Ejemplo n.º 1
    def _calc(undercutVals, visitTopoVals):
        Calculate undercut metrics
        :param undercutVals: dictionary of undercut API data
        :param visitTopoVals: dictionary of visit topo metrics
        :return: metrics dictionary

        # initialize all metrics as zero
        dMetrics = {
            'Length' : 0.0,
            'LengthPercent' : 0.0,
            'Area' :  0.0,
            'AreaPerecent' : 0.0

        if len(undercutVals) > 0:
            # Calculate the total undercut length and area
            for undercut in undercutVals:
                dMetrics['Length'] += undercut['EstimatedLength']
                    dMetrics['Area'] += undercut['EstimatedLength'] * (undercut['Width25Percent'] + undercut['Width50Percent'] + undercut['Width75Percent']) / 3.0
                except TypeError, e:
                    raise DataException("Undercut: Unhandled 'None' values during length calculation")

            # Calculate the percent length and area of the site that is undercut
            if visitTopoVals['Lgth_Wet'] is None:
                raise DataException("Lgth_Wet cannot be null")
            if visitTopoVals['Area_Wet'] is None:
                raise DataException("Area_Wet cannot be null")

            dMetrics['LengthPercent'] = dMetrics['Length'] / (visitTopoVals['Lgth_Wet'] * 100 / 2)
            dMetrics['AreaPerecent'] = dMetrics['Area'] / (visitTopoVals['Area_Wet'] + dMetrics['Area']) * 100
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def _CenterlineSummaryMetrics(self, dMetrics):

        :param dMetrics:
        lMainParts = [x for x in dMetrics.itervalues() if x['Type'] == 'Main']
        lSideParts = [x for x in dMetrics.itervalues() if x['Type'] != 'Main']

        if len(lMainParts) < 1:
            raise DataException("Zero number of mainstem channel parts.")

        self.metrics['ChannelCount'] = len([x for x in dMetrics.itervalues()])
        self.metrics['MainstemCount']= len(lMainParts)
        self.metrics['SideChannelCount'] = len(lSideParts)
        self.metrics['MainstemLength'] = sum([fLen['Length'] for fLen in lMainParts])

        # Let's avoid some divisions by zero
        self.metrics['MainstemSinuosity'] = self.metrics['MainstemLength'] / sum([fLen['StraightLength'] for fLen in lMainParts])

        self.metrics['SideChannelLength'] = sum([fLen['Length'] for fLen in lSideParts])
        self.metrics['TotalChannelLength'] = self.metrics['MainstemLength'] + self.metrics['SideChannelLength']

        if self.metrics['ChannelCount'] > 0:
            self.metrics['AverageSideChannelLength'] = self.metrics['TotalChannelLength']  / self.metrics['ChannelCount']

        if self.metrics['MainstemLength'] > 0:
            self.metrics['Braidedness'] = (self.metrics['MainstemLength'] + self.metrics['SideChannelLength']) / self.metrics['MainstemLength']

        if len(dMetrics) > 1:
            self.metrics['ChannelType'] = 'complex'
            self.metrics['ChannelType'] = 'simple'
            def calc(self, a, b, c):

                self.metrics['a'] = a
                self.metrics['b'] = b
                self.metrics['c'] = c

                if a <= 0 or b <= 0 or c <= 0:
                    raise DataException(
                        "I AM AN EXCEPTION. LOOK AT ME AND DESPAIR")
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def _CenterlinePartMetrics(self, centerline):
        Centerline Part Metrics
        :param centerline:
        self.log.info("Loading centerline shapefile: {}".format(centerline))

        clShp = Shapefile(centerline)
        clList = clShp.featuresToShapely()

        dMetrics = {}

        lineIndex = 1
        for aLine in clList:

            if type(aLine['geometry']) is MultiLineString:
                raise DataException('Multipart features in centerline')

            curvedLength = aLine['geometry'].length
            firstPoint = Point(aLine['geometry'].coords[0])
            lastPoint = Point(aLine['geometry'].coords[-1])
            straightLength = firstPoint.distance(lastPoint)

            if straightLength == 0:
                raise DataException("Zero length centerline feature encountered")

            if 'Channel' not in aLine['fields']:
                raise DataException("Centerline 'Channel' field missing")

            if aLine['fields']['Channel'] is None:
                raise DataException("Centerline 'Channel' field contains no data")

            dMetrics[lineIndex] = {}
            dMetrics[lineIndex]['Type'] = aLine['fields']['Channel']
            dMetrics[lineIndex]['Length'] = curvedLength
            dMetrics[lineIndex]['Sinuosity'] = curvedLength / straightLength
            dMetrics[lineIndex]['StraightLength'] = straightLength

            lineIndex += 1

        return dMetrics
Ejemplo n.º 5
def visitFishCountMetrics(visitMetrics, visitobj):
    snorkelFish = visitobj['snorkelFish']
    snorkelFishBinned = visitobj['snorkelFishBinned']
    snorkelFishSteelheadBinned = visitobj['snorkelFishSteelheadBinned']

    for mItem in metricMapping:
            visitFishCountMetricsForSpecies(visitMetrics, snorkelFish,
                                            mItem[0], mItem[1])
        except AttributeError, e:
            raise DataException(
                "visitFishCountMetricsForSpecies: Missing attribute for item: {}, {}"
                .format(str(mItem[0]), str(mItem[1])))
Ejemplo n.º 6
def tier1FishCountMetrics(tier1Metrics, visitobj):
    channelUnits = visitobj['channelUnits']
    snorkelFish = visitobj['snorkelFish']
    snorkelFishBinned = visitobj['snorkelFishBinned']
    snorkelFishSteelheadBinned = visitobj['snorkelFishSteelheadBinned']

    for mItem in metricMapping:
            tier1FishCountMetricsForSpecies(tier1Metrics, channelUnits,
                                            snorkelFish, snorkelFishBinned,
                                            mItem[0], mItem[1])
        except AttributeError, e:
            raise DataException(
                "tier1FishCountMetrics: Missing attribute for item: {}, {}".
                format(str(mItem[0]), str(mItem[1])))
Ejemplo n.º 7
 def interpolatePointsAlongLine(line, fStationInterval):
     Given a cross section (Linestring) and a spacing point return regularly spaced points
     along that line
     :param line:
     :param fStationInterval:
         points = [
             for currDist in np.arange(0, line.length, fStationInterval)
     except TypeError, e:
         raise DataException(
             "Error interpolating thalweg in channel unit. Only linear types support this operation. Type of 'line' is '{}'"
Ejemplo n.º 8
def dryWidth(xs, rivershapeWithDonuts):

    :param xs: shapely cross section object
    :param rivershapeWithDonuts: Polygon with non-qualifying donuts retained
    # Get all intersects of this crosssection with the rivershape
    log = Logger("dryWidth")
        intersects = xs.intersection(rivershapeWithDonuts.buffer(0))  #KMW: buffer(0) clears up invalid geoms
    except TopologicalError as e:
        raise DataException("Could not perform intersection on `rivershapeWithDonuts`. Look for small, invalid islands as a possible cause.")

    # The intersect may be one object (LineString) or many. We have to handle both cases
    if intersects.type == "LineString":
        intersects = MultiLineString([intersects])
    elif intersects.type == "Point":
        return 0

    return sum([intersect.length for intersect in intersects])
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def calc(self, apiData):
        Calculate large wood metrics
        :param apiData: dictionary of API data. Key is API call name. Value is API data
        :return: metrics dictionary

        self.log.info("Running Large Wood Metrics")

        # Retrieve the site wetted length from the latest topo metrics
        metricInstance = latestMetricInstance(apiData['TopoVisitMetrics'])
        if metricInstance is None:
            raise MissingException('Missing topo visit metric instance')
        siteWettedLength = metricInstance['Lgth_Wet']

        if apiData['VisitDetails']['sampleYear'] < 2014:
            woodData = [
                val['value'] for val in apiData['LargeWoodyDebris']['values']

            # Only 2011 and 2012 have separate wood jam data
            jamData = None
            if 'WoodyDebrisJam' in apiData:
                jamData = [
                    val['value'] for val in apiData['WoodyDebrisJam']['values']

            metrics = LargeWoodMetrics._calcFrequency2011to2013(
                woodData, jamData, siteWettedLength)
            if 'LargeWoodyPiece' not in apiData:
                raise DataException("LargeWoodyPiece needed and not found.")
            woodData = [
                val['value'] for val in apiData['LargeWoodyPiece']['values']
            metrics = LargeWoodMetrics._calcFrequency2014On(
                woodData, siteWettedLength)

        self.metrics = {'VisitMetrics': {'Frequency': metrics}}
def hydro_gis_export(hydro_project_xml, topo_project_xml, outfolder):
    :param jsonFilePath:
    :param outputFolder:
    :param bVerbose:

    log = Logger("Hydro GIS Export")

    # 1 todo Read project.rs.xml
    rs_hydro = Project(hydro_project_xml)
    rs_topo = TopoProject(topo_project_xml)
    hydro_results_folder = os.path.dirname(hydro_project_xml)

    if not rs_hydro.ProjectMetadata.has_key("Visit"):
        raise MissingException("Cannot Find Visit ID")
    visit_id = rs_hydro.ProjectMetadata['Visit']

    dem = gdal.Open(rs_topo.getpath("DEM"))
    dem_srs = dem.GetProjection()
    dem_x_size = dem.RasterXSize
    dem_y_size = dem.RasterYSize
    dem_band = dem.GetRasterBand(1)
    dem_ndv = dem_band.GetNoDataValue()
    dem_geotransfrom = dem.GetGeoTransform()

    # 3 Get data columns in csv file
    csvfile = os.path.join(hydro_results_folder, "dem_grid_results.csv")
    csvfile_clean = os.path.join(hydro_results_folder, "dem_grid_results_clean_header.csv")
    if not os.path.isfile(csvfile):
        raise MissingException("Required file {} does not exist.".format(csvfile))
    with open(csvfile, "rb") as f_in, open(csvfile_clean, "wb") as f_out:
        reader = csv.reader(f_in)
    #     writer = csv.writer(f_out)
        cols = [col for col in reader.next() if col not in ["Y", "X"]]#[col.replace(".", "_") for col in reader.next() if col not in ["Y", "X"]]
        log.info("Loaded fields from csv file.")

        # writer.writerow(['X', 'Y'] + cols)
        # for row in reader:
        #     writer.writerow(row)
        # log.info("Saved csv file with sanitized headers.")

    # Write VRT file
    vrt = os.path.join(hydro_results_folder, '{}.vrt'.format("dem_grid_results"))
    with open(vrt, 'wt') as f:
        f.write('\t<OGRVRTLayer name="{}">\n'.format("dem_grid_results"))
        f.write('\t\t<GeometryField encoding="PointFromColumns" x="X" y="Y" />\n')
        for field in cols:
            f.write('\t\t<Field name="{}" type="Real" subtype="Float32" />\n'.format(field))
        log.info("Generated vrt file {}".format(vrt))

    # Open csv as OGR
    ogr_vrt = ogr.Open(vrt, 1)
    if ogr_vrt is None:
        raise DataException("unable to open {}".format(vrt))
    layer = ogr_vrt.GetLayer()

    # 4 Generate geotiff for each column in the CSV file
    driver = gdal.GetDriverByName("GTiff")
    for col in cols:
        out_tif = os.path.join(outfolder, '{}.tif'.format(col))

        out_raster = driver.Create(out_tif, dem_x_size, dem_y_size, 1, gdalconst.GDT_Float32)
        band = out_raster.GetRasterBand(1)

        gdal.RasterizeLayer(out_raster, [1], layer, options=["ATTRIBUTE={}".format(col)])
        band.GetStatistics(0, 1)
        log.info("Generated {} for attribute {}".format(out_tif, col))

        if col == "Depth":
            raw = numpy.array(band.ReadAsArray())
            masked = numpy.ma.masked_array(raw, raw == dem_ndv)
            bool_raster = numpy.array(masked, "bool")
            numpy.greater(masked, 0, bool_raster)

            raster_mem = gdal.GetDriverByName("GTIFF").Create(os.path.join(outfolder, "Temp.tif"), dem_x_size, dem_y_size, 1, gdalconst.GDT_Int16)
            band_mem = raster_mem.GetRasterBand(1)
            band_mem.WriteArray(bool_raster, 0, 0)

            temp = ogr.GetDriverByName("ESRI Shapefile").CreateDataSource(os.path.join(outfolder, "TempExtent.shp"))
            temp_layer = temp.CreateLayer("RawExtent", osr.SpatialReference(wkt=dem_srs), ogr.wkbPolygon)
            temp_layer.CreateField(ogr.FieldDefn("Value", ogr.OFTInteger))
            temp_layer.CreateField(ogr.FieldDefn("Area", ogr.OFTReal))

            gdal.Polygonize(band_mem, None, temp_layer, 0)

            del raster_mem
        #     for feature in temp_layer:
        #         feature.SetField("Area", feature.GetGeometryRef().GetArea())
        #         temp_layer.SetFeature(feature)

            # Stage Extent
            # temp_layer.SetAttributeFilter("Value=1")
            # shp_extent = os.path.join(outfolder, "StageExtent.shp")
            # driver_extent = ogr.GetDriverByName("ESRI Shapefile").CreateDataSource(shp_extent)
            # driver_extent.CopyLayer(temp_layer, "StageExtent")
            # driver_extent = None
            # ogr_extent = ogr.Open(shp_extent, 1)
            # layer_extent = ogr_extent.GetLayer("StageExtent")
            # field_extent = ogr.FieldDefn("ExtentType", ogr.OFTString)
            # layer_extent.CreateField(field_extent)
            # area_current = 0.0
            # fid_current = None
            # for feature in layer_extent:
            #     area_feat = feature.GetGeometryRef().GetArea()
            #     if area_feat > area_current:
            #         area_current = area_feat
            #         fid_current = feature.GetFID()
            # edit_feat = layer_extent.GetFeature(fid_current)
            # edit_feat.SetField("ExtentType", "Channel")
            # layer_extent.SetFeature(edit_feat)
            # layer_extent.DeleteField(layer_extent.FindFieldIndex("Value", True))
            # #ogr_extent.Destroy()
            # log.info("Generated Stage Extent Shapefile {}".format(shp_extent))
            # # Stage Islands
            # import time
            # time.sleep(5)
            # temp_layer.ResetReading()
            # temp_layer.SetAttributeFilter("Value=0")
            # shp_islands = os.path.join(outfolder, "StageIslands.shp")
            # driver_islands = ogr.GetDriverByName("ESRI Shapefile").CreateDataSource(shp_islands)
            # driver_islands.CopyLayer(temp_layer, "StageIslands")
            # driver_islands = None
            # ogr_islands = ogr.Open(shp_islands, 1)
            # layer_islands = ogr_islands.GetLayer("StageIslands")
            # field_qual = ogr.FieldDefn("Qualifying", ogr.OFTInteger)
            # field_qual.SetDefault("0")
            # field_valid = ogr.FieldDefn("IsValid", ogr.OFTInteger)
            # field_valid.SetDefault("0")
            # layer_islands.CreateField(field_qual)
            # layer_islands.CreateField(field_valid)
            # layer_islands.SyncToDisk()
            # area_current = 0.0
            # fid_current = None
            # for feature in layer_islands:
            #     if feature is not None:
            #         g = feature.GetGeometryRef()
            #         area_feat = g.GetArea()
            #         # todo identify qualifying islands here?
            #         if area_feat > area_current:
            #             area_current = area_feat
            #             fid_current = feature.GetFID()
            # #feat_del = layer_islands.GetFeature(fid_current)
            # layer_islands.DeleteFeature(fid_current)
            # layer_islands.DeleteField(layer_islands.FindFieldIndex("Value", True))
            # ogr_islands = None
            # ogr_extent = None
            # log.info("Generated Stage Islands Shapefile {}".format(shp_islands))
            temp = None
        del out_raster

    shp_hydroresults = os.path.join(outfolder, "HydroResults.shp")
    ogr.GetDriverByName("ESRI Shapefile").CopyDataSource(ogr_vrt, shp_hydroresults)
    #out_shp = ogr.GetDriverByName("ESRI Shapefile").CreateDataSource()
    # ogr_shp = ogr.Open(shp_hydroresults, 1)
    # lyr = ogr_shp.GetLayer()
    # lyr_defn = lyr.GetLayerDefn()
    # for i in range(lyr_defn.GetFieldCount()):
    #     fielddefn = lyr_defn.GetFieldDefn(i)
    #     fielddefn.SetName(fielddefn.GetName().replace(".","_"))
    #     lyr.AlterFieldDefn(i, fielddefn, ogr.ALTER_NAME_FLAG)
    # new_field = ogr.FieldDefn('V_Bearing', ogr.OFTReal)
    # lyr.CreateField(new_field)
    # # Calculate Velocity Bearing
    # for feat in lyr:
    #     vel_x = feat.GetField("X_Velocity")
    #     vel_y = feat.GetField("Y_Velocity")
    #     dir = 90 - math.degrees(math.atan2(float(vel_y), float(vel_x)))
    #     bearing = 360 + dir if dir < 0 else dir
    #     feat.SetField('V_Bearing', float(bearing))
    #     lyr.SetFeature(feat)

    log.info("Generated Hydro Results Shapefile {}".format(shp_hydroresults))
    ogr_vrt = None
    ogr_shp = None

    return 0
Ejemplo n.º 11
def generate_substrate_raster(topo_project_folder,
    """Generate Substrate Raster from Channel units and ocular substrate estimates for each di value provided

    :param str topo_project_folder: folder source of the topo project
    :param str out_path: path for outputs
    :param list di_values: list of int percentile values for roughness calculation
    :param dict dict_ocular_values: dictionary of ocular estimates of grain size values
    :param float out_channel_value: roughness value to use for out of channel areas, default = 4000
    :return: 0 for success

    # Load Topo Project
    log = Logger("SubstrateRaster")
    log.info("topo_project_folder: {}".format(str(topo_project_folder)))
    log.info("outputPath: {}".format(str(out_path)))
    log.info("D Values: {}".format(str(di_values)))
    project = topoproject.TopoProject(topo_project_folder)
    topo_rs_project = riverscapes.Project(
        os.path.join(topo_project_folder, "project.rs.xml"))
    log.info("Topo project loaded")

    # Initialize Riverscapes Project
    rsproject = riverscapes.Project()
    rsproject.create("Substrate", "Substrate", __version__)
    for tagname, tags in {
            "Site": ["Site", "SiteName"],
            "Visit": ["Visit", "VisitID"],
            "Year": ["Year", "FieldSeason"],
            "Watershed": ["Watershed", "Watershed"]
        if tags[0] in topo_rs_project.ProjectMetadata or tags[
                1] in topo_rs_project.ProjectMetadata:
                tagname, topo_rs_project.ProjectMetadata[tags[0]]
                if tags[0] in topo_rs_project.ProjectMetadata else
            raise DataException("Missing project metadata")

    # 1. Do some math on the dictionary of substrate values for each di
    dict_di_roughness_values = {}
    list_keep_units = []
    for di in di_values:
        dict_units = dict_ocular_by_unit(dict_ocular_values)
        dict_roughness_values = {}
        for unitid, dict_unit in dict_units.iteritems():
            if all(dict_unit[key] is not None for key in [
                    "Bedrock", "Boulders", "Cobbles", "CourseGravel",
                    "FineGravel", "Fines", "Sand"
                dict_roughness_values[int(unitid)] = calculate_grain_size(
                    dict_unit, di)
                if unitid not in list_keep_units:
                    "Missing Channel Unit Substrate Values for Unit {}.".

        dict_roughness_values[0] = float(
            out_channel_value)  # Out of Channel "UnitNumber" == 0
        dict_di_roughness_values[di] = pandas.DataFrame(
            columns=["UnitNumber", "Roughness"])
        log.info("Calculated Roughness Values for D{}".format(str(di)))

    # 2. Spread the channel Unit areas
    gdf_expanded_channel_units = expand_polygons(
    log.info("Channel Units expanded to Bankfull Area")

    # 3. Add DEM area
    gdf_demextent = geopandas.GeoDataFrame.from_features(
    if not all(gdf_demextent.geometry.is_valid):
        gdf_demextent.geometry = gdf_demextent.geometry.buffer(0)
        log.info("Fix invalid geoms for DEM Extent")
    gdf_demextent["UnitNumber"] = 0
    gdf_in_channel_union = geopandas.GeoDataFrame.from_features(
    gdf_out_of_channel = geopandas.overlay(gdf_demextent, gdf_in_channel_union,
    gdf_full_polygons = gdf_expanded_channel_units.append(gdf_out_of_channel)
    log.info("Out of Channel Area generated")

    for di, df_roughness_values in dict_di_roughness_values.iteritems():
        # 4 Add dict to channel units
        gdf_full_polygons_merged = gdf_full_polygons.merge(df_roughness_values,
        gdf_final_polys = gdf_full_polygons_merged.rename(
            columns={"Roughness_y": "Roughness"})
            col for col in gdf_final_polys.columns
            if col not in ["UnitNumber", "Roughness", 'geometry']
        log.info("Roughness Values added to Channel Units for D{}".format(

        # 5. Rasterize Polygons
        raster_substrate = path.join(out_path,
        shp_substrate = path.join(out_path,
        log.info("Saved Substrate Shapefile: {}".format(shp_substrate))
        rasterize_polygons(shp_substrate, project.getpath("DEM"),
                           raster_substrate, "Roughness")
        log.info("Created Substrate Raster: {}".format(raster_substrate))

        # Add Realization to Riverscapes
        realization = riverscapes.Realization("Substrate")
        realization.name = "Substrate_D{}".format(str(di))
        realization.productVersion = __version__
        ds_shapefile = riverscapes.Dataset().create(
            "Substrate_Shapefile", "substrate_D{}.shp".format(str(di)))
        ds_raster = riverscapes.Dataset().create(
            "Substrate_Raster", "substrate_D{}.tif".format(str(di)))
        ds_shapefile.metadata["D_Value"] = str(di)
        ds_raster.metadata["D_Value"] = str(di)
        ds_shapefile.id = "substrate_shapefile_d{}".format(str(di))
        ds_raster.id = "substrate_shapefile_d{}".format(str(di))
        realization.outputs[ds_shapefile.name] = ds_shapefile
        realization.outputs[ds_raster.name] = ds_raster

    # Write Riverscapes Project.
    rsprojectxml = os.path.join(out_path, "project.rs.xml")
    log.info("Riverscapes Project file saved: {}".format(rsprojectxml))

    return 0
Ejemplo n.º 12
    def calc(self, shpCUPath, shpThalweg, rasDepth, visitMetrics, dUnits,

        if not os.path.isfile(shpCUPath):
            raise MissingException("Channel units file not found")
        if not os.path.isfile(shpThalweg):
            raise MissingException("Thalweg shape file not found")
        if not os.path.isfile(rasDepth):
            raise MissingException("Depth raster file not found")

        siteLength = visitMetrics['Wetted']['Centerline']['MainstemLength']

        if siteLength is None:
            raise DataException("No valid site length found in visit metrics")

        # Give us a fresh template with 0's in the value positions
        self.metrics = self._templateMaker(0, unitDefs)
        dResultsChannelSummary = self.metrics['ResultsChannelSummary']
        dResultsTier1 = self.metrics['ResultsTier1']
        dResultsTier2 = self.metrics['ResultsTier2']
        resultsCU = self.metrics['resultsCU']

        #Load the Thalweg feature
        thalweg = Shapefile(shpThalweg).featuresToShapely()
        thalwegLine = thalweg[0]['geometry']

        # Load the depth raster
        depthRaster = Raster(rasDepth)

        # Load the channel unit polygons and calculate the total area
        # The channel units should be clipped to the wetted extent and so this
        # can be used as the site area wetted
        shpCU = Shapefile(shpCUPath)
        arrCU = depthRaster.rasterMaskLayer(shpCUPath, "UnitNumber")

        feats = shpCU.featuresToShapely()
        for aFeat in feats:
            dResultsChannelSummary['Main']['Area'] += aFeat['geometry'].area

        # Loop over each channel unit and calculate topometrics
        for aFeat in feats:
            nCUNumber = int(aFeat['fields']['UnitNumber'])

            if nCUNumber not in dUnits:
                    "Channel Unit: '{0}' not present in the aux data.".format(
                # Keep it general for the exception so we can aggregate them
                raise DataException(
                    "The Channel Unit ShapeFile contains a unit number that is not present in the aux data."

            tier1Name = dUnits[nCUNumber][0]
            tier2Name = dUnits[nCUNumber][1]
            nSegment = dUnits[nCUNumber][2]
            #print "Channel Unit Number {0}, Segment {1}, Tier 1 - {2}, Tier 2 - {3}".format(nCUNumber, nSegment, tier1Name, tier2Name)

            unitMetrics = {}
            unitMetrics['ChannelUnitNumber'] = nCUNumber
            unitMetrics['Area'] = aFeat['geometry'].area
            unitMetrics['Tier1'] = tier1Name
            unitMetrics['Tier2'] = tier2Name
            unitMetrics['Length'] = None
            unitMetrics['ResidualDepth'] = None
            unitMetrics['DepthAtThalwegExit'] = None
            unitMetrics['ThalwegIntersect'] = 0

            # Get the depth raster for this unit as variable so we can check
            # whether it is entirely masked below.
            depArr = depthRaster.array[arrCU == nCUNumber]
            if depArr.count() == 0:
                unitMetrics['MaxDepth'] = 0
                unitMetrics['Volume'] = 0
                unitMetrics['MaxDepth'] = np.max(depArr)
                unitMetrics['Volume'] = np.sum(depthRaster.array[
                    arrCU == nCUNumber]) * (depthRaster.cellWidth**2)

            if nSegment != 1:
                dSideChannelSummary = dResultsChannelSummary[
                dMain = dResultsChannelSummary['Main']
                # Side channel summary captures both small and large side channels
                dSideChannelSummary['Area'] += aFeat['geometry'].area
                dSideChannelSummary['Count'] += 1
                dSideChannelSummary['Percent'] = 100 * dSideChannelSummary[
                    'Area'] / dMain['Area']
                dSideChannelSummary['Volume'] += unitMetrics['Volume']

                if 'side' in tier1Name.lower():
                    dSmallSideChannel = dResultsChannelSummary[
                    dSmallSideChannel['Area'] += aFeat['geometry'].area
                    dSmallSideChannel['Count'] += 1
                    dSmallSideChannel['Percent'] = 100 * dSmallSideChannel[
                        'Area'] / dMain['Area']
                    dSmallSideChannel['Volume'] += unitMetrics['Volume']
                    dLargeSideChannel = dResultsChannelSummary[
                    dLargeSideChannel['Area'] += aFeat['geometry'].area
                    dLargeSideChannel['Count'] += 1
                    dLargeSideChannel['Percent'] = 100 * dLargeSideChannel[
                        'Area'] / dMain['Area']
                    dLargeSideChannel['Volume'] += unitMetrics['Volume']

            if tier1Name is None:
                raise DataException("tier1Name cannot be 'None'")

            if 'side' in tier1Name.lower():
                    'SmallSideChannel'] += 1
                dResultsChannelSummary['ChannelUnitBreakdown']['Other'] += 1

            if (thalwegLine.intersects(aFeat['geometry'])):
                cuThalwegLine = thalwegLine.intersection(aFeat['geometry'])

                exitPoint = None
                if cuThalwegLine.type == 'LineString':
                    exitPoint = cuThalwegLine.coords[0]
                    exitPoint = cuThalwegLine[0].coords[0]

                # Retrieve a list of points along the Thalweg in the channel unit
                thalwegPoints = ChannelUnitMetrics.interpolatePointsAlongLine(
                    cuThalwegLine, 0.13)
                thalwegDepths = ChannelUnitMetrics.lookupRasterValuesAtPoints(
                    thalwegPoints, depthRaster)
                unitMetrics['MaxDepth'] = np.nanmax(thalwegDepths['values'])
                unitMetrics['DepthAtThalwegExit'] = depthRaster.getPixelVal(
                unitMetrics['ResidualDepth'] = unitMetrics[
                    'MaxDepth'] - unitMetrics['DepthAtThalwegExit']
                unitMetrics['Length'] = cuThalwegLine.length
                unitMetrics['ThalwegIntersect'] = 1

            # Tier 1 and tier 2 topometrics. Note that metric dictionary keys are used for XML tags & require cleaning
            tier1NameClean = getCleanTierName(tier1Name)
                                       tier1Name, unitMetrics, siteLength,

            tier2NameClean = getCleanTierName(tier2Name)
                                       tier2Name, unitMetrics, siteLength,

        # Calculate the average of the channel unit max depths for each tier 1 and tier 2 type
        for tierKey, tierMetrics in {
                'Tier1': dResultsTier1,
                'Tier2': dResultsTier2
            for tierName, metricDict in tierMetrics.iteritems():
                maxDepthList = [
                    aResult['MaxDepth'] for aResult in resultsCU
                    if getCleanTierName(aResult[tierKey]) == tierName
                if len(maxDepthList) > 0:
                    metricDict['AvgMaxDepth'] = np.average(maxDepthList)

        # Convert the sum of residual depth and depth at thalweg exist
        # to average residual depth for each tier 1 and tier 2 type
        for tierMetricDict in [dResultsTier1, dResultsTier2]:
            for tierName, tierMetrics in tierMetricDict.iteritems():
                # channel unit types that don't occur should retain the value None for Residual Depth and Depth at Thalweg exit
                if tierMetrics['Count'] > 0 and tierMetrics[
                        'ThalwegIntersectCount'] > 0:
                    for metricName in ['ResidualDepth', 'DepthAtThalwegExit']:
                        if tierMetrics[metricName] is not None and tierMetrics[
                                metricName] != 0:
                            tierMetrics[metricName] = tierMetrics[
                                metricName] / tierMetrics[
                            tierMetrics[metricName] = 0
Ejemplo n.º 13
def getCleanTierName(sTierName):
        return sTierName.replace(' ', '').replace('/', '').replace('-', '')
    except Exception, e:
        raise DataException(
            "Invalid or null tiername passed to 'getCleanTierName()'")
Ejemplo n.º 14
def getfield(feat, listfields):
    for field in listfields:
        if field in feat['fields']:
            return field
    raise DataException('Could not find field {} in shapefile'.format(str(listfields)))
Ejemplo n.º 15
def export_cad_files(project_xml, out_path):
    """exports dxf files containing tin components of topo tin and Topographic Survey Points, Lines and Survey Extent"""

    log = Logger("CADExport")

    # Load Topo project
    log.info("Load Topo project")
    project = topoproject.TopoProject(project_xml)

    # TIN stuff
    log.info("Beginning TIN Work")
    tin = TIN(project.getpath("TopoTin"))
    dict_tinlayers = {}
    dict_tinlayers["tin_points"] = {"layer_type":"POINT", "Features":[feat for feat in tin.nodes.values()]}
    dict_tinlayers["tin_lines"] = {"layer_type":"POLYLINE", "Features":[feat['geometry'] for feat in tin.breaklines.values()]}#, "linetype_field":"LineType"}
    dict_tinlayers["tin_area"] = {"layer_type":"POLYGON", "Features":[feat for feat in tin.hull_polygons.values()]}

    out_tin_dxf = export_as_dxf(dict_tinlayers, os.path.join(out_path, "TopoTin.dxf"))

    # Topo Stuff
    log.info("Beginning Topo Work")
    shpTopo = Shapefile(project.getpath("Topo_Points"))
    shpEOW = Shapefile(project.getpath("EdgeofWater_Points"))
    shpCP = Shapefile(project.getpath("Control_Points"))
    shpBL = Shapefile(project.getpath("Breaklines")) if project.layer_exists("Breaklines") else None
    shpExtent = Shapefile(project.getpath("Survey_Extent"))
    dict_topolayers = {}
    dict_topolayers["Topo_Points"] = {"layer_type":"POINT", "Features":[feat['geometry'] for feat in shpTopo.featuresToShapely()]}
    dict_topolayers["EdgeofWater_Points"] = {"layer_type":"POINT", "Features":[feat['geometry'] for feat in shpEOW.featuresToShapely()]}
    dict_topolayers["Control_Points"] = {"layer_type":"POINT", "Features":[feat['geometry'] for feat in shpCP.featuresToShapely()]}
    dict_topolayers["Breaklines"] = {"layer_type":"POLYLINE", "Features":[feat['geometry'] for feat in shpBL.featuresToShapely()]} if shpBL else None
    dict_topolayers["Survey_Extent"] = {"layer_type":"POLYGON", "Features":[feat['geometry'] for feat in shpExtent.featuresToShapely()]}

    out_topo_dxf = export_as_dxf(dict_topolayers, os.path.join(out_path, "SurveyTopography.dxf"))

    out_topo_csv = exportAsCSV(shpTopo.featuresToShapely() + shpEOW.featuresToShapely(), os.path.join(out_path, "SurveyTopographyPoints.csv"))
    out_control_csv = exportAsCSV(shpCP.featuresToShapely(), os.path.join(out_path, "ControlNetworkPoints.csv"))

    topo_rs_project = riverscapes.Project(project_xml)

    out_project = riverscapes.Project()
    out_project.create("CHaMP_Survey_CAD_Export", "CAD_Export", __version__)
    out_project.addProjectMetadata("Watershed", topo_rs_project.ProjectMetadata["Watershed"])

    #  find previous meta tags
    for tagname, tags in {"Site": ["Site", "SiteName"], "Visit": ["Visit", "VisitID"], "Year": ["Year", "FieldSeason"], "Watershed": ["Watershed", "Watershed"]}.iteritems():
        if tags[0] in topo_rs_project.ProjectMetadata or tags[1] in topo_rs_project.ProjectMetadata:
            out_project.addProjectMetadata(tagname, topo_rs_project.ProjectMetadata[tags[0]] if tags[0] in topo_rs_project.ProjectMetadata else topo_rs_project.ProjectMetadata[tags[1]])
            raise DataException("Missing project metadata")

    out_realization = riverscapes.Realization("CAD_Export")
    out_realization.name = "CHaMP Survey CAD Export"
    out_realization.productVersion = out_project.projectVersion
    ds = []
    ds.append(out_project.addInputDataset("TopoTin", "tin", None, None, "TIN", project.get_guid("TopoTin")))
    ds.append(out_project.addInputDataset("Topo_Points", "topo_points", None, guid=project.get_guid("Topo_Points")))
    ds.append(out_project.addInputDataset("EdgeofWater_Points", "eow_points", None, guid=project.get_guid("EdgeofWater_Points")))
    ds.append(out_project.addInputDataset("Control_Points", "control_ponts", None, guid=project.get_guid("Control_Points")))
    if shpBL:
        ds.append(out_project.addInputDataset("Breaklines", "breaklines", None, guid=project.get_guid("Breaklines")))
    ds.append(out_project.addInputDataset("Survey_Extent", "survey_extent", None, guid=project.get_guid("Survey_Extent")))
    for inputds in ds:
        out_realization.inputs[inputds.name] = inputds.id

    ds_tin_dxf = riverscapes.Dataset()
    ds_tin_dxf.create("TIN_DXF", "TopoTin.dxf")
    ds_tin_dxf.id = 'tin_dxf'
    ds_topo_dxf = riverscapes.Dataset()
    ds_topo_dxf.create("Topo_DXF", "SurveyTopography.dxf")
    ds_topo_dxf.id = 'topo_dxf'
    ds_topo_csv = riverscapes.Dataset()
    ds_topo_csv.create("Topo_CSV", "SurveyTopographyPoints.csv", "CSV")
    ds_topo_csv.id = 'topo_csv'
    ds_con_csv = riverscapes.Dataset()
    ds_con_csv.create("Control_CSV", "ControlNetworkPoints.csv", "CSV")
    ds_con_csv.id = 'control_csv'
    out_realization.outputs.update({"TIN_DXF": ds_tin_dxf,
                                    "Topo_DXF": ds_topo_dxf,
                                    "Topo_CSV": ds_topo_csv,
                                    "Control_CSV": ds_con_csv})

    out_project.writeProjectXML(os.path.join(out_path, "project.rs.xml"))

    return 0
Ejemplo n.º 16
    def calc(self, sThalwegshp, sDepthRaster, sWaterSurfaceRaster, fDist,

        if not path.isfile(sThalwegshp):
            raise MissingException("Thalweg shapefile missing")
        if not path.isfile(sDepthRaster):
            raise MissingException("Depth raster missing")
        if not path.isfile(sWaterSurfaceRaster):
            raise MissingException("Surface raster missing")

        wettedMainstemLength = visitMetrics['Wetted']['Centerline'][

        if wettedMainstemLength is None:
            raise MissingException(
                "No wetted mainstem length found in visit metrics")

        sfile = Shapefile(sThalwegshp).featuresToShapely()

        if len(sfile) < 1:
            raise DataException("Thalweg shapefile has no features")

        thalweg = sfile[0]['geometry']
        depthRaster = Raster(sDepthRaster)
        waterSurfaceRaster = Raster(sWaterSurfaceRaster)
        samplepts = ThalwegMetrics.interpolateRasterAlongLine(thalweg, fDist)
        results = ThalwegMetrics.lookupRasterValues(samplepts,

        # Get the elevation at the first (downstream) point on the Thalweg
        dsElev = waterSurfaceRaster.getPixelVal(thalweg.coords[0])
        usElev = waterSurfaceRaster.getPixelVal(thalweg.coords[-1])

        if (np.isnan(dsElev)):
            raise DataException(
                'nodata detected in the raster for downstream point on the thalweg'
        elif np.isnan(usElev):
            raise DataException(
                'nodata detected in the raster for upstream point on the thalweg'

        waterSurfaceGradientRatio = (usElev - dsElev) / thalweg.length
        waterSurfaceGradientPC = waterSurfaceGradientRatio * 100.0

        # Thalweg straight length and sinuosity
        firstPoint = Point(thalweg.coords[0])
        lastPoint = Point(thalweg.coords[-1])
        straightLength = firstPoint.distance(lastPoint)
        sinuosity = thalweg.length / straightLength

        self.metrics = {
            'Min': np.nanmin(results),
            'Max': np.nanmax(results),
            'Mean': np.mean(results),
            'StDev': np.std(results),
            'Count': np.count_nonzero(results),
            'Length': thalweg.length,
            'WSGradientRatio': waterSurfaceGradientRatio,
            'WSGradientPC': waterSurfaceGradientPC,
            'Sinuosity': sinuosity,
            'CV': 0.0,
            'ThalwegToCenterlineRatio': thalweg.length / wettedMainstemLength
            #, 'Values': results.data
        if self.metrics['StDev'] != 0 and self.metrics['Mean'] != 0:
            self.metrics['CV'] = self.metrics['StDev'] / self.metrics['Mean']
Ejemplo n.º 17
    def calc(self, crosssections, waterExtent, demPath, stationInterval):

        # Save space by only loading the desired fields from the ShapeFile.
        # We also need the 'Channel' and 'IsValid' fields if they exist.
        desiredFields = CrossSectionMetrics.dMetricTypes.keys()

        # Open the cross section ShapeFile & build a list of all features with a dictionary of the desired fields
        clShp = Shapefile(crosssections)
        lChannels = ['Main']

        if not clShp.loaded:

        if "Channel" in clShp.fields:

        # Older Cross Section Layers don't have the width and depth fields calculated.
        # So if all the necessary metric fields are present then continue to load
        # ShapeFile features. Otherwise we need to calculate the topometrics from scratch
        bMetricCalculationNeeded = False
        for aMetric in desiredFields:
            if not aMetric in clShp.fields:
                bMetricCalculationNeeded = True

        allFeatures = []
        if bMetricCalculationNeeded:
            # Retrieve the water extent polygon exterior
            rivershp = Shapefile(waterExtent)
            polyRiverShapeFeats = rivershp.featuresToShapely()

            # Try and find a channel shape. Thers's a lot of variance here.
            if len(polyRiverShapeFeats) == 0 or 'geometry' not in polyRiverShapeFeats[0]:
                raise DataException("No features in crosssection shape file")

            # If there's only one shape then just use it
            elif len(polyRiverShapeFeats) == 1:
                polyRiverShape = polyRiverShapeFeats[0]['geometry']

            # If there's more than one shape then see if
                channelShapes = [feat['geometry'] for feat in polyRiverShapeFeats if feat['fields']['ExtentType'] == 'Channel']
                if len(channelShapes) == 0:
                    raise DataException("No features in crosssection shape file")
                polyRiverShape = channelShapes[0]

            # Calculate the topometrics from scratch for a single cross section
            shpXS = Shapefile(crosssections)
            demRaster = Raster(demPath)

            if shpXS.loaded:
                for aFeat in shpXS.featuresToShapely():
                    # Calculate the topometrics for this cross section. They will be stored on the aFeat dict under key 'topometrics'
                    calcXSMetrics(aFeat, polyRiverShape , demRaster, stationInterval)

                    # Build the all features dictionary that would be expect had the topometrics already
                    # existed in the XS shapefile and simply got loaded. This is a combination of the new topometrics
                    # and also the existing fields on the XS ShapeFile.
                    singleXSMetrics = copy.deepcopy(aFeat['topometrics'])

            # Destroying the raster object appears to prevent warning messages on Windows
            demRaster = None
            allFeatures = clShp.attributesToList(desiredFields)

        # For simple ShapeFiles, make every feature part of the main channel, and
        # set every feature as valid. This helps keep code below generic
        for x in allFeatures:
            if 'Channel' not in x:
                x['Channel'] = 'Main'

            if 'IsValid' not in x:
                x['IsValid'] = 1

        for channelName in lChannels:

            # Filter the list of features to just those in this channel
            # PGB - 24 Apr 2017 - observed NULL values in 'Channel' ShapeFile field in Harold results.
            # Cast field contents to string to avoid crash here.
            channelFeatures = [x for x in allFeatures if str(x['Channel']).lower() == channelName.lower()]

            # Filter the list of features to just those that the crew considered valid
            validFeatures = [x for x in channelFeatures if x['IsValid'] <> 0]

            # Filter the features to just those with a length that is within 4 standard deviations of mean wetted width
            channelStatistics = getStatistics(channelFeatures, 'WetWidth')

            autoFeatures = None
            if channelStatistics['StdDev'] is not None:
                wetWidthThreshold = channelStatistics['StdDev'] * 4
                autoFeatures = [x for x in channelFeatures if abs(x['WetWidth'] - channelStatistics['Mean']) < wetWidthThreshold]

            # Loop over each desired metric and calculate the statistics for each filtering type
            for metricName, bestFiltering in CrossSectionMetrics.dMetricTypes.iteritems():
                populateChannelStatistics(self.metrics[channelName], 'None', metricName, channelFeatures)
                populateChannelStatistics(self.metrics[channelName], 'Crew', metricName, validFeatures)

                if channelStatistics['StdDev'] is not None:
                    populateChannelStatistics(self.metrics[channelName], 'Auto', metricName, autoFeatures)

                self.metrics[channelName]['Best'] = self.metrics[channelName][bestFiltering]

        # The topometrics for the whole channel are always the results for 'Main'.
        # For complex ShapeFiles this will be just the results for the main channel.
        # For simple, single threaded, ShapeFiles this will all cross sections.
        self.metrics['Channel'] = self.metrics['Main']