Ejemplo n.º 1
class SCIONDaemon(SCIONElement):
    The SCION Daemon used for retrieving and combining paths.
    MAX_REQS = 1024
    # Time a path segment is cached at a host (in seconds).
    SEGMENT_TTL = 300
    # Empty Path TTL

    def __init__(self, conf_dir, addr, api_addr, run_local_api=False,
                 port=None, spki_cache_dir=GEN_CACHE_PATH, prom_export=None, delete_sock=False):
        Initialize an instance of the class SCIONDaemon.
        super().__init__("sciond", conf_dir, spki_cache_dir=spki_cache_dir,
                         prom_export=prom_export, public=[(addr, port)])
        up_labels = {**self._labels, "type": "up"} if self._labels else None
        down_labels = {**self._labels, "type": "down"} if self._labels else None
        core_labels = {**self._labels, "type": "core"} if self._labels else None
        self.up_segments = PathSegmentDB(segment_ttl=self.SEGMENT_TTL, labels=up_labels)
        self.down_segments = PathSegmentDB(segment_ttl=self.SEGMENT_TTL, labels=down_labels)
        self.core_segments = PathSegmentDB(segment_ttl=self.SEGMENT_TTL, labels=core_labels)
        self.rev_cache = RevCache()
        # Keep track of requested paths.
        self.requested_paths = ExpiringDict(self.MAX_REQS, PATH_REQ_TOUT)
        self.req_path_lock = threading.Lock()
        self._api_sock = None
        self.daemon_thread = None
        os.makedirs(SCIOND_API_SOCKDIR, exist_ok=True)
        self.api_addr = (api_addr or get_default_sciond_path())
        if delete_sock:
            except OSError as e:
                if e.errno != errno.ENOENT:
                    logging.error("Could not delete socket %s: %s" % (self.api_addr, e))

        self.CTRL_PLD_CLASS_MAP = {
            PayloadClass.PATH: {
                PMT.REPLY: self.handle_path_reply,
                PMT.REVOCATION: self.handle_revocation,
            PayloadClass.CERT: {
                CertMgmtType.CERT_CHAIN_REQ: self.process_cert_chain_request,
                CertMgmtType.CERT_CHAIN_REPLY: self.process_cert_chain_reply,
                CertMgmtType.TRC_REPLY: self.process_trc_reply,
                CertMgmtType.TRC_REQ: self.process_trc_request,

        self.SCMP_PLD_CLASS_MAP = {
                {SCMPPathClass.REVOKED_IF: self.handle_scmp_revocation},

        if run_local_api:
            self._api_sock = ReliableSocket(bind_unix=(self.api_addr, "sciond"))
            self._socks.add(self._api_sock, self.handle_accept)

    def start(cls, conf_dir, addr, api_addr=None, run_local_api=False, port=0):
        Initializes and starts a SCIOND instance.
        inst = cls(conf_dir, addr, api_addr, run_local_api, port)
        name = "SCIONDaemon.run %s" % inst.addr.isd_as
        inst.daemon_thread = threading.Thread(
            target=thread_safety_net, args=(inst.run,), name=name, daemon=True)
        logging.debug("sciond started with api_addr = %s", inst.api_addr)

    def _get_msg_meta(self, packet, addr, sock):
        if sock != self._udp_sock:
            return packet, SockOnlyMetadata.from_values(sock)  # API socket
            return super()._get_msg_meta(packet, addr, sock)

    def handle_msg_meta(self, msg, meta):
        Main routine to handle incoming SCION messages.
        if isinstance(meta, SockOnlyMetadata):  # From SCIOND API
                sciond_msg = SCIONDMsg.from_raw(msg)
            except SCIONParseError as err:
            self.api_handle_request(sciond_msg, meta)
        super().handle_msg_meta(msg, meta)

    def handle_path_reply(self, cpld, meta):
        Handle path reply from local path server.
        pmgt = cpld.union
        path_reply = pmgt.union
        assert isinstance(path_reply, PathSegmentReply), type(path_reply)
        recs = path_reply.recs()
        for srev_info in recs.iter_srev_infos():
            self.check_revocation(srev_info, lambda x: self.continue_revocation_processing(
                                  srev_info) if not x else False, meta)

        req = path_reply.req()
        key = req.dst_ia(), req.flags()
        with self.req_path_lock:
            r = self.requested_paths.get(key)
            if r:
                logging.warning("No outstanding request found for %s", key)
        for type_, pcb in recs.iter_pcbs():
            seg_meta = PathSegMeta(pcb, self.continue_seg_processing,
                                   meta, type_, params=(r,))
            self._process_path_seg(seg_meta, cpld.req_id)

    def continue_revocation_processing(self, srev_info):

    def continue_seg_processing(self, seg_meta):
        For every path segment(that can be verified) received from the path
        server this function gets called to continue the processing for the
        The segment is added to pathdb and pending requests are checked.
        pcb = seg_meta.seg
        type_ = seg_meta.type
        # Check that segment does not contain a revoked interface.
        if not self.check_revoked_interface(pcb, self.rev_cache):
        map_ = {
            PST.UP: self._handle_up_seg,
            PST.DOWN: self._handle_down_seg,
            PST.CORE: self._handle_core_seg,
        r = seg_meta.params[0]
        if r:

    def _handle_up_seg(self, pcb):
        if self.addr.isd_as != pcb.last_ia():
            return None
        if self.up_segments.update(pcb) == DBResult.ENTRY_ADDED:
            logging.debug("Up segment added: %s", pcb.short_desc())
            return pcb.first_ia()
        return None

    def _handle_down_seg(self, pcb):
        last_ia = pcb.last_ia()
        if self.addr.isd_as == last_ia:
            return None
        if self.down_segments.update(pcb) == DBResult.ENTRY_ADDED:
            logging.debug("Down segment added: %s", pcb.short_desc())
            return last_ia
        return None

    def _handle_core_seg(self, pcb):
        if self.core_segments.update(pcb) == DBResult.ENTRY_ADDED:
            logging.debug("Core segment added: %s", pcb.short_desc())
            return pcb.first_ia()
        return None

    def api_handle_request(self, msg, meta):
        Handle local API's requests.
        mtype = msg.type()
        if mtype == SMT.PATH_REQUEST:
                args=(self._api_handle_path_request, msg, meta),
        elif mtype == SMT.REVOCATION:
            self._api_handle_rev_notification(msg, meta)
        elif mtype == SMT.AS_REQUEST:
            self._api_handle_as_request(msg, meta)
        elif mtype == SMT.IF_REQUEST:
            self._api_handle_if_request(msg, meta)
        elif mtype == SMT.SERVICE_REQUEST:
            self._api_handle_service_request(msg, meta)
        elif mtype == SMT.SEGTYPEHOP_REQUEST:
            self._api_handle_seg_type_request(msg, meta)
                "API: type %s not supported.", TypeBase.to_str(mtype))

    def _api_handle_path_request(self, pld, meta):
        request = pld.union
        assert isinstance(request, SCIONDPathRequest), type(request)
        req_id = pld.id

        dst_ia = request.dst_ia()
        src_ia = request.src_ia()
        if not src_ia:
            src_ia = self.addr.isd_as
        thread = threading.current_thread()
        thread.name = "SCIONDaemon API id:%s %s -> %s" % (
            thread.ident, src_ia, dst_ia)
        paths, error = self.get_paths(dst_ia, flush=request.p.flags.refresh)
        if request.p.maxPaths:
            paths = paths[:request.p.maxPaths]

        reply_entries = []
        for path_meta in paths:
            fwd_if = path_meta.fwd_path().get_fwd_if()
            # Set dummy host addr if path is empty.
            haddr, port = None, None
            if fwd_if:
                br = self.ifid2br[fwd_if]
                haddr, port = br.int_addrs.public[0]
            addrs = [haddr] if haddr else []
            first_hop = HostInfo.from_values(addrs, port)
            reply_entry = SCIONDPathReplyEntry.from_values(
                path_meta, first_hop)
        logging.debug("Replying to api request for %s with %d paths:\n%s",
                      dst_ia, len(paths), "\n".join([p.short_desc() for p in paths]))
        self._send_path_reply(req_id, reply_entries, error, meta)

    def _send_path_reply(self, req_id, reply_entries, error, meta):
        path_reply = SCIONDMsg(SCIONDPathReply.from_values(reply_entries, error), req_id)
        self.send_meta(path_reply.pack(), meta)

    def _api_handle_as_request(self, pld, meta):
        request = pld.union
        assert isinstance(request, SCIONDASInfoRequest), type(request)
        req_ia = request.isd_as()
        if not req_ia or req_ia.is_zero() or req_ia == self.addr.isd_as:
            # Request is for the local AS.
            reply_entry = SCIONDASInfoReplyEntry.from_values(
                self.addr.isd_as, self.is_core_as(), self.topology.mtu)
            # Request is for a remote AS.
            reply_entry = SCIONDASInfoReplyEntry.from_values(req_ia, self.is_core_as(req_ia))
        as_reply = SCIONDMsg(SCIONDASInfoReply.from_values([reply_entry]), pld.id)
        self.send_meta(as_reply.pack(), meta)

    def _api_handle_if_request(self, pld, meta):
        request = pld.union
        assert isinstance(request, SCIONDIFInfoRequest), type(request)
        all_brs = request.all_brs()
        if_list = []
        if not all_brs:
            if_list = list(request.iter_ids())
        if_entries = []
        for if_id, br in self.ifid2br.items():
            if all_brs or if_id in if_list:
                br_addr, br_port = br.int_addrs.public[0]
                info = HostInfo.from_values([br_addr], br_port)
                reply_entry = SCIONDIFInfoReplyEntry.from_values(if_id, info)
        if_reply = SCIONDMsg(SCIONDIFInfoReply.from_values(if_entries), pld.id)
        self.send_meta(if_reply.pack(), meta)

    def _api_handle_service_request(self, pld, meta):
        request = pld.union
        assert isinstance(request, SCIONDServiceInfoRequest), type(request)
        all_svcs = request.all_services()
        svc_list = []
        if not all_svcs:
            svc_list = list(request.iter_service_types())
        svc_entries = []
        for svc_type in ServiceType.all():
            if all_svcs or svc_type in svc_list:
                lookup_res = self.dns_query_topo(svc_type)
                host_infos = []
                for addr, port in lookup_res:
                    host_infos.append(HostInfo.from_values([addr], port))
                reply_entry = SCIONDServiceInfoReplyEntry.from_values(
                    svc_type, host_infos)
        svc_reply = SCIONDMsg(SCIONDServiceInfoReply.from_values(svc_entries), pld.id)
        self.send_meta(svc_reply.pack(), meta)

    def _api_handle_rev_notification(self, pld, meta):
        request = pld.union
        assert isinstance(request, SCIONDRevNotification), type(request)
        self.handle_revocation(CtrlPayload(PathMgmt(request.srev_info())), meta, pld)

    def _api_handle_seg_type_request(self, pld, meta):
        request = pld.union
        assert isinstance(request, SCIONDSegTypeHopRequest), type(request)
        segmentType = request.p.type
        db = []
        if segmentType == PST.CORE:
            db = self.core_segments
        elif segmentType == PST.UP:
            db = self.up_segments
        elif segmentType == PST.DOWN:
            db = self.down_segments
            logging.error("Requesting segment type %s unrecognized.", segmentType)

        seg_entries = []
        for segment in db(full=True):
            if_list = []
            for asm in segment.iter_asms():
                isd_as = asm.isd_as()
                hof = asm.pcbm(0).hof()
                egress = hof.egress_if
                ingress = hof.ingress_if
                if ingress:
                    if_list.append(PathInterface.from_values(isd_as, ingress))
                if egress:
                    if_list.append(PathInterface.from_values(isd_as, egress))
            reply_entry = SCIONDSegTypeHopReplyEntry.from_values(
                if_list, segment.get_timestamp(), segment.get_expiration_time())
        seg_reply = SCIONDMsg(
            SCIONDSegTypeHopReply.from_values(seg_entries), pld.id)
        self.send_meta(seg_reply.pack(), meta)

    def handle_scmp_revocation(self, pld, meta):
        srev_info = SignedRevInfo.from_raw(pld.info.srev_info)
        self.handle_revocation(CtrlPayload(PathMgmt(srev_info)), meta)

    def handle_revocation(self, cpld, meta, pld=None):
        pmgt = cpld.union
        srev_info = pmgt.union
        rev_info = srev_info.rev_info()
        assert isinstance(rev_info, RevocationInfo), type(rev_info)
        logging.debug("Received revocation: %s from %s", srev_info.short_desc(), meta)
                              lambda e: self.process_revocation(e, srev_info, meta, pld), meta)

    def process_revocation(self, error, srev_info, meta, pld):
        rev_info = srev_info.rev_info()
        status = None
        if error is None:
            status = SCIONDRevReplyStatus.VALID
            if type(error) == RevInfoValidationError:
                logging.error("Failed to validate RevInfo %s from %s: %s",
                              srev_info.short_desc(), meta, error)
                status = SCIONDRevReplyStatus.INVALID
            if type(error) == RevInfoExpiredError:
                logging.info("Ignoring expired Revinfo, %s from %s", srev_info.short_desc(), meta)
                status = SCIONDRevReplyStatus.STALE
            if type(error) == SignedRevInfoCertFetchError:
                logging.error("Failed to fetch certificate for SignedRevInfo %s from %s: %s",
                              srev_info.short_desc(), meta, error)
                status = SCIONDRevReplyStatus.UNKNOWN
            if type(error) == SignedRevInfoVerificationError:
                logging.error("Failed to verify SRevInfo %s from %s: %s",
                              srev_info.short_desc(), meta, error)
                status = SCIONDRevReplyStatus.SIGFAIL
            if type(error) == SCIONBaseError:
                logging.error("Revocation check failed for %s from %s:\n%s",
                              srev_info.short_desc(), meta, error)
                status = SCIONDRevReplyStatus.UNKNOWN

        if pld:
            rev_reply = SCIONDMsg(SCIONDRevReply.from_values(status), pld.id)
            self.send_meta(rev_reply.pack(), meta)

    def remove_revoked_segments(self, rev_info):
        # Go through all segment databases and remove affected segments.
        removed_up = removed_core = removed_down = 0
        if rev_info.p.linkType == LinkType.CORE:
            removed_core = self._remove_revoked_pcbs(self.core_segments, rev_info)
        elif rev_info.p.linkType in [LinkType.PARENT, LinkType.CHILD]:
            removed_up = self._remove_revoked_pcbs(self.up_segments, rev_info)
            removed_down = self._remove_revoked_pcbs(self.down_segments, rev_info)
        elif rev_info.p.linkType != LinkType.PEER:
            logging.error("Bad RevInfo link type: %s", rev_info.p.linkType)

        logging.info("Removed %d UP- %d CORE- and %d DOWN-Segments." %
                     (removed_up, removed_core, removed_down))

    def _remove_revoked_pcbs(self, db, rev_info):
        Removes all segments from 'db' that have a revoked upstream PCBMarking.

        :param db: The PathSegmentDB.
        :type db: :class:`lib.path_db.PathSegmentDB`
        :param rev_info: The revocation info
        :type rev_info: RevocationInfo

        :returns: The number of deletions.
        :rtype: int

        to_remove = []
        for segment in db(full=True):
            for asm in segment.iter_asms():
                if self._check_revocation_for_asm(rev_info, asm, verify_all=False):
                    logging.debug("Removing segment: %s" % segment.short_desc())
        return db.delete_all(to_remove)

    def _flush_path_dbs(self):

    def get_paths(self, dst_ia, flags=(), flush=False):
        """Return a list of paths."""
        logging.debug("Paths requested for ISDAS=%s, flags=%s, flush=%s",
                      dst_ia, flags, flush)
        if flush:
            logging.info("Flushing PathDBs.")
        if self.addr.isd_as == dst_ia or (
                self.addr.isd_as.any_as() == dst_ia and
            # Either the destination is the local AS, or the destination is any
            # core AS in this ISD, and the local AS is in the core
            empty = SCIONPath()
            exp_time = int(time.time()) + self.EMPTY_PATH_TTL
            empty_meta = FwdPathMeta.from_values(empty, [], self.topology.mtu, exp_time)
            return [empty_meta], SCIONDPathReplyError.OK
        paths = self.path_resolution(dst_ia, flags=flags)
        if not paths:
            key = dst_ia, flags
            with self.req_path_lock:
                r = self.requested_paths.get(key)
                if r is None:
                    # No previous outstanding request
                    req = PathSegmentReq.from_values(self.addr.isd_as, dst_ia, flags=flags)
                    r = RequestState(req.copy())
                    self.requested_paths[key] = r
            # Wait until event gets set.
            timeout = not r.e.wait(PATH_REQ_TOUT)
            with self.req_path_lock:
                if timeout:
                if key in self.requested_paths:
                    del self.requested_paths[key]
            if timeout:
                logging.error("Query timed out for %s", dst_ia)
                return [], SCIONDPathReplyError.PS_TIMEOUT
            # Check if we can fulfill the path request.
            paths = self.path_resolution(dst_ia, flags=flags)
            if not paths:
                logging.error("No paths found for %s", dst_ia)
                return [], SCIONDPathReplyError.NO_PATHS
        return paths, SCIONDPathReplyError.OK

    def path_resolution(self, dst_ia, flags=()):
        # dst as == 0 means any core AS in the specified ISD.
        dst_is_core = self.is_core_as(dst_ia) or dst_ia[1] == 0
        sibra = PATH_FLAG_SIBRA in flags
        if self.topology.is_core_as:
            if dst_is_core:
                ret = self._resolve_core_core(dst_ia, sibra=sibra)
                ret = self._resolve_core_not_core(dst_ia, sibra=sibra)
        elif dst_is_core:
            ret = self._resolve_not_core_core(dst_ia, sibra=sibra)
        elif sibra:
            ret = self._resolve_not_core_not_core_sibra(dst_ia)
            ret = self._resolve_not_core_not_core_scion(dst_ia)
        if not sibra:
            return ret
        # FIXME(kormat): Strip off PCBs, and just return sibra reservation
        # blocks
        return self._sibra_strip_pcbs(self._strip_nones(ret))

    def _resolve_core_core(self, dst_ia, sibra=False):
        """Resolve path from core to core."""
        res = set()
        for cseg in self.core_segments(last_ia=self.addr.isd_as, sibra=sibra,
            res.add((None, cseg, None))
        if sibra:
            return res
        return tuples_to_full_paths(res)

    def _resolve_core_not_core(self, dst_ia, sibra=False):
        """Resolve path from core to non-core."""
        res = set()
        # First check whether there is a direct path.
        for dseg in self.down_segments(
                first_ia=self.addr.isd_as, last_ia=dst_ia, sibra=sibra):
            res.add((None, None, dseg))
        # Check core-down combination.
        for dseg in self.down_segments(last_ia=dst_ia, sibra=sibra):
            dseg_ia = dseg.first_ia()
            if self.addr.isd_as == dseg_ia:
            for cseg in self.core_segments(
                    first_ia=dseg_ia, last_ia=self.addr.isd_as, sibra=sibra):
                res.add((None, cseg, dseg))
        if sibra:
            return res
        return tuples_to_full_paths(res)

    def _resolve_not_core_core(self, dst_ia, sibra=False):
        """Resolve path from non-core to core."""
        res = set()
        params = dst_ia.params()
        params["sibra"] = sibra
        if dst_ia[0] == self.addr.isd_as[0]:
            # Dst in local ISD. First check whether DST is a (super)-parent.
            for useg in self.up_segments(**params):
                res.add((useg, None, None))
        # Check whether dst is known core AS.
        for cseg in self.core_segments(**params):
            # Check do we have an up-seg that is connected to core_seg.
            for useg in self.up_segments(first_ia=cseg.last_ia(), sibra=sibra):
                res.add((useg, cseg, None))
        if sibra:
            return res
        return tuples_to_full_paths(res)

    def _resolve_not_core_not_core_scion(self, dst_ia):
        """Resolve SCION path from non-core to non-core."""
        up_segs = self.up_segments()
        down_segs = self.down_segments(last_ia=dst_ia)
        core_segs = self._calc_core_segs(dst_ia[0], up_segs, down_segs)
        full_paths = build_shortcut_paths(
            up_segs, down_segs, self.rev_cache)
        tuples = []
        for up_seg in up_segs:
            for down_seg in down_segs:
                tuples.append((up_seg, None, down_seg))
                for core_seg in core_segs:
                    tuples.append((up_seg, core_seg, down_seg))
        return full_paths

    def _resolve_not_core_not_core_sibra(self, dst_ia):
        """Resolve SIBRA path from non-core to non-core."""
        res = set()
        up_segs = set(self.up_segments(sibra=True))
        down_segs = set(self.down_segments(last_ia=dst_ia, sibra=True))
        for up_seg, down_seg in product(up_segs, down_segs):
            src_core_ia = up_seg.first_ia()
            dst_core_ia = down_seg.first_ia()
            if src_core_ia == dst_core_ia:
                res.add((up_seg, down_seg))
            for core_seg in self.core_segments(first_ia=dst_core_ia,
                                               last_ia=src_core_ia, sibra=True):
                res.add((up_seg, core_seg, down_seg))
        return res

    def _strip_nones(self, set_):
        """Strip None entries from a set of tuples"""
        res = []
        for tup in set_:
            res.append(tuple(filter(None, tup)))
        return res

    def _sibra_strip_pcbs(self, paths):
        ret = []
        for pcbs in paths:
            resvs = []
            for pcb in pcbs:
        return ret

    def _sibra_strip_pcb(self, pcb):
        assert pcb.is_sibra()
        pcb_ext = pcb.sibra_ext
        resv_info = pcb_ext.info
        resv = ResvBlockSteady.from_values(resv_info, pcb.get_n_hops())
        asms = pcb.iter_asms()
        if pcb_ext.p.up:
            asms = reversed(list(asms))
        iflist = []
        for sof, asm in zip(pcb_ext.iter_sofs(), asms):
                asm.isd_as(), sof, resv_info.fwd_dir))
        assert resv.num_hops == len(resv.sofs)
        return pcb_ext.p.id, resv, iflist

    def _sibra_add_ifs(self, isd_as, sof, fwd):
        def _add(ifid):
            if ifid:
                ret.append((isd_as, ifid))
        ret = []
        if fwd:
        return ret

    def _wait_for_events(self, events, deadline):
        Wait on a set of events, but only until the specified deadline. Returns
        the number of events that happened while waiting.
        count = 0
        for e in events:
            if e.wait(max(0, deadline - SCIONTime.get_time())):
                count += 1
        return count

    def _fetch_segments(self, req):
        Called to fetch the requested path.
            addr, port = self.dns_query_topo(ServiceType.PS)[0]
        except SCIONServiceLookupError:
            log_exception("Error querying path service:")
        req_id = mk_ctrl_req_id()
        logging.debug("Sending path request (%s) to [%s]:%s [id: %016x]",
                      req.short_desc(), addr, port, req_id)
        meta = self._build_meta(host=addr, port=port)
        self.send_meta(CtrlPayload(PathMgmt(req), req_id=req_id), meta)

    def _calc_core_segs(self, dst_isd, up_segs, down_segs):
        Calculate all possible core segments joining the provided up and down
        segments. Returns a list of all known segments, and a seperate list of
        the missing AS pairs.
        src_core_ases = set()
        dst_core_ases = set()
        for seg in up_segs:
        for seg in down_segs:
        # Generate all possible AS pairs
        as_pairs = list(product(src_core_ases, dst_core_ases))
        return self._find_core_segs(self.addr.isd_as[0], dst_isd, as_pairs)

    def _find_core_segs(self, src_isd, dst_isd, as_pairs):
        Given a set of AS pairs across 2 ISDs, return the core segments
        connecting those pairs
        core_segs = []
        for src_core_as, dst_core_as in as_pairs:
            src_ia = ISD_AS.from_values(src_isd, src_core_as)
            dst_ia = ISD_AS.from_values(dst_isd, dst_core_as)
            if src_ia == dst_ia:
            seg = self.core_segments(first_ia=dst_ia, last_ia=src_ia)
            if seg:
        return core_segs

    def run(self):
        Run an instance of the SCION daemon.
            target=thread_safety_net, args=(self._check_trc_cert_reqs,),
            name="Elem.check_trc_cert_reqs", daemon=True).start()
Ejemplo n.º 2
class SCIONDaemon(SCIONElement):
    The SCION Daemon used for retrieving and combining paths.
    # Max time for a path lookup to succeed/fail.
    MAX_REQS = 1024
    # Time a path segment is cached at a host (in seconds).
    SEGMENT_TTL = 300

    def __init__(self,
        Initialize an instance of the class SCIONDaemon.
        super().__init__("sciond", conf_dir, host_addr=addr, port=port)
        # TODO replace by pathstore instance
        self.up_segments = PathSegmentDB(segment_ttl=self.SEGMENT_TTL)
        self.down_segments = PathSegmentDB(segment_ttl=self.SEGMENT_TTL)
        self.core_segments = PathSegmentDB(segment_ttl=self.SEGMENT_TTL)
        self.peer_revs = RevCache()
        # Keep track of requested paths.
        self.requested_paths = ExpiringDict(self.MAX_REQS, self.PATH_REQ_TOUT)
        self.req_path_lock = threading.Lock()
        self._api_sock = None
        self.daemon_thread = None
        os.makedirs(SCIOND_API_SOCKDIR, exist_ok=True)
        self.api_addr = (api_addr or os.path.join(
            SCIOND_API_SOCKDIR, "%s.sock" % self.addr.isd_as))

        self.CTRL_PLD_CLASS_MAP = {
            PayloadClass.PATH: {
                PMT.REPLY: self.handle_path_reply,
                PMT.REVOCATION: self.handle_revocation,
            PayloadClass.CERT: {
                CertMgmtType.CERT_CHAIN_REQ: self.process_cert_chain_request,
                CertMgmtType.CERT_CHAIN_REPLY: self.process_cert_chain_reply,
                CertMgmtType.TRC_REPLY: self.process_trc_reply,
                CertMgmtType.TRC_REQ: self.process_trc_request,

        self.SCMP_PLD_CLASS_MAP = {
            SCMPClass.PATH: {
                SCMPPathClass.REVOKED_IF: self.handle_scmp_revocation

        if run_local_api:
            self._api_sock = ReliableSocket(bind=(self.api_addr, "sciond"))
            self._socks.add(self._api_sock, self.handle_accept)

    def start(cls, conf_dir, addr, api_addr=None, run_local_api=False, port=0):
        Initializes, starts, and returns a SCIONDaemon object.

        Example of usage:
        sd = SCIONDaemon.start(conf_dir, addr)
        paths = sd.get_paths(isd_as)
        inst = cls(conf_dir, addr, api_addr, run_local_api, port)
        name = "SCIONDaemon.run %s" % inst.addr.isd_as
        inst.daemon_thread = threading.Thread(target=thread_safety_net,
                                              args=(inst.run, ),
        logging.debug("sciond started with api_addr = %s", inst.api_addr)
        return inst

    def _get_msg_meta(self, packet, addr, sock):
        if sock != self._udp_sock:
            return packet, SockOnlyMetadata.from_values(sock)  # API socket
            return super()._get_msg_meta(packet, addr, sock)

    def handle_msg_meta(self, msg, meta):
        Main routine to handle incoming SCION messages.
        if isinstance(meta, SockOnlyMetadata):  # From SCIOND API
                sciond_msg = parse_sciond_msg(msg)
            except SCIONParseError as err:
            self.api_handle_request(sciond_msg, meta)
        super().handle_msg_meta(msg, meta)

    def handle_path_reply(self, path_reply, meta):
        Handle path reply from local path server.
        for rev_info in path_reply.iter_rev_infos():

        for type_, pcb in path_reply.iter_pcbs():
            seg_meta = PathSegMeta(pcb, self.continue_seg_processing, meta,

    def continue_seg_processing(self, seg_meta):
        For every path segment(that can be verified) received from the path
        server this function gets called to continue the processing for the
        The segment is added to pathdb and pending requests are checked.
        pcb = seg_meta.seg
        type_ = seg_meta.type
        map_ = {
            PST.UP: self._handle_up_seg,
            PST.DOWN: self._handle_down_seg,
            PST.CORE: self._handle_core_seg,
        ret = map_[type_](pcb)
        if not ret:
        with self.req_path_lock:
            # .items() makes a copy on an expiring dict, so deleting entries is safe.
            for key, e in self.requested_paths.items():
                if self.path_resolution(*key):
                    del self.requested_paths[key]

    def _handle_up_seg(self, pcb):
        if self.addr.isd_as != pcb.last_ia():
            return None
        if self.up_segments.update(pcb) == DBResult.ENTRY_ADDED:
            logging.debug("Up segment added: %s", pcb.short_desc())
            return pcb.first_ia()
        return None

    def _handle_down_seg(self, pcb):
        last_ia = pcb.last_ia()
        if self.addr.isd_as == last_ia:
            return None
        if self.down_segments.update(pcb) == DBResult.ENTRY_ADDED:
            logging.debug("Down segment added: %s", pcb.short_desc())
            return last_ia
        return None

    def _handle_core_seg(self, pcb):
        if self.core_segments.update(pcb) == DBResult.ENTRY_ADDED:
            logging.debug("Core segment added: %s", pcb.short_desc())
            return pcb.first_ia()
        return None

    def api_handle_request(self, msg, meta):
        Handle local API's requests.
        if msg.MSG_TYPE == SMT.PATH_REQUEST:
                             args=(self._api_handle_path_request, msg, meta),
        elif msg.MSG_TYPE == SMT.REVOCATION:
            self.handle_revocation(msg.rev_info(), meta)
        elif msg.MSG_TYPE == SMT.AS_REQUEST:
            self._api_handle_as_request(msg, meta)
        elif msg.MSG_TYPE == SMT.IF_REQUEST:
            self._api_handle_if_request(msg, meta)
        elif msg.MSG_TYPE == SMT.SERVICE_REQUEST:
            self._api_handle_service_request(msg, meta)
            logging.warning("API: type %s not supported.",

    def _api_handle_path_request(self, request, meta):
        req_id = request.id
        if request.p.flags.sibra:
                "Requesting SIBRA paths over SCIOND API not supported yet.")
            self._send_path_reply(req_id, [], SCIONDPathReplyError.INTERNAL,

        dst_ia = request.dst_ia()
        src_ia = request.src_ia()
        if not src_ia:
            src_ia = self.addr.isd_as
        thread = threading.current_thread()
        thread.name = "SCIONDaemon API id:%s %s -> %s" % (thread.ident, src_ia,
        paths, error = self.get_paths(dst_ia, flush=request.p.flags.flush)
        if request.p.maxPaths:
            paths = paths[:request.p.maxPaths]
        logging.debug("Replying to api request for %s with %d paths", dst_ia,
        reply_entries = []
        for path_meta in paths:
            fwd_if = path_meta.fwd_path().get_fwd_if()
            # Set dummy host addr if path is empty.
            haddr, port = None, None
            if fwd_if:
                br = self.ifid2br[fwd_if]
                haddr, port = br.addr, br.port
            addrs = [haddr] if haddr else []
            first_hop = HostInfo.from_values(addrs, port)
            reply_entry = SCIONDPathReplyEntry.from_values(
                path_meta, first_hop)
        self._send_path_reply(req_id, reply_entries, error, meta)

    def _send_path_reply(self, req_id, reply_entries, error, meta):
        path_reply = SCIONDPathReply.from_values(req_id, reply_entries, error)
        self.send_meta(path_reply.pack_full(), meta)

    def _api_handle_as_request(self, request, meta):
        remote_as = request.isd_as()
        if remote_as:
            reply_entry = SCIONDASInfoReplyEntry.from_values(
                remote_as, self.is_core_as(remote_as))
            reply_entry = SCIONDASInfoReplyEntry.from_values(
                self.addr.isd_as, self.is_core_as(), self.topology.mtu)
        as_reply = SCIONDASInfoReply.from_values(request.id, [reply_entry])
        self.send_meta(as_reply.pack_full(), meta)

    def _api_handle_if_request(self, request, meta):
        all_brs = request.all_brs()
        if_list = []
        if not all_brs:
            if_list = list(request.iter_ids())
        if_entries = []
        for if_id, br in self.ifid2br.items():
            if all_brs or if_id in if_list:
                info = HostInfo.from_values([br.addr], br.port)
                reply_entry = SCIONDIFInfoReplyEntry.from_values(if_id, info)
        if_reply = SCIONDIFInfoReply.from_values(request.id, if_entries)
        self.send_meta(if_reply.pack_full(), meta)

    def _api_handle_service_request(self, request, meta):
        all_svcs = request.all_services()
        svc_list = []
        if not all_svcs:
            svc_list = list(request.iter_service_types())
        svc_entries = []
        for svc_type in ServiceType.all():
            if all_svcs or svc_type in svc_list:
                lookup_res = self.dns_query_topo(svc_type)
                host_infos = []
                for addr, port in lookup_res:
                    host_infos.append(HostInfo.from_values([addr], port))
                reply_entry = SCIONDServiceInfoReplyEntry.from_values(
                    svc_type, host_infos)
        svc_reply = SCIONDServiceInfoReply.from_values(request.id, svc_entries)
        self.send_meta(svc_reply.pack_full(), meta)

    def handle_scmp_revocation(self, pld, meta):
        rev_info = RevocationInfo.from_raw(pld.info.rev_info)
        self.handle_revocation(rev_info, meta)

    def handle_revocation(self, rev_info, meta):
        assert isinstance(rev_info, RevocationInfo)
        if not self._validate_revocation(rev_info):
        # Go through all segment databases and remove affected segments.
        removed_up = self._remove_revoked_pcbs(self.up_segments, rev_info)
        removed_core = self._remove_revoked_pcbs(self.core_segments, rev_info)
        removed_down = self._remove_revoked_pcbs(self.down_segments, rev_info)
        logging.info("Removed %d UP- %d CORE- and %d DOWN-Segments." %
                     (removed_up, removed_core, removed_down))

    def _remove_revoked_pcbs(self, db, rev_info):
        Removes all segments from 'db' that contain an IF token for which
        rev_token is a preimage (within 20 calls).

        :param db: The PathSegmentDB.
        :type db: :class:`lib.path_db.PathSegmentDB`
        :param rev_info: The revocation info
        :type rev_info: RevocationInfo

        :returns: The number of deletions.
        :rtype: int

        if not ConnectedHashTree.verify_epoch(rev_info.p.epoch):
                "Failed to verify epoch: rev_info epoch %d,current epoch %d." %
                (rev_info.p.epoch, ConnectedHashTree.get_current_epoch()))
            return 0

        to_remove = []
        for segment in db(full=True):
            for asm in segment.iter_asms():
                if self._verify_revocation_for_asm(rev_info, asm):
                    logging.debug("Removing segment: %s" %
        return db.delete_all(to_remove)

    def _flush_path_dbs(self):

    def get_paths(self, dst_ia, flags=(), flush=False):
        """Return a list of paths."""
        logging.debug("Paths requested for ISDAS=%s, flags=%s, flush=%s",
                      dst_ia, flags, flush)
        if flush:
            logging.info("Flushing PathDBs.")
        if self.addr.isd_as == dst_ia or (self.addr.isd_as.any_as() == dst_ia
                                          and self.topology.is_core_as):
            # Either the destination is the local AS, or the destination is any
            # core AS in this ISD, and the local AS is in the core
            empty = SCIONPath()
            empty_meta = FwdPathMeta.from_values(empty, [], self.topology.mtu)
            return [empty_meta], SCIONDPathReplyError.OK
        paths = self.path_resolution(dst_ia, flags=flags)
        if not paths:
            key = dst_ia, flags
            with self.req_path_lock:
                if key not in self.requested_paths:
                    # No previous outstanding request
                    self.requested_paths[key] = threading.Event()
                e = self.requested_paths[key]
            if not e.wait(self.PATH_REQ_TOUT):
                logging.error("Query timed out for %s", dst_ia)
                return [], SCIONDPathReplyError.PS_TIMEOUT
            paths = self.path_resolution(dst_ia, flags=flags)
        error_code = (SCIONDPathReplyError.OK
                      if paths else SCIONDPathReplyError.NO_PATHS)
        return paths, error_code

    def path_resolution(self, dst_ia, flags=()):
        # dst as == 0 means any core AS in the specified ISD.
        dst_is_core = self.is_core_as(dst_ia) or dst_ia[1] == 0
        sibra = PATH_FLAG_SIBRA in flags
        if self.topology.is_core_as:
            if dst_is_core:
                ret = self._resolve_core_core(dst_ia, sibra=sibra)
                ret = self._resolve_core_not_core(dst_ia, sibra=sibra)
        elif dst_is_core:
            ret = self._resolve_not_core_core(dst_ia, sibra=sibra)
        elif sibra:
            ret = self._resolve_not_core_not_core_sibra(dst_ia)
            ret = self._resolve_not_core_not_core_scion(dst_ia)
        if not sibra:
            return ret
        # FIXME(kormat): Strip off PCBs, and just return sibra reservation
        # blocks
        return self._sibra_strip_pcbs(self._strip_nones(ret))

    def _resolve_core_core(self, dst_ia, sibra=False):
        """Resolve path from core to core."""
        res = set()
        for cseg in self.core_segments(last_ia=self.addr.isd_as,
            res.add((None, cseg, None))
        if sibra:
            return res
        return tuples_to_full_paths(res)

    def _resolve_core_not_core(self, dst_ia, sibra=False):
        """Resolve path from core to non-core."""
        res = set()
        # First check whether there is a direct path.
        for dseg in self.down_segments(first_ia=self.addr.isd_as,
            res.add((None, None, dseg))
        # Check core-down combination.
        for dseg in self.down_segments(last_ia=dst_ia, sibra=sibra):
            dseg_ia = dseg.first_ia()
            if self.addr.isd_as == dseg_ia:
            for cseg in self.core_segments(first_ia=dseg_ia,
                res.add((None, cseg, dseg))
        if sibra:
            return res
        return tuples_to_full_paths(res)

    def _resolve_not_core_core(self, dst_ia, sibra=False):
        """Resolve path from non-core to core."""
        res = set()
        params = dst_ia.params()
        params["sibra"] = sibra
        if dst_ia[0] == self.addr.isd_as[0]:
            # Dst in local ISD. First check whether DST is a (super)-parent.
            for useg in self.up_segments(**params):
                res.add((useg, None, None))
        # Check whether dst is known core AS.
        for cseg in self.core_segments(**params):
            # Check do we have an up-seg that is connected to core_seg.
            for useg in self.up_segments(first_ia=cseg.last_ia(), sibra=sibra):
                res.add((useg, cseg, None))
        if sibra:
            return res
        return tuples_to_full_paths(res)

    def _resolve_not_core_not_core_scion(self, dst_ia):
        """Resolve SCION path from non-core to non-core."""
        up_segs = self.up_segments()
        down_segs = self.down_segments(last_ia=dst_ia)
        core_segs = self._calc_core_segs(dst_ia[0], up_segs, down_segs)
        full_paths = build_shortcut_paths(up_segs, down_segs, self.peer_revs)
        tuples = []
        for up_seg in up_segs:
            for down_seg in down_segs:
                tuples.append((up_seg, None, down_seg))
                for core_seg in core_segs:
                    tuples.append((up_seg, core_seg, down_seg))
        return full_paths

    def _resolve_not_core_not_core_sibra(self, dst_ia):
        """Resolve SIBRA path from non-core to non-core."""
        res = set()
        up_segs = set(self.up_segments(sibra=True))
        down_segs = set(self.down_segments(last_ia=dst_ia, sibra=True))
        for up_seg, down_seg in product(up_segs, down_segs):
            src_core_ia = up_seg.first_ia()
            dst_core_ia = down_seg.first_ia()
            if src_core_ia == dst_core_ia:
                res.add((up_seg, down_seg))
            for core_seg in self.core_segments(first_ia=dst_core_ia,
                res.add((up_seg, core_seg, down_seg))
        return res

    def _strip_nones(self, set_):
        """Strip None entries from a set of tuples"""
        res = []
        for tup in set_:
            res.append(tuple(filter(None, tup)))
        return res

    def _sibra_strip_pcbs(self, paths):
        ret = []
        for pcbs in paths:
            resvs = []
            for pcb in pcbs:
        return ret

    def _sibra_strip_pcb(self, pcb):
        assert pcb.is_sibra()
        pcb_ext = pcb.sibra_ext
        resv_info = pcb_ext.info
        resv = ResvBlockSteady.from_values(resv_info, pcb.get_n_hops())
        asms = pcb.iter_asms()
        if pcb_ext.p.up:
            asms = reversed(list(asms))
        iflist = []
        for sof, asm in zip(pcb_ext.iter_sofs(), asms):
                self._sibra_add_ifs(asm.isd_as(), sof, resv_info.fwd_dir))
        assert resv.num_hops == len(resv.sofs)
        return pcb_ext.p.id, resv, iflist

    def _sibra_add_ifs(self, isd_as, sof, fwd):
        def _add(ifid):
            if ifid:
                ret.append((isd_as, ifid))

        ret = []
        if fwd:
        return ret

    def _wait_for_events(self, events, deadline):
        Wait on a set of events, but only until the specified deadline. Returns
        the number of events that happened while waiting.
        count = 0
        for e in events:
            if e.wait(max(0, deadline - SCIONTime.get_time())):
                count += 1
        return count

    def _fetch_segments(self, key):
        Called to fetch the requested path.
        dst_ia, flags = key
            addr, port = self.dns_query_topo(PATH_SERVICE)[0]
        except SCIONServiceLookupError:
            log_exception("Error querying path service:")
        req = PathSegmentReq.from_values(self.addr.isd_as, dst_ia, flags=flags)
        logging.debug("Sending path request: %s", req.short_desc())
        meta = self.DefaultMeta.from_values(host=addr, port=port)
        self.send_meta(req, meta)

    def _calc_core_segs(self, dst_isd, up_segs, down_segs):
        Calculate all possible core segments joining the provided up and down
        segments. Returns a list of all known segments, and a seperate list of
        the missing AS pairs.
        src_core_ases = set()
        dst_core_ases = set()
        for seg in up_segs:
        for seg in down_segs:
        # Generate all possible AS pairs
        as_pairs = list(product(src_core_ases, dst_core_ases))
        return self._find_core_segs(self.addr.isd_as[0], dst_isd, as_pairs)

    def _find_core_segs(self, src_isd, dst_isd, as_pairs):
        Given a set of AS pairs across 2 ISDs, return the core segments
        connecting those pairs
        core_segs = []
        for src_core_as, dst_core_as in as_pairs:
            src_ia = ISD_AS.from_values(src_isd, src_core_as)
            dst_ia = ISD_AS.from_values(dst_isd, dst_core_as)
            if src_ia == dst_ia:
            seg = self.core_segments(first_ia=dst_ia, last_ia=src_ia)
            if seg:
        return core_segs