def translate(req): global fsname #toto nebavi: form= util.FieldStorage(req,keep_blank_values=1) lhc= req.form.getfirst("lhc","lhc not defined") xls= req.form.getfirst("xls","xls not defined") if xls=="xls not defined" and lhc=="lhc not defined": html= genpage() else: #req.form["maskout"]= xlsinp lhc= req.form.getfirst("lhc","lhc not defined") lhcinp= req.form.getfirst("lhcinp","lhcinp not defined") xlsinp= req.form.getfirst("xlsinp","xlsinp not defined") #bcmasks= req.form.getfirst("bcmasks","...") if lhc=="lhc not defined": xls= req.form.getfirst("xls","xls not defined") if xls=="xls not defined": # initial page html= genpage("error","error","error") else: # xls->VALID.BCMASKS fs= lhc2ctp.FilScheme("", xlsinp) bcmasks= fs.getMasks() html= genpage(lhcinp, xlsinp, bcmasks, fsname) else: # lhc-> xls fsname= req.form.getfirst("fsname","") xlsinp= lhc2ctp.bu2bcstr(lhcinp, fsname) html= genpage(lhcinp, xlsinp, fsname=fsname) #html=html+'<hr>' dirreq= req.form.keys() #html=html+str(dirreq)+""" html=html+""" </body> </html> """ return html
def main(action): rc=0 #mylog= pylog.Pylog("",tty='yes') # no infoLogger, only tty #mylog= pylog.Pylog("getfsdip",tty='yes') # file+tty mylog= pylog.Pylog("getfsdip",info='yes') # file+info sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.environ['VMECFDIR'],"filling")) #print os.environ["PYTHONPATH"] os.chdir(os.path.join(os.environ["dbctp"], "fs_auto")) if action=="act": # consult act (auto/bcmasks/notavailable) cmd= os.path.join(os.environ["VMECFDIR"], "ctp_proxy/linux_s/act.exe") cmd= cmd+" VALUE FillingScheme" line= string.split(pylog.iopipe(cmd, "VALUE ")) #print "line:",line if len(line)==2: if line[1]=='bcmasks': action='bcmasks' elif line[1]=='auto': action='auto' else: action='test' if os.environ['VMESITE'] == 'ALICE': #cmd= os.path.join(os.environ["VMECFDIR"], "filling/linux/fill2file") cmd= os.path.join(os.environ["VMECFDIR"], "pydim/") #mylog.infolog("reading filling scheme from DIP...") dipout= string.split(pylog.iopipe(cmd, "fs ")) else: # 50ns_1374_1368_0_1262_144bpi12inj 1374/2748 #dipout=string.split("fs 50ns_1374_1368_0_1262_144bpi12inj 1374 2748") dipout= string.split("fs Single_16b_8_7_7") print "dipout:",dipout,"end of dipout" if len(dipout) != 5: # "fs fs_name FillNumber N_fromdip N_written if len(dipout) == 2: # "fs badtime" if dipout[0]=="fs" and dipout[1]=="badtime": # "fs badtime" mylog.infolog("DIP service not ready (BEAM mode < PREPARE RAMP)", level='w') rc=3 else: mylog.infolog("DIP service not ready (lab setup?)", level='w') rc=4 else: mylog.infolog("DIP service defining LHC filling scheme not ready, cannot update CTP BC masks", level='w') rc=1 else: bcdip= int(dipout[3]) bcwritten= int(dipout[4]) mylog.infolog("DIP: %s %d/%d bunches"%(dipout[1], bcdip, bcwritten)) if bcwritten<2: #was 1 before fill 5533 (23.11.2016 18:34) mylog.infolog("Trying to get filling scheme from DIP: no BCs published", level='w') rc=2 else: if (bcwritten != 2*bcdip) and ((bcwritten+2) != 2*bcdip): #mylog.infolog("Automatic BCmasks not correct, incorrect data will be taken in PHYSICS runs (Incomplete data from DIP:exp:%d got:%d)"%(2*bcdip, bcwritten), level='e') #rc=2 mylog.infolog("DIP data:%d bunches"%(bcwritten)) # rc:0 ok (DIP info in file to be processed) # 1 DIP info not available # 2 incomplete data from DIP # 3 attempt to get DIP data in bad time (valid only from PREAPRE RAMP!) if rc==0: schname= dipout[1] #cmd= os.path.join(os.environ["VMECFDIR"], "filling/") import lhc2ctp reload(lhc2ctp) #schname="test" #mylog.infolog("preparing colission schedule and CTP masks (%d bcs)..."%bcwritten) lsf= open(schname+".dip");; lsf.close; alice= lhc2ctp.bu2bcstr(ee, schname, format="from dip") lsf= open(schname+".alice","w"); lsf.write(alice); lsf.close; if os.path.exists("../tmask_bunches.cfg"): lsf= open("../tmask_bunches.cfg","r"); tmaskline= lsf.readline(); lsf.close; mylog.infolog("ACT parameter Tmask bunches: %s"%tmaskline) else: tmaskline="80"; mylog.infolog("tmask_bunches.cfg not found, using %s for Tmask bunches calculation"%tmaskline, level='w') mask= lhc2ctp.FilScheme("", alice,tmaskline=tmaskline); mask= mask.getMasks() lsf= open(schname+".mask","w"); lsf.write(mask); lsf.flush(); lsf.close; #os.fsync() # if action=="test": mylog.infolog("test: CTPRCFG/CS not updated. CS and masks left in fs_auto/") #shutil.copyfile(schname+".mask", "../VALID.BCMASKSauto") rc=10 elif action=="bcmasks": mylog.infolog("CTPRCFG/CS not updated (update not required in ACT). CS and masks left in fs_auto/") elif action=="auto": mylog.infolog("updating CTPRCFG/CS DIM service and BCMASK file...") #shutil.copyfile(schname+".mask", "../VALID.BCMASKS") cmd= "cp "+schname+".mask ../VALID.BCMASKS" mylog.infolog("cmd:"+cmd) os.system(cmd) rc= os.WEXITSTATUS(os.system("colschedule.bash update_auto >/dev/null")) else: rc=99 mylog.infolog("colschedule.bash rc:%d"%rc) return rc