Ejemplo n.º 1
    def __getitem__(self, item):
        # get transformation
        rot = self.infos['rot'][item]
        trans = self.infos['trans'][item]

        # get pointcloud
        src_path = os.path.join(self.base_dir, self.infos['src'][item])
        tgt_path = os.path.join(self.base_dir, self.infos['tgt'][item])
        src_pcd = torch.load(src_path)
        tgt_pcd = torch.load(tgt_path)

        # if we get too many points, we do some downsampling
        if (src_pcd.shape[0] > self.max_points):
            idx = np.random.permutation(src_pcd.shape[0])[:self.max_points]
            src_pcd = src_pcd[idx]
        if (tgt_pcd.shape[0] > self.max_points):
            idx = np.random.permutation(tgt_pcd.shape[0])[:self.max_points]
            tgt_pcd = tgt_pcd[idx]

        # add gaussian noise
        if self.data_augmentation:
            # rotate the point cloud
            euler_ab = np.random.rand(
                3) * np.pi * 2 / self.rot_factor  # anglez, angley, anglex
            rot_ab = Rotation.from_euler('zyx', euler_ab).as_matrix()
            if (np.random.rand(1)[0] > 0.5):
                src_pcd = np.matmul(rot_ab, src_pcd.T).T
                rot = np.matmul(rot, rot_ab.T)
                tgt_pcd = np.matmul(rot_ab, tgt_pcd.T).T
                rot = np.matmul(rot_ab, rot)
                trans = np.matmul(rot_ab, trans)

            src_pcd += (np.random.rand(src_pcd.shape[0], 3) -
                        0.5) * self.augment_noise
            tgt_pcd += (np.random.rand(tgt_pcd.shape[0], 3) -
                        0.5) * self.augment_noise

        if (trans.ndim == 1):
            trans = trans[:, None]

        # get correspondence at fine level
        tsfm = to_tsfm(rot, trans)
        correspondences = get_correspondences(to_o3d_pcd(src_pcd),
                                              to_o3d_pcd(tgt_pcd), tsfm,

        src_feats = np.ones_like(src_pcd[:, :1]).astype(np.float32)
        tgt_feats = np.ones_like(tgt_pcd[:, :1]).astype(np.float32)
        rot = rot.astype(np.float32)
        trans = trans.astype(np.float32)

        return src_pcd, tgt_pcd, src_feats, tgt_feats, rot, trans, correspondences, src_pcd, tgt_pcd, torch.ones(
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def __getitem__(self, item):
        sample = {'points': self._data[item, :, :], 'label': self._labels[item], 'idx': np.array(item, dtype=np.int32)}

        if self._transform:
            sample = self._transform(sample)
        # transform to our format
        src_pcd = sample['points_src'][:,:3]
        tgt_pcd = sample['points_ref'][:,:3]
        rot = sample['transform_gt'][:,:3]
        trans = sample['transform_gt'][:,3][:,None]
        matching_inds = get_correspondences(to_o3d_pcd(src_pcd), to_o3d_pcd(tgt_pcd),to_tsfm(rot,trans),self.overlap_radius)
        if(self.n_in_feats == 1):
        elif(self.n_in_feats == 3):
            src_feats = src_pcd.astype(np.float32)
            tgt_feats = tgt_pcd.astype(np.float32)

        for k,v in sample.items():
            if k not in ['deterministic','label','idx']:
                sample[k] = torch.from_numpy(v).unsqueeze(0)

        return src_pcd,tgt_pcd,src_feats,tgt_feats,rot,trans, matching_inds, src_pcd, tgt_pcd, sample
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def __getitem__(self, item):
        # get transformation
        rot = self.infos['rot'][item]
        trans = self.infos['trans'][item]

        # get pointcloud
        src_path = os.path.join(self.base_dir, self.infos['src'][item])
        tgt_path = os.path.join(self.base_dir, self.infos['tgt'][item])
        src_pcd = torch.load(src_path)
        tgt_pcd = torch.load(tgt_path)

        # add gaussian noise
        if self.data_augmentation:
            # rotate the point cloud
            euler_ab = np.random.rand(
                3) * np.pi * 2 / self.rot_factor  # anglez, angley, anglex
            rot_ab = Rotation.from_euler('zyx', euler_ab).as_matrix()
            if (np.random.rand(1)[0] > 0.5):
                src_pcd = np.matmul(rot_ab, src_pcd.T).T
                rot = np.matmul(rot, rot_ab.T)
                tgt_pcd = np.matmul(rot_ab, tgt_pcd.T).T
                rot = np.matmul(rot_ab, rot)
                trans = np.matmul(rot_ab, trans)

            src_pcd += (np.random.rand(src_pcd.shape[0], 3) -
                        0.5) * self.augment_noise
            tgt_pcd += (np.random.rand(tgt_pcd.shape[0], 3) -
                        0.5) * self.augment_noise

        if (trans.ndim == 1):
            trans = trans[:, None]

        # build sparse tensor
        _, sel_src = ME.utils.sparse_quantize(np.ascontiguousarray(src_pcd) /
        _, sel_tgt = ME.utils.sparse_quantize(np.ascontiguousarray(tgt_pcd) /

        # get correspondence
        tsfm = to_tsfm(rot, trans)
        src_xyz, tgt_xyz = src_pcd[sel_src], tgt_pcd[
            sel_tgt]  # raw point clouds
        matching_inds = get_correspondences(to_o3d_pcd(src_xyz),
                                            to_o3d_pcd(tgt_xyz), tsfm,

        # get voxelized coordinates
        src_coords, tgt_coords = np.floor(src_xyz / self.voxel_size), np.floor(
            tgt_xyz / self.voxel_size)

        # get feats
        src_feats = np.ones((src_coords.shape[0], 1), dtype=np.float32)
        tgt_feats = np.ones((tgt_coords.shape[0], 1), dtype=np.float32)

        src_xyz, tgt_xyz = to_tensor(src_xyz).float(), to_tensor(
        rot, trans = to_tensor(rot), to_tensor(trans)
        scale = 1

        return src_xyz, tgt_xyz, src_coords, tgt_coords, src_feats, tgt_feats, matching_inds, rot, trans, scale
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def __getitem__(self, idx):
        drive = self.files[idx][0]
        t0, t1 = self.files[idx][1], self.files[idx][2]
        all_odometry = self.get_video_odometry(drive, [t0, t1])
        positions = [
            self.odometry_to_positions(odometry) for odometry in all_odometry
        fname0 = self._get_velodyne_fn(drive, t0)
        fname1 = self._get_velodyne_fn(drive, t1)

        # extract xyz
        xyz0 = np.fromfile(fname0, dtype=np.float32).reshape(-1, 4)[:, :3]
        xyz1 = np.fromfile(fname1, dtype=np.float32).reshape(-1, 4)[:, :3]

        # use ICP to refine the ground_truth pose, for ICP we don't voxllize the point clouds
        key = '%d_%d_%d' % (drive, t0, t1)
        filename = self.icp_path + '/' + key + '.npy'
        if key not in self.kitti_icp_cache:
            if not os.path.exists(filename):
                print('missing ICP files, recompute it')
                M = (self.velo2cam @ positions[0].T @ np.linalg.inv(
                    positions[1].T) @ np.linalg.inv(self.velo2cam)).T
                xyz0_t = self.apply_transform(xyz0, M)
                pcd0 = to_o3d_pcd(xyz0_t)
                pcd1 = to_o3d_pcd(xyz1)
                reg = open3d.registration.registration_icp(
                    pcd0, pcd1, 0.2, np.eye(4),
                M2 = M @ reg.transformation
                np.save(filename, M2)
                M2 = np.load(filename)
            self.kitti_icp_cache[key] = M2
            M2 = self.kitti_icp_cache[key]

        # refined pose is denoted as tsfm
        tsfm = M2
        rot = tsfm[:3, :3]
        trans = tsfm[:3, 3][:, None]

        # add data augmentation
        src_pcd_input = copy.deepcopy(xyz0)
        tgt_pcd_input = copy.deepcopy(xyz1)
        if (self.data_augmentation):
            # add gaussian noise
            src_pcd_input += (np.random.rand(src_pcd_input.shape[0], 3) -
                              0.5) * self.augment_noise
            tgt_pcd_input += (np.random.rand(tgt_pcd_input.shape[0], 3) -
                              0.5) * self.augment_noise

            # rotate the point cloud
            euler_ab = np.random.rand(3) * np.pi * 2  # anglez, angley, anglex
            rot_ab = Rotation.from_euler('zyx', euler_ab).as_matrix()
            if (np.random.rand(1)[0] > 0.5):
                src_pcd_input = np.dot(rot_ab, src_pcd_input.T).T
                rot = np.matmul(rot, rot_ab.T)
                tgt_pcd_input = np.dot(rot_ab, tgt_pcd_input.T).T
                rot = np.matmul(rot_ab, rot)
                trans = np.matmul(rot_ab, trans)

            # scale the pcd
            scale = self.augment_scale_min + (
                self.augment_scale_max -
                self.augment_scale_min) * random.random()
            src_pcd_input = src_pcd_input * scale
            tgt_pcd_input = tgt_pcd_input * scale
            trans = scale * trans

            scale = 1

        # voxel down-sample the point clouds here
        _, sel_src = ME.utils.sparse_quantize(
            np.ascontiguousarray(src_pcd_input) / self.voxel_size,
        _, sel_tgt = ME.utils.sparse_quantize(
            np.ascontiguousarray(tgt_pcd_input) / self.voxel_size,

        # get correspondence
        tsfm = to_tsfm(rot, trans)
        src_xyz, tgt_xyz = src_pcd_input[sel_src], tgt_pcd_input[
            sel_tgt]  # raw point clouds
        matching_inds = get_correspondences(to_o3d_pcd(src_xyz),
                                            to_o3d_pcd(tgt_xyz), tsfm,
                                            self.search_voxel_size * scale)
        if (matching_inds.size(0) < self.max_corr and self.split == 'train'):
            return self.__getitem__(np.random.choice(len(self.files), 1)[0])

        # get voxelized coordinates
        src_coords, tgt_coords = np.floor(src_xyz / self.voxel_size), np.floor(
            tgt_xyz / self.voxel_size)

        # get feats
        src_feats = np.ones((src_coords.shape[0], 1), dtype=np.float32)
        tgt_feats = np.ones((tgt_coords.shape[0], 1), dtype=np.float32)

        src_xyz, tgt_xyz = to_tensor(src_xyz).float(), to_tensor(
        rot, trans = to_tensor(rot), to_tensor(trans)

        return src_xyz, tgt_xyz, src_coords, tgt_coords, src_feats, tgt_feats, matching_inds, rot, trans, scale
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def __getitem__(self, idx):
        drive = self.files[idx][0]
        t0, t1 = self.files[idx][1], self.files[idx][2]
        all_odometry = self.get_video_odometry(drive, [t0, t1])
        positions = [self.odometry_to_positions(odometry) for odometry in all_odometry]
        fname0 = self._get_velodyne_fn(drive, t0)
        fname1 = self._get_velodyne_fn(drive, t1)

        # XYZ and reflectance
        xyzr0 = np.fromfile(fname0, dtype=np.float32).reshape(-1, 4)
        xyzr1 = np.fromfile(fname1, dtype=np.float32).reshape(-1, 4)

        xyz0 = xyzr0[:, :3]
        xyz1 = xyzr1[:, :3]

        # use ICP to refine the ground_truth pose, for ICP we don't voxllize the point clouds
        key = '%d_%d_%d' % (drive, t0, t1)
        filename = self.icp_path + '/' + key + '.npy'
        if key not in self.kitti_icp_cache:
            if not os.path.exists(filename):
                print('missing ICP files, recompute it')
                M = (self.velo2cam @ positions[0].T @ np.linalg.inv(positions[1].T)
                            @ np.linalg.inv(self.velo2cam)).T
                xyz0_t = self.apply_transform(xyz0, M)
                pcd0 = to_o3d_pcd(xyz0_t)
                pcd1 = to_o3d_pcd(xyz1)
                reg = open3d.registration.registration_icp(pcd0, pcd1, 0.2, np.eye(4),
                M2 = M @ reg.transformation
                np.save(filename, M2)
                M2 = np.load(filename)
            self.kitti_icp_cache[key] = M2
            M2 = self.kitti_icp_cache[key]

        # refined pose is denoted as trans
        tsfm = M2
        rot = tsfm[:3,:3]
        trans = tsfm[:3,3][:,None]

        # voxelize the point clouds here
        pcd0 = to_o3d_pcd(xyz0)
        pcd1 = to_o3d_pcd(xyz1)
        pcd0 = pcd0.voxel_down_sample(self.voxel_size)
        pcd1 = pcd1.voxel_down_sample(self.voxel_size)
        src_pcd = np.array(pcd0.points)
        tgt_pcd = np.array(pcd1.points)

        # Get matches
        matching_inds = get_correspondences(pcd0, pcd1, tsfm, self.matching_search_voxel_size)
        if(matching_inds.size(0) < self.max_corr and self.split == 'train'):
            return self.__getitem__(np.random.choice(len(self.files),1)[0])


        rot = rot.astype(np.float32)
        trans = trans.astype(np.float32)

        # add data augmentation
        src_pcd_input = copy.deepcopy(src_pcd)
        tgt_pcd_input = copy.deepcopy(tgt_pcd)
            # add gaussian noise
            src_pcd_input += (np.random.rand(src_pcd_input.shape[0],3) - 0.5) * self.augment_noise
            tgt_pcd_input += (np.random.rand(tgt_pcd_input.shape[0],3) - 0.5) * self.augment_noise

            # rotate the point cloud
            euler_ab=np.random.rand(3)*np.pi*2 # anglez, angley, anglex
            rot_ab= Rotation.from_euler('zyx', euler_ab).as_matrix()
                src_pcd_input = np.dot(rot_ab, src_pcd_input.T).T
                tgt_pcd_input = np.dot(rot_ab, tgt_pcd_input.T).T
            # scale the pcd
            scale = self.augment_scale_min + (self.augment_scale_max - self.augment_scale_min) * random.random()
            src_pcd_input = src_pcd_input * scale
            tgt_pcd_input = tgt_pcd_input * scale

            # shift the pcd
            shift_src = np.random.uniform(-self.augment_shift_range, self.augment_shift_range, 3)
            shift_tgt = np.random.uniform(-self.augment_shift_range, self.augment_shift_range, 3)

            src_pcd_input = src_pcd_input + shift_src
            tgt_pcd_input = tgt_pcd_input + shift_tgt

        return src_pcd_input, tgt_pcd_input, src_feats, tgt_feats, rot, trans, matching_inds, src_pcd, tgt_pcd, torch.ones(1)