def calculate_F1(databasefile, result_boxes=None, resfile=None, det_thres=0.5, hotclass=2): DB = Database() DB = if (result_boxes is None): if resfile is None: raise ValueError( 'At least one of resfile/result_boxes must be given') if (resfile[-3:] == 'bz2'): f = bz2.BZ2File(resfile, 'rb') else: f = open(resfile, 'rb') result_boxes = pickle.load(f) sTP, sFN, sFP = 0, 0, 0 F1dict = dict() result_boxes = nms(result_boxes, det_thres) print('Calculating F1 for test set of %d files' % len(result_boxes)) for resfile in result_boxes: boxes = np.array(result_boxes[resfile]) TP, FP, FN, F1 = 0, 0, 0, 0 if boxes.shape[0] > 0: score = boxes[:, -1] # print('ID:',resfile,DB.findSlideWithFilename(resfile,'')) DB.loadIntoMemory(DB.findSlideWithFilename(resfile, '')) # perform NMS on detections annoList = [] for annoI in DB.annotations: anno = DB.annotations[annoI] if anno.agreedClass == hotclass: annoList.append([anno.x1, anno.y1]) centers_DB = np.array(annoList) F1, TP, FP, FN = _F1_core(centers_DB, boxes, score, det_thres) sTP += TP sFP += FP sFN += FN F1dict[resfile] = F1 print('Overall: ') sF1 = 2 * sTP / (2 * sTP + sFP + sFN) print('TP:', sTP, 'FP:', sFP, 'FN: ', sFN, 'F1:', sF1) return sF1, F1dict
def exportCSV(filepath, resultsfile, threshold): results = pickle.load(open(resultsfile, 'rb')) results = nms(results, threshold) for k in results: dirname = k.split('_')[0] os.system(f'mkdir -p {filepath}/{dirname}') boxes = np.array(results[k]) center_x = (boxes[:, 0] + (boxes[:, 2] - boxes[:, 0]) / 2).tolist() if boxes.shape[0] > 0 else [] center_y = (boxes[:, 1] + (boxes[:, 3] - boxes[:, 1]) / 2).tolist() if boxes.shape[0] > 0 else [] scores = (boxes[:, -1]).tolist() if boxes.shape[0] > 0 else [] f = open(f'{filepath}/{dirname}/01.csv', 'w') for (cx, cy, s) in zip(center_x, center_y, scores): if (s > threshold): f.write(f'{int(cy)},{int(cx)}\n') f.close()
def calculate_F1(databasefile, result_boxes=None, resfile=None, det_thres=0.5, hotclass=2,verbose=False): DB = Database() DB = if (result_boxes is None): if resfile is None: raise ValueError('At least one of resfile/result_boxes must be given') if (resfile[-3:] == 'bz2'): f = bz2.BZ2File(resfile, 'rb') else: f = open(resfile,'rb') result_boxes = pickle.load(f) sTP, sFN, sFP = 0,0,0 F1dict = dict() sP = 0 result_boxes = nms(result_boxes, det_thres) print('Calculating F1 for test set of %d files' % len(result_boxes)) #mitcount = DB.execute(f'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Annotations where agreedClass={hotclass}').fetchall() #print('Official count of mitotic figures in DB: ', mitcount) slideids = [] for resfile in result_boxes: boxes = np.array(result_boxes[resfile]) TP, FP, FN,F1 = 0,0,0,0 slide_id=DB.findSlideWithFilename(resfile,'') slideids.append(str(slide_id)) DB.loadIntoMemory(slide_id) annoList=[] for annoI in DB.annotations: anno = DB.annotations[annoI] if anno.agreedClass==hotclass: annoList.append([anno.x1,anno.y1]) centers_DB = np.array(annoList) if boxes.shape[0]>0: score = boxes[:,-1] # print('ID:',resfile,DB.findSlideWithFilename(resfile,'')) F1,TP,FP,FN = _F1_core(centers_DB, boxes, score,det_thres) if (centers_DB.shape[0] != TP+FN): print(resfile,centers_DB.shape[0],TP+FN) else: # no detections --> missed all FN = centers_DB.shape[0] if (verbose): print(f'{resfile}: F1:{F1}, TP:{TP}, FP:{FP}, FN:{FN}') sTP+=TP sFP+=FP sP += centers_DB.shape[0] sFN+=FN F1dict[resfile]=F1 print('Overall: ') sF1 = 2*sTP/(2*sTP + sFP + sFN) print('TP:', sTP, 'FP:', sFP,'FN: ',sFN,'F1:',sF1) print('Number of mitotic figures:',sP) print('Precision: %.3f '%(sTP / (sTP+sFP))) print('Recall: %.3f' %(sTP / (sTP+sFN))) #print('Not working on: ',np.array(DB.execute(f'SELECT uid from Slides where uid not in ({",".join(slideids)})').fetchall()).flatten()) return sF1, F1dict
def optimize_threshold(databasefile, result_boxes=None, resfile=None, hotclass=2, minthres=0.5): DB = Database() DB = if (result_boxes is None): if resfile is None: raise ValueError('At least one of resfile/result_boxes must be given') if (resfile[-3:] == 'bz2'): f = bz2.BZ2File(resfile, 'rb') else: f = open(resfile,'rb') result_boxes = pickle.load(f) sTP, sFN, sFP = 0,0,0 F1dict = dict() MIN_THR = minthres result_boxes = nms(result_boxes, MIN_THR) TPd, FPd, FNd, F1d = dict(), dict(), dict(), dict() thresholds = np.arange(MIN_THR,0.99,0.01) print('Optimizing threshold for validation set of %d files: '%len(result_boxes.keys()), ','.join(list(result_boxes.keys()))) for resfile in result_boxes: boxes = np.array(result_boxes[resfile]) TP, FP, FN = 0,0,0 TPd[resfile] = list() FPd[resfile] = list() FNd[resfile] = list() F1d[resfile] = list() if (boxes.shape[0]>0): score = boxes[:,-1] DB.loadIntoMemory(DB.findSlideWithFilename(resfile,'')) # perform NMS on detections annoList=[] for annoI in DB.annotations: anno = DB.annotations[annoI] if anno.agreedClass==hotclass: annoList.append([anno.x1,anno.y1]) centers_DB = np.array(annoList) for det_thres in thresholds: F1,TP,FP,FN = _F1_core(centers_DB, boxes, score,det_thres) TPd[resfile] += [TP] FPd[resfile] += [FP] FNd[resfile] += [FN] F1d[resfile] += [F1] else: for det_thres in thresholds: TPd[resfile] += [0] FPd[resfile] += [0] FNd[resfile] += [0] F1d[resfile] += [0] F1 = 0 F1dict[resfile]=F1 allTP = np.zeros(len(thresholds)) allFP = np.zeros(len(thresholds)) allFN = np.zeros(len(thresholds)) allF1 = np.zeros(len(thresholds)) allF1M = np.zeros(len(thresholds)) for k in range(len(thresholds)): allTP[k] = np.sum([TPd[x][k] for x in result_boxes]) allFP[k] = np.sum([FPd[x][k] for x in result_boxes]) allFN[k] = np.sum([FNd[x][k] for x in result_boxes]) allF1[k] = 2*allTP[k] / (2*allTP[k] + allFP[k] + allFN[k]) allF1M[k] = np.mean([F1d[x][k] for x in result_boxes]) print('Best threshold: F1=', np.max(allF1), 'Threshold=',thresholds[np.argmax(allF1)]) return thresholds[np.argmax(allF1)], allF1, thresholds