Ejemplo n.º 1
  def getInfo(identity):
    if is_number(identity):
      ident_str = "ID(p)={identity}"
      ident_str = "p.email={identity}"

    person = {}
    result = db.run("MATCH (p:Person) WHERE " + ident_str + " RETURN ID(p) AS id, p.surname AS surname, p.forename as forename, p.email AS email, " +
      "p.url AS url, p.location AS location, p.tagline AS tagline, p.is_admin AS is_admin, p.is_disabled AS is_disabled, p.nyunetid AS nyunetid", {"identity": identity})

    for p in result:
      repo_count = 0
      repos = db.run("MATCH (r:Repository)--(p:Person) WHERE " + ident_str + " RETURN COUNT(r) AS repo_count", {"identity": identity})
      for r in repos:
        repo_count = r["repo_count"]

      person['id'] = p['id']
      person['name'] = str(p['forename']) + " " + str(p['surname'])
      person['surname'] = p['surname']
      person['forename'] = p['forename']
      person['email'] = p['email']
      person['url'] = p['url']
      person['location'] = p['location']
      person['tagline'] = p['tagline']
      person['is_admin'] = p['is_admin']
      person['is_disabled'] = p['is_disabled']
      person['nyunetid'] = p['nyunetid']
      person['repo_count'] = repo_count

    return person
Ejemplo n.º 2
  def getRepos(identity):
    repos = []

    if is_number(identity):
      ident_str = "ID(p)={identity}"
      ident_str = "p.email={identity}"

    result = db.run("MATCH (n:Repository)<-[x:OWNED_BY|COLLABORATES_WITH]-(p) WHERE " + ident_str + " RETURN ID(n) AS id, n.name AS name, n.readme AS readme, n.published AS published, n.license AS license, " +
      "n.url AS url, n.created_on AS created_on, n.published_on as published_on, n.featured as featured, x.access AS access", {"identity": identity})

    for item in result:

      owner = lib.managers.RepoManager.RepoManager.getOwner(int(item['id']))
      data  = lib.managers.RepoManager.RepoManager.getData(int(item['id']))
      users = lib.managers.RepoManager.RepoManager.getUsers(int(item['id']))

        "id": item['id'],
        "name": item['name'],
        "readme": item['readme'],
        "created_on": item['created_on'],
        "published_on": item['published_on'],
        "featured": item['featured'],
        "url": item['url'],
        "data": data,
        "users": users,
        "owner": owner,
        "access": item['access'],
        "published": item['published'],
        "license": item['license'],
        "schema_type_count" : 0,
        "schema_field_count" : 0,
        "data_element_count": 0

    for item in repos:
      result = db.run(
        "MATCH (n:Repository)--(t:SchemaType)--(d:Data) WHERE ID(n) = {repo_id} RETURN count(d) as data_element_count", {"repo_id": int(item['id'])})
      for r in result:
          item['data_element_count'] = r['data_element_count']

      result = db.run(
        "MATCH (n:Repository)--(t:SchemaType)WHERE ID(n) = {repo_id} RETURN count(DISTINCT(t)) as schema_type_count",
        {"repo_id": int(item['id'])})
      for r in result:
        item['schema_type_count'] = r['schema_type_count']

      result = db.run(
        "MATCH (n:Repository)--(t:SchemaType)--(f:SchemaField) WHERE ID(n) = {repo_id} RETURN count(DISTINCT(t)) as schema_type_count, count(DISTINCT(f)) as schema_field_count",
        {"repo_id": int(item['id'])})
      for r in result:
        item['schema_field_count'] = r['schema_field_count']
    return repos
Ejemplo n.º 3
  def getRepoIDs(identity):
    repoIDs = []

    if is_number(identity):
      ident_str = "ID(p)={identity}"
      ident_str = "p.email={identity}"

    result = db.run("MATCH (n:Repository)<-[x:OWNED_BY|COLLABORATES_WITH]-(p) WHERE " + ident_str + " RETURN ID(n) AS repo_id", {"identity": identity})

    for item in result:

    return repoIDs
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def getRepoIDs(identity):
        repoIDs = []

        if is_number(identity):
            ident_str = "ID(p)={identity}"
            ident_str = "p.email={identity}"

        result = db.run(
            "MATCH (n:Repository)<-[x:OWNED_BY|COLLABORATES_WITH]-(p) WHERE " +
            ident_str + " RETURN ID(n) AS repo_id", {"identity": identity})

        for item in result:

        return repoIDs
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def setPassword(person_id, password):
        # TODO: verify user has access to update password...
        if password is not None:
            if is_number(person_id):
                find_str = "ID(p)={person_id}"
                find_str = "p.password_reset_key = {person_id}"

            db_password_hash = ''
            # check if password matches person_id
            result = db.run(
                "MATCH (p:Person) WHERE " + find_str +
                " RETURN p.password AS password", {"person_id": person_id})
            for p in result:
                db_password_hash = p['password']

            if db_password_hash != '':
                # hash new password and update DB
                new_pass_hash = sha256_crypt.hash(password)

                if db_password_hash == new_pass_hash:
                    return True

                result = db.run(
                    "MATCH (p:Person) WHERE " + find_str +
                    " SET p.password = {new_pass_hash}, p.password_reset_key = '' RETURN p",
                        "person_id": person_id,
                        "new_pass_hash": new_pass_hash

                # Check we updated something
                summary = result.consume()
                if summary.counters.properties_set >= 1:
                    return True
                return False

                raise FindError("No user found")

            raise AuthError("Password is empty")
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def getInfo(identity):
        if is_number(identity):
            ident_str = "ID(p)={identity}"
            ident_str = "p.email={identity}"

        person = {}
        result = db.run(
            "MATCH (p:Person) WHERE " + ident_str +
            " RETURN ID(p) AS id, p.surname AS surname, p.forename as forename, p.email AS email, "
            "p.url AS url, p.location AS location, p.tagline AS tagline, p.is_admin AS is_admin, p.is_disabled AS is_disabled, p.nyunetid AS nyunetid",
            {"identity": identity})

        for p in result:
            repo_count = 0
            repos = db.run(
                "MATCH (r:Repository)--(p:Person) WHERE " + ident_str +
                " RETURN COUNT(r) AS repo_count", {"identity": identity})
            for r in repos:
                repo_count = r["repo_count"]

            person['id'] = p['id']
            person['name'] = str(p['forename']) + " " + str(p['surname'])
            person['surname'] = p['surname']
            person['forename'] = p['forename']
            person['email'] = p['email']
            person['url'] = p['url']
            person['location'] = p['location']
            person['tagline'] = p['tagline']
            person['is_admin'] = p['is_admin']
            person['is_disabled'] = p['is_disabled']
            person['nyunetid'] = p['nyunetid']
            person['repo_count'] = repo_count

        return person
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def setPassword(person_id, password):
        # TODO: verify user has access to update password...
        if password is not None:
            if is_number(person_id):
                find_str = "ID(p)={person_id}"
                find_str = "p.password_reset_key = {person_id}"

            db_password_hash = ''
            # check if password matches person_id
            result = db.run("MATCH (p:Person) WHERE " + find_str + " RETURN p.password AS password",
                            {"person_id": person_id})
            for p in result:
                db_password_hash = p['password']

            if db_password_hash != '':
                # hash new password and update DB
                new_pass_hash = sha256_crypt.hash(password)

                if db_password_hash == new_pass_hash:
                    return True

                result = db.run("MATCH (p:Person) WHERE " + find_str + " SET p.password = {new_pass_hash}, p.password_reset_key = '' RETURN p",
                                {"person_id": person_id, "new_pass_hash": new_pass_hash})

                # Check we updated something
                summary = result.consume()
                if summary.counters.properties_set >= 1:
                    return True
                return False

                raise FindError("No user found")

            raise AuthError("Password is empty")
Ejemplo n.º 8
  def editPerson(identity, forename, surname, location, email, url, tagline, is_disabled, nyunetid):
    if is_number(identity):
      ident_str = "ID(p)={identity}"
      identity = int(identity)
      ident_str = "p.email={identity}"

    update = []
    if forename is not None:
        update.append("p.forename = {forename}")

    if surname is not None:
        update.append("p.surname = {surname}")

    if location is not None:
        update.append("p.location = {location}")

    if email is not None:
        update.append("p.email = {email}")

    if url is not None:
        update.append("p.url = {url}")

    if tagline is not None:
        update.append("p.tagline = {tagline}")

    if nyunetid is not None:
        update.append("p.nyunetid = {nyunetid}")

    if is_disabled is not None:
        print is_disabled
          is_disabled = int(is_disabled)
          if is_disabled <> 0:
              is_disabled = 1
          update.append("p.is_disabled = {is_disabled}")

    update_str = "%s" % ", ".join(map(str, update))

    if update_str != '' and update_str is not None:
        result = db.run("MATCH (p:Person) WHERE " + ident_str + " SET " + update_str +
          " RETURN p.forename AS forename, p.surname AS surname, p.location AS location, p.email AS email, p.url AS url, p.tagline AS tagline, p.is_disabled AS is_disabled, p.nyunetid AS nyunetid",
          {"identity": identity, "forename": forename, "surname": surname, "location": location, "email": email, "url": url, "tagline": tagline, "is_disabled": is_disabled, "nyunetid": nyunetid})

        if result:
            updated_person = {}
            for p in result:
                updated_person['forename'] = p['forename']
                updated_person['surname'] = p['surname']
                updated_person['name'] = str(p['forename']) + " " + str(p['surname'])
                updated_person['location'] = p['location']
                updated_person['email'] = p['email']
                updated_person['url'] = p['url']
                updated_person['tagline'] = p['tagline']
                updated_person['is_disabled'] = p['is_disabled']
                updated_person['nyunetid'] = p['nyunetid']

            if updated_person is not None:
                return updated_person
                raise FindError(message="Person does not exist", context="People.editPerson")

          raise DbError(message="Could not update person", context="People.editPerson", dberror="")
      raise ValidationError(message="Nothing to update", context="People.editPerson")
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def editPerson(identity, forename, surname, location, email, url, tagline,
                   is_disabled, nyunetid):
        if is_number(identity):
            ident_str = "ID(p)={identity}"
            identity = int(identity)
            ident_str = "p.email={identity}"

        update = []
        if forename is not None:
            update.append("p.forename = {forename}")

        if surname is not None:
            update.append("p.surname = {surname}")

        if location is not None:
            update.append("p.location = {location}")

        if email is not None:
            update.append("p.email = {email}")

        if url is not None:
            update.append("p.url = {url}")

        if tagline is not None:
            update.append("p.tagline = {tagline}")

        if nyunetid is not None:
            update.append("p.nyunetid = {nyunetid}")

        if is_disabled is not None:
            print is_disabled
                is_disabled = int(is_disabled)
                if is_disabled <> 0:
                    is_disabled = 1
                update.append("p.is_disabled = {is_disabled}")

        update_str = "%s" % ", ".join(map(str, update))

        if update_str != '' and update_str is not None:
            result = db.run(
                "MATCH (p:Person) WHERE " + ident_str + " SET " + update_str +
                " RETURN p.forename AS forename, p.surname AS surname, p.location AS location, p.email AS email, p.url AS url, p.tagline AS tagline, p.is_disabled AS is_disabled, p.nyunetid AS nyunetid",
                    "identity": identity,
                    "forename": forename,
                    "surname": surname,
                    "location": location,
                    "email": email,
                    "url": url,
                    "tagline": tagline,
                    "is_disabled": is_disabled,
                    "nyunetid": nyunetid

            if result:
                updated_person = {}
                for p in result:
                    updated_person['forename'] = p['forename']
                    updated_person['surname'] = p['surname']
                    updated_person['name'] = str(p['forename']) + " " + str(
                    updated_person['location'] = p['location']
                    updated_person['email'] = p['email']
                    updated_person['url'] = p['url']
                    updated_person['tagline'] = p['tagline']
                    updated_person['is_disabled'] = p['is_disabled']
                    updated_person['nyunetid'] = p['nyunetid']

                if updated_person is not None:
                    return updated_person
                    raise FindError(message="Person does not exist",

                raise DbError(message="Could not update person",
            raise ValidationError(message="Nothing to update",
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def getRepos(identity):
        repos = []

        if is_number(identity):
            ident_str = "ID(p)={identity}"
            ident_str = "p.email={identity}"

        result = db.run(
            "MATCH (n:Repository)<-[x:OWNED_BY|COLLABORATES_WITH]-(p) WHERE " +
            ident_str +
            " RETURN ID(n) AS id, n.name AS name, n.readme AS readme, n.published AS published, n.license AS license, "
            "n.url AS url, n.created_on AS created_on, n.published_on as published_on, n.featured as featured, x.access AS access",
            {"identity": identity})

        for item in result:

            owner = lib.managers.RepoManager.RepoManager.getOwner(
            data = lib.managers.RepoManager.RepoManager.getData(int(
            users = lib.managers.RepoManager.RepoManager.getUsers(

                "id": item['id'],
                "name": item['name'],
                "readme": item['readme'],
                "created_on": item['created_on'],
                "published_on": item['published_on'],
                "featured": item['featured'],
                "url": item['url'],
                "data": data,
                "users": users,
                "owner": owner,
                "access": item['access'],
                "published": item['published'],
                "license": item['license'],
                "schema_type_count": 0,
                "schema_field_count": 0,
                "data_element_count": 0

        for item in repos:
            result = db.run(
                "MATCH (n:Repository)--(t:SchemaType)--(d:Data) WHERE ID(n) = {repo_id} RETURN count(d) as data_element_count",
                {"repo_id": int(item['id'])})
            for r in result:
                item['data_element_count'] = r['data_element_count']

            result = db.run(
                "MATCH (n:Repository)--(t:SchemaType)WHERE ID(n) = {repo_id} RETURN count(DISTINCT(t)) as schema_type_count",
                {"repo_id": int(item['id'])})
            for r in result:
                item['schema_type_count'] = r['schema_type_count']

            result = db.run(
                "MATCH (n:Repository)--(t:SchemaType)--(f:SchemaField) WHERE ID(n) = {repo_id} RETURN count(DISTINCT(t)) as schema_type_count, count(DISTINCT(f)) as schema_field_count",
                {"repo_id": int(item['id'])})
            for r in result:
                item['schema_field_count'] = r['schema_field_count']
        return repos