Ejemplo n.º 1
def SelectFromWhere(where_key_values):
    """This must return at least the properties defined in the ontology.
    There is no constraints on the other properties, so the query can return any set of key-value pairs,
    if the minimal set of properties is there."""

    # TODO: Add "select_attributes"
    logging.debug("CIM_Process SelectFromWhere where_key_values=%s", str(where_key_values))
    for proc_obj in psutil.process_iter():
        user_name = PsutilProcToUser(proc_obj,None)
        if user_name:
            user_name_host = lib_common.format_username(user_name)
            user_name_host = user_name

        parent_pid = proc_obj.ppid()

        if "Handle" in where_key_values and str(where_key_values["Handle"]) != str(proc_obj.pid):
        if "user" in where_key_values and where_key_values["user"] != user_name_host:
        if "parent_pid" in where_key_values and str(where_key_values["parent_pid"]) != str(parent_pid):

        # TODO: Should reuse the existing properties.
        ret_value = {
            lib_properties.MakeProp("Handle"): rdflib.Literal(proc_obj.pid),
            lib_properties.MakeProp("username"): rdflib.Literal(user_name_host),
            lib_properties.MakeProp("parent_pid"): rdflib.Literal(parent_pid)}
        yield ret_value
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def _vmstat_to_graph(cgiEnv, vmstat_header, input_line):
        grph = cgiEnv.ReinitGraph()
        split_header = vmstat_header.split()
        split_line = input_line.split()

        if len(split_header) != len(split_line):
            logging.error("Different lengths: [%s] / [%s]" %
                          (split_header, split_line))

        current_node_hostname = lib_uris.gUriGen.HostnameUri(
        property_vmstat = lib_properties.MakeProp("vmstat")

        sample_root_node = rdflib.BNode()
        grph.add((current_node_hostname, property_vmstat, sample_root_node))

        timestamp_node = lib_kbase.time_stamp_now_node()
        grph.add((sample_root_node, pc.property_information, timestamp_node))

        for column_name, column_value in zip(split_header, split_line):
            if column_name == "":
            # Column name is binary and converted to unicode.
            property_node = lib_properties.MakeProp("vmstat.%s" %
            # TODO: Add a timestamp.
            grph.add((sample_root_node, property_node,
        cgiEnv.OutCgiRdf("LAYOUT_RECT", [property_vmstat])
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def check_present(property_name):
     print("Checking property", property_name)
     """Now look for some randomly-chosen counters which must be here on all platforms."""
     property_node = lib_properties.MakeProp(property_name)
     value_triples_list = list(result_graph.triples((sample_root_node, property_node, None)))
     test_object.assertEqual(len(value_triples_list), 1)
     test_object.assertEqual(type(value_triples_list[0][2]), rdflib.Literal)
Ejemplo n.º 4
def _check_events_feeder_psutil_system_counters(test_object, text_message, result_graph):
    """This checks the result of events_feeder_psutil_system_counters.py"""

    # The result should not be empty, and contain at least a couple of triples.
    print(text_message, "len(result_graph)=", len(result_graph))

    samples_number = 0

    # There should be at least one sample. Normally only one if this is a snapshot,
    # but this is not an important constraint.
    property_system_counters = lib_properties.MakeProp("system_counters")
    for host_node, _, sample_node in result_graph.triples((None, property_system_counters, None)):
        def check_present(property_name):
            """Now look for some randomly-chosen counters which must be here on all platforms."""
            property_node = lib_properties.MakeProp(property_name)
            value_triples_list = list(result_graph.triples((sample_node, property_node, None)))
            test_object.assertEqual(len(value_triples_list), 1)
            test_object.assertEqual(type(value_triples_list[0][2]), rdflib.Literal)

        if not is_travis_machine():
            # FIXME: Not available on Travis. Why ? Protection ?
        samples_number += 1
    test_object.assertTrue(samples_number >= 1)
    print(text_message, "samples number=", samples_number)
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def test_rdf_windows_resource_icons(self):
        # This file contains at least one icon.
        file_path = "C:/Windows/System32/notepad.exe"
        result_graph = self._check_script(
            % file_path)
        print("result_graph=", result_graph)
        for s, p, o in result_graph:
            if p.find("label") < 0 and p.find("comment") < 0 and p.find(
                    "domain") < 0 and p.find("range") < 0:
                print(s, p, o)

        icon_url = None
        icon_attributes = None
        resource_icons = []
        resource_property = lib_properties.MakeProp("win32/resource")
        resources_triples = result_graph.triples(
            (None, rdflib.namespace.RDF.type, resource_property))
        for url_subject, url_predicate, url_object in resources_triples:
            url_path, entity_type, entity_id_dict = lib_util.split_url_to_entity(
        print("Resource icons=", resource_icons)
        self.assertEqual(entity_type, "win32/resource")
        self.assertEqual(entity_id_dict, {
            u'GroupName': u'2',
            u'Name': u'C:/Windows/System32/notepad.exe'
Ejemplo n.º 6
def WbemKeyValues(key_value_items, display_none_values=False):
    """This is conceptually similar to WmiKeyValues"""
    dict_key_values = {}
    for wbem_key_name, wbem_value_literal in key_value_items:
        wbem_property = lib_properties.MakeProp(wbem_key_name)
        if isinstance(wbem_value_literal, lib_util.scalar_data_types):
            wbem_value_node = lib_util.NodeLiteral(wbem_value_literal)
        elif isinstance(wbem_value_literal, (tuple)):
            tuple_joined = " ; ".join(wbem_value_literal)
            wbem_value_node = lib_util.NodeLiteral(tuple_joined)
        elif wbem_value_literal is None:
            if display_none_values:
                wbem_value_node = lib_util.NodeLiteral("None")
            wbem_value_node = lib_util.NodeLiteral(
                "type=" + str(type(wbem_value_literal)) + ":" +
            #    refMoniker = str(wbem_value_literal.path())
            #    instance_url = lib_util.EntityUrlFromMoniker(refMoniker)
            #    wbem_value_node = lib_common.NodeUrl(instance_url)
            #except AttributeError as exc:
            #    wbem_value_node = lib_util.NodeLiteral(str(exc))

        dict_key_values[wbem_property] = wbem_value_node
    return dict_key_values
Ejemplo n.º 7
 def _property_name_to_node(attribute_key):
     if attribute_key.startswith(predicate_prefix+":"):
         attribute_key_without_prefix = attribute_key[len(predicate_prefix)+1:]
         attribute_key_without_prefix = attribute_key
     # This calculates the qname and should use the graph. Is it what we want ?
     return lib_properties.MakeProp(attribute_key_without_prefix)
def Snapshot():
    cgiEnv = lib_common.ScriptEnvironment()

    grph = cgiEnv.GetGraph()

    sample_root_node = rdflib.BNode()

    logging.debug("Adding net_io_counters")
        _add_system_counters_to_sample_node(grph, sample_root_node)
    except Exception as exc:
        logging.error("Caught:%s" % exc)
    logging.debug("Added net_io_counters")

    property_system_counters = lib_properties.MakeProp("system_counters")

    current_node_hostname = lib_uris.gUriGen.HostnameUri(

    # TODO: pc.property_information is the default property for sorting.
    # TODO: This could use a specific timestamp property, for example "point in time" P585
    timestamp_node = lib_kbase.time_stamp_now_node()
    grph.add((sample_root_node, pc.property_information, timestamp_node))
        (current_node_hostname, property_system_counters, sample_root_node))

    cgiEnv.OutCgiRdf("LAYOUT_RECT", [property_system_counters])
Ejemplo n.º 9
def GetElementAsString(one_dict, property_name):
    There is a similar function in test_lib_wbem.py
    property_node = lib_properties.MakeProp(property_name)
    value_node = one_dict[property_node]
    value_literal = str(value_node)
    return value_literal
Ejemplo n.º 10
def _check_events_feeder_win32_dir_changes(test_object, text_message, result_graph, updated_files):
    print(text_message, "len(result_graph)=", len(result_graph))
    print("updated_files=", updated_files)

    property_notified_file_change = lib_properties.MakeProp("file change")
    property_notified_change_type = lib_properties.MakeProp("change type")

    found_files = set()

    for one_updated_file in updated_files:
        print("one_updated_file=", one_updated_file)
        node_path = test_object._agent_box().FileUri(one_updated_file)
        for _, _, sample_root_node in result_graph.triples((node_path, property_notified_file_change, None)):
            for _, _, action_node in result_graph.triples((sample_root_node, property_notified_change_type, None)):
                print("Updated file:", one_updated_file, "action=", action_node)
    test_object.assertEqual(sorted(updated_files), sorted(list(found_files)))
Ejemplo n.º 11
def add_associated_instances(grph, root_node, entity_type, entity_id,
    assert root_node.find("__associator_attribute__") < 0
    logging.debug("This is implemented for WMI only, yet.")
    logging.debug("entity_type=%s entity_id=%s associator_attribute=%s",
                  entity_type, entity_id, associator_attribute)
    #result_class, result_role = lib_ontology_tools.get_associated_attribute(
    #    "wmi", lib_wmi.extract_specific_ontology_wmi, associator_attribute)

    result_class, result_role = lib_ontology_tools.get_associated_class_role(
        "wmi", lib_wmi.extract_specific_ontology_wmi, associator_attribute)

    associator_name, _, input_role = associator_attribute.partition(".")
    if not input_role:
        raise Exception("associator_attribute %s is invalid" %

    # This path will eventually be reformatted for WMI needs.
    wmi_path = entity_type + "." + entity_id

    iter_objects = lib_wmi.WmiSparqlExecutor().enumerate_associated_instances(
        wmi_path, associator_name, result_class, result_role)

    # WMI returns the attributes of each associated instances, only for the keys.
    # However, it is needed to iterated on the key-value pairs to trnsform them into strings.
    # So, an extra check is done, to be sure that the simplified ontology of survol
    # (List of keys per class) matches WMI class definition. Survol ontology of classes is much simpler
    # and is just the list of keys, but must be the same as WMI class description.
    result_class_keys = lib_util.OntologyClassKeys(result_class)

    for associated_dict_key_values in iter_objects:
        #logging.debug("associated_dict_key_values=%s", associated_dict_key_values)

        # This key-values dictionary contains all the attributes of each associated instance,
        # at least for the keys
        converted_key_value_dict = {}
        for property_key_node, property_value_node in associated_dict_key_values.items(
            property_key_name = lib_properties.PropToQName(property_key_node)
            property_value = str(property_value_node)
            if property_key_name in result_class_keys:
                converted_key_value_dict[property_key_name] = property_value
                logging.debug("    key=%s value=%s", property_key_name,
                logging.debug("Class %s, key %s is not in the ontology",
                              result_class, property_key_name)

        script_node = lib_uris.LocalBox().node_from_dict(
            result_class, converted_key_value_dict)
        property_node = lib_properties.MakeProp(result_role)
        logging.debug("script_node=%s", script_node)
        grph.add((root_node, property_node, script_node))
def _add_property_values(grph, root_node, results_set, property_names,
    logging.debug("attributes=%s" % dir(results_set))
    for property_name in property_names:
        logging.debug("property_name=%s" % property_name)
        property_node = lib_properties.MakeProp(
            "%s.%s" % (property_prefix, property_name))
            property_value = getattr(results_set, property_name)
            grph.add((root_node, property_node,
        except Exception as exc:
            logging.error("Cannot get property_name=%s: %s" %
                          (property_name, exc))
Ejemplo n.º 13
def _io_stat_to_graph(grph, spl, iostat_header):
    """This runs in the HTTP server and uses the data from the queue.
    This reads a record from the queue and builds a RDF relation with it."""
    device_node = lib_uris.gUriGen.DiskUri(spl[0])
    property_name_to_node = dict()

    for idx in range(1, len(spl)):
        # No idea why doubles are written with a comma. Maybe the locale?
        qty = float(spl[idx].replace(",", "."))

        property_name = iostat_header[idx]
        property_node = property_name_to_node.get(
            property_name, lib_properties.MakeProp(property_name))
        grph.add((device_node, property_node, lib_util.NodeLiteral(qty)))
Ejemplo n.º 14
def Snapshot():
    global _global_counter
    cgiEnv = lib_common.ScriptEnvironment(parameters={
        _param_a: _global_counter,
        _param_b: "Two"

    _global_counter += 1

    # This is to ensure that all CGI parameters are handled.
    parameter_a = int(cgiEnv.get_parameters(_param_a))
    parameter_b = cgiEnv.get_parameters(_param_b)

    grph = cgiEnv.ReinitGraph()

    current_pid = os.getpid()
    node_process = lib_uris.gUriGen.PidUri(current_pid)

    param_a_property = lib_properties.MakeProp(_param_a)
    param_b_property = lib_properties.MakeProp(_param_b)

    sample_root_node = rdflib.BNode()

    # TODO: pc.property_information is the default property for sorting by time-stamp.
    # TODO: This could use a specific timestamp property, for example "point in time" P585
    timestamp_node = lib_kbase.time_stamp_now_node()
    grph.add((sample_root_node, pc.property_information, timestamp_node))

    grph.add((sample_root_node, param_a_property,
    grph.add((sample_root_node, param_b_property,

    property_sample = lib_properties.MakeProp("sample")
    grph.add((node_process, property_sample, sample_root_node))

    cgiEnv.OutCgiRdf("LAYOUT_RECT", [property_sample])
def Snapshot():
    cgiEnv = lib_common.ScriptEnvironment()

    grph = cgiEnv.GetGraph()
    cpu_property = lib_properties.MakeProp("cpu")
    rss_property = lib_properties.MakeProp("rss")
    vms_property = lib_properties.MakeProp("vms")

    property_process_perf = lib_properties.MakeProp("Processes performances")

    for proc in psutil.process_iter():
        node_process = lib_uris.gUriGen.PidUri(proc.pid)

        sample_root_node = rdflib.BNode()
        grph.add((node_process, property_process_perf, sample_root_node))

        timestamp_node = lib_kbase.time_stamp_now_node()

        # TODO: pc.property_information is the default property for sorting.
        # TODO: This could use a specific timestamp property, for example "point in time" P585
        grph.add((sample_root_node, pc.property_information, timestamp_node))

        cpu_percent = proc.cpu_percent(interval=0)
        grph.add((sample_root_node, cpu_property,

            memory_dict = proc.memory_full_info()
            grph.add((sample_root_node, rss_property,
            grph.add((sample_root_node, vms_property,
        except psutil.AccessDenied:

    cgiEnv.OutCgiRdf("LAYOUT_RECT", [property_process_perf])
Ejemplo n.º 16
def SelectFromWhere( where_key_values ):
    DEBUG("CIM_Process SelectFromWhere where_key_values=%s",str(where_key_values))
    for proc_obj in ProcessIter():
        user_name = PsutilProcToUser(proc_obj,None)
        if user_name:
            user_name_host = lib_common.format_username(user_name)
            user_name_host = user_name

        parent_pid = PsutilProcToPPid(proc_obj)

        if "Handle" in where_key_values and str(where_key_values["Handle"]) != str(proc_obj.pid):
        if "user" in where_key_values and where_key_values["user"] != user_name_host:
        if "parent_pid" in where_key_values and str(where_key_values["parent_pid"]) != str(parent_pid):

        # TODO: Should reuse the existing properties.
        ret_value = {
        yield ret_value
Ejemplo n.º 17
    def CallbackSelect(self, grph, class_name, predicate_prefix,
            "WbemSparqlCallbackApi.CallbackSelect class_name=%s where_key_values=%s",
            class_name, filtered_where_key_values)
        assert class_name

        # This comes from such a Sparql triple: " ?variable rdf:type rdf:type"
        if class_name == "type":

        wbem_query = lib_util.SplitMonikToWQL(filtered_where_key_values,
        DEBUG("WbemSparqlCallbackApi.CallbackSelect wbem_query=%s", wbem_query)

        wbem_objects = self.m_wbem_connection.ExecQuery(
            "WQL", wbem_query, "root/cimv2")

        # This returns a list of CIMInstance.
        for one_wbem_object in wbem_objects:
            # dir(one_wbem_object)
            # ['_CIMComparisonMixin__ordering_deprecated', '__class__', '__contains__', '__delattr__', '__delitem__', '__dict__', '__doc__', '__eq__', '__format__', '__ge__', '__getattribute__', '__getitem__', '__gt__', '__hash__', '__init__', '__iter__', '__le__', '__len__', '__lt__', '__module__', '__ne__', '__new__', '__reduce__', '__reduce_ex__', '__repr__', '__setattr__', '__setitem__', '__sizeof__', '__str__', '__subclasshook__', '__weakref__', '_classname', '_cmp', '_path', '_properties', '_property_list', '_qualifiers', 'classname', 'copy', 'get', 'has_key', 'items', 'iteritems', 'iterkeys', 'itervalues', 'keys', 'path', 'properties', 'property_list', 'qualifiers', 'tocimxml', 'tocimxmlstr', 'tomof', 'update', 'update_existing', 'values']

            # one_wbem_object is a CIMInstanceName
            # dir(one_wbem_object.path)
            # ['_CIMComparisonMixin__ordering_deprecated', '__class__', '__contains__', '__delattr__', '__delitem__', '__dict__', '__doc__', '__eq__', '__format__', '__ge__', '__getattribute__', '__getitem__', '__gt__', '__hash__', '__init__', '__iter__', '__le__', '__len__', '__lt__', '__module__', '__ne__', '__new__', '__reduce__', '__reduce_ex__', '__repr__', '__setattr__', '__setitem__', '__sizeof__', '__slotnames__', '__str__', '__subclasshook__', '__weakref__', '_classname', '_cmp', '_host', '_kbstr_to_cimval', '_keybindings', '_namespace', 'classname', 'copy', 'from_instance', 'from_wbem_uri', 'get', 'has_key', 'host', 'items', 'iteritems', 'iterkeys', 'itervalues', 'keybindings', 'keys', 'namespace', 'to_wbem_uri', 'tocimxml', 'tocimxmlstr', 'update', 'values']

            object_path = one_wbem_object.path.to_wbem_uri()
            # u'//vps516494.ovh.net/root/cimv2:PG_UnixProcess.CSName="vps516494.localdomain",Handle="1",OSCreationClassName="CIM_OperatingSystem",CreationClassName="PG_UnixProcess",CSCreationClassName="CIM_UnitaryComputerSystem",OSName="Fedora"'

            DEBUG("object.path=%s", object_path)
            dict_key_values = WbemKeyValues(one_wbem_object.iteritems())

                lib_kbase.PredicateIsDefinedBy] = lib_common.NodeLiteral(
            # Add it again, so the original Sparql query will work.
                lib_kbase.PredicateSeeAlso] = lib_common.NodeLiteral("WBEM")

            #     # s=\\RCHATEAU-HP\root\cimv2:Win32_UserAccount.Domain="rchateau-HP",Name="rchateau" phttp://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#type o=Win32_UserAccount
            dict_key_values[lib_kbase.PredicateType] = lib_properties.MakeProp(

            DEBUG("dict_key_values=%s", dict_key_values)
            lib_util.PathAndKeyValuePairsToRdf(grph, object_path,
            yield (object_path, dict_key_values)
Ejemplo n.º 18
    def _define_class_in_ontology(url_node):
        """This takes the class from an Url and defines it in the RDF ontology.
        This returns the class name as a string."""
        entity_label, class_name, entity_id = lib_naming.ParseEntityUri(

        # This could be: ("http://the_host", "http://primhillcomputers.com/survol/____Information", "HTTP url")
        if not class_name:
            return None

        # TODO: Define base classes with rdfs:subClassOf / RDFS.subClassOf
        # "base_class" and "class_description' ???

        # A class name with the WMI namespace might be produced with this kind of URL:
        # "http://www.primhillcomputers.com/survol#root\CIMV2:CIM_Process"
        class_name = class_name.replace("\\", "%5C")
        assert isinstance(class_name, str)

        if class_name not in map_classes:
            if class_name == "":
                raise Exception("No class name for url=%s type=%s" %
                                (str(url_node), str(type(url_node))))

            # Maybe this CIM class is not defined as an RDFS class.
            # This function might also filter duplicate and redundant insertions.
            lib_util.AppendClassSurvolOntology(class_name, map_classes,

        # The entity_id is a concatenation of CIM property-value paris, and define an unique object.
        # They are different of the triples, but might overlap.
        entity_id_dict = lib_util.SplitMoniker(entity_id)
        for predicate_key in entity_id_dict:
            if predicate_key not in map_attributes:
                # This function might also filter a duplicate and redundant insertion.
                    predicate_key, "CIM key predicate %s" % predicate_key,
                    class_name, None, map_attributes)

            # This value is explicitly added to the node.
            predicate_value = entity_id_dict[predicate_key]
            new_grph.add((url_node, lib_properties.MakeProp(predicate_key),

        # This adds a triple specifying that this node belongs to this RDFS class.
        lib_kbase.add_node_to_rdfs_class(new_grph, url_node, class_name,

        return class_name
Ejemplo n.º 19
    def filter_objects_with_predicate_class(self, associator_key_name,
        """This returns only the objects of a given class and for a given predicate."""
        logging.debug("associator_key_name=%s, result_class_name=%s",
                      associator_key_name, result_class_name)

        dict_objects = {}

        # First pass to filter the objects nodes of a given class labelled with the predicate..
        for source_subject, source_predicate, source_object in self.m_triplestore:
            #logging.warning("TripleStore.ObjectFromPredicate s=%s, p=%s, o=%s",
            #        source_subject, source_predicate, source_object)

            # This transforms for example "http://primhillcomputers.com/survol#Domain" into "Domain"
            predicate_name = lib_properties.PropToQName(source_predicate)

            # logging.warning("filter_objects_with_predicate_class predicate_name=%s",predicate_name)
            # s=http://LOCALHOST:80/LocalExecution/entity.py?xid=CIM_Process.Handle=2544
            # p=http://primhillcomputers.com/survol#ppid
            # o=http://LOCALHOST:80/LocalExecution/entity.py?xid=CIM_Process.Handle=2092

            if predicate_name == associator_key_name:
                # class_object = source_object
                object_instance = url_to_instance(source_object)
                if object_instance.__class__.__name__ == result_class_name:
                    dict_objects[source_object] = object_instance

        # Now, it gathers extra properties for the selected objects.
        # This does not fit exactly in the object model,
        # because the extra properties are added in the internal dictonal,
        # but are not members of the object.
        for source_subject, source_predicate, source_object in self.m_triplestore:
            if source_subject in dict_objects:
                predicate_name = lib_properties.PropToQName(source_predicate)
                object_value = str(source_object)
                    predicate_name] = object_value

        for dict_objects, object_instance in dict_objects.items():
            node_path = str(dict_objects)
            # The keys of the key-value dictionary must be nodes, not string,
            # for example: rdflib.term.URIRef(u'http://primhillcomputers.com/survol#runs')
            dict_nodes_keys_values = {
                lib_properties.MakeProp(dict_key): dict_value
                for dict_key, dict_value in
            yield (node_path, dict_nodes_keys_values)
Ejemplo n.º 20
def GetElementAsString(dict_key_values, property_name):
    property_node = lib_properties.MakeProp(property_name)
    value_node = dict_key_values[property_node]
    value_literal = str(value_node)
    return value_literal
Ejemplo n.º 21
def Main():
    cgiEnv = lib_common.ScriptEnvironment()
        the_pid = int(cgiEnv.GetId())
    except Exception:
        lib_common.ErrorMessageHtml("Must provide a pid")

    # If cannot be the current pid, otherwise it will block.
    if the_pid == os.getpid():
        lib_common.ErrorMessageHtml("Cannot debug current process")

    if not lib_util.isPlatformWindows:
        lib_common.ErrorMessageHtml("This works only on Windows platforms")

    grph = cgiEnv.GetGraph()

    # Starts a second session
    cdb_fil = lib_util.TmpFile("CdbCommand", "cdb")
    cdb_fd = open(cdb_fil.Name, "w")
    cdb_fd.write("lm\n")  # List loaded modules
    cdb_fd.write("k\n")   # Display stack backtrace.
    cdb_fd.write("qd\n")  # Quit and detach.

    cdb_cmd = "cdb -p " + str(the_pid) + " -cf " + cdb_fil.Name

    proc_node = lib_uris.gUriGen.PidUri(the_pid)
    call_node_prev = None

    modules_map = {}

    logging.debug("Starting cdb_cmd=%s", cdb_cmd)
        cdb_pipe = lib_common.SubProcPOpen(cdb_cmd)
    except WindowsError as exc:
        lib_common.ErrorMessageHtml("cdb not available: Caught:%s" % str(exc))

    logging.debug("Started cdb_cmd=%s", cdb_cmd)

    cdb_output, cdb_err = cdb_pipe.communicate()

    # Without decode, "TypeError: Type str does not support the buffer API"
    cdb_str = cdb_output.decode("utf-8")

    call_depth = 0

    for dot_line in cdb_str.split('\n'):
        err_match = re.match(".*parameter is incorrect.*", dot_line)
        if err_match:

        # 76590000 766a0000   kernel32   (export symbols)       C:\Windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll
        match_lm = re.match(r"[0-9a-fA-F]+ [0-9a-fA-F]+ +([^ ]*) +\(export symbols\) +(.*)", dot_line )
        if match_lm:
            module_name = match_lm.group(1)
            dll_name_raw = match_lm.group(2).strip()
            dll_name = lib_util.standardized_file_path(dll_name_raw)
            logging.debug("module_name=%s dll_name=%s", module_name, dll_name)
            modules_map[module_name] = dll_name

        # 295cfb0c 00000000 ntdll!RtlInitializeExceptionChain+0x36
        # Another format, maybe because of a 64 bits machine.
        # 00000000`02edff90 00000000`00000000 ntdll!RtlUserThreadStart+0x21
        match_k = re.match("[`0-9a-fA-F]+ [`0-9a-fA-F]+ ([^!]*)!([^+]*)", dot_line)
        if match_k:
            module_name = match_k.group(1)
                dll_name = modules_map[module_name]
            except KeyError:
                dll_name = module_name
            func_name = match_k.group(2).strip()
            logging.debug("module_name=%s dll_name=%s func_name=%s", module_name, dll_name, func_name)

            dll_name = CDB.TestIfKnownDll(dll_name)

            call_node_prev = survol_symbol.AddFunctionCall(grph, call_node_prev, proc_node, func_name, dll_name)
            grph.add((call_node_prev, lib_properties.MakeProp("Call_depth"), lib_util.NodeLiteral(call_depth)))
            call_depth += 1

        logging.debug("dot_line=%s", dot_line)

    logging.debug("Parsed cdb result")

    call_node_prev = survol_symbol.AddFunctionCall(grph, call_node_prev, proc_node, None, None)

    CIM_Process.AddInfo(grph, proc_node, [the_pid])

    # http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/hardware/ff539058(v=vs.85).aspx
    # This section describes how to perform basic debugging tasks using
    # the Microsoft Console Debugger (CDB) and Microsoft NT Symbolic Debugger (NTSD).
    # CDB and NTSD are identical in every way, except that NTSD spawns
    # a new text window when it is started, whereas CDB inherits
    # the Command Prompt window from which it was invoked.
    # The instructions in this section are given for CDB,
    # but they work equally well for NTSD. For a discussion
    # of when to use CDB or NTSD, see Debugging Environments.

Ejemplo n.º 22
def _check_events_feeder_psutil_processes_perf(test_object, text_message, result_graph):
    """This checks the result of events_feeder_psutil_processes_perf.py"""

    print(text_message, "len(result_graph)=", len(result_graph))
    print("CurrentPid=", CurrentPid, "CurrentParentPid=", CurrentParentPid)
    property_process_perf = lib_properties.MakeProp("Processes performances")

    def check_one_process(process_id):
        # There should be at least one sample. Normally only one if this is a snapshot,
        # but this is not an important constraint.
        print(text_message, "Checking process", process_id)
        process_node = test_object._agent_box().node_from_dict("CIM_Process", {"Handle": process_id})
        samples_number = 0
        for _, _, sample_root_node in result_graph.triples((process_node, property_process_perf, None)):
            def check_present(property_name):
                print("Checking property", property_name)
                """Now look for some randomly-chosen counters which must be here on all platforms."""
                property_node = lib_properties.MakeProp(property_name)
                value_triples_list = list(result_graph.triples((sample_root_node, property_node, None)))
                test_object.assertEqual(len(value_triples_list), 1)
                test_object.assertEqual(type(value_triples_list[0][2]), rdflib.Literal)

            print("Checking sample", sample_root_node)
            samples_number += 1
        print(text_message, "pid=", process_id, "samples number=", samples_number)
        if samples_number == 0:
            def _simpler(the_node):
                cleaner_str = str(the_node)
                cleaner_str = cleaner_str.replace("http://www.primhillcomputers.com/survol", "")
                cleaner_str = cleaner_str.replace(test_object._agent_url + "/survol", "")
                return cleaner_str

            for a, b, c in result_graph:
                print("    ", _simpler(a), _simpler(b), _simpler(c))
        test_object.assertTrue(samples_number >= 1)

    property_process_handle = lib_properties.MakeProp("Handle")

    # This lists processes with available data.
    process_handles_list = sorted([
        for process_node, _, process_id
        in result_graph.triples((None, property_process_handle, None))])
    print("Process handles=", len(process_handles_list), process_handles_list)

    samples_list = sorted([
        for process_node, _, sample_node
        in result_graph.triples((None, property_process_perf, None))])
    print("Samples=", len(samples_list))

    test_object.assertTrue(CurrentPid in process_handles_list)
    test_object.assertTrue(CurrentParentPid in process_handles_list)

    # The node of the current process must be in the detected processes.

    # The node of the parent process must be in the detected processes.
Ejemplo n.º 23
def GetElementAsString(one_dict, property_name):
    property_node = lib_properties.MakeProp(property_name)
    value_node = one_dict[property_node]
    value_literal = str(value_node)
    return value_literal
import lib_util
import lib_common
import lib_properties
from lib_properties import pc
from sources_types import CIM_Directory

def Usable(entity_type, entity_ids_arr):
    """Can run on a directory only, on Windows."""
    if not lib_util.UsableWindows(entity_type, entity_ids_arr):
        return False
    dir_nam = entity_ids_arr[0]
    return os.path.isdir(dir_nam)

property_notified_file_change = lib_properties.MakeProp("file change")
property_notified_change_type = lib_properties.MakeProp("change type")

def _add_windows_dir_change(grph, path_to_watch, updated_file, action_code,
    actions_codes = {
        1: "Created",
        2: "Deleted",
        3: "Updated",
        4: "Renamed from something",
        5: "Renamed to something"

    action_text = actions_codes.get(action_code, "Unknown")
    full_filename = os.path.join(path_to_watch, updated_file)