Ejemplo n.º 1
		def plot(self, x, y, markings='o-', c=None, color=None, linewidth=1, markersize=5, markeredgewidth=1, alpha=1, label=None):
			if c == None:
				count = {}
				# go through all existing colours, and count how often
				# they occur in the current list of used colours
				for i in range(len(self.colours)):
					count[str(self.colours[i])] = 0
					for pi in range(len(self._plotlist)):
						if str(self._plotlist[pi]['colour']) not in count.keys():
							count[str(self._plotlist[pi]['colour'])] = 0
						count[str(self._plotlist[pi]['colour'])] += 1
				# get the colour with the lowest count
				c = count.keys()[0]
				for col in count.keys():
					if count[col] < count[c]:
						c = col
				# string to colour
				exec("c = %s" % c)
				c = check_colour(c)
			if len(c) == 1:
				c = (c, c, c)
			if len(c) == 3:
			# draw line
			for i in range(0, len(x)-1):
				spos = (x[i], y[i])
				epos = x[i+1], y[i+1]
				if '-' in markings:
					pygame.draw.line(self.surf, c, spos, epos, linewidth)
				if 'o' in markings:
					pygame.draw.circle(self.surf, (0,0,0,255*alpha), spos, int(markersize/2), 0)
					pygame.draw.circle(self.surf, c, spos, int(markersize/2 - markeredgewidth), 0)
				if 'x' in markings:
					pygame.draw.line(self.surf, c, (spos[0]-markersize/2, spos[1]-markersize/2), (spos[0]+markersize/2, spos[1]+markersize/2), markeredgewidth)
					pygame.draw.line(self.surf, c, (spos[0]-markersize/2, spos[1]+markersize/2), (spos[0]+markersize/2, spos[1]-markersize/2), markeredgewidth)
			if 'o' in markings:
				pygame.draw.circle(self.surf, (0,0,0,255*alpha), epos, int(markersize/2), 0)
				pygame.draw.circle(self.surf, c, epos, int(markersize/2 - markeredgewidth), 0)
			if 'x' in markings:
				pygame.draw.line(self.surf, c, (epos[0]-markersize/2, epos[1]-markersize/2), (epos[0]+markersize/2, epos[1]+markersize/2), markeredgewidth)
				pygame.draw.line(self.surf, c, (epos[0]-markersize/2, epos[1]+markersize/2), (epos[0]+markersize/2, epos[1]-markersize/2), markeredgewidth)
			# append info on line to list
			plotinfo = {	'label':label,
Ejemplo n.º 2
		def annotate(self, s, pos, c=None, color=None, fontsize=12, fontproperties=None):
			# set colour
			if c == None and color == None:
				colour = (0,0,0)
			elif c == None and color != None:
				colour = color
			elif c != None and color == None:
				colour = c
				colour = (0,0,0)
			# initialize font
			if fontproperties == None:
				font = pygame.font.Font(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), 'Ubuntu-R.ttf'), fontsize)
				font = pygame.font.Font(fontproperties.fname, fontsize)
			text = font.render(s, True, check_colour(colour))
			self.surf.blit(text, pos)