def init(): global config lib_sys.init('smartsys.log') config = lib_sys.config lib_sys.in_log('Start') lib_db.close = lib_sys.close lib_db.close_init = lib_sys.close_init lib_db.in_log = lib_sys.in_log lib_db.db_init() lib_sms.close = lib_sys.close lib_sms.close_init = lib_sys.close_init lib_sms.in_log = lib_sys.in_log lib_sms.sms_init() init_telegram() sms_in_thread = threading.Thread(target=sms_in_th) alarm_thread = threading.Thread(target=alarm_th) service_thread = threading.Thread(target=service_th) sms_in_thread.start() alarm_thread.start() service_thread.start() if lib_sys.test_state: test_thread = threading.Thread(target=test_th) test_thread.start() test_thread.join() sms_in_thread.join() alarm_thread.join() service_thread.join() close_telegram() lib_sms.sms_close() lib_db.db_close() lib_sys.close()
def send_msg(text, *, to='all'): lib_sys.in_log('FUN: send msg with the text: "{0}" TO: "{1}"'.format( text, to), debug=True) if lib_sys.msg_debug_state and lib_sys.debug_state: return True if to == 'all': query, res_query = lib_db.db_query( '''SELECT "type", "address" FROM "clients" WHERE "state" = TRUE ''') elif to == 'force_all': query, res_query = lib_db.db_query( '''SELECT "type", "address" FROM "clients" ''') else: query, res_query = lib_db.db_query( '''SELECT "type", "address" FROM "clients" WHERE "address" = '{0}' '''.format(to)) if not query: return False for client in res_query: if client[0] == 'sms': if not lib_sms.send_sms(text, client[1]): return False elif client[0] == 'telegram': try:[1], text=text) except Exception: lib_sys.in_log( 'FUN: send error telegram msg with the text: "{0}" TO: "{1}"' .format(text, client[1])) return True
def init_telegram(): global t_updater try: t_updater = Updater(token=config['sys']['tg_token']) handler = MessageHandler(Filters.text | Filters.command, t_message_handle) t_updater.dispatcher.add_handler(handler) t_updater.dispatcher.add_error_handler(t_error_handler) t_updater.start_polling() except Exception: lib_sys.in_log('TG: Error init telegram!')
def test_th(): while not lib_sys.close_triger: test_in = input('Enter code: ') if len(test_in) == 0: test_in = '_' test_in = test_in.split() if len(test_in) == 1 and test_in[0] == 'stop': lib_sys.close_init() elif len(test_in) == 1 and test_in[0] == 'test': print('test') lib_sys.in_log('TH: normal exit on test_th') return True
def service_th(): while not lib_sys.close_triger: if not t_updater.dispatcher.running or not t_updater.running: lib_sys.in_log( 'TG: Telegram break! Updater running: {0}. Dispatcher running: {1}.' .format(t_updater.running, t_updater.dispatcher.running)) close_telegram() init_telegram() time.sleep(10) time.sleep(0.1) lib_sys.in_log('TH: normal exit on service_th') return True
def sms_in_th(): while not lib_sys.close_triger: res_query = lib_sms.get_sms() for sms in res_query: lib_sys.in_log(sms, debug=True) sms_id = sms[0] sms_number = sms[1] sms_text = sms[2] query, res = lib_db.check_client(sms_number) if not query: continue if not res: lib_sys.in_log('TH: Bad client: {0} write: "{1}"'.format( sms_number, sms_text), debug=True) if not lib_sms.delete_sms(sms_id): continue continue if len(sms_text) == 0: lib_sys.in_log('TH: delete empty sms!', debug=True) if not lib_sms.delete_sms(sms_id): continue continue query, to, res = msg_handler(sms_text, sms_number) if not query: return if res is not None: if to == 'all' or to == 'force_all': send_msg(res, to=to) elif to == 'one': if not send_msg(res, to=sms_number): continue else: if not send_msg('Неправильная команда!', to=sms_number): continue if not lib_sms.delete_sms(sms_id): continue time.sleep(0.1) lib_sys.in_log('TH: normal exit on sms_in_th') return True
def test_th(): while not lib_sys.close_triger: test_in = input('Enter code: ') if len(test_in) == 0: test_in = '_' test_in = test_in.split() if len(test_in) == 1 and test_in[0] == 'stop': lib_sys.close_init() elif len(test_in) == 1 and test_in[0] == 'send_sms_all': send_msg('привет2') elif len(test_in) == 1 and test_in[0] == 'send_sms_only': send_msg('привет3', to='+7911000000') elif len(test_in) == 1 and test_in[0] == 'sen_state': print(lib_db.test_sen_state()) elif len(test_in) == 1 and test_in[0] == 'num_state': print(lib_db.test_clients_state()) elif len(test_in) == 1 and test_in[0] == 'sen_test': lib_db.test_alarm() elif len(test_in) == 2 and test_in[0] == 'sen_test': lib_db.test_alarm(test_in[1]) lib_sys.in_log('TH: normal exit on test_th') return True
def t_message_handle(bot, update): query, res = lib_db.check_client(update.message.chat_id) lib_sys.in_log('TG: Сhat id: {0} write: "{1}"'.format( update.message.chat_id, update.message.text), debug=True) if not query: return if not res: lib_sys.in_log('TG: Bad client: {0} write: "{1}"'.format( update.message.chat_id, update.message.text), debug=True) send_msg('Ты левак!', to=update.message.chat_id) return query, to, res = msg_handler(update.message.text, update.message.chat_id) if not query: return if res is not None: if to == 'all' or to == 'force_all': send_msg(res, to=to) elif to == 'one': send_msg(res, to=update.message.chat_id) else: send_msg('Неправильная команда!', to=update.message.chat_id)
def init(): global config lib_sys.init('smartsys_sen.log') config = lib_sys.config lib_sys.in_log('Start') lib_db.close = lib_sys.close lib_db.close_init = lib_sys.close_init lib_db.in_log = lib_sys.in_log lib_db.db_init() global i2c_bus try: i2c_bus = smbus2.SMBus(int(config['i2c']['port'])) bme280.load_calibration_params(i2c_bus, int(config['i2c']['pt'][1])) except Exception: lib_sys.in_log('Error opening i2c port in init') lib_sys.close(3) read_thread = threading.Thread(target=read_th) read_thread.start() if lib_sys.test_state: test_thread = threading.Thread(target=test_th) test_thread.start() test_thread.join() read_thread.join() try: i2c_bus.close() except Exception: lib_sys.in_log('Error while closing i2c port') lib_db.db_close() lib_sys.close()
def alarm_th(): while not lib_sys.close_triger: query, res_query = lib_db.db_query( '''SELECT "ID", "name", "info" FROM "sensors" WHERE "enable" = TRUE AND "update" = TRUE AND "alarm" = FALSE ''' ) if not query: continue if len(res_query) > 0: for sensor in res_query: lib_sys.in_log('TH: UP sensor: {0} !'.format(sensor[1])) if not send_msg('Сработал датчик: {0} Описание: {1}'.format( sensor[1], sensor[2])): continue if not lib_db.db_wr_query( '''UPDATE "sensors" SET "alarm" = TRUE WHERE "ID" = {0} ''' .format(sensor[0])): continue query, res_query = lib_db.db_query( '''SELECT "trig_act"."ID", "trig"."name", "trig"."info", "trig_act"."DateTime", "trig_act"."value", "trig"."up_text", "trig"."down_text" FROM "trig", "trig_act" WHERE "trig_act"."trig" = "trig"."ID" AND "trig_act"."alarm" = TRUE ''' ) if not query: continue if len(res_query) > 0: for trigger in res_query: lib_sys.in_log('TH: trigger: {0} !'.format(trigger[1])) state = trigger[5] if trigger[4] else trigger[6] if not send_msg('{0} {1} в {2}'.format(trigger[2], state, trigger[3])): continue if not lib_db.db_wr_query( '''UPDATE "trig_act" SET "alarm" = FALSE WHERE "ID" = {0} ''' .format(trigger[0])): continue time.sleep(0.1) lib_sys.in_log('TH: normal exit on alarm_th') return True
def close_telegram(): try: t_updater.dispatcher.stop() t_updater.stop() except Exception: lib_sys.in_log('TG: Error close telegram!')
def t_error_handler(Bot, Update, TelegramError): try: raise TelegramError except telegram.error.Unauthorized: lib_sys.in_log('TG: Unauthorized') except telegram.error.BadRequest: lib_sys.in_log('TG: BadRequest') except telegram.error.TimedOut: lib_sys.in_log('TG: TimedOut') except telegram.error.NetworkError: lib_sys.in_log('TG: NetworkError') except telegram.error.ChatMigrated as e: lib_sys.in_log( 'TG: the chat_id of a group has changed, use {0} instead'.format( e.new_chat_id)) except telegram.error.TelegramError: lib_sys.in_log('TG: other telegram related errors')
def msg_handler(msg, client): msg = msg.split() # Включить рассылку для всех if len(msg) == 3 and msg[0] == 'уведомления' and msg[1] == 'всем' and msg[ 2] == 'включить': lib_sys.in_log('Handler: set notification for all', debug=True) if lib_db.set_notif(): return True, 'force_all', 'Включена рассылка для всех' else: return False, None, None # Выключить рассылку для всех elif len(msg) == 3 and msg[0] == 'уведомления' and msg[ 1] == 'всем' and msg[2] == 'выключить': lib_sys.in_log('Handler: unset notification for all', debug=True) if lib_db.unset_notif(): return True, 'force_all', 'Выключена рассылка для всех' else: return False, None, None # Включить рассылку для одного клиента elif len(msg) == 3 and msg[0] == 'уведомления' and msg[1] == 'мне' and msg[ 2] == 'включить': lib_sys.in_log('Handler: set notification for: {0}'.format(client), debug=True) if lib_db.set_notif(client): return True, 'one', 'Для вас включена рассылка' else: return False, None, None # Выключить рассылку для одного сенсора elif len(msg) == 3 and msg[0] == 'уведомления' and msg[1] == 'мне' and msg[ 2] == 'выключить': lib_sys.in_log('Handler: unset notification for: {0}'.format(client), debug=True) if lib_db.unset_notif(client): return True, 'one', 'Для вас выключена рассылка' else: return False, None, None # Включить мотирониг всех сенсоров elif len(msg) == 3 and msg[0] == 'мониторинг' and msg[1] == 'всех' and msg[ 2] == 'включить': lib_sys.in_log('Handler: monitoring all on', debug=True) if lib_db.set_alarm(): return True, 'all', 'Включен мотирониг всех сенсоров' else: return False, None, None # Выключить мотирониг всех сенсоров elif len(msg) == 3 and msg[0] == 'мониторинг' and msg[1] == 'всех' and msg[ 2] == 'выключить': lib_sys.in_log('Handler: monitoring all off', debug=True) if lib_db.unset_alarm(): return True, 'all', 'Выключен мотирониг всех сенсоров' else: return False, None, None # Включить мониторинг одного сенсора elif len(msg) == 3 and msg[0] == 'мониторинг' and msg[1] != 'всех' and msg[ 2] == 'включить': query, res = lib_db.check_alarm(msg[1]) if not query: return False, None, None if res: lib_sys.in_log('Handler: monitoring one {0} on'.format(msg[1]), debug=True) if lib_db.set_alarm(msg[1]): return True, 'all', 'Включен мониторинг сенсора: {0}'.format( msg[1]) else: return False, None, None else: lib_sys.in_log('Handler: the {0} does not exist!'.format(msg[1]), debug=True) return True, 'one', 'Сенсор {0} несуществует!'.format(msg[1]) # Выключить мониторинг одного сенсора elif len(msg) == 3 and msg[0] == 'мониторинг' and msg[1] != 'всех' and msg[ 2] == 'выключить': query, res = lib_db.check_alarm(msg[1]) if not query: return False, None, None if res: lib_sys.in_log('Handler: monitoring one {0} off'.format(msg[1]), debug=True) if lib_db.unset_alarm(msg[1]): return True, 'all', 'Выключен мониторинг сенсора: {0}'.format( msg[1]) else: return False, None, None else: lib_sys.in_log('Handler: the {0} does not exist!'.format(msg[1]), debug=True) return True, 'one', 'Сенсор {0} несуществует!'.format(msg[1]) # Сброс всех сенсоров elif len(msg) == 2 and msg[0] == 'сбросить' and msg[1] == 'все': lib_sys.in_log('Handler: reset all', debug=True) if lib_db.reset_alarm(): return True, 'all', 'Сброшены все сенсоры' else: return False, None, None # Сброс одного сенсора elif len(msg) == 2 and msg[0] == 'сбросить' and msg[1] != 'все': query, res = lib_db.check_alarm(msg[1]) if not query: return False, None, None if res: lib_sys.in_log('Handler: reset one {0}'.format(msg[1]), debug=True) if lib_db.reset_alarm(msg[1]): return True, 'all', 'Сброшен сенсор: {0}'.format(msg[1]) else: return False, None, None else: lib_sys.in_log('Handler: the {0} does not exist!'.format(msg[1]), debug=True) return True, 'one', 'Сенсор {0} несуществует!'.format(msg[1]) # Запрор показаний одного датчика elif len(msg) == 2 and msg[0] == 'запросить': query, res = lib_db.check_point(msg[1]) if not query: return False, None, None if res: lib_sys.in_log('Handler: get for {0}'.format(msg[1]), debug=True) query, res = lib_db.get_last(msg[1]) if not query: return False, None, None return True, 'one', res else: lib_sys.in_log('Handler: the {0} does not exist!'.format(msg[1]), debug=True) return True, 'one', 'Датчик {0} не существует!'.format(msg[1]) else: return True, None, None