Ejemplo n.º 1
for fi in food_items:
    if fi.name == 'asparagus':
        asparagus = fi
    elif fi.name == 'chicken':
        chicken = fi
    elif fi.name == 'protein filler':
        pfill = fi
    elif fi.name == 'carbs filler':
        cfill = fi
    elif fi.name == 'fat filler':
        ffill = fi
        raise Exception( "Unknown food item type: %s" % ( fi) )

potential_meals = nc.meal_planner( initial_meal,
                                   [ asparagus ],
                                   [ pfill, cfill, ffill ] )

for score, added_item, potential_meal in potential_meals:
    print "Adding %s to %s yeilded a score of: %f" % ( added_item.name, potential_meal.name, score )

    print "Food items were:"
    for food_item, amount in potential_meal.get_food_items():
        print "\t%s, %f" % ( food_item.name, amount )
    print "Nutrients were:"
    pp.pprint( potential_meal.get_nutrients() )

print potential_meals[0][2].nutrient_goals
print potential_meals[0][2].nutrient_constraints
Ejemplo n.º 2
def planner( request ):
    current_meal = None

    FIs = nc.FoodItems()
    food_items = FIs.get_food_items()
    pfill = None
    cfill = None
    ffill = None

    current_score = 0
    for fi in food_items:
        if fi.name == 'protein filler':
            pfill = fi
        elif fi.name == 'carbs filler':
            cfill = fi
        elif fi.name == 'fat filler':
            ffill = fi

    if request.method == 'POST':
        #import pdb

        #pcalories = request.POST.get( 'calories', None )
        #pfood_group = None
        #pfood_choices = 
        #for food_group_element in food_group_ordering:
        #    if food_group_element in request.POST:
        #        pfood_group = food_group_element
        #pselected_food_items = {}
        #for key, value in request.POST.items():
        #    if key[:10] == 'food_item_':
        #        pselected_food_items[key[10:]] = value

        form = MealForm( request.POST )
        #calories = pcalories, 
        #                 food_group = pfood_group, 
        #                 selected_food_items=pselected_food_items )

        if form.is_valid():
            food_group = None
            selected_food_group = form.data['food_group']

            for idx, food_group_element in enumerate( food_group_ordering ):
                if food_group_element == selected_food_group:
                    if idx + 1 < len( food_group_ordering ):
                        food_group = food_group_ordering[ idx + 1 ]
                        food_group = 'done'

            # Now food_group is either our last item or the next one
            # we want to process.
            if food_group == 'done':
                initial_meal = nc.Meal( 'Current Meal',
                                        nutrient_equality_constraints = [ ( 'Energy', energy ) ],
                                        nutrient_limit_constraints = [ ( 'Protein', energy*.3*.8/4, energy*.3*1.2/4 ),
                                                                       ( 'Carbohydrate, by difference',   energy*.4*.8/4, energy*.4*1.2/4 ),
                                                                       ( 'Total lipid (fat)',     energy*.3*.8/9, energy*.3*1.2/9 ) ],
                                        nutrient_goals = [ x[:2] for x in nutrient_goals ],
                                        min_servings = 0.5,
                                        max_servings = 3.0 )

                for nutrient, amount in nutrient_limit_hash.items():
                    initial_meal.add_nutrient_constraint( nutrient, 'limits', ( 0, amount ) )

                selected_foods = { form.data['food_choices'] : 'selected_foods_%s' % ( form.data['food_choices'] ) }
                for food_item_label in [ x for x in form.data.keys() if x.startswith( 'selected_foods_' ) ]:
                    selected_foods[food_item_label[15:]] = form.data[food_item_label]
                    initial_meal.add_food_item( food_item_label[15:], 0 )

                result = nc.meal_planner( initial_meal, [ FIs.get_food_item( form.data['food_choices'] ) ], [ pfill, cfill, ffill ] )

                if len( result ):
                    current_score, current_ingredient, current_meal = result[0]

                form = None
                initial_meal = nc.Meal( 'Current Meal',
                                        nutrient_equality_constraints = [ ( 'Energy', energy ) ],
                                        nutrient_limit_constraints = [ ( 'Protein', energy*.3*.8/4, energy*.3*1.2/4 ),
                                                                       ( 'Carbohydrate, by difference',   energy*.4*.8/4, energy*.4*1.2/4 ),
                                                                       ( 'Total lipid (fat)',     energy*.3*.8/9, energy*.3*1.2/9 ) ],
                                        nutrient_goals = [ x[:2] for x in nutrient_goals ],
                                        min_servings = 0.5,
                                        max_servings = 3.0 )
                for nutrient, amount in nutrient_limit_hash.items():
                    initial_meal.add_nutrient_constraint( nutrient, 'limits', ( 0, amount ) )

                # DEBUG - We're only getting one ingredient at a time.
                selected_foods = { form.data['food_choices'] : 'selected_foods_%s' % ( form.data['food_choices'] ) }
                for food_item_label in [ x for x in form.data.keys() if x.startswith( 'selected_foods_' ) ]:
                    selected_foods[food_item_label[15:]] = form.data[food_item_label]
                    initial_meal.add_food_item( food_item_label[15:], 0 )
                #import pdb
                result = nc.meal_planner( initial_meal, [ FIs.get_food_item( form.data['food_choices'] ) ], [ pfill, cfill, ffill ] )

                if len( result ):
                    current_score, current_ingredient, current_meal = result[0]

                new_ingredients = []

                # DEBUG
                db_food_items = FoodItems.objects.filter( food_group_id__in = food_groups[food_group].keys() )[:21]
                for db_food_item in db_food_items:
                    new_ingredients.append( FIs.get_food_item( db_food_item.uid ) )

                candidate_meals = nc.meal_planner( current_meal, new_ingredients, [ pfill, cfill, ffill ] )
                food_choices = [ ( x[1].uid, x[1].name ) for x in candidate_meals[:20] ]

                form = MealForm( 
                    calories = 1230,
                    selected_foods = selected_foods,
                    food_group = food_group,
                    food_choices = food_choices )

        empty_meal = nc.Meal( 'Current Meal',
                              nutrient_equality_constraints = [ ( 'Energy', energy ) ],
                              nutrient_limit_constraints = [ ( 'Protein', energy*.3*.8/4, energy*.3*1.2/4 ),
                                                             ( 'Carbohydrate, by difference',   energy*.4*.8/4, energy*.4*1.2/4 ),
                                                             ( 'Total lipid (fat)',     energy*.3*.8/9, energy*.3*1.2/9 ) ],
                              nutrient_goals = [ x[:2] for x in nutrient_goals ],
                              min_servings = 0.5,
                              max_servings = 3.0 )

        current_meal = empty_meal

        food_group = food_group_ordering[0]

        # DEBUG
        db_food_items = FoodItems.objects.filter( food_group_id__in = food_groups[food_group].keys() )[:21]

        new_ingredients = []
        for db_food_item in db_food_items:
            new_ingredients.append( FIs.get_food_item( db_food_item.uid ) )

        candidate_meals = nc.meal_planner( empty_meal, new_ingredients, [ pfill, cfill, ffill ] )

        food_choices = [ ( x[1].uid, x[1].name ) for x in candidate_meals[:20] ]

        form = MealForm( food_group = food_group,
                         food_choices = food_choices )

    current_meal_nutrients = {}
    if current_meal is not None:
        for nutrient, amount in current_meal.get_nutrients().items():
            goal_amount = -1.0
            if nutrient in nutrient_goal_hash:
                goal_amount = nutrient_goal_hash[nutrient]
                current_meal_nutrients[nutrient] = "%d%% of DRI - ~%d grams" % ( int( 100.0 * amount / goal_amount ),  int( amount ) )
            # Don't show stuff if we don't have a goal.
    return render( request, 'meal_planner/planner.html', { 
        'form' : form, 
        'current_meal' : current_meal.get_food_items(),
        'current_meal_nutrients' : sorted( current_meal_nutrients.items(), key=lambda x: x[0] ),
        'food_group' : food_group,
        'current_score' : current_score
    } )