Ejemplo n.º 1
    def log(self, level, msg, show=True):

        # Does level allow logging?
        if LEVELS.index(level) >= self.level:

            # Get current time
            now = datetime.datetime.now()

            # Format message
            msg = self.fmt.format(now, self.name, level, msg)

            # Define log directory and touch it
            directory = path.Path(path.REPORTS.path + lib.formatDate(now))

            # Log message
            with open(directory.path + self.report, "a") as f:
                f.write(msg + "\n")

            # Print to terminal
            if show:
                print msg
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def __repr__(self):

            String representation of report.

        return "'" + self.name + "' (" + lib.formatDate(self.date) + ")"
Ejemplo n.º 3
def test_create_dated_report():
    Create a dated report.

    today = datetime.date.today()

    report = DatedReport(today)

    reportPath = path.Path(path.TESTS.path + lib.formatDate(today))

    assert (report.name == "test.json" and report.date == today
            and report.json == {} and report.directory.path == reportPath.path)
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def __str__(self):

            String representation of report's content.

        return lib.JSONize({
            "Name": self.name,
            "Date": lib.formatDate(self.date),
            "Directory": self.directory.path,
            "JSON": self.json
Ejemplo n.º 5
def getMonthlyErrors(today, nMonths):

        Get all reported errors over the last "n" months and merge them into a
        single JSON object, in which every error report's content is stored
        under its corresponding date as a key.

    # Type check date
    if type(today) is not datetime.date:
        raise TypeError("Incorrect date type.")

    # Type check number of months
    if not lib.isRealNumber(nMonths):
        raise TypeError("Incorrect type for number of months.")

    # Check number of months
    if nMonths <= 0:
        raise ValueError("Incorrect value for number of months.")

    # Define first month day
    start = today.replace(day = 1) - relativedelta(months = nMonths - 1)

    # Get all dates of error reports, and keep the ones that are within current
    # month
    dates = getReportDates(ErrorsReport)
    filteredDates = [d for d in dates if start <= d]

    # Initialize dict for merged errors
    json = {}

    # Loop on found dates
    for date in sorted(filteredDates):

        # Initialize and load report
        report = getReportByType(ErrorsReport, date)

        # Add error entries
        json[lib.formatDate(date)] = report.get()

    # Return merged errors
    return json
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def __init__(self, name, date, directory = path.REPORTS, json = None):


        # Initialize report
        super(DatedReport, self).__init__(name, directory, json)

        # Test date
        if type(date) is not datetime.date:
            raise TypeError("Invalid date.")

        # Define date
        self.date = date
        # Expand path