Ejemplo n.º 1
def main():
    """ parse command line options and generate file """
    start_time = time.time()

    # parse command line options
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Get OVAL elements that are related to one or more elements.')
    parser.add_argument('oval_id', nargs='+', help='one or more OVAL id(s)')
    direction_options = parser.add_argument_group('direction')
    direction_options.add_argument('--upstream', default=False, action="store_true", help='find elements that are upstream (i.e. reference) the provided OVAL id(s)')
    direction_options.add_argument('--downstream', default=False, action="store_true", help='find elements that are downstream (i.e. referenced by) the provided OVAL id(s)')
    limit_options = parser.add_argument_group('limit element results')
    limit_options.add_argument('--distance', nargs='?', type=int, help='limit distance from OVAL id(s) (e.g. 1 will only return parents/children, 2 would also return grandparents/grandchildren)')
    limit_options.add_argument('--element_type', nargs='*', help='filter by element typs(s): {0}'.format(', '.join(lib_repo.supported_element_types)))
    args = vars(parser.parse_args())

    if not (args['upstream'] or args['downstream']):
        message('error',"Please specify at least one of: --upstream or --downstream.")
    if args['distance'] and args['distance'] < 1:
        message('error','--distance must be a positive integer.')

    if args['element_type']:
        unsupported_element_types = [ element_type for element_type in args['element_type'] if element_type not in lib_repo.supported_element_types ]
        if unsupported_element_types:
            message('error','Unsupported element type(s): {0}.'.format(', '.join(unsupported_element_types)))

    source_ids = set(args['oval_id'])
    num_source_ids = len(source_ids)
    distance = args['distance'] or 0

    elements_index = lib_search.ElementsIndex(message)

    if args['downstream']:
        # add all downstream element ids
        message('info','Finding downstream OVAL ids for {0} element(s)'.format(num_source_ids))
        downstream_ids = elements_index.find_downstream_ids(source_ids, set(), distance)
        message('info','Found {0} downstream OVAL ids (all element types)'.format(len(downstream_ids)))
        if args['element_type']:
            downstream_ids = { oval_id for oval_id in downstream_ids if lib_repo.get_element_type_from_oval_id(oval_id) in args['element_type'] }
            message('info','Found {0} downstream OVAL ids ({1} only)'.format(len(downstream_ids), 's, '.join(args['element_type']) + 's'))
        print('\n{0}\n'.format(', '.join(downstream_ids)))

    if args['upstream']:
        # add all upstream element ids
        message('info','Finding upstream OVAL ids for {0} element(s)'.format(num_source_ids))
        upstream_ids = elements_index.find_upstream_ids(source_ids, set(), distance)
        message('info','Found {0} upstream OVAL ids (all element types)'.format(len(upstream_ids)))
        if args['element_type']:
            upstream_ids = { oval_id for oval_id in upstream_ids if lib_repo.get_element_type_from_oval_id(oval_id) in args['element_type'] }
            message('info','Found {0} upstream OVAL ids ({1} only)'.format(len(upstream_ids), 's, '.join(args['element_type']) + 's'))
        print('\n{0}\n'.format(', '.join(upstream_ids)))

    seconds_elapsed = time.time() - start_time
    message('info','Completed in {0}!'.format(format_duration(seconds_elapsed)))
Ejemplo n.º 2
def build_comprehensive_oval_document(changes):
    Builds an XML tree which contains all elements affected by the changes

    global debug
    global verbose

    if changes is None or len(changes) < 1:
        return None

    if verbose:
        print("    ---- Getting OVAL ID's for all changed files...")
    oval_ids_changed = {
        for filepath in changes

    # find all upstream ids
    if verbose:
            "    ---- Locating parent definitions for all changed elements...")
    elements_index = lib_search.ElementsIndex(False)
    upstream_ids = elements_index.find_upstream_ids(oval_ids_changed, set())

    # filter affected to definition ids
    affected_def_ids = {
        for oval_id in upstream_ids
        if lib_repo.get_element_type_from_oval_id(oval_id) == 'definition'

    # get all downstream elements
    if verbose:
            "    ---- Resolving all elements needed to build comprehensive document..."
    oval_ids = elements_index.find_downstream_ids(affected_def_ids,
    file_paths = elements_index.get_paths_from_ids(oval_ids)

    if verbose:
            "    ---- Importing separate elements into comprehensive document...."
    oval = OvalDocument(None)
    for path in file_paths:
        element = OvalElement.fromStandaloneFile(path)
        if element is None:
            print(":::: None from path: ", path)
            return None
        oval.addElement(element, True)

    return etree.fromstring(oval.to_string())
Ejemplo n.º 3
def build_comprehensive_oval_document(changes):
    Builds an XML tree which contains all elements affected by the changes

    global debug
    global verbose

    if changes is None or len(changes) < 1:
        return None

    if verbose:
        print("    ---- Getting OVAL ID's for all changed files...")
    oval_ids_changed = {lib_repo.path_to_oval_id(filepath) for filepath in changes}

    # find all upstream ids
    if verbose:
        print("    ---- Locating parent definitions for all changed elements...")
    elements_index = lib_search.ElementsIndex(False)
    upstream_ids = elements_index.find_upstream_ids(oval_ids_changed, set())

    # filter affected to definition ids
    affected_def_ids = {
        oval_id for oval_id in upstream_ids if lib_repo.get_element_type_from_oval_id(oval_id) == "definition"

    # get all downstream elements
    if verbose:
        print("    ---- Resolving all elements needed to build comprehensive document...")
    oval_ids = elements_index.find_downstream_ids(affected_def_ids, affected_def_ids)
    file_paths = elements_index.get_paths_from_ids(oval_ids)

    if verbose:
        print("    ---- Importing separate elements into comprehensive document....")
    oval = OvalDocument(None)
    for path in file_paths:
        element = OvalElement.fromStandaloneFile(path)
        if element is None:
            print(":::: None from path: ", path)
            return None
        oval.addElement(element, True)

    return etree.fromstring(oval.to_string())
Ejemplo n.º 4
def get_element_change_status(left, right):
    """Compare two OVAL elements recursively and determine if any substantive changes have been made.
    @type left: Element
    @param left: the new element
    @type right: Element
    @param right: the existing element in the repository
    @rtype: int
    @return: And integer value indicating the level of change:
      -2 = an error has occurred
      -1 = these are not the same elements
       0 = no changes or the elements are not the same item
       1 = has changes, but they are inconsequential (have no affect on functionality)
       2 = changes of consequence
    import traceback
    ignore_attributes = ['version']
    unimportant_attributes = ['comment']
    if left is None:
        if right is None:
            return -1
            return False
    elif right is None:
        return -1
        # Compare tags
        if left.tag != right.tag:
            return -1
        # If this is the top-level element, make certain we really are dealing with the same elements
        left_id = left.get('id')
        if left_id is not None:     # Only primary elements have OVAL IDs
            left_type = lib_repo.get_element_type_from_oval_id(left_id)
            if left_type is not None and left_type in lib_repo.supported_element_types:
                right_id = right.get('id')
                right_type = lib_repo.get_element_type_from_oval_id(right_id)
                if not right_id or right_id is None:
                    return -1
                if left_type != right_type:
                    return -1

        # Compare text
        if left.text is not None:
            if right.text is not None:
                if left.text.strip() != right.text.strip():
                    return 2
                return 2
        elif right.text is not None:
            return 2
        # Compare tails?  Do OVAL Elements even have tails?
#         if left.tail != right.tail:
#             return 2
        # Compare attributes
        #   But don't compare the version attribute -- so we can't just use cmp()
            for key in left.keys():
                if not key in ignore_attributes:
                    lvalue = left.get(key)
                    rvalue = right.get(key)
                    if lvalue != rvalue:
                        if key in unimportant_attributes:
                            return 1
                            return 2
            # An exception at this point probably indicates that the attributes don't match
            return 2
        # Compare children (recurse on this method)
        #   Be sure we are enumerating the same children in the same order
        result = 0
        left_children = list(left)
        right_children = list(right)
        if len(left_children) != len(right_children):
            return 2
        for index, lchild in enumerate(left_children):
            # Get the matching right_child, if any
            # and compare children
            rchild = right_children[index]
            sub_result = get_element_change_status(lchild, rchild)
            if sub_result != 0 and sub_result != 1:  # Anything else is reason to stop processing
                return sub_result
            elif sub_result == 1:
                result = 1
        return result
        print (traceback.format_exc())
        return -2
Ejemplo n.º 5
def main():
    """ parse command line options and call lib functions """
    start_time = time.time()

    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Identify changes in current working directory as compared to a remote authoritative copy of the repo and identify all the elements affected by those changes.')
    # Note: I don't think we need to support files. If a file is submitted, CIS/QA can decompose it and then run this. So this can always run against repo.
    #parser.add_argument('-f', '--file', required=False, help='The name of the source file.  If not used the local git repository will be used as the source')
    parser.add_argument('--silent', required=False, action="store_true", help='Suppress messages')
    parser.add_argument('--remote', required=False, default='upstream', help="name of authoritative remote (default: 'upstream')")
    parser.add_argument('--branch', required=False, default='master', help="name of branch in authoritative remote (default: 'master')")
    parser.add_argument('--outfile', required=False, default='all.affected.oval.xml', help="file name OVAL definitions file containing all affected definitions (default 'all.affected.oval.xml')")
    parser.add_argument('-s', '--schematron', default=False, action="store_true", help='schematron validate the affected definitions')
    args = vars(parser.parse_args())

    silent = args['silent']

    ## 1. Find Affected Elements

    # get changes in working dir vs. remote/branch
    message('info', 'Comparing working directory to {0}/{1}'.format(args['remote'], args['branch']), silent)
    paths_changed = lib_git.compare_current_oval_to_remote(args['remote'], args['branch'])
    if not paths_changed:
        message('info', 'No changes. Aborting.', silent)
    message('info', 'Found {0} files changed in working directory:\n\t{1}'.format(len(paths_changed), '\n\t'.join(paths_changed)), silent)

    # convert paths to oval ids
    oval_ids_changed = { lib_repo.path_to_oval_id(filepath) for filepath in paths_changed }
    message('info', 'Found {0} OVAL elements changed in working directory:\n\t{1}'.format(len(oval_ids_changed), '\n\t'.join(oval_ids_changed)), silent)

    # find all upstream ids
    message('info','Finding upstream OVAL ids for {0} element(s)'.format(len(oval_ids_changed)), silent)
    elements_index = lib_search.ElementsIndex(message)
    upstream_ids = elements_index.find_upstream_ids(oval_ids_changed, set())
    message('info','Found {0} upstream OVAL ids (all element types)'.format(len(upstream_ids)), silent)

    affected_oval_ids = oval_ids_changed.union(upstream_ids)

    # filter affected to defintion ids
    affected_def_ids = { oval_id for oval_id in affected_oval_ids if lib_repo.get_element_type_from_oval_id(oval_id) == 'definition' }
    message('info','Found {0} upstream OVAL definitions:\n\t{1}'.format(len(affected_def_ids), '\n\t'.join(affected_def_ids)), silent)

    ## 2. Build an OVAL Definitions File and Validate It!
    message('info','Building an OVAL definitions file for all affected definitions.', silent)

    # get all downstream elements
    oval_ids = elements_index.find_downstream_ids(affected_def_ids, affected_def_ids)
    file_paths = elements_index.get_paths_from_ids(oval_ids)

    # add each OVAL definition to generator and write to file
    message('info',"Generating OVAL definition file '{0}' with {1} elements".format(args['outfile'], len(oval_ids)), silent)
    OvalGenerator = lib_xml.OvalGenerator(message)
    for file_path in file_paths:
        element_type = lib_repo.get_element_type_from_path(file_path)
        OvalGenerator.queue_element_file(element_type, file_path)

    # validate
    schema_path = lib_repo.get_oval_def_schema('5.11.1')
    message('info','Performing schema validation', silent)
        lib_xml.schema_validate(args['outfile'], schema_path)
        message('info','Schema validation successful', silent)
    except lib_xml.SchemaValidationError as e:
        message('error','Schema validation failed:\n\t{0}'.format(e.message), silent)

    if args['schematron']:
        # schematron validate
        schema_path = lib_repo.get_oval_def_schema('5.11.1')
        message('info','Performing schematron validation', silent)
            lib_xml.schematron_validate(args['outfile'], schema_path)
            message('info','Schematron validation successful', silent)
        except lib_xml.SchematronValidationError as e:
            message('error','Schematron validation failed:\n\t{0}'.format('\n\t'.join(e.messages)), silent)

    #Find all downstream children -- that is, a search depth of one
    #Find all upstream users, all the way up to the definition
    #Sort the list:  definitions, then tests, objects, states, and variables
    #Show the list
    #Offer to build an OVAL file that contains all the changes

    seconds_elapsed = time.time() - start_time
    message('info','Completed in {0}!'.format(format_duration(seconds_elapsed)), silent)
def main():
    start_time = time.time()

    tracking = dict()
    elements_index = lib_search.ElementsIndex(message)

    # getting all definitions
    all_def_ids = set()
    message('info', 'getting all definitions')
    for defpath in lib_repo.get_definition_paths_iterator():
    message('info', 'found {0} definitions'.format(len(all_def_ids)))

    # getting all element ids downstream from any definition
    message('info', 'getting all downstream element ids')
    all_downstream_ids = elements_index.find_downstream_ids(all_def_ids)
            'found {0} downstream element ids'.format(len(all_downstream_ids)))

    # get elements that aren't in all_downstream_ids
    message('info', 'checking all elements')
    cur_element_type = None
    for elempath in lib_repo.get_element_paths_iterator():
        oval_id = lib_repo.path_to_oval_id(elempath)
        element_type = lib_repo.get_element_type_from_oval_id(oval_id)

        # skip definitions... we're only pruning child elements
        if element_type == 'definition':

        # write status msg
        if element_type != cur_element_type:
            cur_element_type = element_type
            i_element_type = 0
        i_element_type = i_element_type + 1
            'Analyzing {0}s: {1}                            \r'.format(
                cur_element_type, i_element_type))

        # it's an orphan if it's not downsteam of a definition
        track_as = 'orphan' if oval_id not in all_downstream_ids else 'in_use'
        if not track_as in tracking:
            tracking[track_as] = dict()
        if not element_type in tracking[track_as]:
            tracking[track_as][element_type] = set()

        '                                                               \r'.
        format(cur_element_type, i_element_type))

    # generate report
    report = []
    for track_as, elements_by_type in tracking.items():
        report.append('\t{0}:'.format(track_as.replace('_', ' ').capitalize()))
        for element_type, oval_ids in elements_by_type.items():
            report.append('\t\t{0} {1}s'.format(len(oval_ids), element_type))
    message('found', '\n'.join(report))

    response = input("\n :::: Remove all orphans? (N[o] / y[es]): ")
    if response.lower() == 'y':
        orphan_ids = set()
        for element_type, oval_ids in tracking['orphan'].items():

        file_paths = elements_index.get_paths_from_ids(orphan_ids)
        for file_path in file_paths:
                    "Deleting Orphan '%s'" % os.path.basename(file_path))

    seconds_elapsed = time.time() - start_time
            'Completed in {0}!'.format(format_duration(seconds_elapsed)))
Ejemplo n.º 7
def get_element_change_status(left, right):
    """Compare two OVAL elements recursively and determine if any substantive changes have been made.
    @type left: Element
    @param left: the new element
    @type right: Element
    @param right: the existing element in the repository
    @rtype: int
    @return: And integer value indicating the level of change:
      -2 = an error has occurred
      -1 = these are not the same elements
       0 = no changes or the elements are not the same item
       1 = has changes, but they are inconsequential (have no affect on functionality)
       2 = changes of consequence
    import traceback
    ignore_attributes = ['version']
    unimportant_attributes = ['comment']
    if left is None:
        if right is None:
            return -1
            return False
    elif right is None:
        return -1
        # Compare tags
        if left.tag != right.tag:
            return -1
        # If this is the top-level element, make certain we really are dealing with the same elements
        left_id = left.get('id')
        if left_id is not None:     # Only primary elements have OVAL IDs
            left_type = lib_repo.get_element_type_from_oval_id(left_id)
            if left_type is not None and left_type in lib_repo.supported_element_types:
                right_id = right.get('id')
                right_type = lib_repo.get_element_type_from_oval_id(right_id)
                if not right_id or right_id is None:
                    return -1
                if left_type != right_type:
                    return -1

        # Compare text
        if left.text is not None:
            if right.text is not None:
                if left.text.strip() != right.text.strip():
                    return 2
                return 2
        elif right.text is not None:
            return 2
        # Compare tails?  Do OVAL Elements even have tails?
#         if left.tail != right.tail:
#             return 2
        # Compare attributes
        #   But don't compare the version attribute -- so we can't just use cmp()
            for key in left.keys():
                if not key in ignore_attributes:
                    lvalue = left.get(key)
                    rvalue = right.get(key)
                    if lvalue != rvalue:
                        if key in unimportant_attributes:
                            return 1
                            return 2
            # An exception at this point probably indicates that the attributes don't match
            return 2
        # Compare children (recurse on this method)
        #   Be sure we are enumerating the same children in the same order
        result = 0
        left_children = list(left)
        right_children = list(right)
        if len(left_children) != len(right_children):
            return 2
        for index, lchild in enumerate(left_children):
            # Get the matching right_child, if any
            # and compare children
            rchild = right_children[index]
            sub_result = get_element_change_status(lchild, rchild)
            if sub_result != 0 and sub_result != 1:  # Anything else is reason to stop processing
                return sub_result
            elif sub_result == 1:
                result = 1
        return result
        print (traceback.format_exc())
        return -2
Ejemplo n.º 8
def main():
    start_time = time.time()

    tracking = dict()
    elements_index = lib_search.ElementsIndex(message)
    # getting all definitions
    all_def_ids = set()
    message('info', 'getting all definitions')
    for defpath in lib_repo.get_definition_paths_iterator():
    message('info', 'found {0} definitions'.format(len(all_def_ids)))

    # getting all element ids downstream from any definition
    message('info', 'getting all downstream element ids')
    all_downstream_ids = elements_index.find_downstream_ids(all_def_ids)
    message('info', 'found {0} downstream element ids'.format(len(all_downstream_ids)))

    # get elements that aren't in all_downstream_ids
    message('info', 'checking all elements')
    cur_element_type = None
    for elempath in lib_repo.get_element_paths_iterator():
        oval_id = lib_repo.path_to_oval_id(elempath)
        element_type = lib_repo.get_element_type_from_oval_id(oval_id)

        # skip definitions... we're only pruning child elements
        if element_type == 'definition':

        # write status msg
        if element_type != cur_element_type:
            cur_element_type = element_type
            i_element_type = 0
        i_element_type = i_element_type + 1
        sys.stdout.write('Analyzing {0}s: {1}                            \r'.format(cur_element_type, i_element_type))

        # it's an orphan if it's not downsteam of a definition
        track_as = 'orphan' if oval_id not in all_downstream_ids else 'in_use'
        if not track_as in tracking:
            tracking[track_as] = dict()
        if not element_type in tracking[track_as]:
            tracking[track_as][element_type] = set()

    sys.stdout.write('                                                               \r'.format(cur_element_type, i_element_type))

    # generate report
    report = []
    for track_as, elements_by_type in tracking.items():
        report.append('\t{0}:'.format(track_as.replace('_', ' ').capitalize()))
        for element_type, oval_ids in elements_by_type.items():
            report.append('\t\t{0} {1}s'.format(len(oval_ids), element_type))
    message('found', '\n'.join(report))

    response = input("\n :::: Remove all orphans? (N[o] / y[es]): ")
    if response.lower() == 'y':
        orphan_ids = set()
        for element_type, oval_ids in tracking['orphan'].items():
        file_paths = elements_index.get_paths_from_ids(orphan_ids)
        for file_path in file_paths:
            message("INFO", "Deleting Orphan '%s'" % os.path.basename(file_path))

    seconds_elapsed = time.time() - start_time
    message('info','Completed in {0}!'.format(format_duration(seconds_elapsed)))
Ejemplo n.º 9
    # convert paths to oval ids
    oval_ids_changed = { lib_repo.path_to_oval_id(filepath) for filepath in paths_changed }
    message('info', 'Found {0} OVAL elements changed in working directory:\n\t{1}'.format(len(oval_ids_changed), '\n\t'.join(oval_ids_changed)), silent)

    # find all upstream ids
    message('info','Finding upstream OVAL ids for {0} element(s)'.format(len(oval_ids_changed)), silent)
    elements_index = lib_search.ElementsIndex(message)
    upstream_ids = elements_index.find_upstream_ids(oval_ids_changed, set())
    message('info','Found {0} upstream OVAL ids (all element types)'.format(len(upstream_ids)), silent)

    affected_oval_ids = oval_ids_changed.union(upstream_ids)

<<<<<<< HEAD
    # filter affected to definition ids
    affected_def_ids = { oval_id for oval_id in upstream_ids if lib_repo.get_element_type_from_oval_id(oval_id) == 'definition' }
    message('info','Found {0} upstream OVAL definitions:\n\t{1}'.format(len(affected_def_ids), '\n\t'.join(affected_def_ids)), verbose)
    # filter affected to defintion ids
    affected_def_ids = { oval_id for oval_id in affected_oval_ids if lib_repo.get_element_type_from_oval_id(oval_id) == 'definition' }
    message('info','Found {0} upstream OVAL definitions:\n\t{1}'.format(len(affected_def_ids), '\n\t'.join(affected_def_ids)), silent)
>>>>>>> upstream/master

    ## 2. Build an OVAL Definitions File and Validate It!
    message('info','Building an OVAL definitions file for all affected definitions.', silent)

    # get all downstream elements
    oval_ids = elements_index.find_downstream_ids(affected_def_ids, affected_def_ids)
    file_paths = elements_index.get_paths_from_ids(oval_ids)

    # add each OVAL definition to generator and write to file
Ejemplo n.º 10
def main():
    """ parse command line options and call lib functions """
    start_time = time.time()

    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
        'Identify changes in current working directory as compared to a remote authoritative copy of the repo and identify all the elements affected by those changes.'
    # Note: I don't think we need to support files. If a file is submitted, CIS/QA can decompose it and then run this. So this can always run against repo.
    #parser.add_argument('-f', '--file', required=False, help='The name of the source file.  If not used the local git repository will be used as the source')
                        help='Suppress messages')
        help="name of authoritative remote (default: 'upstream')")
        help="name of branch in authoritative remote (default: 'master')")
        "file name OVAL definitions file containing all affected definitions (default 'all.affected.oval.xml')"
                        help='schematron validate the affected definitions')
    args = vars(parser.parse_args())

    silent = args['silent']

    ## 1. Find Affected Elements

    # get changes in working dir vs. remote/branch
        'info', 'Comparing working directory to {0}/{1}'.format(
            args['remote'], args['branch']), silent)
    paths_changed = lib_git.compare_current_oval_to_remote(
        args['remote'], args['branch'])
    if not paths_changed:
        message('info', 'No changes. Aborting.', silent)
        'info', 'Found {0} files changed in working directory:\n\t{1}'.format(
            len(paths_changed), '\n\t'.join(paths_changed)), silent)

    # convert paths to oval ids
    oval_ids_changed = {
        for filepath in paths_changed
        'Found {0} OVAL elements changed in working directory:\n\t{1}'.format(
            len(oval_ids_changed), '\n\t'.join(oval_ids_changed)), silent)

    # find all upstream ids
        'info', 'Finding upstream OVAL ids for {0} element(s)'.format(
            len(oval_ids_changed)), silent)
    elements_index = lib_search.ElementsIndex(message)
    upstream_ids = elements_index.find_upstream_ids(oval_ids_changed, set())
        'info', 'Found {0} upstream OVAL ids (all element types)'.format(
            len(upstream_ids)), silent)

    affected_oval_ids = oval_ids_changed.union(upstream_ids)

    # filter affected to definition ids
    affected_def_ids = {
        for oval_id in upstream_ids
        if lib_repo.get_element_type_from_oval_id(oval_id) == 'definition'
        'info', 'Found {0} upstream OVAL definitions:\n\t{1}'.format(
            len(affected_def_ids), '\n\t'.join(affected_def_ids)), silent)

    ## 2. Build an OVAL Definitions File and Validate It!
            'Building an OVAL definitions file for all affected definitions.',

    # get all downstream elements
    oval_ids = elements_index.find_downstream_ids(affected_def_ids,
    file_paths = elements_index.get_paths_from_ids(oval_ids)

    # add each OVAL definition to generator and write to file
        "Generating OVAL definition file '{0}' with {1} elements".format(
            args['outfile'], len(oval_ids)), silent)
    OvalGenerator = lib_xml.OvalGenerator(message)
    for file_path in file_paths:
        element_type = lib_repo.get_element_type_from_path(file_path)
        OvalGenerator.queue_element_file(element_type, file_path)

    # validate
    schema_path = lib_repo.get_oval_def_schema('5.11.1')
    message('info', 'Performing schema validation', silent)
        lib_xml.schema_validate(args['outfile'], schema_path)
        message('info', 'Schema validation successful', silent)
    except lib_xml.SchemaValidationError as e:
        message('error', 'Schema validation failed:\n\t{0}'.format(e.message),

    if args['schematron']:
        # schematron validate
        schema_path = lib_repo.get_oval_def_schema('5.11.1')
        message('info', 'Performing schematron validation', silent)
            lib_xml.schematron_validate(args['outfile'], schema_path)
            message('info', 'Schematron validation successful', silent)
        except lib_xml.SchematronValidationError as e:
                'error', 'Schematron validation failed:\n\t{0}'.format(
                    '\n\t'.join(e.messages)), silent)

    #Find all downstream children -- that is, a search depth of one
    #Find all upstream users, all the way up to the definition

    #Sort the list:  definitions, then tests, objects, states, and variables
    #Show the list
    #Offer to build an OVAL file that contains all the changes

    seconds_elapsed = time.time() - start_time
            'Completed in {0}!'.format(format_duration(seconds_elapsed)),