Ejemplo n.º 1
from collections import deque

from lib.input import read_lines

input = read_lines(9)
input = [int(line) for line in input]

<X[k-25] ... X[k-1]>

for an X[k] there is at least one
i and j for which the following holds:

X[k] = X[k-i] + X[k-j]  and
1 <= i,j <= 25  and
i <> j

find an algorithm which proves this
and which is able to detect if an
element does not conform to it.


for every number, subtract one of the
previous 25 numbers and check if the
result is equal to one of them.
Ejemplo n.º 2
from lib.input import read_lines

input = read_lines(15)
input = input[0].split(',')
input = list(map(int, input))

class Game:
    def __init__(self):
        self._memory = {}
        self._last = None
        self._turn = 1

    def add(self, number):
        self._last = number
        self._last_spoken_on = self._memory.get(number, None)
        self._memory[number] = self._turn
        self._turn += 1

    def step(self):
        last_spoken = self._last_spoken_on
        number = self._turn - last_spoken - 1 if last_spoken else 0

    def turn(self):
        return self._turn

    def last(self):
        return self._last
Ejemplo n.º 3
from collections import defaultdict, deque
import re

from lib.input import read_lines

input = read_lines(7)

regex = re.compile(r'^(?:([a-z\s]+)\sbags\scontain\s)'

def get_mapping():
    result = {}

    for line in input:
        match = re.findall(regex, line)

        which = match.pop(0)[0]
        current = result[which] = {}

        for item in match:
            count, item = item[1:]
            current[item] = int(count)

    return result

def invert_mapping(mapping):
    result = defaultdict(dict)

    for this, counts in mapping.items():
Ejemplo n.º 4
from collections import defaultdict, deque
from copy import copy, deepcopy
import re

from lib.input import read_lines

input = read_lines('''?x''')

def part_1():
    return None

def part_2():
    return None

solve_1 = lambda: part_1()
solve_2 = lambda: part_2()
Ejemplo n.º 5
from copy import deepcopy
from functools import partial
import re

from lib.input import read_lines

input = read_lines(8)

pattern = re.compile(r"([a-z]+)\s((?:\+|-)\d+)")

def instructions():
    for line in input:
        match = re.match(pattern, line)
        operation, argument = match.groups()
        yield operation, int(argument)

def parse_code():
    program = Program()

    for operation, argument in instructions():
        program.add_instruction(operation, argument)

    return program

class System:
    def __init__(self):
        self._accumulator = 0
        self._counter = 0
Ejemplo n.º 6
import re

from lib.input import read_lines

input = read_lines(2)

class Rule:
    def __init__(self, n1, n2, letter):
        self.n1 = n1
        self.n2 = n2
        self.letter = letter

class OldRule(Rule):
    def __init__(self, min, max, letter):
        super().__init__(min, max, letter)
        self.range = range(min, max + 1)

    def is_valid(self, password):
        return password.count(self.letter) in self.range

class NewRule(Rule):
    def is_valid(self, password):
        n1_valid = password[self.n1 - 1] == self.letter
        n2_valid = password[self.n2 - 1] == self.letter
        return n1_valid ^ n2_valid

def parse_line(line):
Ejemplo n.º 7
from collections import defaultdict, deque
from copy import copy, deepcopy
import re
from math import sqrt, prod as multiply

from lib.input import read_lines

input_ = read_lines(20)

N_EDGE = 3

TOP = 0
LEFT = 3


def get_x_offset(direction):
  if direction == LEFT: return -1
  if direction == RIGHT: return 1
  return 0

def get_y_offset(direction):
  if direction == BOTTOM: return -1
  if direction == TOP: return 1
Ejemplo n.º 8
from lib.input import read_lines

X, Y = 0, 1

input = read_lines(3)
width, height = len(input[0]), len(input)

def is_tree(x, y):
    return input[y][x] == '#'

def count_trees(right, down):
    trees = 0
    position = [0, 0]

    while position[Y] < height:
        trees += int(is_tree(*position))
        position[X] += right
        position[Y] += down

        # forest repeat's to the right
        position[X] %= width

    return trees

def count_multiple_slopes(slopes):
    product = 1
    for slope in slopes:
        product *= count_trees(*slope)
Ejemplo n.º 9
from lib.input import read_lines

input = read_lines(5)

replace = {'F': 0, 'B': 1, 'L': 0, 'R': 1}

def seat_id(line):
    for char, to in replace.items():
        line = line.replace(char, str(to))
    return int(line, 2)

def seat_ids():
    return [seat_id(line) for line in input]

def highest_seat_id():
    return max(seat_ids())

def my_seat_id():
    seats = set(seat_ids())

    other = [
        seat for seat in seats if seat - 1 not in seats and seat -
        2 in seats or seat + 1 not in seats and seat + 2 in seats

    assert len(other) == 2, 'the condition is ambiguous'
Ejemplo n.º 10
import re

from lib.describe import Is, All, Any, between, equal, match, in_
from lib.input import read_lines, blocks

input = read_lines(4)

required = set(['byr', 'iyr', 'eyr', 'hgt', 'hcl', 'ecl', 'pid'])
optional = set(['cid'])

structure = {
  'byr': Is(int, between(1920, 2002)),
  'iyr': Is(int, between(2010, 2020)),
  'eyr': Is(int, between(2020, 2030)),
  'hgt': Any([
      Is(lambda s: s[-2:], equal('cm')),
      Is(lambda s: s[:-2], int, between(150, 193))
      Is(lambda s: s[-2:], equal('in')),
      Is(lambda s: s[:-2], int, between(59, 76))
  'hcl': All([
    Is(len, equal(7)),
    Is(lambda s: s[:1], equal('#')),
    Is(lambda s: s[1:], match(r'^[0-9a-f]*$'))
  'ecl': Is(in_(set(['amb', 'blu', 'brn', 'gry', 'grn', 'hzl', 'oth']))),
Ejemplo n.º 11
from lib.input import read_lines, blocks

input = read_lines(6)

def answered():
  for block in blocks(input):
    answers = set()
    for line in block:
    yield answers

def answered_by_all():
  for block in blocks(input):
    answers = [set(line) for line in block]
    intersection = set.intersection(*answers)
    yield intersection

def sum_len(collection):
  return sum(len(e) for e in collection)

solve_1 = lambda: sum_len(answered())
solve_2 = lambda: sum_len(answered_by_all())