Ejemplo n.º 1
 def cast(self, context):
     from level import makeFloor
     from traps import TrapDoor, clearTraps
     context.log( "Dig in which direction?" )
     dxdy = context.game.main.query( DirectionWidget, acceptZ = True )
     nodig = [ "stairs up", "stairs down" ]
     if dxdy == '<':
         tile = context.player.tile
         prevLev = tile.level.previousLevel
         if not prevLev:
             context.log( "You fail to dig through the ceiling." )
             tileAbove = prevLev.randomTile( lambda tile : not tile.impassable and not tile.trap and not tile.mobile and not tile.name in nodig )
             td = TrapDoor( tileAbove, context = context )
             td.difficulty = 0
             td.setTarget( tile )
             context.log( "You dig through the ceiling!" )
             items = tileAbove.items
             tileAbove.items = []
             if items:
                 tile.level.scatterItemsAround( items, (tile.x, tile.y) )
                 msg = [ capitalizeFirst( grammar.makeCountingList( countItems( items ) ) ),
                         "fall" if len(items) > 1 else "falls",
                         "through the hole!" ]
                 context.log( " ".join( msg ) )
     elif dxdy == '>':
         tile = context.player.tile
         nexLev = tile.level.generateDeeperLevel()
         if nexLev and tile.name not in nodig:
             clearTraps( tile )
             td = TrapDoor( tile, context = context )
             td.difficulty = 0
             items = tile.items
             tile.items = []
             target = td.getTarget()
             context.log( "You dig through the floor!" )
             if items:
                 tile.level.scatterItemsAround( items, target )
                 msg = [ capitalizeFirst( grammar.makeCountingList( countItems( items ) ) ),
                         "fall" if len(items) > 1 else "falls",
                         "through the hole!" ]
                 context.log( " ".join( msg ) )
             tile.enters( context.player ) # trigger? might not, flying etc.
             context.log( "You fail to dig through the floor." )
         rayLength = 8
         region = context.game.showStraightRay( (context.player.tile.x,context.player.tile.y),
                                                lambda (x,y) : not context.player.tile.level.tiles[x,y].diggable()
         for x, y in region:
                 tile = context.player.tile.level.tiles[x,y]
                 if tile.diggable() and tile.impassable:
                     makeFloor( tile )
                 if tile.mobile and tile.mobile.destroyedByDigging:
             except KeyError: # shouldn't happen
Ejemplo n.º 2
def writeReport( game, won, books = 0, didQuit = False ):
    import harmless7drl
    import time
    unfriendlytime = time.strftime( "%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S" )
    friendlytime = time.strftime( "%d/%m/%Y %H:%M" )
    name = game.player.name.singular
    Psub = capitalizeFirst( game.player.name.pronounSubject() )
    reportName = "harmless7drl-%s-%s.txt" % (name, unfriendlytime )
    harmless7drl.ensureDirPresent( "logs" )
    reportName = harmless7drl.fullFilename( "logs", reportName )
    f = open( reportName, "w" )
    if won:
        print >>f, "%s successfully retrieved the Professor at %s." % (name, friendlytime)
        if books > 0:
            if books == 1:
                print >>f, "%s also returned a valuable books to the library." % (Psub)
                print >>f, "%s also returned %d valuable books to the library." % (Psub, books)
    elif didQuit:
        print >>f, "%s quit the game at %s." % (name, friendlytime)
        print >>f, "%s perished in the dungeon at %s." % (name, friendlytime)
    print >>f
    if game.context.debugmode:
        print >>f, "%s was playing in debugging mode." % (Psub)
        print >>f

    print >>f, "%s spent %d ticks in the dungeon." % (Psub, game.context.totalTime)
    print >>f, "%s reached dungeon level %d." % (Psub, game.player.greatestDepth )
    print >>f, "%s drained %d points' worth of magical energy from artifacts while in the dungeon." % (Psub, game.player.manaUsed)
    print >>f, "%s had %d hit points, out of a maximum of %d." % (Psub, game.player.hitpoints, game.player.maxHitpoints )
    if game.player.weapon:
        print >>f, "%s was wielding %s." % (Psub, game.player.weapon.name.indefiniteSingular() )
    print >>f

    identifiedProtorunes = [ protorune for protorune in game.context.protorunes if protorune.identified ]
    if identifiedProtorunes:
        for protorune in identifiedProtorunes:
            print >>f, "%s had identified the \"%s\" rune as \"%s\"." % (Psub, protorune.arcaneName, protorune.englishName )
        print >>f, "%s hadn't identified any runes." % Psub

    if game.player.inventory:
        print >>f, "%s was carrying:" % Psub
        for name, items in countItems( game.player.inventory ).items():
            print >>f, "\t", name.amount( len(items) )
        print >>f, "%s was not carrying anything." % Psub
    print >>f

    if game.player.spellbook:
        print >>f, "%s had the following spells in %s spellbook:" % (Psub, game.player.name.pronounPossessive() )
        for spell in game.player.spellbook:
            if spell.castCount == 0:
                x = "(never cast)"
                if spell.castCount == 1:
                    x = "(cast once)"
                    x = "(cast %d times)" % spell.castCount
            print >>f, "\t", spell.name, x
        print >>f, "%s had no spells in %s spellbook." % (Psub, game.player.name.pronounPossessive() )
    print >>f

    print >>f, "%s encountered the following creatures:" % (Psub)
    for protomonster in game.context.protomonsters:
        if protomonster.spawnCount == 0:
        x = []
        if protomonster.killCount > 0:
            x.append( "%d perished" % protomonster.killCount )
        if protomonster.directKillCount > 0:
            x.append( "%d %s directly" % (protomonster.directKillCount, "killed" if not protomonster.nonalive else "destroyed" )  )
        if x:
            x = " (" + ", of which ".join( x ) + ")"
            x = ""
        print >>f, "\t", protomonster.name.amount( protomonster.spawnCount ), x
