def login(email, password): """ 登陆到ZoomEye :param email: 账户email :param password: 账户password :return: None """ data = {'username': email, 'password': password} # dumps 将 python 对象转换成 json 字符串 data_encoded = json.dumps(data) try: # print('---------------------') r ='', data=data_encoded) # loads() 将 json 字符串转换成 python 对象 # print('---------------------') r_decoded = json.loads(r.text) # print('---------------------') info('username : {}\tpasswd : {}'.format(email, password)) # 获取到账户的access_token global access_token access_token = r_decoded['access_token'] write_conf(path.config, 'zoomeye', 'access_token', access_token) # 写入access_token print('#######################################') except Exception: error( 'username or password is wrong, please check config file or input') pass
def fofa_api(): # TODO 付费获取结果的功能实现 """ Get query result from Fofa :param query: query string :param limit: query amount :param offset: start page :return: query result """ global email, key # load query, limit, offset from cmd_opts query = cmd_opts.query limit = cmd_opts.limit offset = cmd_opts.offset # 从配置文件中读取email和key try: email = read_conf(path.config, 'fofa', 'email') key = read_conf(path.config, 'fofa', 'key') print('{} - {}'.format(email, key)) if check(email, key): pass else: raise # will go to except block # 读取手工输入的email和key except: warning('Automatic authorization failed.') email = input("Fofa Email: ").strip() key = input("Fofa Key: ").strip() if not check(email, key): error( 'Fofa API authorization failed, Please re-run it and enter a valid key.' ) exit() query = base64.b64encode(query) request = "{0}&key={1}&qbase64={2}".format( email, key, query) global result try: response = requests.get(request, timeout=3) resp = response.readlines()[0] resp = json.loads(resp) if resp["error"] is None: for item in resp.get('results'): result.append(item[0]) if resp.get('size') >= 100: info("{0} items found! just 100 returned....".format( resp.get('size'))) except: sys.exit() finally: return result
def check_dir_existence(): """ Check basic info so that this program can run normally 运行程序的时候进行一些检测,其实如果项目是正常git clone的话,这些检测是可以省略的 """ if not os.path.exists(path.api): warning('You may not able to use api like [zoomeye|shodan|censys|fofa]') if not os.path.exists(path.resources): warning('You may not able to use resources files like weak_pass_dict files for brute-force') if not os.path.exists(path.scripts): error('The scripts directory is missing, no script is available. System exit!')
def read_file(file): """ read target urls in file 从文件中读取目标地址 :return: targets """ targets = [] if os.path.exists(file): with open(file, 'r') as fr: for line in fr: targets.append(line.strip()) else: error('file is not exist') return targets
def check_script_existence(script_name): """ Check Script 检查攻击scripts目录下是否存在该脚本脚本 :return: None """ # 构建脚本的完整路径 script_path = path.scripts script = os.path.join(script_path, script_name) # 检查文件是否存在 if not os.path.exists(script): error('script is not exist, please re-check it!') pass
def update(): """ Update this program 更新脚本: 直接使用git pull origin master :return: None """ info('update program \r\n...') try: # 使用git 命令更新脚本 os.system('git pull origin master') info('succeed ... ') except: error('something wrong with "git pull origin master", please try to re-download this repo for update') exit()
def run(): """ Program runs in a very rude mode to handle exceptions, because it is a batch tool. 程序运行, 目前使用简单粗暴的方式处理异常 """ try: # 先获取项目的根目录 # os.path.realpath(__file__) : 获取本文件main.py的绝对路径 # os.path.dirname : 获取父目录,相当于文件夹跳转,这里需要跳转两次 path.root_path = os.path.dirname( os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))) # 输出程序运行目录 print(path) # 此处判断ROOT_PATH路径编码是否正常,应该问题不大,python3编码处理的比较好 try: os.path.isdir(path.root_path) except UnicodeEncodeError: # 路径出现问题就退出 error('Your system does not properly handle non-ASCII paths.') # 完成程序的一些初始化工作: 初始化一些参数, 加载脚本的一些信息 initialize() # 清除屏幕缓存,方便打印输出显示 clear_screen() # 加载banner() banner() # 命令行参数解析 cmd_opts.update(cmd_opt_parser().__dict__) # 设置相关参数 set_cmd_opts(cmd_opts) # 加载脚本 if cmd_opts.script != '': load_module(cmd_opts.script) # 参数全部填充完毕,开始检测 : engine.start() start() except KeyboardInterrupt: error('system quit!') except Exception: logging.exception('something bad') pass
def get_resource_info(): """ 获取跟ZoomEye资源相关信息: 用户类型和用户所剩的查询额度 :return: None """ global access_token headers = { 'Authorization': 'JWT ' + access_token, } try: url = '' r = requests.get(url=url, headers=headers) info('url : {}'.format(url)) r_decoded = json.loads(r.text) info('plan : {} | resources available : {}'.format( r_decoded['plan'], r_decoded['resources']['search'])) except Exception as e: error(str(e.message)) pass
def check_args(args): """ Check whether args are set properly 有些参数要出现, 必须是以一些其它参数的出现为前提: 如要出现--offset、--query、--limit必须以 --zoomeye、--shodan、--censys的出现为前提的 而出现--zoomeye、--shodan、--censys, 则必须要出现--query :return: None """ """ 如果参数中出现query或offset或limit 而zoomeye、shodan、censys一个都没有出现的话,那么输入的参数就有问题 """ if args.query and (not args.ZoomEye and not args.Shodan and not args.Censys and not args.Fofa): error('--query goes with [zoomeye|shodan|censys]\t' 'system exit') if args.offset and (not args.ZoomEye and not args.Shodan and not args.Censys and not args.Fofa): error('--offset goes with [zoomeye|shodan|censys]\t' 'system exit') """ if args.limit and (not args.ZoomEye and not args.Shodan and not args.Censys): error('--limit goes with [zoomeye|shodan|censys]\t' 'system exit') """ """ 反之,如果出现zoomeye或shodan或censys, 则必须要有query参数, --offset和--limit有默认参数值 --offset 默认从第一页开始 --limit 默认取20条数据 """ if (args.ZoomEye or args.Shodan or args.Censys) and not args.query: error( 'using api [zoomeye|shodan|censys], you must provide query string') # TODO:待补充完整更多内容 pass