Ejemplo n.º 1
def main(A):
    """convolve the tau(mass) field, 
    add in thermal broadening and redshift distortion """

    sightlines = Sightlines(A)
    maker = SpectraMaker(A, sightlines)
    fgpa = FGPAmodel(A)

    Npixels = sightlines.Npixels.sum()

    spectaureal = numpy.memmap(A.SpectraOutputTauReal, mode='w+', 
            dtype='f4', shape=Npixels)
    spectaured = numpy.memmap(A.SpectraOutputTauRed, mode='w+', 
            dtype='f4', shape=Npixels)
    specdelta = numpy.memmap(A.SpectraOutputDelta, mode='w+', 
            dtype='f4', shape=Npixels)

    def work(i):
        sl2 = slice(sightlines.PixelOffset[i], 
                sightlines.PixelOffset[i] + sightlines.Npixels[i])
        result =  maker.convolve(i, Afunc=fgpa.Afunc, Bfunc=fgpa.Bfunc)
        spectaureal[sl2] = result.taureal
        spectaured[sl2] = result.taured
        specdelta[sl2] = result.delta
        sightlines.Z_RED[i] = result.Zqso
    chunkmap(work, range(len(sightlines)), 100)

Ejemplo n.º 2
def main(config):
    DB = BootstrapDB(config)
    Ndof = len(DB.dummy.compress())

    if mpicov.world.rank == 0:
        seeds = numpy.random.randint(low=0, high=99999999999, size=config.BigN)
        seeds = []

    myseeds = mpicov.world.scatter(numpy.array_split(seeds, mpicov.world.size))

    print 'This Task = ', mpicov.world.rank, 'Number of samples = ', \
            len(myseeds), 'seed0 =', myseeds[0]
    myxi = sharedmem.empty((len(myseeds), Ndof), dtype='f8')

    def work(i):
        rng = numpy.random.RandomState(myseeds[i])
        choice = rng.choice(len(DB), size=DB.Nchunks)
        sample = DB(choice)
        myxi[i][...] = sample.compress()

    print 'build samples'
    chunkmap(work, range(len(myxi)), 100)
    print 'done samples'

    print 'covariance matrix'
    cov = mpicov.cov(myxi, rowvar=0, ddof=0)
    print 'done covariance matrix'

    print numpy.nanmin(numpy.diag(cov))
    if mpicov.world.rank == 0:
        numpy.savez(config.CovarianceMatrixOutput, cov=cov,
                BigN=config.BigN, dummy=DB.dummy,
                xi_cov=DB.dummy.copy().uncompress(myxi[0]), r=DB.r, mu=DB.mu)
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def __init__(self, config):
        def getfilename(mock):
            dir = os.path.join(config.prefix, mock)
            paramfile = os.path.join(config.prefix, mock, 'paramfile')
            c = Config(paramfile, basedir=dir)
            return os.path.join(c.datadir, 'bootstrap.npz')

        if config.UseMocks is None:
            filenames = sorted(list(glob(os.path.join(config.prefix, '[0-9]*', '*',
            filenames = [getfilename(mock) for mock in config.UseMocks]

        files = [ numpy.load(f)  for f in filenames]

        print 'using', len(filenames), ' files', filenames

        self.r = files[0]['r']
        self.mu = files[0]['mu']

        # b/c they all have the same cosmology
        self.eigenmodes = EigenModes(numpy.load(config.EigenModesOutput)['eigenmodes'])

        self.DQDQ, self.RQDQ, self.RQRQ = sharedmem.empty(
                [3, len(files)] + list(files[0]['DQDQ'].shape))
        self.DQDFsum1, self.RQDFsum1, self.DFDFsum1 = sharedmem.empty(
                [3, len(files)] + list(files[0]['DQDQ'].shape))
        self.DQDFsum2, self.RQDFsum2, self.DFDFsum2 = sharedmem.empty(
                [3, len(files)] + list(files[0]['DQDQ'].shape))

        self.ND, self.NR = sharedmem.empty([2, len(files)] +

        def read(i):
            file = files[i]
            self.DQDQ[i] = file['DQDQ']
            self.RQDQ[i] = file['RQDQ']
            self.RQRQ[i] = file['RQRQ']
            self.DQDFsum1[i] = file['DQDFsum1'][0]
            self.RQDFsum1[i] = file['RQDFsum1'][0]
            self.DFDFsum1[i] = file['DFDFsum1'][0]
            self.DQDFsum2[i] = file['DQDFsum2']
            self.RQDFsum2[i] = file['RQDFsum2']
            self.DFDFsum2[i] = file['DFDFsum2']
            self.ND[i] = file['Qchunksize']
            self.NR[i] = file['Rchunksize']

        chunkmap(read, range(len(files)), 1)

        self.Nchunks = self.DQDQ[0].shape[0]
        # build the currelation function on the first sample
        # use it as a template 
        self.dummy = self(0)
Ejemplo n.º 4
def getforest(A, Zmin, Zmax, RfLamMin, RfLamMax, combine=1):
    spectra = SpectraOutput(A)
    meanFred = MeanFractionMeasured(A, kind='red')
    meanFreal = MeanFractionMeasured(A, kind='real')

    combine = numpy.minimum(spectra.sightlines.Npixels.max(), combine)

    # will combine every this many pixels
    Npixels1 = spectra.sightlines.Npixels // combine
    Offset1 = numpy.concatenate([[0], numpy.cumsum(Npixels1)])
    Npixels = Npixels1.sum()
    print Npixels1.min(), Npixels1.max()
    print spectra.sightlines.Npixels.min(), spectra.sightlines.Npixels.max()
    data = sharedmem.empty(Npixels, ('f4', 3))
    DFred, DFreal, Delta = data.T
    pos = sharedmem.empty(Npixels, ('f4', 3))
    x, y, z = pos.T
    mask = sharedmem.empty(Npixels, '?')
    id = sharedmem.empty(Npixels, 'i4')


    def work(i):
        def combinepixels(value, method=numpy.mean):
            # reduce the number of pixels with 'method'
            return \
                method(value[:Npixels1[i] * combine]\
                .reshape([Npixels1[i]] + [combine]), 
        sl = slice(Offset1[i], Npixels1[i] + Offset1[i])
        a = spectra.a[i]
        Fred = numpy.exp(-spectra.taured[i]) / meanFred(a) - 1
        Freal = numpy.exp(-spectra.taureal[i]) / meanFreal(a) - 1

        DFred[sl] = combinepixels(Fred)
        DFreal[sl] = combinepixels(Freal)
        Delta[sl] = combinepixels(spectra.delta[i])
        p = spectra.position(i)
        x[sl] = combinepixels(p[:, 0])
        y[sl] = combinepixels(p[:, 1])
        z[sl] = combinepixels(p[:, 2])

        m = spectra.z[i] > Zmin
        m &= spectra.z[i] < Zmax
        m &= spectra.RfLam(i) > RfLamMin
        m &= spectra.RfLam(i) < RfLamMax
        mask[sl] = combinepixels(m, method=numpy.all)
        id[sl] = i
    chunkmap(work, range(len(spectra)), 100)

    return data[mask], pos[mask], id[mask]
Ejemplo n.º 5
def main(config):
    global cov
    DB = BootstrapDB(config)

    MASK = DB.dummy.imesh >= 0
    MASK &= DB.dummy.rmesh <= config.rmax
    MASK &= DB.dummy.rmesh >= config.rmin

    print "dof in fitting", MASK.sum()
    # create a dummy to test the fitting
    p0 = [-0.2, 3.5, 1.5, 1.5]

    eigenmodes = DB.eigenmodes
    dummy = eigenmodes(p0)

    covfull = numpy.load(config.CovarianceMatrixOutput)["cov"]
    cov = covfull[MASK][:, MASK]

    print "inverting"
    INV = linalg.inv(covfull[MASK][:, MASK])
    print "inverted"

    x, chi = fit1(dummy, eigenmodes, INV, MASK)

    print "x =", x
    print "p0 = bF, bQ, BF, BQ", p0

    error = poles_err(dummy, covfull)

    fitted = sharedmem.empty((len(DB), len(p0)))
    chi = sharedmem.empty((len(DB)))
    samples, models = [], []

    def work(i):
        sample = DB(i)
        print "fitting", i
        fitted[i], chi[i] = fit1(sample, eigenmodes, INV, MASK)
        model = eigenmodes(fitted[i])
        print zip(sample[0].monopole, model[0].monopole)
        return i, sample, model

    def reduce(rt):
        i, s, m = rt
        samples.append((i, s))
        models.append((i, m))

    chunkmap(work, range(len(DB)), 100, reduce=reduce)
    samples = [s for i, s in sorted(samples)]
    models = [s for i, s in sorted(models)]
    numpy.savez("fit.npz", samples=samples, models=models, fittedparameters=fitted, chi=chi, error=error)
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def cost(Af, Bf):
     def work(i):
         sl = slice(sightlines.PixelOffset[i], 
             sightlines.PixelOffset[i] + sightlines.Npixels[i])
         if sightlines.Npixels[i] == 0: return
         taured = maker.convolve(i, 
                 Afunc=lambda x: Af,
                 Bfunc=lambda x: Bf, returns=['taured']).taured
         F[sl] = numpy.exp(-taured)
     chunkmap(work, range(0, len(sightlines), 100), 100)
     F1 = F[~numpy.isnan(F)]
     xmeanF = F1.mean()
     xstdF = F1.std() 
     v = (xmeanF/ meanF - 1) ,  (xstdF / stdF - 1) 
     return v
Ejemplo n.º 7
def main(A):
    sightlines = Sightlines(A)
    spectra = SpectraOutput(A)
    loglam = sharedmem.empty(sightlines.Npixels.sum(), 'f4')
    chunksize = 100

    def work(i):
        sl = slice(sightlines.PixelOffset[i],
            sightlines.PixelOffset[i] + sightlines.Npixels[i])
        loglam[sl] = spectra.LogLam[i]
    chunkmap(work, range(len(sightlines)), chunksize=100)

    Nbins = 400
    zBins = numpy.linspace(2.0, 4.0, Nbins + 1, endpoint=True)
    LogLamBins = numpy.log10(1216.0 * (1 + zBins ))
    z = 0.5 * (zBins[1:] + zBins[:-1])

    ind = numpy.digitize(loglam, LogLamBins)
    N = numpy.bincount(ind, minlength=Nbins+2)
    N[N == 0] = 1.0

    F = numpy.exp(-spectra.taured.data)
    K1 = numpy.bincount(ind, F, minlength=Nbins+2) / N
    K2 = numpy.bincount(ind, F ** 2, minlength=Nbins+2) / N
    meanF = K1
    varF = K2 - K1 ** 2
    meanF = meanF[1:-1]
    varF = varF[1:-1]

    F = numpy.exp(-spectra.taureal.data)
    K1 = numpy.bincount(ind, F, minlength=Nbins+2) / N
    K2 = numpy.bincount(ind, F ** 2, minlength=Nbins+2) / N
    meanFreal = K1
    varFreal = K2 - K1 ** 2
    meanFreal = meanFreal[1:-1]
    varFreal = varFreal[1:-1]

    print z
    print meanF
    print varF
            a=1/(1+z), abins=1/(1+zBins), 
            xmeanF=meanF, xvarF=varF, 
Ejemplo n.º 8
def main(A):
    MatchUp = numpy.load('matchup-result.npy')
    spectra = SpectraOutput(A)
    print MatchUp.dtype
    def work(i):
        match = MatchUp[i]

        dirname = os.path.join(
            '%04d' % match['PLATE'])
        except OSError:

        print i, '/', len(MatchUp)
        filename = os.path.join(
            'mockraw-%04d-%d-%04d.fits' % 
        ind = match['Q_INDEX']

        data = numpy.rec.fromarrays(
                [spectra.z[ind], numpy.exp(-spectra.taured[ind])],
                names=['Z', 'mockF'])

        header = dict(
                DEC=spectra.sightlines.DEC[ind] / numpy.pi * 180,
                RA=spectra.sightlines.RA[ind] / numpy.pi * 180,
        with fitsio.FITS(filename, mode='rw') as file:
            file.write_table(data, header=header)
    chunkmap(work, range(len(MatchUp)), chunksize=1000)