses:
                        currentStatuses = existingLead.statuses['mkto']
                        currentStatuses.append(newActivity) # changed on 1/22/2016 {'status': newStatus, 'date': newActivity['activityDate']})
                        existingLead.update(statuses__mkto = currentStatuses)
                        currentStatuses = []
                        currentStatuses.append(newActivity) # changed on 1/22/2016{'status': newStatus, 'date': newActivity['activityDate']})
                        existingLead.update(statuses__mkto = currentStatuses)
#                 if addThisActivity == True: # this activity was not foudn in the lead, so add it
#                     existingLead.activities['mkto'].append(newActivity)
#                 existingLead.save() # no concept of saving the activity if the lead does not exist
    except Exception as e:
Ejemplo n.º 15
def filterLeads(request, id):
    user_id = request.user.id
    company_id = request.user.company_id
    start_date = request.GET.get('start_date')
    end_date = request.GET.get('end_date')
    lead_type = request.GET.get('lead_type')
    query_type = request.GET.get('query_type')
    page_number = int(request.GET.get('page_number'))
    items_per_page = int(request.GET.get('per_page'))
    offset = (page_number - 1) * items_per_page
    if start_date is not None:
        local_start_date_naive = datetime.fromtimestamp(float(start_date))
        local_start_date = get_current_timezone().localize(local_start_date_naive, is_dst=None)
    if end_date is not None:
        local_end_date_naive = datetime.fromtimestamp(float(end_date))
        local_end_date = get_current_timezone().localize(local_end_date_naive, is_dst=None)
    #print 'filter start us ' + str(local_start_date) + ' and edn is ' + str(local_end_date)
        leads = []
        if lead_type is not None:
            date_field_map = { "Subscribers" : 'hs_lifecyclestage_subscriber_date', "Leads" : 'hs_lifecyclestage_lead_date', "MQLs" : 'hs_lifecyclestage_marketingqualifiedlead_date', "SQLs" : 'hs_lifecyclestage_salesqualifiedlead_date', "Opportunities" : 'hs_lifecyclestage_opportunity_date', "Customers" : 'hs_lifecyclestage_customer_date' }
            start_date_field_qry = 'leads__hspt__properties__' + date_field_map[lead_type] + '__gte'
            end_date_field_qry = 'leads__hspt__properties__' + date_field_map[lead_type] + '__lte'
            if query_type == "strict": # for the Contacts Distribution chart
                stage_field_map = { "Subscribers" : 'subscriber', "Leads" : 'lead', "MQLs" : 'marketingqualifiedlead', "SQLs" : 'salesqualifiedlead', "Opportunities" : 'opportunity', "Customers" : 'customer' }
                stage_field_qry = 'leads__hspt__properties__lifecyclestage'
            start_date_field_qry = 'leads__hspt__properties__createdate__gte'
            end_date_field_qry = 'leads__hspt__properties__createdate__lte'
        company_field_qry = 'company_id'
        if query_type == "strict":
            querydict = {company_field_qry: company_id, start_date_field_qry : local_start_date, end_date_field_qry : local_end_date, stage_field_qry : stage_field_map[lead_type]} #end_date_field_qry : local_end_date, 
            #print 'qmap is ' + str(querydict)
            querydict = {company_field_qry: company_id, end_date_field_qry : local_start_date} #, end_date_field_qry : local_end_date
        #print 'qd is ' + str(querydict)
        if query_type == "strict": #we are done
            total = Lead.objects(**querydict).count()
            leads = Lead.objects(**querydict).skip(offset).limit(items_per_page)
        else: #not done. need to loop through leads to find which leads truly meet the criteria
            leads_temp = Lead.objects(**querydict)
            for lead in leads_temp:
                include_this_lead = True
                properties = lead.leads['hspt']['properties']
                if lead_type == 'Subscribers':
                    if "hs_lifecyclestage_lead_date" in properties:
                        current_stage = "Leads"
                        current_stage_date = pytz.utc.localize(properties[date_field_map[current_stage]], is_dst=None)
                        current_stage_date = current_stage_date.astimezone(get_current_timezone())
                        if current_stage_date <= local_start_date:
                            include_this_lead = False
                    if include_this_lead == True and "hs_lifecyclestage_marketingqualifiedlead_date" in properties:
                        current_stage = "MQLs"
                        current_stage_date = pytz.utc.localize(properties[date_field_map[current_stage]], is_dst=None)
                        current_stage_date = current_stage_date.astimezone(get_current_timezone())
                        if current_stage_date <= local_start_date:
                            include_this_lead = False
                    if include_this_lead == True and "hs_lifecyclestage_salesqualifiedlead_date" in properties:
                        current_stage = "SQLs"
                        current_stage_date = pytz.utc.localize(properties[date_field_map[current_stage]], is_dst=None)
                        current_stage_date = current_stage_date.astimezone(get_current_timezone())
                        if current_stage_date <= local_start_date:
                            include_this_lead = False
                    if include_this_lead == True and "hs_lifecyclestage_opportunity_date" in properties:
                        current_stage = "Opportunities"
                        current_stage_date = pytz.utc.localize(properties[date_field_map[current_stage]], is_dst=None)
                        current_stage_date = current_stage_date.astimezone(get_current_timezone())
                        if current_stage_date <= local_start_date:
                            include_this_lead = False
                    if include_this_lead == True and "hs_lifecyclestage_customer_date" in properties:
                        current_stage = "Customers"
                        current_stage_date = pytz.utc.localize(properties[date_field_map[current_stage]], is_dst=None)
                        current_stage_date = current_stage_date.astimezone(get_current_timezone())
                        if current_stage_date <= local_start_date:
                            include_this_lead = False
                if lead_type == 'Leads':
                    if include_this_lead == True and "hs_lifecyclestage_marketingqualifiedlead_date" in properties:
                        current_stage = "MQLs"
                        current_stage_date = pytz.utc.localize(properties[date_field_map[current_stage]], is_dst=None)
                        current_stage_date = current_stage_date.astimezone(get_current_timezone())
                        if current_stage_date <= local_start_date:
                            include_this_lead = False
                    if include_this_lead == True and "hs_lifecyclestage_salesqualifiedlead_date" in properties:
                        current_stage = "SQLs"
                        current_stage_date = pytz.utc.localize(properties[date_field_map[current_stage]], is_dst=None)
                        current_stage_date = current_stage_date.astimezone(get_current_timezone())
                        if current_stage_date <= local_start_date:
                            include_this_lead = False
                    if include_this_lead == True and "hs_lifecyclestage_opportunity_date" in properties:
                        current_stage = "Opportunities"
                        current_stage_date = pytz.utc.localize(properties[date_field_map[current_stage]], is_dst=None)
                        current_stage_date = current_stage_date.astimezone(get_current_timezone())
                        if current_stage_date <= local_start_date:
                            include_this_lead = False
                    if include_this_lead == True and "hs_lifecyclestage_customer_date" in properties:
                        current_stage = "Customers"
                        current_stage_date = pytz.utc.localize(properties[date_field_map[current_stage]], is_dst=None)
                        current_stage_date = current_stage_date.astimezone(get_current_timezone())
                        if current_stage_date <= local_start_date:
                            include_this_lead = False
                if lead_type == 'MQLs':
                    if include_this_lead == True and "hs_lifecyclestage_salesqualifiedlead_date" in properties:
                        current_stage = "SQLs"
                        current_stage_date = pytz.utc.localize(properties[date_field_map[current_stage]], is_dst=None)
                        current_stage_date = current_stage_date.astimezone(get_current_timezone())
                        if current_stage_date <= local_start_date:
                            include_this_lead = False
                    if include_this_lead == True and "hs_lifecyclestage_opportunity_date" in properties:
                        current_stage = "Opportunities"
                        current_stage_date = pytz.utc.localize(properties[date_field_map[current_stage]], is_dst=None)
                        current_stage_date = current_stage_date.astimezone(get_current_timezone())
                        if current_stage_date <= local_start_date:
                            include_this_lead = False
                    if include_this_lead == True and "hs_lifecyclestage_customer_date" in properties:
                        current_stage = "Customers"
                        current_stage_date = pytz.utc.localize(properties[date_field_map[current_stage]], is_dst=None)
                        current_stage_date = current_stage_date.astimezone(get_current_timezone())
                        if current_stage_date <= local_start_date:
                            include_this_lead = False
                if lead_type == 'SQLs':
                    if include_this_lead == True and "hs_lifecyclestage_opportunity_date" in properties:
                        current_stage = "Opportunities"
                        current_stage_date = pytz.utc.localize(properties[date_field_map[current_stage]], is_dst=None)
                        current_stage_date = current_stage_date.astimezone(get_current_timezone())
                        if current_stage_date <= local_start_date:
                            include_this_lead = False
                    if include_this_lead == True and "hs_lifecyclestage_customer_date" in properties:
                        current_stage = "Customers"
                        current_stage_date = pytz.utc.localize(properties[date_field_map[current_stage]], is_dst=None)
                        current_stage_date = current_stage_date.astimezone(get_current_timezone())
                        if current_stage_date <= local_start_date:
                            include_this_lead = False
                if lead_type == 'Opportunities':
                    if include_this_lead == True and "hs_lifecyclestage_customer_date" in properties:
                        current_stage = "Customers"
                        current_stage_date = pytz.utc.localize(properties[date_field_map[current_stage]], is_dst=None)
                        current_stage_date = current_stage_date.astimezone(get_current_timezone())
                        if current_stage_date <= local_start_date:
                            include_this_lead = False
                if include_this_lead == True:
            total = len(leads)
            leads = leads[offset:offset + items_per_page]
        serializer = LeadSerializer(leads, many=True)   
        return JsonResponse({'count' : total, 'results': serializer.data})    
    except Exception as e:
        return JsonResponse({'Error' : str(e)})
Ejemplo n.º 16
def filterLeadsByDuration(request, id):
    user_id = request.user.id
    company_id = request.user.company_id
    start_date = request.GET.get('start_date')
    end_date = request.GET.get('end_date')
    lead_type = request.GET.get('lead_type')
    query_type = request.GET.get('query_type')
    page_number = int(request.GET.get('page_number'))
    items_per_page = int(request.GET.get('per_page'))
    offset = (page_number - 1) * items_per_page
    if start_date is not None:
        local_start_date_naive = datetime.fromtimestamp(float(start_date))
        local_start_date = get_current_timezone().localize(local_start_date_naive, is_dst=None)
    if end_date is not None:
        local_end_date_naive = datetime.fromtimestamp(float(end_date))
        local_end_date = get_current_timezone().localize(local_end_date_naive, is_dst=None)
    utc_current_date = datetime.utcnow()
    #print 'filter start us ' + str(local_start_date) + ' and edn is ' + str(local_end_date)
        leads = []
        new_leads = []
        lead_type_temp = ""
        if lead_type is not None:
            date_field_map = { "Subscribers" : 'hs_lifecyclestage_subscriber_date', "Leads" : 'hs_lifecyclestage_lead_date', "MQLs" : 'hs_lifecyclestage_marketingqualifiedlead_date', "SQLs" : 'hs_lifecyclestage_salesqualifiedlead_date', "Opportunities" : 'hs_lifecyclestage_opportunity_date', "Customers" : 'hs_lifecyclestage_customer_date' }
            company_field_qry = 'company_id'
             # for the Contacts Distribution chart
            stage_field_map = { "Subscribers" : 'subscriber', "Leads" : 'lead', "MQLs" : 'marketingqualifiedlead', "SQLs" : 'salesqualifiedlead', "Opportunities" : 'opportunity', "Customers" : 'customer' }
            stage_field_qry = 'leads__hspt__properties__lifecyclestage'
            if lead_type != "All":
                start_date_field_qry = 'leads__hspt__properties__' + date_field_map[lead_type] + '__gte'
                end_date_field_qry = 'leads__hspt__properties__' + date_field_map[lead_type] + '__lte'
                querydict = {company_field_qry: company_id, start_date_field_qry : local_start_date, end_date_field_qry : local_end_date, stage_field_qry : stage_field_map[lead_type]}
                total = Lead.objects(**querydict).count()
                leads = Lead.objects(**querydict).skip(offset).limit(items_per_page)
                lead_type_temp = "All"
                #start_date_field_qry = 'leads__hspt__properties__createdate__gte'
                #end_date_field_qry = 'leads__hspt__properties__createdate__lte'
                #querydict = {company_field_qry: company_id, start_date_field_qry : local_start_date, end_date_field_qry : local_end_date}
                querydict = {company_field_qry: company_id}
                leads_temp = Lead.objects(**querydict)#.skip(offset).limit(items_per_page)
                for lead_temp in leads_temp:
                    this_lead_stage_temp = lead_temp['leads']['hspt']['properties']['lifecyclestage']
                    for k, v in stage_field_map.items():
                        if v == this_lead_stage_temp:
                            this_lead_stage = k
                            print 'this lead str is ' + str(this_lead_stage) + 'and id is ' + lead_temp['hspt_id']
                    started_this_stage_date = lead_temp['leads']['hspt']['properties'][date_field_map[this_lead_stage]]
                    #print 'dates ' + str(local_start_date_naive) + ' XX ' + str(started_this_stage_date) + ' XX ' + str(local_end_date_naive)
                    if local_start_date_naive <= started_this_stage_date and started_this_stage_date <= local_end_date_naive:
                #we have all the leads for All so now apply offset and items per page
                total = len(leads)
                #print 'total for All is ' + str(total)
                leads = leads[offset:offset + items_per_page]
            #print 'qmap is ' + str(querydict)
            print 'qd2 is ' + str(querydict)
            #print 'in there ' + str(len(leads)) 
            for lead in leads: # iterate over each lead
                #print ' lead id is ' + lead['hspt_id']
                lead_props = lead['leads']['hspt']['properties']
                if  lead_type_temp == "All": # if it is all, find the lead stsage from lead record
                    this_lead_stage = lead_props['lifecyclestage']
                    for stage, stagename in stage_field_map.iteritems():
                        if stagename == this_lead_stage:
                            lead_type = stage 
                #print 'lead type is ' + lead_type
                #handle average days in current stage 
                if date_field_map[lead_type] not in lead['leads']['hspt']['properties']:
                    raise ValueError("This is not possible")
                started_this_stage_date = lead_props[date_field_map[lead_type]]
                days_in_this_stage = (utc_current_date - started_this_stage_date).total_seconds() #remove conversion to seconds if you want dates; use .days then - no ()
                lead['leads']['hspt']['properties']['days_in_this_stage'] = days_in_this_stage
                if (query_type != "strict"): #only get days in current stage so ignore the below
                #handle transition days
                    if lead_type == "Customers":
                        stage_date1 = lead_props.get('hs_lifecyclestage_opportunity_date')
                        stage_date2 = lead_props.get('hs_lifecyclestage_salesqualifiedlead_date')
                        stage_date3 = lead_props.get('hs_lifecyclestage_marketingqualifiedlead_date')
                        stage_date4 = lead_props.get('hs_lifecyclestage_lead_date')
                        stage_date5 = lead_props.get('hs_lifecyclestage_subscriber_date')
                        if stage_date1 is not None and started_this_stage_date is not None:
                            lead['leads']['hspt']['properties']["OC"] = (started_this_stage_date - stage_date1).total_seconds() # change for number of days
                            lead['leads']['hspt']['properties']["last_stage"] = "Opportunity"
                        elif stage_date1 is  None:
                            if stage_date2 is not None:
                                lead['leads']['hspt']['properties']["OC"] = (started_this_stage_date - stage_date2).total_seconds()
                                lead['leads']['hspt']['properties']["last_stage"] = "SQL"
                                if stage_date3 is not None:
                                    lead['leads']['hspt']['properties']["OC"] = (started_this_stage_date - stage_date3).total_seconds()
                                    lead['leads']['hspt']['properties']["last_stage"] = "MQL"
                                    if stage_date4 is not None:
                                        lead['leads']['hspt']['properties']["OC"] = (started_this_stage_date - stage_date4).total_seconds()
                                        lead['leads']['hspt']['properties']["last_stage"] = "Lead"
                                        if stage_date5 is not None:
                                            lead['leads']['hspt']['properties']["OC"] = (started_this_stage_date - stage_date5).total_seconds()
                                            lead['leads']['hspt']['properties']["last_stage"] = "Subscriber"
                        last_stage =   lead['leads']['hspt']['properties']["last_stage"]
                        if last_stage == "Opportunity":                    
                            if stage_date2 is not None and stage_date1 is not None:
                                lead['leads']['hspt']['properties']["SO"] = (stage_date1 - stage_date2).total_seconds()
                                last_stage = "SQL"
                            elif stage_date2 is None: 
                                if stage_date3 is not None:
                                    lead['leads']['hspt']['properties']["SO"] = (started_this_stage_date - stage_date3).total_seconds()
                                    last_stage = "MQL"
                                    if stage_date4 is not None:
                                        lead['leads']['hspt']['properties']["SO"] = (started_this_stage_date - stage_date4).total_seconds()
                                        last_stage = "Lead"
                                        if stage_date5 is not None:
                                            lead['leads']['hspt']['properties']["SO"] = (started_this_stage_date - stage_date5).total_seconds()
                                            last_stage = "Subscriber"
                        if last_stage == "SQL":     
                            if stage_date3 is not None and stage_date2 is not None:
                                lead['leads']['hspt']['properties']["MS"] = (stage_date2 - stage_date3).total_seconds()
                                last_stage = "MQL"
                            elif stage_date3 is None:
                                if stage_date4 is not None:
                                    lead['leads']['hspt']['properties']["MS"] = (started_this_stage_date - stage_date4).total_seconds()
                                    last_stage = "Lead"
                                    if stage_date5 is not None:
                                        lead['leads']['hspt']['properties']["MS"] = (started_this_stage_date - stage_date5).total_seconds()
                                        last_stage = "Subscriber"
                        if last_stage == "MQL":    
                            if stage_date4 is not None and stage_date3 is not None: 
                                lead['leads']['hspt']['properties']["LM"] = (stage_date3 - stage_date4).total_seconds()
                                last_stage = "Lead"
                            elif stage_date4 is None:
                                    if stage_date5 is not None:
                                        lead['leads']['hspt']['properties']["LM"] = (started_this_stage_date - stage_date5).total_seconds()
                                        last_stage = "Subscriber"
                        if last_stage == "Lead":                
                            if stage_date5 is not None and stage_date4 is not None: 
                                lead['leads']['hspt']['properties']["SL"] = (stage_date4 - stage_date5).total_seconds()
                    elif lead_type == "Opportunities":
                        stage_date2 = lead_props.get('hs_lifecyclestage_salesqualifiedlead_date')
                        stage_date3 = lead_props.get('hs_lifecyclestage_marketingqualifiedlead_date')
                        stage_date4 = lead_props.get('hs_lifecyclestage_lead_date')
                        stage_date5 = lead_props.get('hs_lifecyclestage_subscriber_date')
                        if stage_date2 is not None and started_this_stage_date is not None:
                            lead['leads']['hspt']['properties']["SO"] = (started_this_stage_date - stage_date2).total_seconds()
                            lead['leads']['hspt']['properties']["last_stage"] = "SQL"
                        elif stage_date2 is None: 
                            if stage_date3 is not None:
                                lead['leads']['hspt']['properties']["SO"] = (started_this_stage_date - stage_date3).total_seconds()
                                lead['leads']['hspt']['properties']["last_stage"] = "MQL"
                                if stage_date4 is not None:
                                    lead['leads']['hspt']['properties']["SO"] = (started_this_stage_date - stage_date4).total_seconds()
                                    lead['leads']['hspt']['properties']["last_stage"] = "Lead"
                                    if stage_date5 is not None:
                                        lead['leads']['hspt']['properties']["SO"] = (started_this_stage_date - stage_date5).total_seconds()
                                        lead['leads']['hspt']['properties']["last_stage"] = "Subscriber"
                        last_stage =   lead['leads']['hspt']['properties']["last_stage"]
                        if last_stage == "SQL":   
                            if stage_date3 is not None and stage_date2 is not None:
                                lead['leads']['hspt']['properties']["MS"] = (stage_date2 - stage_date3).total_seconds()
                                last_stage = "MQL"
                            elif stage_date3 is None:
                                if stage_date4 is not None:
                                    lead['leads']['hspt']['properties']["MS"] = (started_this_stage_date - stage_date4).total_seconds()
                                    last_stage = "Lead"
                                    if stage_date5 is not None:
                                        lead['leads']['hspt']['properties']["MS"] = (started_this_stage_date - stage_date5).total_seconds()
                                        last_stage = "Subscriber"
                        if last_stage == "MQL": 
                            if stage_date4 is not None and stage_date3 is not None: 
                                lead['leads']['hspt']['properties']["LM"] = (stage_date3 - stage_date4).total_seconds()
                                last_stage = "Lead"
                            elif stage_date4 is None:
                                    if stage_date5 is not None:
                                        lead['leads']['hspt']['properties']["LM"] = (started_this_stage_date - stage_date5).total_seconds()
                                        last_stage = "Subscriber"
                        if last_stage == "Lead":              
                            if stage_date5 is not None and stage_date4 is not None: 
                                lead['leads']['hspt']['properties']["SL"] = (stage_date4 - stage_date5).total_seconds()
                                #lead['leads']['hspt']['properties']["last_stage"] = "Subscriber"
                    elif lead_type == "SQLs":
                        stage_date3 = lead_props.get('hs_lifecyclestage_marketingqualifiedlead_date')
                        stage_date4 = lead_props.get('hs_lifecyclestage_lead_date')
                        stage_date5 = lead_props.get('hs_lifecyclestage_subscriber_date')
                        if stage_date3 is not None and started_this_stage_date is not None:
                            lead['leads']['hspt']['properties']["MS"] = (started_this_stage_date - stage_date3).total_seconds()
                            lead['leads']['hspt']['properties']["last_stage"] = "MQL"
                        elif stage_date3 is None:
                            if stage_date4 is not None:
                                lead['leads']['hspt']['properties']["MS"] = (started_this_stage_date - stage_date4).total_seconds()
                                lead['leads']['hspt']['properties']["last_stage"] = "Lead"
                                if stage_date5 is not None:
                                    lead['leads']['hspt']['properties']["MS"] = (started_this_stage_date - stage_date5).total_seconds()
                                    lead['leads']['hspt']['properties']["last_stage"] = "Subscriber"
                        last_stage =   lead['leads']['hspt']['properties']["last_stage"]
                        if last_stage == "MQL": 
                            if stage_date4 is not None and stage_date3 is not None: 
                                lead['leads']['hspt']['properties']["LM"] = (stage_date3 - stage_date4).total_seconds()
                                last_stage = "Lead"
                            elif stage_date4 is None:
                                    if stage_date5 is not None:
                                        lead['leads']['hspt']['properties']["LM"] = (started_this_stage_date - stage_date5).total_seconds()
                                        last_stage = "Subscriber"
                        if last_stage == "Lead":
                            if stage_date5 is not None and stage_date4 is not None: 
                                lead['leads']['hspt']['properties']["SL"] = (stage_date4 - stage_date5).total_seconds()
                                #lead['leads']['hspt']['properties']["last_stage"] = "Subscriber"
                    elif lead_type == "MQLs":
                        stage_date4 = lead_props.get('hs_lifecyclestage_lead_date')
                        stage_date5 = lead_props.get('hs_lifecyclestage_subscriber_date')
                        if stage_date4 is not None and started_this_stage_date is not None: 
                            lead['leads']['hspt']['properties']["LM"] = (started_this_stage_date - stage_date4).total_seconds()
                            lead['leads']['hspt']['properties']["last_stage"] = "Lead"
                        elif stage_date4 is None:
                                if stage_date5 is not None:
                                    lead['leads']['hspt']['properties']["LM"] = (started_this_stage_date - stage_date5).total_seconds()
                                    lead['leads']['hspt']['properties']["last_stage"] = "Subscriber"
                        last_stage =   lead['leads']['hspt']['properties']["last_stage"]
                        if last_stage == "Lead":          
                            if stage_date5 is not None and stage_date4 is not None: 
                                lead['leads']['hspt']['properties']["SL"] = (stage_date4 - stage_date5).total_seconds()
                                #lead['leads']['hspt']['properties']["last_stage"] = "Subscriber"
                    elif lead_type == "Leads":
                        stage_date5 = lead_props.get('hs_lifecyclestage_subscriber_date')
                        if stage_date5 is not None and started_this_stage_date is not None: 
                            lead['leads']['hspt']['properties']["SL"] = (started_this_stage_date - stage_date5).total_seconds()
                            lead['leads']['hspt']['properties']["last_stage"] = "Subscriber"
            #print 'lead props are' + '\n'.join(str(p) for p in new_leads[0].leads["hspt"]["properties"])
            #print 'old lead props are' + '\n'.join(str(p) for p in lead)
            serializer = LeadSerializer(new_leads, many=True)   
            return JsonResponse({'count' : total, 'results': serializer.data})    
        else: #lead_type is None - not allowed here
            return JsonResponse({'Error' : 'Lead Type cannot be empty'})    
    except Exception as e:
        return JsonResponse({'Error' : str(e)})
Ejemplo n.º 17
def getAccounts(request, id):
        company_id = request.user.company_id
        page_number = int(request.GET.get('page_number'))
        items_per_page = int(request.GET.get('per_page'))
        offset = (page_number - 1) * items_per_page
        start_date = int(request.GET.get('start_date'))
        end_date = int(request.GET.get('end_date'))
        sub_view = request.GET.get('subview')
        superfilters = request.GET.get('superfilters')
        super_filters = json.loads(superfilters)
        #print 'super filters are ' + str(super_filters)
        date_field = None
        if super_filters is not None:
            if 'date_types' in super_filters: # need to filter by a certain type of date
                date_field = super_filters['date_types']
                if start_date is not None:
                    utc_day_start_epoch =  datetime.fromtimestamp(float(start_date / 1000))
                    #utc_day_start_epoch = str('{0:f}'.format(utc_day_start_epoch).rstrip('0').rstrip('.'))
                    print 'utc start epoch is ' + str(utc_day_start_epoch)
                    #local_start_date = get_current_timezone().localize(local_start_date_naive, is_dst=None)
                #print 'start2 is ' + str(time.time())
                if end_date is not None:
                    utc_day_end_epoch = datetime.fromtimestamp(float(end_date / 1000))
                    #utc_day_end_epoch = str('{0:f}'.format(utc_day_end_epoch).rstrip('0').rstrip('.'))
                    print 'utc end epoch is ' + str(utc_day_end_epoch)
                utc_day_start_string = datetime.strftime(utc_day_start_epoch, '%Y-%m-%dT%H-%M-%S.000+0000')
                utc_day_end_string = datetime.strftime(utc_day_end_epoch, '%Y-%m-%dT%H-%M-%S.000+0000')
                print 'utc start string is ' + str(utc_day_start_string)
                print 'utc end string is ' + str(utc_day_end_string)
        result = []
        company_field_qry = 'company_id'
        #print 'start time was '  + str(time.time())
        collection = Account._get_collection()
        if date_field is None:
            total = collection.find({'company_id': int(company_id)}).count() #.hint('company_id_1')
            total = collection.find({'company_id': int(company_id), date_field: {'$gte':utc_day_start_string, '$lte':utc_day_end_string}}).count() #.hint('company_id_1')
        if date_field is None:
            queryset = Account.objects(company_id=company_id).skip(offset).limit(items_per_page)
            date_field_start_qry = date_field + '__gte'
            date_field_end_qry = date_field + '__lte'
            company_field_qry = 'company_id'
            querydict = {company_field_qry: company_id, date_field_start_qry: utc_day_start_string, date_field_end_qry: utc_day_end_string}
            queryset = Account.objects(**querydict).skip(offset).limit(items_per_page)
        #qlist = list(queryset)
        #print 'start time3 was '  + str(time.time())
        #total = len(qlist)
        #result = qlist[offset:offset+items_per_page]
        #print 'start time4 was '  + str(time.time())
        for account in queryset:
            leadsTemp = []
            leads = account['leads']
            for lead in leads: # each 'lead' here is an object of type {lead_id_type: lead_id} e.g. {'sfdc_contact_id': 1234}
                for k, v in lead.iteritems():
                    lead_field_qry = k
                    querydict = {lead_field_qry: v, company_field_qry: company_id}
                    qset = Lead.objects(**querydict).only('source_first_name').only('source_last_name').only('id').first()
                    #print 'qset ' + str(qset)
                    #qset_actual_lead_list_temp = [qset_lead.to_mongo().to_dict() for qset_lead in qset]
                    #for qset_actual_lead in qset_actual_lead_list_temp:
            account['leads'] = leadsTemp
        #result.sort(key=lambda account:len(account.leads))
        #print 'qset is ' + str(qlist)
        #print 'start time5 was '  + str(time.time())
        serializer = AccountSerializer(result, many=True)  
        #print 'start time6 was '  + str(time.time()) 
        type = 'accounts'
        return JsonResponse({'count' : total, 'results': serializer.data, 'type': type})    
    except Exception as e:
        print 'exception while getting all accounts ' + str(e)
        return JsonResponse({'Error' : str(e)})
Ejemplo n.º 18
def saveSfdcOpportunitiesToMaster(user_id=None, company_id=None, job_id=None, run_type=None):  
    #job_id = ObjectId("56a3f89f8afb003c13a59e26")
    if run_type == 'initial':
        opps = TempData.objects(Q(company_id=company_id) & Q(record_type='opportunity') & Q(source_system='sfdc') & Q(job_id=job_id) ).only('source_record') #& Q(job_id=job_id) 
        contacts = TempData.objects(Q(company_id=company_id) & Q(record_type='contact') & Q(source_system='sfdc') & Q(job_id=job_id) ).only('source_record') #& Q(job_id=job_id) 
        opps = TempDataDelta.objects(Q(company_id=company_id) & Q(record_type='opportunity') & Q(source_system='sfdc') & Q(job_id=job_id) ).only('source_record') #& Q(job_id=job_id) 
        contacts = TempDataDelta.objects(Q(company_id=company_id) & Q(record_type='contact') & Q(source_system='sfdc') & Q(job_id=job_id) ).only('source_record') #& Q(job_id=job_id) 
    oppListTemp = list(opps)
    oppList = [i['source_record'] for i in oppListTemp]
    contactListTemp = list(contacts)
    contactList = [i['source_record'] for i in contactListTemp]
        allOpps = oppList #['records']
        # below code copied from contacts.tasks
        for newContact in contactList: #['records']:
            if 'OpportunityContactRoles' not in newContact or newContact['OpportunityContactRoles'] is None: # if this contact has no opportunities
                continue # move to next contact
            # company_id = request.user.company_id
            sfdc_account_id = None
            thisLeadsOppsIds = newContact['OpportunityContactRoles']['records']
            thisLeadsOpps = []
            for opp in thisLeadsOppsIds: #loop through all the Opp records in the Contact record
                print 'trying for opp with id ' + str(opp['OpportunityId'])
                thisOpp = next((x for x in allOpps if x['Id'] == opp['OpportunityId']), None) # if this opp is found in the list of opps retrieved separately
                if thisOpp is not None: # if found
                    print 'found this opp'
                    sfdc_account_id = thisOpp['AccountId']
                    thisLeadsOpps.append(thisOpp) #add it
            sfdc_contact_Id = str(newContact['Id']) 
            print 'contact id is ' + sfdc_contact_Id
            # sfdc_mkto_id = str(newLead['sfdcLeadId']) #check if there is a corresponding lead from MKTO
            existingLeadMkto = None
            existingLeadSfdc = None
            existingLeadHspt = None
            existingContact = Lead.objects(Q(company_id=company_id) & Q(sfdc_contact_id=sfdc_contact_Id)).first()
            if existingContact is not None:  # we found this contact already in the DB
                print ' eC is not none'        
                if 'sfdc' not in existingContact.opportunities:
                    opportunities = {}
                    opportunities['sfdc'] = []
                    existingContact.update(opportunities__sfdc = opportunities['sfdc'])
                    existingContact.update(sfdc_account_id = sfdc_account_id)
                    print 'just updated acct id 1'
                    for newOpp in thisLeadsOpps:
                        print ' nefre get' 
                        if not any (e.get('Id', None) == newOpp['Id'] for e in existingContact.opportunities['sfdc']): # does an opportunity with this Id already exist
                            opportunities = existingContact.opportunities['sfdc']
                            existingContact.sfdc_account_id = sfdc_account_id
                            # save this opportunity        
                            existingContact.update(opportunities__sfdc = opportunities)
                            existingContact.update(sfdc_account_id = sfdc_account_id)
                            print 'just updated acct id 2'
                        else: #this opp already exists
                            for i in range(len(existingContact.opportunities['sfdc'])):
                                if existingContact.opportunities['sfdc'][i]['Id'] == newOpp['Id']:
                                    existingContact.opportunities['sfdc'][i] = newOpp
                                    existingContact.sfdc_account_id = sfdc_account_id
                                    print 'just updated acct id 3'
            elif existingContact is None:  # this lead does not exist 
                print ' eC is much none' 
                existingLeadSfdc = Lead.objects(Q(company_id=company_id) & Q(leads__sfdc__ConvertedContactId=sfdc_contact_Id)).first()
                if existingLeadSfdc is not None:
                    if 'sfdc' not in existingLeadSfdc.opportunities:
                        opportunities = {}
                        opportunities['sfdc'] = []
                        existingLeadSfdc.update(opportunities__sfdc = opportunities['sfdc'])
                        existingLeadSfdc.update(sfdc_account_id = sfdc_account_id)
                        print 'just updated acct id 4'
                        for newOpp in thisLeadsOpps:
                            if not any (e.get('Id', None) == newOpp['Id'] for e in existingLeadSfdc.opportunities['sfdc']): # does an opportunity with this Id already exist
                                opportunities = existingLeadSfdc.opportunities['sfdc']
                                # save this opportunity        
                                existingLeadSfdc.update(opportunities__sfdc = opportunities)
                                existingLeadSfdc.update(sfdc_account_id = sfdc_account_id)
                                print 'just updated acct id 5'
                            else: #this opp already exists
                                for i in range(len(existingLeadSfdc.opportunities['sfdc'])):
                                    if existingLeadSfdc.opportunities['sfdc'][i]['Id'] == newOpp['Id']:
                                        existingLeadSfdc.opportunities['sfdc'][i] = newOpp
                                        existingLeadSfdc.sfdc_account_id = sfdc_account_id
                                        print 'just updated acct id 6'
                    existingLeadMkto = Lead.objects(Q(company_id=company_id) & Q(leads__mkto__sfdcContactId=sfdc_contact_Id)).first()
                    if existingLeadMkto is not None:  # we found a MKto lead record which is matched to this new Sfdc lead
                        if 'sfdc' not in existingLeadMkto.opportunities:
                            opportunities = {}
                            opportunities['sfdc'] = []
                            existingLeadMkto.update(opportunities__sfdc = opportunities['sfdc'])
                            existingLeadMkto.update(sfdc_account_id = sfdc_account_id)
                            for newOpp in thisLeadsOpps:
                                if not any (e.get('Id', None) == newOpp['Id'] for e in existingLeadMkto.opportunities['sfdc']): # does an opportunity with this Id already exist
                                    opportunities = existingLeadMkto.opportunities['sfdc']
                                    # save this opportunity        
                                    existingLeadMkto.update(opportunities__sfdc = opportunities)
                                    existingLeadMkto.update(sfdc_account_id = sfdc_account_id)
                                else: #this opp already exists
                                    for i in range(len(existingLeadMkto.opportunities['sfdc'])):
                                        if existingLeadMkto.opportunities['sfdc'][i]['Id'] == newOpp['Id']:
                                            existingLeadMkto.opportunities['sfdc'][i] = newOpp
                                            existingLeadMkto.sfdc_account_id = sfdc_account_id
                    existingLeadHspt = Lead.objects(Q(company_id=company_id) & Q(leads__hspt__properties__salesforcecontactid=sfdc_contact_Id)).first()
                    if existingLeadHspt is not None:  # we found a Hspt lead record which is matched to this new Sfdc lead
                        if 'sfdc' not in existingLeadHspt.opportunities:
                            opportunities = {}
                            opportunities['sfdc'] = []
                            existingLeadHspt.update(opportunities__sfdc = opportunities['sfdc'])
                            existingLeadHspt.update(sfdc_account_id = sfdc_account_id)
                            for newOpp in thisLeadsOpps:
                                if not any (e.get('Id', None) == newOpp['Id'] for e in existingLeadHspt.opportunities['sfdc']): # does an opportunity with this Id already exist
                                    opportunities = existingLeadHspt.opportunities['sfdc']
                                    # save this opportunity        
                                    existingLeadHspt.update(opportunities__sfdc = opportunities)
                                    existingLeadHspt.update(sfdc_account_id = sfdc_account_id)
                                else: #this opp already exists
                                    for i in range(len(existingLeadHspt.opportunities['sfdc'])):
                                        if existingLeadHspt.opportunities['sfdc'][i]['Id'] == newOpp['Id']:
                                            existingLeadHspt.opportunities['sfdc'][i] = newOpp
                                            existingLeadHspt.sfdc_account_id = sfdc_account_id
            if existingLeadSfdc is None and existingLeadMkto is None and existingLeadHspt is None and existingContact is None:  # no matches found so save new record
                lead = Lead()
                lead.sfdc_contact_id = sfdc_contact_Id
                lead.company_id = company_id
                lead.source_first_name = newContact['FirstName']
                lead.source_last_name = newContact['LastName']
                lead.source_email = newContact['Email']
                lead.source_created_date = str(newContact['CreatedDate'])
                lead.source_source = newContact['LeadSource']
                lead.sfdc_account_id = sfdc_account_id
                contacts = {}
                contacts['sfdc'] = newContact
                #lead.contacts["sfdc"] = newContact
                lead.update(contacts__sfdc = contacts['sfdc'])
                print 'just updated acct id 7'
                opportunities = {}
                opportunities['sfdc'] = []
                lead.update(opportunities__sfdc = opportunities['sfdc'])
        #new code added on 1/24/2016 - add each opportunity to related account (to capture opps with no contacts)
        for opp in allOpps:
            account = Account.objects(Q(company_id=company_id) & Q(sfdc_id=opp['AccountId'])).first()
            if account is None:
                print 'no account for opp with ID ' + str(opp['Id'])
                sfdc = Salesforce()
                accountList = sfdc.get_single_account(user_id, company_id, opp['AccountId'])
                for newAccount in accountList['records']:
                    account = _saveSfdcNewAccount(newAccount['Id'], newAccount, None, company_id)
            if 'opportunities' not in account:
                account.update(opportunities = {})
            if 'sfdc' not in account.opportunities: #no opps exist for this account, so add this opp
                opportunities = {}
                opportunities['sfdc'] = []
                account.update(opportunities__sfdc = opportunities['sfdc'])
                if not any (e.get('Id', None) == opp['Id'] for e in account.opportunities['sfdc']): # there is no opportunity with this Id already exist
                    opportunities = account.opportunities['sfdc']
                    # save this opportunity        
                    account.update(opportunities__sfdc = opportunities)
                else: # this opp already exists
                    for i in range(len(account.opportunities['sfdc'])):
                        if account.opportunities['sfdc'][i]['Id'] == opp['Id']:
                            account.opportunities['sfdc'][i] = opp
# code commented out since we are no longer getting only Mkto related opportunities into Cx       
#         for newOpp in oppList['records']:
#             # company_id = request.user.company_id
#             sfdc_account_id = str(newOpp['AccountId']) # find the account ID
#             print 'account id is ' + sfdc_account_id
#             # sfdc_mkto_id = str(newLead['sfdcLeadId']) #check if there is a corresponding lead from MKTO
#             existingLeadMkto = None
#             existingLeadSfdc = None
#             existingLeadHspt = None
#             #existingContact = Lead.objects(Q(company_id=company_id) & Q(sfdc_contact_id=sfdc_contact_Id)).first()
#             existingLeadSfdc = Lead.objects(Q(company_id=company_id) & Q(leads__sfdc__ConvertedAccountId=sfdc_account_id)).first()
#             if existingLeadSfdc is not None:
#                 if 'sfdc' not in existingLeadSfdc.opportunities:
#                     opportunities = {}
#                     opportunities['sfdc'] = []
#                     opportunities['sfdc'].append(newOpp) # add this opp to the new array
#                     existingLeadSfdc.update(opportunities__sfdc = opportunities)
#                 else:
#                     if not any (e.get('Id', None) == newOpp['Id'] for e in existingLeadSfdc.opportunities['sfdc']): # does an opportunity with this Id already exist
#                         opportunities = existingLeadSfdc.opportunities['sfdc']
#                         opportunities.append(newOpp)
#                         # save this opportunity        
#                         existingLeadSfdc.update(opportunities__sfdc = opportunities)
#                     else: #this opp already exists
#                         for i in range(len(existingLeadSfdc.opportunities['sfdc'])):
#                             if existingLeadSfdc.opportunities['sfdc'][i]['Id'] == newOpp['Id']:
#                                 existingLeadSfdc.opportunities['sfdc'][i] = newOpp
#                                 existingLeadSfdc.save()
#                 # and move to the next opportunity in the loop
#                 continue
#             else: #this opp does not exist within an SFDC lead
#                 # check if it is a Marketo lead   
#                 existingLeadMkto = Lead.objects(Q(company_id=company_id) & Q(leads__mkto__sfdcAccountId=sfdc_account_id)).first()
#                 if existingLeadMkto is not None:  # we found a MKto lead record which is matched to this opp
#                     print 'found mkto lead' + existingLeadMkto.mkto_id
#                     if 'sfdc' not in existingLeadMkto.opportunities:
#                         opportunities = []
#                         opportunities.append(newOpp) # add this opp to the new array
#                         existingLeadMkto.update(opportunities__sfdc = opportunities)
#                         print 'saved opps'
#                     else: # if ['opportunities']['sfdc'] already exists
#                         print 'opp exist'
#                         if not any (e.get('Id', None) == newOpp['Id'] for e in existingLeadMkto.opportunities['sfdc']): # does an opportunity with this Id already exist
#                             opportunities = existingLeadMkto.opportunities['sfdc']
#                             opportunities.append(newOpp)
#                             # save this opportunity        
#                             existingLeadMkto.update(opportunities__sfdc = opportunities)
#                             print 'saved sfdc'
#                         else: #this opp already exists
#                             print 'opp does not exist'
#                             for i in range(len(existingLeadMkto.opportunities['sfdc'])):
#                                 if existingLeadMkto.opportunities['sfdc'][i]['Id'] == newOpp['Id']:
#                                     existingLeadMkto.opportunities['sfdc'][i] = newOpp
#                                     existingLeadMkto.save()
#                                     print 'saved update'
#                     #move on to the next opp
#                     continue
#                 existingLeadHspt = Lead.objects(Q(company_id=company_id) & Q(leads__hspt__properties__salesforceaccountid=sfdc_account_id)).first()
#                 if existingLeadHspt is not None:  # we found a MKto lead record which is matched to this new Sfdc lead
#                     if 'sfdc' not in existingLeadHspt.opportunities:
#                         opportunities = {}
#                         opportunities['sfdc'] = []
#                         opportunities['sfdc'].append(newOpp) # add this opp to the new array
#                         existingLeadHspt.update(opportunities__sfdc = opportunities)
#                     else:
#                         if not any (e.get('Id', None) == newOpp['Id'] for e in existingLeadHspt.opportunities['sfdc']): # does an opportunity with this Id already exist
#                             opportunities = existingLeadHspt.opportunities['sfdc']
#                             opportunities.append(newOpp)
#                             # save this opportunity        
#                             existingLeadHspt.update(opportunities__sfdc = opportunities)
#                         else: #this opp already exists
#                             for i in range(len(existingLeadHspt.opportunities['sfdc'])):
#                                 if existingLeadHspt.opportunities['sfdc'][i]['Id'] == newOpp['Id']:
#                                     existingLeadHspt.opportunities['sfdc'][i] = newOpp
#                                     existingLeadHspt.save()
#                     # move onto the next opp
#                     continue
#             if existingLeadSfdc is None and existingLeadMkto is None and existingLeadHspt is None:  # no matches found so throw error i,e, not possible
#                 #raise ValueError('Opportunity found without lead or contact')
#                 lead = Lead()
#                 lead.sfdc_id = sfdc_Id
#                 lead.company_id = company_id
#                 lead.source_first_name = newLead['FirstName']
#                 lead.source_last_name = newLead['LastName']
#                 lead.source_email = newLead['Email']
#                 lead.source_created_date = str(newLead['CreatedDate'])
#                 lead.source_source = newLead['LeadSource']
#                 lead.source_status = newLead['Status']
#                 lead.leads["sfdc"] = newLead
#                 print '5th save'
#                 lead.save()
    except Exception as e:
        print 'Error while saving SFDC opportunities ' + str(e)
        send_notification(dict(type='error', success=False, message=str(e)))