def testG(): def add(x): return lambda y: y + x data = ([10, 10]) op = H.pipe([L.modify(0, add(1)), L.modify(1, add(-10))]) result = op(data) assert (result == [11, 0]) return result
def testH(): def modifier(x): return x + 10 inputs = {'a': {'b': {'c': [0, [90, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]]}}} expected = {'a': {'b': {'c': [0, [90, 1, 12, 13, 14, 5, 6]]}}} optic = ['a', 'b', 'c', 1, L.subseq_u(2, 5, L.elems)] result = L.modify(optic, modifier, inputs) assert (result == expected) return result
def testL(): # shouldn't do anything, but should fail silently? def add10(x): return x + 10 data = {'a': 1, 'b': [1, 2, 3]} expected = {'a': 1, 'b': [1, 2, 3]} optic = L.pick({'z': ['b', 1, L.modify_op(add10)], 'q': 'a'}) result = L.modify(optic, add10, data) assert (result == expected) return result
def testK(): # point is, using L.modify with L.pick shouldn't have any effect def merge_with(x): return dict(**x, **dict(merge_data=10)) data = {'a': 1, 'b': [1, 2, 3]} expected = {'a': 1, 'b': [1, 2, 3]} optic = L.pick({'z': ['b', 1], 'q': 'a'}) result = L.modify(optic, merge_with, data) assert (result == expected) return result
def composing_plain_functions_tests(): assert_eq(lambda: L.get(lambda x: x + 1, 2), 3) assert_eq(lambda: L.modify(, R.negate, 1), 1) assert_eq(lambda: L.get(['x', lambda x, i: [x, i]], {'x': -1}), [-1, 'x']) assert_eq(lambda: L.collect([L.elems, lambda x, i: [x, i]], ['x', 'y']), [['x', 0], ['y', 1]]) assert_eq( lambda: L.collect([L.values, lambda x, i: [x, i]], { 'x': 1, 'y': -1 }), [[1, 'x'], [-1, 'y']]) assert_eq(lambda: L.get([0, lambda x, i: [x, i]], [-1]), [-1, 0]) assert_eq(lambda: L.get([0, 'x', R.negate], [{'x': -1}]), 1) assert_eq(lambda: L.set([0, 'x', R.negate], 2, [{'x': -1}]), [{'x': -1}]) assert_eq(lambda: L.get(I.always('always'), 'anything'), 'always') assert_eq(lambda: L.set(I.always('always'), 'anything', 'original'), 'original')
def testE(): def add10(x): return x + 10 expected = { 'a': 1, 'b': { 'b': { 'b': { 'b': { 'b': { 'b': [11, 12, 13] } } } } } } data = dict(a=1, b=dict(b=dict(b=dict(b=dict(b=dict(b=[1, 2, 3])))))) optic = ['b', 'b', 'b', 'b', 'b', 'b', L.elems] result = L.modify(optic, add10, data) assert (result == expected) return result
def testN(): data = [{ 'Description': 'A', 'Amount': 10, 'Date': '2018/01/01' }, { 'Description': 'B', 'Amount': 20, 'Date': '2018/01/02' }] expected = [{ 'description': 'A', 'amount': 10, 'date': '2018/01/01!' }, { 'description': 'B', 'amount': 20, 'date': '2018/01/02!' }] operation = L.collect([ L.elems, L.get( L.pick({ 'description': 'Description', 'amount': 'Amount', 'date': 'Date', })), L.modify('date', lambda x: x + '!'), # L.set('account', # 'checking', # })), ]) result = operation(data) #print('result', result) assert (result == expected) return result
def values_tests(): result = L.modify(L.values, R.identity, {'a': 1, 'b': 2}) print('\n\n\n here!!!!!', result, '\n\n\n') result = L.modify(L.values, lambda x, y: x, {'x': 11, 'y': 22}) print(result)
def elems_tests(): run_test(lambda: L.modify(L.elems, R.identity, [0, -1]), [0, -1]) assert_eq(lambda: L.modify(L.elems, R.identity, { 'x': 1, 'y': 2 }), { 'x': 1, 'y': 2 }) assert_eq(lambda: L.modify(L.elems,, { 'x': 1, 'y': 2 }), { 'x': 1, 'y': 2 }) assert_eq(lambda: L.modify(L.elems, R.negate, []), []) #assert_eq(lambda: L.remove(L.elems, [1]), []) assert_eq( lambda: L.modify(['xs', L.elems, 'x', L.elems], R.add(1), {'xs': [{ 'x': [1] }, { 'x': [2, 3, 4] }]}), {'xs': [{ 'x': [2] }, { 'x': [3, 4, 5] }]}) assert_eq( lambda: L.set(['xs', L.elems, 'x', L.elems], 101, {'xs': [{ 'x': [1] }, { 'x': [2, 3, 4] }]}), {'xs': [{ 'x': [101] }, { 'x': [101, 101, 101] }]}) # assert_eq( # lambda: # L.remove(['xs', L.elems, 'x', L.elems], { # 'ys': 'hip', # 'xs': [{'x': [1]}, {'x': [2, 3, 4]}] # }), # {'ys': 'hip', 'xs': [{'x': []}, {'x': []}]} # ) assert_eq( lambda: L.modify( ['xs', L.elems, 'x'], lambda x: (None if x < 2 else x), { 'xs': [{ 'x': 3 }, { 'x': 1 }, { 'x': 4 }, { 'x': 1, 'y': 0 }, { 'x': 5 }, { 'x': 9 }, { 'x': 2 }] }), { 'xs': [{ 'x': 3 }, {}, { 'x': 4 }, { 'y': 0 }, { 'x': 5 }, { 'x': 9 }, { 'x': 2 }] }) assert_eq( lambda: L.modify([L.elems, ['x', L.elems]], R.add(1), [{ 'x': [1] }, {}, { 'x': [] }, { 'x': [2, 3] }]), [{ 'x': [2] }, {}, { 'x': [] }, { 'x': [3, 4] }]) assert_eq( lambda: L.modify([[L.elems, 'x'], L.elems], R.add(1), [{ 'x': [1] }, { 'y': 'keep' }, { 'x': [], 'z': 'these' }, { 'x': [2, 3] }]), [{ 'x': [2] }, { 'y': 'keep' }, { 'x': [], 'z': 'these' }, { 'x': [3, 4] }])
L.find( R.pipe( abs, R.equals(2) ), {'hint': 2} ), [-1, -2, 3, 1, 2, 1] ), -2 ), (lambda: L.get([], [[{'x': {'y': 101}}]]), [[{'x': {'y': 101}}]]), (lambda: L.set([0], None, [None]), []), (lambda: L.set(1, '2', ['1', '2', '3']), ['1', '2', '3']), # fails b/c unary modifier (lambda: L.modify('x', lambda x: x + 1, {'x': 1}), {'x': 2}), ] def rewrite_tests(): assert_eq(lambda: L.get(L.rewrite(lambda x: x - 1), 1), 1) assert_eq(lambda: L.get(L.rewrite(lambda x: x - 1), None), None) assert_eq(lambda: L.set(L.rewrite(lambda x: x - 1), None, 1), None) assert_eq(lambda: L.set(L.rewrite(lambda x: x - 1), 3, 1), 2) def reread_tests(): assert_eq(lambda: L.get(L.reread(lambda x: x - 1), 1), 0) assert_eq(lambda: L.get(L.reread(lambda x: x - 1), None), None) assert_eq(lambda: L.set(L.reread(lambda x: x - 1), None, 1), None) assert_eq(lambda: L.set(L.reread(lambda x: x - 1), 3, 1), 3)