Ejemplo n.º 1
def plot_net_rate(resS,resE,col,min_age,max_age,plot_title,n_bins):
	#computes and plots net RATES
	marginal_rates_list	= resS[6]-resE[6]
	mean_rates= np.mean(marginal_rates_list,axis=0)
	for i in range(n_bins):
		hpd = util.calcHPD(marginal_rates_list[:,i],0.95)
		min_rates += [hpd[0]]
		max_rates += [hpd[1]]

	out_str = "\n#Net Diversification Rate"

	out_str += util.print_R_vec("\ntime",resS[0]-min_age)
	minXaxis,maxXaxis= max_age-min_age,min_age-min_age

	#right now I don't have support for log, but I think this is less likely to be needed for net rates
	out_str += util.print_R_vec("\nnet_rate",mean_rates[::-1])
	out_str += util.print_R_vec("\nnet_minHPD",np.array(min_rates[::-1]))
	out_str += util.print_R_vec("\nnet_maxHPD",np.array(max_rates[::-1]))
	out_str += "\nplot(time,time,type = 'n', ylim = c(%s, %s), xlim = c(%s,%s), ylab = 'Net Rate', xlab = 'Time',lwd=2, main='%s', col= '%s' )" \
			% (min(0,1.1*np.nanmin(min_rates)),1.1*np.nanmax(max_rates),minXaxis,maxXaxis,plot_title,col) 
	out_str += "\npolygon(c(time, rev(time)), c(net_maxHPD, rev(net_minHPD)), col = alpha('%s',0.3), border = NA)" % (col)
	out_str += "\nlines(time,net_rate, col = '%s', lwd=2)" % (col)
	out_str += "\nabline(h=0,lty=2)\n"
	return out_str
Ejemplo n.º 2
def plot_net_rate(resS, resE, col, min_age, max_age, plot_title, n_bins):
    #computes and plots net RATES
    marginal_rates_list = resS[6] - resE[6]
    mean_rates = np.mean(marginal_rates_list, axis=0)
    min_rates, max_rates = [], []
    for i in range(n_bins):
        hpd = util.calcHPD(marginal_rates_list[:, i], 0.95)
        min_rates += [hpd[0]]
        max_rates += [hpd[1]]

    out_str = "\n#Net Diversification Rate"

    out_str += util.print_R_vec("\ntime", resS[0] - min_age)
    minXaxis, maxXaxis = max_age - min_age, min_age - min_age

    #right now I don't have support for log, but I think this is less likely to be needed for net rates
    out_str += util.print_R_vec("\nnet_rate", mean_rates[::-1])
    out_str += util.print_R_vec("\nnet_minHPD", np.array(min_rates[::-1]))
    out_str += util.print_R_vec("\nnet_maxHPD", np.array(max_rates[::-1]))
    out_str += "\nplot(time,time,type = 'n', ylim = c(%s, %s), xlim = c(%s,%s), ylab = 'Net Rate', xlab = 'Time',lwd=2, main='%s', col= '%s' )" \
      % (min(0,1.1*np.nanmin(min_rates)),1.1*np.nanmax(max_rates),minXaxis,maxXaxis,plot_title,col)
    out_str += "\npolygon(c(time, rev(time)), c(net_maxHPD, rev(net_minHPD)), col = alpha('%s',0.3), border = NA)" % (
    out_str += "\nlines(time,net_rate, col = '%s', lwd=2)" % (col)
    out_str += "\nabline(h=0,lty=2)\n"

    return out_str
Ejemplo n.º 3
def plot_net_rate(resS, resE, col, min_age, max_age, plot_title, n_bins):
    #computes and plots net RATES
    resS_marginal_rate = resS[6]
    resE_marginal_rate = resE[6]
    # in case they have different number of samples
    max_indx = np.min(
        [resS_marginal_rate.shape[0], resE_marginal_rate.shape[0]])
    marginal_rates_list = resS_marginal_rate[
        0:max_indx, :] - resE_marginal_rate[0:max_indx, :]

    mean_rates = np.mean(marginal_rates_list, axis=0)
    min_rates, max_rates = [], []
    time_ax = []
    for i in range(n_bins):
        hpd = util.calcHPD(marginal_rates_list[:, i], 0.95)
        min_rates += [hpd[0]]
        max_rates += [hpd[1]]

    times = abs(resS[0])
    indx = np.intersect1d((times >= min_age).nonzero()[0],
                          (times <= max_age).nonzero()[0])
    times = times[indx]

    out_str = "\n#Net Diversification Rate"
    out_str += util.print_R_vec("\ntime", -times)
    minXaxis, maxXaxis = min_age, max_age

    mean_rates = np.array(mean_rates)[::-1]
    min_rates = np.array(min_rates)[::-1]
    max_rates = np.array(max_rates)[::-1]

    mean_rates = mean_rates[indx]
    min_rates = min_rates[indx]
    max_rates = max_rates[indx]

    out_str += util.print_R_vec("\nnet_rate", mean_rates)
    out_str += util.print_R_vec("\nnet_minHPD", np.array(min_rates))
    out_str += util.print_R_vec("\nnet_maxHPD", np.array(max_rates))
    out_str += "\nplot(time,time,type = 'n', ylim = c(%s, %s), xlim = c(%s,%s), ylab = 'Net Rate', xlab = 'Time',lwd=2, main='%s', col= '%s' )" \
      % (min(0,1.1*np.nanmin(min_rates)),1.1*np.nanmax(max_rates),-maxXaxis,-minXaxis,plot_title,col)
    out_str += "\npolygon(c(time, rev(time)), c(net_maxHPD, rev(net_minHPD)), col = alpha('%s',0.3), border = NA)" % (
    out_str += "\nlines(time,net_rate, col = '%s', lwd=2)" % (col)
    out_str += "\nabline(h=0,lty=2)\n"

    return out_str
Ejemplo n.º 4
def r_plot_code(res, wd, name_file, alpha=0.5, plot_title="RTT plot"):
    data = "library(scales)\ntrans=%s" % (alpha)
    if platform.system() == "Windows" or platform.system() == "Microsoft":
        wd_forward = os.path.abspath(wd).replace('\\', '/')
        data += "\n\npdf(file='%s/%s_RTT.pdf',width=0.6*9, height=0.6*14)\npar(mfrow=c(2,1))" % (
            wd_forward, name_file)  # 9
        data += "\n\npdf(file='%s/%s_RTT.pdf',width=0.6*9, height=0.6*14)\npar(mfrow=c(2,1))" % (
            wd, name_file)  # 9
    data += util.print_R_vec('\nage', -res[:, 0])
    data += util.print_R_vec('\nL_mean', res[:, 1])
    data += util.print_R_vec('\nL_hpd_m', res[:, 2])
    data += util.print_R_vec('\nL_hpd_M', res[:, 3])
    data += util.print_R_vec('\nM_mean', res[:, 4])
    data += util.print_R_vec('\nM_hpd_m', res[:, 5])
    data += util.print_R_vec('\nM_hpd_M', res[:, 6])
    max_x_axis, min_x_axis = -max(res[:, 0]), -min(res[:, 0])
    data += "\nplot(age,age,type = 'n', ylim = c(0, %s), xlim = c(%s,%s), ylab = 'Speciation rate', xlab = 'Ma',main='%s' )" \
     % (1.1*max(res[:,3]),max_x_axis,min_x_axis,plot_title)
    data += """\nlines(rev(age), rev(L_mean), col = "#4c4cec", lwd=3)"""
    data += """\npolygon(c(age, rev(age)), c(L_hpd_M, rev(L_hpd_m)), col = alpha("#4c4cec",trans), border = NA)"""
    data += "\nplot(age,age,type = 'n', ylim = c(0, %s), xlim = c(%s,%s), ylab = 'Extinction rate', xlab = 'Ma' )" \
     % (1.1*max(res[:,6]),max_x_axis,min_x_axis)
    data += """\nlines(rev(age), rev(M_mean), col = "#e34a33", lwd=3)"""
    data += """\npolygon(c(age, rev(age)), c(M_hpd_M, rev(M_hpd_m)), col = alpha("#e34a33",trans), border = NA)"""
    data += "\nn <- dev.off()"
    return data
Ejemplo n.º 5
def r_plot_code(res,wd,name_file,alpha=0.5,plot_title="RTT plot"):
	data  = "library(scales)\ntrans=%s" % (alpha)
	if platform.system() == "Windows" or platform.system() == "Microsoft":
		wd_forward = os.path.abspath(wd).replace('\\', '/')
		data+= "\n\npdf(file='%s/%s_RTT.pdf',width=0.6*9, height=0.6*14)\npar(mfrow=c(2,1))" % (wd_forward,name_file) # 9
		data+= "\n\npdf(file='%s/%s_RTT.pdf',width=0.6*9, height=0.6*14)\npar(mfrow=c(2,1))" % (wd,name_file) # 9
	data += util.print_R_vec('\nage',   -res[:,0])
	data += util.print_R_vec('\nL_mean', res[:,1])
	data += util.print_R_vec('\nL_hpd_m',res[:,2])
	data += util.print_R_vec('\nL_hpd_M',res[:,3])
	data += util.print_R_vec('\nM_mean', res[:,4])
	data += util.print_R_vec('\nM_hpd_m',res[:,5])
	data += util.print_R_vec('\nM_hpd_M',res[:,6])
	max_x_axis,min_x_axis = -max(res[:,0]),-min(res[:,0])
	data += "\nplot(age,age,type = 'n', ylim = c(0, %s), xlim = c(%s,%s), ylab = 'Speciation rate', xlab = 'Ma',main='%s' )" \
		% (1.1*max(res[:,3]),max_x_axis,min_x_axis,plot_title) 
	data += """\nlines(rev(age), rev(L_mean), col = "#4c4cec", lwd=3)""" 
	data += """\npolygon(c(age, rev(age)), c(L_hpd_M, rev(L_hpd_m)), col = alpha("#4c4cec",trans), border = NA)""" 
	data += "\nplot(age,age,type = 'n', ylim = c(0, %s), xlim = c(%s,%s), ylab = 'Extinction rate', xlab = 'Ma' )" \
		% (1.1*max(res[:,6]),max_x_axis,min_x_axis)	
	data += """\nlines(rev(age), rev(M_mean), col = "#e34a33", lwd=3)""" 
	data += """\npolygon(c(age, rev(age)), c(M_hpd_M, rev(M_hpd_m)), col = alpha("#e34a33",trans), border = NA)"""
	data += "\nn <- dev.off()" 
	return data
Ejemplo n.º 6
def get_r_plot(res,col,parameter,min_age,max_age,plot_title,plot_log,run_simulation=1, plot_shifts=1, line_wd=2):
	times = res[0]
	rates = res[1][::-1]
	rates_m = res[2][::-1]
	rates_M = res[3][::-1]
	shifts = res[4]
	indx = np.intersect1d((times>=min_age).nonzero()[0], (times<=max_age).nonzero()[0])
	times = times[indx]
	#print indx,times, rates
	rates   = rates[indx]
	rates_m = rates_m[indx]
	rates_M = rates_M[indx]
		shifts= shifts[shifts>min_age]
		shifts= shifts[shifts<max_age]
	except: plot_shifts=0
	out_str = "\n"
	out_str += util.print_R_vec("\ntime",-times)
	out_str += util.print_R_vec("\nrate",rates)
	out_str += util.print_R_vec("\nminHPD",rates_m)
	out_str += util.print_R_vec("\nmaxHPD",rates_M)
	if plot_log==0:
		out_str += "\nplot(time,time,type = 'n', ylim = c(%s, %s), xlim = c(%s,%s), ylab = '%s', xlab = 'Time',main='%s' )" \
			% (0,1.1*np.nanmax(rates_M),-max_age,-min_age,parameter,plot_title) 
		out_str += "\npolygon(c(time, rev(time)), c(maxHPD, rev(minHPD)), col = alpha('%s',0.3), border = NA)" % (col)
		out_str += "\nlines(time,rate, col = '%s', lwd=%s)" % (col, line_wd)
		out_str += "\nplot(time,time,type = 'n', ylim = c(%s, %s), xlim = c(%s,%s), ylab = 'Log10 %s', xlab = 'Time',main='%s' )" \
			% (np.nanmin(np.log10(0.9*rates_m)),np.nanmax(np.log10(1.1*rates_M)),-max_age,-min_age,parameter,plot_title) 
		out_str += "\npolygon(c(time, rev(time)), c(log10(maxHPD), rev(log10(minHPD))), col = alpha('%s',0.3), border = NA)" % (col)
		out_str += "\nlines(time,log10(rate), col = '%s', lwd=%s)" % (col, line_wd)
	if plot_shifts:
		# add barplot rate shifts
		bins_histogram = np.linspace(0,max_age,len(res[0]))
		if len(shifts)>1: # rate shift sampled at least once
			h = np.histogram(shifts,bins =bins_histogram) #,density=1)
			h = [np.zeros(len(bins_histogram)-1),bins_histogram]
		a = h[1]
		mids = (a-a[1]/2.)[1:]
		out_str += util.print_R_vec("\nmids",-mids)
		out_str += util.print_R_vec("\ncounts",h[0]/float(res[5]))
		out_str += "\nplot(mids,counts,type = 'h', xlim = c(%s,%s), ylim=c(0,%s), ylab = 'Frequency of rate shift', xlab = 'Time',lwd=5,col='%s')" \
		    % (-max_age,-min_age,max(max(h[0]/float(res[5])),0.2),col)
		# get BFs
		if run_simulation==1:
			BFs = get_prior_shift(min_age,max_age,bins_histogram)
			out_str += "\nbf2 = %s\nbf6 = %s" % (BFs[1],BFs[2])
		out_str += "\nabline(h=bf2, lty=2)"
		out_str += "\nabline(h=bf6, lty=2)"
	return out_str
Ejemplo n.º 7
def get_r_plot(res,
    out_str = "\n"
    out_str += util.print_R_vec("\ntime", -res[0])
    out_str += util.print_R_vec("\nrate", res[1][::-1])
    out_str += util.print_R_vec("\nminHPD", res[2][::-1])
    out_str += util.print_R_vec("\nmaxHPD", res[3][::-1])
    if plot_log == 0:
        out_str += "\nplot(time,time,type = 'n', ylim = c(%s, %s), xlim = c(%s,%s), ylab = '%s', xlab = 'Time',main='%s' )" \
         % (0,1.1*np.nanmax(res[3]),-max_age,-min_age,parameter,plot_title)
        out_str += "\npolygon(c(time, rev(time)), c(maxHPD, rev(minHPD)), col = alpha('%s',0.3), border = NA)" % (
        out_str += "\nlines(time,rate, col = '%s', lwd=2)" % (col)
        out_str += "\nplot(time,time,type = 'n', ylim = c(%s, %s), xlim = c(%s,%s), ylab = 'Log10 %s', xlab = 'Time',main='%s' )" \
         % (np.nanmin(np.log10(0.9*res[2])),np.nanmax(np.log10(1.1*res[3])),-max_age,-min_age,parameter,plot_title)
        out_str += "\npolygon(c(time, rev(time)), c(log10(maxHPD), rev(log10(minHPD))), col = alpha('%s',0.3), border = NA)" % (
        out_str += "\nlines(time,log10(rate), col = '%s', lwd=2)" % (col)

    # add barplot rate shifts
    bins_histogram = np.linspace(0, max_age, len(res[0]))
    if len(res[4]) > 1:  # rate shift sampled at least once
        h = np.histogram(res[4], bins=bins_histogram)  #,density=1)
        h = [np.zeros(len(bins_histogram) - 1), bins_histogram]
    a = h[1]
    mids = (a - a[1] / 2.)[1:]
    out_str += util.print_R_vec("\nmids", -mids)
    out_str += util.print_R_vec("\ncounts", h[0] / float(res[5]))
    out_str += "\nplot(mids,counts,type = 'h', xlim = c(%s,%s), ylim=c(0,%s), ylab = 'Frequency of rate shift', xlab = 'Time',lwd=5,col='%s')" \
        % (-max_age,-min_age,max(max(h[0]/float(res[5])),0.2),col)
    # get BFs
    if run_simulation == 1:
        BFs = get_prior_shift(min_age, max_age, bins_histogram)
        out_str += "\nbf2 = %s\nbf6 = %s" % (BFs[1], BFs[2])
    out_str += "\nabline(h=bf2, lty=2)"
    out_str += "\nabline(h=bf6, lty=2)"
    return out_str
Ejemplo n.º 8
        hpd_array_L[:, i] = calcHPD(marginal_L[:, i])
        hpd_array_M[:, i] = calcHPD(marginal_M[:, i])
    print "done"
    # write R file
    print "\ngenerating R file...",
    out = "%s/%s_RTT.r" % (output_wd, name_file)
    newfile = open(out, "wb")
    if platform.system() == "Windows" or platform.system() == "Microsoft":
        wd_forward = os.path.abspath(output_wd).replace('\\', '/')
        r_script = "\n\npdf(file='%s/%s_RTT.pdf',width=0.6*20, height=0.6*20)\nlibrary(scales)\n" % (
            wd_forward, name_file)
        r_script = "\n\npdf(file='%s/%s_RTT.pdf',width=0.6*20, height=0.6*20)\nlibrary(scales)\n" % (
            output_wd, name_file)

    r_script += print_R_vec("\n\nt", age_vec)
    r_script += "\ntime = -t"
    r_script += print_R_vec("\nspeciation", l_vec)
    r_script += print_R_vec("\nextinction", m_vec)

    r_script += print_R_vec('\nL_hpd_m', hpd_array_L[0, :])
    r_script += print_R_vec('\nL_hpd_M', hpd_array_L[1, :])
    r_script += print_R_vec('\nM_hpd_m', hpd_array_M[0, :])
    r_script += print_R_vec('\nM_hpd_M', hpd_array_M[1, :])

    r_script += """
	plot(speciation ~ time,type="l",col="#4c4cec", lwd=3,main="Speciation rates", ylim = c(0,max(c(L_hpd_M,M_hpd_M))),xlab="Time",ylab="speciation rate",xlim=c(min(time),0))
	polygon(c(time, rev(time)), c(L_hpd_M, rev(L_hpd_m)), col = alpha("#4c4cec",0.3), border = NA)	

	plot(extinction ~ time,type="l",col="#e34a33",  lwd=3,main="Extinction rates", ylim = c(0,max(c(L_hpd_M,M_hpd_M))),xlab="Time",ylab="extinction",xlim=c(min(time),0))
Ejemplo n.º 9
	for i in range(np.shape(marginal_L)[1]):
		l_vec[i] = np.mean(marginal_L[:,i])
		m_vec[i] = np.mean(marginal_M[:,i])
		hpd_array_L[:,i] = calcHPD(marginal_L[:,i])
		hpd_array_M[:,i] = calcHPD(marginal_M[:,i])
	print "done"	
	# write R file
	print "\ngenerating R file...",
	out="%s/%s_RTT.r" % (output_wd,name_file)
	newfile = open(out, "wb") 	
	if platform.system() == "Windows" or platform.system() == "Microsoft":
		wd_forward = os.path.abspath(output_wd).replace('\\', '/')
		r_script= "\n\npdf(file='%s/%s_RTT.pdf',width=0.6*20, height=0.6*20)\nlibrary(scales)\n" % (wd_forward,name_file)
	else: r_script= "\n\npdf(file='%s/%s_RTT.pdf',width=0.6*20, height=0.6*20)\nlibrary(scales)\n" % (output_wd,name_file)

	r_script += print_R_vec("\n\nt",  age_vec)
	r_script += "\ntime = -t"
	r_script += print_R_vec("\nspeciation",l_vec)
	r_script += print_R_vec("\nextinction",m_vec)
	r_script += print_R_vec('\nL_hpd_m',hpd_array_L[0,:])
	r_script += print_R_vec('\nL_hpd_M',hpd_array_L[1,:])
	r_script += print_R_vec('\nM_hpd_m',hpd_array_M[0,:])
	r_script += print_R_vec('\nM_hpd_M',hpd_array_M[1,:])
	r_script += """
	plot(speciation ~ time,type="l",col="#4c4cec", lwd=3,main="Speciation rates", ylim = c(0,max(c(L_hpd_M,M_hpd_M))),xlab="Time",ylab="speciation rate",xlim=c(min(time),0))
	polygon(c(time, rev(time)), c(L_hpd_M, rev(L_hpd_m)), col = alpha("#4c4cec",0.3), border = NA)	
Ejemplo n.º 10
def get_r_plot(res,

    times = res[0]
    rates = res[1][::-1]
    rates_m = res[2][::-1]
    rates_M = res[3][::-1]
    shifts = res[4]

    indx = np.intersect1d((times >= min_age).nonzero()[0],
                          (times <= max_age).nonzero()[0])
    times = times[indx]
    #print indx,times, rates
    rates = rates[indx]
    rates_m = rates_m[indx]
    rates_M = rates_M[indx]
        shifts = shifts[shifts > min_age]
        shifts = shifts[shifts < max_age]
        plot_shifts = 0

    out_str = "\n"
    out_str += util.print_R_vec("\ntime", -times)
    out_str += util.print_R_vec("\nrate", rates)
    out_str += util.print_R_vec("\nminHPD", rates_m)
    out_str += util.print_R_vec("\nmaxHPD", rates_M)
    if plot_log == 0:
        out_str += "\nplot(time,time,type = 'n', ylim = c(%s, %s), xlim = c(%s,%s), ylab = '%s', xlab = 'Time',main='%s' )" \
         % (0,1.1*np.nanmax(rates_M),-max_age,-min_age,parameter,plot_title)
        out_str += "\npolygon(c(time, rev(time)), c(maxHPD, rev(minHPD)), col = alpha('%s',0.3), border = NA)" % (
        out_str += "\nlines(time,rate, col = '%s', lwd=%s)" % (col, line_wd)
        out_str += "\nplot(time,time,type = 'n', ylim = c(%s, %s), xlim = c(%s,%s), ylab = 'Log10 %s', xlab = 'Time',main='%s' )" \
         % (np.nanmin(np.log10(0.9*rates_m)),np.nanmax(np.log10(1.1*rates_M)),-max_age,-min_age,parameter,plot_title)
        out_str += "\npolygon(c(time, rev(time)), c(log10(maxHPD), rev(log10(minHPD))), col = alpha('%s',0.3), border = NA)" % (
        out_str += "\nlines(time,log10(rate), col = '%s', lwd=%s)" % (col,

    if plot_shifts:
        # add barplot rate shifts
        bins_histogram = np.linspace(0, max_age, len(res[0]))
        if len(shifts) > 1:  # rate shift sampled at least once
            h = np.histogram(shifts, bins=bins_histogram)  #,density=1)
            h = [np.zeros(len(bins_histogram) - 1), bins_histogram]
        a = h[1]
        mids = (a - a[1] / 2.)[1:]
        out_str += util.print_R_vec("\nmids", -mids)
        out_str += util.print_R_vec("\ncounts", h[0] / float(res[5]))
        out_str += "\nplot(mids,counts,type = 'h', xlim = c(%s,%s), ylim=c(0,%s), ylab = 'Frequency of rate shift', xlab = 'Time',lwd=5,col='%s')" \
            % (-max_age,-min_age,max(max(h[0]/float(res[5])),0.2),col)
        # get BFs
        if run_simulation == 1:
            BFs = get_prior_shift(min_age, max_age, bins_histogram)
            out_str += "\nbf2 = %s\nbf6 = %s" % (BFs[1], BFs[2])
        out_str += "\nabline(h=bf2, lty=2)"
        out_str += "\nabline(h=bf6, lty=2)"
    return out_str