Ejemplo n.º 1
def anglePlusPropModel(k3, k4):
	T = 0.1
	V = 0.1

	# plant 1 is as before
	plant1 = sf.Cascade(sf.Cascade(sf.Gain(T), sf.R()), sf.FeedbackAdd(sf.Gain(1), sf.R()))
	# plant2 is as before
	plant2 = sf.Cascade(sf.Cascade(sf.Gain(T * V), sf.R()), sf.FeedbackAdd(sf.Gain(1), sf.R()))
	# The complete system
	sys = sf.FeedbackSubtract(sf.Cascade(sf.Cascade(sf.Gain(k3), sf.FeedbackSubtract(plant1, sf.Gain(k4))), plant2))

	return sys
Ejemplo n.º 2
def delayPlusPropModel(k1, k2):
	T = 0.1
	V = 0.1

	# Controller:  your code here
	controller = sf.FeedbackSubtract(sf.Gain(k1), sf.Cascade(sf.Gain(k2), sf.R()))
	# The plant is like the one for the proportional controller.  Use
	# your definition from last week.]
	plant1 = sf.Cascade(sf.Cascade(sf.Gain(T), sf.R()), sf.FeedbackAdd(sf.Gain(1), sf.R()))
	plant2 = sf.Cascade(sf.Cascade(sf.Gain(T * V), sf.R()), sf.FeedbackAdd(sf.Gain(1), sf.R()))
	# Combine the three parts
	sys = sf.FeedbackSubtract(sf.Cascade(sf.Cascade(controller, plant1), plant2))
	return sys
Ejemplo n.º 3
def angleModel(Kp, Ka):
    T = 0.1
    V = 0.1
    plant1 = sf.SystemFunctional(poly.Polynomial([T, 0]),
                                 poly.Polynomial([-1, 1]))
    smallFeedbackNum = sf.Cascade(plant1, sf.Gain(Ka))
    smallFeedbackDen = sf.Gain(1)
    smallFeedback = sf.FeedbackSubtract(smallFeedbackNum, smallFeedbackDen)

    firstCascade = sf.Cascade(sf.Gain(float(Kp) / Ka), smallFeedback)
    plant2 = sf.SystemFunctional(poly.Polynomial([T * V, 0]),
                                 poly.Polynomial([-1, 1]))
    secondCascade = sf.Cascade(firstCascade, plant2)

    return sf.FeedbackSubtract(secondCascade, sf.Gain(1))
Ejemplo n.º 4
def delayPlusPropModel(k1, k2):
        k1, k2 (int): gains

        An instance of the SystemFunction class that describes the behaviour of 
        the system when the robot has a delay­ plus-proportional controller
    T = 0.1
    V = 0.1
    # Controller
    module1 = sf.Cascade(sd.R(), sf.Gain(k2))
    controller = sf.FeedforwardAdd(sf.Gain(k1), module1)
    # Plant 1
    module1 = sf.Cascade(sf.R(), sf.Gain(T))
    module2 = sf.FeedbackAdd(sf.Gain(1), sf.R())
    plant1 = sf.Cascade(module1, module2)
    # Plant 2
    module1 = sf.Cascade(sf.Gain(V * T), sf.R())
    module2 = sf.FeedbackAdd(sf.Gain(1), sf.R())
    plant2 = sf.Cascade(module1, module2)
    # Combine the three parts
    module1 = sf.Cascade(controller, sf.Cascade(plant1, plant2))
    sys = sf.FeedbackSubtract(module1)
    return sys
def wallFollowerModel(K, T=0.1, V=0.1):
    multipliedResult = K * (T**2) * V
    num1 = poly.Polynomial([multipliedResult, 0, 0])
    den1 = poly.Polynomial([1, -2, 1])
    top = sf.SystemFunctional(num1, den1)
    return sf.FeedbackSubtract(
        top, sf.SystemFunctional(poly.Polynomial([1]), poly.Polynomial([1])))
Ejemplo n.º 6
def anglePlusPropModel(k3, k4):
    Takes gains k3 and k4 as input and returns a SystemFunction that describes
    the system with angle-plus­ proportional control
    T = 0.1
    V = 0.1

    # Plant 1 as before
    module1 = sf.Cascade(sf.R(), sf.Gain(T))
    module2 = sf.FeedbackAdd(sf.Gain(1), sf.R())
    plant1 = sf.Cascade(module1, module2)
    # Plant 2 as before
    module1 = sf.Cascade(sf.Gain(V * T), sf.R())
    module2 = sf.FeedbackAdd(sf.Gain(1), sf.R())
    plant2 = sf.Cascade(module1, module2)
    # The complete system
    module1 = sf.FeedbackSubtract(plant1, sf.Gain(k4))
    module2 = sf.Cascade(sf.Gain(k3), module1)
    sys = sf.FeedbackSubtract(sf.Cascade(module2, plant2))
    return sys
Ejemplo n.º 7
def motorModel(T):
    Takes V_c as input and generates Ωh as output through the equation
    sf.Gain((k_m * T) / (k_b * k_m * T + r_m))

        T (int): a timestep, the length of time between samples

        an instance of the SystemFunction class which represents a motor
    system1 = sf.Cascade(sf.Gain(k_m / r_m), sf.R())
    system2 = sf.Cascade(sf.Gain(T), sf.FeedbackAdd(sf.Gain(1), sf.R()))
    system3 = sf.Cascade(system1, system2)
    return sf.FeedbackSubtract(system3, sf.Gain(k_b))
def delayPlusPropModel(k1, k2):
    T = 0.1
    V = 0.1

    # Controller:  your code here
    ##    controller = sf.Sum(sf.Gain(k1), sf.Cascade(sf.Gain(k2), sf.R()))
    controller = sf.SystemFunction(poly.Polynomial([k2, k1]),
    # The plant is like the one for the proportional controller.  Use
    # your definition from last week.
    plant1 = sf.Cascade(sf.Gain(0.1), sf.FeedbackAdd(sf.R(), sf.Gain(1)))
    plant2 = sf.Cascade(sf.Gain(0.1 * 0.1), sf.FeedbackAdd(sf.R(), sf.Gain(1)))
    # Combine the three parts
    sys = sf.FeedbackSubtract(
        sf.Cascade(controller, sf.Cascade(plant1, plant2)), sf.Gain(1))
    return sys
Ejemplo n.º 9
def lightTrackerModel(T, k_c):
    Connects all of these systems together into one large system whose input Θ_l
    is the angular position of the light, and whose output Θh is the angular
    position of the head. 
        T (int): a timestep, the length of time between samples
        k_c (float): the gain to use for the controller

        an instance of the SystemFunction class which represents the entire
        light-tracking system with the specified gains and timesteps
    system = sf.Cascade(controllerAndSensorModel(k_c), plantModel(T))
    return sf.FeedbackSubtract(system)
Ejemplo n.º 10
def delayPlusPropModel(k1, k2):
    T = 0.1
    V = 0.1
    print k2

    # Controller:  your code here
    # omega[n] = k1 * e[n] + k2 * e[n-1].
    controller = sf.FeedforwardAdd(sf.Gain(k1),
                                   sf.Cascade(sf.R(), sf.Gain(k2)))
    # print controller
    # The plant is like the one for the proportional controller.  Use
    # your definition from last week.
    # θ[n]=T∙ω[n-1]+θ[n-1]
    plant1 = sf.Cascade(sf.Cascade(sf.R(), sf.Gain(T)),
                        sf.FeedbackAdd(sf.Gain(1), sf.R()))
    # d_0 [n]=VT∙sinθ[n-1]+d_0 [n-1]≈VT∙θ[n-1]+d_0 [n-1]
    plant2 = sf.Cascade(sf.Cascade(sf.R(), sf.Gain(T * V)),
                        sf.FeedbackAdd(sf.Gain(1), sf.R()))
    # Combine the three parts
    sys = sf.FeedbackSubtract(
        sf.Cascade(sf.Cascade(controller, plant1), plant2), sf.Gain(1))
    # print sys
    return sys
Ejemplo n.º 11
def wallFinderSystemSF(T, k):
    return sf.FeedbackSubtract(sf.Cascade(controllerSF(k), plant(T)), sensorSF())
Ejemplo n.º 12
def wallFollowerModel(k, T, V):
    one = sf.Cascade(sf.Cascade(controller(k), plant1(T)), plant2(T, V))
    return sf.FeedbackSubtract(one, sf.Gain(1))