Ejemplo n.º 1
def preprocessGraphs(Graphs):
    v = []

    # appends node set for all graphs to v.
    for g in range(0, len(Graphs)):
        a = []
        for n in Graphs[g].Nodes():

    # take the intersection, giving us all common nodes.
    u = list(set.intersection(*v))
    print >> sys.stderr, "nodes: " + str(len(u))

    # converts to a snap-vector
    w = snap.TIntV()
    for i in u:

    # update graph list with subgraph induced by common nodes.
    for g in range(0, len(Graphs)):
        Graphs[g] = snap.GetSubGraph(Graphs[g], w)

    ng = 0
    print >> sys.stderr, "edges:"
    for g in range(0, len(Graphs)):
        ng = ng + Graphs[g].GetEdges()
        print >> sys.stderr, "  " + str(Graphs[g].GetEdges())
    print >> sys.stderr, "total edges: " + str(ng)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def saveGraphs():
	g = snap.LoadEdgeList(snap.PUNGraph, sys.argv[1],0,1)
	Graphs = []
	a = snap.TIntV()
	for file in sys.argv[2:]:
		Graphs.append(snap.LoadEdgeList(snap.PUNGraph, file, 0, 1))
		folder = str(file).split("/")[0]
		if folder != "data":
			sys.exit("comparison should be made with file in 'data' folder")
	data = sys.argv[2].split("/")[1]
	path = "/"
	if "DCS_LP" in sys.argv[1]:
		path = "results/snap/"+data+"DCS_LP/"
	else :# DCS_GREEDY
		path = "results/snap/"+data+"DCS_GREEDY/"
	if not os.path.exists(path) :

	for i in g.Nodes() : 
	for i in range(0,len(Graphs)):
		Graphs[i] = snap.GetSubGraph(Graphs[i],a)

	filename = raw_input('Enter a snapgraph name: ')
	print "saving graphs in: " + path +" under names "+filename+"i.txt"
	for i in range(0,len(Graphs)):
		snap.SaveEdgeList(Graphs[i],path+filename+str(i+1)+".txt","Minimal graph from" + sys.argv[1])		
Ejemplo n.º 3
def printStats():
	g = snap.LoadEdgeList(snap.PUNGraph, sys.argv[1],0,1)
	for i in range(2,len(sys.argv)):
		cName,cExt = os.path.splitext(sys.argv[i])
		a = snap.TIntV()

		gi = snap.LoadEdgeList(snap.PUNGraph, sys.argv[i], 0, 1)
		print "Printing stats..."
		for n in g.Nodes():
		g0 = snap.GetSubGraph(gi,a)
		n = g0.GetNodes()
		e = g0.GetEdges()
		print "---"
		print "Stats from : " + str(cName)
		print "Nodes : "+str(n)
		print "Edges : "+str(e)
		print "Density : "+ str( e / float(n))
Ejemplo n.º 4
def fsg(nodes):
    g = -1
    Graphs = []
    names = []
    for file in sys.argv[1:]:
        Graphs.append(snap.LoadEdgeList(snap.PUNGraph, file, 0, 1))
        lpName, lpExt = os.path.splitext(file)
    a = snap.TIntV()
    for i in nodes:
    density = sys.maxint

    for i in range(0, len(Graphs)):
        Graphs[i] = snap.GetSubGraph(Graphs[i], a)
        newD = Graphs[i].GetEdges() / float(Graphs[i].GetNodes())
        if newD < density:
            density = newD
            g = i

    print "Smallest graph was: " + str(names[g])
    print "Density: " + str(density)
    return (names[g], Graphs[g], density)
Ejemplo n.º 5
def findSmallestGraph():
	g = snap.LoadEdgeList(snap.PUNGraph, sys.argv[1],0,1)
	Graphs = []
	names = []
	for file in sys.argv[2:]:
		Graphs.append(snap.LoadEdgeList(snap.PUNGraph, file, 0, 1))
		lpName,lpExt  = os.path.splitext(file)
	a = snap.TIntV()
	for i in g.Nodes() : 
	density = 500
	for i in range(0,len(Graphs)):
		Graphs[i] = snap.GetSubGraph(Graphs[i],a)
		newD = Graphs[i].GetEdges() / float(Graphs[i].GetNodes())
		if newD < density :
			density = newD
			g = i

	print "Smallest graph was: "+ str(names[i])
	print "Density: "+str(density)
	return (names[i],Graphs[g])
Ejemplo n.º 6
def findSmallestGraph(nodes, Graphs):

    a = snap.TIntV()
    for i in nodes:
    density = 500
    smallest = -1

    for i in range(0, len(Graphs)):
        graph = snap.GetSubGraph(Graphs[i], a)

            newD = graph.GetEdges() / float(graph.GetNodes())
        except ZeroDivisionError:
            print "Div zero. setting density=0"
            newD = 0

        if newD < density:
            density = newD
            smallest = graph

    #print "Smallest graph was: "+ str(g)
    #print "Density: "+str(density)
    return ("find smallest", smallest, density)
Ejemplo n.º 7
def getSubgraph(target_graph, graph):

    a = snap.TIntV()
    for i in graph.Nodes():
    return snap.GetSubGraph(target_graph, a)
Ejemplo n.º 8
import sys
from lib import snap
from lib import snapGraphCopy
from lib import triangleDensity

def loadGraphs(locations):
      graphs = []
      for arg in locations:
          graphs.append(snap.LoadEdgeList(snap.PUNGraph, arg, 0, 1))
      return graphs

graphs = loadGraphs(sys.argv[1:-1])
subgraphNodes = open(sys.argv[-1]).read()
subgraphNodes = subgraphNodes.split("\n")
nodes = snap.TIntV()
for i in range(0,len(subgraphNodes)-1):
    if(subgraphNodes[i][0] != '#'):

leastDense = 0
smallestNumberOfEdges = sys.maxint
for g in range(0,len(graphs)):
    graphs[g] = snap.GetSubGraph(graphs[g],nodes)
    edges = graphs[g].GetEdges()
    if (smallestNumberOfEdges>edges):
        leastDense = g
        smallestNumberOfEdges = edges
print ("number of edges: " + str(smallestNumberOfEdges))
print ("number of nodes: " + str(len(nodes)))
print ("density: " + str(smallestNumberOfEdges*1.0/len(nodes)))
print "calculating diameter"
Ejemplo n.º 9
def getSubgraph(target_graph, nodes):

    a = snap.TIntV()
    for i in nodes:
    return snap.GetSubGraph(target_graph, a)
Ejemplo n.º 10
def printMoreGraphs(Graphs):
    nodes = []
    allEdges = []
    allEdgeCons = []
    ##### preprocessing start #####
    # TODO: clean up the preprocessing, possibly make it into a new function

    v = []

    # appends node set for all graphs to v.
    for g in range(0, len(Graphs)):
        a = []
        for n in Graphs[g].Nodes():

    # take the intersection, giving us all common nodes.
    u = list(set.intersection(*v))

    # converts to a snap-vector
    w = snap.TIntV()
    for i in u:

    print >> sys.stderr, str(len(u))

    # update graph list with subgraph induced by common nodes.
    for g in range(0, len(Graphs)):
        Graphs[g] = snap.GetSubGraph(Graphs[g], w)

    ng = 0
    print >> sys.stderr, "edges:\n"
    for g in range(0, len(Graphs)):
        ng = ng + Graphs[g].GetEdges()
        print >> sys.stderr, Graphs[g].GetEdges()

    print >> sys.stderr, ng
    ##### preprocessing end #####

    for g in range(0, len(Graphs)):
        edges = []
        edgeCons = []
        for e in Graphs[g].Edges():
            src = e.GetSrcNId()
            dst = e.GetDstNId()
            xij = "x" + str(g) + "_" + str(src) + "#" + str(dst)
            yi = "y" + str(src)
            yj = "y" + str(dst)
            edgeCons.append(xij + " - " + yi + " <= 0")
            edgeCons.append(xij + " - " + yj + " <= 0")
        for n in Graphs[g].Nodes():
            id = n.GetId()
            yi = "y" + str(id)

    # remove duplicates
    nodes = list(set(nodes))

    print "maximize t"
    print "\nsubject to"
    print(" +\n".join(nodes)) + " <= 1"  # sum yi <= 1
    for e in allEdges:
        print(" +\n".join(e)) + " - t >= 0"  # sum xij >= t
    for c in allEdgeCons:
        print " \n".join(c)  # xij <= yi and xij <= yj
    print "\nend"