Ejemplo n.º 1
    def T(self, T):
        if not isinstance(T, (float, int)):
            raise e.TypeError('`T` should be a float or integer')
        if T < 0 or T > 1:
            raise e.ValueError('`T` should be between 0 and 1')

        self._T = T
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def p(self, p):
        if not isinstance(p, (float, int)):
            raise e.TypeError('`p` should be a float or integer')
        if p < 0 or p > 1:
            raise e.ValueError('`p` should be between 0 and 1')

        self._p = p
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def steps(self, steps):
        if not isinstance(steps, int):
            raise e.TypeError('`steps` should be an integer')
        if steps <= 0:
            raise e.ValueError('`steps` should be > 0')

        self._steps = steps
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def momentum(self, momentum):
        if not isinstance(momentum, (float, int)):
            raise e.TypeError('`momentum` should be a float or integer')
        if momentum < 0:
            raise e.ValueError('`momentum` should be >= 0')

        self._momentum = momentum
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def n_hidden(self, n_hidden):
        if not isinstance(n_hidden, int):
            raise e.TypeError('`n_hidden` should be an integer')
        if n_hidden <= 0:
            raise e.ValueError('`n_hidden` should be > 0')

        self._n_hidden = n_hidden
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def T(self, T):
        if not isinstance(T, tuple):
            raise e.TypeError('`T` should be a tuple')
        if len(T) != self.n_layers:
            raise e.SizeError(f'`T` should have size equal as {self.n_layers}')

        self._T = T
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def decay(self, decay):
        if not isinstance(decay, (float, int)):
            raise e.TypeError('`decay` should be a float or integer')
        if decay < 0:
            raise e.ValueError('`decay` should be >= 0')

        self._decay = decay
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def n_channels(self, n_channels):
        if not isinstance(n_channels, int):
            raise e.TypeError('`n_channels` should be an integer')
        if n_channels <= 0:
            raise e.ValueError('`n_channels` should be > 0')

        self._n_channels = n_channels
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def n_layers(self, n_layers):
        if not isinstance(n_layers, int):
            raise e.TypeError('`n_layers` should be an integer')
        if n_layers <= 0:
            raise e.ValueError('`n_layers` should be > 0')

        self._n_layers = n_layers
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def n_visible(self, n_visible):
        if not isinstance(n_visible, int):
            raise e.TypeError('`n_visible` should be an integer')
        if n_visible <= 0:
            raise e.ValueError('`n_visible` should be > 0')

        self._n_visible = n_visible
Ejemplo n.º 11
    def lr(self, lr):
        if not isinstance(lr, (float, int)):
            raise e.TypeError('`lr` should be a float or integer')
        if lr < 0:
            raise e.ValueError('`lr` should be >= 0')

        self._lr = lr
Ejemplo n.º 12
def test_type_error():
    new_exception = exception.TypeError('error')

        raise new_exception
    except exception.TypeError:
Ejemplo n.º 13
    def decay(self, decay):
        if not isinstance(decay, tuple):
            raise e.TypeError('`decay` should be a tuple')
        if len(decay) != self.n_layers:
            raise e.SizeError(
                f'`decay` should have size equal as {self.n_layers}')

        self._decay = decay
Ejemplo n.º 14
    def momentum(self, momentum):
        if not isinstance(momentum, tuple):
            raise e.TypeError('`momentum` should be a tuple')
        if len(momentum) != self.n_layers:
            raise e.SizeError(
                f'`momentum` should have size equal as {self.n_layers}')

        self._momentum = momentum
Ejemplo n.º 15
    def steps(self, steps):
        if not isinstance(steps, tuple):
            raise e.TypeError('`steps` should be a tuple')
        if len(steps) != self.n_layers:
            raise e.SizeError(
                f'`steps` should have size equal as {self.n_layers}')

        self._steps = steps
Ejemplo n.º 16
    def lr(self, lr):
        if not isinstance(lr, tuple):
            raise e.TypeError('`lr` should be a tuple')
        if len(lr) != self.n_layers:
            raise e.SizeError(
                f'`lr` should have size equal as {self.n_layers}')

        self._lr = lr
Ejemplo n.º 17
    def filter_shape(self, filter_shape):
        if not isinstance(filter_shape, tuple):
            raise e.TypeError('`filter_shape` should be a tuple')
        if (filter_shape[0] >= self.visible_shape[0]) or (
                filter_shape[1] >= self.visible_shape[1]):
            raise e.ValueError(
                '`filter_shape` should be smaller than `visible_shape`')

        self._filter_shape = filter_shape
Ejemplo n.º 18
    def optimizer(self, optimizer):
        if not isinstance(optimizer, (opt.SGD, opt.Adam)):
            raise e.TypeError(
                '`optimizer` should be a valid Pytorch optimizer')

        self._optimizer = optimizer
Ejemplo n.º 19
    def n_hidden(self, n_hidden):
        if not isinstance(n_hidden, (list, tuple)):
            raise e.TypeError('`n_hidden` should be a tuple')

        self._n_hidden = n_hidden
Ejemplo n.º 20
    def M(self, M):
        if not isinstance(M, torch.Tensor):
            raise ex.TypeError('`M` should be a PyTorch tensor')

        self._M = M
Ejemplo n.º 21
    def visible_shape(self, visible_shape):
        if not isinstance(visible_shape, (list, tuple)):
            raise e.TypeError('`visible_shape` should be a list or tuple')

        self._visible_shape = visible_shape
Ejemplo n.º 22
    def b(self, b):
        if not isinstance(b, nn.Parameter):
            raise e.TypeError('`b` should be a PyTorch parameter')

        self._b = b
Ejemplo n.º 23
    def optimizer(self, optimizer):
        if not isinstance(optimizer, opt.SGD):
            raise e.TypeError('`optimizer` should be a SGD')

        self._optimizer = optimizer
Ejemplo n.º 24
    def a(self, a):
        if not isinstance(a, nn.Parameter):
            raise e.TypeError('`a` should be a PyTorch parameter')

        self._a = a
Ejemplo n.º 25
def plot(*args, labels=None, title='', subtitle='', grid=True, legend=True):
    """Plots the convergence graph of desired variables.

    Essentially, each variable is a list or numpy array
    with size equals to (epochs x 1).

        labels (list): Labels to be applied for each plot in legend.
        title (str): The title of the plot.
        subtitle (str): The subtitle of the plot.
        grid (bool): If grid should be used or not.
        legend (bool): If legend should be displayed or not.


    # Gathering the amount of possible ticks
    ticks = np.arange(1, len(args[0]) + 1)

    # Creating figure and axis subplots
    _, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(7, 5))

    # Defining some properties, such as axis labels
    ax.set(xlabel='epoch', ylabel='value')

    # Setting the amount of ticks

    # Setting minimum and maximum possible ticks
    ax.set_xlim(xmin=1, xmax=ticks[-1])

    # Setting both title and subtitles
    ax.set_title(title, loc='left', fontsize=14)
    ax.set_title(subtitle, loc='right', fontsize=8, color='grey')

    # If grid usage is true
    if grid:
        # Adds the grid property to the axis

    # Check if labels argument exists
    if labels:
        # Also check if it is a list
        if not isinstance(labels, list):
            raise e.TypeError('`labels` should be a list')

        # And check if it has the same size of arguments
        if len(labels) != len(args):
            raise e.SizeError('`args` and `labels` should have the same size')

    # If labels argument does not exists
        # Creates a list with indicators
        labels = [f'variable_{i}' for i in range(len(args))]

    # Plotting the axis
    for (arg, label) in zip(args, labels):
        ax.plot(ticks, arg, label=label)

    # If legend usage is true
    if legend:
        # Adds the legend property to the axis

    # Displaying the plot
Ejemplo n.º 26
    def data(self, data):
        if not isinstance(data, (np.ndarray, torch.Tensor)):
            raise e.TypeError('`data` should be a numpy array or a tensor')

        self._data = data
Ejemplo n.º 27
    def targets(self, targets):
        if not isinstance(targets, np.ndarray):
            raise e.TypeError('`targets` should be a numpy array')

        self._targets = targets
Ejemplo n.º 28
    def transform(self, transform):
        if not (hasattr(transform, '__call__') or transform is None):
            raise e.TypeError('`transform` should be a callable or None')

        self._transform = transform
Ejemplo n.º 29
    def models(self, models):
        if not isinstance(models, list):
            raise e.TypeError('`models` should be a list')

        self._models = models
Ejemplo n.º 30
    def W(self, W):
        if not isinstance(W, nn.Parameter):
            raise e.TypeError('`W` should be a PyTorch parameter')

        self._W = W