Ejemplo n.º 1
def get_B_vector_point_uvp(u, v, p, elem_ID, elements_3D_counter, elem_type,
                           elem_nodes, faces_ID, nodes_coordenates, flux,

    shape_functions = ShapeFuncions()
    operations = Operations()

    this_elem_type = elem_type[elem_ID]
    number_local_faces = shape_functions.get_number_faces(this_elem_type)
    this_element_nodes = elem_nodes[elem_ID]
    faces_ID_Elem = faces_ID[elements_3D_counter]
    w_local_this_point = shape_functions.get_facet_shape_function(
        this_elem_type, u, v, p)
    b_at_point = 0

    #Interpolation along all the faces
    for local_face_counter in range(0, number_local_faces):
        face_ID = faces_ID_Elem[local_face_counter]
        w_local_1 = w_local_this_point[local_face_counter]
        w_real = operations.convert_local_real_Piola(
            this_elem_type, w_local_1[0, 0], w_local_1[0, 1], w_local_1[0, 2],
            this_element_nodes, nodes_coordenates)

        flux_at_face = flux[face_ID]
        #Takes into account the faces orientation
        if faces_from_to[face_ID, 1] == elements_3D_counter:
            flux_at_face = -flux_at_face
        b_at_point += flux_at_face * w_real

    return b_at_point
Ejemplo n.º 2
def interpolated_along_line(vol_phys_ID, xyz_list, pre_proc_data,
    operations = Operations()
    mesh_data = pre_proc_data.MeshData
    get_gauss_points_class = GaussPoints()
    shape_functions = ShapeFuncions()
    file_names = File_names()
    #Mesh data
    nodes_coordenates = mesh_data.NodesCoordenates
    elem_tags = mesh_data.ElemTags
    elem_type = mesh_data.ElemType
    elem_nodes = mesh_data.ElemNodes
    number_elements = len(elem_tags)
    xy_plot = list()
    field = list()

    #Reads flux file
    flux_results_file_name = file_names.flux_results_file_name()
    full_path = os.path.join(results_path, flux_results_file_name)
    new_flux = read_numeric_file_numpy(full_path)

    #Read faces_ID
    faces_ID_file_name = file_names.get_faces_ID_file_name()
    full_path = os.path.join(results_path, faces_ID_file_name)
    data = get_data_from_file(full_path)
    faces_ID = get_file_block("$faces_ID", "$Endfaces_ID", 0, data, int)

    #Read faces_from_to
    from_to_file_name = file_names.faces_from_to_file_name()
    full_path = os.path.join(results_path, from_to_file_name)
    faces_from_to = read_numeric_file_numpy(full_path)

    for xyz in xyz_list:
        counter = -1
        this_element = False
        for elem_counter in range(0, number_elements):
            this_elem_type = elem_type[elem_counter]
            if this_elem_type == 4:
                counter = counter + 1
                if elem_tags[elem_counter][0] in vol_phys_ID:
                    nodes_list = mesh_data.ElemNodes[elem_counter]
                    uvp = operations.convert_real_to_local(
                        elem_counter, this_elem_type, xyz[0], xyz[1], xyz[2],
                        nodes_list, nodes_coordenates)
                    N = shape_functions.get_node_shape_function(
                        this_elem_type, uvp[0], uvp[1], uvp[2])
                    if max(N) <= 1.0 and min(N) >= 0.0:
                        this_element = True

        if this_element:
            b_at_point = get_B_vector_point_uvp(uvp[0], uvp[1], uvp[2],
                                                elem_counter, counter,
                                                elem_type, elem_nodes,
                                                faces_ID, nodes_coordenates,
                                                new_flux, faces_from_to)
            b_at_point = np.array(
                [b_at_point[0, 0], b_at_point[1, 0], b_at_point[2, 0]])
            b_at_point = np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0])

    Gmsh_file_name = file_names.get_B_Gmsh_line_file_name()
    path = os.path.join(results_path, Gmsh_file_name)
    Create_Vector_field(xyz_list, field, path, "B Vector")

    Gmsh_file_name = "line_field.txt"
    path = os.path.join(results_path, Gmsh_file_name)
    write_numeric_file_numpy(path, field)