def i_update_user_after_ssi_auth_success(user, res_obj, remember_passwd): """ get and set SSI cookie, uri, user ID, mobile No. """ body_dom = minidom.parseString(res_obj.body) headers = res_obj.getheader('Set-Cookie') ssi_cookie = strip2(headers, "ssic=", ";") user.set_ssi_cookie(ssi_cookie) user_node = body_dom.getElementsByTagName("user")[0] user.uri = user_node.getAttribute("uri") user.sid = get_sid_from_uri(user.uri) user_node = body_dom.getElementsByTagName("user")[0] user.mobile_no = user_node.getAttribute("mobile-no") user.user_id = user_node.getAttribute("user-id") user.set_user_path(user.sid) user.set_portrait_save_path() set_last_login_sid(user.sid) if remember_passwd: hashed_passwd = user.get_hashed_passwd() else: hashed_passwd = None data = { "sid" : user.sid, "mobile_no" : user.mobile_no, "hashed_passwd" : "%s%s" % (HASHED_PREFIX, hashed_passwd), "last_presence" : user.get_presence() } save_data_to_local_json(data, "account.json")
def i_update_user_after_ssi_auth_success(user, res_obj, remember_passwd): """ get and set SSI cookie, uri, user ID, mobile No. """ body_dom = minidom.parseString(res_obj.body) headers = res_obj.getheader("Set-Cookie") ssi_cookie = strip2(headers, "ssic=", ";") user.set_ssi_cookie(ssi_cookie) user_node = body_dom.getElementsByTagName("user")[0] user.uri = user_node.getAttribute("uri") user.sid = get_sid_from_uri(user.uri) user_node = body_dom.getElementsByTagName("user")[0] user.mobile_no = user_node.getAttribute("mobile-no") user.user_id = user_node.getAttribute("user-id") user.set_user_path(user.sid) user.set_portrait_save_path() set_last_login_sid(user.sid) if remember_passwd: hashed_passwd = user.get_hashed_passwd() else: hashed_passwd = None data = { "sid": user.sid, "mobile_no": user.mobile_no, "hashed_passwd": "%s%s" % (HASHED_PREFIX, hashed_passwd), "last_presence": user.get_presence(), } save_data_to_local_json(data, "account.json")
def _generate_sipc_auth_response(user, res_obj): digest = res_obj.headers.get_field_value("W") # print "digest:", digest nonce = strip2(digest, 'nonce="', '"') key = strip2(digest, 'key="', '"') user_id = user.user_id p1 = user.get_hashed_passwd() # print "p1:", p1 aes_key = "e146a9e31efb41f2d7ab58ba7ccd1f2958ec944a5cffdc514873986923c64567" p2 = hashlib.sha1(struct.pack("i", int(user_id)) + binascii.a2b_hex(p1)).hexdigest() plain = nonce + binascii.a2b_hex(p2) + binascii.a2b_hex(aes_key) rsa_n = key[:-6] rsa_e = key[-6:] response = binascii.b2a_hex(rsa(plain, rsa_e, rsa_n[:256], False)) assert len(response) == 256 return response
def _get_ip_port_credential_from_auth_field(auth): splits = strip2(auth, 'CS ').split(',') ip = strip2(splits[0], 'address="', ':') port = int(strip2(splits[0], ":", ";")) credential = strip2(splits[1], 'credential="', '"') return ip, port, credential
def get_sid_from_uri(uri): if uri.find("sip:") != STR_NOT_FOUND: return strip2(uri, "sip:", "@") elif uri.find("tel:") != STR_NOT_FOUND: return strip2(uri, "tel:")
def i_generate_verification_pic(user, res_obj, debug=False): """ There two types response, HTTP status 421 or SIPResponse code 421, the former response body contains verification node, the latter contains reason note only. """ body_dom = minidom.parseString(res_obj.body) veri_nodes = body_dom.getElementsByTagName("verification") if veri_nodes: veri_node = veri_nodes[0] attr = veri_node.getAttribute algorithm = attr("algorithm") _type = attr("type") text = attr("text") tips = attr("tips") else: reason_node = body_dom.getElementsByTagName("reason")[0] w_val = res_obj.headers.get_field_value("W") algorithm = strip2(w_val, 'algorithm="', '",') _type = strip2(w_val, 'type="', '"') text = reason_node.getAttribute("text") tips = "" veri = Verification(algorithm=algorithm, _type=_type, text=text, tips=tips) ssi_cookie = user.get_ssi_cookie() or "" host = "" headers = dict({ 'Cookie': 'ssic=%s' % ssi_cookie, "Connection": "close", "User-Agent": "IIC2.0/PC %s" % PROTOCOL_VERSION, }) httplib.HTTPConnection.response_class = HTTPResponse conn = httplib.HTTPConnection(host) if debug: debuglevel = 1 else: debuglevel = 0 conn.set_debuglevel(debuglevel) if veri.algorithm: algorithm = veri.algorithm else: algorithm = "" url = '/nav/GetPicCodeV4.aspx?algorithm=%s' % algorithm conn.request("GET", url, headers=headers) res_obj = conn.getresponse() assert httplib.OK == res_obj.status body_dom = minidom.parseString(res_obj.body) conn.close() pic_cert_node = body_dom.getElementsByTagName("pic-certificate")[0] attr = pic_cert_node.getAttribute = attr("id") pic_base64 = attr("pic") pic_save_path = os.path.join(get_user_config_path(), "%s" % user.sid, "verify_code.jpeg") with open(pic_save_path, "wb") as f: f.write(base64.decodestring(pic_base64)) veri.picture_path = pic_save_path return veri
def i_generate_verification_pic(user, res_obj, debug = False): """ There two types response, HTTP status 421 or SIPResponse code 421, the former response body contains verification node, the latter contains reason note only. """ body_dom = minidom.parseString(res_obj.body) veri_nodes = body_dom.getElementsByTagName("verification") if veri_nodes: veri_node = veri_nodes[0] attr = veri_node.getAttribute algorithm = attr("algorithm") _type = attr("type") text = attr("text") tips = attr("tips") else: reason_node = body_dom.getElementsByTagName("reason")[0] w_val = res_obj.headers.get_field_value("W") algorithm = strip2(w_val, 'algorithm="', '",') _type = strip2(w_val, 'type="', '"') text = reason_node.getAttribute("text") tips = "" veri = Verification(algorithm = algorithm, _type = _type, text = text, tips = tips) ssi_cookie = user.get_ssi_cookie() or "" host = "" headers = dict({ 'Cookie' : 'ssic=%s' % ssi_cookie, "Connection" : "close", "User-Agent" : "IIC2.0/PC %s" % PROTOCOL_VERSION, }) httplib.HTTPConnection.response_class = HTTPResponse conn = httplib.HTTPConnection(host) if debug: debuglevel = 1 else: debuglevel = 0 conn.set_debuglevel(debuglevel) if veri.algorithm: algorithm = veri.algorithm else: algorithm = "" url = '/nav/GetPicCodeV4.aspx?algorithm=%s' % algorithm conn.request("GET", url, headers = headers) res_obj = conn.getresponse() assert httplib.OK == res_obj.status body_dom = minidom.parseString(res_obj.body) conn.close() pic_cert_node = body_dom.getElementsByTagName("pic-certificate")[0] attr = pic_cert_node.getAttribute = attr("id") pic_base64 = attr("pic") pic_save_path = os.path.join(get_user_config_path(), "%s" % user.sid, "verify_code.jpeg") with open(pic_save_path, "wb") as f: f.write(base64.decodestring(pic_base64)) veri.picture_path = pic_save_path return veri