def run(self): while True: time.sleep(4) try: line = sys.stdin.readline() if not line: continue if line == 'stop\n': try: kkbLib.rmPid('agent') self.agentProcess.stop() self.masterMonitor.stop() finally: os._exit(0) if line == 'restart\n': self.agentProcess.restart() if line == 'ping\n': self.masterMonitor.heartbeat() continue except Exception: kkbLib.error(traceback.format_exc())
def _run(self): try: verInfo = kkbLib.getPythonVer() if verInfo not in kkbConfig.pythonVer: verStr = '/'.join(kkbConfig.pythonVer)'当前pyhon版本还没兼容,程序执行中止,目前支持python版本:' + verStr) sys.exit(1) print('Starting master process')'Starting master process') masterProcess = MasterProcess() monitor = AgentProcessMonitor(masterProcess) monitor.setName('AgentProcessMonitor') monitor.setDaemon(True) monitor.start() print('Started master process')'Started master process') while True: try: time.sleep(5) except Exception: kkbLib.error(traceback.format_exc()) except KeyboardInterrupt: masterProcess.stop() except Exception: kkbLib.error(traceback.format_exc())
def postlog(self): try: logStr = kkbLib.readLog() parms = {'data': logStr} parms = parse.urlencode(parms) parms = parms.encode('UTF8') urllib2.urlopen(urllib2.Request(kkbConfig.logUrl, parms)) except Exception: kkbLib.error(traceback.format_exc())
def getUsrPluginSet(self): try: url = kkbConfig.configUrl + '&mac=' + str(self.mac) + '&ip=' + str(self.ip) + '&t=' + self.os_type res = urllib2.urlopen(url) redata = res.close() redata = kkbLib.decode(redata, kkbConfig.kkbDataKey) return json.loads(redata) except Exception: kkbLib.error(traceback.format_exc())
def run(self): while True: try: time.sleep(8) self.masterProcess.lock.acquire() try: if self.masterProcess.agent is None or self.masterProcess.agent.poll() is not None: self.masterProcess.agent = self._startAgentProcess() except Exception: kkbLib.error(traceback.format_exc()) finally: self.masterProcess.lock.release()
def postData(self): try: reData = {} for taskId in self.objList: obj = self.objList[taskId + ''] reData[taskId + ''] = obj.returnData() obj.clearData() try: reData = json.dumps(reData, ensure_ascii=False) except Exception: try: reData = str(reData) reData = reData.encode('UTF8', errors="ignore") reData = reData.decode('UTF8', errors="ignore") reData = dict(eval(reData)) reData = json.dumps(reData, ensure_ascii=False) except Exception: kkbLib.error('json.dumps loss!') kkbLib.error(traceback.format_exc()) reData = {} reData = json.dumps(reData, ensure_ascii=False) if zlib: reData = reData.encode('UTF8') reData = zlib.compress(reData, 9) if base64: reData = base64.encodestring(reData) else: reData = reData.encode('base64') parms = {'data': reData, 'post_time': self.post_time} parms = parse.urlencode(parms) parms = parms.encode('UTF8') command = '' url = kkbConfig.postUrl + '&mac=' + str(self.mac) + '&ip=' + str(self.ip) try: res = urllib2.urlopen(urllib2.Request(url, parms)) command = res.close() except Exception: kkbLib.error(traceback.format_exc()) res = urllib2.urlopen(urllib2.Request(url, parms)) command = res.close() command = kkbLib.decode(command, kkbConfig.kkbDataKey) command = json.loads(command) if command == '': kkbLib.error('command is none!!') return '' return command except Exception: kkbLib.error(traceback.format_exc())
def initPlug(self, plug): try: if os.path.exists('plugin/' + plug['pluginFileName'] + '.py'): md = kkbLib.getMD5('plugin/' + plug['pluginFileName'] + '.py') if md != plug['md5']: os.remove('plugin/' + plug['pluginFileName'] + '.py') + '/agent/plugin/' + plug['pluginFileName'] + '.py', 'plugin/' + plug['pluginFileName'] + '.py') else: + '/agent/plugin/' + plug['pluginFileName'] + '.py', 'plugin/' + plug['pluginFileName'] + '.py') except Exception: kkbLib.error(traceback.format_exc())
def postData(self): try: reData = {} reData[self.taskId + ""] = self.returnData() self.clearData() try: reData = json.dumps(reData, ensure_ascii=False, encoding="UTF8") except Exception: try: reData = json.dumps(reData, ensure_ascii=False, encoding="GBK") except Exception: kkbLib.error("json.dumps loss!") kkbLib.error(traceback.format_exc()) if zlib: reData = reData.encode("UTF8") reData = zlib.compress(reData, 9) if base64: reData = base64.encodestring(reData) else: reData = reData.encode("base64") parms = {"data": reData, "post_time": "", "plug_post": "true"} parms = parse.urlencode(parms) parms = parms.encode("UTF8") try: res = urllib2.urlopen(urllib2.Request(kkbConfig.postUrl, parms)) command = res.close() except Exception: kkbLib.error(traceback.format_exc()) res = urllib2.urlopen(urllib2.Request(kkbConfig.postUrl, parms)) command = res.close() except Exception: kkbLib.error(traceback.format_exc())
def startOne(self, plug): try: self.initPlug(plug) module_meta = __import__('plugin', globals(), locals(), [str(plug['pluginFileName'])]) class_meta = getattr(module_meta, plug['pluginFileName']) c = getattr(class_meta, plug['pluginClassName']) obj = c(plug['taskId'], plug['taskConf'], plug['agentType'], plug['pluginId']) self.objList[plug['taskId']] = obj obj.setIntervalTime(self.pluginTime) obj.setName(plug['pluginClassName'] + plug['taskId']) obj.setDaemon(True) obj.start() except Exception: kkbLib.error(traceback.format_exc())
def run(self): while self.running: time.sleep(4) try: try: self.lock.acquire() if (time.time() - self.lastHeartbeat) > 12: self.agentProcess.stop() kkbLib.rmPid('agent') os._exit(0) finally: self.lock.release() except Exception: kkbLib.error(traceback.format_exc()) raise
def run(self): self.taskConf = self.taskConf_tmp if "ser_time" in self.taskConf: self.ser_time = int(self.taskConf["ser_time"] - time.time()) time.sleep(random.randint(1, 20)) while self.running: self.taskConf = self.taskConf_tmp if "pluginTime" in self.taskConf: self.interval = self.taskConf["pluginTime"] cur_time = time.time() self.getData() self.postData() cur_time = time.time() - cur_time # cur_time = int(cur_time) if cur_time < self.interval: time.sleep(self.interval - cur_time) else: kkbLib.error("get data out time!!") time.sleep(60)
def run(self): self.objList = {} try: if 'agent' in self.plugConf and 'agentTime' in self.plugConf['agent']: self.post_interval = self.plugConf['agent']['agentTime'] if 'agent' in self.plugConf and 'pluginTime' in self.plugConf['agent']: self.pluginTime = self.plugConf['agent']['pluginTime'] if 'agent' in self.plugConf and 'post_time' in self.plugConf['agent']: self.post_time = self.plugConf['agent']['post_time'] else: kkbLib.error('none set post time!') if 'error' in self.plugConf: kkbLib.error(self.plugConf['error']) if 'plugin' in self.plugConf: for taskId in self.plugConf['plugin']: plug = self.plugConf['plugin'][taskId + ''] if plug['status'] == '1': # self.startOne(plug) else:'none plugin info!!') cur_time = 0 while self.running: if ((cur_time + 10) < self.post_interval): time.sleep(self.post_interval - cur_time) else: kkbLib.error('post data out time!!') time.sleep(180) cur_time = time.time() # command = self.postData() # self.doneCommand(command)'do commands...') cur_time = time.time() - cur_time #cur_time = int(cur_time) except Exception: kkbLib.error(traceback.format_exc())
def doneCommand(self, command): if command == '': return False try: if 'agent' in command and 'post_time' in command['agent']: self.post_time = command['agent']['post_time'] else: kkbLib.error('none return post_time!!') if 'agent' in command and 'agentTime' in command['agent']: self.post_interval = command['agent']['agentTime'] if 'error' in command: kkbLib.error(command['error']) if 'agent' in command and 'pluginTime' in command['agent'] and self.pluginTime != command['agent'][ 'pluginTime']: self.pluginTime = command['agent']['pluginTime'] for pid in self.objList: self.objList[pid].setIntervalTime(self.pluginTime) if 'sysCommand' in command and 'agent' in command['sysCommand']: if command['sysCommand']['agent'] == 'restart': self.restart() if command['sysCommand']['agent'] == 'getlog': self.postlog() if 'plugin' in command: for plugOne in self.objList: if plugOne not in command['plugin']: if len(command['plugin']) == 0: command['plugin'] = {} command['plugin'][plugOne] = {'taskId': plugOne, 'status': '0'} else: self.objList[plugOne].setConf(command['plugin'][plugOne]['taskConf']) for taskId in command['plugin']: plug = command['plugin'][taskId + ''] if plug['status'] == '1' and plug['taskId'] not in self.objList: self.startOne(plug) if plug['status'] == '0' and plug['taskId'] in self.objList: self.stopOne(plug) except Exception: kkbLib.error(traceback.format_exc())
def stopOne(self, plug): try: self.objList[plug['taskId']].plugStop() del self.objList[plug['taskId']] except Exception: kkbLib.error(traceback.format_exc())
if pid > 0: isRun = kkbLib.checkPidLinux(pid) if isRun: kkbLib.printout('Program has been started, the process PID:' + str(pid)) sys.exit(1) kkbLib.writePid(agentPid, 'agent')'Starting agent process') kkbLib.printout('Starting agent process') parentPid = None try: if len(sys.argv) > 1: parentPid = sys.argv[1] except Exception: kkbLib.error(traceback.format_exc()) try: agentProcess = AgentProcess() agentProcess.setName('AgentProcess') agentProcess.start() monitor = MasterProcessMonitor(agentProcess) monitor.setName('MasterProcessMonitor') monitor.start() pingReader = MasterPingReader(agentProcess, monitor) pingReader.setName('MasterPingReader') pingReader.start()'Started agent process, parent PID:' + str(parentPid) + ' the agent PID:' + str(agentPid))