Ejemplo n.º 1
def add_two_numbers(l1, l2):
    Input: (2 -> 4 -> 3) + (5 -> 6 -> 4)
    Output: 7 -> 0 -> 8
    Explanation: 342 + 465 = 807.
    :param l1: ListNode(int)
    :param l2: ListNode(int)
    :return: ListNode(int)
    dumpy1 = ListNode(-1)
    dumpy2 = ListNode(-1)
    dumpy = ListNode(-1)
    dumpy1.next = l1
    dumpy2.next = l2
    p = dumpy1
    q = dumpy2
    res = dumpy
    upBit = 0
    while p.next and q.next:
        tmp = (p.next.val + q.next.val + upBit) % 10
        upBit = (p.next.val + q.next.val + upBit) // 10
        nextNode = ListNode(tmp)
        res.next = nextNode
        res = res.next
        p = p.next
        q = q.next

    k = p.next or q.next

    while k:
        tmp = (k.val + upBit) % 10
        upBit = (k.val + upBit) // 10
        nextNode = ListNode(tmp)
        res.next = nextNode
        res = res.next
        k = k.next

    if upBit:
        res.next = ListNode(upBit)

    output = []
    while dumpy.next:
        dumpy = dumpy.next

    return output
Ejemplo n.º 2
def swap_nodes_pairs(head):
    :param head: ListNode(int)
    :return: ListNode(int)
    if not head or not head.next:
        return head
    dumpy = ListNode(-1)
    dumpy.next = head
    current = dumpy

    first = current.next
    second = first.next
    while second:
        first.next = second.next
        second.next = first
        current.next = second

        current = current.next.next
        if current.next and current.next.next:
            first = current.next
            second = first.next

    return dumpy.next
Ejemplo n.º 3
def reverse_linked_list_ii(head, m, n):
    :param head: ListNode[int]
    :param m: int
    :param n: int
    :return: ListNode[int]
    dummy = ListNode(-1)
    dummy.next = head
    pre = dummy
    index = 1
    while index < m:
        pre = pre.next
        index += 1
    cur = pre.next
    next = cur.next
    while index < n:
        cur.next = next.next
        next.next = pre.next
        pre.next = next
        next = cur.next
        index += 1

    return dummy.next
Ejemplo n.º 4
def partition_list1(head, x):
    if not head or not head.next:
        return head
    new_head = ListNode(-1)
    new_head.next = head
    pre = new_head
    last = pre
    cur = head
    while cur:
        if cur.val < x:
            if last == pre:
                last = last.next
                pre = pre.next
                cur = cur.next
                tmp = cur.next
                pre.next = cur.next
                cur.next = last.next
                last.next = cur
                last = last.next
                cur = tmp
            pre = pre.next
            cur = cur.next

    return new_head.next
Ejemplo n.º 5
def reverse_linked_list1(head):
    if not head:
    # dumpy = ListNode(-1)
    # dumpy.next = head
    # pre = dumpy
    pre = ListNode(-1)
    pre.next = head
    cur = head
    while cur.next:
        ss = cur.next
        cur.next = ss.next
        ss.next = pre.next
        pre.next = ss

    # return dumpy.next
    return pre.next
def reverse_linklist(head):
    :param head: ListNode(int)
    :return: ListNode(int)
    dummy = ListNode(-1)
    dummy.next = head
    pre = dummy
    cur = pre.next
    next = cur.next
    while next:
        cur.next = next.next
        next.next = pre.next
        pre.next = next
        next = cur.next

    return dummy.next
def reverse_nodes_in_k_group(head, k):
    :param head: ListNode
    :return: ListNode
    def reverse_link_list(pre, next):
        last = pre.next  # last表示已完成反转的序列中最后一个node
        cur = last.next  # cur表示即将参与反转的node,肯定是last的下一个node
        while cur != next:
            last.next = cur.next
            cur.next = pre.next
            pre.next = cur
            cur = last.next
        return last

    def reverse_link_list1(pre, next):
        last = pre.next
        res = last
        cur = last.next
        last.next = None
        while cur != next:
            tmp = cur.next
            cur.next = last
            last = cur
            cur = tmp
        res.next = next
        pre.next = last
        return res

    dummy = ListNode(-1)
    pre = dummy
    cur = head
    dummy.next = head
    index = 0
    while cur:
        index += 1
        if index % k == 0:
            # 以这k个node的开始node的前一个node和结尾node的下一个node来做执行反转操作,
            # 并返回已反转薛列中的最后一个node
            pre = reverse_link_list1(pre, cur.next)
            cur = pre.next
            cur = cur.next
    return dummy.next
Ejemplo n.º 8
def swap_nodes_pairs1(head):
    if not head or not head.next:
        return head

    dumpy = ListNode(-1)
    dumpy.next = head
    pre = dumpy
    cur = pre.next
    while cur and cur.next:
        next = cur.next

        cur.next = next.next
        next.next = cur
        pre.next = next

        pre = pre.next.next
        cur = pre.next

    return dumpy.next
def remove_nth_node_from_list_end(head, n):
    :param head: ListNode(int)
    :return: ListNode(int)
    dumpy = ListNode(-1)
    dumpy.next = head
    p = q = dumpy
    index = 1
    while index <= n and p:
        p = p.next
        index += 1
    while p.next and q.next:
        q = q.next
        p = p.next
    q.next = q.next.next

    return dumpy.next
Ejemplo n.º 10
def removeLinkedElements(head, val):
    :param head: ListNode(int)
    :param val: int
    :return: ListNode(int)
    if not head:
    dumpy = ListNode(-1)
    dumpy.next = head
    q = dumpy
    p = q.next
    while p:
        if p.val == val:
            q.next = p.next
            p = p.next
            q = q.next
            p = p.next
    return dumpy.next
def backward_k_node(head, k):
    :param head: ListNode
    :return: ListNode
    first = second = head
    if not head:
    while k > 0 and second:
        second = second.next
        k -= 1
    if k == 0 and not second:
        temp = ListNode(-1)
        temp.next = first.next
        del first
        return temp.next
    while second.next:
        first = first.next
        second = second.next
    temp = first.next
    first.next = temp.next
    del temp
    return head
Ejemplo n.º 12
    elif head == node:
        head = None
        temp = head
        next_node = temp.next
        while next_node.next:
            temp = temp.next
            next_node = next_node.next
        temp.next = None
        del next_node

    return head

if __name__ == "__main__":
    head = ListNode(1)
    head_2 = ListNode(2)
    head_3 = ListNode(3)
    head_4 = ListNode(4)
    head_5 = ListNode(5)
    head.next = head_2
    head_2.next = head_3
    head_3.next = head_4
    head_4.next = head_5
    head_5.next = None

    result = delete_node(head, head_3)

    while result:
        result = result.next
Ejemplo n.º 13
        _, node = heapq.heappop(heap)
        p.next = node
        p = p.next
        if node.next:
            node = node.next
            heapq.heappush(heap, (node.val, node))
    return dummy.next

if __name__ == "__main__":
    data = []

    h1 = ListNode(1)
    h2 = ListNode(4)
    h3 = ListNode(5)
    h1.next = h2
    h2.next = h3
    h3.next = None

    l1 = ListNode(1)
    l2 = ListNode(3)
    l3 = ListNode(4)
    l1.next = l2
    l2.next = l3
    l3.next = None

    d1 = ListNode(2)
    d2 = ListNode(6)
    d1.next = d2
    d2.next = None
Ejemplo n.º 14
    if upBit:
        res.next = ListNode(upBit)

    output = []
    while dumpy.next:
        dumpy = dumpy.next

    return output

if __name__ == '__main__':
    head = ListNode(1)
    node1 = ListNode(2)
    head.next = node1
    node2 = ListNode(3)
    node1.next = node2
    node3 = ListNode(4)
    node2.next = node3
    node3.next = None

    head1 = ListNode(4)
    node11 = ListNode(2)
    head1.next = node11
    node21 = ListNode(8)
    node11.next = node21
    node31 = ListNode(7)
    node21.next = node31
    node31.next = None
Ejemplo n.º 15
    if not head:
    # dumpy = ListNode(-1)
    # dumpy.next = head
    # pre = dumpy
    pre = ListNode(-1)
    pre.next = head
    cur = head
    while cur.next:
        ss = cur.next
        cur.next = ss.next
        ss.next = pre.next
        pre.next = ss

    # return dumpy.next
    return pre.next

if __name__ == '__main__':
    head = ListNode(1)
    node1 = ListNode(2)
    head.next = node1
    node2 = ListNode(3)
    node1.next = node2
    node3 = ListNode(4)
    node2.next = node3
    node3.next = None

    head = reverse_linked_list(head)
Ejemplo n.º 16
    #     p = p.next
    # head = reverse_list_node(dummy.next)
    # if carry:
    #     tmp = ListNode(1)
    #     tmp.next = head
    #     head = tmp
    # return head

if __name__ == "__main__":
    head = ListNode(1)
    head_2 = ListNode(2)
    head_3 = ListNode(3)
    head_4 = ListNode(4)
    head_5 = ListNode(5)
    head.next = head_2
    head_2.next = head_3
    head_3.next = head_4
    head_4.next = head_5
    head_5.next = None

    head1 = ListNode(2)
    head1_2 = ListNode(5)
    head1_3 = ListNode(6)
    head1_4 = ListNode(9)
    # head1_5 = ListNode(4)
    head1.next = head1_2
    head1_2.next = head1_3
    head1_3.next = head1_4
    head1_4.next = None
    # head1_5.next = None