Ejemplo n.º 1
def arange(n, *xs, **kwds):
  if 'dtype' in kwds:
    elt_t = _get_type(kwds['dtype'])
    del kwds['dtype']
    elt_t = Int64
  assert len(kwds) == 0, "Unexpected keyword arguments to 'arange': %s" % kwds
  array_t = make_array_type(elt_t, 1) 
  count = __builtin__.len(xs)
  assert 0 <= count <= 2, "Too many args for range: %s" % ((n,) + tuple(xs))
  if count == 0:
    start = zero_i64 
    stop = n 
    step = one_i64 
  elif count == 1:
    start = n 
    stop = xs[0]
    step = one_i64 
    start = n 
    stop = xs[0]
    step = xs[1]
  if elt_t != Int64:
    start = Cast(start, type = elt_t)
    stop = Cast(stop, type = elt_t)
    step = Cast(step, type = elt_t)
  return Range(start, stop, step, type = array_t)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def empty(shape, dtype = float64):
  elt_t = _get_type(dtype)
  assert isinstance(elt_t, ScalarT), "Array element type %s must be scalar" % (elt_t,)
  shape = _get_shape(shape)  
  rank = len(shape.type.elt_types)
  arr_t = make_array_type(elt_t, rank)
  return AllocArray(shape = shape, elt_type = elt_t, type = arr_t)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def arange(n, *xs, **kwds):
    if 'dtype' in kwds:
        elt_t = _get_type(kwds['dtype'])
        del kwds['dtype']
        elt_t = Int64

    assert len(
        kwds) == 0, "Unexpected keyword arguments to 'arange': %s" % kwds
    array_t = make_array_type(elt_t, 1)
    count = __builtin__.len(xs)
    assert 0 <= count <= 2, "Too many args for range: %s" % ((n, ) + tuple(xs))

    if count == 0:
        start = zero_i64
        stop = n
        step = one_i64
    elif count == 1:
        start = n
        stop = xs[0]
        step = one_i64
        start = n
        stop = xs[0]
        step = xs[1]

    if elt_t != Int64:
        start = Cast(start, type=elt_t)
        stop = Cast(stop, type=elt_t)
        step = Cast(step, type=elt_t)
    return Range(start, stop, step, type=array_t)
Ejemplo n.º 4
def empty(shape, dtype=float64):
    elt_t = _get_type(dtype)
    assert isinstance(
        elt_t, ScalarT), "Array element type %s must be scalar" % (elt_t, )
    shape = _get_shape(shape)
    rank = len(shape.type.elt_types)
    arr_t = make_array_type(elt_t, rank)
    return AllocArray(shape=shape, elt_type=elt_t, type=arr_t)
Ejemplo n.º 5
def ones(shape, dtype = float64):
  shape = _get_shape(shape)
  elt_type = _get_type(dtype)
  one = Cast(one_i64, type = elt_type)
  ndims = len(shape.type.elt_types)
  if ndims == 0:
    return one 
    t = make_array_type(elt_type, ndims)
    return ConstArray(shape = shape, value = one, type = t)
Ejemplo n.º 6
def zeros(shape, dtype = float64):
  shape = _get_shape(shape)
  elt_type = _get_type(dtype)
  zero = Cast(zero_i64, type = elt_type)
  ndims = len(shape.type.elt_types)
  if ndims == 0:
    return zero 
    t = make_array_type(elt_type, ndims)
    return ConstArray(shape = shape, value = zero, type = t)
Ejemplo n.º 7
def ones(shape, dtype=float64):
    shape = _get_shape(shape)
    elt_type = _get_type(dtype)
    one = Cast(one_i64, type=elt_type)
    ndims = len(shape.type.elt_types)
    if ndims == 0:
        return one
        t = make_array_type(elt_type, ndims)
        return ConstArray(shape=shape, value=one, type=t)
Ejemplo n.º 8
def zeros(shape, dtype=float64):
    shape = _get_shape(shape)
    elt_type = _get_type(dtype)
    zero = Cast(zero_i64, type=elt_type)
    ndims = len(shape.type.elt_types)
    if ndims == 0:
        return zero
        t = make_array_type(elt_type, ndims)
        return ConstArray(shape=shape, value=zero, type=t)
Ejemplo n.º 9
def array(value, dtype = None):
  if dtype is not None:
    expected_elt_type = _get_type(dtype)
    print "Got dtype argument to array: %s, ignoring for now" % expected_elt_type

  if isinstance(value.type, ArrayT):
    return value 
    assert isinstance(value.type, TupleT), "Don't know how to make array from %s : %s" % (value, value.type)
    elt_types = value.type.elt_types
    assert all(isinstance(t, ScalarT) for t in elt_types), \
      "Can only make array from tuple of scalars, not %s : %s" % (value, value.type)
    elt_t = combine_type_list(value.type.elt_types)
    array_elts = _get_tuple_elts(value, cast_type = elt_t)
    array_t = make_array_type(elt_t, 1)
    return Array(elts = array_elts, type = array_t)
Ejemplo n.º 10
def array(value, dtype=None):
    if dtype is not None:
        expected_elt_type = _get_type(dtype)
        print "Got dtype argument to array: %s, ignoring for now" % expected_elt_type

    if isinstance(value.type, ArrayT):
        return value
        assert isinstance(
            TupleT), "Don't know how to make array from %s : %s" % (value,
        elt_types = value.type.elt_types
        assert all(isinstance(t, ScalarT) for t in elt_types), \
          "Can only make array from tuple of scalars, not %s : %s" % (value, value.type)
        elt_t = combine_type_list(value.type.elt_types)
        array_elts = _get_tuple_elts(value, cast_type=elt_t)
        array_t = make_array_type(elt_t, 1)
        return Array(elts=array_elts, type=array_t)
Ejemplo n.º 11
def array(value, dtype = None):
  if dtype is not None:
    expected_elt_type = _get_type(dtype)
    print "Got dtype argument to array: %s, ignoring for now" % expected_elt_type

  if isinstance(value.type, ArrayT):
    return value 
    assert isinstance(value.type, TupleT), "Don't know how to make array from %s : %s" % (value, value.type)
    elt_types = value.type.elt_types
    assert all(isinstance(t, ScalarT) for t in elt_types), \
      "Can only make array from tuple of scalars, not %s : %s" % (value, value.type)
    elt_t = combine_type_list(value.type.elt_types)
    array_t = make_array_type(elt_t, 1)
    array_elts = []
    for i, tuple_elt_t in enumerate(value.type.elt_types):
      tuple_elt = TupleProj(value, i, type = tuple_elt_t)
      if tuple_elt_t != elt_t:
        tuple_elt = Cast(tuple_elt, type = elt_t)
    return Array(elts = tuple(array_elts), type = array_t)