Ejemplo n.º 1
    def do_compute(self):
        # step 1. get prompt information from web source
        words_prompt = TextHelper.find_text_between_tag(
            self.web_source, "<!-- ", "-->")
        print words_prompt  # remember: 100*100 = (100+99+99+98) + (...

        url_prompt = TextHelper.find_text_between_tag(
            self.web_source, "<img src=\"", "\" width=\"100\" height=\"100\">")
        img_url = WebHelper.join_url(self.url, url_prompt)
        print "get image url: " + img_url
        url_ignore, img_data = WebHelper.get_auth_url_content(img_url)

        # step 2. try to get information from img
        wire_img = Image.open(StringIO(img_data))
        (width, height) = wire_img.size
        print width, height  # The picture size is '10000, 1' ===> 10000 = 100 * 100

        # step 3. draw picture in square
        T14.draw_circle(wire_img)  # We can see the picture is cat

        # step 4. cat url
        cat_url = WebHelper.join_url(self.url, "cat")
        url_ignore, cat_content = WebHelper.get_auth_url_content(cat_url)
        cat_prompt = TextHelper.find_text_between_tag(
            cat_content, "and its name is <b>", "</b>. you'll hear from him ")

        # step 5. set prompt for the next level
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def do_compute(self):
        # step 1, get prompt form web source
        email_string = TextHelper.find_text_between_tag(self.web_source, "<!--\n", "\n-->")
        message = email.message_from_string(email_string)
        audio = message.get_payload(0).get_payload(decode=True)
        local_wav = "mainland.wav"
        WaveHelper.save_base64_file(audio, local_wav)
        WaveHelper.play(local_wav)  # pronounce 'sorry'
        pronounce_word = "sorry"
        print "pronounce word: %s" % pronounce_word

        # step 2, wrong try
        sorry_url = WebHelper.join_url(self.url, pronounce_word)
        url_ignore, sorry_content = WebHelper.get_auth_url_content(sorry_url, self.user, self.password)
        print sorry_content

        # step 3, reverse the wav data
        reverse_wave = "sea.wav"
        WaveHelper.reverse_wave(local_wav, reverse_wave)
        WaveHelper.play(reverse_wave)  # pronounce "you are idiot, a.a.a.a..."
        print "pronounce word: %s" % "you are idiot, a.a.a.a..."
        prompt_url = WebHelper.join_url(self.url, "idiot")
        print "prompt url: %s" % prompt_url

        # step 4, get next level url
        next_url = WebHelper.get_prompt_url_from_web(prompt_url, '<br><a href="', '">Continue to the', self.user,

        # step 5, clean resources
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def do_compute(self):
        # step 1, get information from web source
        print TextHelper.find_text_between_tag(self.web_source, '	<!-- ',
        print TextHelper.find_text_between_tag(self.web_source,
                                               '<font color="gold">\n',
                                               '\n        </font>')
        warm_up_url = TextHelper.find_text_between_tag(self.web_source,
                                                       'blanks <!-- for ',
                                                       ' -->')
        warm_up_url = WebHelper.join_url(self.url, warm_up_url)

        # step 2, solve first etch-a-scetch
        file_content = WebHelper.get_auth_url_content(warm_up_url, self.user,
        # print "Words in warmup.txt:\n%s" % file_content
        # sketch = Sketch(file_content)
        # sketch.play_game()
        prompt = 'up'
        print "It shows an %s tag" % prompt
        second_file = WebHelper.join_url(warm_up_url, prompt)

        # step 3, solve the second etch-a-scetch
        file_content = WebHelper.get_auth_url_content(second_file, self.user,
        # sketch = Sketch(file_content)
        # sketch.play_game()
        python = 'python'
        print "It shows a picture of %s" % python

        # step 4, search the wiki get prompt information
        python_url = WebHelper.join_url(self.url, python)
        print "Python url: %s" % python_url
        file_content = WebHelper.get_auth_web_source(python_url, self.user,
        print TextHelper.find_text_between_tag(file_content,
                                               '<font color="gold">',
        prompt = 'beer'
        print "Search on the wiki %s is the words next to Free" % prompt

        # step 5, set prompt for next url
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def do_compute(self):
        # step 1. get prompt information
        prompt_img_url = TextHelper.find_text_between_tag(self.web_source, "<img src=\"", "\"><br>")
        img_url = T12.evil_add_url(WebHelper.join_url(self.url, prompt_img_url))
        print "get new image url: " + img_url
        url_ignore, img_data = WebHelper.get_auth_url_content(img_url)
        img = Image.open(StringIO(img_data))
        img.show()  # shows: we should use suffix .gfx not .jpg

        # step 2. get gfx file
        gfx_url = WebHelper.change_suffix_url(img_url, ".gfx")
        url_ignore, gfx_data = WebHelper.get_auth_url_content(gfx_url)

        # step 3. play data cards
        T12.play_cards(gfx_data)  # There were five picture shows : 'dis', 'pro', 'port', 'ional', 'ity' (strikeout)

        # step 3. set prompt for next level
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def do_compute(self):
        # step 1, get picture from web source
        prompt_url = TextHelper.find_text_between_tag(self.web_source, "<img src=\"", "\" border=\"0\"/>")
        cookie_img_url = WebHelper.join_url(self.url, prompt_url)
        ImageHelper.show_image_from_web(cookie_img_url)  # Do you feel familiar with the embed picture? Yes, the level 4
        level_4_start_url, ignore_content = WebHelper.get_final_url_content("http://www.pythonchallenge.com/pc/def/linkedlist.html")
        print "python challenge level 4 start url: " + level_4_start_url

        # step 2, get traverse start url
        cookies, level_4_web_source = WebHelper.get_cookie_content_from_url(level_4_start_url)
        cookie_prompt = ''.join(cookies)  # you+should+have+followed+busynothing...
        print "prompt from start web cookie: " + cookie_prompt
        new_para = TextHelper.find_text_between_tag(cookie_prompt, "have followed ", "...")
        print "get new para from cookie prompt: " + new_para
        origin_start_url = TextHelper.find_text_between_tag(level_4_web_source, "<center>\n<a href=\"", "\">")
        print "get origin start url: " + origin_start_url
        start_url = WebHelper.join_url(level_4_start_url, origin_start_url.replace("nothing", new_para))
        print "replace with new para, get final start url: " + start_url

        # step 3, get traverse start url
        cookies_collect = WebHelper.get_traverse_cookie(start_url, "and the next busynothing is ")
        compressed_message =  ''.join(cookies_collect)
        print "Get compressed message from cookies: " + compressed_message

        # step 4, uncompress message
        message = bz2.decompress(compressed_message)
        print "decompressed messsage: %s" % message
        # decompressed messsage: is it the 26th already? call his father and inform him that "the flowers are \
        # on their way". he'll understand.
        his_father = "Leopold"
        message = TextHelper.find_text_between_tag(message, "call his father and inform him that \"", "\". he'll ")

        # step 5, call his father
        his_father = "Leopold"
        phone_book_url = "http://www.pythonchallenge.com/pc/phonebook.php"
        phone = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy(phone_book_url)
        number = phone.phone(his_father)
        print "%s number is %s" % (his_father, number)  # Leopold number is 555-VIOLIN
        ignore_url, violin_content = WebHelper.get_auth_url_content(WebHelper.join_url(self.url, "violin"))
        print violin_content
        violin_url = TextHelper.find_pattern_in_content(violin_content, "no! i mean yes! but (.*php)")[0]
        print "violin url is %s" % violin_url
        leopold_url = WebHelper.join_url(self.url, violin_url)

        # step 6, send the message
        opener = urllib2.build_opener()
        message = "the flowers are on their way"
        opener.addheaders.append(('Cookie', 'info=' + quote_plus(message)))
        response = opener.open(leopold_url)
        leopold_prompt = response.read()

        # step 7, set next level prompt
        final_prompt = TextHelper.find_text_between_tag(leopold_prompt, "t you dare to forget the ", ".</font>")
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def do_compute(self):
        # step 1, get image link from web source
        img_prompt = TextHelper.find_text_between_tag(self.web_source, "<img src=\"", "\"><br>")
        img_url = WebHelper.join_url(self.url, img_prompt)
        url_ignore, img_data = WebHelper.get_auth_url_content(img_url)
        img = Image.open(StringIO(img_data))
        width, height = img.size
        print width, height

        # step 2, strength the line
        new_img = Image.new('RGB', (width, height), 'black')
        for h in range(height):
            line = [img.getpixel((w, h)) for w in range(width)]
            pink = line.index(195)
            line = line[pink:] + line[:pink]
            for w, pixel in enumerate(line):
                new_img.putpixel((w, h), pixel)
        new_img.show()  # picture with words: romance

        # step 3, set prompt
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def do_compute(self):
        # step 1, get question from web source
        words_prompt = TextHelper.find_text_between_tag(
            self.web_source, "<title>", "</title>")
        print words_prompt  # ask us who is this person?

        # step 2, get image from web
        prompt_url = TextHelper.find_text_between_tag(self.web_source,
                                                      "<img src=\"", "\"><br>")
        img_url = WebHelper.join_url(self.url, prompt_url)
        url_ignore, img_data = WebHelper.get_auth_url_content(img_url)
            img_url)  # a calendar shows a date January, 26, 1XX6
        month = 1
        day = 26

        # step 3, calculate possible date
        possible_year = filter(lambda y: isleap(y) and 0 == weekday(y, 1, 26),
                               range(1006, 2000, 10))
        print possible_year

        # step 4, get the date with more prompt information
        words_prompt = TextHelper.find_text_between_tag(
            self.web_source, "<!-- todo: ", " -->")
        print words_prompt  # prompt us the date after January, 26 is some day special for memory
        day += 1

        words_prompt = TextHelper.find_text_between_tag(
            self.web_source, "<center>\n<!-- ", " -->")
        print words_prompt  # prompt us choose the second youngest
        year = possible_year[-2]

        print "The day special for flower is " + str(year) + "/" + str(
            month) + "/" + str(day)
        # some body may know but I don't know this day is the birthday of mozart
        # https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/January_27#Births

        # step 5, set prompt for the next leve