Ejemplo n.º 1
def sync_node(node):
    """Buils, synchronizes and configures a node"""
    cookbooks = _build_node(node)
    with lib.credentials():
        # Everything was configured alright, so save the node configuration
        filepath = _save_config(node)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def install(distro_type, distro, gems):
    with credentials():
        if distro_type == "debian":
            if gems == "yes":
        elif distro_type == "rpm":
            if gems == "yes":
        elif distro_type == "gentoo":
            abort('wrong distro type: {0}'.format(distro_type))
Ejemplo n.º 3
def configure():
    """Deploy chef-solo specific files"""
    with credentials():
        sudo('mkdir -p {0}'.format(littlechef.node_work_path))
        sudo('mkdir -p {0}/cache'.format(littlechef.node_work_path))
        sudo('umask 0377; touch solo.rb')
        append('solo.rb', 'file_cache_path "{0}/cache"'.format(
            littlechef.node_work_path), use_sudo=True)
        reversed_cookbook_paths = littlechef.cookbook_paths[:]
        cookbook_paths_line = 'cookbook_path [{0}]'.format(', '.join(
            ['''"{0}/{1}"'''.format(littlechef.node_work_path, x) \
                for x in reversed_cookbook_paths]))
        append('solo.rb', cookbook_paths_line, use_sudo=True)
        append('solo.rb', 'role_path "{0}/roles"'.format(
            littlechef.node_work_path), use_sudo=True)
        sudo('mkdir -p /etc/chef')
        sudo('mv solo.rb /etc/chef/')
Ejemplo n.º 4
def check_distro():
    """Check that the given distro is supported and return the distro type"""
    debian_distros = ['sid', 'squeeze', 'lenny']
    ubuntu_distros = ['maverick', 'lucid', 'karmic', 'jaunty', 'hardy']
    rpm_distros = ['centos', 'rhel', 'sl']

    with credentials(
        hide('warnings', 'running', 'stdout', 'stderr'), warn_only=True):
        output = sudo('cat /etc/issue')
        if 'Debian GNU/Linux 5.0' in output:
            distro = "lenny"
            distro_type = "debian"
        elif 'Debian GNU/Linux 6.0' in output:
            distro = "squeeze"
            distro_type = "debian"
        elif 'Ubuntu' in output:
            distro = sudo('lsb_release -c').split('\t')[-1]
            distro_type = "debian"
        elif 'CentOS' in output:
            distro = "CentOS"
            distro_type = "rpm"
        elif 'Red Hat Enterprise Linux' in output:
            distro = "Red Hat"
            distro_type = "rpm"
        elif 'Scientific Linux SL' in output:
            distro = "Scientific Linux"
            distro_type = "rpm"
        elif 'This is \\n.\\O (\\s \\m \\r) \\t' in output:
            distro = "Gentoo"
            distro_type = "gentoo"
            print "Currently supported distros are:"
            print "  Debian: " + ", ".join(debian_distros)
            print "  Ubuntu: " + ", ".join(ubuntu_distros)
            print "  RHEL: " + ", ".join(rpm_distros)
            print "  Gentoo"
            abort("Unsupported distro " + run('cat /etc/issue'))
    return distro_type, distro