Ejemplo n.º 1
 def __init__(self, host, port, username, password):
     """This class creates a grpc client for the functions to use.
         :param host: The ip address for the device.
         :param port: The port for the device.
         :param user: Username for device login.
         :param password: Password for device login.
         :type host: str
         :type port: int
         :type password: str
         :type username: str
     self.client = CiscoGRPCClient(host, port, 10, username, password)
Ejemplo n.º 2
class Example(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self.client = CiscoGRPCClient('', 57777, 10, 'vagrant', 'vagrant')
    def get(self):
        path = '{"Cisco-IOS-XR-ipv4-bgp-cfg:bgp": [null]}'
        result = self.client.getconfig(path)
            err, result = self.client.getconfig(path)
            if err:
                print err
            print json.dumps(json.loads(result))
        except AbortionError:
                'Unable to connect to local box, check your gRPC destination.'

    def replace(self):
        path = open('snips/bgp_start.json').read()
            response = self.client.replaceconfig(path)
            if response.errors:
                err = json.loads(response.errors)
                print err
        except AbortionError:
                'Unable to connect to local box, check your gRPC destination.'

    def merge(self):
        path = open('snips/bgp_merge.json').read()
            response = self.client.mergeconfig(path)
            if response.errors:
                err = json.loads(response.errors)
                print err
        except AbortionError:
                'Unable to connect to local box, check your gRPC destination.'

    def delete(self):
        path = open('snips/bgp_start.json').read()
            response = self.client.deleteconfig(path)
            if response.errors:
                err = json.loads(response.errors)
                print err
        except AbortionError:
                'Unable to connect to local box, check your gRPC destination.'
Ejemplo n.º 3
def main():
    To not use tls we need to do 2 things. 
    1. Comment the variables creds and options out
    2. Remove creds and options CiscoGRPCClient
    ex: client = CiscoGRPCClient('', 57777, 10, 'vagrant', 'vagrant')
    creds = open('ems.pem').read()
    options = 'ems.cisco.com'
    client = CiscoGRPCClient('', 57777, 10, 'vagrant', 'vagrant',
                             creds, options)
    #Test 1: Test Get config json requests
    path = '{"Cisco-IOS-XR-ip-static-cfg:router-static": [null]}'
    result = client.getconfig(path)
    print json.dumps(json.loads(result))
class CiscoGRPCClientcase(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        self.client = CiscoGRPCClient('', 57777, 10, 'vagrant',
        self.maxDiff = None
        path = '{"Cisco-IOS-XR-ip-static-cfg:router-static": [null]}'
        self._result = self.client.getconfig(path)

    def test_get(self):
        path = '{"Cisco-IOS-XR-ip-static-cfg:router-static": [null]}'
        self._result = self.client.getconfig(path)
            json_object = json.loads(self._result)
        except ValueError, e:
            self.assertTrue(False, e)
Ejemplo n.º 5
def main():
    To not use tls we need to do 2 things.
    1. Comment the variables creds and options out
    2. Remove creds and options CiscoGRPCClient
    ex: client = CiscoGRPCClient('', 57777, 10, 'vagrant', 'vagrant')
    creds = open('ems.pem').read()
    options = 'ems.cisco.com'
    client = CiscoGRPCClient('', 57777, 10, 'vagrant', 'vagrant',
                             creds, options)
    #Test 1: Test Get config json requests
    path = '{"Cisco-IOS-XR-ip-static-cfg:router-static": [null]}'
        err, result = client.getconfig(path)
        if err:
            print err
        print json.dumps(json.loads(result))
    except AbortionError:
        print('Unable to connect to local box, check your gRPC destination.')
Ejemplo n.º 6
""" Basic collector for telemetry.
Initiate a gRPC dial-in telemetry channel, subscribe to a stream,
and output to display. Converts from protobuf to JSON for display.

import sys
sys.path.insert(0, '../')
from lib.cisco_grpc_client import CiscoGRPCClient
import json

def print_connectivity(connectivity):
    print connectivity

# Change client details to match your environment.
client = CiscoGRPCClient('localhost', 57777, 10, 'vagrant', 'vagrant')
subscription_id = 'sub1'
recv_count = 0
# Handle connectivity changes.
# Iterate over subscription recvs.
for segment in client.getsubscription(subscription_id, unmarshal=True):
    # unmarshal is an optional argument, default is unmarshal = True
    # If unmarshal is false, out is in gpb k/v
    recv_count += 1
    print json.dumps(segment, indent=4, separators=(',', ': '))
    print 'End Telemetry Segment'
    print str(recv_count) + ' Segments Received'
Ejemplo n.º 7
 def __init__(self):
     self.client = CiscoGRPCClient('', 57777, 10, 'vagrant', 'vagrant')
 def setUp(self):
     self.client = CiscoGRPCClient('', 57777, 10, 'vagrant',
     self.maxDiff = None
     path = '{"Cisco-IOS-XR-ip-static-cfg:router-static": [null]}'
     self._result = self.client.getconfig(path)
Ejemplo n.º 9
class RoutePolicy(object):
    """Class to manipulate route policy and bgp neighbors using openconfig
    def __init__(self, host, port, username, password):
        """This class creates a grpc client for the functions to use.
            :param host: The ip address for the device.
            :param port: The port for the device.
            :param user: Username for device login.
            :param password: Password for device login.
            :type host: str
            :type port: int
            :type password: str
            :type username: str
        self.client = CiscoGRPCClient(host, port, 10, username, password)

    def get_policies(self):
        """sends a gRPC request and returns openconfig json of policies
            :return: Json string of policies
            :rtype: json object
        path = '{"openconfig-routing-policy:routing-policy": [null]}'
        err, result = self.client.getconfig(path)
        if err:
            print err
        policies = json.loads(result, object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict)
        return policies

    def list_policies(self):
        """Prints a list policies names for a router
        bgp_policies = self.get_policies()
        policy_definitions = bgp_policies[
        print '\nPolicy Names:\n'
        for policy in policy_definitions:
            print 'Name: %s' % policy['name']

    def detail_policy(self, policy_name):
        """Prints the full json of a policy in Openconfig and returns it
            :param policy_name: Policy Name on the box (case sensative).
            :type policy_name: str
            :return: Json string of policy
            :rtype: str
        bgp_policies = self.get_policies()
        policy_definitions = bgp_policies[
        for policy in policy_definitions:
            if policy_name == policy['name']:
                print json.dumps(policy, indent=4, separators=(',', ': '))
                inner = json.dumps(policy)
        template = '{"openconfig-routing-policy:routing-policy": {"policy-definitions": {"policy-definition": [%s]}}}' % inner
        return json.dumps(json.loads(template, object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict),
                          separators=(',', ': '))

    def get_neighbors(self):
        """sends a gRPC request and returns openconfig json of BGP
            :return: Json string of policies
            :rtype: json object
        path = '{"openconfig-bgp:bgp": [null]}'
        err, result = self.client.getconfig(path)
        if err:
            print err
        bgp = json.loads(result, object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict)
        return bgp

    def list_neighbors(self):
        """Prints a list bgp neighbors for a router
        bgp = self.get_neighbors()
        bgp_neighbors = bgp['openconfig-bgp:bgp']['neighbors']['neighbor']
        print "\nNeighbor's\n"
        for neighbor in bgp_neighbors:
            print 'Neighbor: %s AS: %s' % (neighbor['neighbor-address'],

    def detail_neighbor(self, neighbor_address):
        """Prints the full json of a neighbor in Openconfig format
            :param policy_name: Neighbor Address on the box.
            :type policy_name: str
        bgp = self.get_neighbors()
        bgp_neighbors = bgp['openconfig-bgp:bgp']['neighbors']['neighbor']
        for neighbor in bgp_neighbors:
            if neighbor_address == neighbor['neighbor-address']:
                print json.dumps(neighbor, indent=4, separators=(',', ': '))
                inner = json.dumps(neighbor)
        template = '{"openconfig-bgp:bgp": {"neighbors": {"neighbor" :  [%s]}}}' % inner
        return json.dumps(json.loads(template, object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict),
                          separators=(',', ': '))

    def is_int(self, num):
        """Helper function to see if value is a integer.
        Used to figure if its an AS or Neighbor Address
        :param num: A number or str
        :type: int or str
        :rtype boolean
            return True
        except ValueError:
            return False

    def merge_config(self, config):
        """gRPC merge call to push config changes to Router
        :param config: yang structured config in json
        :type config: str
        :return error if applicable
        :rtype str
            response = self.client.mergeconfig(config)
            if response.errors:
                err = json.loads(response.errors)
                return json.dumps(err, indent=4, separators=(',', ': '))
        except ValueError as err:
            return err

    def neighbor_policy(self, neighbor_address, policy, direction):
        """Function to update a neighbors or AS policy
        :param neighbor_address: neighbor address or AS for policy
        :param policy: name of policy to be applied
        :param direction: export-policy or import-policy
        :type neighbor_address: str or int
        :type policy: str
        :type direction: str
        :returns: Prints neighbors it is applied to, and new bgp neighbor config
        updated_neighbors = []
        bgp = self.get_neighbors()
        bgp_neighbors = bgp['openconfig-bgp:bgp']['neighbors']['neighbor']
        for neighbor in bgp_neighbors:
            if self.is_int(neighbor_address):
                val = neighbor['config']['peer-as']
                val = neighbor['neighbor-address']
            if val in neighbor_address:
                if len(policy) > 1 and isinstance(policy, list):
                    policy = self.multiple_policies(policy, neighbor_address)
                # Change the policy to drop.
                ipvs = neighbor['afi-safis']['afi-safi']
                for ipv in ipvs:
                    curr_policy = ipv['apply-policy']['config'][direction]
                    ipv['apply-policy']['config']['export-policy'] = policy
                    ip_type = ipv['afi-safi-name']
                    # Add the removed neighbors to list.
                        (neighbor['neighbor-address'], ip_type, curr_policy))
        updated_neighbors = json.dumps(updated_neighbors)
        print updated_neighbors
        bgp_config = json.dumps(bgp)
        err = self.merge_config(bgp_config)
        if not err:
            print err
        print '\nNew Neighbor Detail:\n'

    def multiple_policies(self, policies, neighbor):
        """Creates a new policy that applies list of policies to it.
        :param policies: list of policies that you want applied to a single policy
        :param neighbor: the neighbor you are going to apply these policies (used for naming)
        :type policies: list
        :type neighbor: str
        :return:  Name of the policy that is created
        :rtype: str
        policy_name = neighbor.replace('.', '_')
        policy_name = 'multi_policy_' + policy_name
        shell = '{"openconfig-routing-policy:routing-policy": {"policy-definitions": {"policy-definition": [{"name": "%s","statements": {"statement": []}}]}}}' % policy_name
        shell = json.loads(shell, object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict)
        conditions = shell['openconfig-routing-policy:routing-policy'][
        for policy in policies:
            policy_nm = 'Policy_' + policy
            json_policy = '{"name": "%s", "conditions": {"call-policy": "%s"}}' % (
                policy_nm, policy)
            json_policy = json.loads(json_policy,
        multi_policy = json.dumps(shell)
        print self.merge_config(multi_policy)
        return policy_name
Ejemplo n.º 10
def main():

    __version__ = 'GRPC_Client 1.0'
    arguments = docopt(__doc__, version=__version__)

    IP = arguments['<router_IP>']
    TCP_PORT = int(arguments['<port>'])
    user = arguments['<user>']
    password = arguments['<password>']
    RPC = arguments['<rpc>']

    client = CiscoGRPCClient(IP, TCP_PORT, 10, user, password)

    if RPC == "get-oper":

        if arguments['--file']:
            file = arguments['--file']
            path = open(file).read()
#            path = open('json/' + file).read()
            path = 'Error'
                'get-oper argument must include --file option and json file to filter yang operational namespace'
            err, result = client.getoper(path)
            if err:
                print err
            print result
        except AbortionError:
                'Unable to connect to local box, check your gRPC destination.')

    if RPC == "get-config":

        if arguments['--file']:
            file = arguments['--file']
            path = open(file).read()

#            path = open('json/' + file).read()
            path = ""

            err, result = client.getconfig(path)
            if err:
                print err
            print result
        except AbortionError:
                'Unable to connect to local box, check your gRPC destination.')

    if RPC == "merge-config":

        if arguments['--file']:
            file = arguments['--file']
            path = open(file).read()
            path = 'Error'
                'get-oper argument must include --file option and json file to filter yang operational namespace'
            err = client.mergeconfig(path)
            if err:
                print err
            #print result
        except AbortionError:
                'Unable to connect to local box, check your gRPC destination.')

    if RPC == "replace-config":

        if arguments['--file']:
            file = arguments['--file']
            path = open(file).read()
            path = 'Error'
                'get-oper argument must include --file option and json file to filter yang operational namespace'
            err = client.replaceconfig(path)
            if err:
                print err
        except AbortionError:
                'Unable to connect to local box, check your gRPC destination.')
Ejemplo n.º 11
""" Basic gRPC getcall configuration. Shows how to set up the vairables
for tls and how to put into the class and get information from the box.
    import json
    from grpc.framework.interfaces.face.face import AbortionError
    import sys
    sys.path.insert(0, '../')
    from lib.cisco_grpc_client import CiscoGRPCClient

    def main():
        To not use tls we need to do 2 things.
        1. Comment the variables creds and options out
        2. Remove creds and options CiscoGRPCClient
        ex: client = CiscoGRPCClient('', 57777, 10, 'vagrant', 'vagrant')
        creds = open('ems.pem').read()
        options = 'ems.cisco.com'
        client = CiscoGRPCClient('', 57777, 10, 'vagrant', 'vagrant',creds,options)
        policy_file = open('example.cfg', 'r')
        new_policy = policy_file.read()
        result = client.commitreplace(new_policy)
        print result

    if __name__ == '__main__':