Ejemplo n.º 1
def main(limit):
	primes = Primes(limit)

	def circular(p):
		d = digits(p)
		return all(primes.isPrime(num(d[i:] + d[:i])) for i in range(1, len(d)))

	return sum(map(circular, takewhile(lambda n: n < limit, primes.gen())))
Ejemplo n.º 2
def main(limit):
    primes = Primes(limit)

    def circular(p):
        d = digits(p)
        return all(
            primes.isPrime(num(d[i:] + d[:i])) for i in range(1, len(d)))

    return sum(map(circular, takewhile(lambda n: n < limit, primes.gen())))
Ejemplo n.º 3
def main(limit=28123):
	primes = Primes(limit)
	abundant = [n for n in range(limit + 1) if n < primes.sumDivisors(n)]
	abundantSet = set(abundant)

	def can(n):
		for a in abundant:
			if 2 * a > n:
			if n - a in abundantSet:
				return True
		return False

	return sum(n for n in range(limit + 1) if not can(n))
Ejemplo n.º 4
def main(limit=28123):
    primes = Primes(limit)
    abundant = [n for n in range(limit + 1) if n < primes.sumDivisors(n)]
    abundantSet = set(abundant)

    def can(n):
        for a in abundant:
            if 2 * a > n:
            if n - a in abundantSet:
                return True
        return False

    return sum(n for n in range(limit + 1) if not can(n))
Ejemplo n.º 5
def main(N, solns):
    primes = Primes(N)
    rv = 0

    for n in range(N):
        count = 0
        for A in primes.divisors(n):
            if A * A < 3 * n and (A + n // A) % 4 == 0:
                count += 1
                if count > solns:

        if count == solns:
            rv += 1

    return rv
Ejemplo n.º 6
def main(N, solns):
	primes = Primes(N)
	rv = 0

	for n in range(N):
		count = 0
		for A in primes.divisors(n):
			if A * A < 3 * n and (A + n // A) % 4 == 0:
				count += 1
				if count > solns:

		if count == solns:
			rv += 1

	return rv
Ejemplo n.º 7
def main(limit):
    rv = 0
    for p in Primes(limit).gen():
        if p > limit:
        if not isFactor(p):
            rv += p
    return rv
Ejemplo n.º 8
	def solve(self,number):
		p = Primes.primes()
		next = p.next()
		largest = 0
		max = math.sqrt(number)
		while next < max:
			if number % next == 0:
				largest = next
			next = p.next()
		return largest
Ejemplo n.º 9
from lib import Primes

primes = Primes()

def main(limit):
	mem = [False] * limit
	for pa in primes.gen():
		sq = pa * pa
		if sq > limit:
		for pb in primes.gen():
			cu = pb * pb * pb
			if sq + cu > limit:
			for pc in primes.gen():
				fo = pc * pc * pc * pc
				tot = sq + cu + fo
				if tot > limit:
				mem[tot] = True
	return sum(mem)

if __name__ == '__main__':
	print(main(50000000)) # 1097343
Ejemplo n.º 10
	def solve(self,number):
		p = Primes.primes()
		for i in range(0,number):
		return p.next() 
Ejemplo n.º 11
from lib import Primes 
import heapq

primeGen = Primes()

def main(e, m):
  factors = list(map(primeGen.get, range(e)))
  n = 1
  for _ in range(e):
    factor = factors[0]
    n = n * factor % m
    heapq.heappushpop(factors, factor ** 2)
  return n

if __name__ == '__main__':
  print(main(500500, 500500507))  # 35407281
Ejemplo n.º 12
from lib import numLen, Primes
from collections import defaultdict

prime = Primes()

class chainLenObj():
    def __init__(self, limit):
        self.limit = limit
        self.mem = [None] * limit
        self.mem[1] = 1

    def get(self, n):
        if self.mem[n] == None:
            self.mem[n] = 1 + self.get(prime.phi(n))
        return self.mem[n]

    def gen(self, length):
        for p in prime.gen():
            if p >= self.limit:
            if self.get(p) == length:
                yield p

def main(limit, length):
    clo = chainLenObj(limit)
    return sum(clo.gen(length))

Ejemplo n.º 13
    nw = []
    for a in [1] + ws:
      while True:
        a *= n
        if a > limit // 2:
        yield a
    if not nw:
    ws = nw

def dpf(n):
  return set(p for p, _ in primes.factors(n))

primes = Primes()

def main(limit):
  hits = set()
  for c in range(limit):
    f = list(primes.factors(c))
    R = multiply(p**(n-1) for p, n in f)
    badf = set(p for p, _ in f)
    for a in aa((p for p in primes.gen() if p not in badf), c):
      b = c - a
      if a < b and rad(a)*rad(b) < R and dpf(b).isdisjoint(dpf(a) | badf):
        hits.add((a, b, c))
  return sum(c for _, _, c in hits)

if __name__ == '__main__':
  print(main(1000))  # 18407904
Ejemplo n.º 14
            while True:
                a *= n
                if a > limit // 2:
                yield a
        if not nw:
        ws = nw

def dpf(n):
    return set(p for p, _ in primes.factors(n))

primes = Primes()

def main(limit):
    hits = set()
    for c in range(limit):
        f = list(primes.factors(c))
        R = multiply(p**(n - 1) for p, n in f)
        badf = set(p for p, _ in f)
        for a in aa((p for p in primes.gen() if p not in badf), c):
            b = c - a
            if a < b and rad(a) * rad(b) < R and dpf(b).isdisjoint(
                    dpf(a) | badf):
                hits.add((a, b, c))
    return sum(c for _, _, c in hits)