Ejemplo n.º 1
def poll_status(options, forced=False):
    # /api/activities/get/?workspace=duckduckgo.com&modules=SubdomainScanning
    ws = utils.get_workspace(options=options)
    module = options.get('CURRENT_MODULE', False)
    if module:
        url = options.get(
        ) + "/api/activities/get/?workspace={0}&module={1}".format(ws, module)
        url = options.get(
            'REMOTE_API') + "/api/activities/get/?workspace={0}".format(ws)

    headers = send.osmedeus_headers
    headers['Authorization'] = options.get('JWT')

    if forced:
        r = send.send_post(url, data=None, headers=headers)
        r = send.send_get(url, data=None, headers=headers)

    if r and r.json().get('status') == 'Done':
        return False

    if not r or r.json().get('status') != 'Done':
        return True
Ejemplo n.º 2
def login(options):
    url = options.get('remote_api') + "/auth/api/token/"
    body = {
        "username": options.get('credentials')[0],
        "password": options.get('credentials')[1]
    r = send.send_post(url, body, is_json=True)
    if r.json().get('access'):
        utils.print_good("Authentication success")
        jwt = 'Osmedeus ' + r.json().get('access')
        options['JWT'] = jwt
        return options

    utils.print_bad("Authentication failed")
    return False
Ejemplo n.º 3
def exports_to_file(options):
    ws = utils.get_workspace(options=options)
    ts = str(utils.gen_ts())
    output = options.get('OUTPUT', '')
    url = options.get('REMOTE_API') + "/api/exports/csv/"

    headers = send.osmedeus_headers
    headers['Authorization'] = options.get('JWT')
    body = {
        "workspace": ws,
        'filename': options.get('WORKSPACE') + f'/{output}_{ts}',

    r = send.send_post(url, body, headers=headers, is_json=True)
    if r and r.json().get('message'):
        return r.json().get('message')
    return False
Ejemplo n.º 4
def get_workspace_info(options):
    url = options.get('remote_api') + "/api/workspace/get/"
    headers = send.osmedeus_headers

    headers['Authorization'] = options.get(
        'JWT') if options.get('JWT') else options.get('jwt')

    body = {
        "workspace": options.get('workspace'),

    r = send.send_post(url, body, headers=headers, is_json=True)
    if r and r.json().get('status') == 200:
        return r.json()

    utils.print_bad("Workpsace not found")
    return False
Ejemplo n.º 5
def clear_activities(options):
    ws = utils.get_workspace(options=options)
    module = options.get('CURRENT_MODULE', False)

    url = options.get('REMOTE_API') + "/api/activities/clear/"

    body = {
        "workspace": ws,
        "module": module,

    headers = send.osmedeus_headers
    headers['Authorization'] = options.get('JWT')
    r = send.send_post(url, body, headers=headers, is_json=True)
    if r and r.json().get('status') == 200:
        utils.print_good("Clean old activities for {0}:{1}".format(ws, module))
        return True

    return False
Ejemplo n.º 6
def push_with_file(options, final_output, update_type='partial'):
    utils.print_good("Update Summaries table from: {0}".format(final_output))
    ws = utils.get_workspace(options=options)
    url = options.get('REMOTE_API') + "/api/summaries/set/"
    headers = send.osmedeus_headers
    headers['Authorization'] = options.get('JWT')

    body = {
        "domains_file": final_output,
        "domains": [],
        "workspace": ws,
        "update_type": update_type
    # print(body)
    r = send.send_post(url, body, headers=headers, is_json=True)
    # return too soon or 500 status we have something wrong
    if r and r.json().get('status') == 200:
        return True

    return False
Ejemplo n.º 7
def login(options):
    url = options.get('remote_api') + "/auth/api/token/"
    body = {
        "username": options.get('credentials')[0],
        "password": options.get('credentials')[1]
    r = send.send_post(url, body, is_json=True)
        if r.json().get('access'):
            utils.print_good("Authentication success")
            jwt = 'Osmedeus ' + r.json().get('access')
            options['JWT'] = jwt
            return options
        utils.print_bad("Authentication failed at: " + url)
        [!] This might happened by running Osmedeus with sudo but the install process running with normal user
        You should install the whole Osmedeus and running it with root user.
        Or whitelist masscan + nmap in sudoers file because it's required sudo permission.
        return False
def init_workspace(options):
    url = options.get('remote_api') + "/api/workspace/create/"
    headers = send.osmedeus_headers
    headers['Authorization'] = options.get('JWT')
    body = {
        "raw_target": options.get('raw_target'),
        'mode': options.get('mode'),
        'modules': options.get('modules', 'None'),
        'speed': options.get('speed'),
        'forced': options.get('forced'),
        'debug': options.get('debug'),
    if options.get('workspace', False):
        body["workspace"] = options.get('workspace')

    r = send.send_post(url, body, headers=headers, is_json=True)
    if r:
        options['workspace'] = r.json().get('workspace')
        # just print some log
        if r.json().get('status') == 200:
            utils.print_good("New workspace created")
        elif r.json().get('status') == 442:
                "Workspaces already exists. Use '-w <new workspace name>' option if you want to create new one"

        arguments = get_workspace_info(options)

        if arguments:
            options = {**options, **arguments}

            # just upper all key
            final_options = {}
            for key in options.keys():
                final_options[key.upper()] = options.get(key)

        return final_options

    utils.print_bad("Fail to create new workspace")
    return False