Ejemplo n.º 1
    def test_kron_prod(self):
        """Test the Kronecker product function kron_prod()."""

        # The 3D, rank-2 matrices.
        R1 = array([[1, 4, 5], [-4, 2, 6], [-5, -6, 3]], float64)
        R2 = array([[0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0]], float64)

        # The Kronecker product.
        C = kron_prod(R1, R2)

        # The real Kronecker product!
        D = array([[0, 1, 0, 0, 4, 0, 0, 5, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
                   [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, -4, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 6, 0],
                   [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
                   [0, -5, 0, 0, -6, 0, 0, 3, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
                   [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]], float64)

        # Print outs.
        print("R1:\n%s" % R1)
        print("R2:\n%s" % R2)
        print("C:\n%s" % C)
        print("D:\n%s" % D)

        # Checks.
        self.assertEqual(C.shape, (9, 9))
        for i in range(9):
            for j in range(9):
                self.assertEqual(C[i, j], D[i, j])
    def test_kron_prod(self):
        """Test the Kronecker product function kron_prod()."""

        # The 3D, rank-2 matrices.
        R1 = array([[1, 4, 5], [-4, 2, 6], [-5, -6, 3]], float64)
        R2 = array([[0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0]], float64)

        # The Kronecker product.
        C = kron_prod(R1, R2)

        # The real Kronecker product!
        D = array([
            [ 0,  1,  0,  0,  4,  0,  0,  5,  0],
            [ 0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0],
            [ 0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0],
            [ 0, -4,  0,  0,  2,  0,  0,  6,  0],
            [ 0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0],
            [ 0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0],
            [ 0, -5,  0,  0, -6,  0,  0,  3,  0],
            [ 0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0],
            [ 0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0]], float64)

        # Print outs.
        print("R1:\n%s" % R1)
        print("R2:\n%s" % R2)
        print("C:\n%s" % C)
        print("D:\n%s" % D)

        # Checks.
        self.assertEqual(C.shape, (9, 9))
        for i in range(9):
            for j in range(9):
                self.assertEqual(C[i, j], D[i, j])
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def calc_Rx2_eigen_full(self, eigen_alpha, eigen_beta, eigen_gamma):
        """Calculate the Kronecker product of the eigenframe rotation for the full eigenframe."""

        # Average position rotation.
        euler_to_R_zyz(eigen_alpha, eigen_beta, eigen_gamma, self.R_temp)

        # The Kronecker product of the eigenframe rotation.
        return kron_prod(self.R_temp, self.R_temp)
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def calc_Rx2_eigen_full(self, eigen_alpha, eigen_beta, eigen_gamma):
        """Calculate the Kronecker product of the eigenframe rotation for the full eigenframe."""

        # Average position rotation.
        euler_to_R_zyz(eigen_alpha, eigen_beta, eigen_gamma, self.R_temp)

        # The Kronecker product of the eigenframe rotation.
        return kron_prod(self.R_temp, self.R_temp)
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def calc_Rx2_eigen_axis(self, axis_theta, axis_phi):
        """Calculate the Kronecker product of the eigenframe rotation for the z-axis based frame."""

        # Generate the cone axis from the spherical angles.
        spherical_to_cartesian([1.0, axis_theta, axis_phi], self.cone_axis)

        # Pre-calculate the eigenframe rotation matrix.
        two_vect_to_R(self.z_axis, self.cone_axis, self.R_temp)

        # The Kronecker product of the eigenframe rotation.
        return kron_prod(self.R_temp, self.R_temp)
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def calc_Rx2_eigen_axis(self, axis_theta, axis_phi):
        """Calculate the Kronecker product of the eigenframe rotation for the z-axis based frame."""

        # Generate the cone axis from the spherical angles.
        spherical_to_cartesian([1.0, axis_theta, axis_phi], self.cone_axis)

        # Pre-calculate the eigenframe rotation matrix.
        two_vect_to_R(self.z_axis, self.cone_axis, self.R_temp)

        # The Kronecker product of the eigenframe rotation.
        return kron_prod(self.R_temp, self.R_temp)
Ejemplo n.º 7
# Script for calculating the frame order matrix from the rotation matrices.

# Python module imports.
from numpy import float64, zeros

# relax module imports.
from lib.linear_algebra.kronecker_product import kron_prod
from lib.frame_order.format import print_frame_order_2nd_degree

# Load the matrices.
exec(compile(open('rotation_matrices.py').read(), 'rotation_matrices.py', 'exec'))

# Init the matrix.
matrix = zeros((9, 9), float64)

# Loop over the structures.
for i in range(len(R)):
    matrix += kron_prod(R[i], R[i])

# Average.
matrix = matrix / len(R)

# Print out.
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def __init__(self):
        """Calculate the frame order at infinity.

        This is when the starting positions are random.

        # Loop over the models.
        for model_index in range(len(MODELS)):
            # Aliases.
            model = MODELS[model_index]
            model_text = MODEL_TEXT[model_index]

            # Loop over the tags.
            for tag in TAGS:
                # Set up the variables to loop over.
                if model in ['rotor', 'free_rotor']:
                    vars = ['Z']
                elif model in ['iso_cone_free_rotor', 'iso_cone_torsionless']:
                    vars = ['X']
                elif model in ['iso_cone']:
                    vars = ['X', 'Z']
                elif model in ['double_rotor', 'pseudo-ellipse_free_rotor', 'pseudo-ellipse_torsionless']:
                    vars = ['X', 'Y']
                elif model in ['pseudo-ellipse']:
                    vars = ['X', 'Y', 'Z']
                    raise RelaxError("Unknown model '%s'." % model)

                # Loop over the variables.
                for var in vars:
                    # The file name.
                    file_name = '_%s_%s_theta_%s_calc.agr' % (model, tag, lower(var))
                    print("Creating the '*%s' files." % file_name)

                    # Set up the eigenframe.

                    # The Kronecker product of the eigenframe rotation.
                    Rx2_eigen = kron_prod(self.eigenframe, self.eigenframe)

                    # Set the initial storage structures.

                    # Loop over the angle incs.
                    for i in range(INC+1):
                        # Get the angle for the increment.
                        theta = self.get_angle(i-1, model=model, var=var)

                        # Vary X.
                        if var == 'X':
                            theta_x = theta
                            theta_y = THETA_Y
                            theta_z = THETA_Z

                        # Vary Y.
                        elif var == 'Y':
                            theta_x = THETA_X
                            theta_y = theta
                            theta_z = THETA_Z

                        # Vary Z.
                        elif var == 'Z':
                            theta_x = THETA_X
                            theta_y = THETA_Y
                            theta_z = theta

                        # Calculate the frame order matrices.
                        if model == 'rotor':
                            self.first_frame_order[i] = rotor.compile_1st_matrix_rotor(self.first_frame_order[i], self.eigenframe, theta_z)
                            self.second_frame_order[i] = rotor.compile_2nd_matrix_rotor(self.second_frame_order[i], Rx2_eigen, theta_z)
                        elif model == 'free_rotor':
                            self.first_frame_order[i] = free_rotor.compile_1st_matrix_free_rotor(self.first_frame_order[i], self.eigenframe)
                            self.second_frame_order[i] = free_rotor.compile_2nd_matrix_free_rotor(self.second_frame_order[i], Rx2_eigen)
                        elif model == 'iso_cone':
                            self.first_frame_order[i] = iso_cone.compile_1st_matrix_iso_cone(self.first_frame_order[i], self.eigenframe, theta_x, theta_z)
                            self.second_frame_order[i] = iso_cone.compile_2nd_matrix_iso_cone(self.second_frame_order[i], Rx2_eigen, theta_x, theta_z)
                        elif model == 'iso_cone_free_rotor':
                            self.first_frame_order[i] = iso_cone_free_rotor.compile_1st_matrix_iso_cone_free_rotor(self.first_frame_order[i], self.eigenframe, theta_x)
                            self.second_frame_order[i] = iso_cone_free_rotor.compile_2nd_matrix_iso_cone_free_rotor(self.second_frame_order[i], Rx2_eigen, theta_x)
                        elif model == 'iso_cone_torsionless':
                            self.first_frame_order[i] = iso_cone_torsionless.compile_1st_matrix_iso_cone_torsionless(self.first_frame_order[i], self.eigenframe, theta_x)
                            self.second_frame_order[i] = iso_cone_torsionless.compile_2nd_matrix_iso_cone_torsionless(self.second_frame_order[i], Rx2_eigen, theta_x)
                        elif model == 'pseudo-ellipse':
                            self.first_frame_order[i] = pseudo_ellipse.compile_1st_matrix_pseudo_ellipse(self.first_frame_order[i], self.eigenframe, theta_x, theta_y, theta_z)
                            self.second_frame_order[i] = pseudo_ellipse.compile_2nd_matrix_pseudo_ellipse(self.second_frame_order[i], Rx2_eigen, theta_x, theta_y, theta_z)
                        elif model == 'pseudo-ellipse_free_rotor':
                            self.first_frame_order[i] = pseudo_ellipse_free_rotor.compile_1st_matrix_pseudo_ellipse_free_rotor(self.first_frame_order[i], self.eigenframe, theta_x, theta_y)
                            self.second_frame_order[i] = pseudo_ellipse_free_rotor.compile_2nd_matrix_pseudo_ellipse_free_rotor(self.second_frame_order[i], Rx2_eigen, theta_x, theta_y)
                        elif model == 'pseudo-ellipse_torsionless':
                            self.first_frame_order[i] = pseudo_ellipse_torsionless.compile_1st_matrix_pseudo_ellipse_torsionless(self.first_frame_order[i], self.eigenframe, theta_x, theta_y)
                            self.second_frame_order[i] = pseudo_ellipse_torsionless.compile_2nd_matrix_pseudo_ellipse_torsionless(self.second_frame_order[i], Rx2_eigen, theta_x, theta_y)
                        elif model == 'double_rotor':
                            self.first_frame_order[i] = double_rotor.compile_1st_matrix_double_rotor(self.first_frame_order[i], self.eigenframe, theta_y, theta_x)
                            self.second_frame_order[i] = double_rotor.compile_2nd_matrix_double_rotor(self.second_frame_order[i], Rx2_eigen, theta_y, theta_x)
                            raise RelaxError("Unknown model '%s'." % model)

                    # Write the data.
                    self.write_data(file_name=file_name, model=model, model_text=model_text, var=var)
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def __init__(self):
        """Calculate the frame order at infinity.

        This is when the starting positions are random.

        # The file name.
        file_name = '_%s_%s_theta_%s_ens%s.agr' % (MODEL, TAG, lower(VAR), SAMPLE_SIZE)

        # Set the initial storage structures.

        # Init.
        index = 0
        self.torsion_check = True

        # Pre-transpose the eigenframe for speed.
        self.eig_frame_T = transpose(EIG_FRAME)

        # Generate the angle data structures.
        self.angles = []
        self.angles_deg = []
        for i in range(INC):
            # The angle of one increment.
            inc_angle = pi / INC

            # The angle of the increment.
            self.angles.append(inc_angle * (i+1))

            # In degrees for the graphs.
            self.angles_deg.append(self.angles[-1] / (2.0*pi) * 360.0)

        # Alias the bound checking methods.
        if MODEL == 'rotor':
            self.inside = self.inside_rotor
            self.rotation = self.rotation_z_axis
        elif MODEL == 'free_rotor':
            self.inside = self.inside_free_rotor
            self.rotation = self.rotation_z_axis
        elif MODEL == 'iso_cone':
            self.inside = self.inside_iso_cone
            self.rotation = self.rotation_hypersphere
        elif MODEL == 'iso_cone_torsionless':
            self.inside = self.inside_iso_cone
            self.rotation = self.rotation_hypersphere_torsionless
        elif MODEL == 'iso_cone_free_rotor':
            self.inside = self.inside_iso_cone
            self.rotation = self.rotation_hypersphere
            self.torsion_check = False
        elif MODEL == 'pseudo-ellipse':
            self.inside = self.inside_pseudo_ellipse
            self.rotation = self.rotation_hypersphere
        elif MODEL == 'pseudo-ellipse_torsionless':
            self.inside = self.inside_pseudo_ellipse
            self.rotation = self.rotation_hypersphere_torsionless
        elif MODEL == 'pseudo-ellipse_free_rotor':
            self.inside = self.inside_pseudo_ellipse
            self.rotation = self.rotation_hypersphere
            self.torsion_check = False
        elif MODEL == 'double_rotor':
            self.inside = self.inside_double_rotor
            self.rotation = self.rotation_double_xy_axes
            raise RelaxError("Unknown model '%s'." % MODEL)

        # Loop over random starting positions.
        while True:
            # Printout.
            progress_meter(index, a=1000, b=100000)

            # Generate the random rotation.
            theta, phi, sigma = self.rotation()

            # Pre-calculate the R Kronecker outer product for speed.
            Rx2 = kron_prod(self.rot, self.rot)

            # Loop over the angle incs.
            for i in range(INC):
                # The new limits.
                max_theta_x, max_theta_y, max_theta_z = self.limits(i)

                # Inside the cone.
                if not self.full[i] and self.inside(i=i, theta=theta, phi=phi, sigma=sigma, max_theta_x=max_theta_x, max_theta_y=max_theta_y, max_theta_z=max_theta_z):

                    # Sum of rotations and cross products.
                    self.first_frame_order[i] += self.rot
                    self.second_frame_order[i] += Rx2

                    # Increment the counter.
                    self.count[i] += 1

                    # Full.
                    if self.count[i] == SAMPLE_SIZE:
                        sys.stdout.write("\b"*100 + "The angle restriction of %s deg is complete.\n" % self.angles_deg[i])
                        self.full[i] = 1

            # Increment the global index.
            index += 1

            # Break out.
            if sum(self.full) == INC:

        # Average.
        self.first_frame_order = self.first_frame_order / float(SAMPLE_SIZE)
        self.second_frame_order = self.second_frame_order / float(SAMPLE_SIZE)

        # Write the data.

        # Final printout.
        sys.stdout.write("Random rotations required: %i\n\n" % index)
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def _create_distribution(self):
        """Generate the distribution of structures."""

        # Create a data pipe.
        self.interpreter.pipe.create('distribution', 'N-state')

        # Load the original PDB.
        self.interpreter.structure.read_pdb('1J7P_1st_NH.pdb', dir=self.path, set_mol_name='C-dom')

        # Set up the 15N and 1H spins.
        self.interpreter.structure.load_spins(spin_id='@N', ave_pos=False)
        self.interpreter.structure.load_spins(spin_id='@H', ave_pos=False)
        self.interpreter.spin.isotope(isotope='15N', spin_id='@N')
        self.interpreter.spin.isotope(isotope='1H', spin_id='@H')

        # Define the magnetic dipole-dipole relaxation interaction.
        self.interpreter.interatom.define(spin_id1='@N', spin_id2='@H', direct_bond=True)
        self.interpreter.interatom.set_dist(spin_id1='@N', spin_id2='@H', ave_dist=1.041 * 1e-10)

        # Back up the original positional data.

        # Init a rotation matrix and the frame order matrix.
        self.R = zeros((3, 3), float16)
        self.daeg = zeros((9, 9), float64)

        # Open the output files.
        rot_file = open_write_file('rotations', dir=self.save_path, compress_type=1, force=True)

        # Printout.
        sys.stdout.write("\n\nRotating %s states:\n\n" % self.N)

        # Load N copies of the original C-domain.
        for i in range(self.N):
            # Print out.

            # Generate the distribution specific rotation.

            # Rotate the atomic position.
            for spin in spin_loop():
                if hasattr(spin, 'pos'):
                    spin.pos[i] = dot(self.R, (spin.orig_pos[0] - self.pivot)) + self.pivot

            # Rotate the NH vector.
            for interatom in interatomic_loop():
                if hasattr(interatom, 'vector'):
                    interatom.vector[i] = dot(self.R, interatom.orig_vect)

            # Decompose the rotation into Euler angles and store them.
            a, b, g = R_to_euler_zyz(self.R)
            rot_file.write('%10.7f %10.7f %10.7f\n' % (a, b, g))

            # The frame order matrix component.
            self.daeg += kron_prod(self.R, self.R)

        # Print out.

        # Frame order matrix averaging.
        self.daeg = self.daeg / self.N

        # Write out the frame order matrix.
        file = open(self.save_path+sep+'frame_order_matrix', 'w')
        print_frame_order_2nd_degree(self.daeg, file=file)
Ejemplo n.º 11
from lib.linear_algebra.kronecker_product import kron_prod

# Store the rotation matrices.
R = []
        open('rotation_matrices.py').read(), 'rotation_matrices.py', 'exec'))
R = array(R)

# Init the frame order matrix.
daeg = zeros((9, 9), float64)

# Loop over the structures, and build the frame order matrix.
for i in range(len(R)):
    # Kronecker product.
    kron = kron_prod(R[i], R[i])

    # Sum
    daeg += kron

# Average.
daeg = daeg / len(R)

# The relax calculated matrix.
fo_calc = array([[
    0.3410, -0.0370, 0.0333, -0.0370, 0.3252, 0.0411, 0.0333, 0.0411, 0.3338
                     -0.0322, 0.3148, 0.0367, -0.0035, 0.0343, -0.3163,
                     -0.3170, -0.0302, -0.0021
Ejemplo n.º 12
from lib.frame_order.format import print_frame_order_2nd_degree
from lib.linear_algebra.kronecker_product import kron_prod

# Store the rotation matrices.
R = []
exec(compile(open('rotation_matrices.py').read(), 'rotation_matrices.py', 'exec'))
R = array(R)

# Init the frame order matrix.
daeg = zeros((9, 9), float64)

# Loop over the structures, and build the frame order matrix.
for i in range(len(R)):
    # Kronecker product.
    kron = kron_prod(R[i], R[i])

    # Sum
    daeg += kron

# Average.
daeg = daeg / len(R)

# The relax calculated matrix.
fo_calc = array(
        [[    0.3410,   -0.0370,    0.0333,   -0.0370,    0.3252,    0.0411,    0.0333,    0.0411,    0.3338],
         [   -0.0322,    0.3148,    0.0367,   -0.0035,    0.0343,   -0.3163,   -0.3170,   -0.0302,   -0.0021],
         [    0.0264,    0.0490,    0.3115,   -0.3046,   -0.0282,   -0.0166,   -0.0813,    0.3011,    0.0017],
         [   -0.0322,   -0.0035,   -0.3170,    0.3148,    0.0343,   -0.0302,    0.0367,   -0.3163,   -0.0021],
         [    0.3272,    0.0296,   -0.0266,    0.0296,    0.3399,   -0.0329,   -0.0266,   -0.0329,    0.3329],
         [    0.0327,   -0.3010,   -0.0166,   -0.0150,   -0.0349,    0.3044,    0.3011,    0.0474,    0.0022],
Ejemplo n.º 13
    def __init__(self):
        """Calculate the frame order at infinity.

        This is when the starting positions are random.

        # Loop over the models.
        for model_index in range(len(MODELS)):
            # Aliases.
            model = MODELS[model_index]
            model_text = MODEL_TEXT[model_index]

            # Loop over the tags.
            for tag in TAGS:
                # Set up the variables to loop over.
                if model in ['rotor', 'free_rotor']:
                    vars = ['Z']
                elif model in ['iso_cone_free_rotor', 'iso_cone_torsionless']:
                    vars = ['X']
                elif model in ['iso_cone']:
                    vars = ['X', 'Z']
                elif model in [
                        'double_rotor', 'pseudo-ellipse_free_rotor',
                    vars = ['X', 'Y']
                elif model in ['pseudo-ellipse']:
                    vars = ['X', 'Y', 'Z']
                    raise RelaxError("Unknown model '%s'." % model)

                # Loop over the variables.
                for var in vars:
                    # The file name.
                    file_name = '_%s_%s_theta_%s_calc.agr' % (model, tag,
                    print("Creating the '*%s' files." % file_name)

                    # Set up the eigenframe.

                    # The Kronecker product of the eigenframe rotation.
                    Rx2_eigen = kron_prod(self.eigenframe, self.eigenframe)

                    # Set the initial storage structures.

                    # Loop over the angle incs.
                    for i in range(INC + 1):
                        # Get the angle for the increment.
                        theta = self.get_angle(i - 1, model=model, var=var)

                        # Vary X.
                        if var == 'X':
                            theta_x = theta
                            theta_y = THETA_Y
                            theta_z = THETA_Z

                        # Vary Y.
                        elif var == 'Y':
                            theta_x = THETA_X
                            theta_y = theta
                            theta_z = THETA_Z

                        # Vary Z.
                        elif var == 'Z':
                            theta_x = THETA_X
                            theta_y = THETA_Y
                            theta_z = theta

                        # Calculate the frame order matrices.
                        if model == 'rotor':
                                i] = rotor.compile_1st_matrix_rotor(
                                    self.first_frame_order[i], self.eigenframe,
                                i] = rotor.compile_2nd_matrix_rotor(
                                    self.second_frame_order[i], Rx2_eigen,
                        elif model == 'free_rotor':
                                i] = free_rotor.compile_1st_matrix_free_rotor(
                                    self.first_frame_order[i], self.eigenframe)
                                i] = free_rotor.compile_2nd_matrix_free_rotor(
                                    self.second_frame_order[i], Rx2_eigen)
                        elif model == 'iso_cone':
                                i] = iso_cone.compile_1st_matrix_iso_cone(
                                    self.first_frame_order[i], self.eigenframe,
                                    theta_x, theta_z)
                                i] = iso_cone.compile_2nd_matrix_iso_cone(
                                    self.second_frame_order[i], Rx2_eigen,
                                    theta_x, theta_z)
                        elif model == 'iso_cone_free_rotor':
                                i] = iso_cone_free_rotor.compile_1st_matrix_iso_cone_free_rotor(
                                    self.first_frame_order[i], self.eigenframe,
                                i] = iso_cone_free_rotor.compile_2nd_matrix_iso_cone_free_rotor(
                                    self.second_frame_order[i], Rx2_eigen,
                        elif model == 'iso_cone_torsionless':
                                i] = iso_cone_torsionless.compile_1st_matrix_iso_cone_torsionless(
                                    self.first_frame_order[i], self.eigenframe,
                                i] = iso_cone_torsionless.compile_2nd_matrix_iso_cone_torsionless(
                                    self.second_frame_order[i], Rx2_eigen,
                        elif model == 'pseudo-ellipse':
                                i] = pseudo_ellipse.compile_1st_matrix_pseudo_ellipse(
                                    self.first_frame_order[i], self.eigenframe,
                                    theta_x, theta_y, theta_z)
                                i] = pseudo_ellipse.compile_2nd_matrix_pseudo_ellipse(
                                    self.second_frame_order[i], Rx2_eigen,
                                    theta_x, theta_y, theta_z)
                        elif model == 'pseudo-ellipse_free_rotor':
                                i] = pseudo_ellipse_free_rotor.compile_1st_matrix_pseudo_ellipse_free_rotor(
                                    self.first_frame_order[i], self.eigenframe,
                                    theta_x, theta_y)
                                i] = pseudo_ellipse_free_rotor.compile_2nd_matrix_pseudo_ellipse_free_rotor(
                                    self.second_frame_order[i], Rx2_eigen,
                                    theta_x, theta_y)
                        elif model == 'pseudo-ellipse_torsionless':
                                i] = pseudo_ellipse_torsionless.compile_1st_matrix_pseudo_ellipse_torsionless(
                                    self.first_frame_order[i], self.eigenframe,
                                    theta_x, theta_y)
                                i] = pseudo_ellipse_torsionless.compile_2nd_matrix_pseudo_ellipse_torsionless(
                                    self.second_frame_order[i], Rx2_eigen,
                                    theta_x, theta_y)
                        elif model == 'double_rotor':
                                i] = double_rotor.compile_1st_matrix_double_rotor(
                                    self.first_frame_order[i], self.eigenframe,
                                    theta_y, theta_x)
                                i] = double_rotor.compile_2nd_matrix_double_rotor(
                                    self.second_frame_order[i], Rx2_eigen,
                                    theta_y, theta_x)
                            raise RelaxError("Unknown model '%s'." % model)

                    # Write the data.
Ejemplo n.º 14
#                                                                             #

# Module docstring.
"""Script for calculating the frame order matrix from the rotation matrices."""

# Python module imports.
from numpy import float64, zeros

# relax module imports.
from lib.linear_algebra.kronecker_product import kron_prod
from lib.frame_order.format import print_frame_order_2nd_degree

# Load the matrices.
        open('rotation_matrices.py').read(), 'rotation_matrices.py', 'exec'))

# Init the matrix.
matrix = zeros((9, 9), float64)

# Loop over the structures.
for i in range(len(R)):
    matrix += kron_prod(R[i], R[i])

# Average.
matrix = matrix / len(R)

# Print out.
Ejemplo n.º 15
    def _calculate_rdc(self):
        """Calculate the averaged RDC for all states."""

        # Open the output files.
        if self.ROT_FILE:
            rot_file = open_write_file('rotations', dir=self.save_path, compress_type=1, force=True)

        # Printout.
        sys.stdout.write("\n\nRotating %s states for the RDC:\n\n" % locale.format("%d", self.N**self.MODES, grouping=True))

        # Turn off the relax interpreter echoing to allow the progress meter to be shown correctly.

        # Set up some data structures for faster calculations.
        interatoms = []
        vectors = []
        d = []
        for interatom in interatomic_loop():
            # Nothing to do.
            if not hasattr(interatom, 'vector'):

            # Initialise the RDC structure (as a 1D numpy.float128 array for speed and minimising truncation artifacts).
            interatom.rdc = {}
            for tag in self._tensors:
                interatom.rdc[tag] = zeros(1, float128)

            # Pack the interatomic containers and vectors.

            # Get the spins.
            spin1 = return_spin(spin_id=interatom.spin_id1)
            spin2 = return_spin(spin_id=interatom.spin_id2)

            # Gyromagnetic ratios.
            g1 = periodic_table.gyromagnetic_ratio(spin1.isotope)
            g2 = periodic_table.gyromagnetic_ratio(spin2.isotope)

            # Calculate the RDC dipolar constant (in Hertz, and the 3 comes from the alignment tensor), and append it to the list.
            d.append(3.0/(2.0*pi) * dipolar_constant(g1, g2, interatom.r))

        # Repackage the data for speed.
        vectors = transpose(array(vectors, float64))
        d = array(d, float64)
        num_interatoms = len(vectors)

        # Store the alignment tensors.
        A = []
        for i in range(len(self._tensors)):

        # Loop over each position.
        for global_index, mode_indices in self._state_loop():
            # The progress meter.

            # Total rotation matrix (for construction of the frame order matrix).
            total_R = eye(3)

            # Data initialisation.
            new_vect = vectors

            # Loop over each motional mode.
            for motion_index in range(self.MODES):
                # Generate the distribution specific rotation.
                self.rotation(mode_indices[motion_index], motion_index=motion_index)

                # Rotate the NH vector.
                new_vect = dot(self.R, new_vect)

                # Decompose the rotation into Euler angles and store them.
                if self.ROT_FILE:
                    a, b, g = R_to_euler_zyz(self.R)
                    rot_file.write('Mode %i:  %10.7f %10.7f %10.7f\n' % (motion_index, a, b, g))

                # Contribution to the total rotation.
                total_R = dot(self.R, total_R)

            # Loop over each alignment.
            for i in range(len(self._tensors)):
                # Calculate the RDC as quickly as possible.
                rdcs = d * tensordot(transpose(new_vect), tensordot(A[i], new_vect, axes=1), axes=1)

                # Store the values.
                for j in range(len(interatoms)):
                    interatoms[j].rdc[self._tensors[i]][0] += rdcs[j, j]

            # The frame order matrix component.
            self.daeg += kron_prod(total_R, total_R)

        # Print out.

        # Frame order matrix averaging.
        self.daeg = self.daeg / self.N**self.MODES

        # Write out the frame order matrix.
        file = open(self.save_path+sep+'frame_order_matrix', 'w')
        print_frame_order_2nd_degree(self.daeg, file=file, places=8)

        # Reactive the interpreter echoing.

        # Average the RDC and write the data.
        for tag in self._tensors:
            # Average.
            for interatom in interatomic_loop():
                interatom.rdc[tag] = interatom.rdc[tag][0] / self.N**self.MODES

            # Save.
            self.interpreter.rdc.write(align_id=tag, file='rdc_%s.txt'%tag, dir=self.save_path, force=True)
Ejemplo n.º 16
    def __init__(self):
        """Calculate the frame order at infinity.

        This is when the starting positions are random.

        # The file name.
        file_name = '_%s_%s_theta_%s_ens%s.agr' % (MODEL, TAG, lower(VAR), SAMPLE_SIZE)

        # Set the initial storage structures.

        # Init.
        index = 0
        self.torsion_check = True

        # Pre-transpose the eigenframe for speed.
        self.eig_frame_T = transpose(EIG_FRAME)

        # Generate the angle data structures.
        self.angles = []
        self.angles_deg = []
        for i in range(INC):
            # The angle of one increment.
            inc_angle = pi / INC

            # The angle of the increment.
            self.angles.append(inc_angle * (i+1))

            # In degrees for the graphs.
            self.angles_deg.append(self.angles[-1] / (2.0*pi) * 360.0)

        # Alias the bound checking methods.
        if MODEL == 'rotor':
            self.inside = self.inside_rotor
            self.rotation = self.rotation_z_axis
        elif MODEL == 'free_rotor':
            self.inside = self.inside_free_rotor
            self.rotation = self.rotation_z_axis
        elif MODEL == 'iso_cone':
            self.inside = self.inside_iso_cone
            self.rotation = self.rotation_hypersphere
        elif MODEL == 'iso_cone_torsionless':
            self.inside = self.inside_iso_cone
            self.rotation = self.rotation_hypersphere_torsionless
        elif MODEL == 'iso_cone_free_rotor':
            self.inside = self.inside_iso_cone
            self.rotation = self.rotation_hypersphere
            self.torsion_check = False
        elif MODEL == 'pseudo-ellipse':
            self.inside = self.inside_pseudo_ellipse
            self.rotation = self.rotation_hypersphere
        elif MODEL == 'pseudo-ellipse_torsionless':
            self.inside = self.inside_pseudo_ellipse
            self.rotation = self.rotation_hypersphere_torsionless
        elif MODEL == 'pseudo-ellipse_free_rotor':
            self.inside = self.inside_pseudo_ellipse
            self.rotation = self.rotation_hypersphere
            self.torsion_check = False
        elif MODEL == 'double_rotor':
            self.inside = self.inside_double_rotor
            self.rotation = self.rotation_double_xy_axes
            raise RelaxError("Unknown model '%s'." % MODEL)

        # Loop over random starting positions.
        while True:
            # Printout.
            progress_meter(index, a=1000, b=100000)

            # Generate the random rotation.
            theta, phi, sigma = self.rotation()

            # Pre-calculate the R Kronecker outer product for speed.
            Rx2 = kron_prod(self.rot, self.rot)

            # Loop over the angle incs.
            for i in range(INC):
                # The new limits.
                max_theta_x, max_theta_y, max_theta_z = self.limits(i)

                # Inside the cone.
                if not self.full[i] and self.inside(i=i, theta=theta, phi=phi, sigma=sigma, max_theta_x=max_theta_x, max_theta_y=max_theta_y, max_theta_z=max_theta_z):

                    # Sum of rotations and cross products.
                    self.first_frame_order[i] += self.rot
                    self.second_frame_order[i] += Rx2

                    # Increment the counter.
                    self.count[i] += 1

                    # Full.
                    if self.count[i] == SAMPLE_SIZE:
                        sys.stdout.write("\b"*100 + "The angle restriction of %s deg is complete.\n" % self.angles_deg[i])
                        self.full[i] = 1

            # Increment the global index.
            index += 1

            # Break out.
            if sum(self.full) == INC:

        # Average.
        self.first_frame_order = self.first_frame_order / float(SAMPLE_SIZE)
        self.second_frame_order = self.second_frame_order / float(SAMPLE_SIZE)

        # Write the data.

        # Final printout.
        sys.stdout.write("Random rotations required: %i\n\n" % index)
Ejemplo n.º 17
    def _calculate_rdc(self):
        """Calculate the averaged RDC for all states."""

        # Open the output files.
        if self.ROT_FILE:
            rot_file = open_write_file('rotations', dir=self.save_path, compress_type=1, force=True)

        # Printout.
        sys.stdout.write("\n\nRotating %s states for the RDC:\n\n" % locale.format("%d", self.N**self.MODES, grouping=True))

        # Turn off the relax interpreter echoing to allow the progress meter to be shown correctly.

        # Set up some data structures for faster calculations.
        interatoms = []
        vectors = []
        d = []
        for interatom in interatomic_loop():
            # Nothing to do.
            if not hasattr(interatom, 'vector'):

            # Initialise the RDC structure (as a 1D numpy.float128 array for speed and minimising truncation artifacts).
            interatom.rdc = {}
            for tag in self._tensors:
                interatom.rdc[tag] = zeros(1, float128)

            # Pack the interatomic containers and vectors.

            # Get the spins.
            spin1 = return_spin(interatom.spin_id1)
            spin2 = return_spin(interatom.spin_id2)

            # Gyromagnetic ratios.
            g1 = periodic_table.gyromagnetic_ratio(spin1.isotope)
            g2 = periodic_table.gyromagnetic_ratio(spin2.isotope)

            # Calculate the RDC dipolar constant (in Hertz, and the 3 comes from the alignment tensor), and append it to the list.
            d.append(3.0/(2.0*pi) * dipolar_constant(g1, g2, interatom.r))

        # Repackage the data for speed.
        vectors = transpose(array(vectors, float64))
        d = array(d, float64)
        num_interatoms = len(vectors)

        # Store the alignment tensors.
        A = []
        for i in range(len(self._tensors)):

        # Loop over each position.
        for global_index, mode_indices in self._state_loop():
            # The progress meter.

            # Total rotation matrix (for construction of the frame order matrix).
            total_R = eye(3)

            # Data initialisation.
            new_vect = vectors

            # Loop over each motional mode.
            for motion_index in range(self.MODES):
                # Generate the distribution specific rotation.
                self.rotation(mode_indices[motion_index], motion_index=motion_index)

                # Rotate the NH vector.
                new_vect = dot(self.R, new_vect)

                # Decompose the rotation into Euler angles and store them.
                if self.ROT_FILE:
                    a, b, g = R_to_euler_zyz(self.R)
                    rot_file.write('Mode %i:  %10.7f %10.7f %10.7f\n' % (motion_index, a, b, g))

                # Contribution to the total rotation.
                total_R = dot(self.R, total_R)

            # Loop over each alignment.
            for i in range(len(self._tensors)):
                # Calculate the RDC as quickly as possible.
                rdcs = d * tensordot(transpose(new_vect), tensordot(A[i], new_vect, axes=1), axes=1)

                # Store the values.
                for j in range(len(interatoms)):
                    interatoms[j].rdc[self._tensors[i]][0] += rdcs[j, j]

            # The frame order matrix component.
            self.daeg += kron_prod(total_R, total_R)

        # Print out.

        # Frame order matrix averaging.
        self.daeg = self.daeg / self.N**self.MODES

        # Write out the frame order matrix.
        file = open(self.save_path+sep+'frame_order_matrix', 'w')
        print_frame_order_2nd_degree(self.daeg, file=file, places=8)

        # Reactive the interpreter echoing.

        # Average the RDC and write the data.
        for tag in self._tensors:
            # Average.
            for interatom in interatomic_loop():
                interatom.rdc[tag] = interatom.rdc[tag][0] / self.N**self.MODES

            # Save.
            self.interpreter.rdc.write(align_id=tag, file='rdc_%s.txt'%tag, dir=self.save_path, force=True)