def dispatcher_event_thread(callback, interface): try: callback(interface) except: Logger.log_traceback(callback.im_self) finally: self._decrement_event_threads()
def dispatch_command(self, irc, msg, command, params): def dispatcher_command_thread(callback, interface, params): try: callback(interface, params) except: Logger.log_traceback(callback.im_self) finally: self._decrement_event_threads() params = Arguments(params) callbacks = self.get_command_callbacks(command) Logger.debug1("Found %d receiver(s) for command '%s'" % (len(callbacks), command)) if callbacks: interface = IRCMessageController(irc, msg) for (obj, callback, privileged) in callbacks: try: # This will abort instantly as soon as a command without access is found if privileged: if not self.acl.check_access(msg.source, command.lower()): interface.reply("Access denied") return thread = threading.Thread(target = dispatcher_command_thread, kwargs = {"callback": callback, "interface": interface, "params": params}) self._increment_event_threads() thread.start() except Exception as e: Logger.log_traceback(callback.im_self)
def __init__(self, database = 'data/acl.db'): self.db = database self.config = ConfigController() try: conn = sqlite3.connect(self.db) #cursor = conn.cursor() # ACL fp = open("resources/acl/acl.sql", "r") data = fp.close() # Triggers fp = open("resources/acl/triggers.sql", "r") data += fp.close() conn.executescript(data) conn.commit() if not self._user_exists("any"): self.add_user("any") self.user_add_hostmask("any", "*!*@*") except sqlite3.Error as e: Logger.fatal("Unable to create ACL database: %s" % e)
def handle_channel_msg(self, data): # normal msg doesn't contain subtype => F**K, normal msg contain subtype now. #if data.get("subtype"): # return # filter mismatch channel c_id = data.get("vchannel_id") if c_id != self.bc_default_channel: return sender_id = "" name = "" # get sender if data.get("subtype") == "robot": sender_id = data.get("robot_id") name = Cache.get_robot_true_name(sender_id) else: sender_id = data.get("uid") name = Cache.get_user_en_name(sender_id) # filter sender if sender_id in self.id_filter: Logger.log("sender %s (%s) in the filter list, abort msg" % (name, sender_id)) return msg = data.get("text") # filter msg if msg.startswith(self.msg_enable_pre): msg = msg.split(self.msg_enable_pre, 1)[-1:][0] self.send_irc_msg(name, msg) else: Logger.log("bc msg (%s) was not the standardized format, abort forwarding" % (msg))
class Influence: def __init__(self, source, neighbors, args): self.source = source self.neighbors = neighbors self.args = args self.log = Logger().log def inner(self, source, target): return [ [] for i in range(3) ] def run(self): values = [] for target in self.neighbors: msg = '{0}: {1}->{2}',self.source.node,target.node)) (left, right, delay) = self.inner(self.source, target) d = { 'type': repr(self), 'source': self.source.node, 'target': target.node, 'pearson': st.pearsonr(left, right), 'spearman': st.spearmanr(left, right), 'delay': np.mean(delay), } values.append(d) return values def __repr__(self): return type(self).__name__
def del_record_api(): tmp_dict = {} tmp_dict["success"] = "False" auth_result = auth_user() if not auth_result[0]: tmp_dict["msg"] = "no sso auth" return json.dumps(tmp_dict) else: userinfo = auth_result[1] if request.method == "POST": try: domain_id = request.form["domain_id"] domain_info = Domain.get_domain_by_domain_id(domain_id) record_id = request.form["record_id"] if if_user_id_have_domain_rights(userinfo["user_id"], domain_id): Logger.action_log(userinfo["username"] + " del record ") if domain_info[2] == "dnspod": result = del_dnspod_record_lib(domain_id, record_id) tmp_dict["success"] = result[0] tmp_dict["msg"] = result[1] return json.dumps(tmp_dict) elif domain_info[2] == "local_bind": result = del_dns_record_lib(domain_id, record_id) tmp_dict["success"] = result[0] tmp_dict["msg"] = result[1] return json.dumps(tmp_dict) else: tmp_dict["msg"] = "no this domain rights" return json.dumps(tmp_dict) except Exception, e: print e tmp_dict["msg"] = "unknown error" return json.dumps(tmp_dict)
def send_irc_msg(self, user, msg): if len(msg) == 0: return c = self.irc_channel msg = self.pre_handle_irc_msg(user, msg) Logger.log_msg_transfer("bc => irc: %s" % msg) self.irc_bot.privmsg(c, msg)
class LuceneEngine(object): def __init__(self, index_name='generic', wipe_index=False, analyzer=lucene.SimpleAnalyzer(), ): self.logger=Logger(logger_name='lucene') self.index_name=index_name self.analyzer=analyzer self.dir=os.path.join(settings.LUCENE_INDEX_DIR, self.index_name) self.new_index=wipe_index self.reader=None if not os.path.exists(self.dir): os.makedirs(self.dir, 0775) os.chmod(self.dir, 0775) self.new_index=True self.JCCEnvObj = lucene.getVMEnv() self.JCCEnvObj.attachCurrentThread() = lucene.SimpleFSDirectory(lucene.File(self.dir)) self.text_blob="" def get_writer(self): try: self.writer = lucene.IndexWriter(, self.analyzer, self.new_index, lucene.IndexWriter.MaxFieldLength.LIMITED) self.new_index=False return True except Exception, err: self.logger.error("%s: %s" % (Exception, err)) return False
def update_dnspod_record(domain_id, record_id, name, type, line, value, ttl): values = {'login_email': config.DNSPOD_USER, 'login_password': config.DNSPOD_PW, 'format': 'json', 'domain_id': domain_id, 'record_id': record_id, 'sub_domain': name, 'record_type':type, 'record_line':line, 'value':value, 'ttl':ttl} json_data = curl_dnspod(values, "/Record.Modify") Logger.action_log(str(json_data)) if json_data['status']['code'] == "1": return ["true", json_data['record']['id']] else: return ["false", json_data['status']['message']]
def change_dnspod_record_status(domain_id, record_id, status): values = {'login_email': config.DNSPOD_USER, 'login_password': config.DNSPOD_PW, 'format': 'json', 'domain_id': domain_id, 'record_id': record_id, 'status': status} json_data = curl_dnspod(values, "/Record.Status") Logger.action_log(str(json_data)) if json_data['status']['code'] == "1": return ["true", ""] else: return ["false", json_data['status']['message']]
def say(self, text): if not text: return h = {"Content-Type": "application/json; charset=UTF-8"} text_dict = {"text": text} payload = {"payload": json.dumps(text_dict)} r =, params=payload, headers=h) Logger.log_msg_transfer("send msg to bearychat, response text: %s" % r.text)
def down(self,url,savepath): try: urllib.urlretrieve(url, savepath) self.errortimes = 0 return True except BaseException as e: Logger.error('down:%s , %s %s'%(url,savepath,e)) self.errortimes = self.errortimes + 1 if self.errortimes >= self.errorlimit: return False; return self.down(url,savepath)
def send_ping(self, ws): msg_id = 0 while not self.exit_all: try: msg = '{"type":"ping","call_id":%d}' % msg_id Logger.log_bc_ws(">>> %s" % msg) ws.send(msg) msg_id += 1 time.sleep(5) except Exception as exc: Logger.log("[send_ping]catch exception: %s" % str(exc)) break
def event_url(self, params): (url, irc) = params;"RepostinatorPlugin: Got url '%s' from urlcatcher" % params[0]) if irc.server.get_current_nick() == irc.message.destination: Logger.debug("Got url in priv ignoring") return key = "%s_%s_%s" % (irc.message.destination, irc.get_ircnet_name(), url) data =; if(data): irc.reply('This url was first posted in this channel by %s @ %s' % (data[0], data[2])) else: data = [irc.message.source.nick, irc.message.destination, time.ctime()], data);
def start_server(self): api = BC_API() api.login() ws_url = api.get_ws_url() ws = create_connection(ws_url) Logger.log("connected to bc server") # send ping thread threading.Thread(target=self.send_ping, args=(ws, )).start() # loop worker self.server_loop(ws)
def f(*args): (_, node, cargs) = args log = Logger().log'{0}: setup +'.format(node)) with DatabaseConnection() as conn: source = nd.Node(node, conn) neighbors = [ nd.Node(x, conn) for x in source.neighbors ]'{0}: setup -'.format(node)) classes = [ WindowInfluence ] # [ MinuteInfluence, WindowInfluence ] return [ i(source, neighbors, cargs).run() for i in classes ]
def postRequest(self,url,data): try: request=urllib2.Request(url) f =urllib2.urlopen(request,data,10000) self.errortimes = 0 return response; except BaseException as e: Logger.error('postRequest:%s %s'%(url,e)) self.errortimes = self.errortimes + 1 if self.errortimes >= self.errorlimit: return None; return self.postRequest(url,data)
def _query(self, querystring, parameters = ()): conn = sqlite3.connect(self.db) cursor = conn.cursor() try: cursor.execute(querystring, parameters) result = cursor.fetchall() conn.commit() return result except sqlite3.Error as e: Logger.warning("Query error (%s) %s: %s" % (querystring, parameters, e)) return None
def start(self): # Initialize data store DatastoreController().set_driver(self.config.get('datastore')) Logger.set_loglevel(self.config.get('log.level')) for plugin in self.config.get('coreplugins'):"Loading core plugin '%s'" % plugin) self.plugincontroller.load_plugin(plugin, 'core') for plugin in self.config.get('plugins'):"Loading plugin '%s'" % plugin) self.plugincontroller.load_plugin(plugin) if len(self.config.get('ircnets')) == 0: raise Exception("There has to be at least one ircnet to connect to") for net in self.config.get('ircnets'): irc = IRCController(self.eventcontroller) irc.set_configuration(net)"Connecting to %s..." % irc.get_ircnet_name()) irc.connect() self.ircnetscontroller.add_ircnet(irc.get_ircnet_name(), irc)
def do_timeout(data): callback = data["callback"] try: callback(*data["args"], **data["kwargs"]) except Exception as e: Logger.warning("Timer caught exception: %s" % e) # Free timer if self.moduleTimers.has_key(callback.im_self): for timer in self.moduleTimers[callback.im_self]: if timer == threading.currentThread(): self.moduleTimers[callback.im_self].remove(timer) if len(self.moduleTimers[callback.im_self]) == 0: del self.moduleTimers[callback.im_self]
def _error(self, downloader, handle): gtk.gdk.threads_enter() # Terminate download process downloader.terminate() # Emit error signal self.emit("download-failed", handle) # Log error Logger.error("DownloadWizard", MSG_000005 % (handle.item.source)) # Close dialog self.response(gtk.RESPONSE_REJECT) gtk.gdk.threads_leave()
def reload(self): self.load_defaults() if sys.modules.has_key('config'): del sys.modules['config'] try: mod = __import__("config") # Overwrite any defaults for key in mod.Bot.keys(): self._config[key] = mod.Bot[key] del mod except ImportError as e: Logger.warning("No configuration found. Using defaults.")
def __init__(self, hook=False): path = os.path.dirname(__file__) path = os.path.join(path, "screen.ui") self.logger = Logger() self.builder = gtk.Builder() self.builder.add_from_file(path) self.builder.connect_signals(self) self.screen = self.builder.get_object("screen_show") self.notebook = self.builder.get_object("notebook") self.statusbar = self.builder.get_object("statusbar") self.algorithm = None self.create_algorithms_menu() self.screen.connect('key_press_event', self.keyboard_press) self.screen.parent_screen = self self.notebook.set_scrollable(True) self.notebook.set_group_id(0) tab = None if not hook: tab = Graph(self.builder, self.tab_changed) self.add_notebook_tab(tab) self.screen.show_all() # HACK # For some reason the size of scroll only exist after show_all above if tab: tab.centralize_scroll()
def load_plugin(self, name, search_dir = None): name = name.strip() import_name = None if self._loaded_plugins.has_key(name): raise PluginLoadError("Plugin is already loaded") import_name = self.find_plugin(name, search_dir) if not import_name: raise PluginLoadError("No such plugin") basename = import_name.rpartition(".")[2] try: mod = __import__(import_name) cls = getattr(mod, basename) except Exception as e: # Remove the system-entry if import_name and sys.modules.has_key(import_name): del sys.modules[import_name] Logger.log_traceback(self) raise PluginLoadError("Failed to load " + import_name) # Find the plugin entry point for objname in dir(cls): obj = getattr(cls, objname) if objname != 'Plugin' and type(obj) == types.ClassType and issubclass(obj, Plugin): Logger.debug("Plugin entry is '%s'" % objname) instance = new.instance(obj) # Initialize plugin instance = DatastoreController().get_store(basename) instance.event = self._eventcontroller instance.config = self._config instance.nets = IRCNetsController() instance.plugin = self instance.__init__() self._loaded_plugins[basename.lower()] = (basename, instance, import_name) return True del sys.modules[import_name] raise PluginLoadError("Unable to find entry point")
def __init__(self, _sockets, rooms=None): self.Sockets = _sockets self.pool = ThreadPool(processes=1) # self.process_list = Database.load_object(SharedScheduler.__filepath__, 'schedules') or [] # self.l = Lock() #merging 'RoomLog' procedure and schedule objects from lib.logger import Logger self.pool.apply_async(self.process_main, (rooms, Logger.altLogger()))
def __init__(self): """Initializes configuration""" self.logger = Logger() self.configfile = CONFIGFILE self.master_configfile = SYSTEM_CONFIGFILE if not self.__defaults_options: self.load() self.__defaults() self.__defaults_options = True
def cmd_debug(self, irc, params): """ Enable or disable debugging debug [1|2|3|off] """ if len(params) == 0: irc.reply("Not enough parameters") return if params[0] == 'off': Logger.set_loglevel('FATAL') irc.reply("Debugging disabled") elif int(params[0]) in [1, 2, 3]: num_level = int(params[0]) level = ["DEBUGL1", "DEBUGL2", "DEBUGL3"][num_level - 1] Logger.set_loglevel(level) irc.reply("Debugging enabled at level %d" % num_level) else: irc.reply("Invalid option")
def send(self, data): params = data.split() if len(params) == 0: return cmd = params[0] if cmd == "JOIN": self.server_user_response("JOIN", ":" + params[1]) self.server_user_response(ircdef.RPL_ENDOFNAMES, "%s :/End of /NAMES list." % params[1]) elif cmd == "WHO": self.server_response(ircdef.RPL_WHOREPLY, "%s %s %s %s %s %s H :0 %s" % ( self.bot_nick, params[1], self.bot_ident, self.bot_host, self.server_name, self.bot_nick, "The NeuBot")) self.server_response(ircdef.RPL_ENDOFWHO, "%s %s :End of /WHO list." % (self.bot_nick, params[1],)) elif cmd == "PRIVMSG": match = re.match("PRIVMSG (.*?) :(.*)", data) channel, message = match.groups() print "\033[1;37m[%s:PRIVMSG %s]\033[0m %s" % (self.bot_nick, channel, message) elif cmd == "NOTICE": match = re.match("NOTICE (.*?) :(.*)", data) channel, message = match.groups() print "\033[1;35m<%s:NOTICE %s>\033[0m %s" % (self.bot_nick, channel, message) elif cmd == "PING": match = re.match("PING (.*)", data) self.server_response("PONG", else: Logger.debug("Unhandled: " + data.strip())
def add_record_api(): tmp_dict = {} tmp_dict["success"] = "False" auth_result = auth_user() if not auth_result[0]: tmp_dict["msg"] = "no sso auth" return json.dumps(tmp_dict) else: userinfo = auth_result[1] if request.method == "POST": try: domain_id = request.form["domain_id"] domain_info = Domain.get_domain_by_domain_id(domain_id) name = request.form["name"] type = request.form["type"] line = request.form["line"] line = line.encode("utf-8") value = request.form["value"] ttl = request.form["ttl"] if if_user_id_have_domain_rights(userinfo["user_id"], domain_id): Logger.action_log(userinfo["username"] + " add record ") if domain_info[2] == "dnspod": result = add_dnspod_record_lib(domain_id, name, type, line, value, ttl) tmp_dict["success"] = result[0] tmp_dict["msg"] = result[1] return json.dumps(tmp_dict) elif domain_info[2] == "local_bind": result = add_dns_record_lib(domain_id, name, ttl, type, value, line) tmp_dict["success"] = result[0] print result[1] tmp_dict["msg"] = result[1] return json.dumps(tmp_dict) else: tmp_dict["msg"] = "no this domain rights" return json.dumps(tmp_dict) except Exception, e: print e tmp_dict["msg"] = "unknown error" return json.dumps(tmp_dict)
def __checking_live_thread(self): while True: time.sleep(20) Logger.log("checking server live...") if self.bc_server.connect_live: Logger.log("server is alive") self.bc_server.connect_live = False else: Logger.log("server is not alive, restart server...") self.__restart()
def main(): _level = Level.INFO _log = Logger('main', _level) _loader = ConfigLoader(_level) _config = _loader.configure('config.yaml') try: _motors = Motors(_config, None, Level.WARN) _pot = Potentiometer(_config, Level.WARN) _pot.set_output_limits(0.0, 127.0) # motor configuration: starboard, port or both? _orientation = Orientation.BOTH if _orientation == Orientation.BOTH or _orientation == Orientation.PORT: _port_motor = _motors.get_motor(Orientation.PORT) _port_pid = PIDController(_config, _port_motor, level=Level.WARN) _port_pid.enable() if _orientation == Orientation.BOTH or _orientation == Orientation.STBD: _stbd_motor = _motors.get_motor(Orientation.STBD) _stbd_pid = PIDController(_config, _stbd_motor, level=Level.WARN) _stbd_pid.enable() ROTATE = True _rotate = -1.0 if ROTATE else 1.0 # sys.exit(0) _stbd_velocity = 0.0 _port_velocity = 0.0 _step = 0.5 _min = 0.0 _max = 70.0 _rate = Rate(10) try: # for _value in numpy.arange(_min, _max, _step): while True: # update RGB LED # _pot.set_rgb(_pot.get_value()) _value = 127.0 - _pot.get_scaled_value(True) if _value > 125.0: _value = 127.0 _velocity = Gamepad.convert_range(_value) if _orientation == Orientation.BOTH or _orientation == Orientation.PORT: _port_pid.setpoint = _velocity * 100.0 _port_velocity = _port_pid.setpoint if _orientation == Orientation.BOTH or _orientation == Orientation.STBD: _stbd_pid.setpoint = _rotate * _velocity * 100.0 _stbd_velocity = _stbd_pid.setpoint + 'value: {:<5.2f}; set-point: {:5.2f}; velocity: '.format(_value, _velocity) \ + Fore.RED + ' port: {:5.2f}\t'.format(_port_velocity) + Fore.GREEN + ' stbd: {:5.2f}'.format(_stbd_velocity)) _rate.wait() + 'resting...') time.sleep(10.0) # for _value in numpy.arange(_min, _max, _step): while True: # update RGB LED # _pot.set_rgb(_pot.get_value()) _value = 127.0 - _pot.get_scaled_value(True) if _value > 125.0: _value = 127.0 _velocity = Gamepad.convert_range(_value) if _orientation == Orientation.BOTH or _orientation == Orientation.PORT: _port_pid.setpoint = _rotate * _velocity * 100.0 _port_velocity = _port_pid.setpoint if _orientation == Orientation.BOTH or _orientation == Orientation.STBD: _stbd_pid.setpoint = _velocity * 100.0 _stbd_velocity = _stbd_pid.setpoint + 'value: {:<5.2f}; set-point: {:5.2f}; velocity: '.format(_value, _velocity) \ + Fore.RED + ' port: {:5.2f}\t'.format(_port_velocity) + Fore.GREEN + ' stbd: {:5.2f}'.format(_stbd_velocity)) _rate.wait() + 'end of cruising.') except KeyboardInterrupt: + Style.BRIGHT + 'PID test complete.') finally: if _orientation == Orientation.BOTH or _orientation == Orientation.PORT: _port_pid.disable() if _orientation == Orientation.BOTH or _orientation == Orientation.STBD: _stbd_pid.disable() _motors.brake() except Exception as e: + Style.BRIGHT + 'error in PID controller: {}\n{}'.format(e, traceback.format_exc())) finally: + Style.BRIGHT + 'C. finally.')
def test_moth(): ''' Test the basic functionality of the Moth sensor's various outputs. The test is entirely visual, i.e., something to be looked at, tested with a bright light source. ''' _log = Logger("test", Level.INFO) # read YAML configuration _loader = ConfigLoader(Level.INFO) filename = 'config.yaml' _config = _loader.configure(filename) _moth = Moth(_config, None, Level.INFO) _rgbmatrix = RgbMatrix(Level.INFO) _rgbmatrix.set_display_type(DisplayType.SOLID) # for i in range(50): while True: # orientation and bias ............................. _orientation = _moth.get_orientation() _bias = _moth.get_bias() _log.debug('bias: {}; orientation: {}'.format(type(_bias), _orientation)) if _orientation is Orientation.PORT: _rgbmatrix.show_color(Color.BLACK, Orientation.STBD) _rgbmatrix.show_color(Color.RED, Orientation.PORT) + Style.BRIGHT + '{}\t {:<6.3f}'.format(, _bias[0])) elif _orientation is Orientation.STBD: _rgbmatrix.show_color(Color.BLACK, Orientation.PORT) _rgbmatrix.show_color(Color.GREEN, Orientation.STBD) + Style.BRIGHT + '{}\t {:<6.3f}'.format(, _bias[1])) else: _rgbmatrix.show_color(Color.YELLOW, Orientation.PORT) _rgbmatrix.show_color(Color.YELLOW, Orientation.STBD) + '{}\t {:6.3f}|{:6.3f}'.format(, _bias[0], _bias[1])) # int values ....................................... _int_values = _moth.get_int_values() + '{:d}\t'.format(_int_values[0]) + Fore.GREEN + '{:d}\t'.format(_int_values[1]) ) # float values ..................................... _values = _moth.get_values() + '{:<6.3f}\t'.format(_values[0]) + Fore.GREEN + '{:<6.3f}\t'.format(_values[1]) ) # time.sleep(1.0) time.sleep(0.1)
class NXP9DoF: ''' Reads from an Adafruit NXP 9-DoF FXOS8700 + FXAS21002 sensor. Note that this has been calibrated based on the orientation of the NXP9DoF board as installed on the KR01 robot, with the Adafruit logo on the chip (mounted horizontally) as follows: Fore _--------------- | * | | | | | Port | | Starboard | | ---------------- Aft If you mount the chip in a different orientation you will likely need to multiply one or more of the axis by -1.0. Depending on where you are on the Earth, true North changes because the Earth is not a perfect sphere. You can get the declination angle for your location from: E.g., for Pukerua Bay, New Zealand: Latitude: 41° 1' 57.7" S Longitude: 174° 53' 11.8" E PUKERUA BAY Magnetic Declination: +22° 37' Declination is POSITIVE (EAST) Inclination: 66° 14' Magnetic field strength: 55716.5 nT E.g., for Wellington, New Zealand: Latitude: 41° 17' 11.9" S Longitude: 174° 46' 32.1" E KELBURN Magnetic Declination: +22° 47' Declination is POSITIVE (EAST) Inclination: 66° 28' Magnetic field strength: 55863.3 nT ''' # permitted error between Euler and Quaternion (in degrees) to allow setting value ERROR_RANGE = 5.0 # was 3.0 # .......................................................................... def __init__(self, config, queue, level): self._log = Logger("nxp9dof", level) if config is None: raise ValueError("no configuration provided.") self._config = config self._queue = queue _config = self._config['ros'].get('nxp9dof') self._quaternion_accept = _config.get( 'quaternion_accept') # permit Quaternion once calibrated self._loop_delay_sec = _config.get('loop_delay_sec') # verbose will print some start-up info on the IMU sensors self._imu = IMU(gs=4, dps=2000, verbose=True) # setting a bias correction for the accel only; the mags/gyros are not getting a bias correction self._imu.setBias((0.0, 0.0, 0.0), None, None) # self._imu.setBias((0.1,-0.02,.25), None, None) _i2c = busio.I2C(board.SCL, board.SDA) self._fxos = adafruit_fxos8700.FXOS8700(_i2c)'accelerometer and magnetometer ready.') self._fxas = adafruit_fxas21002c.FXAS21002C(_i2c)'gyroscope ready.') self._thread = None self._enabled = False self._closed = False self._heading = None self._pitch = None self._roll = None self._is_calibrated = False'ready.') # .......................................................................... def get_imu(self): return self._imu # .......................................................................... def get_fxos(self): return self._fxos # .......................................................................... def get_fxas(self): return self._fxas # .......................................................................... def enable(self): if not self._closed: self._enabled = True # if we haven't started the thread yet, do so now... if self._thread is None: self._thread = threading.Thread(target=NXP9DoF._read, args=[self]) self._thread.start()'enabled.') else: self._log.warning('cannot enable: already closed.') # .......................................................................... def get_heading(self): return self._heading # .......................................................................... def get_pitch(self): return self._pitch # .......................................................................... def get_roll(self): return self._roll # .......................................................................... def is_calibrated(self): return self._is_calibrated # .......................................................................... @staticmethod def _in_range(p, q): return p >= (q - NXP9DoF.ERROR_RANGE) and p <= (q + NXP9DoF.ERROR_RANGE) # .......................................................................... def imu_enable(self): ''' Enables the handbuilt IMU on a 20Hz loop. ''' if not self._closed: self._enabled = True # if we haven't started the thread yet, do so now... if self._thread is None: self._thread = threading.Thread(target=NXP9DoF._handbuilt_imu, args=[self]) self._thread.start()'enabled.') else: self._log.warning('cannot enable: already closed.') # .......................................................................... def _handbuilt_imu(self): ''' The function that reads sensor values in a loop. This checks to see if the 'sys' calibration is at least 3 (True), and if the Euler and Quaternion values are within an error range of each other, this sets the class variable for heading, pitch and roll. If they aren't within range for more than n polls, the values revert to None. ''''starting sensor read...') _heading = None _pitch = None _roll = None _quat_w = None _quat_x = None _quat_y = None _quat_z = None count = 0 # 2. Absolute Orientation (Quaterion, 100Hz) Four point quaternion output for more accurate data manipulation ................ # grab data at 20Hz _rate = Rate(1) header = 90 print('-' * header) # print("| {:17} | {:20} |".format("Accels [g's]", " IMU Accels")) print("| {:17} |".format("Mag [xyz]")) while not self._closed: if self._enabled: accel_x, accel_y, accel_z = self._fxos.accelerometer # m/s^2 gyro_x, gyro_y, gyro_z = self._fxas.gyroscope # radians/s a, m, g = self._imu.get() mag_x, mag_y, mag_z = self._fxos.magnetometer # uTesla mag_x_g = m[0] * 100.0 mag_y_g = m[1] * 100.0 mag_z_g = m[2] * 100.0 # rate_gyro_x_dps = Convert.rps_to_dps(gyro_x) # rate_gyro_y_dps = Convert.rps_to_dps(gyro_y) # rate_gyro_z_dps = Convert.rps_to_dps(gyro_z) # mag_x_g = mag_x * 100.0 # mag_y_g = mag_y * 100.0 # mag_z_g = mag_z * 100.0 heading = 180.0 * math.atan2(mag_y_g, mag_x_g) / math.pi print(Fore.CYAN + '| x{:>6.3f} y{:>6.3f} z{:>6.3f} |'.format( mag_x_g, mag_y_g, mag_z_g) \ + Style.BRIGHT + '\t{:>5.2f}'.format(heading) + Style.RESET_ALL) # a, m, g = self._imu.get() # print(Fore.CYAN + '| {:>6.3f} {:>6.3f} {:>6.3f} | {:>6.3f} {:>6.3f} {:>6.3f} |'.format( accel_x, accel_y, accel_z, a[0], a[1], a[2]) + Style.RESET_ALL) _rate.wait() # + Style.BRIGHT + ' {:>6.1f} {:>6.1f} {:>6.1f}° |'.format(r, p, deg) + Style.RESET_ALL) # time.sleep(0.50) # mag_x, mag_y, mag_z = self._fxos.magnetometer # uTesla # gyro_x, gyro_y, gyro_z = self._fxas.gyroscope # radians/s # header = 90 # print('-'*header) # print("| {:17} | {:20} | {:20} | {:20} |".format("Accels [g's]", " Magnet [uT]", "Gyros [dps]", "Roll, Pitch, Heading")) # print('-'*header) # for _ in range(10): # a, m, g = self._imu.get() # r, p, h = self._imu.getOrientation(a, m) # deg = Convert.to_degrees(h) # print(Fore.CYAN + '| {:>5.2f} {:>5.2f} {:>5.2f} | {:>6.1f} {:>6.1f} {:>6.1f} | {:>6.1f} {:>6.1f} {:>6.1f} |'.format( # a[0], a[1], a[2], # m[0], m[1], m[2], # g[0], g[1], g[2]) # + Style.BRIGHT + ' {:>6.1f} {:>6.1f} {:>6.1f}° |'.format(r, p, deg) + Style.RESET_ALL) # time.sleep(0.50) # print('-'*header) # print(' uT: micro Tesla') # print(' g: gravity') # print('dps: degrees per second') # print('') # # print(Fore.MAGENTA + 'acc: ({0:0.3f}, {1:0.3f}, {2:0.3f})'.format(accel_x, accel_y, accel_z)\ # + Fore.YELLOW + ' \tmag: ({0:0.3f}, {1:0.3f}, {2:0.3f})'.format(mag_x, mag_y, mag_z)\ # + Fore.CYAN + ' \tgyr: ({0:0.3f}, {1:0.3f}, {2:0.3f})'.format(gyro_x, gyro_y, gyro_z) + Style.RESET_ALL) else:'disabled loop.') time.sleep(10) count += 1 self._log.debug('read loop ended.') # .......................................................................... def _read(self): ''' The function that reads sensor values in a loop. This checks to see if the 'sys' calibration is at least 3 (True), and if the Euler and Quaternion values are within an error range of each other, this sets the class variable for heading, pitch and roll. If they aren't within range for more than n polls, the values revert to None. ''''starting sensor read...') _heading = None _pitch = None _roll = None _quat_w = None _quat_x = None _quat_y = None _quat_z = None count = 0 # 2. Absolute Orientation (Quaterion, 100Hz) Four point quaternion output for more accurate data manipulation ................ # grab data at 10Hz rate = Rate(10) while not self._closed: if self._enabled: header = 91 print(Fore.CYAN + ('-' * header) + Style.RESET_ALL) print(Fore.CYAN + "| {:17} | {:20} | {:20} | {:21} |".format( "Accels [g's]", " Magnet [uT]", "Gyros [dps]", "Roll, Pitch, Heading") + Style.RESET_ALL) print(Fore.CYAN + ('-' * header) + Style.RESET_ALL) for _ in range(10): a, m, g = self._imu.get() r, p, h = self._imu.getOrientation(a, m) deg = Convert.to_degrees(h) # + '| {:>6.1f} {:>6.1f} {:>6.1f} | {:>6.1f} {:>6.1f} {:>6.1f} |'.format(a[0], a[1], a[2], r, p, h) + Style.RESET_ALL) print(Fore.CYAN + '| {:>5.2f} {:>5.2f} {:>5.2f} '.format( a[0], a[1], a[2]) + Fore.YELLOW + '| {:>6.1f} {:>6.1f} {:>6.1f} '.format( m[0], m[1], m[2]) + Fore.MAGENTA + '| {:>6.1f} {:>6.1f} {:>6.1f} '.format( g[0], g[1], g[2]) + Fore.GREEN + '| {:>6.1f} {:>6.1f} {:>6.1f}° |'.format(r, p, deg) + Style.RESET_ALL) time.sleep(0.50) print('-' * header) print(' uT: micro Tesla') print(' g: gravity') print('dps: degrees per second') print('') # accel_x, accel_y, accel_z = self._fxos.accelerometer # m/s^2 # mag_x, mag_y, mag_z = self._fxos.magnetometer # uTesla # gyro_x, gyro_y, gyro_z = self._fxas.gyroscope # radians/s # # print(Fore.MAGENTA + 'acc: ({0:0.3f}, {1:0.3f}, {2:0.3f})'.format(accel_x, accel_y, accel_z)\ # + Fore.YELLOW + ' \tmag: ({0:0.3f}, {1:0.3f}, {2:0.3f})'.format(mag_x, mag_y, mag_z)\ # + Fore.CYAN + ' \tgyr: ({0:0.3f}, {1:0.3f}, {2:0.3f})'.format(gyro_x, gyro_y, gyro_z) + Style.RESET_ALL) rate.wait() else:'disabled loop.') time.sleep(10) count += 1 self._log.debug('read loop ended.') # .......................................................................... def disable(self): self._enabled = False'disabled.') # .......................................................................... def close(self): self._closed = True'closed.')
def main(argument_list): DEFAULT_CONFIG_PATH = const.CONFIG_PATH DEFAULT_CONFIG_SECTION = const.CONFIG_SECTION try: parser = ArgumentParser(add_help=False) parser.add_argument('--config-file') parser.add_argument('--config-section') parser.add_argument('--cluster-name') parser.add_argument('--backup-directory') parser.add_argument('--show-details', action='store_true') parser.add_argument('options', nargs='+') #args = vars(parser.parse_args(argument_list[1:])) known, unknown = parser.parse_known_args(argument_list[1:]) args = vars(known) # get config file path and config section name restore_config_file = DEFAULT_CONFIG_PATH restore_config_section = DEFAULT_CONFIG_SECTION if args['config_file'] is not None: restore_config_file = args['config_file'] if args['config_section'] is not None: restore_config_section = args['config_section'] # create config obj and read config file data cfg = Config(restore_config_file, restore_config_section) if not cfg.is_valid(): print("Error, fail to initialize config.") sys.exit(2) if not cfg.set_options(print_options=False): print("Error, fail to set config.") sys.exit(2) # get backup directory path and cluster name backup_directory = cfg.backup_destination_path cluster_name = cfg.ceph_cluster_name if args['backup_directory'] is not None: backup_directory = args['backup_directory'] if args['cluster_name'] is not None: cluster_name = args['cluster_name'] show_details = False if args['show_details']: show_details = True opts = args['options'] # initial backup logging log = Logger(cfg.log_file_path, cfg.log_level, cfg.log_max_bytes, cfg.log_backup_count, cfg.log_delay, name=const.LOG_SHOW_LOGGER_NAME) if not log.set_log(log_module=cfg.log_module_name): print("Error, unable to set logger.") sys.exit(2) if opts[0] != 'config': rbd_restore_list = RBD_Restore_List(log) backup_cluster_directory = os.path.join(backup_directory, cluster_name) if not rbd_restore_list.read_meta(backup_cluster_directory): print("Error, unable to get cluster info.") sys.exit(2) directory = Directory(log) print("") if opts[0] == 'backup': if len(opts) == 1: print("*Show all backup name.\n") backup_name_list = rbd_restore_list.get_backup_name_list() if show_details: print("[Backup Name] [RBD Count]") print("-" * 31) else: print("[Backup Name List]") print("-" * 20) for backup_name in backup_name_list: if show_details: rbd_list = rbd_restore_list.get_backup_rbd_list( backup_name) print("%s %s" % (backup_name, len(rbd_list))) else: print("%s" % backup_name) elif len(opts) >= 2: backup_name = normalize_datetime(' '.join(opts[1:])) rbd_list = rbd_restore_list.get_backup_rbd_list(backup_name) print("*Show RBD list in backup name '%s'.\n" % backup_name) if show_details: print("[Backup Time] [Circle name] " \ "[Pool name/RBD name] ... [Status]") print("-" * 74) else: print("[Backup RBD List]") print("-" * 20) for rbd_info in rbd_list: if show_details: if rbd_info[0] == 0: status = 'OK' else: status = 'FAIL' if status == 'OK': exist = directory.exist(backup_cluster_directory, rbd_info[1], rbd_info[2], rbd_info[3]) if exist == False: status = 'Deleted' print("%s %s %s/%s ... %s" % (rbd_info[4], rbd_info[3], rbd_info[1], rbd_info[2], status)) else: print("%s/%s" % (rbd_info[1], rbd_info[2])) elif opts[0] == 'rbd': if len(opts) == 1: print("*Show all backuped RBD name.\n") rbd_list = rbd_restore_list.get_backup_rbd_list() if len(rbd_list) == 0: return 0 arranged_rbd_info = {} for rbd_info in rbd_list: pool_name = rbd_info[0] rbd_name = rbd_info[1] info = rbd_info[2] if not arranged_rbd_info.has_key(pool_name): rbd_info_list = [] else: rbd_info_list = arranged_rbd_info[pool_name] info['name'] = rbd_name rbd_info_list.append(info) arranged_rbd_info[pool_name] = rbd_info_list if show_details: print("[Pool name]") print( " [RBD name] [block name prefix] [Num objects] [size (bytes)]" ) print("-" * 74) else: print("[Pool name]") print(" [RBD name]") print("-" * 20) for pool_name, rbd_list in arranged_rbd_info.iteritems(): print("%s" % pool_name) if show_details: for rbd_info in rbd_list: rbd_name = rbd_info['name'] rbd_size = rbd_info['size'] rbd_objs = rbd_info['num_objs'] rbd_prix = rbd_info['block_name_prefix'] print(" %s %s %s %s" % (rbd_name, rbd_prix, rbd_objs, rbd_size)) else: for rbd_info in rbd_list: print(" %s" % rbd_info['name']) if len(opts) == 3: pool_name = opts[1] rbd_name = opts[2] print("*Show backup time of RBD '%s/%s'.\n" % (pool_name, rbd_name)) if show_details: backup_info_list = rbd_restore_list.get_rbd_backup_info_list( pool_name, rbd_name) if len(backup_info_list) == 0: return 0 print("[Backup time] [Backup name] " \ "[Backup circle] [Backup size]") print("-" * 74) for backup_info in backup_info_list: backup_file = backup_info[0] backup_time = backup_info[1] backup_name = backup_info[2] backup_circ = backup_info[3] backup_size = directory.get_used_size( backup_cluster_directory, pool_name, rbd_name, backup_circ, backup_file) print("%s %s %s %s" % (backup_time, backup_name, backup_circ, backup_size)) else: backup_time_list = rbd_restore_list.get_rbd_backup_time_list( pool_name, rbd_name) if len(backup_time_list) == 0: return 0 print("[Backup time]") print("-" * 20) for backup_time in backup_time_list: print("%s" % backup_time) elif opts[0] == 'cluster': print("*Show backuped cluster info.\n") cluster_info = rbd_restore_list.get_cluster_info() for key, value in cluster_info.iteritems(): print("%s: %s" % (key, value)) elif opts[0] == 'config': if len(opts) == 1: print("*Show backup config.\n") cfg_opts = cfg.get_option() for key, value in cfg_opts.iteritems(): print("%s = %s" % (key, value)) elif len(opts) == 2: if opts[1] == 'openstack': print("*Show openstack yaml. (constructing)\n") elif len(opts) == 3: if opts[1] == 'rbd' and opts[2] == 'list': print("*Show RBD backup list.") print("*Yaml file: %s" % cfg.backup_list_file_path) print("*Cluster name: %s" % cluster_name) print("") rbd_backup_list = RBD_Backup_List(log) rbd_backup_list.read_yaml(cfg.backup_list_file_path) rbd_name_list = rbd_backup_list.get_rbd_name_list( cluster_name) if show_details: print("[Pool name]") print( " [RBD name] [backup_type] [max_incr] [max_circ] [max_snap]" ) print("-" * 74) backup_option = RBD_Backup_Option(log) for pool_name, rbd_name_list in rbd_name_list.iteritems( ): print("%s" % pool_name) for rbd_name in rbd_name_list: options = rbd_backup_list.get_rbd_options( cluster_name, pool_name, rbd_name) backup_option.add_option( pool_name, rbd_name, options) backup_type = backup_option.get_backup_type( pool_name, rbd_name) max_incr = backup_option.get_backup_max_incr_count( pool_name, rbd_name) max_circ = backup_option.get_backup_circle_retain_count( pool_name, rbd_name) max_snap = backup_option.get_snapshot_retain_count( pool_name, rbd_name) print(" %s %s %s %s %s" % (rbd_name, backup_type, max_incr, max_circ, max_snap)) else: print("[Pool name]") print(" [RBD name]") print("-" * 24) for pool_name, rbd_name_list in rbd_name_list.iteritems( ): print("%s" % pool_name) for rbd_name in rbd_name_list: print(" %s" % rbd_name) print("") except Exception as e: exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback = sys.exc_info() traceback.print_exception(exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback, file=sys.stdout) sys.exit(2)
class MotionDetector(): ''' Uses an infrared PIR sensor to scan for cats, or other causes of motion. ''' def __init__(self, config, message_factory, message_bus, level): self._log = Logger('motion-detect', Level.INFO) if config is None: raise ValueError('no configuration provided.') self._message_factory = message_factory self._message_bus = message_bus _config = config['ros'].get('motion_detect') _pin = _config.get('pin') _threshold_value = 0.1 # the value above which the device will be considered “on” # set up pin where PIR is connected self._sensor = MotionSensor(_pin, threshold=_threshold_value, pull_up=False) self._sensor.when_motion = self._activated self._sensor.when_no_motion = self._deactivated self._disabling = False self._enabled = False self._closed = False # arm behaviour self._arm_movement_degree_step = 5.0 self._arm_up_delay = 0.09 self._arm_down_delay = 0.04'ready.') # .......................................................................... def _activated(self): ''' The default function called when the sensor is activated. ''' if self._enabled: + 'detected motion!') self._message_bus.handle(self._message_factory.get_message(Event.MOTION_DETECT, True)) else:'motion detector not enabled.') # .......................................................................... def _deactivated(self): ''' The default function called when the sensor is deactivated. ''' if self._enabled:'deactivated motion detector.') else: self._log.debug('motion detector not enabled.') # .......................................................................... def enable(self): self._log.debug('enabling...') if self._closed: self._log.warning('cannot enable: closed.') return self._enabled = True self._log.debug('enabled.') # .......................................................................... def disable(self): if self._disabling: self._log.warning('already disabling.') else: self._disabling = True self._enabled = False self._log.debug('disabling...') self._disabling = False self._log.debug('disabled.') # .......................................................................... def close(self): self.disable() self._closed = True
# Self-Test file that makes sure all # off the station identifiers are OK. import logging import time from configuration import configuration from data_sources import weather from lib.logger import Logger from safe_logging import safe_log, safe_log_warning python_logger = logging.getLogger("check_config_files") python_logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) LOGGER = Logger(python_logger) def terminal_error(error_message): safe_log_warning(LOGGER, error_message) exit(0) try: airport_render_config = configuration.get_airport_configs() except Exception as e: terminal_error( 'Unable to fetch the airport configuration. Please check the JSON files. Error={}' .format(e)) if len(airport_render_config) == 0: terminal_error('No airports found in the configuration file.')
'METHOD': inspect.stack()[0][3], 'EXCEPTION': str(e) } self.logger.exception(message) raise if __name__ == '__main__': if len(sys.argv) > 5: log_level = sys.argv[1] wait_time = sys.argv[2] manifest_file_path = sys.argv[3] sm_arn_scp = sys.argv[4] staging_bucket = sys.argv[5] logger = Logger(loglevel=log_level) scp_run = LaunchSCP(logger, wait_time, manifest_file_path, sm_arn_scp, staging_bucket) scp_run.trigger_service_control_policy_state_machine() print("sm executed!") status, failed_execution_list = scp_run.monitor_state_machines_execution_status( ) error = " Service Control Policy State Machine Execution(s) Failed. Navigate to the AWS Step Functions console and" \ " review the following State Machine Executions. ARN List: {}".format(failed_execution_list) if status == 'FAILED': logger.error(100 * '*') logger.error(error) logger.error(100 * '*') sys.exit(1)
) except AssertionError: print("Exported results not found, trying to use log results instead.") args.READ_EXPORT = False if not args.READ_EXPORT: assert os.path.isfile( args.SOLUTION), f'SOLUTION_FILE "{args.SOLUTION}" not found' assert os.path.isfile( args.HISTORY), f'HISTORY_FILE "{args.HISTORY}" not found' assert os.path.isfile( args.MDIDS), f'MDIDS results file "{args.MDIDS}" not found' if os.makedirs(args.EXPORT, exist_ok=True) # Logger prints to sys.stdout and also logs the print to the log file. Prevents duplicate code. printlog = Logger(log_file=args.EXPORT + 'solution.txt', # Debugger helps to debug the code py printing extra information and pausing the code for checks debug = Debugger(args.DEBUG) # history: [bbe1, bbe2, bbe3...] # where bbe1: [#bbe, input1, ..., output1, output1_target, output1_err_abs, output1_err_rel, output1_err_weight, ..., obj, cstr1, cstr2, ...] history = [] if args.READ_EXPORT: # Open the exported results and populate `history` with their data history_csv = csv_read(args.EXPORT + 'history.csv', delimiters=args.DELIMITER) header = history_csv[0] history = [list(map(safe_float, h)) for h in history_csv[1:]] # Find the index of the output variables in the header output_idx = [idx - 2 for idx, s in enumerate(header) if '_err_abs' in s] # Save the input and constraints names
from lib.angular.core import Service from lib.angular.core import JSDict from import EventMixin from lib.logger import Logger logger = Logger(__name__) class Task(EventMixin): _NEXT_TASK_ID = 0 def __init__(self, name='', description='', clear_on_done=True): super(Task, self).__init__() = Task._NEXT_TASK_ID Task._NEXT_TASK_ID += 1 = name self.description = description def set_progress(self, progress): self.progress = progress if self.progress == 100: self.emit('done', self) class ProgressService(Service): def __init__(self): super(ProgressService, self).__init__() self.tasks = {} self.empty_task = Task() self.main_task = self.empty_task
default=1.0, required=False, help="Segment MD propagation time tau used in hdWE simulations.") parser.add_argument( '-p', '--plot', dest="plot", required=False, default=False, action="store_true", help="Plot probabilities from start state per bin and iteration") # Initialize args = parser.parse_args() first_iteration = 0 last_iteration = args.last_iteration logger = Logger(args.logdir) if last_iteration < 0: last_iteration = logger.getLastIterationId() # get the bin Ids of start state and target state start_state = args.start_state target_state = args.target_state last_iteration_tmp = logger.loadIteration(last_iteration) found_target_state = False for this_bin in last_iteration_tmp.bins: if all(this_bin.getCoordinateIds() == start_state): start_state_id = this_bin.getId() if all(this_bin.getCoordinateIds() == target_state): target_state_id = this_bin.getId() found_target_state = True if found_target_state == False: target_state_id = 1e99
def hyperloop(): imageFolder = None imageNum = 0 logger = Logger('relog') logger.setLogLevel('debug')'Started replay') state = State() for p in sys.argv: if (os.path.isdir(p)): imageFolder = p elif (p.isdigit()): imageNum = int(p) elif (p == "-lap"): state.Approaching = Signal.LAP elif (p == "-up"): state.Approaching = Signal.UPPER elif (p == "-lo"): state.Approaching = Signal.LOWER elif (p == "-s"): state.Approaching = Signal.UPPER if (state.Approaching != Signal.LAP): state.setStopSignal(1) camera = Camera(None, True) if imageFolder: # program loop files = sorted_aphanumeric(os.listdir(imageFolder)) while True: try: file = os.path.join(imageFolder, files[imageNum])"[" + str(imageNum) + "] Loaded file: " + file) image = cv2.imread(file, 1) camera.capture(image) key = cv2.waitKey(0) & 0xFF if key == ord("n"): # cv2.destroyAllWindows() if (imageNum + 1 < len(files)): imageNum += 1 elif key == ord("b"): # cv2.destroyAllWindows() if (imageNum - 1 >= 0): imageNum -= 1 elif key == ord('q'): break except KeyboardInterrupt: break except Exception as e: logger.logError(e) traceback.print_exc(limit=3, file=sys.stdout)'Stopped')
def test_matrix(): _log = Logger('matrix-test', Level.INFO) _matrices = None try: + 'start matrices test...') _matrices = Matrices(Level.INFO)'matrix write text...') _matrices.text('HE', 'LP') time.sleep(3) _matrices.clear() time.sleep(1)'matrix on...') _matrices.on() time.sleep(2)'matrix off...') _matrices.clear() time.sleep(1)'manual gradient wipes...') for i in range(1, 8): _matrices.vertical_gradient(i) time.sleep(0.02) for i in range(7, -1, -1): _matrices.vertical_gradient(i) time.sleep(0.02) time.sleep(1) for i in range(1, 11): _matrices.horizontal_gradient(i) time.sleep(0.02) for i in range(11, -1, -1): _matrices.horizontal_gradient(i) time.sleep(0.02) time.sleep(1)'starting matrix vertical wipe...') _matrices.wipe(Matrices.DOWN, True, 0.00) time.sleep(0.0) _matrices.wipe(Matrices.DOWN, False, 0.00) _matrices.clear() time.sleep(1)'starting matrix horizontal wipe right...') _matrices.wipe(Matrices.RIGHT, True, 0.00) time.sleep(0.0) _matrices.wipe(Matrices.RIGHT, False, 0.00) _matrices.clear() # UP and LEFT not implemented except KeyboardInterrupt: + 'Ctrl-C caught: interrupted.') finally:'closing matrix test...') if _matrices: _matrices.clear()
str(minn) + ' and ' + str(maxx)) return input if __name__ == '__main__': """Show status of the Cluster Genesis environment Args: INV_FILE (string): Inventory file. LOG_LEVEL (string): Log level. Raises: Exception: If parameter count is invalid. """ LOG = Logger(__file__) ARGV_MAX = 3 ARGV_COUNT = len(sys.argv) if ARGV_COUNT > ARGV_MAX: try: raise Exception() except: LOG.error('Invalid argument count') sys.exit(1) INV_FILE = sys.argv[1] LOG.set_level(sys.argv[2]) main(LOG, INV_FILE)
class Behaviours(): ''' This class provides avoidance and some other relatively simple behaviours. This version uses the PID controller rathen than directly driving the motors. ''' def __init__(self, config, pid_motor_controller, level): self._log = Logger("behave", level) if config is None: raise ValueError('null configuration argument.') self._geo = Geometry(config, level) _config = config['ros'].get('behaviours') self._accel_range_cm = _config.get('accel_range_cm') self._cruising_velocity = _config.get('cruising_velocity') self._targeting_velocity = _config.get('targeting_velocity') self._pid_motor_controller = pid_motor_controller _pid_controllers = pid_motor_controller.get_pid_controllers() self._port_pid = _pid_controllers[0] self._stbd_pid = _pid_controllers[1] self._rgbmatrix = RgbMatrix(Level.INFO) self._fast_speed = 99.0 self._slow_speed = 50.0'ready.') # .......................................................................... def get_cruising_velocity(self): return self._cruising_velocity # .......................................................................... def back_up(self, duration_sec): ''' Back up for the specified duration so we don't hang our bumper. ''''back up.') # self._motors.astern(self._fast_speed) # time.sleep(duration_sec) pass # ========================================================================== # one_meter ..................................................................... ''' The configuration defines an 'acceleration range', which is the range used for both acceleration and deceleration. If the travel distance is greater than twice this range we have enough room to reach cruising speed before beginning to decelerate to the step target. We also define a targeting speed, which is a low velocity from which we are prepared to immediately halt upon reaching our step target. ''' ''' Geometry Notes ................................... 494 encoder steps per rotation (maybe 493) 68.5mm diameter tires 215.19mm/21.2cm wheel circumference 1 wheel rotation = 215.2mm 2295 steps per meter 2295 steps per second = 1 m/sec 2295 steps per second = 100 cm/sec 229.5 steps per second = 10 cm/sec 22.95 steps per second = 1 cm/sec 1 rotation = 215mm = 494 steps 1 meter = 4.587 rotations 2295.6 steps per meter 22.95 steps per cm ''' def _one_meter(self, pid, callback): ''' Threaded method for one_meter, one for each PID controller. This will enabled the PID if not already enabled. ''' _current_steps = pid.steps # get this quickly _rate = Rate(20) if not pid.enabled: pid.enable() pid.set_slew_rate(SlewRate.SLOWER) pid.enable_slew(True) # self._geo.steps_for_distance_cm _distance_cm = 200.0 # should be 1m _target_step_count = _distance_cm * self._geo.steps_per_cm _target_steps = round(_current_steps + _target_step_count) _closing_target_steps = _target_steps - self._geo.steps_per_rotation # last wheel rotation _final_target_step_count = _target_steps - ( 1 * self._geo.steps_per_rotation) _proposed_accel_range_cm = _distance_cm / 4.0 if _proposed_accel_range_cm * 2.0 >= self._accel_range_cm: # is the proposed range greater than the standard range? # then we use standard acceleration/deceleration 'using standard accel/decel range (compressed: {:5.2f}cm; standard: {:5.2f}cm)' .format(_proposed_accel_range_cm, self._accel_range_cm)) _accel_range_cm = self._accel_range_cm else: # otherwise compress to just one fourth of distance 'using compressed accel/decel range (compressed: {:5.2f}cm; standard: {:5.2f}cm)' .format(_proposed_accel_range_cm, self._accel_range_cm)) _accel_range_cm = _proposed_accel_range_cm _accel_range_steps = round(_accel_range_cm * self._geo.steps_per_cm) 'using accel/decel range of {:5.2f}cm, or {:d} steps.'.format( _accel_range_cm, _accel_range_steps)) _accel_target_steps = _current_steps + _accel_range_steps # accelerate til this step count _decel_target_steps = _target_steps - _accel_range_steps # step count when we begin to decelerate + 'begin one meter travel for {} motor accelerating from {:d} to {:d} steps, then cruise until {:d} steps, when we decelerate to {:d} steps and halt.'.format(\ pid.orientation.label, _current_steps, _accel_target_steps, _decel_target_steps, _target_steps)) _actually_do_this = True if _actually_do_this: # _accel_velocity = 0 # accelerate to cruising velocity ............................................ # self._rgbmatrix.show_color(Color.CYAN, Orientation.STBD) Fore.YELLOW + '{} motor accelerating...'.format(pid.orientation.label)) while pid.steps < _accel_target_steps: pid.velocity = self._cruising_velocity _rate.wait() # cruise until 3/4 of range .................................................. + '{} motor reached cruising velocity...'.format( pid.orientation.label)) # self._rgbmatrix.show_color(Color.GREEN, Orientation.STBD) pid.velocity = self._cruising_velocity while pid.steps < _decel_target_steps: # ..................................... _rate.wait() # slow down until we reach 9/10 of range # self._rgbmatrix.show_color(Color.YELLOW, Orientation.STBD) pid.velocity = round( (self._cruising_velocity + self._targeting_velocity) / 2.0) while pid.steps < _decel_target_steps: # ..................................... _rate.wait() # self._rgbmatrix.show_color(Color.ORANGE, Orientation.STBD) Fore.YELLOW + '{} motor reached 9/10 of target, decelerating to targeting velocity...' .format(pid.orientation.label)) pid.set_slew_rate(SlewRate.NORMAL) # decelerate to targeting velocity when we get to one wheel revo of target ... pid.velocity = self._targeting_velocity while pid.steps < _closing_target_steps: # ................................... _rate.wait() # self._rgbmatrix.show_color(Color.RED, Orientation.STBD) pid.velocity = self._targeting_velocity while pid.steps < _target_steps: # ........................................... # + Style.DIM + '{:d} steps...'.format(pid.steps)) time.sleep(0.001) pid.velocity = 0.0 # self._rgbmatrix.show_color(Color.BLACK, Orientation.STBD) Fore.YELLOW + '{} motor stopping...'.format(pid.orientation.label)) time.sleep(1.0) pid.set_slew_rate(SlewRate.NORMAL) Fore.YELLOW + 'executing {} callback...'.format(pid.orientation.label)) callback() self._rgbmatrix.disable() # pid.reset() # pid.disable() + 'one meter on {} motor complete: {:d} of {:d} steps.'. format(pid.orientation.label, pid.steps, _target_steps)) def one_meter(self): ''' A behaviour that drives one meter forward in a straight line, accelerating and decelerating to hit the target exactly. ''''start one meter travel...') self._one_meter_port_complete = False self._one_meter_stbd_complete = False _tp = threading.Thread(target=self._one_meter, args=(self._port_pid, self._one_meter_callback_port)) _ts = threading.Thread(target=self._one_meter, args=(self._stbd_pid, self._one_meter_callback_stbd)) _tp.start() _ts.start() _tp.join() _ts.join()'one meter travel complete.') # .......................................................................... def _one_meter_callback_port(self): + 'port one meter complete.') self._one_meter_port_complete = True # .......................................................................... def _one_meter_callback_stbd(self): + 'stbd one meter complete.') self._one_meter_stbd_complete = True # .......................................................................... def is_one_metering(self): return not self._one_meter_port_complete and not self._one_meter_stbd_complete # ========================================================================== # roam ..................................................................... # .......................................................................... def _roam_callback_port(self): + 'port roam complete.') self._roam_port_complete = True # .......................................................................... def _roam_callback_stbd(self): + 'stbd roam complete.') self._roam_stbd_complete = True # .......................................................................... def is_roaming(self): return not self._roam_port_complete and not self._roam_stbd_complete def _roam(self, pid, velocity, steps, orientation, callback): ''' Thread method for each PID controller. ''' _current_steps = pid.steps _target_steps = _current_steps + steps + 'begin {} roaming from {:d} to {:d} steps.'.format( orientation.label, _current_steps, _target_steps)) pid.velocity = velocity while pid.steps < _target_steps: # TODO accelerate # TODO cruise time.sleep(0.01) # TODO decelerate pid.velocity = 0.0 callback() time.sleep(1.0)'{} roaming complete: {:d} of {:d} steps.'.format( orientation.label, pid.steps, _target_steps)) def roam(self): ''' A pseudo-roam behaviour. ''' ''' Geometry Notes ................................... 494 encoder steps per rotation (maybe 493) 68.5mm diameter tires 215.19mm/21.2cm wheel circumference 1 wheel rotation = 215.2mm 2295 steps per meter 2295 steps per second = 1 m/sec 2295 steps per second = 100 cm/sec 229.5 steps per second = 10 cm/sec 22.95 steps per second = 1 cm/sec 1 rotation = 215mm = 494 steps 1 meter = 4.587 rotations 2295.6 steps per meter 22.95 steps per cm ''''roam.') self._roam_port_complete = False self._roam_stbd_complete = False _port_current_velocity = 0.0 self._port_pid self._stbd_pid _forward_steps_per_rotation = 494 _rotations = 5 _forward_steps = _forward_steps_per_rotation * _rotations _velocity = 35.0 #Velocity.HALF 'start roaming at velocity {:5.2f} for {:d} steps'.format( _velocity, _forward_steps)) _tp = threading.Thread(target=self._roam, args=(self._port_pid, _velocity, _forward_steps, Orientation.PORT, self._roam_callback_port)) _ts = threading.Thread(target=self._roam, args=(self._stbd_pid, _velocity, _forward_steps, Orientation.STBD, self._roam_callback_stbd)) _tp.start() _ts.start() _tp.join() _ts.join()'complete.') pass # avoid .................................................................... def avoid(self, orientation): ''' Avoids differently depending on orientation. ''' + 'avoid {}.'.format('action complete: avoid.') # sniff .................................................................... def sniff(self): if self._rgbmatrix.is_disabled(): self._rgbmatrix.set_solid_color(Color.BLUE) self._rgbmatrix.set_display_type(DisplayType.SOLID) # self._rgbmatrix.set_display_type(DisplayType.RANDOM) self._rgbmatrix.enable() else: self._rgbmatrix.disable()
class DriverCommands: def __init__(self, driver): self.driver = driver self.wait_time = 5 self.log = Logger() self.base_url = CONFIG['BASE_URL'] def find_element(self, selector): """Find element on application view. :param selector: tuple (eg. By.ID, 'element/id') :return: elements handler """ element = self.driver.find_element(*selector) return element def find_elements(self, selector): """Find all element on visible view with selector :param selector: elements selector """ elements = self.driver.find_elements(*selector) return elements def click_element(self, selector): """Find element and click on it. :param selector: tuple (eg. By.ID, 'element/id') """ element = self.wait_for_element_to_be_clickable(selector, 2) def select_dd_element(self, selector, option_name): element = self.find_element(selector) select = Select(element) select.select_by_visible_text(option_name) def fill_in(self, selector, value, confirm=False): """Find element and enter text to the field :param selector: tuple (eg. By.ID, 'element/id') :param value: text :param confirm: if True field is confirmed by send keyboard button Enter """ element = self.wait_for_element_visibility(selector) element.clear() element.send_keys(value) if confirm: element.submit() def move_to_element(self, selector): """ move mouse coursor up to element :param selector: selector for element""" element = self.find_element(selector) ActionChains(self.driver).move_to_element(element).perform() def check_page_title(self, expected_title, wait=5): """Wait some time until title will be equal to expected :param expected_title: expected title to compare :param wait: time to wait """ wait = wait or self.wait_time try: WebDriverWait(self.driver, wait).until(EC.title_is(expected_title)) self.log.logger('INFO', 'Page title is correct') except TimeoutException: title = self.get_page_title() raise AssertionError( 'Wrong page title, should be "%s", but is: "%s"' % (expected_title, title)) def get_page_title(self): """Get current page title :return: page title """ return self.driver.title def get_text_from_element(self, selector): """Find element and get text from it. :param selector: tuple (eg. By.ID, 'element/id') :return: text from element """ element = self.find_element(selector) return element.text def get_attribute_from_element(self, selector, attribute='value'): """Find element and get text from it. :param selector: tuple (eg. By.ID, 'element/id') :param attribute: html value :return: text from element """ element = self.find_element(selector) return element.get_attribute(attribute) def check_element_attribute(self, selector, attribute, expected): """Find element, get attribute from it and compare with your expectation. :param selector: tuple - element to get attribute :param attribute: string - web element attribute e.g () :param expected: text to compare with text from web element attribute """ self.log.logger('INFO', 'Checking text. Text should be %s' % expected) attribute_value = self.get_attribute_from_element(selector, attribute) assert attribute_value == expected, "Wrong attribute value. Should be '%s' instead of '%s'" % ( expected, attribute_value) def check_checkbox_is_selected(self, selector): """Find checkbox and check if it is selected :param selector: tuple (eg. By.ID, 'element/id') :return: checkbox state (True or False) """ element = self.find_element(selector) return element.is_selected() # WAIT METHODS def wait_for_element_to_be_clickable(self, selector, wait=None): wait = wait or self.wait_time try: return WebDriverWait(self.driver, wait).until( EC.element_to_be_clickable(selector)) except TimeoutException: raise AssertionError('Element is not visible or not clickable') def wait_for_element_visibility(self, selector, wait=None): """Wait some time until expected element will be visible on current page :param selector: element selector :param wait: time to wait """ wait = wait or self.wait_time try: element = WebDriverWait(self.driver, wait).until( EC.visibility_of_element_located(selector)) return element except (TimeoutException, NoSuchElementException): raise AssertionError('Could not find element' + str(selector)) def wait_for_element_not_visibility(self, selector, wait=None): """Wait some time until visible element disappear :param selector: element selector :param wait: time to wait """ wait = wait or self.wait_time try: WebDriverWait(self.driver, wait).until_not( EC.visibility_of_element_located(selector)) except (TimeoutException, NoSuchElementException): return False def wait_for_expected_text(self, selector, expected_text, wait=None): """Wait some time until expected text will be visible on current page :param expected_text: expected title to compare :param selector: element selector :param wait: time to wait """ wait = wait or self.wait_time try: text_is_present = WebDriverWait(self.driver, wait).until( EC.text_to_be_present_in_element(selector, expected_text)) return text_is_present except (TimeoutException, NoSuchElementException): raise AssertionError( 'Something went wrong with reading text from the element' + str(selector)) def wait_for_alert(self, wait=None): """ Wait some time until for alert presented :param wait: time to wait :return: Bool """ wait = wait or self.wait_time try: WebDriverWait(self.driver, wait).until(EC.alert_is_present()) alert = self.driver.switch_to.alert self.log.logger('INFO', 'Alert presented with message: %s' % alert.text) return True except TimeoutException: self.log.logger('INFO', 'Any alert presented') return False @staticmethod def wait(seconds): time.sleep(seconds) def open_url(self, url): self.driver.get(url) self.log.logger('INFO', 'Opened url: %s' % url) def get_screenshot_file(self, driver, file_name): """ Function create screenshot png file in the screenshot directory :param driver: webdriver :param file_name: name of the screenshot file """ scr_dir = os.path.join( os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__))), 'screenshots/') scr_file = scr_dir + file_name + '.png' try: driver.get_screenshot_as_file(scr_file) self.log.logger('INFO', 'Screenshot saved: %s' % scr_file) except NoSuchWindowException: self.log.logger('ERROR', 'Browser unable to get a screenshot')
def __init__(self, num, percent, value): self._log = Logger('velocity', Level.INFO) self._percent = percent self._value = value # how many ticks per 20Hz loop?
def __init__(self, driver): self.driver = driver self.wait_time = 5 self.log = Logger() self.base_url = CONFIG['BASE_URL']
self.logger.error("Push Error: {}".format(e)) class MyThread(threading.Thread): def __init__(self, target, args): super().__init__() = target self.args = args def run(self):*self.args) if __name__ == "__main__": # k线 logger日志 logger = Logger.get_logger("huobipro_trade_log") # 获取代码目录绝对路径 last_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(os.getcwd())) # 创建 conf/common_conf/common_conf.yaml 配置对象 common_path = '{}/conf/common_conf/common_conf.yaml'.format(last_dir) common_config = Config(common_path) # 读取redis数据库配置,并创建redis数据库连接 redis_conf = common_config.get_value("redis") redis_connect = redis.Redis(**redis_conf)"redis初始化成功.") # 创建 conf/script_conf/trade_socket/heyue.yaml 配置对象 script_path = '{}/conf/script_conf/trade_socket/huobipro.yaml'.format(last_dir)
def main(): signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal_handler) _log = Logger("scanner", Level.INFO) + Style.BRIGHT + ' INFO : starting test...') + Style.BRIGHT + ' INFO : Press Ctrl+C to exit.') try: _i2c_scanner = I2CScanner(Level.WARN) _addresses = _i2c_scanner.get_int_addresses() _hex_addresses = _i2c_scanner.get_hex_addresses() _addrDict = dict( list(map(lambda x, y: (x, y), _addresses, _hex_addresses))) for i in range(len(_addresses)): _log.debug(Fore.BLACK + Style.DIM + 'found device at address: {}'.format(_hex_addresses[i])) vl53l1x_available = (0x29 in _addresses) ultraborg_available = (0x36 in _addresses) if not vl53l1x_available: raise OSError('VL53L1X hardware dependency not available.') if not ultraborg_available: # raise OSError('UltraBorg hardware dependency not available.') print('UltraBorg hardware dependency not available.')'starting scan...') # _player = Player(Level.INFO) _loader = ConfigLoader(Level.INFO) filename = 'config.yaml' _config = _loader.configure(filename) _lidar = Lidar(_config, Level.INFO) _lidar.enable() for i in range(5): values = _lidar.scan() _angle_at_min = values[0] if _angle_at_min < 0: _mm = values[3] + Style.BRIGHT + 'distance:\t{}mm'.format(_mm)) else: _min_mm = values[1] _angle_at_max = values[2] _max_mm = values[3] + Style.BRIGHT + 'min. distance at {:>5.2f}°:\t{}mm'.format( _angle_at_min, _min_mm)) + Style.BRIGHT + 'max. distance at {:>5.2f}°:\t{}mm'.format( _angle_at_max, _max_mm)) time.sleep(1.0) _lidar.close() + Style.BRIGHT + 'test complete.') except Exception: sys.exit(1)
def __init__(self, level): self._log = Logger('configloader', level)'ready.')
class IMU(): ''' Composite IMU. ''' def __init__(self, config, level): self._log = Logger("imu", level) if config is None: raise ValueError("no configuration provided.") # ICM20948 configuration ..................................... _icm20948_config = config['ros'].get('icm20948') self._icm20948_heading_trim = _icm20948_config.get('heading_trim')'trim: heading: {:<5.2f}° (ICM20948)'.format( self._icm20948_heading_trim)) self._icm20948 = ICM20948(i2c_addr=0x69) self._amin = list(self._icm20948.read_magnetometer_data()) self._amax = list(self._icm20948.read_magnetometer_data()) # BNO055 configuration ....................................... self._bno055 = BNO055(config, Level.INFO)'ready.') # .......................................................................... def read_icm20948_magnetometer(self): return self._icm20948.read_magnetometer_data() # .......................................................................... def read_icm20948_accelerometer_gyro_data(self): # ax, ay, az, gx, gy, gz = _imu.read_accelerometer_gyro() return self._icm20948.read_accelerometer_gyro_data() # .......................................................................... def read_icm20948_heading(self): _mag = self._icm20948.read_magnetometer_data() _orig_heading = Convert.heading_from_magnetometer( self._amin, self._amax, _mag) _heading = Convert.offset_in_degrees(_orig_heading, self._icm20948_heading_trim) + 'heading:\t{:>9.2f}°\t'.format(_heading) + Style.DIM \ + 'orig: {:>9.2f}°\ttrim: {:>9.2f}°; icm20948'.format(_orig_heading, self._icm20948_heading_trim)) return _heading # .......................................................................... def read_bno055_heading(self): _bno_reading = return _bno_reading # .......................................................................... def read_heading(self): ''' Read a composite heading, returning the BNO055 and ICM20948 values as a tuple. ''' _bno_reading = self.read_bno055_heading() _bno_heading = _bno_reading[1] _icm20948_heading = self.read_icm20948_heading() if _bno_heading and _icm20948_heading: _diff = _bno_heading - _icm20948_heading if _diff < 90.0: + 'diff: {:5.2f}°\t'.format(_diff) + Fore.BLACK + '(bno: {:5.2f}°; icm: {:5.2f}°)'.format( _bno_heading, _icm20948_heading)) else: + 'diff: {:5.2f}°\t'.format(_diff) + Fore.BLACK + '(bno: {:5.2f}°; icm: {:5.2f}°)'.format( _bno_heading, _icm20948_heading)) return [_bno_heading, _icm20948_heading] else:'unavailable.') return [-1.0, -1.0]
class Video(): ''' Provides a video-to-file and optional video-to-stream (web) functionality, with options for dynamically altering the camera settings to account for light levels based on a Pimoroni LTR-559 lux sensor (at 0x23), as well as automatic and manual controls for camera lighting using either one or two Pimoroni Matrix 11x7 displays (white LEDs, at 0x75 and 0x77). The camera image is annotated with a title and timestamp. The output filename is timestamped and written to a './videos' directory in H.264 video format. ''' def __init__(self, config, level): super().__init__() global video_width, video_height, annotation_title self._log = Logger('video', level) if config is None: raise ValueError("no configuration provided.") self._config = config _config = self._config['ros'].get('video') self._enable_streaming = _config.get('enable_streaming') self._port = _config.get('port') self._lux_threshold = _config.get('lux_threshold') self._counter = itertools.count() self._server = None # camera configuration self._ctrl_lights = _config.get('ctrl_lights') self._width = _config.get('width') self._height = _config.get('height') self._resolution = (self._width, self._height) self._framerate = _config.get('framerate') self._convert_mp4 = _config.get('convert_mp4') self._remove_h264 = _config.get('remove_h264') self._quality = _config.get('quality') self._annotate = _config.get('annotate') self._title = _config.get('title') self._basename = _config.get('basename') self._dirname = _config.get('dirname') # set globals video_width = self._width video_height = self._height annotation_title = self._title self._filename = None self._thread = None self._killer = None # scan I2c bus for devices _i2c_scanner = I2CScanner(Level.DEBUG) if _i2c_scanner.has_address([0x23]): self._lux = Lux(Level.INFO) 'LTR-559 lux sensor found: camera adjustment active.') else: self._lux = None self._log.warning( 'no LTR-559 lux sensor found: camera adjustment inactive.') # lighting configuration self._port_light = None self._stbd_light = None if self._ctrl_lights: if _i2c_scanner.has_address([0x77]): # port self._port_light = Matrix(Orientation.PORT, Level.INFO)'port-side camera lighting available.') else: self._log.warning('no port-side camera lighting available.') if _i2c_scanner.has_address([0x75]): # starboard self._stbd_light = Matrix(Orientation.STBD, Level.INFO)'starboard-side camera lighting available.') else: self._log.warning( 'no starboard-side camera lighting available.') else:'lighting control is disabled.') if self._enable_streaming:'ready: streaming on port {:d}'.format(self._port)) else:'ready: save to file only, no streaming.') # .......................................................................... def set_compass(self, compass): global g_compass g_compass = compass # used by annotation self._compass = compass # .......................................................................... @staticmethod def get_annotation(): global annotation_title, g_compass _heading = '' #g_compass.get_heading_message() if g_compass is not None else '' return '{} {} {}'.format( annotation_title,'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %Z'), _heading) # .......................................................................... def is_night_mode(self): if self._lux is None: return False _value = self._lux.get_value() _threshold = self._lux_threshold self._log.debug('lux: {:>5.2f} < threshold: {:>5.2f}?'.format( _value, _threshold)) return _value < _threshold # .......................................................................... def _get_timestamp(self): return dt.utcfromtimestamp( dt.utcnow().timestamp()).isoformat().replace(':', '_').replace( '-', '_').replace('.', '_') # .......................................................................... def get_filename(self): return self._filename # .......................................................................... def get_ip_address(self): _socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) try: _socket.connect(('', 1)) _ip = _socket.getsockname()[0] except Exception: _ip = '' finally: _socket.close() return _ip # .......................................................................... def _start(self, output_splitter, f_is_enabled): global output # necessary for access from StreamingHandler, passed as type output = output_splitter self._output = output_splitter self._filename = output_splitter.get_filename() if self._enable_streaming:'starting video with capture to file: {}'.format( output_splitter.get_filename())) else:'starting capture to file: {}'.format( output_splitter.get_filename())) with picamera.PiCamera(resolution=self._resolution, framerate=self._framerate) as camera:'camera framerate: {}'.format(camera.framerate))'camera ISO: {}'.format(camera.iso))'camera mode: {}'.format(camera.exposure_mode))'camera shutter speed: {}'.format( camera.shutter_speed)) if self._annotate: camera.annotate_text_size = 12 self.set_night_mode(camera, self.is_night_mode()) # camera.annotate_text = Video.get_annotation() # initial text # start video annotation thread self._annot = threading.Thread( target=Video._annotate, args=[self, camera, f_is_enabled]) self._annot.setDaemon(True) self._annot.start() if self._quality > 0: # values 1 (highest quality) to 40 (lowest quality), with typical values between 20 and 25'camera quality: {}'.format(self._quality)) camera.start_recording(output_splitter, format='mjpeg', quality=self._quality) else: camera.start_recording(output_splitter, format='mjpeg') # ............ try: if self._enable_streaming: if self._server is None:'starting streaming server...') address = ('', self._port) self._server = StreamingServer(address, StreamingHandler, f_is_enabled) self._killer = lambda: self.close( camera, output_splitter) self._server.serve_forever() else:'streaming server already active.') else: # keepalive while f_is_enabled(): self._log.debug('keep-alive...') time.sleep(1.0) + 'exited video loop.') except Exception: self._log.error('error streaming video: {}'.format( traceback.format_exc())) finally: + 'finally.') # self.close(camera, output_splitter)'_start: complete.') # .......................................................................... def _annotate(self, camera, f_is_enabled): ''' Update the video annotation every second. ''' self._camera = camera _count = 0 while f_is_enabled(): # _count = next(self._counter) self._camera.annotate_text = Video.get_annotation() # if ( _count % 5 ) == 0: # every five seconds self.set_night_mode(camera, self.is_night_mode()) time.sleep(1.0) # .......................................................................... def set_night_mode(self, camera, enabled): # NOTE: setting 'iso' overrides exposure mode _compass_calibrated = False # True if self._compass and self._compass.is_calibrated() else False if enabled: self._log.debug('night mode.') # camera.exposure_mode = 'nightpreview' ''' off auto: use automatic exposure mode night: select setting for night shooting nightpreview: backlight: select setting for backlit subject spotlight: sports: select setting for sports (fast shutter etc.) snow: select setting optimised for snowy scenery beach: select setting optimised for beach verylong: select setting for long exposures fixedfps: constrain fps to a fixed value antishake: antishake mode fireworks: select setting optimised for fireworks source: ''' camera.iso = 800 camera.led = False camera.annotate_foreground = Color.from_string('#ffdada') if _compass_calibrated: camera.annotate_background = Color.from_string('#440000') else: camera.annotate_background = Color.from_string('#440088') if self._ctrl_lights: self.set_lights(True) else: self._log.debug('day mode.') camera.iso = 100 # camera.exposure_mode = 'off' camera.led = True camera.annotate_foreground = Color.from_string('#111111') if _compass_calibrated: camera.annotate_background = Color.from_string('#ffffff') else: camera.annotate_background = Color.from_string('#ffff00') if self._ctrl_lights: self.set_lights(False) # .......................................................................... def set_lights(self, on): if self._port_light: if on: self._port_light.light() else: self._port_light.clear() if self._stbd_light: if on: self._stbd_light.light() else: self._stbd_light.clear() # .......................................................................... def is_enabled(self): return self._enabled # .......................................................................... @property def active(self): return self._thread is not None # .......................................................................... def start(self): if self._thread is not None:'video already started.') return'start.') self._enabled = True if not os.path.isdir(self._dirname): os.makedirs(self._dirname) self._filename = os.path.join( self._dirname, self._basename + '_' + self._get_timestamp() + '.h264') _output = OutputSplitter(self._filename) self._thread = threading.Thread(target=Video._start, args=[ self, _output, lambda: self.is_enabled(), ]) self._thread.setDaemon(True) self._thread.start() _ip = self.get_ip_address() Fore.MAGENTA + Style.BRIGHT + 'video started on:\thttp://{}:{:d}/'.format(_ip, self._port)) # .......................................................................... def stop(self): if self._thread is None:'video already stopped.') return'stopping video capture on file: {}'.format( self._filename)) print(Fore.GREEN + 'setting enabled flag to False.' + Style.RESET_ALL) self._enabled = False if self._killer is not None: print(Fore.GREEN + 'KILLING...' + Style.RESET_ALL) self._killer() else: print(Fore.GREEN + 'NO KILLER.' + Style.RESET_ALL) if self._output is not None: print(Fore.GREEN + 'flushing and closing...' + Style.RESET_ALL) self._output.flush() self._output.close() self._output = None print(Fore.GREEN + 'closed.' + Style.RESET_ALL)'joining thread...') self._thread.join(timeout=1.0) self._thread = None if self._convert_mp4: self._convert_to_mp4()'stopped.') # .......................................................................... def _convert_to_mp4(self): if os.path.exists(self._filename):'converting file {} to mp4...'.format( self._filename)) _mp4_filename = Path(self._filename).stem + ".mp4" os.system('ffmpeg -loglevel panic -hide_banner -r {:d} -i {:s} -vcodec copy {:s}'.format(\ self._framerate, self._filename, _mp4_filename))'mp4 conversion complete.') if self._remove_h264: os.remove(self._filename)'removed h264 video source.') else: self._log.warning( 'could not convert to mp4: file {} did not exist.'.format( self._filename)) # .......................................................................... def close(self, camera, output):'closing video...') if self._ctrl_lights: self.set_lights(False) if camera: if camera.recording: camera.stop_recording() self._log.debug('camera stopped recording.') if not camera.closed: camera.close() self._log.debug('camera closed.') if output: output.flush() self._log.debug('output flushed.') output.close() self._log.debug('output closed.') if self._server is not None:'shutting down server...') self._server.shutdown()'server shut down.') + Style.BRIGHT + 'video closed.')
from lib.awsapi_helpers import AWSClient, BotoSession from lib.applogger import LogHandler from lib.metrics import Metrics #------------------------------ # Remediation-Specific #------------------------------ LAMBDA_ROLE = 'SO0111_CIS43_memberRole' REMEDIATION = 'Remove all rules from the default security group' AFFECTED_OBJECT = 'Security Group' #------------------------------ PLAYBOOK = os.path.basename(__file__[:-3]) # initialise LOGGERs LOG_LEVEL = os.getenv('log_level', 'info') LOGGER = Logger(loglevel=LOG_LEVEL) APPLOGGER = LogHandler(PLAYBOOK) # application LOGGER for CW Logs # Get AWS region from Lambda environment. If not present then we're not # running under lambda, so defaulting to us-east-1 AWS_REGION = os.getenv('AWS_DEFAULT_REGION', 'us-east-1') # Append region name to LAMBDA_ROLE LAMBDA_ROLE += '_' + AWS_REGION BOTO_CONFIG = Config(retries={'max_attempts': 10}, region_name=AWS_REGION) AWS = AWSClient() #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # HANDLER #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ def lambda_handler(event, context):
def __init__(self, address, streaming_handler, f_is_enabled): super().__init__(address, streaming_handler) self._log = Logger('server', Level.INFO) self._enabled_flag = f_is_enabled'ready.')
from lib.logger import Level, Logger from lib.motors_v2 import Motors from lib.config_loader import ConfigLoader def brake():'braking...') _motors.brake() _motors.stop() _motors.close()'done.') # .............................................................................. _motors = None _log = Logger('brake', Level.INFO) try:'configuring...') # read YAML configuration _loader = ConfigLoader(Level.WARN) filename = 'config.yaml' _config = _loader.configure(filename) _motors = Motors(_config, None, Level.WARN) except KeyboardInterrupt: _log.error('Ctrl-C caught in main: exiting...') finally:'complete.')
def __init__(self, config, level): super().__init__() global video_width, video_height, annotation_title self._log = Logger('video', level) if config is None: raise ValueError("no configuration provided.") self._config = config _config = self._config['ros'].get('video') self._enable_streaming = _config.get('enable_streaming') self._port = _config.get('port') self._lux_threshold = _config.get('lux_threshold') self._counter = itertools.count() self._server = None # camera configuration self._ctrl_lights = _config.get('ctrl_lights') self._width = _config.get('width') self._height = _config.get('height') self._resolution = (self._width, self._height) self._framerate = _config.get('framerate') self._convert_mp4 = _config.get('convert_mp4') self._remove_h264 = _config.get('remove_h264') self._quality = _config.get('quality') self._annotate = _config.get('annotate') self._title = _config.get('title') self._basename = _config.get('basename') self._dirname = _config.get('dirname') # set globals video_width = self._width video_height = self._height annotation_title = self._title self._filename = None self._thread = None self._killer = None # scan I2c bus for devices _i2c_scanner = I2CScanner(Level.DEBUG) if _i2c_scanner.has_address([0x23]): self._lux = Lux(Level.INFO) 'LTR-559 lux sensor found: camera adjustment active.') else: self._lux = None self._log.warning( 'no LTR-559 lux sensor found: camera adjustment inactive.') # lighting configuration self._port_light = None self._stbd_light = None if self._ctrl_lights: if _i2c_scanner.has_address([0x77]): # port self._port_light = Matrix(Orientation.PORT, Level.INFO)'port-side camera lighting available.') else: self._log.warning('no port-side camera lighting available.') if _i2c_scanner.has_address([0x75]): # starboard self._stbd_light = Matrix(Orientation.STBD, Level.INFO)'starboard-side camera lighting available.') else: self._log.warning( 'no starboard-side camera lighting available.') else:'lighting control is disabled.') if self._enable_streaming:'ready: streaming on port {:d}'.format(self._port)) else:'ready: save to file only, no streaming.')
def run(opt): torch.manual_seed(opt.seed) torch.backends.cudnn.benchmark = not opt.not_cuda_benchmark and not opt.test print('Setting up data...') Dataset = get_dataset(opt.dataset, opt.task) # if opt.task==mot -> JointDataset f = open(opt.data_cfg) # 选择什么数据集进行训练测试 '../src/lib/cfg/mot15.json', data_config = json.load(f) trainset_paths = data_config['train'] # 训练集路径 dataset_root = data_config['root'] # 数据集所在目录 print("Dataset root: %s" % dataset_root) f.close() transforms = T.Compose([T.ToTensor()]) dataset = Dataset(opt=opt, root=dataset_root, paths=trainset_paths, img_size=(1088, 608), augment=True, transforms=transforms) opt = opts().update_dataset_info_and_set_heads(opt, dataset) print("opt:\n", opt) logger = Logger(opt) # os.environ['CUDA_DEVICE_ORDER'] = 'PCI_BUS_ID' # os.environ['CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES'] = opt.gpus_str # 多GPU训练 # print("opt.gpus_str: ", opt.gpus_str) # opt.device = torch.device('cuda: 0' if opt.gpus[0] >= 0 else 'cpu') # 设置GPU opt.device = device opt.gpus = my_visible_devs # 构建模型 print('Creating model...') model = create_model(opt.arch, opt.heads, opt.head_conv) # 初始化优化器 optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(model.parameters(), start_epoch = 0 if opt.load_model != '': model, optimizer, start_epoch = load_model(model, opt.load_model, optimizer, opt.resume,, opt.lr_step) # Get dataloader if opt.is_debug: train_loader = dataset=dataset, batch_size=opt.batch_size, shuffle=True, pin_memory=True, drop_last=True) # debug时不设置线程数(即默认为0) else: train_loader =, batch_size=opt.batch_size, shuffle=True, num_workers=opt.num_workers, pin_memory=True, drop_last=True) print('Starting training...') Trainer = train_factory[opt.task] trainer = Trainer(opt=opt, model=model, optimizer=optimizer) # trainer.set_device(opt.gpus, opt.chunk_sizes, opt.device) trainer.set_device(opt.gpus, opt.chunk_sizes, device) best = 1e10 for epoch in range(start_epoch + 1, opt.num_epochs + 1): mark = epoch if opt.save_all else 'last' # 训练的核心函数 log_dict_train, _ = trainer.train(epoch, train_loader) logger.write('epoch: {} |'.format(epoch)) for k, v in log_dict_train.items(): logger.scalar_summary('train_{}'.format(k), v, epoch) logger.write('{} {:8f} | '.format(k, v)) if opt.val_intervals > 0 and epoch % opt.val_intervals == 0: save_model(os.path.join(opt.save_dir, 'model_{}.pth'.format(mark)), epoch, model, optimizer) else: save_model(os.path.join(opt.save_dir, 'model_last.pth'), epoch, model, optimizer) logger.write('\n') if epoch in opt.lr_step: save_model( os.path.join(opt.save_dir, 'model_{}.pth'.format(epoch)), epoch, model, optimizer) lr = * (0.1**(opt.lr_step.index(epoch) + 1)) print('Drop LR to', lr) for param_group in optimizer.param_groups: param_group['lr'] = lr if epoch % 5 == 0: save_model( os.path.join(opt.save_dir, 'model_{}.pth'.format(epoch)), epoch, model, optimizer) logger.close()
class Rate(): ''' Loops at a fixed rate, specified in hertz (Hz). :param hertz: the frequency of the loop in Hertz :param level: the log level :param use_ns: (optional) if True use a nanosecond counter instead of milliseconds ''' def __init__(self, hertz, level=Level.INFO, use_ns=False): self._log = Logger('rate', level) self._last_ns = time.perf_counter_ns() self._last_time = time.time() self._dt = 1 / hertz self._dt_ms = self._dt * 1000 self._dt_ns = self._dt_ms * 1000000 self._use_ns = use_ns if self._use_ns: 'nanosecond rate set for {:d}Hz (period: {:>4.2f}sec/{:d}ms)'. format(hertz, self.get_period_sec(), self.get_period_ms())) else: 'millisecond rate set for {:d}Hz (period: {:>4.2f}sec/{:d}ms)'. format(hertz, self.get_period_sec(), self.get_period_ms())) # .......................................................................... def get_period_sec(self): ''' Returns the period in seconds, as a float. ''' return self._dt # .......................................................................... def get_period_ms(self): ''' Returns the period in milliseconds, rounded to an int. ''' return round(self._dt * 1000) # .......................................................................... def waiting(self): ''' Return True if still waiting for the current loop to complete. ''' return self._dt < (time.time() - self._last_time) # .......................................................................... def wait(self): """ If called before the allotted period will wait the remaining time so that the loop is no faster than the specified frequency. If called after the allotted period has passed, no waiting takes place. E.g.: # execute loop at 60Hz rate = Rate(60) while True: # do something... rate.wait() """ if self._use_ns: _ns_diff = time.perf_counter_ns() - self._last_ns _delay_sec = (self._dt_ns - _ns_diff) / (1000 * 1000000) if self._dt_ns > _ns_diff: # print('...') time.sleep(_delay_sec) # + Style.BRIGHT + 'dt_ns: {:7.4f}; diff: {:7.4f}ns; delay: {:7.4f}s'.format(self._dt_ns, _ns_diff, _delay_sec)) self._last_ns = time.perf_counter_ns() else: _diff = time.time() - self._last_time _delay_sec = self._dt - _diff if self._dt > _diff: time.sleep(_delay_sec) # + Style.BRIGHT + 'dt: {:7.4f}; diff: {:7.4f}ms; delay: {:7.4f}s'.format(self._dt, _diff, _delay_sec)) self._last_time = time.time()
class OutputSplitter(object): ''' An output (as far as picamera is concerned), is just a filename or an object which implements a write() method (and optionally the flush() and close() methods) If the filename parameter is None no file is written. ''' def __init__(self, filename): self.frame = None self.buffer = io.BytesIO() self._log = Logger('output', Level.INFO) self._filename = filename if self._filename: self._output_file =, 'wb') + 'output file: {}'.format(filename)) else: self._output_file = None + 'no output file generated from video.') self._condition = Condition()'ready.') def get_filename(self): return self._filename def write(self, buf): if buf.startswith(b'\xff\xd8'): # new frame, copy existing buffer's content and notify all clients it's available self.buffer.truncate() with self._condition: self.frame = self.buffer.getvalue() self._condition.notify_all() if self._output_file and not self._output_file.closed: self._output_file.write(buf) return self.buffer.write(buf) def flush(self): self._log.debug('flushing...') if self._output_file and not self._output_file.closed: self._output_file.flush() if not self.buffer.closed: self.buffer.flush() self._log.debug('flushed.') def close(self):'closing...') if self._output_file and not self._output_file.closed: self._output_file.close() if not self.buffer.closed: self.buffer.close()'closed.')
class RoamBehaviour(): ''' This action class provides a roaming behaviour. ''' def __init__(self, motors, level): self._log = Logger("roam", level) self._port_pid = motors._port_pid self._stbd_pid = motors._stbd_pid self._roam_port_complete = False self._roam_stbd_complete = False'ready.') # .......................................................................... def _callback_port(self): + 'port roam complete.') self._roam_port_complete = True # .......................................................................... def _callback_stbd(self): + 'stbd roam complete.') self._roam_stbd_complete = True # .......................................................................... def is_roaming(self): return not self._roam_port_complete and not self._roam_stbd_complete def _roam(self, velocity, direction, slew_rate, steps, callback, orientation):'begin roaming...') for i in range(10): + 'roam [{:d}]'.format(i)) if orientation is Orientation.PORT: self._port_pid.step_to(velocity, direction, slew_rate, steps) elif orientation is Orientation.STBD: self._stbd_pid.step_to(velocity, direction, slew_rate, steps) time.sleep(1.0) callback()'stop roaming.') # .......................................................................... def roam(self): ''' Begin roaming. ''''roaming...') self._roam_port_complete = False self._roam_stbd_complete = False _forward_steps_per_rotation = 494 _rotations = 2 _forward_steps = _forward_steps_per_rotation * _rotations _velocity = 35.0 #Velocity.HALF _direction = Direction.FORWARD _slew_rate = SlewRate.SLOW'start roaming at velocity: {}'.format(_velocity)) _tp = Thread(target=self._roam, args=(_velocity, _direction, _slew_rate, _forward_steps, self._callback_port, Orientation.PORT)) _ts = Thread(target=self._roam, args=(_velocity, _direction, _slew_rate, _forward_steps, self._callback_stbd, Orientation.STBD)) _tp.start() _ts.start() _tp.join() _ts.join()'complete.')