def light_control(devices): while True: print(u"{}[2J{}[;H".format(chr(27), chr(27))) print(' --- All Ring Devices Status --- ') print( style.YELLOW('\n[*]') + style.RESET( ' This will only work with stickup cameras supporting light control.\n' )) print( style.GREEN('[01]') + style.RESET(' Ring stickup camera lights on.')) print( style.GREEN('[02]') + style.RESET(' Ring stickup camera lights off.')) print(style.GREEN('[99]') + style.RESET(' PyRing main menu.')) try: option = input( style.YELLOW('\n[+]') + style.RESET(' Choose your option [Eg: 01]: ')) except KeyboardInterrupt: print(u"{}[2J{}[;H".format(chr(27), chr(27))) print(style.RED('\n[!]') + style.RESET(' Error: User exit.')) print( style.GREEN('[+]') + style.RESET(' Thank you for using PyRing.')) print(style.GREEN('[+]') + style.RESET(' Author: Pr0xy07')) print( style.GREEN('[+]') + style.RESET( ' If you need any help, contact: [email protected]')) sys.exit(0) if option == "01": lights_on(devices) elif option == "02": lights_off(devices) elif option == "03": break elif option == "99": print(u"{}[2J{}[;H".format(chr(27), chr(27))) print( style.GREEN('\n[+]') + style.RESET(' Thank you for using PyRing.')) print(style.GREEN('[+]') + style.RESET(' Author: Pr0xy07')) print( style.GREEN('[+]') + style.RESET( ' If you need any help, contact: [email protected]')) break else: print(u"{}[2J{}[;H".format(chr(27), chr(27))) print(style.RED('\n[!]') + style.RESET(' Error: Wrong input.')) print( style.GREEN('[+]') + style.RESET(' Thank you for using PyRing.')) print(style.GREEN('[+]') + style.RESET(' Author: Pr0xy07')) print( style.GREEN('[+]') + style.RESET( ' If you need any help, contact: [email protected]')) sys.exit(0)
def lights_off(devices): print(u"{}[2J{}[;H".format(chr(27), chr(27))) available_cams = [] count = 1 for stickup_cam in list(devices['stickup_cams']): if stickup_cam.lights: available_cams.append(stickup_cam) for cam in available_cams: print(style.GREEN(f'[{count}]') + style.RESET(f' {cam}')) count += 1 try: option = input( style.YELLOW('\n[+]') + style.RESET(' Choose your camera [Eg: 1]: ')) option = int(option) - 1 if option > len(available_cams): print(u"{}[2J{}[;H".format(chr(27), chr(27))) print( style.RED('\n[!]') + style.RESET(' Error: Wrong input.')) print( style.GREEN('[+]') + style.RESET(' Thank you for using PyRing.')) print(style.GREEN('[+]') + style.RESET(' Author: Pr0xy07')) print( style.GREEN('[+]') + style.RESET( ' If you need any help, contact: [email protected]' )) sys.exit(0) else: available_cams[option].update_health_data() available_cams[option].lights = 'off' print( style.GREEN('[+]') + style.RESET( f' Turned off {available_cams[option]} lights successfully.' )) input( style.YELLOW('\n[*]') + style.RESET( ' Press any key to return to PyRing light control menu.' )) except KeyboardInterrupt: print(u"{}[2J{}[;H".format(chr(27), chr(27))) print(style.RED('\n[!]') + style.RESET(' Error: User exit.')) print( style.GREEN('[+]') + style.RESET(' Thank you for using PyRing.')) print(style.GREEN('[+]') + style.RESET(' Author: Pr0xy07')) print( style.GREEN('[+]') + style.RESET( ' If you need any help, contact: [email protected]') ) sys.exit(0)
def two_factor_authentication(email): try: auth_code = input( style.YELLOW('[+]') + style.RESET( f' Enter two factor authentication token sent to {email}: ')) return auth_code except KeyboardInterrupt: print(u"{}[2J{}[;H".format(chr(27), chr(27))) print(style.RED('\n[!]') + style.RESET(' Error: User exit.')) print(style.GREEN('[+]') + style.RESET(' Thank you for using PyRing.')) print(style.GREEN('[+]') + style.RESET(' Author: Pr0xy07')) print( style.GREEN('[+]') + style.RESET(' If you need any help, contact: [email protected]') ) sys.exit(0) except: print(u"{}[2J{}[;H".format(chr(27), chr(27))) print( style.RED('\n[!]') + style.RESET(' Error: Connot verify the authentication token.')) print(style.GREEN('[+]') + style.RESET(' Thank you for using PyRing.')) print(style.GREEN('[+]') + style.RESET(' Author: Pr0xy07')) print( style.GREEN('[+]') + style.RESET(' If you need any help, contact: [email protected]') ) sys.exit(0)
def get_devices(devices): try: print(' --- All Ring Devices --- ') print(style.GREEN('\n[+]') + style.RESET(' Ring Stickup Cameras:')) if devices['stickup_cams']: for stickup_cam in devices['stickup_cams']: print(style.YELLOW(' [-]') + style.RESET(str(stickup_cam))) else: print( style.RED('[!]') + style.RESET(' Error: Cannot find any stickup camera.')) print(style.GREEN('\n[+]') + style.RESET(' Ring Doorbells:')) if devices['doorbots']: for doorbell in devices['doorbots']: print(style.YELLOW(' [-]') + style.RESET(str(doorbell))) else: print( style.RED(' [!]') + style.RESET(' Error: Cannot find any doorbells.')) print(style.GREEN('\n[+]') + style.RESET(' Ring Chimes:')) if devices['chimes']: for chime in devices['chimes']: print(style.YELLOW(' [-]') + style.RESET(str(chime))) else: print( style.RED(' [!]') + style.RESET(' Error: Cannot find any chimes.')) input( style.YELLOW('\n[*]') + style.RESET(' Press any key to return to PyRing main menu.')) except KeyboardInterrupt: print(u"{}[2J{}[;H".format(chr(27), chr(27))) print(style.RED('\n[!]') + style.RESET(' Error: User exit.')) print(style.GREEN('[+]') + style.RESET(' Thank you for using PyRing.')) print(style.GREEN('[+]') + style.RESET(' Author: Pr0xy07')) print( style.GREEN('[+]') + style.RESET(' If you need any help, contact: [email protected]') ) sys.exit(0)
def get_motions(devices): while True: print(u"{}[2J{}[;H".format(chr(27), chr(27))) print(' --- Ring Motion Alerts --- \n') print( style.GREEN('[01]') + style.RESET(' Ring stickup camera motion video.')) print( style.GREEN('[02]') + style.RESET(' Ring doorbell camera motion video..')) print(style.GREEN('[99]') + style.RESET(' PyRing main menu.')) try: option = input( style.YELLOW('\n[+]') + style.RESET(' Choose your option [Eg: 01]: ')) except KeyboardInterrupt: print(u"{}[2J{}[;H".format(chr(27), chr(27))) print(style.RED('\n[!]') + style.RESET(' Error: User exit.')) print( style.GREEN('[+]') + style.RESET(' Thank you for using PyRing.')) print(style.GREEN('[+]') + style.RESET(' Author: Pr0xy07')) print( style.GREEN('[+]') + style.RESET( ' If you need any help, contact: [email protected]')) sys.exit(0) if option == "01": get_stickup_cam_motion(devices) elif option == "02": get_doorbell_cam_motion(devices) elif option == "99": print(u"{}[2J{}[;H".format(chr(27), chr(27))) print( style.GREEN('\n[+]') + style.RESET(' Thank you for using PyRing.')) print(style.GREEN('[+]') + style.RESET(' Author: Pr0xy07')) print( style.GREEN('[+]') + style.RESET( ' If you need any help, contact: [email protected]')) break
def py_ring(): get_access_token() ring = Ring(get_access_token.auth) ring.update_data() devices = ring.devices() get_doorbell_cam_motion2(devices) sys.exit(0) while True: if os.path.isdir('Recordings'): None else: os.mkdir('Recordings') print(u"{}[2J{}[;H".format(chr(27), chr(27))) get_access_token() print(u"{}[2J{}[;H".format(chr(27), chr(27))) print(' --- PyRing Main Menu --- \n') print(style.GREEN('[01]') + style.RESET(' Ring devices.')) print(style.GREEN('[02]') + style.RESET(' Ring devices status.')) print(style.GREEN('[03]') + style.RESET(' Ring light control.')) print(style.GREEN('[04]') + style.RESET(' Ring motion alerts.')) print( style.GREEN('[05]') + style.RESET(' Download Ring latest motion video.')) print(style.GREEN('[06]') + style.RESET(' Download a month of video.')) print(style.GREEN('[99]') + style.RESET(' Exit PyRing.')) try: option = input( style.YELLOW('\n[+]') + style.RESET(' Choose your option [Eg: 01]: ')) except KeyboardInterrupt: print(u"{}[2J{}[;H".format(chr(27), chr(27))) print(style.RED('\n[!]') + style.RESET(' Error: User exit.')) print( style.GREEN('[+]') + style.RESET(' Thank you for using PyRing.')) print(style.GREEN('[+]') + style.RESET(' Author: Pr0xy07')) print( style.GREEN('[+]') + style.RESET( ' If you need any help, contact: [email protected]')) sys.exit(0) try: ring = Ring(get_access_token.auth) ring.update_data() devices = ring.devices() except: print(u"{}[2J{}[;H".format(chr(27), chr(27))) print(style.RED('\n[!]') + style.RESET(' Error: User exit.')) print( style.GREEN('[+]') + style.RESET(' Thank you for using PyRing.')) print(style.GREEN('[+]') + style.RESET(' Author: Pr0xy07')) print( style.GREEN('[+]') + style.RESET( ' If you need any help, contact: [email protected]')) sys.exit(0) if option == "01": print(u"{}[2J{}[;H".format(chr(27), chr(27))) get_devices(devices) elif option == "02": print(u"{}[2J{}[;H".format(chr(27), chr(27))) get_status(devices) elif option == "03": light_control(devices) elif option == "04": get_alerts(devices) elif option == "05": get_motions(devices) elif option == "06": get_doorbell_cam_motion2(devices) elif option == "99": print(u"{}[2J{}[;H".format(chr(27), chr(27))) print( style.GREEN('\n[+]') + style.RESET(' Thank you for using PyRing.')) print(style.GREEN('[+]') + style.RESET(' Author: Pr0xy07')) print( style.GREEN('[+]') + style.RESET( ' If you need any help, contact: [email protected]')) break
def get_access_token(): auth = Auth("PyRing/1.0.0", None, update_token) if not os.path.exists(token_file): try: print(' --- Get Ring Access Token --- \n') try: email = str( input(style.YELLOW('[+]') + style.RESET(f' Ring Email: '))) except KeyboardInterrupt: print(u"{}[2J{}[;H".format(chr(27), chr(27))) print(style.RED('\n[!]') + style.RESET(' Error: User exit.')) print( style.GREEN('[+]') + style.RESET(' Thank you for using PyRing.')) print(style.GREEN('[+]') + style.RESET(' Author: Pr0xy07')) print( style.GREEN('[+]') + style.RESET( ' If you need any help, contact: [email protected]') ) sys.exit(0) try: password = str( getpass.getpass( style.YELLOW('[+]') + style.RESET(f' Ring Password: '******'\n[!]') + style.RESET(' Error: User exit.')) print( style.GREEN('[+]') + style.RESET(' Thank you for using PyRing.')) print(style.GREEN('[+]') + style.RESET(' Author: Pr0xy07')) print( style.GREEN('[+]') + style.RESET( ' If you need any help, contact: [email protected]') ) sys.exit(0) auth.fetch_token(email, password) get_access_token.auth = Auth("PyRing/1.0.0", json.loads(token_file.read_text()), update_token) except MissingTokenError: auth.fetch_token(email, password, two_factor_authentication(email)) get_access_token.auth = Auth("PyRing/1.0.0", json.loads(token_file.read_text()), update_token) except: print(u"{}[2J{}[;H".format(chr(27), chr(27))) print( style.RED('\n[!]') + style.RESET( ' Cannot log in with the provided credentials, exiting...') ) print( style.GREEN('[+]') + style.RESET(' Thank you for using PyRing.')) print(style.GREEN('[+]') + style.RESET(' Author: Pr0xy07')) print( style.GREEN('[+]') + style.RESET( ' If you need any help, contact: [email protected]')) sys.exit(0) else: get_access_token.auth = Auth("PyRing/1.0.0", json.loads(token_file.read_text()), update_token)
def get_status(devices): try: print(' --- All Ring Devices Status --- ') print(style.GREEN('\n[+]') + style.RESET(' Ring Stickup Cameras:')) if devices['stickup_cams']: for stickup_cam in devices['stickup_cams']: stickup_cam.update_health_data() print(style.YELLOW(' [-]') + style.RESET(str(stickup_cam))) print( style.CYAN(' [*]') + style.RESET(f' Device address: {stickup_cam.address}')) print( style.CYAN(' [*]') + style.RESET(f' Device ID: {}')) print( style.CYAN(' [*]') + style.RESET(f' Device type: {}')) print( style.CYAN(' [*]') + style.RESET( f' Device current battery life: {stickup_cam.battery_life}' )) print( style.CYAN(' [*]') + style.RESET(f' Device timezone: {stickup_cam.timezone}')) print( style.CYAN(' [*]') + style.RESET(f' Device WiFi name: {stickup_cam.wifi_name}')) print( style.CYAN(' [*]') + style.RESET( f' Device WiFi strength: {stickup_cam.wifi_signal_strength}\n' )) else: print( style.RED(' [!]') + style.RESET(' Error: Cannot find any stickup cameras.')) print(style.GREEN('\n[+]') + style.RESET(' Ring Doorbells:')) if devices['doorbots']: for doorbell in devices['doorbots']: doorbell.update_health_data() print(style.YELLOW(' [-]') + style.RESET(str(doorbell))) print( style.CYAN(' [*]') + style.RESET(f' Device address: {doorbell.address}')) print( style.CYAN(' [*]') + style.RESET(f' Device ID: {}')) print( style.CYAN(' [*]') + style.RESET(f' Device type: {}')) print( style.CYAN(' [*]') + style.RESET( f' Device current battery life: {doorbell.battery_life}' )) print( style.CYAN(' [*]') + style.RESET(f' Device timezone: {doorbell.timezone}')) print( style.CYAN(' [*]') + style.RESET(f' Device WiFi name: {doorbell.wifi_name}')) print( style.CYAN(' [*]') + style.RESET( f' Device WiFi strength: {doorbell.wifi_signal_strength}\n' )) else: print( style.RED(' [!]') + style.RESET(' Error: Cannot find any doorbells.')) print(style.GREEN('\n[+]') + style.RESET(' Ring Chimes:')) if devices['chimes']: for chime in devices['chimes']: chime.update_health_data() print(style.YELLOW(' [-]') + style.RESET(str(chime))) print( style.CYAN(' [*]') + style.RESET(f' Device address: {chime.address}')) print( style.CYAN(' [*]') + style.RESET(f' Device ID: {}')) print( style.CYAN(' [*]') + style.RESET(f' Device type: {}')) print( style.CYAN(' [*]') + style.RESET( f' Device current battery life: {chime.battery_life}')) print( style.CYAN(' [*]') + style.RESET(f' Device timezone: {chime.timezone}')) print( style.CYAN(' [*]') + style.RESET(f' Device WiFi name: {chime.wifi_name}')) print( style.CYAN(' [*]') + style.RESET( f' Device WiFi strength: {chime.wifi_signal_strength}\n' )) else: print( style.RED(' [!]') + style.RESET(' Error: Cannot find any chimes.')) input( style.YELLOW('\n[*]') + style.RESET(' Press any key to return to PyRing main menu.')) except KeyboardInterrupt: print(u"{}[2J{}[;H".format(chr(27), chr(27))) print(style.RED('\n[!]') + style.RESET(' Error: User exit.')) print(style.GREEN('[+]') + style.RESET(' Thank you for using PyRing.')) print(style.GREEN('[+]') + style.RESET(' Author: Pr0xy07')) print( style.GREEN('[+]') + style.RESET(' If you need any help, contact: [email protected]') ) sys.exit(0)
def get_doorbell_cam_motion(devices): while True: print(u"{}[2J{}[;H".format(chr(27), chr(27))) print(' --- Ring Doorbell Cameras Motion Alerts --- \n') count = 1 if devices['doorbots']: for doorbell in devices['doorbots']: print( style.GREEN(f'[0{count}]') + style.RESET(f' {doorbell}.')) count += 1 print( style.GREEN(f'[99]') + style.RESET(' Return to motion alerts menu.')) try: option_ = input( style.YELLOW('\n[+]') + style.RESET(' Choose your option [Eg: 01]: ')) except KeyboardInterrupt: print(u"{}[2J{}[;H".format(chr(27), chr(27))) print(style.RED('\n[!]') + style.RESET(' Error: User exit.')) print( style.GREEN('[+]') + style.RESET(' Thank you for using PyRing.')) print(style.GREEN('[+]') + style.RESET(' Author: Pr0xy07')) print( style.GREEN('[+]') + style.RESET( ' If you need any help, contact: [email protected]') ) sys.exit(0) if option_ == "99": print(u"{}[2J{}[;H".format(chr(27), chr(27))) print( style.GREEN('\n[+]') + style.RESET(' Thank you for using PyRing.')) print(style.GREEN('[+]') + style.RESET(' Author: Pr0xy07')) print( style.GREEN('[+]') + style.RESET( ' If you need any help, contact: [email protected]') ) break else: option_ = int(option_) - 1 current_cam = devices['doorbots'][option_] recording_cam_name = re.sub('[^a-zA-Z]+', '', str(current_cam)) print(current_cam) for event in current_cam.history(limit=1000, enforce_limit=True, retry=10): print(event['created_at']) if event['created_at'].month == 11: motion_time = str(event['created_at']).replace(':', '-') id_to_get = event['id'] print( style.YELLOW('\n[*]') + style.RESET( f' Downloading {current_cam} motion video...')) # mp4_download = current_cam.recording_download( # id_to_get, # filename = f'Recordings/{recording_cam_name} - {motion_time}.mp4', override=True) # if mp4_download: # print(style.GREEN('[+]') + style.RESET(f' Downlaoded footage from {current_cam} at {motion_time}')) # else: # None # print(style.YELLOW('\n[*]') + style.RESET(f' Generating recording video URL...')) # recording_url = current_cam.recording_url(current_cam.last_recording_id) # if mp4_download: # print(style.GREEN('[+]') + style.RESET(f' Recording full URL: {recording_url}')) # else: # None input( style.YELLOW('\n[*]') + style.RESET(' Press any key to return to devices list.')) else: print( style.RED(' [!]') + style.RESET(' Error: Cannot find any doorbell cameras.')) input( style.YELLOW('\n[*]') + style.RESET(' Press any key to return to devices list.')) break
def get_stickup_cam_motion(devices): while True: print(u"{}[2J{}[;H".format(chr(27), chr(27))) print(' --- Ring Stickup Cameras Motion Alerts --- \n') count = 1 if devices['stickup_cams']: for stickup_cam in devices['stickup_cams']: print( style.GREEN(f'[0{count}]') + style.RESET(f' {stickup_cam}.')) count += 1 print( style.GREEN(f'[99]') + style.RESET(' Return to motion alerts menu.')) try: option_ = input( style.YELLOW('\n[+]') + style.RESET(' Choose your option [Eg: 01]: ')) except KeyboardInterrupt: print(u"{}[2J{}[;H".format(chr(27), chr(27))) print(style.RED('\n[!]') + style.RESET(' Error: User exit.')) print( style.GREEN('[+]') + style.RESET(' Thank you for using PyRing.')) print(style.GREEN('[+]') + style.RESET(' Author: Pr0xy07')) print( style.GREEN('[+]') + style.RESET( ' If you need any help, contact: [email protected]') ) sys.exit(0) if option_ == "99": print(u"{}[2J{}[;H".format(chr(27), chr(27))) print( style.GREEN('\n[+]') + style.RESET(' Thank you for using PyRing.')) print(style.GREEN('[+]') + style.RESET(' Author: Pr0xy07')) print( style.GREEN('[+]') + style.RESET( ' If you need any help, contact: [email protected]') ) break else: option_ = int(option_) - 1 current_cam = devices['stickup_cams'][option_] for event in current_cam.history(limit=1): motion_time = str(event['created_at']).replace(':', '-') print( style.YELLOW('\n[*]') + style.RESET(f' Downloading {current_cam} motion video...')) recording_cam_name = re.sub('[^a-zA-Z]+', '', str(current_cam)) mp4_download = current_cam.recording_download( current_cam.history(limit=100, kind='motion')[0]['id'], filename=f'Recordings/{recording_cam_name} - {motion_time}.mp4', override=True) if mp4_download: print( style.GREEN('[+]') + style.RESET( f' Downlaoded latest footage from {current_cam}')) else: None print( style.YELLOW('\n[*]') + style.RESET(f' Generating recording video URL...')) recording_url = current_cam.recording_url( current_cam.last_recording_id) if mp4_download: print( style.GREEN('[+]') + style.RESET(f' Recording full URL: {recording_url}')) else: None input( style.YELLOW('\n[*]') + style.RESET(' Press any key to return to devices list.')) else: print( style.RED(' [!]') + style.RESET(' Error: Cannot find any stickup cameras.')) input( style.YELLOW('\n[*]') + style.RESET(' Press any key to return to devices list.')) break
def get_alerts(devices): try: print(u"{}[2J{}[;H".format(chr(27), chr(27))) print(' --- All Ring Devices Motion Alerts --- \n') try: motion_limit = int( input( style.GREEN('[+]') + style.RESET( ' How many latest motion alerts you want to get [EG: 3]: ' ))) except KeyboardInterrupt: print(u"{}[2J{}[;H".format(chr(27), chr(27))) print(style.RED('\n[!]') + style.RESET(' Error: User exit.')) print( style.GREEN('[+]') + style.RESET(' Thank you for using PyRing.')) print(style.GREEN('[+]') + style.RESET(' Author: Pr0xy07')) print( style.GREEN('[+]') + style.RESET( ' If you need any help, contact: [email protected]')) sys.exit(0) except: print(u"{}[2J{}[;H".format(chr(27), chr(27))) print(style.RED('\n[!]') + style.RESET(' Error: Wrong Input.')) print( style.GREEN('[+]') + style.RESET(' Thank you for using PyRing.')) print(style.GREEN('[+]') + style.RESET(' Author: Pr0xy07')) print( style.GREEN('[+]') + style.RESET( ' If you need any help, contact: [email protected]')) sys.exit(0) print(style.GREEN('\n[+]') + style.RESET(' Ring Stickup Cameras:')) if devices['stickup_cams']: for stickup_cam in devices['stickup_cams']: print( style.YELLOW(' \n[-]') + style.RESET(str(stickup_cam))) for event in stickup_cam.history(limit=motion_limit): print( style.CYAN(' [*]') + style.RESET(f' Motion event ID: {event["id"]}')) print( style.CYAN(' [*]') + style.RESET(f' Motion kind: {event["kind"]}')) print( style.CYAN(' [*]') + style.RESET(f' Answered status: {event["answered"]}')) print( style.CYAN(' [*]') + style.RESET(f' Motion time: {event["created_at"]}')) print('-' * 50) else: print( style.RED(' [!]') + style.RESET(' Error: Cannot find any stickup cameras.')) print(style.GREEN('\n[+]') + style.RESET(' Ring Doorbell Cameras:')) if devices['doorbots']: for doorbell in devices['doorbots']: print(style.YELLOW(' \n[-]') + style.RESET(str(doorbell))) for event in doorbell.history(limit=motion_limit): print( style.CYAN(' [*]') + style.RESET(f' Motion event ID: {event["id"]}')) print( style.CYAN(' [*]') + style.RESET(f' Motion kind: {event["kind"]}')) print( style.CYAN(' [*]') + style.RESET(f' Answered status: {event["answered"]}')) print( style.CYAN(' [*]') + style.RESET(f' Motion time: {event["created_at"]}')) print('-' * 50) else: print( style.RED(' [!]') + style.RESET(' Error: Cannot find any doorbell cameras.')) input( style.YELLOW('\n[*]') + style.RESET(' Press any key to return to PyRing main menu.')) except KeyboardInterrupt: print(u"{}[2J{}[;H".format(chr(27), chr(27))) print(style.RED('\n[!]') + style.RESET(' Error: User exit.')) print(style.GREEN('[+]') + style.RESET(' Thank you for using PyRing.')) print(style.GREEN('[+]') + style.RESET(' Author: Pr0xy07')) print( style.GREEN('[+]') + style.RESET(' If you need any help, contact: [email protected]') ) sys.exit(0)