Ejemplo n.º 1
def replay_on_holdout(args, action_selection, reg_and_traj_transferer, lfd_env, sim):
    loadresultfile = h5py.File(args.replay.loadresultfile, 'r')
    loadresult_items = eval_util.get_indexed_items(loadresultfile, task_list=args.tasks, task_file=args.taskfile, i_start=args.i_start, i_end=args.i_end)
    num_successes = 0
    num_total = 0
    for i_task, task_info in loadresult_items:
        redprint("task %s" % i_task)

        for i_step in range(len(task_info)):
            redprint("task %s step %i" % (i_task, i_step))
            replay_results = eval_util.load_task_results_step(args.replay.loadresultfile, i_task, i_step)
            sim_state = replay_results['sim_state']

            if i_step > 0: # sanity check for reproducibility
                if sim.simulation_state_equal(sim_state, sim.get_state()):
                    yellowprint("Reproducible results OK")
                    yellowprint("The replayed simulation state doesn't match the one from the result file")

            if args.replay.simulate_traj_steps is not None and i_step not in args.replay.simulate_traj_steps:
            if i_step in args.replay.compute_traj_steps: # compute the trajectory in this step
                best_root_action = replay_results['best_action']
                scene_state = replay_results['scene_state']
                # plot cloud of the test scene
                handles = []
                if args.plotting:
                    handles.append(sim.env.plot3(scene_state.cloud[:,:3], 2, scene_state.color if scene_state.color is not None else (0,0,1)))
                test_aug_traj = reg_and_traj_transferer.transfer(GlobalVars.demos[best_root_action], scene_state, plotting=args.plotting)
                test_aug_traj = replay_results['aug_traj']
            feasible, misgrasp = lfd_env.execute_augmented_trajectory(test_aug_traj, step_viewer=args.animation, interactive=args.interactive, check_feasible=args.eval.check_feasible)
            if replay_results['knot']:
                num_successes += 1
        num_total += 1
        redprint('REPLAY Successes / Total: ' + str(num_successes) + '/' + str(num_total))
Ejemplo n.º 2
def estimate_performance(fname):
    results_file = h5py.File(fname, 'r')
    loadresult_items = eval_util.get_indexed_items(results_file)

    num_knots = 0
    num_misgrasps = 0
    num_infeasible = 0
    action_time = 0
    exec_time = 0

    for i_task, task_info in loadresult_items:
        knot_exists = False
        infeasible = False
        misgrasp = False

        for i_step in range(len(task_info)):
            results = eval_util.load_task_results_step(fname, i_task, i_step)

            eval_stats = results['eval_stats']
            misgrasp |= eval_stats.misgrasp
            infeasible |= not eval_stats.feasible
            action_time += eval_stats.action_elapsed_time
            exec_time += eval_stats.exec_elapsed_time
            if results['knot']:
                knot_exists = True
            elif i_step == len(task_info)-1:
                print i_task
        if infeasible:
            num_infeasible += 1
        if misgrasp:
            num_misgrasps += 1

        if knot_exists:
            num_knots += 1
    num_tasks = len(loadresult_items)
    print "# Misgrasps:", num_misgrasps
    print "# Infeasible:", num_infeasible
    print "Time taken to choose demo:", action_time, "seconds"
    print "Time taken to warp and execute demo:", exec_time, "seconds"
    return num_knots, num_tasks
Ejemplo n.º 3
def estimate_performance(fname):
    results_file = h5py.File(fname, 'r')
    loadresult_items = eval_util.get_indexed_items(results_file)

    num_knots = 0
    num_misgrasps = 0
    num_infeasible = 0
    action_time = 0
    exec_time = 0

    for i_task, task_info in loadresult_items:
        knot_exists = False
        infeasible = False
        misgrasp = False

        for i_step in range(len(task_info)):
            results = eval_util.load_task_results_step(fname, i_task, i_step)

            eval_stats = results['eval_stats']
            misgrasp |= eval_stats.misgrasp
            infeasible |= not eval_stats.feasible
            action_time += eval_stats.action_elapsed_time
            exec_time += eval_stats.exec_elapsed_time

            if results['knot']:
                knot_exists = True
            elif i_step == len(task_info) - 1:
                print i_task

        if infeasible:
            num_infeasible += 1
        if misgrasp:
            num_misgrasps += 1

        if knot_exists:
            num_knots += 1
    num_tasks = len(loadresult_items)

    print "# Misgrasps:", num_misgrasps
    print "# Infeasible:", num_infeasible
    print "Time taken to choose demo:", action_time, "seconds"
    print "Time taken to warp and execute demo:", exec_time, "seconds"
    return num_knots, num_tasks