def evaluate(self, datum, output): return { 'semantic_hist': utils.fast_hist(output['pred'].cpu().numpy(), datum['semantic_target'].cpu().numpy(), self.num_labels) }
def test_pointcloud(self, pred_dir): print('Running full pointcloud evaluation.') # Join subcloud by their area and subcloud id. subcloud_dict = defaultdict(list) for i, data_path in enumerate(self.data_paths): area, subcloud = data_path.split(os.sep) subcloud, _ = os.path.splitext(subcloud) subcloud_id = '_'.join(subcloud.split('_')[:-1]) subcloud_dict[(area, subcloud_id)].append(i) # Test independently for each subcloud. sys.setrecursionlimit(100000) # Increase recursion limit for k-d tree. pred_list = sorted(os.listdir(pred_dir)) hist = np.zeros((self.NUM_LABELS, self.NUM_LABELS)) for subcloud_idx, subcloud_list in enumerate(subcloud_dict.values()): print( f'Evaluating subcloud {subcloud_idx} / {len(subcloud_dict)}.') # Join all predictions and query pointclouds of split data. pred = np.zeros((0, 4)) pointcloud = np.zeros( (0, 7) ) # CHANGED FROM 7 TO 8 BECAUSE I ASSUME 7 WAS 6 XYZRGB AND 1 LABEL AND NOW I ADDED INTENSITY for i in subcloud_list: pred = np.vstack( (pred, np.load(os.path.join(pred_dir, pred_list[i])))) pointcloud = np.vstack( (pointcloud, self.load_ply( i, FacilityVoxelizationDatasetBase.INTENSITY)[0])) # Deduplicate all query pointclouds of split data. pointcloud = np.array( list(set(tuple(l) for l in pointcloud.tolist()))) # Run test for each subcloud. pred_tree = spatial.KDTree(pred[:, :3], leafsize=500) _, result = pred_tree.query(pointcloud[:, :3]) ptc_pred = pred[result, 3].astype(int) ptc_gt = pointcloud[:, -1].astype(int) if self.IGNORE_LABELS is not None: ptc_pred = self.label2masked[ptc_pred] ptc_gt = self.label2masked[ptc_gt] hist += fast_hist(ptc_pred, ptc_gt, self.NUM_LABELS) # Print results. ious = [] print('Per class IoU:') for i, iou in enumerate(per_class_iu(hist) * 100): result_str = '' if hist.sum(1)[i]: result_str += f'{iou}' ious.append(iou) else: result_str += 'N/A' # Do not print if data not in ground truth. print(result_str) print(f'Average IoU: {np.nanmean(ious)}')
def test_pointcloud(self, pred_dir): print('Running full pointcloud evaluation.') eval_path = os.path.join(pred_dir, 'fulleval') os.makedirs(eval_path, exist_ok=True) # Join room by their area and room id. # Test independently for each room. sys.setrecursionlimit(100000) # Increase recursion limit for k-d tree. hist = np.zeros((self.NUM_LABELS, self.NUM_LABELS)) for i, data_path in enumerate(self.data_paths): room_id = self.get_output_id(i) pred = np.load( os.path.join(pred_dir, 'pred_%04d_%02d.npy' % (i, 0))) # save voxelized pointcloud predictions save_point_cloud(np.hstack( (pred[:, :3], np.array([SCANNET_COLOR_MAP[i] for i in pred[:, -1]]))), f'{eval_path}/{room_id}_voxel.ply', verbose=False) fullply_f = self.data_root / data_path query_pointcloud = read_plyfile(fullply_f) query_xyz = query_pointcloud[:, :3] query_label = query_pointcloud[:, -1] # Run test for each room. pred_tree = spatial.KDTree(pred[:, :3], leafsize=500) _, result = pred_tree.query(query_xyz) ptc_pred = pred[result, 3].astype(int) # Save prediciton in txt format for submission. np.savetxt(f'{eval_path}/{room_id}.txt', ptc_pred, fmt='%i') # Save prediciton in colored pointcloud for visualization. save_point_cloud(np.hstack( (query_xyz, np.array([SCANNET_COLOR_MAP[i] for i in ptc_pred]))), f'{eval_path}/{room_id}.ply', verbose=False) # Evaluate IoU. if self.IGNORE_LABELS is not None: ptc_pred = np.array([self.label_map[x] for x in ptc_pred], query_label = np.array( [self.label_map[x] for x in query_label], hist += fast_hist(ptc_pred, query_label, self.NUM_LABELS) ious = per_class_iu(hist) * 100 print('mIoU: ' + str(np.nanmean(ious)) + '\n' 'Class names: ' + ', '.join(CLASS_LABELS) + '\n' 'IoU: ' + ', '.join(np.round(ious, 2).astype(str)))
def test_pointcloud(self, pred_dir): print('Running full pointcloud evaluation.') # Join room by their area and room id. room_dict = defaultdict(list) for i, data_path in enumerate(self.data_paths): area, room = data_path.split(os.sep) room, _ = os.path.splitext(room) room_id = '_'.join(room.split('_')[:-1]) room_dict[(area, room_id)].append(i) # Test independently for each room. sys.setrecursionlimit(100000) # Increase recursion limit for k-d tree. pred_list = sorted(os.listdir(pred_dir)) hist = np.zeros((self.NUM_LABELS, self.NUM_LABELS)) for room_idx, room_list in enumerate(room_dict.values()): print(f'Evaluating room {room_idx} / {len(room_dict)}.') # Join all predictions and query pointclouds of split data. pred = np.zeros((0, 4)) pointcloud = np.zeros((0, 7)) for i in room_list: pred = np.vstack( (pred, np.load(os.path.join(pred_dir, pred_list[i])))) pointcloud = np.vstack((pointcloud, self.load_ply(i)[0])) # Deduplicate all query pointclouds of split data. pointcloud = np.array( list(set(tuple(l) for l in pointcloud.tolist()))) # Run test for each room. pred_tree = spatial.KDTree(pred[:, :3], leafsize=500) _, result = pred_tree.query(pointcloud[:, :3]) ptc_pred = pred[result, 3].astype(int) ptc_gt = pointcloud[:, -1].astype(int) if self.IGNORE_LABELS: ptc_pred = self.label2masked[ptc_pred] ptc_gt = self.label2masked[ptc_gt] hist += fast_hist(ptc_pred, ptc_gt, self.NUM_LABELS) # Print results. ious = [] print('Per class IoU:') for i, iou in enumerate(per_class_iu(hist) * 100): result_str = '' if hist.sum(1)[i]: result_str += f'{iou}' ious.append(iou) else: result_str += 'N/A' # Do not print if data not in ground truth. print(result_str) print(f'Average IoU: {np.nanmean(ious)}')
def test(model, data_loader, config, transform_data_fn=None, has_gt=True): device = get_torch_device(config.is_cuda) dataset = data_loader.dataset num_labels = dataset.NUM_LABELS global_timer, data_timer, iter_timer = Timer(), Timer(), Timer() criterion = nn.CrossEntropyLoss(ignore_index=config.ignore_label) losses, scores, ious = AverageMeter(), AverageMeter(), 0 aps = np.zeros((0, num_labels)) hist = np.zeros((num_labels, num_labels))'===> Start testing') global_timer.tic() data_iter = data_loader.__iter__() max_iter = len(data_loader) max_iter_unique = max_iter # Fix batch normalization running mean and std model.eval() # Clear cache (when run in val mode, cleanup training cache) torch.cuda.empty_cache() if config.save_prediction or config.test_original_pointcloud: if config.save_prediction: save_pred_dir = config.save_pred_dir os.makedirs(save_pred_dir, exist_ok=True) else: save_pred_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp() if os.listdir(save_pred_dir): raise ValueError(f'Directory {save_pred_dir} not empty. ' 'Please remove the existing prediction.') with torch.no_grad(): for iteration in range(max_iter): data_timer.tic() if config.return_transformation: coords, input, target, transformation = else: coords, input, target = transformation = None data_time = data_timer.toc(False) # Preprocess input iter_timer.tic() if config.wrapper_type != 'None': color = input[:, :3].int() if config.normalize_color: input[:, :3] = input[:, :3] / 255. - 0.5 sinput = SparseTensor(input, coords).to(device) # Feed forward inputs = (sinput, ) if config.wrapper_type == 'None' else (sinput, coords, color) soutput = model(*inputs) output = soutput.F pred = get_prediction(dataset, output, target).int() iter_time = iter_timer.toc(False) if config.save_prediction or config.test_original_pointcloud: save_predictions(coords, pred, transformation, dataset, config, iteration, save_pred_dir) if has_gt: if config.evaluate_original_pointcloud: raise NotImplementedError('pointcloud') output, pred, target = permute_pointcloud( coords, pointcloud, transformation, dataset.label_map, output, pred) target_np = target.numpy() num_sample = target_np.shape[0] target = cross_ent = criterion(output, target.long()) losses.update(float(cross_ent), num_sample) scores.update(precision_at_one(pred, target), num_sample) hist += fast_hist(pred.cpu().numpy().flatten(), target_np.flatten(), num_labels) ious = per_class_iu(hist) * 100 prob = torch.nn.functional.softmax(output, dim=1) ap = average_precision(prob.cpu().detach().numpy(), target_np) aps = np.vstack((aps, ap)) # Due to heavy bias in class, there exists class with no test label at all with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore", category=RuntimeWarning) ap_class = np.nanmean(aps, 0) * 100. if iteration % config.test_stat_freq == 0 and iteration > 0: reordered_ious = dataset.reorder_result(ious) reordered_ap_class = dataset.reorder_result(ap_class) class_names = dataset.get_classnames() print_info(iteration, max_iter_unique, data_time, iter_time, has_gt, losses, scores, reordered_ious, hist, reordered_ap_class, class_names=class_names) if iteration % config.empty_cache_freq == 0: # Clear cache torch.cuda.empty_cache() global_time = global_timer.toc(False) reordered_ious = dataset.reorder_result(ious) reordered_ap_class = dataset.reorder_result(ap_class) class_names = dataset.get_classnames() print_info(iteration, max_iter_unique, data_time, iter_time, has_gt, losses, scores, reordered_ious, hist, reordered_ap_class, class_names=class_names) if config.test_original_pointcloud:'===> Start testing on original pointcloud space.') dataset.test_pointcloud(save_pred_dir)"Finished test. Elapsed time: {:.4f}".format(global_time)) return losses.avg, scores.avg, np.nanmean(ap_class), np.nanmean( per_class_iu(hist)) * 100
def test(model, data_loader, config, transform_data_fn=None, has_gt=True, validation=None, epoch=None): device = get_torch_device(config.is_cuda) dataset = data_loader.dataset num_labels = dataset.NUM_LABELS global_timer, data_timer, iter_timer = Timer(), Timer(), Timer() criterion = nn.CrossEntropyLoss(ignore_index=config.ignore_label) alpha, gamma, eps = 1, 2, 1e-6 # Focal Loss parameters losses, scores, ious = AverageMeter(), AverageMeter(), 0 aps = np.zeros((0, num_labels)) hist = np.zeros((num_labels, num_labels)) if not config.is_train: checkpoint_fn = config.resume + '/weights.pth' if osp.isfile(checkpoint_fn):"=> loading checkpoint '{}'".format(checkpoint_fn)) state = torch.load(checkpoint_fn) model.load_state_dict(state['state_dict'])"=> loaded checkpoint '{}' (epoch {})".format( checkpoint_fn, state['epoch'])) else: raise ValueError( "=> no checkpoint found at '{}'".format(checkpoint_fn)) if validation:'===> Start validating') else:'===> Start testing') global_timer.tic() data_iter = data_loader.__iter__() max_iter = len(data_loader) max_iter_unique = max_iter all_preds, all_labels, batch_losses, batch_loss = [], [], {}, 0 # Fix batch normalization running mean and std model.eval() # Clear cache (when run in val mode, cleanup training cache) torch.cuda.empty_cache() if config.save_prediction or config.test_original_pointcloud: if config.save_prediction: save_pred_dir = config.save_pred_dir os.makedirs(save_pred_dir, exist_ok=True) else: save_pred_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp() if os.listdir(save_pred_dir): raise ValueError(f'Directory {save_pred_dir} not empty. ' 'Please remove the existing prediction.') with torch.no_grad(): for iteration in range(max_iter): data_timer.tic() if config.return_transformation: coords, input, target, transformation = else: coords, input, target = transformation = None data_time = data_timer.toc(False) # Preprocess input iter_timer.tic() if config.wrapper_type != 'None': color = input[:, :3].int() if config.normalize_color: input[:, :3] = input[:, :3] / 255. - 0.5 sinput = SparseTensor(input, coords).to(device) # Feed forward inputs = (sinput, ) if config.wrapper_type == 'None' else (sinput, coords, color) soutput = model(*inputs) output = soutput.F pred = get_prediction(dataset, output, target).int() iter_time = iter_timer.toc(False) all_preds.append(pred.cpu().detach().numpy()) all_labels.append(target.cpu().detach().numpy()) if config.save_prediction or config.test_original_pointcloud: save_predictions(coords, pred, transformation, dataset, config, iteration, save_pred_dir) if has_gt: if config.evaluate_original_pointcloud: raise NotImplementedError('pointcloud') output, pred, target = permute_pointcloud( coords, pointcloud, transformation, dataset.label_map, output, pred) target_np = target.numpy() num_sample = target_np.shape[0] target = """# focal loss input_soft = nn.functional.softmax(output, dim=1) + eps focal_weight = torch.pow(-input_soft + 1., gamma) loss = (-alpha * focal_weight * torch.log(input_soft)).mean()""" loss = criterion(output, target.long()) batch_loss += loss losses.update(float(loss), num_sample) scores.update(precision_at_one(pred, target), num_sample) hist += fast_hist(pred.cpu().numpy().flatten(), target_np.flatten(), num_labels) ious = per_class_iu(hist) * 100 prob = torch.nn.functional.softmax(output, dim=1) ap = average_precision(prob.cpu().detach().numpy(), target_np) aps = np.vstack((aps, ap)) # Due to heavy bias in class, there exists class with no test label at all with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore", category=RuntimeWarning) ap_class = np.nanmean(aps, 0) * 100. if iteration % config.test_stat_freq == 0 and iteration > 0: preds = np.concatenate(all_preds) targets = np.concatenate(all_labels) to_ignore = [ i for i in range(len(targets)) if targets[i] == 255 ] preds_trunc = [ preds[i] for i in range(len(preds)) if i not in to_ignore ] targets_trunc = [ targets[i] for i in range(len(targets)) if i not in to_ignore ] cm = confusion_matrix(targets_trunc, preds_trunc, normalize='true') np.savetxt(config.log_dir + '/cm_epoch_{0}.txt'.format(epoch), cm) reordered_ious = dataset.reorder_result(ious) reordered_ap_class = dataset.reorder_result(ap_class) class_names = dataset.get_classnames() print_info(iteration, max_iter_unique, data_time, iter_time, has_gt, losses, scores, reordered_ious, hist, reordered_ap_class, class_names=class_names) if iteration % config.empty_cache_freq == 0: # Clear cache torch.cuda.empty_cache() batch_losses[epoch] = batch_loss global_time = global_timer.toc(False) reordered_ious = dataset.reorder_result(ious) reordered_ap_class = dataset.reorder_result(ap_class) class_names = dataset.get_classnames() print_info(iteration, max_iter_unique, data_time, iter_time, has_gt, losses, scores, reordered_ious, hist, reordered_ap_class, class_names=class_names) if not config.is_train: preds = np.concatenate(all_preds) targets = np.concatenate(all_labels) to_ignore = [i for i in range(len(targets)) if targets[i] == 255] preds_trunc = [ preds[i] for i in range(len(preds)) if i not in to_ignore ] targets_trunc = [ targets[i] for i in range(len(targets)) if i not in to_ignore ] cm = confusion_matrix(targets_trunc, preds_trunc, normalize='true') np.savetxt(config.log_dir + '/cm.txt', cm) if config.test_original_pointcloud:'===> Start testing on original pointcloud space.') dataset.test_pointcloud(save_pred_dir)"Finished test. Elapsed time: {:.4f}".format(global_time)) if validation: loss_file_name = "/val_loss.txt" with open(config.log_dir + loss_file_name, 'a') as val_loss_file: for key in batch_losses: val_loss_file.writelines('{0}, {1}\n'.format( batch_losses[key], key)) val_loss_file.close() return losses.avg, scores.avg, np.nanmean(ap_class), np.nanmean( per_class_iu(hist)) * 100, batch_losses else: return losses.avg, scores.avg, np.nanmean(ap_class), np.nanmean( per_class_iu(hist)) * 100
def test(model, data_loader, config, transform_data_fn=None, has_gt=True, save_pred=False, split=None, submit_dir=None): device = get_torch_device(config.is_cuda) dataset = data_loader.dataset num_labels = dataset.NUM_LABELS global_timer, data_timer, iter_timer = Timer(), Timer(), Timer() criterion = nn.CrossEntropyLoss(ignore_index=config.ignore_label) losses, scores, ious = AverageMeter(), AverageMeter(), 0 aps = np.zeros((0, num_labels)) hist = np.zeros((num_labels, num_labels)) # some cfgs concerning the usage of instance-level information config.save_pred = save_pred if split is not None: assert save_pred if config.save_pred: save_dict = {} save_dict['pred'] = [] save_dict['coord'] = []'===> Start testing') global_timer.tic() data_iter = data_loader.__iter__() max_iter = len(data_loader) max_iter_unique = max_iter # Fix batch normalization running mean and std model.eval() # Clear cache (when run in val mode, cleanup training cache) torch.cuda.empty_cache() # semantic kitti label inverse mapping if config.submit: remap_lut = Remap().getRemapLUT() with torch.no_grad(): # Calc of the iou total_correct = np.zeros(num_labels) total_seen = np.zeros(num_labels) total_positive = np.zeros(num_labels) point_nums = np.zeros([19]) for iteration in range(max_iter): data_timer.tic() if config.return_transformation: coords, input, target, unique_map_list, inverse_map_list, pointcloud, transformation, filename = else: coords, input, target, unique_map_list, inverse_map_list, filename = data_time = data_timer.toc(False) if config.use_aux: assert target.shape[1] == 2 aux = target[:,1] target = target[:,0] else: aux = None # Preprocess input iter_timer.tic() if config.normalize_color: input[:, :3] = input[:, :3] / input[:,:3].max() - 0.5 coords_norm = coords[:,1:] / coords[:,1:].max() - 0.5 XYZ_INPUT = config.xyz_input # cat xyz into the rgb feature if XYZ_INPUT: input =[coords_norm, input], dim=1) sinput = ME.SparseTensor(input, coords, device=device) # Feed forward if aux is not None: soutput = model(sinput) else: soutput = model(sinput, iter_ = iteration / max_iter, enable_point_branch=config.enable_point_branch) output = soutput.F if torch.isnan(output).sum() > 0: import ipdb; ipdb.set_trace() pred = get_prediction(dataset, output, target).int() assert sum([int(t.shape[0]) for t in unique_map_list]) == len(pred), "number of points in unique_map doesn't match predition, do not enable preprocessing" iter_time = iter_timer.toc(False) if config.save_pred or config.submit: # troublesome processing for splitting each batch's data, and export batch_ids = sinput.C[:,0] splits_at = torch.stack([torch.where(batch_ids == i)[0][-1] for i in torch.unique(batch_ids)]).int() splits_at = splits_at + 1 splits_at_leftshift_one = splits_at.roll(shifts=1) splits_at_leftshift_one[0] = 0 # len_per_batch = splits_at - splits_at_leftshift_one len_sum = 0 batch_id = 0 for start, end in zip(splits_at_leftshift_one, splits_at): len_sum += len(pred[int(start):int(end)]) pred_this_batch = pred[int(start):int(end)] coord_this_batch = pred[int(start):int(end)] if config.save_pred: save_dict['pred'].append(pred_this_batch[inverse_map_list[batch_id]]) else: # save submit result submission_path = filename[batch_id].replace(config.semantic_kitti_path, submit_dir).replace('velodyne', 'predictions').replace('.bin', '.label') parent_dir = Path(submission_path).parent.absolute() if not os.path.exists(parent_dir): os.makedirs(parent_dir) label_pred = pred_this_batch[inverse_map_list[batch_id]].cpu().numpy() label_pred = remap_lut[label_pred].astype(np.uint32) label_pred.tofile(submission_path) print(submission_path) batch_id += 1 assert len_sum == len(pred) # Unpack it to original length REVERT_WHOLE_POINTCLOUD = True # print('{}/{}'.format(iteration, max_iter)) if REVERT_WHOLE_POINTCLOUD: whole_pred = [] whole_target = [] for batch_ in range(config.batch_size): batch_mask_ = (soutput.C[:,0] == batch_).cpu().numpy() if batch_mask_.sum() == 0: # for empty batch, skip em continue try: whole_pred_ = soutput.F[batch_mask_][inverse_map_list[batch_]] except: import ipdb; ipdb.set_trace() whole_target_ = target[batch_mask_][inverse_map_list[batch_]] whole_pred.append(whole_pred_) whole_target.append(whole_target_) whole_pred =, dim=0) whole_target =, dim=0) pred = get_prediction(dataset, whole_pred, whole_target).int() output = whole_pred target = whole_target if has_gt: target_np = target.numpy() num_sample = target_np.shape[0] target = output = cross_ent = criterion(output, target.long()) losses.update(float(cross_ent), num_sample) scores.update(precision_at_one(pred, target), num_sample) hist += fast_hist(pred.cpu().numpy().flatten(), target_np.flatten(), num_labels) # within fast hist, mark label should >=0 & < num_label to filter out 255 / -1 ious = per_class_iu(hist) * 100 prob = torch.nn.functional.softmax(output, dim=-1) pred = pred[target != -1] target = target[target != -1] # for _ in range(num_labels): # debug for SemKITTI: spvnas way of calc miou # total_seen[_] += torch.sum(target == _) # total_correct[_] += torch.sum((pred == target) & (target == _)) # total_positive[_] += torch.sum(pred == _) # ious_ = [] # for _ in range(num_labels): # if total_seen[_] == 0: # ious_.append(1) # else: # ious_.append(total_correct[_]/(total_seen[_] + total_positive[_] - total_correct[_])) # ious_ = torch.stack(ious_, dim=-1).cpu().numpy()*100 # print(np.nanmean(per_class_iu(hist)), np.nanmean(ious_)) # ious = np.array(ious_)*100 # calc the ratio of total points # for i_ in range(19): # point_nums[i_] += (target == i_).sum().detach() # skip calculating aps ap = average_precision(prob.cpu().detach().numpy(), target_np) aps = np.vstack((aps, ap)) # Due to heavy bias in class, there exists class with no test label at all with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore", category=RuntimeWarning) ap_class = np.nanmean(aps, 0) * 100. if iteration % config.test_stat_freq == 0 and iteration > 0 and not config.submit: reordered_ious = dataset.reorder_result(ious) reordered_ap_class = dataset.reorder_result(ap_class) # dirty fix for semnaticcKITTI has no getclassnames if hasattr(dataset, "class_names"): class_names = dataset.get_classnames() else: # semnantic KITTI class_names = None print_info( iteration, max_iter_unique, data_time, iter_time, has_gt, losses, scores, reordered_ious, hist, reordered_ap_class, class_names=class_names) if iteration % 5 == 0: # Clear cache torch.cuda.empty_cache() if config.save_pred: #, os.path.join(config.log_dir, 'preds_{}_with_coord.pth'.format(split))), os.path.join(config.log_dir, 'preds_{}.pth'.format(split))) print("===> saved prediction result") global_time = global_timer.toc(False) save_map(model, config) reordered_ious = dataset.reorder_result(ious) reordered_ap_class = dataset.reorder_result(ap_class) if hasattr(dataset, "class_names"): class_names = dataset.get_classnames() else: class_names = None print_info( iteration, max_iter_unique, data_time, iter_time, has_gt, losses, scores, reordered_ious, hist, reordered_ap_class, class_names=class_names)"Finished test. Elapsed time: {:.4f}".format(global_time)) # Explicit memory cleanup if hasattr(data_iter, 'cleanup'): data_iter.cleanup() return losses.avg, scores.avg, np.nanmean(ap_class), np.nanmean(per_class_iu(hist)) * 100