Ejemplo n.º 1
def test_get_most_recent_filing_by_legal_type_in_json(session):
    """Assert that the most recent legal filing can be retrieved."""
    business = factory_business('CP1234567')
    uow = versioning_manager.unit_of_work(session)
    transaction = uow.create_transaction(session)

    for i in range(1, 5):
        effective_date = f'200{i}-07-01T00:00:00+00:00'
        completion_date = datetime.datetime.fromisoformat(effective_date)

        base_filing = copy.deepcopy(ANNUAL_REPORT)
        cod = copy.deepcopy(CHANGE_OF_DIRECTORS)
        base_filing['filing']['changeOfDirectors'] = cod

        base_filing['filing']['header']['effectiveDate'] = effective_date
        filing = Filing()
        filing._filing_date = completion_date
        filing.business_id = business.id
        filing.filing_json = base_filing
        filing.effective_date = datetime.datetime.fromisoformat(effective_date)
        filing.payment_token = 'token'
        filing.transaction_id = transaction.id
        filing.payment_completion_date = completion_date

    f = Filing.get_most_recent_legal_filing(business.id, 'changeOfDirectors')
    assert f.effective_date == datetime.datetime.fromisoformat(effective_date)
    assert f.filing_type == 'annualReport'
    assert f.id == filing.id
Ejemplo n.º 2
def test_get_most_recent_filing_by_legal_type_db_field(session):
    """Assert that the most recent legal filing can be retrieved.

    Create 3 filings, find the 2 one by the type only.
    business = factory_business('CP1234567')
    uow = versioning_manager.unit_of_work(session)
    transaction = uow.create_transaction(session)

    # filing 1
    effective_date = '2001-07-01T00:00:00+00:00'
    completion_date = datetime.datetime.fromisoformat(effective_date)
    base_filing = copy.deepcopy(ANNUAL_REPORT)
    base_filing['filing']['header']['effectiveDate'] = effective_date
    filing1 = Filing()
    filing1._filing_date = completion_date
    filing1.business_id = business.id
    filing1.filing_json = base_filing
    filing1.effective_date = datetime.datetime.fromisoformat(effective_date)
    filing1.payment_token = 'token'
    filing1.transaction_id = transaction.id
    filing1.payment_completion_date = completion_date

    # filing 2 <- target
    effective_date = '2002-07-01T00:00:00+00:00'
    completion_date = datetime.datetime.fromisoformat(effective_date)
    base_filing = copy.deepcopy(FILING_HEADER)
    base_filing['filing']['header']['effectiveDate'] = effective_date
    base_filing['filing']['header']['name'] = 'changeOfDirectors'
    base_filing['filing']['header']['availableOnPaperOnly'] = True
    filing2 = Filing()
    filing2._filing_date = completion_date
    filing2.business_id = business.id
    filing2.filing_json = base_filing
    filing2.effective_date = datetime.datetime.fromisoformat(effective_date)
    filing2.payment_token = 'token'
    filing2.transaction_id = transaction.id
    filing2.payment_completion_date = completion_date

    # filing 3
    effective_date = '2003-07-01T00:00:00+00:00'
    completion_date = datetime.datetime.fromisoformat(effective_date)
    base_filing = copy.deepcopy(ANNUAL_REPORT)
    base_filing['filing']['header']['effectiveDate'] = effective_date
    filing3 = Filing()
    filing3._filing_date = completion_date
    filing3.business_id = business.id
    filing3.filing_json = base_filing
    filing3.effective_date = datetime.datetime.fromisoformat(effective_date)
    filing3.payment_token = 'token'
    filing3.transaction_id = transaction.id
    filing3.payment_completion_date = completion_date

    f = Filing.get_most_recent_legal_filing(business.id, 'changeOfDirectors')
    assert f.filing_type == 'changeOfDirectors'
    assert f.id == filing2.id
Ejemplo n.º 3
def validate_effective_date(business: Business, cod: Dict) -> List:
    """Return an error or warning message based on the effective date validation rules.

        - The effective date of change cannot be in the future.
        - The effective date cannot be a date prior to their Incorporation Date
        - The effective date of change cannot be a date that is farther in the past
            as a previous COD filing (Standalone or AR).
        - The effective date can be the same effective date as another COD filing
            (standalone OR AR). If this is the case:
        - COD filing that was filed most recently as the most current director information.
        filing_effective_date = cod['filing']['header']['effectiveDate']
    except KeyError:
            # we'll assume the filing is at 0 hours UTC
            filing_effective_date = cod['filing']['header'][
                'date'] + 'T00:00:00+00:00'
        except KeyError:
            return {
                'error': babel('No effective_date or filing date provided.')

        effective_date = datetime.fromisoformat(filing_effective_date)
    except ValueError:
        return {
            babel('Invalid ISO format for effective_date or filing date.')

    msg = []

    # The effective date of change cannot be in the future
    if effective_date > datetime.utcnow():
            {'error': babel('Filing cannot have a future effective date.')})

    # The effective date cannot be a date prior to their Incorporation Date
    if effective_date < business.founding_date:
            babel('Filing cannot be before a businesses founding date.')

    last_cod_filing = Filing.get_most_recent_legal_filing(
        business.id, Filing.FILINGS['changeOfDirectors']['name'])
    if last_cod_filing:
        if effective_date < last_cod_filing.effective_date:
                    "Filing's effective date cannot be before another Change of Director filing."

    return msg
Ejemplo n.º 4
def validate_effective_date(business: Business, cod: Dict) -> List:
    """Return an error or warning message based on the effective date validation rules.

    Rules: (text from the BA rules document)
        - The effective date of change cannot be in the future.
        - The effective date cannot be a date prior to their Incorporation Date.
        - The effective date of change cannot be a date that is farther in the past
            than a previous COD filing (standalone or AR).
        - The effective date can be the same effective date as another COD filing
            (standalone or AR). If this is the case:
        - COD filing that was filed most recently is the most current director information.
    msg = []

    # get effective datetime string from filing
        effective_datetime_str = cod['filing']['header']['effectiveDate']
    except KeyError:
        return {'error': babel('No effective date provided.')}

    # convert string to datetime
        effective_datetime_utc = datetime.fromisoformat(effective_datetime_str)
    except ValueError:
        return {'error': babel('Invalid ISO format for effective date.')}

    # check if effective datetime is in the future
    if effective_datetime_utc > datetime.utcnow():
        msg.append({'error': babel('Filing cannot have a future effective date.')})

    # convert to legislation timezone and then get date only
    effective_date_leg = LegislationDatetime.as_legislation_timezone(effective_datetime_utc).date()

    # check if effective date is before their incorporation date
    founding_date_leg = LegislationDatetime.as_legislation_timezone(business.founding_date).date()
    if effective_date_leg < founding_date_leg:
        msg.append({'error': babel('Effective date cannot be before businesses founding date.')})

    # check if effective date is before their most recent COD or AR date
    last_cod_filing = Filing.get_most_recent_legal_filing(business.id,
    if last_cod_filing:
        last_cod_date_leg = LegislationDatetime.as_legislation_timezone(last_cod_filing.effective_date).date()
        if effective_date_leg < last_cod_date_leg:
            msg.append({'error': babel('Effective date cannot be before another Change of Director filing.')})

    return msg