Ejemplo n.º 1
    def generate_gt_database(self):
        gt_database = []
        for idx, sample_id in enumerate(self.image_idx_list):
            # sample_id = int(sample_id)
            print('process gt sample (id=%s)' % sample_id)

            pts_lidar = self.get_lidar(sample_id)
            calib = self.get_calib(sample_id)
            pts_rect = calib.lidar_to_rect(pts_lidar[:, 0:3])
            pts_intensity = pts_lidar[:, 3]

            obj_list = self.filtrate_objects(self.get_label(sample_id))

            gt_boxes3d = np.zeros((obj_list.__len__(), 7), dtype=np.float32)
            for k, obj in enumerate(obj_list):
                gt_boxes3d[k, 0:3], gt_boxes3d[k, 3], gt_boxes3d[k, 4], gt_boxes3d[k, 5], gt_boxes3d[k, 6] \
                    = obj.pos, obj.h, obj.w, obj.l, obj.ry

            if gt_boxes3d.__len__() == 0:
                print('No gt object')
                if (self.split != "test"):

            boxes_pts_mask_list = roipool3d_utils.pts_in_boxes3d_cpu(
                torch.from_numpy(pts_rect), torch.from_numpy(gt_boxes3d))

            for k in range(boxes_pts_mask_list.__len__()):
                pt_mask_flag = (boxes_pts_mask_list[k].numpy() == 1)
                cur_pts = pts_rect[pt_mask_flag].astype(np.float32)
                cur_pts_intensity = pts_intensity[pt_mask_flag].astype(

                if (self.split == "test"):
                    gt_box3d = None
                    gt_box3d = gt_boxes3d[k]

                sample_dict = {
                    'sample_id': sample_id,
                    'cls_type': obj_list[k].cls_type,
                    'gt_box3d': gt_boxes3d[k],
                    'points': cur_pts,
                    'intensity': cur_pts_intensity,
                    'obj': obj_list[k]

        save_file_name = os.path.join(
            '%s_gt_database_3level_%s.joblib' % (args.split, self.classes[-1]))
        with open(save_file_name, 'wb') as f:
            joblib.dump(gt_database, f)
            # loaded_model = joblib.load(filename)
            # pickle.dump(gt_database, f)

        self.gt_database = gt_database
        print('Save refine training sample info file to %s' % save_file_name)
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def generate_gt_database(self):
        gt_database = []
        for idx, data in enumerate(self.__handle):
            sample_id = int(data["sample_id"])
            # print('process gt sample (id=%06d)' % sample_id)

            # pts_lidar = self.get_lidar(sample_id)
            # calib = self.get_calib(sample_id)

            # pts_rect = calib.lidar_to_rect(pts_lidar[:, 0:3])
            pts_rect = data['points']
            pts_intensity = np.ones((len(pts_rect), 1))

            # obj_list = self.filtrate_objects(self.get_label(sample_id))

            # gt_boxes3d = np.zeros((obj_list.__len__(), 7), dtype=np.float32)
            # for k, obj in enumerate(data["boxes"]):
            #     gt_boxes3d[k, 0:3], gt_boxes3d[k, 3], gt_boxes3d[k, 4], gt_boxes3d[k, 5], gt_boxes3d[k, 6] \
            #         = obj[:3], obj[5], obj[4], obj[3], obj[6]

            gt_boxes3d = data["boxes"][:, [0, 1, 2, 5, 4, 3, 6]]

            if gt_boxes3d.__len__() == 0:
                print('No gt object')

            boxes_pts_mask_list = roipool3d_utils.pts_in_boxes3d_cpu(
                torch.from_numpy(pts_rect), torch.from_numpy(gt_boxes3d))

            for k in range(boxes_pts_mask_list.__len__()):
                pt_mask_flag = (boxes_pts_mask_list[k].numpy() == 1)
                cur_pts = pts_rect[pt_mask_flag].astype(np.float32)
                cur_pts_intensity = pts_intensity[pt_mask_flag].astype(
                sample_dict = {
                    'sample_id': sample_id,
                    'cls_type': "Pedestrian",
                    'gt_box3d': gt_boxes3d[k],
                    'points': cur_pts,
                    'intensity': cur_pts_intensity,
                    'obj': data["boxes"][k]

        save_file_name = os.path.join(
            '%s_gt_database_3level_%s.pkl' % (args.split, self.classes[-1]))
        with open(save_file_name, 'wb') as f:
            pickle.dump(gt_database, f)

        self.gt_database = gt_database
        print('Save refine training sample info file to %s' % save_file_name)
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def generate_gt_database(self):
        gt_database = []
        #### print(self.image_idx_list) : data/KITTI/ImageSets train.txt
        #### >> ['000000', '000003', '000007', '000009', '000010', '000011', '000012', '000013', '000014', '000016', ...]
        for idx, sample_id in enumerate(self.image_idx_list):
            sample_id = int(sample_id)
            # print('process gt sample (id=%06d)' % sample_id)

            pts_lidar = self.get_lidar(sample_id)
            calib = self.get_calib(sample_id)
            pts_rect = calib.lidar_to_rect(pts_lidar[:, 0:3])
            pts_intensity = pts_lidar[:, 3]

            obj_list = self.filtrate_objects(self.get_label(sample_id))
            #### Try it!
            gt_boxes3d = np.zeros((obj_list.__len__(), 7), dtype=np.float32)
            for k, obj in enumerate(obj_list):
                gt_boxes3d[k, 0:3], gt_boxes3d[k, 3], gt_boxes3d[k, 4], gt_boxes3d[k, 5], gt_boxes3d[k, 6] \
                    = obj.pos, obj.h, obj.w, obj.l, obj.ry

            # if gt_boxes3d.__len__() == 0:
            #     print('No gt object')
            #     continue
            # else:
            #     print('gt object detected!')

            boxes_pts_mask_list = roipool3d_utils.pts_in_boxes3d_cpu(torch.from_numpy(pts_rect), torch.from_numpy(gt_boxes3d))

            for k in range(boxes_pts_mask_list.__len__()):
                pt_mask_flag = (boxes_pts_mask_list[k].numpy() == 1)
                cur_pts = pts_rect[pt_mask_flag].astype(np.float32)
                cur_pts_intensity = pts_intensity[pt_mask_flag].astype(np.float32)
                sample_dict = {'sample_id': sample_id,
                               'cls_type': obj_list[k].cls_type,
                               'gt_box3d': gt_boxes3d[k],
                               'points': cur_pts,
                               'intensity': cur_pts_intensity,
                               'obj': obj_list[k]}
                #### print(gt_database)

        save_file_name = os.path.join(args.save_dir, '%s_gt_database_3level_Multiclass.pkl' % (args.split)) #### Car -> Multiclass
        with open(save_file_name, 'wb') as f:
            pickle.dump(gt_database, f)

        self.gt_database = gt_database
        print('Save refine training sample info file to %s' % save_file_name)
    def aug_one_scene(self, sample_id, pts_rect, pts_intensity, all_gt_boxes3d):
        :param pts_rect: (N, 3)
        :param gt_boxes3d: (M1, 7)
        :param all_gt_boxex3d: (M2, 7)
        assert self.gt_database is not None
        extra_gt_num = np.random.randint(10, 15)
        try_times = 50
        cnt = 0
        cur_gt_boxes3d = all_gt_boxes3d.copy()
        cur_gt_boxes3d[:, 4] += 0.5
        cur_gt_boxes3d[:, 5] += 0.5  # enlarge new added box to avoid too nearby boxes

        extra_gt_obj_list = []
        extra_gt_boxes3d_list = []
        new_pts_list, new_pts_intensity_list = [], []
        src_pts_flag = np.ones(pts_rect.shape[0], dtype=np.int32)

        road_plane = self.get_road_plane(sample_id)
        a, b, c, d = road_plane

        while try_times > 0:
            try_times -= 1

            rand_idx = np.random.randint(0, self.gt_database.__len__() - 1)

            new_gt_dict = self.gt_database[rand_idx]
            new_gt_box3d = new_gt_dict['gt_box3d'].copy()
            new_gt_points = new_gt_dict['points'].copy()
            new_gt_intensity = new_gt_dict['intensity'].copy()
            new_gt_obj = new_gt_dict['obj']
            center = new_gt_box3d[0:3]
            if PC_REDUCE_BY_RANGE and (self.check_pc_range(center) is False):
            if cnt > extra_gt_num:
            if new_gt_points.__len__() < 5:  # too few points

            # put it on the road plane
            cur_height = (-d - a * center[0] - c * center[2]) / b
            move_height = new_gt_box3d[1] - cur_height
            new_gt_box3d[1] -= move_height
            new_gt_points[:, 1] -= move_height

            cnt += 1

            iou3d = iou3d_utils.boxes_iou3d_gpu(torch.from_numpy(new_gt_box3d.reshape(1, 7)).cuda(),

            valid_flag = iou3d.max() < 1e-8
            if not valid_flag:

            enlarged_box3d = new_gt_box3d.copy()
            enlarged_box3d[3] += 2  # remove the points above and below the object
            boxes_pts_mask_list = roipool3d_utils.pts_in_boxes3d_cpu(torch.from_numpy(pts_rect),
                                                                     torch.from_numpy(enlarged_box3d.reshape(1, 7)))
            pt_mask_flag = (boxes_pts_mask_list[0].numpy() == 1)
            src_pts_flag[pt_mask_flag] = 0  # remove the original points which are inside the new box

            enlarged_box3d = new_gt_box3d.copy()
            enlarged_box3d[4] += 0.5
            enlarged_box3d[5] += 0.5  # enlarge new added box to avoid too nearby boxes
            cur_gt_boxes3d = np.concatenate((cur_gt_boxes3d, enlarged_box3d.reshape(1, 7)), axis=0)
            extra_gt_boxes3d_list.append(new_gt_box3d.reshape(1, 7))

        if new_pts_list.__len__() == 0:
            return False, pts_rect, pts_intensity, None, None

        extra_gt_boxes3d = np.concatenate(extra_gt_boxes3d_list, axis=0)
        # remove original points and add new points
        pts_rect = pts_rect[src_pts_flag == 1]
        pts_intensity = pts_intensity[src_pts_flag == 1]
        new_pts_rect = np.concatenate(new_pts_list, axis=0)
        new_pts_intensity = np.concatenate(new_pts_intensity_list, axis=0)
        pts_rect = np.concatenate((pts_rect, new_pts_rect), axis=0)
        pts_intensity = np.concatenate((pts_intensity, new_pts_intensity), axis=0)

        return True, pts_rect, pts_intensity, extra_gt_boxes3d, extra_gt_obj_list
    def get_rcnn_sample_info(self, roi_info):
        sample_id, gt_box3d = roi_info['sample_id'], roi_info['gt_box3d']
        rpn_xyz, rpn_features, rpn_intensity, seg_mask = self.rpn_feature_list[sample_id]

        # augmentation original roi by adding noise
        roi_box3d = self.aug_roi_by_noise(roi_info)

        # point cloud pooling based on roi_box3d
        pooled_boxes3d = kitti_utils.enlarge_box3d(roi_box3d.reshape(1, 7), cfg.RCNN.POOL_EXTRA_WIDTH)

        boxes_pts_mask_list = roipool3d_utils.pts_in_boxes3d_cpu(torch.from_numpy(rpn_xyz),
        pt_mask_flag = (boxes_pts_mask_list[0].numpy() == 1)
        cur_pts = rpn_xyz[pt_mask_flag].astype(np.float32)

        # data augmentation
        aug_pts = cur_pts.copy()
        aug_gt_box3d = gt_box3d.copy().astype(np.float32)
        aug_roi_box3d = roi_box3d.copy()
        if cfg.AUG_DATA and self.mode == 'TRAIN':
            # calculate alpha by ry
            temp_boxes3d = np.concatenate([aug_roi_box3d.reshape(1, 7), aug_gt_box3d.reshape(1, 7)], axis=0)
            temp_x, temp_z, temp_ry = temp_boxes3d[:, 0], temp_boxes3d[:, 2], temp_boxes3d[:, 6]
            temp_beta = np.arctan2(temp_z, temp_x).astype(np.float64)
            temp_alpha = -np.sign(temp_beta) * np.pi / 2 + temp_beta + temp_ry

            # data augmentation
            aug_pts, aug_boxes3d, aug_method = self.data_augmentation(aug_pts, temp_boxes3d, temp_alpha, mustaug=True, stage=2)
            aug_roi_box3d, aug_gt_box3d = aug_boxes3d[0], aug_boxes3d[1]
            aug_gt_box3d = aug_gt_box3d.astype(gt_box3d.dtype)

        # Pool input points
        valid_mask = 1  # whether the input is valid

        if aug_pts.shape[0] == 0:
            pts_features = np.zeros((1, 128), dtype=np.float32)
            input_channel = 3 + int(cfg.RCNN.USE_INTENSITY) + int(cfg.RCNN.USE_MASK) + int(cfg.RCNN.USE_DEPTH)
            pts_input = np.zeros((1, input_channel), dtype=np.float32)
            valid_mask = 0
            pts_features = rpn_features[pt_mask_flag].astype(np.float32)
            pts_intensity = rpn_intensity[pt_mask_flag].astype(np.float32)

            pts_input_list = [aug_pts, pts_intensity.reshape(-1, 1)]
            if cfg.RCNN.USE_INTENSITY:
                pts_input_list = [aug_pts, pts_intensity.reshape(-1, 1)]
                pts_input_list = [aug_pts]

            if cfg.RCNN.USE_MASK:
                if cfg.RCNN.MASK_TYPE == 'seg':
                    pts_mask = seg_mask[pt_mask_flag].astype(np.float32)
                elif cfg.RCNN.MASK_TYPE == 'roi':
                    pts_mask = roipool3d_utils.pts_in_boxes3d_cpu(torch.from_numpy(aug_pts),
                                                                  torch.from_numpy(aug_roi_box3d.reshape(1, 7)))
                    pts_mask = (pts_mask[0].numpy() == 1).astype(np.float32)
                    raise NotImplementedError

                pts_input_list.append(pts_mask.reshape(-1, 1))

            if cfg.RCNN.USE_DEPTH:
                pts_depth = np.linalg.norm(aug_pts, axis=1, ord=2)
                pts_depth_norm = (pts_depth / 70.0) - 0.5
                pts_input_list.append(pts_depth_norm.reshape(-1, 1))

            pts_input = np.concatenate(pts_input_list, axis=1)  # (N, C)

        aug_gt_corners = kitti_utils.boxes3d_to_corners3d(aug_gt_box3d.reshape(-1, 7))
        aug_roi_corners = kitti_utils.boxes3d_to_corners3d(aug_roi_box3d.reshape(-1, 7))
        iou3d = kitti_utils.get_iou3d(aug_roi_corners, aug_gt_corners)
        cur_iou = iou3d[0][0]

        # regression valid mask
        reg_valid_mask = 1 if cur_iou >= cfg.RCNN.REG_FG_THRESH and valid_mask == 1 else 0

        # classification label
        cls_label = 1 if cur_iou > cfg.RCNN.CLS_FG_THRESH else 0
        if cfg.RCNN.CLS_BG_THRESH < cur_iou < cfg.RCNN.CLS_FG_THRESH or valid_mask == 0:
            cls_label = -1

        # canonical transform and sampling
        pts_input_ct, gt_box3d_ct = self.canonical_transform(pts_input, aug_roi_box3d, aug_gt_box3d)
        pts_input_ct, pts_features = self.rcnn_input_sample(pts_input_ct, pts_features)

        sample_info = {'sample_id': sample_id,
                       'pts_input': pts_input_ct,
                       'pts_features': pts_features,
                       'cls_label': cls_label,
                       'reg_valid_mask': reg_valid_mask,
                       'gt_boxes3d_ct': gt_box3d_ct,
                       'roi_boxes3d': aug_roi_box3d,
                       'roi_size': aug_roi_box3d[3:6],
                       'gt_boxes3d': aug_gt_box3d}

        return sample_info
    def apply_gt_aug_to_one_scene(self, sample_id, pts_rect, pts_intensity, all_gt_boxes3d):
        :param pts_rect: (N, 3)
        :param all_gt_boxex3d: (M2, 7)
        assert self.gt_database is not None
        # extra_gt_num = np.random.randint(10, 15)
        # try_times = 50
        if cfg.GT_AUG_RAND_NUM:
            extra_gt_num = np.random.randint(10, cfg.GT_EXTRA_NUM)
            extra_gt_num = cfg.GT_EXTRA_NUM
        try_times = 100
        cnt = 0
        cur_gt_boxes3d = all_gt_boxes3d.copy()
        cur_gt_boxes3d[:, 4] += 0.5  # TODO: consider different objects
        cur_gt_boxes3d[:, 5] += 0.5  # enlarge new added box to avoid too nearby boxes
        cur_gt_corners = kitti_utils.boxes3d_to_corners3d(cur_gt_boxes3d)

        extra_gt_obj_list = []
        extra_gt_boxes3d_list = []
        new_pts_list, new_pts_intensity_list = [], []
        src_pts_flag = np.ones(pts_rect.shape[0], dtype=np.int32)

        road_plane = self.get_road_plane(sample_id)
        a, b, c, d = road_plane

        while try_times > 0:
            if cnt > extra_gt_num:

            try_times -= 1
            if cfg.GT_AUG_HARD_RATIO > 0:
                p = np.random.rand()
                if p > cfg.GT_AUG_HARD_RATIO:
                    # use easy sample
                    rand_idx = np.random.randint(0, len(self.gt_database[0]))
                    new_gt_dict = self.gt_database[0][rand_idx]
                    # use hard sample
                    rand_idx = np.random.randint(0, len(self.gt_database[1]))
                    new_gt_dict = self.gt_database[1][rand_idx]
                rand_idx = np.random.randint(0, self.gt_database.__len__())
                new_gt_dict = self.gt_database[rand_idx]

            new_gt_box3d = new_gt_dict['gt_box3d'].copy()
            new_gt_points = new_gt_dict['points'].copy()
            new_gt_intensity = new_gt_dict['intensity'].copy()
            new_gt_obj = new_gt_dict['obj']
            center = new_gt_box3d[0:3]
            if cfg.PC_REDUCE_BY_RANGE and (self.check_pc_range(center) is False):

            if new_gt_points.__len__() < 5:  # too few points

            # put it on the road plane
            cur_height = (-d - a * center[0] - c * center[2]) / b
            move_height = new_gt_box3d[1] - cur_height
            new_gt_box3d[1] -= move_height
            new_gt_points[:, 1] -= move_height
            new_gt_obj.pos[1] -= move_height

            new_enlarged_box3d = new_gt_box3d.copy()
            new_enlarged_box3d[4] += 0.5
            new_enlarged_box3d[5] += 0.5  # enlarge new added box to avoid too nearby boxes

            cnt += 1
            new_corners = kitti_utils.boxes3d_to_corners3d(new_enlarged_box3d.reshape(1, 7))
            iou3d = kitti_utils.get_iou3d(new_corners, cur_gt_corners)
            valid_flag = iou3d.max() < 1e-8
            if not valid_flag:

            enlarged_box3d = new_gt_box3d.copy()
            enlarged_box3d[3] += 2  # remove the points above and below the object

            boxes_pts_mask_list = roipool3d_utils.pts_in_boxes3d_cpu(
                torch.from_numpy(pts_rect), torch.from_numpy(enlarged_box3d.reshape(1, 7)))
            pt_mask_flag = (boxes_pts_mask_list[0].numpy() == 1)
            src_pts_flag[pt_mask_flag] = 0  # remove the original points which are inside the new box

            cur_gt_boxes3d = np.concatenate((cur_gt_boxes3d, new_enlarged_box3d.reshape(1, 7)), axis=0)
            cur_gt_corners = np.concatenate((cur_gt_corners, new_corners), axis=0)
            extra_gt_boxes3d_list.append(new_gt_box3d.reshape(1, 7))

        if new_pts_list.__len__() == 0:
            return False, pts_rect, pts_intensity, None, None

        extra_gt_boxes3d = np.concatenate(extra_gt_boxes3d_list, axis=0)
        # remove original points and add new points
        pts_rect = pts_rect[src_pts_flag == 1]
        pts_intensity = pts_intensity[src_pts_flag == 1]
        new_pts_rect = np.concatenate(new_pts_list, axis=0)
        new_pts_intensity = np.concatenate(new_pts_intensity_list, axis=0)
        pts_rect = np.concatenate((pts_rect, new_pts_rect), axis=0)
        pts_intensity = np.concatenate((pts_intensity, new_pts_intensity), axis=0)

        return True, pts_rect, pts_intensity, extra_gt_boxes3d, extra_gt_obj_list
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def generate_gt_database(self):
        gt_database = []

        # read (have it as a reference) the KITTI dataset documentation. 
        # it is a text file in the library they have for handeling data. 
        # Download object development kit (1 MB) (including 3D object detection and bird's eye view evaluation code)
        # http://www.cvlibs.net/datasets/kitti/eval_object.php?obj_benchmark=3d

        # image_idx_list was defined in the parent
        # it is a list of ids for data to choose for test/train
        for idx, sample_id in enumerate(self.image_idx_list):
            # get the id of the image/pointcloud (corresponding to 1 scene)
            sample_id = int(sample_id)
            print('process gt sample (id=%06d)' % sample_id)

            # for later: There is the same number of images and point clouds so I think it is 1 image per point cloud

            # read point cloud data
            pts_lidar = self.get_lidar(sample_id)
            calib = self.get_calib(sample_id)
            # coordinate calibration on x,y,z (not intensity!) (rect stands for recalibrated ?!)
            pts_rect = calib.lidar_to_rect(pts_lidar[:, 0:3])
            # store intensity seperately 
            pts_intensity = pts_lidar[:, 3]

            # first get a list of objects in the scene using the label data 
            # then only pick (filter) those that are in the  self.classes
            obj_list = self.filtrate_objects(self.get_label(sample_id))

            # for each object (e.g. car) save the center (x,y,z) dimensions (w,h,l) and angle in the x-z plane (see paper figure3)
            gt_boxes3d = np.zeros((obj_list.__len__(), 7), dtype=np.float32)

            for k, obj in enumerate(obj_list):
                gt_boxes3d[k, 0:3], gt_boxes3d[k, 3], gt_boxes3d[k, 4], gt_boxes3d[k, 5], gt_boxes3d[k, 6] \
                    = obj.pos, obj.h, obj.w, obj.l, obj.ry

            # if no objects of interest go to the next scene
            if gt_boxes3d.__len__() == 0:
                print('No gt object')

            # send the whole scene to 'pts_in_boxes3d_cpu' and the boxes in the scene
            # determin which points are inside the box the returned value is a 2d array 
            # each row i is a mask of points that belong the box i and it is a pytorch tensor
            boxes_pts_mask_list = roipool3d_utils.pts_in_boxes3d_cpu(torch.from_numpy(pts_rect), torch.from_numpy(gt_boxes3d))

            # for each bounding box
            # choose the points inside a bounding box and label them as a single instance
            for k in range(boxes_pts_mask_list.__len__()):
                # 'boxes_pts_mask_list[k]' is a pytorch tensor
                pt_mask_flag = (boxes_pts_mask_list[k].numpy() == 1)
                #choose points that are inside the current box ('pts_rect' is a numpy array)
                cur_pts = pts_rect[pt_mask_flag].astype(np.float32)
                cur_pts_intensity = pts_intensity[pt_mask_flag].astype(np.float32)

                sample_dict = {'sample_id': sample_id, # scene id
                               'cls_type': obj_list[k].cls_type, # class (e.g. Car)
                               'gt_box3d': gt_boxes3d[k], # bounding box
                               'points': cur_pts, # point coords
                               'intensity': cur_pts_intensity,
                               'obj': obj_list[k]} # this includes all the other details we don't have above (as an object with attributes)

        save_file_name = os.path.join(args.save_dir, '%s_gt_database_3level_%s.pkl' % (args.split, self.classes[-1]))
        with open(save_file_name, 'wb') as f:
            pickle.dump(gt_database, f)

        self.gt_database = gt_database
        print('Save refine training sample info file to %s' % save_file_name)
Ejemplo n.º 8
def roi_based_sample(pts_rect, pts_intensity, prev_pts_rect,
                     prev_pts_intensity, roi_scores, roi_boxes3d, ratio,
    Samples points from pts_rect and pts_intensity based on the entropy gained
    as shown in roi_scores and roi_boxes3d. Uses points found in last pass and adds to them
    :param pts_rect: (N, 3)
    :param pts_intensity: (N, 1)
    :param prev_pts_rect: (N, 3)
    :param prev_pts_intensity: (N, 1)
    :param roi_scores: (M)
    :param roi_boxes3d: (M, 7)
    :param ratio: ratio of total pts_rect to return
    :param threshold: rois below this threshold will not be observed
    :return: pts_rect, pts_intensity
    # send everything to cpu
    roi_scores = roi_scores.cpu()
    roi_boxes3d = roi_boxes3d.cpu()

    pts_and_intensity = np.append(pts_rect, pts_intensity, axis=1)
    prev_pts_and_intensity = np.append(prev_pts_rect,

    # Sets of tuples of points to calculate diff
    prev_pts_set = set(map(tuple, prev_pts_and_intensity))
    pts_set = set(map(tuple, pts_and_intensity))

    # Get pts not in previous pass
    pts_diff_set = pts_set - prev_pts_set
    pts_diff = np.array(list(pts_diff_set))

    # pts and intensity diff
    pts_rect_diff = pts_diff[:, :3]

    # get entropy
    confidence = (1 / (1 + np.exp(-roi_scores.numpy())))
    entropy = das_utils.confidence_to_entropy(confidence)

    # preen elements below threshold
    threshold_mask = entropy > threshold
    entropy = entropy[threshold_mask]
    roi_scores = roi_scores[threshold_mask]
    roi_boxes3d = roi_boxes3d[threshold_mask]

    # print(len(entropy), len(roi_scores), len(roi_boxes3d))

    normalized_entropy_distribution = (1 / sum(entropy)) * entropy

    seen = set()
    point_sets = list(range(len(roi_scores)))

    # Changed to False reverse temporarily to see the difference
    highest_to_lowest_entropy = sorted(range(len(entropy)),

    # Points in boxes in order of decreasing entropy to prevent duplicates
    for i in highest_to_lowest_entropy:
        # Add new sampled points to set
        pts_in_box_mask = pts_in_boxes3d_cpu(torch.Tensor(pts_rect_diff),
        pts_in_box = pts_diff[pts_in_box_mask]
        for pt in pts_in_box:
            if tuple(pt) in seen:
                np.delete(pts_in_box, np.argwhere(pts_in_box == pt))

        point_sets[i] = pts_in_box

    # Sampled points (add prev points)
    sampled_points = prev_pts_and_intensity

    # Fill with random points if less points than desired
    if (len(pts_rect) * ratio > sum(
        [len(point_sets[i]) for i in range(len(point_sets))])):
        new_sampled_points = pts_and_intensity[pts_in_boxes3d_cpu(
            torch.Tensor(pts_rect), roi_boxes3d)[0]]
        shuffled_pts = np.random.permutation(pts_and_intensity)
        i = 0
        j = int(len(pts_rect) * ratio) - len(new_sampled_points)
        while i < j:
            if tuple(shuffled_pts[i]) in seen:
                j += 1
                new_sampled_points = np.concatenate(
                    (new_sampled_points, shuffled_pts[i].reshape(1, 4)),
            i += 1

        sampled_points = np.concatenate((sampled_points, new_sampled_points),
        return np.array(sampled_points)[:, :3], np.array(sampled_points)[:, 3]

    # Sampling stage
    # Flattened indices to sample from
    indices = np.array([(i, j) for i in range(len(point_sets))
                        for j in range(len(point_sets[i]))])
    # Probabilities for all of the indices
    probs = np.array([
        normalized_entropy_distribution[i] / len(point_sets[i])
        for i in range(len(point_sets)) for j in range(len(point_sets[i]))
    probs /= probs.sum()

    sampled_indices_indices = np.random.choice(range(len(indices)),
                                               size=int(ratio * len(pts_rect)),
    sampled_indices = indices[sampled_indices_indices]
    new_sampled_points = [
        point_sets[idx[0]][idx[1]] for idx in sampled_indices

    sampled_points = np.concatenate((sampled_points, new_sampled_points),

    # print(sampled_points)
    return np.array(sampled_points)[:, :3], np.array(sampled_points)[:, 3]
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def generate_gt_database(self):
        gt_database = []
        for idx, sample_id in enumerate(self.image_idx_list):
            sample_id = int(sample_id)
            print('process gt sample (id=%06d)' % sample_id)

            pts_lidar = self.get_lidar(sample_id)
            calib = self.get_calib(sample_id)
            pts_rect = calib.lidar_to_rect(pts_lidar[:, 0:3])
            pts_intensity = pts_lidar[:, 3]

            # (H,W,3)
            img = self.get_image_rgb_with_normal(sample_id)

            pts_img, pts_depth = calib.rect_to_img(pts_rect)

            obj_list = self.filtrate_objects(self.get_label(sample_id))

            gt_boxes3d = np.zeros((obj_list.__len__(), 7), dtype=np.float32)
            for k, obj in enumerate(obj_list):
                gt_boxes3d[k, 0:3], gt_boxes3d[k, 3], gt_boxes3d[k, 4], gt_boxes3d[k, 5], gt_boxes3d[k, 6] \
                    = obj.pos, obj.h, obj.w, obj.l, obj.ry

            if gt_boxes3d.__len__() == 0:
                print('No gt object')

            boxes_pts_mask_list = roipool3d_utils.pts_in_boxes3d_cpu(
                torch.from_numpy(pts_rect), torch.from_numpy(gt_boxes3d))

            shape = self.image_hw_with_padding_np.reshape((1, 1, 2))
            for k in range(boxes_pts_mask_list.__len__()):
                pt_mask_flag = (boxes_pts_mask_list[k].numpy() == 1)
                cur_pts = pts_rect[pt_mask_flag].astype(np.float32)
                cur_pts_intensity = pts_intensity[pt_mask_flag].astype(
                # add img rbg into point cloud
                # (N,2)
                cur_pts_img_xy = pts_img[pt_mask_flag].astype(np.float32)

                cur_pts_rgb = interpolate_img_by_xy(img, cur_pts_img_xy, shape)

                sample_dict = {
                    'sample_id': sample_id,
                    'cls_type': obj_list[k].cls_type,
                    'gt_box3d': gt_boxes3d[k],
                    'points': cur_pts,
                    'rgb': cur_pts_rgb,
                    'intensity': cur_pts_intensity,
                    'obj': obj_list[k]

        save_file_name = os.path.join(
            '%s_gt_database_3level_%s.pkl' % (args.split, self.classes[-1]))
        with open(save_file_name, 'wb') as f:
            pickle.dump(gt_database, f)

        self.gt_database = gt_database
        print('Save refine training sample info file to %s' % save_file_name)