Ejemplo n.º 1
def formhandler():
    ''' Handle form submission '''
    tm = time.perf_counter()
    if 'REMOTE_ADDR' in bottle.request.environ:
        ip = bottle.request.environ.get('REMOTE_ADDR')
        ip = None

    logger.info("==== menu handler from %s =====:\n%s" %
                (ip, bottle.request.body.read()))
    selqs = bottle.request.forms.getall('quantities')
    src = bottle.request.forms.get('source')
    tbcknm = bottle.request.forms.get('tmback')
    cursXpos = bottle.request.forms.get('cursorPos')
    jdtill = bottle.request.forms.get('jdtill')
    evtDescr = bottle.request.forms.get('evtDescr')
    evtData = bottle.request.forms.get('evtData')
        ndays = next(tb for tb, tup in tmBACKs.items() if tbcknm in tup[0])
    except StopIteration:
        ndays = 5

    jdofs = (plXMARG + plWIDTH -
             int(cursXpos)) / plWIDTH * ndays  # cursor pos giving time offset
    if jdtill:
        jdtill = float(jdtill)  # preserve actual time frame
        jdtill = julianday()
    jdcursor = jdtill - jdofs
    if evtDescr and evtDescr != 'comment':  # define event at cursor
        root = sys.modules['__main__'].__file__
        logger.info('received event descr %s at jd:%s' % (evtDescr, jdcursor))

        dbStore.setEvtDescription(jdcursor, evtDescr, root=root)
    else:  # place right side at cursor
        jdtill = jdcursor

    if abs(jdtill - julianday()) < ndays / 5.0:
        jdtill = julianday()  # adjust to now when close
        logger.info("adjusting jd %f with ofs:%f evt:%s" %
                    (jdtill, jdofs, evtDescr))
    statbar = bottle.request.forms.get('statbar')
    logger.info("statbar=%s" % statbar)

        "menu response(t:%s):qtt=%s src=%s jd=%s ndys=%s cPos=%s evtData=%s" %
        (time.perf_counter() - tm, selqs, src, prettydate(jdtill), tbcknm,
         cursXpos, evtData))
                               json.dumps((src, selqs, ndays)),
    return bottle.template(TPL, redraw(src, selqs, jdtill, ndays))
Ejemplo n.º 2
	def logi(self, ikey, numval, strval=None, tstamp=None):
		''' save value to the database '''
		if tstamp is None:
			tstamp = round(time.time(),0)	# granularity 1s
		logger.debug('logging %s (%g) @jd:%.6f' % (self.qname(ikey),numval,julianday(tstamp)))
			self.execute('INSERT INTO logdat (ddJulian,quantity,numval) VALUES (?,?,?)', (julianday(tstamp),ikey,numval))
			if not strval is None:
				self.execute('UPDATE logdat SET strval="%s" WHERE ddJulian=? AND quantity=?' % strval,(julianday(tstamp),ikey))
		except OperationalError:
			logger.error("unable to update database with id:%d at jd:%.6f" % (ikey,julianday(tstamp)))
		except KeyboardInterrupt:
		except Exception:
			logger.exception("unknown !!!")
Ejemplo n.º 3
def index(name=TITLE):
    ''' standard opening page (with settings from cookie or default) '''
    if 'REMOTE_ADDR' in bottle.request.environ:
        ip = bottle.request.environ.get('REMOTE_ADDR')
        ip = None
    tm = time.perf_counter()
    logger.info("===== index request:%s from %s=====" %
                (bottle.request.body.read(), ip))

    if bottle.request.query.title:

    srcs = list(dbStore.sources())
    src = srcs[0]
    quantIds = []
    cookie = bottle.request.get_cookie(COOKIE)
    if cookie:
        logger.info('using cookie :"%s"' % cookie)
        cookie = list(json.loads(cookie))
        cookie.extend([None, None, None])
        src, selqs, ndays = tuple(cookie[:3])
        selqs = typnames(dbStore.quantities(
            [src], prop=2))[:2]  # quantity typs that are in src
        ndays = 4
                                   json.dumps((src, selqs, ndays)),
    logger.info("src:%s,selqs:%s len:%d" % (src, selqs, len(selqs)))
    if len(selqs) == 0 or len(selqs) > 15:
        selqs = ['temperature']
    #page = dict(menitms=buildMenu(srcs,src,typnames(dbStore.quantities(prop=2)),selqs,ndays))
    #page = redraw(src,selqs,julianday())
    jdtill = julianday()
    page = redraw(src, selqs, jdtill, ndays)
    page.update(dict(title=name, footer=__copyright__)
                )  #jdtill=julianday(),ndays=ndays,grQuantIds=quantIds))
    logger.debug("index page:(t:%s)\n%s\n" % (time.perf_counter() - tm, page))
    return bottle.template(TPL, page)
Ejemplo n.º 4
	def fetchiavg(self, ikey, tstep=30, daysback=100, jdend=None, source=None):
		''' fetch averaged interval values from the database, 
			takes averaged numval of name over tstep minutes intervals'''
		where =""
		if not source is None:
			where=" AND source='%s'" % source
		if isinstance(ikey, tuple):
			where+=" AND quantity IN (%s)" % ','.join(map(str,ikey))
		else: # len(ids)==1:
			where+=" AND quantity=%d" % ikey	
		if jdend is None:
		sql = "SELECT ROUND(ddJulian*?)/? AS dd,AVG(numval) AS nval,COUNT(*) AS cnt,source,type " \
			"FROM logdat AS ld,quantities AS qu " \
			"WHERE active AND qu.ID=ld.quantity AND ddJulian>? AND ddJulian<? %s " \
			"GROUP BY quantity,source,dd " \
			"ORDER BY ddJulian;" % (where,)
			interval=1440/tstep  # minutes per day = 1440
			return self.execute(sql, (interval,interval,jdend-daysback,jdend))
		except KeyboardInterrupt:
		except Exception:
			logger.exception("unknown!!!") # probably locked
Ejemplo n.º 5
	def check_quantity(self,tstamp,quantity,val):
		''' filters, validates, averages, checks, quantity results
		 calls accept_result when quantity rules are fullfilled
		 to be called by receive_message  '''
		if quantity not in self._servmap:
			logger.info("unknown quantity:%s val=%s in %s" % (quantity,val,self.manufacturer))
			#self.servmap[quantity] = {'typ':DEVT['unknown']}
		if self.qtype(quantity)>=DEVT['secluded']:	# ignore
		if isinstance(val, collections.Sequence):
			logger.warning('not numeric %d = %s' % (quantity,val))
		if self.qInRng(quantity,val)==False:
			logger.warning("quantity out of range %s" % quantity)
			self.actual[quantity] = {qVAL:val, qSTMP:tstamp}

		if sampleCollector.signaller:
			if sampleCollector.signaller.checkEvent(quantity, val):  # handle event by polling
				sampleCollector.signaller.signal(quantity, val)
		if self.qIsCounting(quantity): 
			if quantity in self.average and val>0: # only first and pos edge
				self.average[quantity][qVAL] += val
				self.average[quantity][qCNT] +=1
				self.average[quantity] = [val,1,tstamp]
			self.accept_result(tstamp, quantity)
			logger.info('(%s) cnt val=%s quantity=%s tm=%s since=%.6g' % (quantity,val, self.qname(quantity), prettydate(julianday(tstamp)), self.sinceAccept(quantity)))
		elif quantity in self.average:
			n = self.average[quantity][qCNT]
			avg = self.average[quantity][qVAL] / n
			if (n>=self.minNr and abs(val-avg)>abs(avg*self.minDevPerc/100)) or n>=self.maxNr:
				logger.info('(%s) n=%d avg=%g val=%s quantity=%s devPrc=%g>%g tm=%s since=%.6g' % (quantity,n,avg,val, self.qname(quantity), abs(val-avg)/avg*100 if avg>0 else 0.0, self.minDevPerc, prettydate(julianday(tstamp)), self.sinceAccept(quantity)))
				self.accept_result((tstamp+self.average[quantity][qSTMP])/2, quantity)
				self.average[quantity] = [val,1,tstamp]
				self.average[quantity][qVAL] += val
				self.average[quantity][qCNT] += 1
				if abs(avg)>0:
					logger.debug('quantity:%d avgCount:%d devperc:%.6g ' % (quantity,self.average[quantity][qCNT], (val-avg)/avg*100) )
		else:  # first avg val
			self.average[quantity] = [val,1,tstamp]
			if self.maxNr<=1:
				self.accept_result(tstamp, quantity)
				logger.info('accepting one val=%s quantity=%s(%s) tm=%s' % (val,self.qname(quantity),quantity, prettydate(julianday(tstamp))))