Ejemplo n.º 1
 def update(self):
     self.image = self.bkground.copy()
     fuel_msg = 'FUEL: %s (%s)' % (str(U.rint(self.plane.fuel)).zfill(3),
     color = S.DARK_GREEN if self.plane.fuel > 100 else S.KO_COLOUR
     img = self.render_text('small', color, fuel_msg)
     self.image.blit(img, self.fuel_data_position)
     self.rect.y += cmp(self.target_y, self.rect.y) * \
                    min(3, abs(self.rect.y - self.target_y))
     # Master alarm
     if self.plane.flags.collision or self.plane.tcas.state \
                                   or not self.plane.fuel:
         img = self.master_alarm_on
         img = self.master_alarm_off
     self.image.blit(img, self.master_alarm_position)
     # Expedite arrow
     if self.plane.pilot.status['haste'] in ('expedite', 'emergency'):
         img = self.expedite_on
         img = self.expedite_off
     self.image.blit(img, self.expedite_position)
     # Drop
     if self.plane.fuel_delta > 0:
         img = self.drop_green
     elif self.plane.fuel:
         img = self.drop_yellow
         img = self.drop_red
     self.image.blit(img, self.drop_position)
     # Last order
     text = self.plane.pilot.order_being_processed
     if text:
         text = self.render_text('small', S.GRAY, text)
         self.image.blit(text, self.order_being_processed_position)
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def testRint(self):
     rint - round to integer and typecast to int
     self.assertEqual(U.rint(0.35), 0)
     self.assertEqual(U.rint(0.835), 1)
     self.assertIsInstance(U.rint(3465657.4545), int)
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def place(self):
     Place the tag according to the angle and radius properties. Return True
     if the tag is entirely on radar, False otherwise.
     cx, cy = self.plane.trail[0]
     rad = radians(self.angle)
     ox = U.rint(cos(rad) * self.radius)
     oy = -U.rint(sin(rad) * self.radius)  #minus because of screen coordinates
     x, y = cx + ox, cy + oy
     self.rect = U.get_rect_at_centered_pos(self.image, (x, y))
     return self.radar_rect.contains(self.rect)
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def __generate_flight_plan(self):
     Return intial position and velocity 3D vectors plus the origin and
     destination identifiers (airport or gate) for a plane. It also returns
     the initial amount of onboard fuel and the fuel_efficiency values.
     #TODO: foresee port to port and gate to gate
     #TODO: foresee a configurable ratio between ports and air
     #FIXME: consider passing gate and airport objects directly as orig/dest
     # Establish type of origin
     if self.__check_grounded_is_ok():
         options = ['gates', 'airports']
         type_ = options.pop()
         type_ = 'gates'
     if type_ == 'gates':
         entry_data_gates = self.__entry_data['gates'][:]
         # Attempt to make planes enter the aerospace without making them
         # collide with each other
         while entry_data_gates:
             orig, pos, vel, levels = entry_data_gates.pop()
             levels = levels[:]
             while levels:
                 # Prevent in-place modification on __entry_data
                 pos = pos.copy()
                 pos.z = levels.pop()
                 if not self.gamelogic.aerospace.check_proximity(pos):
                     vel = vel.copy()
                     tmp = random.choice(self.scenario.airports)
                     dest = tmp.iata
                     fuel = U.rint(U.ground_distance(pos, tmp.location)*
                     return dict(origin=orig, position=pos, velocity=vel,
                                 destination=dest, fuel=fuel,
     elif type_ == 'airports':
         orig, pos, vel = self.__entry_data['airports'][0]
         pos = pos.copy()
         vel = vel.copy()
         tmp = random.choice(self.scenario.gates)
         dest = tmp.name
         fuel = U.rint(U.ground_distance(pos, Vector3(*tmp.location))*
         return dict(origin=orig, position=pos, velocity=vel,
                     destination=dest, fuel=fuel,
     return False
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def check(self, commands):
     Check if the requested commands can be performed or not. Return True or
     an error message. ``commands`` is a dictionary in the form:
     {command_name = (args, flags)}. Return True or a message error.
     pi = self.pilot
     pl = self.plane
     aspace = self.plane.aerospace
     cnames = set(commands.keys())
     # Reject orders if imminent collision
     if pl.tcas.state == True:
         return "Mayday, mayday!!!"
     # Reject orders other than SQUAWK if plane is locked
     if pl.flags.locked and cnames - set("SQUAWK"):
         return "You can only SQUAWK this plane."
     # Reject orders if busy
     if pl.flags.busy == True and cnames - set(["ABORT", "SQUAWK"]):
         return "We are still performing the previous command."
     # Reject orders other than TAKEOFF or SQUAWK if plane is on ground
     if pl.flags.on_ground and not ("TAKEOFF" in cnames or cnames == set(["SQUAWK"])):
         return "We should probably TAKEOFF first, uh?"
     # Reject orders if they contain an altitude beyond max_altitude
     if "ALTITUDE" in cnames and commands["ALTITUDE"][0][0] > pl.max_altitude:
         return "The target altitude is above the maximum one for our " + "aircraft."
     # Reject orders if they contain a speed out of speed limits (min/max)
     if "SPEED" in cnames and not self.plane.min_speed <= commands["SPEED"][0][0] <= self.plane.max_speed:
         mi = U.rint(self.plane.min_speed * 3.6)
         ma = U.rint(self.plane.max_speed * 3.6)
         return "Our speed must be between %d and %d kph!" % (mi, ma)
     # Reject LAND order if unexisting airport or runway
     if "LAND" in cnames:
         check = pi.navigator.check_existing_runway(*commands["LAND"][0])
         if check != True:
             return check
     # Reject TAKEOFF if one of the various no-go conditions is true
     if "TAKEOFF" in cnames:
         args, flags = commands["TAKEOFF"]
         if not pl.flags.on_ground:
             return "We can't take off if we are already airborne!"
         port = aspace.airports[pl.origin]
         if args[0] not in port.runways.keys():
             return "Uh? What runway did you say we should taxi to?"
         runway = port.runways[args[0]]
         twin = port.runways[runway["twin"]]
         if not aspace.runways_manager.check_runway_free(port, twin):
             return "Negative, that runway is currently in use."
     # If nothing else have stopped us...
     return True
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def draw(self, surface):
     Blit self on radar surface.
     x, y = U.sc(self.location)
     # GATE
     # In order to facilitate blitting information on the orientation of the
     # gate, we create the image already rotated 90° clockwise by swapping
     # width and height...
     gate_width_px = U.rint(self.width / S.METRES_PER_PIXEL)
     gate_length_px = S.RADAR_RECT.h / 4
     aaf = 5  #anti-alias factor
     g_img = pygame.surface.Surface((gate_length_px*aaf,
                                     gate_width_px*aaf), SRCALPHA)
          g_img, S.GRAY, (0, aaf), (gate_length_px*aaf, aaf), aaf)
          g_img, S.GRAY, (0, gate_width_px*aaf-aaf),
          (gate_length_px*aaf, gate_width_px*aaf-aaf), aaf)
     fl = lambda x : str(x/100).zfill(2)
     lines = ['H:' + str(self.heading).zfill(3),
              'B:' + fl(self.bottom),
              'T:' + fl(self.top)]
     fontobj = pygame.font.Font(S.MAIN_FONT, S.HUD_INFO_FONT_SIZE * aaf)
     label = U.render_lines(fontobj, lines, S.GRAY)
     label = label.subsurface(label.get_bounding_rect())
     w, h = label.get_size()
     ypsilon = U.rint(gate_width_px*aaf/2.0-h/2)
     g_img.blit(label, (0, ypsilon))
     g_img.blit(label, (gate_length_px*aaf-w, ypsilon))
     # tranformation and blitting
     rotang = 90 if 0<= self.heading < 180 else 270
     g_img = pygame.transform.rotate(g_img, rotang-self.heading)
     g_img = g_img.subsurface(g_img.get_bounding_rect()).copy()
     r = g_img.get_rect()
     g_img = pygame.transform.smoothscale(g_img, (U.rint(r.w*1.0/aaf),
     g_rect = g_img.get_rect()
     surface.blit(g_img, (x-g_rect.centerx, y-g_rect.centery))
     # LABEL
     fontobj = pygame.font.Font(S.MAIN_FONT, S.HUD_INFO_FONT_SIZE)
     label = fontobj.render(self.name, True, S.RED)
     w, h = label.get_size()
     signed_offset = lambda n : cmp(1,n)*w
     x += (signed_offset(x) if self.side <=0 else 0) - w/2
     y += (signed_offset(y) if self.side >=0 else 0) - h/2
     surface.blit(label, (x,y))
Ejemplo n.º 7
 def __init__(self, gamelogic):
     super(Score, self).__init__()
     self.gamelogic = gamelogic
     self.image = pygame.surface.Surface(S.SCORE_RECT.size, SRCALPHA)
     self.rect = self.image.get_rect()
     self.score = self.gamelogic.score
     self.fontobj = pygame.font.Font(S.MAIN_FONT, U.rint(self.rect.h * 0.8))
Ejemplo n.º 8
 def draw(self, surface):
     pos = U.sc(self.location)
     pygame.draw.circle(surface, S.GRAY, pos, 2)
     pygame.draw.circle(surface, S.GRAY, pos, 6, 1)
     fontobj = pygame.font.Font(S.MAIN_FONT, S.HUD_INFO_FONT_SIZE)
     label = fontobj.render(self.id, True, S.BLUE)
     label = label.subsurface(label.get_bounding_rect()).copy()
     w, h = label.get_size()
     x, y = pos
     # In order to keep the crammed central space free, beacons labels are
     # always placed towards the edges of the radar screen, if possible.
     offsets = [U.rint(6+w/3), -U.rint(6+w/3)-w]
     index = x < S.RADAR_RECT.w/2
     if not (0 < x+offsets[index] and x+offsets[index]+w < S.RADAR_RECT.w):
         index = not index
     surface.blit(label, (x+offsets[index], y-h/2))
Ejemplo n.º 9
 def __draw_radar_aid(self):
     Draw the radar aid.
     if not S.RADAR_AID:
     centre = U.sc((S.RADAR_RANGE, S.RADAR_RANGE))
     # Find how many metres a step consist of, making sure the final value
     # is sensible (not 12735.5, for example...)
     sensibles = [n*1000 for n in (1, 5, 10, 20, 25, 50, 100)]
     attempts = [S.RADAR_RANGE * 2 / n for n in sensibles]
     closest = min(attempts, key = lambda x : abs(x-S.RADAR_AID_STEPS))
     metres_per_step = sensibles[attempts.index(closest)]
     if S.RADAR_AID == 'circles':
         step_range = range(metres_per_step, U.rint(S.RADAR_RANGE*2**0.5),
         for radius in step_range:
             pygame.draw.circle(self.surface, S.RADAR_AID_COLOUR, centre,
                                U.rint(radius/S.METRES_PER_PIXEL), 1)
     elif S.RADAR_AID in ('grid', 'crosses', 'dots'):
         # In the following line: since division is integer division, this
         # will ensure that on marking will pass from the radar position
         first = S.RADAR_RANGE - S.RADAR_RANGE/metres_per_step*metres_per_step
         step_range = range(first, S.RADAR_RANGE * 2 + metres_per_step,
         draw = lambda fm, to : pygame.draw.aaline(self.surface,
                                   S.RADAR_AID_COLOUR, U.sc(fm), U.sc(to))
         for step in step_range:
             if S.RADAR_AID == 'grid':
                 draw((step, 0), (step, S.RADAR_RANGE*2))
                 draw((0, step), (S.RADAR_RANGE*2, step))
             elif S.RADAR_AID in ('dots', 'crosses'):
                 for step2 in step_range:
                     if S.RADAR_AID == 'dots':
                         pygame.draw.circle(self.surface, S.RADAR_AID_COLOUR,
                                            U.sc((step, step2)), 2)
                     elif S.RADAR_AID == 'crosses':
                         x, y = step, step2
                         offset = U.rint(metres_per_step / 16.0)
                         draw((x-offset, y), (x+offset, y))
                         draw((x, y-offset), (x, y+offset))
             msg = 'Wrong value of `RADAR_AID` in config file!'
             raise BaseException(msg)
     S.RADAR_MARKING = metres_per_step
Ejemplo n.º 10
 def update(self):
     pl = self.plane
     render = self.fontobj.render
     lines = []
     # LINE 1 = Airplane code
     # LINE 2 = Altitude, speed
     # Remove last digit, add variometer
     alt = str(U.rint(pl.altitude/100.0))
     alt += pl.variometer
     # Convert m/s to kph AND remove last digit, add accelerometer
     spd = str(U.rint(pl.speed*3.6))
     spd += pl.accelerometer
     lines.append('%s%s' % (alt,spd))
     self.image = self.render_lines(lines)
     self.rect = self.image.get_rect()
     self.angle = self.default_angle
     self.radius = self.default_radius
Ejemplo n.º 11
 def update(self):
     STEP = U.rint(S.PING_PERIOD / 1000.0 + 1)  #arbitrary: ping in sec + 1
     delta = U.rint(self.gamelogic.score) - self.score
     if abs(delta) < STEP:
         colour = S.WHITE
         variation = delta
     elif delta > 0:
         colour = S.OK_COLOUR
         variation = STEP
         colour = S.KO_COLOUR
         variation = -STEP
     self.score += variation
     score = str(self.score).zfill(6)
     score_img = self.fontobj.render(score, True, colour)
     pos = U.get_rect_at_centered_pos(score_img, self.rect.center)
     self.image.blit(score_img, pos)
Ejemplo n.º 12
    def process_commands(self, commands):
        Process commands.

        This is a "subroutine" of ``execute`` which is also called by some of
        the procedures. This is such that is possible to process commands
        without triggering score events and setting flags (as it happens with

        This method will silently pass if the command name has not been
        recognised. This is to allow the method to process set of commands that
        also contains *procedures* (such LAND, TAKEOFF, etc...).
        pi = self.pilot
        pl = self.plane
        tc = self.pilot.target_conf
        for cname, (args, flags) in commands.items():
            log.info('%s executes: %s' %
                     (pl.icao, ' '.join((cname, repr(args), repr(flags)))))
            # PROCESS COMMANDS
            # Since flags are "universal" across commands (they all do the same
            # thing if they are called the same), it is possible to process
            # them separately.
            if cname == 'HEADING':
                assert len(args) == 1
                tc.heading = args[0]
                pi.status['veer_dir'] = \
            elif cname == 'ALTITUDE':
                tc.altitude = args[0]
            elif cname == 'SPEED':
                tc.speed = args[0]
            elif cname == 'ABORT':
            elif cname == 'SQUAWK':
                if pl.flags.on_ground:
                    pi.say('Currently at airport %s, our destination is %s' %
                              (pl.origin, pl.destination), S.OK_COLOUR)
                    pi.say('Currently heading %s, our destination is %s' %
                          (U.rint(pl.heading), pl.destination), S.OK_COLOUR)
                log.debug('process_commands() ignored: %s' % cname)
            # PROCESS FLAGS
            # Flags with the same name have the same meaning and therefore
            # can be processed independently from the command they are
            # associated with. Since they can modify the value set by their
            # command, they must follow the command processing
            if 'EXPEDITE' in flags:
                pi.status['haste'] = 'expedite'
            if 'LONG' in flags:
                pi.status['veer_dir'] *= -1  #invert direction
Ejemplo n.º 13
 def __get_fontobj(cls, size_str):
     Return the appropriate font object.
     if size_str not in cls.font_objects.keys():
         # set the big font
         size = 1
         while True:
             fontobj = pygame.font.Font(S.MAIN_FONT, size)
             w,h = fontobj.render('XXX0000', True, S.WHITE).get_size()
             if w > S.STRIPS_RECT.w/2 - cls.offset - cls.margin:
             last_ok = fontobj
             size += 1
         cls.font_objects['large'] = last_ok
         # set the small font
         cls.font_objects['small'] = pygame.font.Font(S.MAIN_FONT,
     return cls.font_objects[size_str]