def f(args): P = [args[0] * vars.tileSize, args[1] * vars.tileSize] e = Entity(pos=P) e.addComponent( TiledGfx(tilesheet='gfx/smb1.png', sheetSize=[16, 16], tileData=[15, 5], width=1, height=1, size=vars.tileSize, repx=args[2], repy=1)) e.addComponent( Collider(flag=vars.flags.platform_passthrough, mask=vars.flags.player, tag=0, shape=sh.Line( A=[0, vars.tileSize, 0], B=[args[2] * vars.tileSize, vars.tileSize, 0]))) e.addComponent( PolygonalMover(origin=P, loop=args[5], pct=args[3], moves=[{ 'delta': [0, args[4] * vars.tileSize], 'speed': args[6], 'hold': 0 }])) e.addComponent(Platform()) return e
def __init__(self, id: str, width, height, worldWidth: int, worldHeight: int, startPos): super().__init__(id, width, height) # adding pause button self.keyl.addKey(key=32, func=func.togglePause) self.keyl.addKey(key=299, func=func.restart) main = Entity(tag='main') = OrthoCamera(worldwidth=worldWidth * vars.tileSize, worldheight=worldHeight * vars.tileSize, camwidth=width, camheight=height, viewport=[0, 0, width, height], tag='maincam') self.main = main self.add(main) # create the collision engine (maybe to put into the ctor of the room subclass) ce = CollisionEngine(80, 80) # ce.addResponse(vars.tags.player, vars.tags.brick_sensor, CollisionResponse(onenter=func.brickResponse)) # ce.addResponse(vars.tags.player, vars.tags.bonus_brick_sensor, CollisionResponse(onenter=func.bonusBrickResponse)) # ce.addResponse(vars.tags.player, vars.tags.mushroom, CollisionResponse(onenter=func.mushroomResponse)) # ce.addResponse(vars.tags.player, vars.tags.warp, CollisionResponse(onenter = func.onWarpEnter, onleave= func.onWarpExit)) # ce.addResponse(vars.tags.player, vars.tags.hotspot, CollisionResponse(onenter = func.hotspotEnter)) # ce.addResponse(vars.tags.player, vars.tags.coin, CollisionResponse(onenter = func.coinResponse)) # ce.addResponse(vars.tags.player, vars.tags.goomba, CollisionResponse(onenter = func.goombaResponse)) # ce.addResponse(vars.tags.player, vars.tags.koopa, CollisionResponse(onenter = func.koopaResponse)) # ce.addResponse (vars.tags.player, vars.tags.spawn, CollisionResponse (onenter = func.onSpawn)) # ce.addResponse (vars.tags.player, vars.tags.key, CollisionResponse (onenter = func.onCollectItem)) # ce.addResponse(vars.tags.goomba, vars.tags.player_fire, CollisionResponse (onenter = func.fireHitsFoe)) self.addRunner(ce) self.addRunner(Scheduler()) self.dw = DynamicWorld(256, 256, 'maincam') self.addRunner(self.dw) # diag = Entity (tag = 'diag') # = OrthoCamera(worldwidth = width, worldheight = height, # camwidth=width, camheight=height, viewport=[0, 0, width, height], tag='diagcam') # diag.add(Text ('main', 8, engine.getString('mario'), [255, 255, 255, 255], TextAlignment.topleft, pos=[24, 248, 2])) # diag.add(Text ('main', 8, '{:06d}'.format(vars.score), [255, 255, 255, 255], TextAlignment.topleft, tag='score_label', pos=[24, 240, 2])) # diag.add(Text ('main', 8, engine.getString('world'), [255, 255, 255, 255], TextAlignment.topleft, pos=[144, 248, 2])) # diag.add(Text ('main', 8, id, [255, 255, 255, 255],, pos=[164, 240, 2])) # diag.add(Text ('main', 8, engine.getString('time'), [255, 255, 255, 255], TextAlignment.topright, pos=[232, 248, 2])) # diag.add(Text ('main', 8, str(vars.time), [255, 255, 255, 255], TextAlignment.topright, tag='score_label', pos=[232, 240, 2])) # diag.add(Sprite (model = 'coin_counter', pos=[96, 232, 2])) # diag.add(Text ('main', 8, 'x', [255,255,255,255], pos=[108,240,2])) # diag.add(Text ('main', 8, '{:02d}'.format(vars.coins), [255, 255, 255, 255], TextAlignment.topleft, tag='coin_label', pos=[116, 240, 2])) # fpsCount = Text ('main', 8, '0', [255,255,255,255], align = TextAlignment.topleft, tag='fps', pos = [0, 256, 2]) # fpsCount.addComponent (FPSCounter()) # diag.add (fpsCount) # self.add(diag) # add player wboy = build.makePlayer('wonderboy', startPos[0], startPos[1]) main.add(wboy)
def line(x: float, y: float, A, B): e = Entity(pos=[x, y]) e.addComponent( compo.Collider(flag=vars.flags.platform, mask=1, tag=1, shape=sh.Line(A, B))) return e
def togglePause(): if vars.paused: example.get('main').enableUpdate(True) example.removeByTag('shader') else: example.get('main').enableUpdate(False) a = Entity(pos=[0, 0, 1], tag='shader') a.addComponent( compo.ShapeGfxColor(shape=sh.Rect(256, 256), fill=sh.SolidFill(r=0, g=0, b=0, a=64))) example.get('diag').add(a) vars.paused = not vars.paused
def builder(): r = PlatformerRoom( id = 'world1_1', width = 256, height = 256, worldWidth = 224, worldHeight = 16, playerModel = 'cody', startPos = [32, 32]) # r.main.add (b.line(x=0,y=0,A=[128,0],B=[128,50])) # r.main.add (b.line(x=0,y=0,A=[128,50],B=[256,100])) # r.main.add (b.line(x=0,y=0,A=[256,100],B=[256,200])) # r.main.add (b.line(x=0,y=0,A=[0,200],B=[256,200])) # r.main.add (b.line(x=0,y=0,A=[0,200],B=[0,0])) shape = Polygon([0, 0, 512, 0, 512, 100, 0, 100]) r.main.add (b.poly(0, 0, shape)) e = Entity() e.pos = [0,0,-5] e.addComponent (ShapeGfx(shape = shape, texture = 'gfx/floor1.png', x0=2, repx=25, repy=25,slantx = 0.4 )) r.main.add(e) r.main.add (b.makeFoe('andore', 80, 32, 0.5, 5)) wall = Entity() wall.pos=[0,100,-0.01*100] wall.addComponent (ShapeGfx(shape = Polygon([0,0,100,0,100,100,0,100]), texture='gfx/wall1.png', repx=32, repy=32)) r.main.add(wall) r.main.add(b.makeStaticItem (ti.tree1, 50, 80)) #ba=Entity() #ba.addComponent(compo.ShapeGfxColor(shape=sh.Rect(200,100), color=[255,255,255,255])) #r.main.add(ba) # with open(example.dir+ '/rooms/world1_1.yaml') as f: # rooms = yaml.load(f, Loader=yaml.FullLoader) # for a in rooms['room']: # f = a['template'][0] # args = a['template'][1:] # print (args) # method_to_call = getattr(fact, f, None) # if method_to_call: # template = method_to_call(*args) # print (f + ' found') # for im in a['d']: # print (im) # e = template(*im) # r.addToDynamicWorld(e) # else: # print (f + ' not found') return r
def f(args): x = args[0] y = args[1] a = Entity() a.addComponent( Collider( flag=vars.flags.platform, mask=vars.flags.player, tag=1, shape=sh.Line( A=[args[2] * vars.tileSize, args[3] * vars.tileSize, 0], B=[args[4] * vars.tileSize, args[5] * vars.tileSize, 0]))) a.pos = (x * vars.tileSize, y * vars.tileSize, 0) return a
def togglePause(): if vars.paused: example.get('main').enableUpdate(True) example.removeByTag('shader') #msg : example.Wrap1 = example.get('msg') #if msg.valid: # example.killScript('msgscript') # example.removeByTag('msg') # example.removeByTag('msgbox') # example.get('player').setState('walk', {}) else: example.get('main').enableUpdate(False) a = Entity(pos=[0,0,1], tag='shader') a.addComponent (compo.ShapeGfxColor(shape = sh.Rect(256, 256), fill = sh.SolidFill(r=0, g=0, b=0, a=64))) example.get('diag').add(a) vars.paused = not vars.paused
def f(args): x = args[0] y = args[1] z = args[2] w = args[3] h = args[4] a=Entity() a.addComponent (Gfx(image = props[1], repeat = [w, h])) #f = Fader() ##f.addColor (0, [255,255,255,255]) #f.addColor (1, [255,255,255,0]) #f.addColor (2, [255,255,255,255]) #a.addComponent (f) #a.addComponent (TexAnim (period=[0,-1])) a.pos = (x * vars.tileSize, y * vars.tileSize, z) return a
def _brick(x, y, model, hits, callback): a = Sprite(model=model, pos=[x * vars.tileSize, y * vars.tileSize, 0]) a.addComponent( Collider(flag=vars.flags.platform, mask=0, tag=0, shape=sh.Rect(width=vars.tileSize, height=vars.tileSize))) a.addComponent(Info(hitsLeft=hits, callback=callback)) b = Entity() b.pos = [2, -0.5, 0] b.addComponent( Collider(flag=vars.flags.foe, mask=vars.flags.player, tag=vars.tags.bonus_brick_sensor, shape=sh.Rect(width=vars.tileSize - 4, height=1.0))) a.add(b) return a
def f(args): model = props[1] x = args[0] y = args[1] a = Sprite(model = model) a.addComponent (Collider (flag = vars.flags.platform, mask = 0, tag = 0, shape = sh.Rect(width=vars.tileSize, height=vars.tileSize))) a.pos = [x * vars.tileSize, y * vars.tileSize, 0] a.addComponent (Info(piece = props[2])) b = Entity() b.pos = [2, -0.5, 0] b.addComponent (Collider ( flag=vars.flags.foe, mask=vars.flags.player, tag = vars.tags.brick_sensor, shape = sh.Rect(width = vars.tileSize-4, height = 1.0) )) a.add(b) return a
def makeBrick(model: str, x: float, y: float): a = Sprite(model=model) a.addComponent( compo.Collider(flag=vars.flags.platform, mask=0, tag=0, shape=sh.Rect(width=vars.tileSize, height=vars.tileSize))) a.pos = [x * vars.tileSize, y * vars.tileSize] b = Entity() b.pos = [2, -0.5, 0] b.addComponent( compo.Collider(flag=vars.flags.foe, mask=vars.flags.player, tag=vars.tags.brick_sensor, shape=sh.Rect(width=vars.tileSize - 4, height=1.0))) a.add(b) return a
def mapHotSpotItem(id: str): desc = Data.items[id] tag = desc.get('tag', id) pos = desc.get('pos', [0, 0, 0]) e = Entity(tag, pos) width = desc.get('width', 10) height = desc.get('height', 10) textid = desc['text'] from lib_py.engine import data text = data['strings']['objects'][textid] e.addComponent( HotSpot(shape=Rect(width=width, height=height, offset=(-width / 2, -height / 2)), priority=0, onenter=updateText(text), onleave=clearText, onclick=gotohotspot(id))) return e
def f(args): # the first argument is the callback function # the second, if present, is the model model = prop[1].get('model', None) func = prop[1].get('func') info = prop[1].get('info', None) pos = [args[0]*vars.tileSize,args[1]*vars.tileSize] if model is None: a = Entity(pos=pos) size = prop[1].get('size') a.addComponent (Collider (flag = vars.flags.foe, mask = vars.flags.player, tag= vars.tags.key, shape=sh.Rect(width=size[0],height=size[1]))) else: a = Sprite(model=model, pos=pos) a.addComponent (SmartCollider(flag=vars.flags.foe, mask = vars.flags.player, tag = vars.tags.key)) a.addComponent (Info (func = func, info = info)) return a
def f(args): p = props[1] print (p) a = Entity(pos=[args[0],args[1],args[2]]) a.addComponent (Gfx(image=p['image'], repeat=p['repeat'])) a.addComponent (Parallax(cam='maincam', factor=p['parallax'], campos0=[128,112], pos0=[0,64])) return a
def tiled(x: float, y: float, tileSheet: str, sheetSize, tileData: list, width: int, height: int, size: float, z: float = 0, shape: sh.Shape = None): e = Entity(pos=[x * vars.tileSize, y * vars.tileSize, z]) e.addComponent( compo.TiledGfx(tilesheet=tileSheet, sheetSize=sheetSize, tileData=tileData, width=width, height=height, size=size)) if shape: e.addComponent( compo.Collider(flag=vars.flags.platform, mask=1, tag=1, shape=shape)) #if (args.collide) then # table.insert(components, { type = "collider", flag = variables.collision.flags.platform, mask = 1, tag=1, shape = { type="rect", width = args.width*engine.tilesize, height = # args.height*engine.tilesize }}) #end return e
def f(args): shape = None tm = getattr(tiles, props[1]) x = args[0] y = args[1] z = args[2] if len(args) > 2 else 0 width = tm[0] height = tm[1] collision = tm[2] data = tm[3] if collision: shape = sh.Rect(width=width * vars.tileSize, height=height * vars.tileSize) e = Entity(pos=[x * vars.tileSize, y * vars.tileSize, z]) e.addComponent( TiledGfx(tilesheet='gfx/smb1.png', sheetSize=[16, 16], tileData=data, width=width, height=height, size=vars.tileSize)) if collision: e.addComponent( Collider(flag=vars.flags.platform, mask=1, tag=1, shape=shape)) return e
def makePlayer(model: str, x: float, y: float): player = Sprite(model=model, pos=[x, 0], tag='player') player.scale = 0.5 player.addComponent( compo.SmartCollider(flag=vars.flags.player, mask=vars.flags.foe | vars.flags.foe_attack, tag=vars.tags.player, castTag=vars.tags.player_attack, castMask=vars.flags.foe)) player.addComponent( compo.Controller25(mask=vars.flags.platform, depth=y, elevation=256)) player.addComponent(compo.Info(energy=5)) # maskDown = vars.flags.platform | vars.flags.platform_passthrough, # maxClimbAngle = 80, # maxDescendAngle = 80)) # speed = 75 player.addComponent(compo.Dynamics2D(gravity=vars.gravity)) stateMachine = compo.StateMachine(initialState='walk') # stateMachine.states.append (compo.SimpleState (id='warp', anim='idle')) stateMachine.states.append( compo.Walk25(id='walk', speed=200, acceleration=0.05, flipHorizontal=True, jumpvelocity=vars.jump_velocity)) stateMachine.states.append(compo.Hit25(id='attack', anim='attack')) stateMachine.states.append( compo.IsHit25(id='ishit', acceleration=0.5, anim='idle')) # stateMachine.states.append (pc.Jump(id='jump', speed=200, acceleration=0.10, flipHorizontal=True, animUp='jump', animDown='jump')) # stateMachine.states.append (pc.FoeWalk(id='demo', anim='walk', speed = 75, # acceleration=0.05, flipHorizontal=True, flipWhenPlatformEnds = False, left=1)) player.addComponent(stateMachine) player.addComponent(compo.KeyInput()) player.addComponent(compo.Follow()) baa = Entity(tag='pane') baa.addComponent( compo.ShapeGfxColor(shape=sh.Ellipse(20, 10), color=[0, 0, 0, 64])) player.add(baa) return player
def __init__(self, id: str, width, height, worldWidth: int, worldHeight: int): super().__init__(id, width, height) # adding pause button #self.keyl.addKey(key=32, func = f) #self.keyl.addKey(key=264, func = checkWarp) main = Entity(tag='main') = OrthoCamera(worldwidth=worldWidth, worldheight=worldHeight, camwidth=width, camheight=height, viewport=[0, 0, width, height], tag='maincam') self.add(main) # create the collision engine (maybe to put into the ctor of the room subclass) ce = CollisionEngine(80, 80) ce.addResponse(var.Tags.player, var.Tags.wall, CollisionResponse(onenter=f, onleave=g)) self.addRunner(ce) self.addRunner(Scheduler())
def makePlatform(img: str, x: float, y: float, width: int, height: int): a = Entity() a.addComponent(compo.Gfx(image=img, repeat=[width, height])) a.addComponent( compo.Collider(flag=vars.flags.platform, mask=vars.flags.player, tag=1, shape=sh.Rect(width=width * vars.tileSize, height=height * vars.tileSize))) a.pos = [x * vars.tileSize, y * vars.tileSize] return a
def bonusBrick(model: str, x: float, y: float, callback: callable, hits: int = 1): a = Sprite(model=model, pos=[x * vars.tileSize, y * vars.tileSize, 0]) a.addComponent( compo.Collider(flag=vars.flags.platform, mask=0, tag=0, shape=sh.Rect(width=vars.tileSize, height=vars.tileSize))) a.addComponent(compo.Info(hitsLeft=hits, callback=callback)) b = Entity() b.pos = [2, -0.5, 0] b.addComponent( compo.Collider(flag=vars.flags.foe, mask=vars.flags.player, tag=vars.tags.bonus_brick_sensor, shape=sh.Rect(width=vars.tileSize - 4, height=1.0))) a.add(b) return a
def f(args): spawn = Entity(pos=[args[0] * vars.tileSize, args[1] * vars.tileSize]) spawn.addComponent( Collider(flag=vars.flags.foe, mask=vars.flags.player, tag=vars.tags.spawn, shape=sh.Rect(1, 256))) spawn.addComponent(Info(info=prop[1], delta=[args[2], args[3]])) return spawn
def hotspot(x: float, y: float, warpTo, newCamBounds): e = Entity(pos=[x * vars.tileSize, y * vars.tileSize]) e.addComponent( compo.Collider(flag=vars.flags.foe, mask=vars.flags.player, tag=vars.tags.hotspot, shape=sh.Rect(16, 2))) e.addComponent(compo.Info(func=func.warpUp(warpTo, newCamBounds))) return e
def f(args): x = args[0] y = args[1] w = args[2] h = args[3] a = Entity() #print ('image = ' + props[1]) if len(props) > 1: a.addComponent(Gfx(image=props[1], repeat=[w, h])) else: a.addComponent( Info(bounds=[0, 0, w * vars.tileSize, h * vars.tileSize])) a.addComponent( Collider(flag=vars.flags.platform, mask=vars.flags.player, tag=1, shape=sh.Rect(width=w * vars.tileSize, height=h * vars.tileSize))) a.pos = (x * vars.tileSize, y * vars.tileSize, 0) return a
def makeSpawn(x: float, y: float, f: callable, *args): print(args) e = Entity(pos=[x * vars.tileSize, y * vars.tileSize]) e.addComponent( compo.Collider(flag=vars.flags.foe, mask=vars.flags.player, tag=vars.tags.hotspot, shape=sh.Rect(1, 100))) e.addComponent(compo.Info(func=func.createItem(f, *args))) return e
def hotspot2(x: float, y: float, width: float, height: float, f: callable): e = Entity(pos=[x * vars.tileSize, y * vars.tileSize]) e.addComponent( compo.Collider(flag=vars.flags.foe, mask=vars.flags.player, tag=vars.tags.hotspot, shape=sh.Rect(width * vars.tileSize, height * vars.tileSize))) e.addComponent(compo.Info(func=f)) return e
def f(args): ps = prop[1] if len(prop) > 0 else {} pin = Entity(pos=[args[0] * vars.tileSize, args[1] * vars.tileSize], tag=ps.get('tag', None)) pin.addComponent( Collider(flag=vars.flags.foe, mask=vars.flags.player, tag=vars.tags.warp, shape=sh.Rect(4, 2))) pin.addComponent(Info(world=args[2], start=args[3])) return pin
def f(args): a = Entity(pos=[args[0], args[1], args[2]]) a.addComponent( ShapeGfxColor(shape=sh.Rect(256, 256), fill=sh.SolidFill(r=props[1], g=props[2], b=props[3]))) a.addComponent( Parallax(cam='maincam', factor=[1, 1], campos0=[128, 128], pos0=[0, 0])) return a
def f(args): print ('xxx') x = args[0] * vars.tileSize y = args[1] * vars.tileSize Ax = args[2] * vars.tileSize Ay = args[3] * vars.tileSize Bx = args[4] * vars.tileSize By = args[5] * vars.tileSize minx = min(Ax, Bx) maxx = max(Ax, Bx) miny = min(Ay, By) maxy = max(Ay, By) a = Entity() print ('xxx') a.addComponent (Collider(flag = vars.flags.platform, mask = vars.flags.player, tag = 1, shape = sh.Line(A=[Ax,Ay,0], B=[Bx,By,0]))) a.addComponent (Info (bounds = [minx,miny,maxx,maxy])) a.pos = (x,y,0) return a
def builder(): r = Phy2DRoom(id='test1', width=256, height=256,worldWidth= 256,worldHeight= 256) # add player p = Entity( pos = [160, 100]) shape_player = Rect (10, 20, offset=[-5,-10]) p.addComponent (ShapeGfxOutline(shape_player, color=[255, 255, 255, 255])) p.addComponent (Collider(flag=var.Flags.player, mask = var.Flags.wall, tag = var.Tags.player, shape = shape_player)) sm = StateMachine('walk') sm.states.append(Walk3D('walk', 5)) p.addComponent(sm) p.addComponent(KeyInput()) r.add (p, 'main') # add object o1 = Entity (pos= [200,170]) o_shape = Rect(20,10) o1.addComponent (ShapeGfxOutline(o_shape, color=[255,255,255,255])) o1.addComponent (Collider(flag=var.Flags.wall, mask = var.Flags.player, tag= var.Tags.wall, shape=o_shape)) r.add(o1, 'main') r.add (s(10,80,Line(A=[0,0],B=[50,25])), 'main') r.add (s(30,130,PolygonSimple(outline=[0, 0, 10, 0, 5, 20])), 'main') r.add (s(150,30,Circle(20)), 'main') r.add (s(190,20,PolygonTri(outline=[0,0,10,10,10,20,20,20,20,0,30,0,30,40,20,40,20,30,0,30])), 'main') #r.add (s(-150,80,Line(A=[0,0],B=[50,25])), 'main') return r
def __init__(self, id:str, width, height, worldWidth: int, worldHeight : int, startPos): super().__init__(id, width, height) # adding pause button self.keyl.addKey(key=32, func = func.togglePause) #self.keyl.addKey(key=264, func = checkWarp) # restart on F10 self.keyl.addKey(key=299, func = func.restart) main = Entity (tag='main') = OrthoCamera(worldwidth = worldWidth * vars.tileSize, worldheight = worldHeight * vars.tileSize, camwidth=width, camheight=height, viewport=[0, 0, width, height], tag='maincam') self.main = main self.add(main) # create the collision engine (maybe to put into the ctor of the room subclass) ce = CollisionEngine(80, 80) ce.addResponse(vars.tags.player, vars.tags.brick_sensor, CollisionResponse(onenter=func.brickResponse)) ce.addResponse(vars.tags.player, vars.tags.bonus_brick_sensor, CollisionResponse(onenter=func.bonusBrickResponse)) ce.addResponse(vars.tags.player, vars.tags.mushroom, CollisionResponse(onenter=func.mushroomResponse)) ce.addResponse(vars.tags.player, vars.tags.warp, CollisionResponse(onenter = func.onWarpEnter, onleave= func.onWarpExit)) ce.addResponse(vars.tags.player, vars.tags.hotspot, CollisionResponse(onenter = func.hotspotEnter)) ce.addResponse(vars.tags.player, vars.tags.coin, CollisionResponse(onenter = func.coinResponse)) ce.addResponse(vars.tags.player, vars.tags.goomba, CollisionResponse(onenter = func.goombaResponse)) ce.addResponse(vars.tags.player, vars.tags.koopa, CollisionResponse(onenter = func.koopaResponse)) ce.addResponse (vars.tags.player, vars.tags.spawn, CollisionResponse (onenter = func.onSpawn)) ce.addResponse (vars.tags.player, vars.tags.key, CollisionResponse (onenter = func.onCollectItem)) ce.addResponse(vars.tags.goomba, vars.tags.player_fire, CollisionResponse (onenter = func.fireHitsFoe)) self.addRunner(ce) self.addRunner(Scheduler()) self.dw = DynamicWorld(256, 256, 'maincam') self.addRunner(self.dw) diag = Entity (tag = 'diag') = OrthoCamera(worldwidth = width, worldheight = height, camwidth=width, camheight=height, viewport=[0, 0, width, height], tag='diagcam') diag.add(Text ('main', 8, engine.getString('mario'), [255, 255, 255, 255], TextAlignment.topleft, pos=[24, 248, 2])) diag.add(Text ('main', 8, '{:06d}'.format(vars.score), [255, 255, 255, 255], TextAlignment.topleft, tag='score_label', pos=[24, 240, 2])) diag.add(Text ('main', 8, engine.getString('world'), [255, 255, 255, 255], TextAlignment.topleft, pos=[144, 248, 2])) diag.add(Text ('main', 8, id, [255, 255, 255, 255],, pos=[164, 240, 2])) diag.add(Text ('main', 8, engine.getString('time'), [255, 255, 255, 255], TextAlignment.topright, pos=[232, 248, 2])) diag.add(Text ('main', 8, str(vars.time), [255, 255, 255, 255], TextAlignment.topright, tag='score_label', pos=[232, 240, 2])) diag.add(Sprite (model = 'coin_counter', pos=[96, 232, 2])) diag.add(Text ('main', 8, 'x', [255,255,255,255], pos=[108,240,2])) diag.add(Text ('main', 8, '{:02d}'.format(vars.coins), [255, 255, 255, 255], TextAlignment.topleft, tag='coin_label', pos=[116, 240, 2])) fpsCount = Text ('main', 8, '0', [255,255,255,255], align = TextAlignment.topleft, tag='fps', pos = [0, 256, 2]) fpsCount.addComponent (FPSCounter()) diag.add (fpsCount) self.add(diag) # scene = { # [2] = { # tag = "diag", # camera = { # tag = "diagcam", # type ="ortho", # pos = {0,0,5}, # size = {args.screen_size[1]*16, args.screen_size[2]*16}, # bounds = {0,0,args.screen_size[1]*16, args.screen_size[2]*16}, # viewport = {0, 0, args.screen_size[1]*16, args.screen_size[2]*16} # }, # children = { # { # pos = {24,248,0}, # components = { # { type = "text", id="MARIO", font="main", size=8, } # } # }, # { # tag = "score_label", # pos = {24, 240, 0}, # components = { # { type = "text", id=string.format("%06d", variables.score), font="main", size=8, } # } # }, # { # pos = {144,248,0}, # components = { # { type = "text", id="WORLD", font="main", size=8, } # } # }, # { # pos = {164,236,0}, # components = { # { type = "text", id=variables.world_name, font="main", size=8, align="center" } # } # }, # { # pos = {232,248,0}, # components = { # { type = "text", id="TIME", font="main", size=8, align="topright" } # } # }, # { # tag = "time_label", # pos = {232,240,0}, # components = { # { type = "text", id=tostring(variables.time), font="main", size=8, align="topright" } # } # }, # { # pos = {96, 232, 0}, # type="sprite", # model="coin_counter" # }, # { # pos = {108,240,0}, # components = { # { type = "text", id="x", font="main", size=8 } # } # }, # { # tag = "coin_label", # pos = {116, 240, 0}, # components = { # { type = "text", id=string.format("%02d", variables.coins), font="main", size=8, } # } # }, # } # } # }, # add player mario = build.makePlayer(vars.stateInfo[vars.state], startPos[0], startPos[1]) main.add(mario)